#kie obx fic
Get Out Your Map - Kiara "Kie" Carrera x Reader
Dear Reader Duology: Part 1, Part 2
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Summary: You have been overworking yourself for months now. Your girlfriend Kie has been watching you tear yourself in every direction at the expense of yourself. When work issues boil over, you are done. You need to get away. And you want Kie to come. But, Kie’s a bit confused and hesitant. You don’t exactly take that well, though. Not today.
Word Count: 3.5k+
CWs/TWs: She/her pronouns used, adult/profane language, relationship stress and fighting, being overworked girlie, mentions of harassment at work
Note: Did I rush this to get it out for pride? Yes. Did I still have fun? Yes. For the next of the Dear Reader duology installment we have our babygirl Kie! Happy pride to the Kie lovers I had to get this in under the wire for the WLW obx fans byeeeeeeeee
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For the past four months, your girlfriend had been watching you work yourself down to the bone. And Kie was worried about you. Truly, she was. She hated watching as you ran yourself ragged knowing that there was nothing she could say or do to stop you. For years you two had been the closest of friends. But, you’d always kept her at arm’s length when it came to finances and independence. She thought that you getting together would change that. Then, she thought that your one-year anniversary would change it…then your second…then your third. But, it was just starting to register with her that you might never be even remotely willing to rely on her. For anything, it seemed like.
So, consistently she stewed in silent worry, taking every crumb of love and attention that you’d give her and returning it tenfold in the hopes that it’d help you relax and open up to her a bit. Unfortunately, even the best-laid plans can go awry. You didn’t take any form of the love she offered and use it as reassurance that she was there for you. Instead, she got exhausted assurances that you were fine, accompanied by borderline fake smiles that made her worry for you all the more.
Kie knew well that this stress would eventually have to come to a head. It always does. She was prepared for when it would. Or, at least that’s what she tried to tell herself. Yet, when you came home today, visibly shaking, clothes from your serving job absolutely filthy, and looking somewhere between distraught and furious, she was caught off guard. She knew that you could’ve kept going with pretending everything was fine more or less forever. Throughout your school days, she watched you spend entire academic years just pushing through. Throughout college she watched you turn off your brain almost entirely during the semester. So she knew well that you could’ve—and would’ve—just kept your head down, nose to the grindstone, and continued on. Because of that, she also knew that something big had to have happened for you to show up in such a distressed state.
“Babe,” Kie said, voice cautious and surprised at the same time. She froze from her spot on the couch watching you walk in, face blank.
“Don’t,” you said, voice monotone, not even displaying the exhaustion that she was sure you were feeling. You started to walk stiffly and swiftly to your shared bedroom. Kie followed not even two full steps behind you, pushing the door so you couldn’t close it before she entered. You gave her a firm look, voice warning. “Kiara. Don’t.”
Oh. You’d whipped out her full name. Something fucked had definitely happened. She intended to find out.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, fairly gentle in her probing. “What happened?”
“I quit,” you replied plainly, voice flat.
Kie’s eyes bulged in surprise, her mouth falling open in surprise. “What do you…huh?” she asked, struggling to fully grasp the words that had come out of your mouth.
“I. Quit,” you repeated, voice harsher this time. “I walked out and I’m never going back to that stupid fucking place. And I have to go to the sheriff’s office in the morning.”
Immediately, Kie grabbed your hand to stop you from moving and walking away from her. She looked at you seriously, even more concerned now. “Babe, please tell me what happened,” she said, reaching out to stroke your face. You pulled away and Kie sighed, frustrated, saying your name halfway between a plea and a curse. “I want to help you. I need you to trust me.”
“I do trust you!” you snapped back. “I just need a fucking minute!” You ran your hands down your face, even angrier than she was. “And I need to get out of these filthy clothes and shower!”
Kie clenched her jaw, swallowing her anger down. She knew that if she pushed you too far that not only would you clam up, but you’d run away. Or push her away. Either way, she wasn’t willing to risk it. She cared about you way too much. And she needed to be sure that you were actually going to be okay. So, patience was the game here. And she was going to play it until your stubborn ass talked to her. She could do it. She had before. She had no doubt that she’d have to again. And, most importantly, she knew you’d do the same for her.
“Okay,” Kie granted. She took a half-step forward, gently raising your hand to her lips for a kiss. “I’m sorry.” She saw you deflate at her apology. “I love you.”
You sighed, eyes closing. “You don’t have to apologize. You didn’t do anything, Kie,” you muttered. “I love you.” You pulled away from her. “I’ll talk to you when I’m cleaned up, okay?”
Habitually, Kie nodded. “Okay,” she agreed. “But you don’t have to if you don’t want to, still.”
“I know,” you said, turning to the bathroom and walking in.
You shut the door quietly behind you and Kie waited for a few moments until she heard the water from the shower flick on. Then, she exited your bedroom. Kie drifted into your shared kitchen and started making some tea for the both of you knowing damn well that you’d say it was too late for you to be drinking coffee if you wanted to get any sleep tonight. She waited as patiently and calmly as she could manage until she heard you emerging from the bathroom and then, a bit later, your bedroom into your living room. Kie brought two mugs over, setting one in front of you, and looked at you, face neutral and open to keep you from shutting down on her. You looked at her and sigh.
“Kie, love, you don’t have to wear kid gloves to talk to me,” you said, reaching out to grab her hand. You squeezed it and mimicked her earlier move by raising the hand to your lips and pressing a gentle kiss there.
“I’m not,” Kie said, lying through her teeth—and doing it poorly. You gave her a flat look. “Okay, maybe I am. I’m just worried about you.” Kie scooted closer to you, laying one hand behind you on the couch, legs tangling with yours. When your hand moved down to rub her leg absent-mindedly, she knew that you were at least relaxed enough for her to ask the question again. “What happened? Why’d you quit, babe? Are you…are you okay?”
You sighed and leaned back against the couch, hand stopping its movement, simply resting on her leg, and just looked at your girlfriend for a moment, face troubled. And that just worried her more. You’d always hated working at the steakhouse, Kie knew that well considering you’d been working there since the end of your high school days. The steakhouse was frequented by pretty much exclusively Kooks, more often the wealthiest and most asinine of them, and most often when they were striking up stupid and sometimes evil business deals. So, yeah, the steakhouse was obviously an unpleasant place to be. But, the steakhouse was also where you pulled in the majority of the money that you made. Not only did they actually pay you a, gasp, borderline livable wage before tips, but the tips themselves were often extravagantly good. So, to give that up, the bad had to be far outweighing the good.
“Mr. Johnson was coming in, right? And he only lets me serve him now because he hates everyone else and the way that they make his drinks. No big deal because he’s always been nice to me—you know that I like him, he’s a…pretty nice old guy. But, today, Mr. Johnson brought in a new business partner. Some asshole from the mainland,” you said, looking down at your lap now instead of at Kie. “And he was making some…off-color remarks. But, hey, I’m used to that, you know? So it wasn’t that big of a deal. Not really.” You blew out a sigh and shook your head. “But then he grabbed my arm and he tried to pull me into his lap. While I was carrying a tray of food.”
“What the fuck?” Kie demanded, already angry and knowing it would only get worse from here.
“Naturally, it spilled because uhhhh some dipshit fucking grabbed me,” I said. “So that’s why my clothes were fucked. And the guy’s clothes were messed up too. So then he was pissed and screaming at me like I did something wrong. He was saying everything under the damn sun, this, that, the other about me being stupid, incompetent, the works. And Mr. Johnson started telling him off but then my manager came over and it just…escalated.” You shook your head, brow pinched in irritation and upset.
“Babe,” Kie said, trailing off, frowning.
You let out a shallow laugh. “No, it still gets worse,” you assured her, a faux smile on your face. “Because the manager came over and even though Mr. Johnson was actively telling off his potential business partner, his stupid ass business partner started spouting shit off to my manager. Obviously, it was fucking Max on today and not Caleb, so it was worse than it even would’ve been. So Max started to…berate me in the middle of the floor, very fucking loudly. And he wouldn’t stop even when Mr. Johnson tried to make him. And then it just kept escalating and the store owner came over and joined the fray. And now everyone’s screaming at each other and I’m just stuck in this group of crusty old white men just yelling and I’m upset trying not to cry. And it’s the fourth time in a month that someone’s tried to pull some shit like this.”
You raked your hands down your face in frustration and Kie felt her heart stutter in her chest. She knew you wouldn’t get upset just over some stupid guy grabbing you. Not anymore. You were horrifyingly used to being objectified from so many years in the service industry. Kie reached out, rubbing your shoulder soothingly, trying to make sure that she wasn’t looking at you with the intense level of worry that she was feeling, knowing damn well that she was barely succeeding in that endeavor.
“So I’m like it can’t get worse, right? Like I’m actively thinking that to myself. Well, I was wrong. Because then the fucking jackass reaches over and backhands me in the fucking face,” you said, voice hot with anger.
“He assaulted you?” Kie asked, horrified and righteously furious.
“He fucking did,” you confirmed, turning your face. And now that you weren’t actively hiding from her, she could see the faint outline of a hand on your cheek. “But he hit like a bitch, luckily, so I’m like…fine. But then because he did that, Mr. Johnson was about ready to strangle the man. Even Max started yelling at this guy and ran off to call the cops. And then other people at the restaurant had to step in because the guy kept trying to step to me. And by that point, I was ready to beat his ass, so then two other servers were trying to get me back while everyone was trying to make sure this loser didn’t make a run for it.” You groaned and shook your head. “I swear to fucking God, Kie…just such a fucking mess. Then Shoupe showed up, obviously, and it turned into an even bigger thing. And then…seven thousand years later I finally got to come home.”
“Why do you have to go to the station in the morning then?” Kie asked, confused.
“Another statement, I guess,” you muttered, shrugging. You leaned heavily back and gave her a half-smile. “Wanna know how I quit though?” Her brow furrowed and she nodded. You let out a tiny laugh and Kie saw a spark of actual amusement in your eyes, which relaxed her just a touch, just enough to listen. “I shouldn’t say I quit. I should say that Mr. Johnson quit for me.”
“What do you mean?” Kie asked, turning her head, looking not unlike a confused puppy for a second.
You smiled at her. “After the cops left, Max looked at me and he was like ‘Oh go home and relax the rest of the night and come back tomorrow with your head on straight at four to make up for the hours you’re missing’ or some bullshit. And Mr. Johnson glared at this man and said, and I am quoting him here ‘If you think she’s coming back, you’re stupider than I ever thought, Max, which is impressive because you’ve had the intellect of a bowling ball since you got that fourth concussion playing high school football.’”
Kie snorted at the words and you two looked at each other with your eyes sparkling in amusement. “Holy shit,” she giggled.
“I know,” you said, smiling. “And then he said that I wouldn’t be coming back tomorrow or the day after or the day after or again to work for the steakhouse because I would be working for him. So…guess I got a new job?” You gave your girlfriend a half-smile. “Upgrades, am I right?”
Kie made a noise of surprise at the news. It was shocking that the man would actually offer you a job just like that. But, Kie supposed that when she really thought about it, it did make sense. Everyone on the island knew Mr. Johnson as a crotchety, no-nonsense businessman that you only went to if you needed to get things done. He hated pretty much everyone, you’d been wholly right in that. And he accepted only perfection. But, he absolutely adored you. Had since the first time you served his table at the steakhouse at the ripe old age of seventeen. And now, many a year later, he still adored you. Secretly, Kie thought you probably reminded him of the daughter he’d never had but would’ve wanted and that’s why he went to that stupid steakhouse so often, but she’d never said as much to you.
“That’s great, babe. Are you gonna actually take the job?” she asked.
You nodded, leaning your head back to look at her. “Yeah,” you said, “and said he’d have me start in two weeks and that I should take the time to rest up…go on vacation…enjoy myself a little bit because then we’ll hit the ground running.”
“Sounds like him,” Kie said, nodding in return.
“What do you think?” you asked.
“About the new job?” Kie asked.
“About going on vacation,” you corrected. “About taking a week away with me.”
A look of shock took over Kie’s face. She looked at you with undisguised confusion, brow furrowing. “What do you mean? Now?” she asked. You were always crazy responsible with money and time and had slowly but surely embedded those same qualities into Kie. “Is that…is that a good idea?”
You raised an eyebrow. “How would it not be?” you asked, the amusement fading from your voice. You sat up slightly, hand falling from her leg to look at her. Kie immediately knew that she’d made a misstep with her words and silently cursed herself for it. “I got assaulted, had to lose a job that I’ve been at for a long time, and have to deal with the goddamn cops again after years of not having to deal with their shit since everything calmed down…and you think me taking a break wouldn’t be a good idea?” You shook your head, face pinched in frustration. “Really, Kiara?”
“That’s not what I meant,” Kie said, unable to help the defensive inflection of her voice.
Equally unable to help yourself, you gave her a mocking sort of look. “Listen, I know that I’ve never had enough money to live on the nice side of the island, Kie, but I can afford a vacation for a week,” you said.
“I never said that,” Kie argued. “I never even implied that! Ever!”
“It’s not hard to guess what you meant, Kiara!” you snapped back.
Kie grit her teeth, saying your name in a low, warning tone. “Just because you’re pissed at me, doesn’t mean that you get to take it out on me.”
“Oh, is that what I’m doing?” you asked sharply, rising from the couch, putting space between the both of you.
“Yes! It is! And considering how much I’ve tried to be there for you the past four months while you worked yourself to the bone and acted like our relationship wasn’t even a top-five priority? I really don’t appreciate it,” Kie retorted, more than a little pissed off now, clenching and unclenching her fists in a desperate ploy to alleviate some of her overwhelming feelings. It did nothing to sort out the anger and hurt swimming in her chest from your words. You looked stunned by her words and that only served to piss her off more. “What? Do you not like that for one second I’m being honest with you right now?”
“You know what I don’t need right now?” you snapped. “Shit from my girlfriend! Especially after the shitty four months that I’ve had and after just getting assaulted by some fucking guy and I have to go to the police station in the morning.”
Your name fell sharply from Kie’s lips before she could control her tone. “You know damn well that’s not fair,” she said, warning. She felt her heart clenching in her chest, unable to understand how this stupid fight was escalating so much so quickly when she was literally only worried about you. “I’m not giving you shit. Me caring about you isn’t giving you shit. Don’t put that on me.”
“I’m going to the mainland tomorrow after I’m done giving my statement to Shoupe. Come with me or don’t,” you said coldly. “I don’t care. But I’m taking this goddamn vacation that I have more than earned. And I am getting the fuck away from this island so I can actually reset for once in my goddamn life, Kiara.” You stalked over to the door, pulling it open. “I’m gonna go stay at a hotel for the night. One that I can, you know, afford to spend money on for one night.”
Kie sighed, hurt and frustrated and tired all at once. “Babe don’t go,” she said. “We have to talk about this. Don’t run away from me.”
“I’m not running,” you all but hissed. “I’m taking a break before we both say things we’ll regret.”
Angry but worried, Kie rose to her feet and followed you to the door, grabbing your hand before you could storm away. You looked at her, eyes colder and harder than ice. “You mean more to me than this fight,” Kie said bluntly. “I love you. And I’m still worried.”
For a moment, just one, you paused, eyes softening. But, then they hardened again and you pulled away. “I love you too,” you said stiffly. “And I still need space. Don’t worry about me.” You glanced back at her after grabbing your bag from the table near your door, keys and all. “I’ll say goodbye before I go tomorrow.”
“Babe…please,” Kie said, pleading.
“I have to go,” you said, refusing to look at her before you left your shared place, gently shutting the door behind you.
Every ounce of Kie wanted to throw the door open and follow after you. Every ounce of her wanted to bring you into her arms and comfort you from the absolute bullshit that you’d been going through. But, she knew better. She knew you wouldn’t take it well. And she knew that she didn’t have the patience to do it right, not really. So, instead, she numbly walked back over to the couch and sat. She sat and worried over the possibilities of where you were at, if you were safe, and if you were actually that angry with her. She worried about if you were okay, if you would have proper support for what happened today without her, and if you would even talk to anybody about how you were feeling or what had happened.
And, the thing that occupied most of her haunting thoughts, she worried about the state and future of your relationship. She loved you. She didn’t want to lose you. Without much thought, she pulled out her phone and opened the Maps app. Perhaps it was time to get out of her head, out of her worries that you’d helped instill in her in the first place and just enjoy time with you. Perhaps a vacation was what you both needed. Perhaps that’d fix things.
She only had a few hours to decide, but, decide she would.
Were you worth it?
Yes…in every life, in every world, yes.
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45 notes · View notes
princessmaybank · 2 months
can u do some lesbian ones? like w sarah or kie?
~You know the drill by now. These ones are specifically lesbian p!links with Sarah and Kie. I tried my best! Yep they look nothing like them.~
Eating Out
Playing With Her
Drunken Fun
Doubled Sided
Special Chair
School Girl Fantasy
Take It Slow
In the Kitchen
Rub Em Together
Humping Her Tongue
All + A Few Friends
Fun With Friends
Cleo Eating
574 notes · View notes
lydiaas · 1 year
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552 notes · View notes
cloveswifey · 1 year
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Parings: JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Secret relationship, kissing, cuteness, fluff, hierarchy, short imagine, money mentions.
Type: Fluff
Words: 0.3k
JJ and Y/N had been secretly dating for a few months now. They didn't want anyone to know because they were afraid of how their friends would react. JJ was a Pouge and Y/N was a kook, and they knew that their relationship would be frowned upon.
They would sneak around and meet in secret places, like the abandoned building on the outskirts of town or the park after dark. They would hold hands, talk, and kiss, but they never went too far. They were both afraid of getting caught and didn't want to risk getting in trouble.
One day, they were sitting in the park, watching the sunset when JJ turned to Y/N and said, "I don't want to keep this a secret anymore. I want to tell our friends and be with you openly."
Y/N was surprised but happy at the same time. She had been having the same feelings for JJ but didn't want to ruin their secret relationship.
"I feel the same way," Y/N replied, smiling.
They decided to tell their friends the truth and end the secret relationship. Their friends were surprised but supportive. They were happy for JJ and Y/N and didn't want to get in the way of their happiness.
From that day on, JJ and Y/N were a real couple. They were happy, in love, and grateful that they had each other. They didn't care what anyone else thought because they knew that their love was real.
321 notes · View notes
bobsfic · 6 months
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Part 1/3
Summary: 6 times JJ struggled with affection and 1 time he didn't.
Word Count: 8,304
She slips her hand into his before leaning her head back against the hard seat as well. She positions their joined hands on her thigh, lacing their fingers together, and he immediately stills.
His pulse jumps as his eyes zero in on their linked hands. It’s far from the first time they’ve held hands, and considering they just kissed for the first time like a day ago, it’s not even the most romantic thing they’ve done recently.
But the way she simply sat down next to him and held his hand, pulling it into her lap like it’s something they do every day, sends his mind spinning.
And it’s not that he doesn’t want to hold her hand, because he absolutely does. He craves her attention more than he probably should, and he never wants to lose the warm feeling in his chest, but he just… doesn’t know if he deserves it.
Read more on ao3!!
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offt0wonderland · 20 days
Outer Banks Fanfiction
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Rafe x fem OC + JJ x fem OC
Word count: 5k
Summary: A new Kook moved to the Outer Banks with her family. She spent most of her summers in Wisconsin indoors, never daring to get close to other people - but when she met the Pogues, everything changed; she found a group that she belonged in, even if she was technically considered affluent. But before she knew it, she couldn't help but fond of the reckless blonde-haired boy named JJ ... Although, without her knowledge, her parents have other plans. Rafe Cameron is wild and undisciplined, always out and never home. The Colisl's and the Camerons conjured the notion that an arrangement between the two could hopefully bring Rafe back to the ground - but what happens when she ends up falling for both?
That was it – that was the very last straw: there was no way in hell I was showing up to some ignorant party, especially after Rafe explicitly told us not to. There was absolutely no decision or path within this bonfire that could possibly lead to a good butterfly effect in the long run. Maybe it was pessimistic of me to think so, but from the paltry comments my friends would make about Rafe to the limited time I had just spent with him, Rafe wasn’t one to shy away from expressing his hatred towards the Pogue’s. I can’t imagine what the other Kooks would do too if they shared that same innate abhorrence.
I couldn’t help it anymore; my dissent was already flowing out of me like some kind of river. “Sarah … I don’t think –.”
The instinctive words that left my mouth were soon overshadowed by John B. “I don’t know Sarah … I’m not 100% sure I want to be around any kooks right now.” Sarah peered up at her boyfriend as he talked, her head tilted, and eyes narrowed.
“I could be around some kooks,” My eyes shot over towards JJ as he began his statement, a look of utter shock written clear across my face due to the tilt of my eyebrows – at least, until he finished his comment. “If I get to punch one of them in face.”
My face softened, a sense of relief washing over me once I realized the intentions behind JJ’s desire to be around such repulsive individuals. But once my brain finally caught up with the notion of his declaration, my heart rate increased substantially. Inside my mind were constant images, visible pictures of people tumbling all over the ground near the fire as blood sprayed from open wounds. I didn’t want to be surrounded by a sea of Kooks to begin with and knowing that someone’s fist would most likely connect with my jaw because JJ decided it would be a fun game to knock a Kook out, only solidified my desire to stay cloistered.  
So, as soon as the group became silent, I continued my assertion from earlier. “We should stay here.”
“I agree with Belles – if we go, it’ll just wreak havoc.” I smiled at Pope, the only one who had common sense whenever it came to … well, anything.
“I guess we could just skinny dip instead,” JJ’s eyes trailed over to mine as he spoke, his irises resembling the color of ice. “Belles what do you say?” I didn’t react much to his comment, mainly because I had become accustomed to his immodest jokes – although this time, with the way his attention glazed over me, it felt rather more like veracity than banter.
“Come on guys, please.” Sarah’s eyes glanced between all of us. “Topper intentionally didn’t invite me, and this is by far my favorite party of the summer.”
Once Toppers name was part of the puzzle piece, John B’s unsure demeanor was replaced with hubris – or was it a plan? “Actually, I changed my mind,” His voice took Sarah by surprise. “A Kook party kind of sounds fun.”
I was too astonished to form a coherent sentence; only three words were able to glide off my tongue. “Wait, who? what?”
JJ on the other hand was absolutely giddy. He hurdled as close as he could to us, his hair ruffled from the wind and his lips twisted in some sort of wicked smirk. “Hell yeah! Now that’s that I’m talking about!”
“Guys, this isn’t a good idea …” Pope’s voice trailed off once he noticed Sarah was already halfway to her car.
The two of us realized pretty quickly that there was no point in debating anymore, because once again, she had everyone following her plan.
I internally groaned at my friend’s incessant stubbornness, trying hard to hide the irksome mien that was begging to display on my face. My feet dragged across the overgrown path; my arms wrapped tightly around my body to shield myself from the wind that was attempting to keep me stationary. Nonetheless, I trudged forwards, eyeing my friends who seemed to eagerly await the disaster that was bound to unfold.
Sarah had thrown herself inside the car, the engine roaring back to life once the key had been turned. Her eyes were squinted; a smile tugged at the ends of her lips. It was almost as if she had no sense of awareness – like she couldn’t see past her own wishes to understand that not everything goes accordingly to plan. I mean, it was one thing for us to crash our friend’s boy’s night, but another for us to show up unannounced at a party full of strangers … or more accurately, her ex-boyfriend’s get together.  
Yet everyone kept this horrendous plan in motion.
John B was quick to call shotgun, his body hopping into the seat directly next to his girlfriend. Sadly, with the passenger spot now taken, that meant it was up to the three of us to decide who was destined to sit in the middle: the worst position to have due to its narrow leg room. Pope wasted no time in claiming the right side, sprinting around the car, and securing his seat next to the door.
JJ and I pushed ourselves against each other, framing away from the left entrance so neither of us would be forced to be sandwiched between two people. “I’m not getting in the middle JJ.”
“I’m not getting in the middle either.” He retorted.
We continued to wrestle, shove each other as much as we could to try to win – but we both had no luck in that division. JJ huffed lowly, his hands creeping down my waist until they wrapped firmly around my hips. The tips of my fingers quickly shot over his, ready to pry them off my body; however, before I could even feel his skin underneath mine, I was somehow fully inside the car. He slid his grip away from my pelvis and towards the back of my thighs, pushing me further inside until he had enough room to sit next to me, solidifying the idea that I was now stuck between two morons with absolutely no space.
“I hate the middle.” I whispered under my breath; my body now leaned forward to keep from touching their figures.
JJ ignored my complaint and outstretched his arm behind my chair, his hand loosely falling between Pope and me. He cleared his throat, preparing to speak up during the quietness that now surrounded the group. “Should we grab Kie?”
Sarah, who was in the midst of backing out, slammed on her brakes. “Shit! Can someone text her?”
“I can,” Pope grunted. “Only I think she won’t want to go.”
Honestly, it would be a smart move on her part to stay home, avoid the catastrophe that was about to happen. But instead, she fell into the trap. Kie had texted Pope back, agreeing to come with us. She was somehow prepared to sneak out of her parent’s house, clamor into the already crowded car, and risk a grounding just to be part of the dumb decisions Sarah and most of the boys had made.
My head rolled back against the headrest, my eyes flickering between the left and right window of the car as Sarah now directed the automobile away from JJ’s home and towards Kie’s residence. I couldn’t exactly read the speedometer from here, but from the quick passing of scenery it was apparent she was going above the limit – as if she couldn’t wait any longer to dance around the bonfire. I ignored the rising sensation of nausea, observing as the plants changed from bushy to clean kept, the main indication that we were now in Kook zone. It was an odd feeling being able to tell the difference between Kook and Pogue just from terrain, but that’s how it was … It was like were on two different planets even if our beaches were the same.
Once we finally got to Kie’s house, she seemed to already be prepared; her body was sat neatly on top of her wrap-around porch, a small duffel bag was thrown over her shoulder, and a cute multi-colored bikini top shined underneath the moonlight. Her fingers tugged at the ends of her denim shorts while she stood up, her feet now making their way down the driveway and towards JJ’s side.
The moment she threw open the door to expose the lack of seats, I spoke up. “I’ll get in the trunk.” It was a harmless idea, the perfect opportunity to get me away from the two bodies squeezing me into a pencil; although, as I turned my body around, preparing to climb over the seats to lay down, Sarah halted me.  
“Uh, actually the trunk is full …” At first, I thought she was messing with me. Trying to give an excuse in hopes that it would force JJ and me to get closer … but she wasn’t. There, piled in the back, were three large cardboard boxes filled to the brim with what I suppose is special cargo.
“Well what the fuck are we supposed to do now?!” Pope’s voice raised slightly.
“Shhhh, shut the fuck up Pope.” Kie snapped, looking up at her home to ensure that no lights had turned on from the noise.
Sarah shrugged her shoulders, her eyes now following JJ who decided to take matters into his own hands. “I can scoot over, and Pope can sit on my lap.”
“I’m not sitting on your lap,” Pope quickly retorted. “Belles you can take one for the team, right?”
My eyes widened at my friend who had just spoken the most brainless idea into existence. Hastily, I turned my attention to Sarah, terrified to see what look she had on her face – and just as I thought, it was the expression of a lightbulb going off. “That works with me!” Sarah gleefully added.
“Wait -” Again, I got cut off.
“We need to hurry; I seriously don’t want to be a waiting duck for my parents to see me hopping into a car.” Kie appeared to have no care about this scheme, trying to rush this venture as fast as she could so we’d hit the road.  
JJ immediately took that into account, not waiting for any more comments; he slithered underneath me, his hands back on my hips as he tugged me down onto his lap. It was merely an innocent act, a decent action that was caused by the lack of room we had in the automobile. But still, my cheeks began to get warm, the palms of my hands now dampened with sweat. I was too petrified to move, too scared to make any subtle adjustments that could push us closer together by accident. It would’ve been different if I was on Pope – a sweet boy who would never dare make humor out of an uncomfortable situation that involved me … But I was on JJ, the notorious playboy in Pogue standards.
JJ knew what it felt like to have girls on his lap. For goodness sake, his hand was already over my legs, his trimmed nails making involuntary circles as if he did this kind of thing every day. I glanced over at him in my peripheral, surveying his eyes that were still glued to a conversation between the group that I was desperately drowning out just to nitpick the miniscule touch between JJ and me.
The boy underneath me chuckled at something John B said, his fits of laughter shaking both of our bodies. I froze in place; my body stiffened to try and maintain the least possible friction between us. I absolutely hated this … and I also loathed the party we were barreling towards. There seemed to be no good outcome for me in any scenario I played in my head. I hated being in the car and I hated having to go to a stupid bonfire – why couldn’t I have just stayed at Sarah’s?
“Belles?” Kie’s voice took me out of my dreadful trance.
“Huh?” I replied.
John B erupted into a fit of laughter at my confusion, his hand reaching behind the seat so he could place it neatly on JJ’s leg. “You liking your spot?”
I grimaced at that comment. “Not at all.”
JJ gasped in appall as if he couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t like to be sat on top of him. “That hurt,” His fingers twitched on top of my skin, causing me to tug at the end of my dress to try and cover more of my legs. “I think I’m a fabulous seat.”
“JJ you’re built like a rock – don’t be surprised she hates it.” Kie rolled her eyes at her friend’s crude joking mannerism.
“Hey, no one else has complained before.” His hands moved away from my legs and on top my hips as he tried to adjust his position.
“That’s because no one wants to hurt your sensitive feelings.” Sarah chimed in, her boyfriend now breaking out into laughter once again from her comment.
JJ shoved both his legs open, forcing Pope and Kie to be squished further into the side doors which earned him a couple shouts. But he ignored it. His fingers, that were softly pressed into my hips, slid me forward so I could sit on the cushion between his legs. My anxiety dissipated as soon as our bodies were nowhere near as close, something that I should’ve loved; instead, for some reason, I missed the clammy feeling – yearning for the twitch of his hands against my thigh once again. “That better?” JJ tilted his head to the side, his soft expression in the corner of my eye.
No, no it was not better – but I’d never admit that. “Yes.”
“Well, don’t get too comfortable – because we’re here.” And as if on cue, the beat of an atrocious song sunk into our car, rocking the ground beneath us.
I covered my ears with the palm of my hands, attempting to decrease the frequency that managed to make its way into our automobile from the beach. It was somehow louder than the music I blared in the shower; even the screams that came from the crowd right next to us were drowned out by the bass. We all quickly glanced at each other, and without hesitation, exited the car. There was nothing spoken between us, but from the expressions I saw – we were all terrified that if the car kept shaking, we’d tumble with it.
The six of us gathered into a tiny huddle before we made it down the hill, our heads all touching one another in an attempt to hear what each of us were saying. “Try to avoid confrontation, we’ll just get thrown out,” Sarah glared over at JJ who was already cracking his knuckles. “I’m talking to you JJ.”
“I’ll try.” He responded.
Sarah accepted that reply and allowed us to break away from our mini gathering and head towards the beach. The music in some way got even louder the closer we got, so much so that it felt like it hindered my sight. The bass that forced the ground to shake with each lyrical note made the people around me flash in and out like they were some sort of strobe light. I couldn’t even appreciate the gigantic campfire sitting in the middle of the sandy landscape, too nauseous to retain any sort of images surrounding me.
“I’m grabbing drinks!” Sarah shouted.
"I’ll come with!” John B added.
Kie followed their chants right after. “Me too!”
And without notice, the three of them disappeared within the crowd.
I had hoped we would all stick together, keep an eye on each other to ensure that no one stepped out of line – but that was a dire wish. The minute a couple girls eyed JJ and Pope; they were off. I was now left alone, forced to find my way around the sweaty bodies that were comprised of people eating each other’s faces off as if it was their last meal.
I avoided the grotesque crowd of people, weaving my way through the drunken individuals while I made my way closer to the water – the one place where no one was at. My mission was almost accomplished, the dampness of sand coming into sight … however, before the waves could crash into my feet, someone obnoxiously bumped into my shoulder.
I whipped around, seeing a tall boy with dirty blonde hair and a yellow polo stumbling to maintain his balance while he held onto a red solo cup. “Sorry.” I muttered.
There wasn’t actually anything I needed to be sorry for, but I had hoped that maybe an unprompted apology would be enough to let me go away unscathed from this awkward run-in. But of course, the other person had to get a word in. “Is-abelle?” I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, unsure how the boy in front of me knew my name. “From .. what’s it called? Hmm … sss… Stats?” I narrowed my eyes, taking in the features on his face that looked familiar, only I still couldn’t place it. “It’sss … to.. uh.. Topper!” His words slurred together but even in a garble that was a name that was quite hard to miss – Sarah’s ex-boyfriend.
I guess I never realized we had Stats together; to be honest I didn’t recognize anyone in my classes apart from my acquaintances – probably because I try my best to keep my head down. Though, it is kind of funny. I had always wanted to meet Topper, see what Sarah’s previous boyfriend looked like due to pure curiosity … but who would’ve thought I knew him the whole time.
"Y-you’re … sss… uh.. quiet.” He slurred again, starting the conversation back up.
“I’m sorry, I just -” Topper found a way to cut me off with his stammer.
"I-I’ve always uh … er … wanted to t-t … talk to you,” His body swayed with every syllable. “I li-like … uh … think er … you – you’re r-really pretty.”
Yep, he has had way too much to drink.
"Topper!” A familiar voice boomed lowly over the music, a pair of shoes sinking into the damp sand becoming more audible as the seconds passed by. And before I could even process it, a tall boy with the same tan pullover I saw in Sarah’s driveway appeared from the darkness – Rafe Cameron.
Rafe appeared to have the same sense of bewilderment, his body paused, and eyes glued on to me – the girl who stood in front of his best friend. It wasn’t long before his irises shifted downwards, traveling over my outfit, the same way JJ’s eyes did; only they didn’t linger as long as his. They quickly shot back up, his ring finger dragging along his bottom lip.
"Rafeee you’re b-back!” Topper hiccupped, unsuccessfully reaching out to his friend. “This is Isabelle! She’s in my uh … f-fuck … oh! Stats class.”
Rafe didn’t say anything to his friend’s absurd introduction; he just stepped closer and wrapped his left arm around Topper to keep him steady. Once his friend regained some moderation of balance, Rafe reached out his free hand, his lips tightened in a straight line. “Nice to meet you, I’m Rafe.” His expression didn’t change after he recited a greeting, and, in that moment, I couldn’t be sure if he was doing me a favor or if he was too embarrassed to let anyone know he was already associated with me.
I took his hand, deciding to play along with the lie – however, before I could carry on the conversation, another person barreled towards us, slamming his body into the two boys in front of me; his arms now wrapped securely around them while he laughed. Topper drunkenly tumbled forwards from the force, his alcohol splashing outside of the cup and onto the white cover-up that clung tightly to my figure. I gasped at the unfortunate event that had just occurred, a moment of terror entering my brain as the thought of it staining came to fruition.  
"S-shit – K- Kelce what the fuck!” Topper’s voice switched from firm to soft as he eyed the wet spot on my dress. “I’m so so uh so sorry.”
"It’s okay.” I began to back away from the red solo cup that Topper was now swinging around, my fingers peeling the dampness away from my skin to try and get the wet feeling off my stomach. I had no idea what to do – there was no magically placed washer on the beach that could help bring out the liquid. The only thing I did understand was not to let it marinate.  
"I didn’t think you’d throw your damn cup like some kind of maniac, Topper.” Kelce said.
"Uh … L-Let me uh g-grab a towel!” Topper started to stumble upwards, prepared to find a cloth for me to utilize; instead, Rafe pulled him back.  
"We don’t have any towels Topp.” His friend’s mouth gaped in disbelief, now tugging away from Rafe’s grip to move towards me. Topper yanked the end of his polo forward, the rough piece of fabric patting the spot near my bellybutton as if it would soak up the liquid. “Topper fucking stop.” Rafe pulled his friend away yet again before he spoke to Kelce. “Get him some damn water or something.”
The minute Kelce and Topper left, I spun on my heels. There was no need for me to stand there, no need for me to stare at Rafe like some clueless individual that awaited guidance. So, my body started to walk away, only Rafe’s voice just kept ringing out like some annoying alarm that wouldn’t stop sounding no matter how many times you hit mute.
I halted in my path, turning around to come face-to-face with Rafe. “Yes?” I queried; a sour tone entwined in my voice.
"I can take you home.”
Yes – please.
"Why would I want to go home?” I asked him.
Rafe hesitated for a second, unsure as to why that was even a question. “To wash that dress?”
“It’s fine.” I responded.
“I know that’s Sarah’s,” He continued on. “Are the Pogue’s here?”
I swiveled back around, attempting to walk away from the conversation he was wanting to get into. Rafe, however, seemed to miss that hint. He followed me around as I ventured forwards down the beach, intentionally forming ill statements about the one subject I cherished – my friends. It was becoming infuriating; the idea of punching him in the face on the brink of my mind the more he opened his mouth. All I wanted was to be far away from him, find any excuse to get him to leave me alone and go back to the bonfire party he was so set on attending. Then it hit me – the ocean. We were surrounded by water; I could just take my dress off and scrub at the beer.
"I can use the ocean!” My fingers dragged along the bottom hem of the cover-up, lifting the entirety of it over my head until I was left in only the swimsuit I had so dreaded wearing in front of others – except in this moment I didn’t care. I couldn’t. All that mattered was ensuring that Sarah’s dress wasn’t damaged because her ex-boyfriend decided to throw his drink onto me.
But frankly … the longer Rafe stood there, fiddling with his ring as he observed me get the dress wet, the more self-conscious I was. I peered up at the boy, attempting to observe the part of my body he was so fixated on. Only, it was my face, like he was trying to analyze every feature I had as I scrubbed my heart out. For some reason, I hated that even more. I opened my mouth to say something, tell him that I’m fine to be by myself – but JJ sauntering into eyeline caught my attention. He was walking towards both of us … and even from afar I could see the resentment in his eyes as Rafe stood there.
Read the full story (and chapter) on Quotev or Wattpad
*All rights go to the original characters and the original plot of Outer Banks. I own only my OC's and the select plots/scenes that I originally came up with. Thank you all for reading and I hope y'all love it! Also, I did not create any TikToks - all of the credit goes to the makers of those! (_strkey)*
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spitefulwriters · 5 months
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JJ Maybank x Kiara Carrera (2.6K) all the times they could have kissed, but didn’t. (a series, maybe)
JJ slept like the dead, usually.
Normally half dressed, when he could be bothered, stripped down to jeans, sometimes less when it got too hot. Most of the time he didn’t make it under the sheets, bone tired from surfing, from fighting waves or fighting his father, passed out on the mattress at a weird angle to avoid that one broken spring.
Face down on a pillow, salt still in his hair, an old fan aimed at his naked back, a silly amount of lukewarm air blowing onto his sunburnt skin.
He’d sleep through the TV, the angry blare of it, the smash of an empty beer bottle, all too used to the sounds that became a fucked up kind of lullaby. Alarms didn’t budge him, not really, not anymore. He would have never made it to school if it weren’t for his dad’s foot against the door, an offbeat drum, angry and shattering.
So JJ had absolutely no idea how the tiny rocks against his window pane stirred him from sleep.
One hit, two hit, three; the sound almost like the beginning of a rain shower and then it stopped. JJ groaned, nose rubbing at the pillowcase, brow wrinkling.
Something told him to get up.
Fists found the mattress, another groan, a stifled yawn and then he was pushing himself off of the bed, sheets tangled around his knees and he tripped on one abandoned boot before he made it to the window. Eyes half closed, heavy with sleep, he cracked it open, looking out into the dark, the marshes still alive, buzzing under the moon. He couldn’t see anything, not at first, not when the sky bled into the water and the greenery became inky black, shadows on shadows with nothing in between.
Then, from the treeline, a girl appeared. Just ten feet away, too scared to get too close, wary of the glow from the television bleeding from the living room blinds, slants of blue light between broken slats. JJ thought he might’ve been dreaming.
Maybe he was.
Half dressed in pyjama shorts and an old sweatshirt that had some kind of fishing logo on the front. It was too dark to see, but the boy thought it might’ve been his, maybe once.
JJ blinked and dragged a hand through his hair, wincing when his fingers got caught in the ends, salt and sand falling onto his shoulders and he stared at the girl in her unlaced sneakers, no car, no bike, no nothing around her.
“What’re you doing?” He hissed, voice rough with sleep, cracking with anticipation. He could hear the western movie that was playing from the other room, but he couldn’t hear his dad snoring. Not yet. “What the fuck, Kie?”
Kiara edged forward, eyes wary, stare flickering from JJ’s face and back to the front door of the trailer. When nothing moved, when no one appeared, she walked through the grown grass and curled her fingers around the window edge. She was close enough now that JJ could see the heaviness on her face, the tired looking bruises under her lash line, the weight on her shoulders.
Kie’s chin jumped the sill and her fingers were so close to the boy’s, close enough that her pinky almost grazed his thumb and it wasn’t cold outside, not in the slightest, but the boy seemed to hold the sun under his skin and Kiara wanted to run to it.
“I couldn’t sleep,” she whispered, her voice too awake, too alert for two in the morning.
JJ waited, knowing there was more. He could see it in her face, the bitten skin at her bottom lip, the pulled out curl that fell into her eyes, the one that held more frizz than the rest.
“Parents are fighting again,” Kie continued, staring past JJ, into his room, gaze studying the posters and photos on his wall as if she could hide her feelings amongst them all. “It’s stupid. I just— I wanted to get out of the house.”
Maybe before - years ago, maybe only months ago - JJ would’ve teased her. Made some kind of comment, something less than sensitive, something crude about seeking him out in the middle of the night, something destructive about not choosing John B or Pope over him.
But now— now?
JJ pressed his lips together and nodded. His thumb shifted, just once, grazing the back of Kie’s hand before pulling away and searching his floor for a shirt. He yanked one on, buttoned up his jeans, grabbed a cap to cover his bed mussed hair, shoved bare feet into shoes and ushered her backwards without looking at his bedroom door or thinking about what lay behind it. Kie moved, watching as the boy slid open the window a little wider, throwing one leg out before the other and dropping almost silently to the ground, like he’d done it before.
Of course he had. He’d done it plenty of times.
Just not for her.
They didn’t speak as JJ straightened up, boots crunching in the grass. Eyes locked, the boy lifted a finger to his lips and offered Kiara his other hand. She took it like she always did, with no hesitation at all, and JJ led her across the marshes, through the buzz of the insects, away from the man in the living room. They walked until overgrown grass and reeds turned into a dirt path, forged by night time walks just like this.
Neither thought to take JJ’s bike, neither thought about a car, or the Twinkie. They just walked, heading out of the marshes until the fisherman shacks were left behind, until they couldn’t hear the drone of cicadas as loudly, until they were crossing the road that took them out of The Cut and under streetlights.
They walked until tarmac turned to sand and the empty beach lay before them and like it had already been agreed, they both stopped to toe off their shoes, digging the soles of their feet into the sand just to see if it had kept any of the afternoon heat. Kiara walked and JJ followed, not speaking, not yet, not until he knew the time was right.
He’d once been a stupid kid, a teenage boy without much common sense when it came to girls and feelings - and shit, maybe he still was - but JJ Maybank was a grade A student when it came to Kiara Carrera. So he watched and he waited, following the girl in the sand, his footprints covering up her much smaller ones as she led them to the shoreline, where the waves lapped at the beach and created the best kind of white noise. A rush of water, the most pretty kind of itch that scratched at his brain and he thought Kie felt the same, because when she stopped and he chanced a look at her profile, her eyes were closed, the corners of her mouths lifting every time the ocean caught her toes.
“It was too loud,” Kie finally said as a way of explanation. The water rushed, a shell hit a rock and silence fell over them again. “They’d been arguing all night, all through dinner. I couldn’t take it anymore.”
“Doesn’t sound fun,” JJ agreed. He kept his eyes on the water, searching the horizon like he was trying to find something to focus on other than the warmth of the girl standing beside him. “What’re they yellin’ ‘bout now?”
Kiara’s sneakers hit the sand with a wet smack. She sighed before sitting, knees tucked to her chest and JJ wondered once more if the sweater was his before it had become hers, maybe John B’s for a week or two, maybe Pope’s. He joined her, feet planted half in the sea and his arms on his knees, waiting for her reply, even if he knew what was coming.
“Everything,” Kiara stated flatly. She let out a huff of laughter, no humour to the sound. “Me, mostly.”
JJ smiled at her bluntness and touched the brim of his hat, for lack of something to do. He was itching to reach out, to brush away the grains of wet sand that stuck to her shins. “Doesn’t sound like anythin’ new.”
Kiara shrugged. “Not really, s’all a broken record now though. Sick of the same shit every day. All they do is act like I’m some sort of broken kid, like they have to fix me.”
JJ wanted to nod and say he understood, that he knew the feeling. He’d been treated like a problem his whole life, like he’d been born less than perfect, like he was the root cause of all his fathers shortcomings. But he didn’t know what it was like to have someone care enough to wanna try and solve it. To maybe try and put his broken pieces back together. So he just pressed his lips together and stared at the sand, waiting for the moment the ocean would brush back over his bare feet again, soaking at the hem of his jeans.
“Ever wanna do something stupid? Just ‘cause?”
JJ snorted at the question, chin turning up and eyes searching for Kiara’s. She was already looking at him, more start curls escaping her hair tie, a smile on her face that JJ thought could maybe fix some of his problems, at least.
“You realise who you’re talkin’ to, right?” He replied, grinning right back. The sun that was left of his cheeks stung when he did it, nose wrinkled and a little too red because he never listened when Kiara and Pope told him he needed more sunblock. “What kinda stupid are we talkin’ about?”
Kie shrugged, stretched out her legs and let the sand coat the back of them, wet, golden grains against dark bronzed skin and JJ wondered if she’d take them to bed with her, if she’d manage to wash them off and hide the evidence of their night from her parents before she got back home. The boy wondered if she cared.
“I don’t know,” kie let her head tilt to the side, pondering. She held up one hand and started counting on each finger. “We’ve already covered running away, robbery—”
JJ snorted. “Don’t forget grand theft auto.”
“—does grand larceny count?” Kie smiled.
The boy smirked. “Gold was always ours, Kie, don’t forget it.”
Silence fell over them again, smiles never fading. If they waited long enough, they’d see the stars turn to sunlight and the sky change to cotton candy pink, creeping over the edge of the ocean.
Kie didn’t want to wait that long.
She let her head fall back, her neck on its hinge, staring up above, lights winking down at her, telling her she should be asleep.
“Maybe we’ve been going too big.” She blew out a breath, let her eyes close. “Maybe we need to start from the beginning, throw a rager, get drunk. Like kids are supposed to. That kind of stupid.”
JJ hummed, nodding even though Kiara could see. Her hands were in the sand, fingertips buried in the grains. If he moved a little closer, their pinkies could touch.
“Sounds lame in comparison,” the boy teased lightly. “Where’s the fun if we don’t got no guns?”
Kie didn’t laugh but JJ watched her smile, head shaking, eyes opening so she could flick her gaze over to him, mirth dancing in them. She looked like she was unsure of what to say next, if she should say anything at all but then she sat up a little straighter, turning so her body was facing him.
“What about something stupid like—” Kiara picked at a broken shell, a barely there piece of pearl. “—like kissing someone you’re not supposed to.”
It was like the air had been sucked off of the island, like it had up and left, leaving them with only the sound of the sea. Whilst everyone else on Kildare slept, JJ felt like his heart had exploded. Surely the sonic boom could be heard across the beach, reaching Charleston and further, surely Kiara heard it too.
But the girl was just watching him, waiting, wary and quiet.
JJ felt like he’d swallowed his tongue, but still he moved, shifted in the sand until his knee knocked Kiara’s bare one and he felt the entire night swallow him whole. He didn’t know where to look, didn’t know how to act. ‘Causal’ wasn’t in JJ Maybank’s vocabulary. He stared at the shell in the girls hand, watched the pink and green oil slick shine glint in the moonlight.
“Like— like Gary at the restaurant? Or—?”
Kie wrinkled her nose at the mention of the older boy who worked for her parents. Twenty-something and harbouring a habit from cheap whisky and younger girls, he wasn’t Kiara’s favourite person.
“What?” Kie pulled a face. “Ew, no. No— like a friend.” She swallowed a little too harshly, her fingers suddenly clumsy and dropping her shell. “Someone who people would get mad about.”
A friend a friend a friend.
JJ felt his cheeks flush, a rosy warmth across his nose that he could only hope the darkness would hide. It felt like the middle of the day, a heatwave creeping in, a tropical storm with the name of a girl, making the air too hot, ready to sweep him up and rattle him from the inside out.
He licked his lips, tried to stay neutral, hoped his voice wouldn’t crack, prayed he didn’t act a fool. “Who’d get mad at you for something like that?”
When JJ finally looked up, waiting for the girl’s answer with a breath held in his chest, he realised Kiara was already looking at him. Her lashes lowered, gaze trained in his lips, watching the way his mouth parted ever so slightly when he sucked in a burning breath.
“Everyone,” Kie whispered.
The world would have fell into the ocean then, houses and cliffs crumbling, JJ wouldn’t have noticed. Not at all.
“Because it would be a mistake?” His voice cracked, too husky. He didn’t care, not one bit. “Or ‘cause you’d regret it…?”
Kie was still watching him, eyes flicking from his mouth as he spoke, to the slant of his cheek bones, the blue of his eyes. He felt so exposed under her gaze, laid bare, even in the middle of the night, sitting on the beach in the dark. JJ marvelled over the realisation that he didn’t really mind. He’d sit like this for days on end for Kiara, if it meant getting her attention in this way.
Kie shrugged, gave a sad sort of smile and found her broken shell again, tapping her nail against the side. “Not necessarily,” was all she said.
He could’ve kissed her then, JJ was almost sure of it. He could’ve leant in, tested the waters, watched to see if her eyes followed his mouth even when it moved to her own, if she’d let him put his hand on her knee, if she’d let him pull her in by the back of her neck like he was used to doing with the girls he met at parties.
But JJ didn’t have that kind of confidence, not then. Not with Kiara Carrera. He thought about what she’d said, about the people who’d be mad at her— at them. He wondered if Kie was even talking about him in the first place.
She couldn’t be. Of course not, right?
So JJ waited until the surf was dragged back out and Kie brushed the sand off her calves. He stood, tugged off his cap to drag a hand through his hair before shoving it back on, pulling the brim down to hide his eyes, the disappointment in them. Then, the boy held a hand out to the girl and he tried to keep his heart inside his chest when she took it.
Dragging Kie up from the sand, he smiled at her, just like he normally would. “Lemme walk you home,” was all he had to say.
-Bellamy (SW#1)
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jojameswinter · 5 months
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He slept in. Got coffee grinds and figured out the French press in the apartment. Maybe he needed the extra rest, to save money by making coffee himself. Maybe he was just a coward.
Read chapter three, here on ao3!
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Pick Somewhere And Just Run - Kiara "Kie" Carrera x Reader
Dear Reader Duology: Part 1, Part 2
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Summary: Still reeling from the fight you got into with your girlfriend, you’re not letting that deter you from going on vacation. You need this. You do. But, when you see her again, you remember all you want is her. But, like she always does, Kie reminds you that all she cares about is you.
Word Count: 2.1k+
CWs/TWs: She/her pronouns used, adult/profane language, relationship stress and fighting, being overworked girlie, making up and going on vacation with your baby
Note: Happy end of pride beloveds. As pride month slowly comes to a close, I send us off with a last WLW hurrah (for now) for our girl Kie
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Waking up in a motel alone was about as depressing as you’d imagined it would be.
You slept like shit. You felt like shit. For a lot of reasons. Your slightly swollen cheek from being struck by a random man was a part of it. Your entirely overworked everything was also part of it. But, the biggest portion of feeling like shit was from the fight you’d had with your girlfriend Kie the day before. You sat up and looked at your phone, unsurprised to see no texts from Kie as of yet. But, you did see some other messages. A few from coworkers, a few from friends. You sighed and threw the phone down on the bed, dragging yourself out of it, feeling much like a zombie.
You took your time getting ready, feeling a pool of dread in your stomach. You knew that you were going to have to go to the sheriff’s office like you’d told Kie the day before. It caused a well of anxiety in your stomach that you did your best to quell. But, considering your previous experiences with the sheriff’s office when you and your friends were in high school, you couldn’t shake the sickly feeling of stress. When you checked out of the motel, you headed to the sheriff’s station with trepidation in every move.
“Thanks for coming in,” Shoupe said, greeting you upon your arrival. “We’re gonna make it nice and easy for you. Just gonna give us your statement in writing and we’ll talk about if you want to press charges or not.” He looked behind you. “Is Miss Carrera gonna be coming back with you?”
“No,” you replied robotically, shaking your head. “Kie’s at home.”
“Do you want us to wait for her? To call her?” he asked, far more patient than you’d ever expected to see him.
“No,” you replied, shaking your head again. “I want to get this over with, Shoupe.”
He sighed. “If you’re sure,” he granted. “Come on back.”
He led you to a nicely furnished, inviting-looking interview room. It made your whole body tense, even if it should’ve relaxed you. You’d seen enough rooms in this station to know what most interview rooms looked like. The furnishings didn’t change what the room was. Shoupe watched like a hawk as you sat down and started drumming your nails against the table. He slid papers and a pen over to you.
“We just need you to write down what happened in as much detail as you can remember, okay?” he said gently. “You’re not in any trouble.”
“I’d hope not, considering I’m the one who was assaulted,” you said dryly, picking up the pen he’d provided. You looked down at the empty sheets and sighed. “Fine.” You began scribbling words onto the page as quickly as you could manage, getting all the details down. After what felt like an eternity of writing, you shoved the papers back over to Shoupe. He went through the needlessly long process of parroting everything back, then getting you to say it on record on a camera, then asked if you wanted to press charges. You scoffed. “I don’t have sue-a-millionaire money, Shoupe. No.”
“You don’t need to have sue-a-millionaire money to sue this guy,” he said. You rolled your eyes. He said your name sternly. “This is serious. This man assaulted you and berated you. And from what Mr. Johnson has told us, he’d be more than willing to foot legal bills.”
Blowing out a sigh, you looked away. “Do I have to tell you today?” you asked begrudgingly.
“No,” Shoupe said. “We’d have some time for you to decide.”
“Great. Then I’m leaving and going on a vacation. And I’ll tell you when I come back,” you said, rising to your feet.
Reluctantly, Shoupe agreed to let you go without you telling him you wanted to press charges then and there. Clearly, the man was eager to get this guy for what he’d done…for some reason. But, after accepting you wouldn’t be doing that today, he assured you that he’d keep you aware of everything ongoing with the man while he was on the island. You gave a half-hearted acknowledgement of that promise and then practically fled the station, praying you wouldn’t have to see it again any time soon.
In the privacy of your own car, you laid your head against the steering wheel, shaking your head. You took a moment, not quite ready to go home yet, and texted your friends and…now ex-coworkers back to assure them you were alright and everything was great even though it obviously wasn’t and wouldn’t be. Mercifully, after responding, you convinced yourself to put your phone on Do Not Disturb. Only then could you bring yourself to drive home. Halfway there, you felt stress curling in your stomach and had to pull over to calm yourself down. After ten minutes of hyping yourself up to literally just go home, you forced yourself through to finish the drive back.
Once you parked outside, you didn’t give yourself time to think about it. You moved from the car to inside quickly and shut the door behind you. You let out a tiny sigh of relief that you were able to overcome the doubtlessly stupid anxiety that was trying to keep you from the person who was literally, as far as you were concerned, the love of your life. With still-lingering trepidation, you put your bag down and walked further into your home.
A wave of shock hit you when you saw Kie, sitting on the couch, diligently typing away on her computer, a look of focus on her face. Next to the couch, you clocked a few packed suitcases—two being yours—and you felt your heart stutter in your chest. At the sound of your footsteps, she looked up. When she registered your face, she moved her laptop off of her and stood, walking over to you.
“Kie, I’m sorry,” you said seriously. You immediately felt a small layer of the guilt that you felt dissipate. “I was being such a bitch and I shouldn’t have said that you were implying anything. Shouldn’t have said anything in general. I know you just want what’s best for me. What’s best for us. I feel like shit. I’m so sorry. I love you.”
“I know you are,” Kie said, standing in front of you. She wrapped her arms around you and brought you into a gentle kiss. She reached one hand up to stroke your face. “I know. And I’m sorry too. I got defensive for no reason.” She frowned as her eyes registered your face more and she said your name, sounding sad, then there was a hulking pause. “Your face.”
I shrugged, holding onto her. “It looks worse than it is,” you assured her. “It should be good by tomorrow, I think.”
“That guy’s a real piece of shit,” Kie muttered, voice heated. She shook her head, trying to focus. “I love you, babe.”
Sighing in relief, you felt another layer of guilt melt off your shoulders. You wrapped your arms tightly around your girlfriend, bringing her first into a loving embrace. You pulled back enough that you could passionately kiss her until you both lost your breath. Only when you both were borderline gasping for air did you pull back. Kie’s smile was gentle, but her eyes were bright. The happy shine in her eyes admittedly made your heart flutter.
“I’m sorry. I’ve been off for the past few months. I know that. You’re right. And it is because work sucked. But I’m not going to let that happen anymore. We’re adults. I have better coping skills. I need to remember to use them,” you said, voice still apologetic.
“Babe, it’s okay,” Kie said, leaning her forehead against yours. “We both will do better next time.”
“It’s not okay,” you corrected. “It’s not okay if I treat you like you’re not a priority—that’s never okay. And I will do better next time.”
Kie paused, looking at you. She knew that if she said anything to disagree with you, you’d just double down on calling yourself out. So, instead, she just nodded. She gave you another soft kiss. “Okay,” she said. She took a deep, shuddering breath and then smiled again, soft but excited. “I have a plan.”
“For what?” you asked, confused.
“Vacation,” Kie said.
You blanched. “Kie, we don’t have to go on vacation. Not really,” you said immediately. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to make you feel like you have to just because I was in a mood last night.”
“Okay, first of all, babe, stop. You were assaulted last night. You are fully within your right to have been in a ‘mood’ if that’s what you want to call it,” Kie said sternly. “And second, you were right. You do deserve a vacation. And I want to go with you. I don’t feel like I have to do anything. I want to be with you. I have some time I can take off, so I’m coming with you.” She paused. “Actually, I kind of took over. But you know what I mean.”
Despite yourself, exhaustion and stress and guilt included, you chuckled at her words. “Sounds like you,” you teased. You let out a sigh and moved your hands around her shoulders, locking behind her head. “Where are we going then, my love?”
“Athens,” she declared.
You sputtered. “Athens? Like…Greece?” you asked.
“Yes,” she said. “We both just got our passports renewed. We have enough time. And we’re going to love it.”
“I, uh, Kie that’s kind of a lot for a spur-of-the-moment trip, isn’t it?” you said, skeptical.
She shook her head. “I called my dad. He has a few travel agent friends who he hooked me up with. I talked to them this morning. I already have our flights booked and everything and by the time that we land they’re gonna have the hotel and transportation covered for us too. We’re all set. And I packed everything for us. I checked the weather and everything so I should have everything you could possibly need while we’re there. It’s gonna be mid-70s to low 80s while we’re there it seems like. So it’ll be a nice time,” Kie said, grinning at you. “And I already have a few things planned for places we can go and surprises I wanna show you. Actually—”
You cut your gorgeous, obscenely, and unfairly perfect girlfriend off with a searing kiss. “Kiara,” you interrupted, voice colored with amusement and adoration, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, babe,” she said, pausing, confused pucker to her brow.
“Thank you,” you said simply, pecking her lips again.
“For what?” she asked.
“Dealing with me…supporting me…planning this in literally less than twelve hours?” you suggested, laughing at her obliviousness to just how fucking amazing she was being right now.
Kie rolled her eyes. “Well, of course, idiot,” she said fondly. She looked into your eyes and gave you a loving smile that damn near took your breath away. “I love you. Doing this? For you? Easier than breathing, babe. Really.”
You sighed, melting into her touch more. “You make being corny cute. Even after all this time,” you said, unable to censor the thought.
It had the desired impact though. Predictably, your girlfriend flushed and swatted at your arm, pulling back from you. Having seen this coming, you grabbed her hand and pulled her into another searing kiss. Despite the blush on her cheek and the minor embarrassment you knew Kie felt at being called out for being so sweet to you, she leaned into the affection. She was, in fact, the one who lengthened and deepened the kiss, making it go on longer than even you had planned. You were definitely not complaining though. Still, when she pulled back she had a faux-put-upon look on her face.
“Look, I got you some coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Make sure you pack up whatever little things you want because we gotta catch a ferry today to get to the mainland. Our flight’s late tonight,” Kie said. Playfully, she slapped your ass. “So get a move on. We gotta get ready to go. The last ferry’s at 4 today and I wanna be on one before that.”
“Yes ma’am,” you said, swatting at her ass in retaliation before she could move away. She glared at you with absolutely no heat behind it and you gave her a shit-eating grin.
“You’re lucky I’m in love with you or I would beat your ass,” Kie said, voice holding absolutely not an ounce of threat to it.
“I know,” you said earnestly, taking her hand and pressing a kiss to it. “Believe me I know.”
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sun-undone · 11 months
the glimmer of light that we keep alive
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“Seriously though,” Cleo starts after a few more steps of comfortable silence. “She hasn’t left your side since we got here. She your bodyguard or something? Stalker? Clingy girlfriend?” And like the first few raindrops of an afternoon shower, JJ feels the dread start to pool again. Because of course he’s noticed how Kie only ever wants to go with him to collect supplies after Pope introduced the buddy system rule. Of course he’s noticed her body inching closer and closer to his after every sleepless night. If he thinks about it for more than two seconds, he knows exactly what that sinking feeling in his stomach means, what it meant earlier today for him to completely check out of the conversation at the first sign of any of the other Pogues noticing the things he’s noticed. If John B has started to catch on? Then it can’t just be his imagination. Something is different with Kie. With him and Kie.
Or, four missing scenes throughout the course of season three that show each of the Pogues being the massive Jiara shippers that we all know they are. jiara week day 7: missing scene
read the rest on ao3!
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inlovewithpandora · 3 months
"So, I Busted The Wrong Guy Out Of Jail, Sue Me." ᝰ JJ Maybank
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ᥫ᭡ — Tracklist ᝰ Genre Keys.!
✿ - fem!reader・❖ - gn!reader・♛ - black!reader
🌊 - pogue!reader・💰- kook!reader・💞 - pregnant!reader・🌸 - mom!reader
✲ - smut・※ - suggestive・❀ - fluff・♨︎ - angst・✂︎ - hurt・☂︎ - comfort
♥︎ - romance・★ - platonic・📥 - request・🗓️ - most recent fic
— new music pending.!
— new music pending.!
— new music pending.!
— new music pending.!
— new music pending.!
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bobsfic · 8 months
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Summary: What if Kiara was the one who got hit with the machete?
Word Count: 13,995
A/N: Shout out to the lovely anon who inspired this fic! <3
It feels like things are happening in slow motion – her hair fluttering in the breeze, the blinding glint of sunlight catching on steel as the machete approaches Kiara, a resounding thwack he knows he’ll hear echo in his nightmares. Her lips part in shock as she stumbles backwards from the force of the blow, her boots skittering across the rough floor of the ship while he fights to scramble to his feet, his own head cloudy…
Everything speeds up after that. It’s blurry – flashes of light, snatches of sounds that he can’t quite pin down. Honeyed curls floating through the air. The sound of a fist connecting with flesh, a strangled “Kie” in a voice he barely recognizes as his own.
He manages to struggle to his feet, powered by pure rage. He takes down the man with one solid punch to the face that carries all his fury and fear, before rushing to the edge of the ship and finding his worst nightmare below.
Read more on ao3!!
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eternalotus · 1 year
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breathe ; jiara
summary : the pogues return to the chateau after jj gets into a fight. he’s pissed like crazy as usual and kiara being the newly girlfriend she is helps him calm down and reassures him.
this is my first time writing a fic, my summers going pretty boring and i’ve been wanting to start writing stories, so enjoy!
Slamming the door shut to the twinkie, JJ cursed to himself stomping up the stairs of the chateau. “You gonna be able to deal with that?” Cleo looked at Kiara as she nodded her head. “I do all the time”. Just 30 minutes ago the pogues were all having fun at a bonfire, everything was going good until JJ saw some touron trying to get at his girl. He knows Kiara‘s a big girl and can handle herself but that dickwad had the nerve to start shouting at her, like a fucking maniac.
JJ thought that he the thought the alcohol in his system mad him trip for a second, next thing you know he was up on his feet pacing over seeing straight red.
flashback -
The sounds of music and laughter ringed through the crowd of teens. The boys were versing two kooks in ping pong, it was Pope’s turn to toss the ball he swapped places with John b whispering something in his ear laughing. “Come on bubba.” John B cheered him in giving him a quick shoulder massage. “Pope we can’t lose man get on his ass!” JJ stated.
They cheered him on while he concentrated, tossing the ball watching it skip each cup slowing down. The small crowd they had watched closely, the ball tilted into the last cup. Cheering his name, Pope dusted off his shoulders, taking the defeat the kook lifted the cup to his lips downing the whole drink, JJ howled “Atta boy Pope!” dabbing him up.
Suddenly feeling thirsty he lifted his cup to his lips expecting a cold tangy taste to hit his tongue but instead got nothing but a drop. “Yo, be back i needa a refill.” he shook his cup showing the boys, they waved him off.
Excusing himself through people making his way to the juice stand. Observing the opened cooler he stuck his hand in it, swaying his fingers searching for a beer. “Cold cold!” he squeaked feeling the ice cold water sting his digits, he swayed around for a few more seconds and grabbed a bottle hoping it was a beer.
Grabbing the can shaped object he pulled his hand out of the water and smirked. “JJ?” a voice spoke, he turned around and his eyes went wide-eyed seeing a green eyed blonde curly headed girl “Sa-Samantha?” he stuttered, she smiled “It’s been a long time.” she spoke.
“Uh….yeah” his voice sorta cracked, she giggled “My family came down to visit my aunts new baby, so i’m here for the whole week.” she said excitedly. He nodded giving her a fake smile “Uh that’s great.” turning his attention back to his beer, opening the can pouring it into his cup. “If your not busy or anything i was thinking..maybe you wanna get out of here?” she bit her lip.
JJ sighed placing his cup down, “Look Samaria- Samantha.” she corrected him. “Yea yea, see i’m not on the market anymore but i’m sure their’s a nice young fello over their waiting to scoop you up.” he pointed out a boy in a green button up shirt whispering to his friends looking at her. The girl blinked a few times “Really? because i didn’t see you come here with anyone?” the blonde rolled his eyes in annoyance blocking out the girls pitchy voice as she continued to go on.
An echo of shouting ringed in his ear, he looked up to see who was about to get into a scrap because only in the obx you can’t have a decent party without somebody shoving or insulting the other person and not getting a punch to the face. Looking off into the distant he squinted his eyes trying to get a better look, his blurry vision was not helping but he saw a boy and a girl going at it.
Listening closely to the girls voice it sounded familiar to him. Eyes focusing on her trying to get a better view he spotted her curly brown hair and blonde highlights, she also wore green converse. The guy standing in front of her started getting in her face, she pulled a piece of her hair behind her ear and JJ got a clear view of her side profile.
Their was some shithead yelling at his girl, getting in her face like he was about to do something. His jaw clenched, slightly his fingers started squeezing his cup, 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘤𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘫, 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘤𝘰𝘰𝘭. Watching them going back and forth the guy smacked her cup out of her hand, that trigged it. Dropping his cup not even caring about the beer splashing on his shirt he bolted over there getting close enough to where he shoved the guy.
“The fuck is your problem?!” he spat, the boy now laying on the sand got up dusting himself off. Kiara looked at him “Jay it’s fine, i’m okay.” she gave him a small smile. He looked at her, eyes wondering over her face checking if she was okay, his eyes snapped back to the boy, “Who the fuck are you?! You just go around pushing people you don’t know?” the guy spat back.
JJ scoffed “Nah but you should be asking yourself something like that, you go around picking fights with girls. What are you a fucking sissy?” giving him a dirty look. People started luring in, phones started to be pulled out of pockets. “Oh i see…is this your boyfriend?” the boy looked at Kiara and laughed “Don’t fucking talk to her!” JJ shoved him again creating a barrier between them.
Sound of ouu’s ran through like a wave, “Jayj.” Kiara looked at him with worry eyes. “Don’t even give him your energy.” she mumbled to him, “You let her bitch you? You getting bitched on?.” the boy continued on, JJ was getting tenser, the blood in his body rushing to his fist, Kiara could feel his body tightening from the grip she had on his forearm.
“Bitched? Your getting in her face yelling at her like she’s some fucking dude!” squeezing his knuckles so tight they started turning white. “Yea well she’s got a lot of mouth on her, don’t you cupcake?” Kiara rolled her eyes flipping him off. “Hey jackass, when a girl kindly tells you to fuck off the first go you don’t keep trying to go at her.” her eyes bored into his.
Feeling his breathing giving heavy, JJ tried to calm down. “I asked you for a drink and you started bitching off.” he threw his hands up, causing JJ fist to twitch. Still holding on his forearm Kiara continued “Uh yea and i told you no thank you than you started talking to me clearly not seeing that i was uninterested until i showed you which came to the conclusion of you now yelling at me.”
“Your not even that special, don’t overhype your head bitch.” his nostrils flared. Being held back by Kiara was not helping “Jay come on.” she focused her attention back on him, “Yeah listen to your bitch.” the voice of the touron kept going through his ears, him and Kie made an agreement where whenever somebody pushed his buttons trying to persuade him in a fight, all he had to do was just walk away.
But this fucker was speaking out of his neck disrespecting his girl, he exhaled the air he had built up in him about to turn around and walk away “Instead of you talking shit you can put your mouth to better use, like sucking my dick you slutty whor-“ he was cut off by JJ delivering a sharp punch to his jaw.
The boy stumbled back while people started chanting “Fight! Fight! Fight!” he looked at the blood dripping on his fingers, spitting to the side he got up and stumbled on JJ. “Pope! John B!” Kiara yelled out to the boys. They rushed over such as Cleo and Sarah who were in their own conversation, “Hey, you good?” Sarah placed her hands on Kiara’s face, she nodded looking at the two boys fighting on the sand.
The touron landed a few punches to JJ’s side but he threw sand in his face and flipped them over now on top of boy sending straight decks to his face. He could hear her shouting his name but that couldn’t stop him, he was seeing red. the boy’s face started getting bruised and bloody. John b grabbed his shirt trying to separate him from the boy, so did Pope.
“JJ, the hell get off him!” John b struggled to get a hold of the blonde. Kiara felt shallow and breathy, “Jayj! JJ!” she shouted. Finally managing to separate him from the now poorly beaten touron, they pulled JJ up hooking their arms around his.
“Shit man, you fucked him up.” Pope mumbled. “Let’s go.” Cleo said walking to the twinkie. Pope and Sarah catch up with Cleo, still looking at the boy on the floor he was still heated, gritting his teeth. “JJ go!” Kiara pushed him towards the van.
flashback over -
John b shut the door “He’ll be good in a few, might sleep it off.” Kiara scoffed “Well then clearly you don’t know JJ.” she got out the van following behind him. She thanked him for holding the door and went inside going to the bathroom to get the First Aid Kit, already knowing where he would be she opened the screen door to the backyard. Their he was laying in the hammock rocking his legs back and forth looking off into the dark distance.
“Knock knock.” she spoke setting the box down on the chair walking up to him. He turned around seeing her, “Sup.” then turned back around. She pouted picking the box back up and taking her place on the hammock forcing him to move over. She observed his face, he was biting his nails and bouncing his leg. “That was pretty rad dude.” she said, twisting his lips trying to hide his smile he turned his head the other way.
He mumbled a sentence under his breath “What was that?” she raised an eyebrow. He shook his head “nothing.” playfully rolling her eyes she sighed, “Let me see those sausage fingers.” she held her hand out waiting for him to place his hand on hers. “Sausage fingers? Yea okay giraffe legs.” he shot her a dirty look placing his hand in hers. Looking at his hand she sighed suddenly feeling guilt wash over her, taking his eyes off his hand he looked at her. “Hey, what’s up?” he asked concerned.
She shook her head “We’ve talked about this Jayj. Not letting meaningless things get into your head.” looking up at him with tears building up in her eyes. He caressed her cheek moving his hand to her chin “It wasn’t meaningless though Kie and you know that.” he pointed out. Frowning she opened the box taking out some alcohol wipes and gauze.
JJ pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, he’s been learning all this new stuff about being in a relationship and being open more, he is new to being a boyfriend and he wanted to be the best he could even if that means he had to force himself to agree with the things he didn’t agree too. But this was different because he cared, he cared about Kiara. She’s one of the things that he cherishes in his heart, he loves her and wants nothing but to protect her at all times, and he surely wasn’t going to let someone or anybody speak bad on her.
With his uninjured hand he gently caressed her thigh, “I’m sorry…i truly am it’s just…Kiara he was all in your face like..like he was about to do something and it triggered me.” he spoke softly, she ripped open a pack of alcohol wipes taking a sheet out. Nodding signaling him that she was listening as she placed the wipe on his hands causing him to hiss.
“Sorry” she mumbled cleaning the blood off his knuckles, when she was done she placed the now bloody wipe on her leg and blew on his hand. “I was..i don’t know shooken up a bit.” his tongue rolled in his cheek. She finished patching his hand up gently rubbing circles over them, he felt himself getting tense again replaying back of what the touron guy said.
Removing her hands from his knuckles she rested her hands on both sides of his face “Hey.” she gave him a faint smile. His eyes shifted down looking at the space between them tapping her leg, “I understand and i’m sorry that you had a moment, you know that i hate seeing you get hurt.” he swallowed the lump in his throat nodding.
“My love….you know that i love you right?” she pressed her head against his. “Yea i know.” she gently rubbed her nose against his, his hands moved up to her waist. She pressed a gentle kiss onto his lips, she gives him butterflies every time. “Do you really?!” her voice squealed, he giggled nodding. She furrowed her eyebrows “Does Jesse Maybank know that i’m madly in love with him?” she gripped his shirt. “Why do you gotta go all federal?” he whined.
She giggled “Because that’s your name and i love it, Jesse…Hey Jesse ouuuu!” she sung the anthem to Jessie. He quickly smacked his hand against her mouth shushing her “Hey hush, i don’t want them finding out my name!” he whisper yelled. Playfully shoving her she gasped, he pulled out a joint and a lighter from his pocket. “Hey! Don’t light that blunt until i get back or your ass is grass!” she said getting up.
“Where are you going?” he quirked an eyebrow holding her finger, she lifted her hand up showing the used up wipes and wrappers “To throw your nasty dirty bandages away- I’m serious too don’t smoke that joint without me!” she closed the screen door. She knows he won’t.
He leaned back into the hammock, closing his eyes listening to the crickets chirping and the wind blowing low. The sound of the screen door opened, Kiara came out with a blanket, “figured it would get cold.” tossing it on him. Sitting down again she tossed her leg over his, he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer as she rested her head on his chest, she fixed the covers on them getting comfortable.
Lighting the blunt he took a pull then passed it to her, she took it out of his hands taking a pull herself feeling the smoke fill up her insides, exhaling. “You know your my one and only right?” Kiara spoke. His hands moved up and down her back “I love you.” he spoke softly, she smiled looking up at him through her lashes with adoration.
“I love you.” she kissed his neck, they were each others safe space and that couldn’t be taken away from them. They both can only understand each other on the same level.
“You and me.”
“You and me.”
They spent the rest of their night, warm and cozy in each other’s presence sharing kisses and cuddles.
please! tell me how did i do?! i hope you enjoyed!!
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erinchristmaselvis · 11 months
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JIARA WEEK 2023 - DAY 6: Fic to gif ↳ Through the storm, We Reach the Shore by @jojameswinter❤️ (Chapter 1/?)
"He assumes the flip in his stomach is just the hunger, but it it’s all very unsettling. He doesn’t need or want any other friends, and he really doesn’t understand why John B decided to randomly bring this girl to their lunch table. 
Well. Aside from the obvious. JJ had plenty of shit on his mind and so he wasn’t really there yet – noticing classmates like that. 
But other people were. 
And she’s exactly the kind of girl that other people (not him) would notice. "
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spitefulwriters · 5 months
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JJ Maybank x Kiara Carrera (3.1K) JJ and Kie happen to bump into each other at an event. By chance. Totally by chance. 18+
“You’re kidding.” 
Pope’s head turned to look his way, his brows furrowed together slightly at the biting tone in his friend’s voice. He noticed something catching the blond’s attention, found his gaze following to see what had caught his attention. 
Not what.
The boy’s face softened and something quite like sympathy shone in his eyes. Not that JJ noticed, not at all. His eyes were locked on the body across the room, watching the figure move amongst the crowd, movements so fluid it almost felt like a dance. And fuck, he didn’t want to look away. 
“JJ,” he murmured under his breath, nudging the boy with his elbow until those blue eyes snapped around to look at him. “Listen, man, I didn’t know she was going to be here—”
But JJ just shook his head.
“It’s fine,” he said like it was true, like he wasn’t gripping the glass with obscenely expensive whiskey in his hand so tight it could shatter. 
Pope didn’t look convinced. “I know the breakup was hard—”
“I said it was fine, Pope,” JJ bit out between gritted teeth. 
Because it was fine. It was so fine. And even if it wasn’t fine, he wasn’t about to show that to Pope. He needed to keep this up. He needed to keep up the facade in front of Pope and John B and everyone else attending this stupid museum gala. He would smile, he would drink this stupid whiskey and he would pretend like the collar of his suit wasn’t cutting off his circulation. 
He would do it because he had to.
“I’m gonna go get a refill,” he announced aimlessly as he tore his eyes away from his friend, clearing his throat a little.
Pope frowned. “But you haven’t—”
He was cut off as JJ downed the rest of the whiskey in his glass, allowing the liquid to burn down his throat before slamming the glass on the table. 
“Like I said,” the blond flashed him a smile. “I need a refill.”
He didn’t give his friend much of a chance to say anything as he wandered away from their table, pushing through the crowd with half-hearted apologies mumbled under his breath. He glanced at the bar, contemplating getting another drink but thought against it. He needed to be as close to sober he could get. 
He needed to stay sharp. 
JJ ignored the questioning looks and the lame attempts of random old, rich people reaching out to talk to him. He knew what they wanted, he knew they just wanted to talk to him just so they could say they did. 
One of The Six. 
That was all they cared about. For his whole life, people cared about his name. They cared that he was Luke Maybank’s son, that he was another Maybank generation of disappointment, that he was just a lowlife that would achieve nothing in his life like his ancestors before him. His whole fucking life revolved around his name. 
And after El Dorado, it seemed like nothing really changed. People didn’t care about him, not a single bit. They just cared about what his name was attached to, like a shiny, new toy hanging in front of them that they were desperate to dig their claws into. They cared about what his name could do for them. 
JJ didn’t know which one was worse. 
JJ didn’t know if it made him a little twisted to miss the lack of expectations people had for him, when he was young and stupid and didn’t realise what the pitying looks from his teachers meant when they saw the blues and purples colouring his skin. 
He just wanted to go back to when he was a fucking nobody to everyone. 
Everyone but her.
“I thought we agreed to wait half an hour.” 
JJ lifted his head from against the wall, blinking his eyes open as the whirling thoughts came to a sudden halt and every cell in his body was screaming for something else. He blinked once, then twice before he let out a shuddering breath. 
Kiara Carrera was gorgeous. 
It wasn’t an opinion or an observation. It was just a fact. A plain and simple fact. Humans needed air to breathe, the Earth revolved around the sun, there were twenty-six letters in the English alphabet and Kiara Carrera was so damn pretty that it made his heart hurt.
She was pretty when she was laying in bed, her curls a mess on her head and her eyes still blinking away the sleep as she reached out for him. She was pretty when she was mad, her nose scrunching and her glare biting him in a way that excited him. She was even pretty when she was sad, those glossy eyes staring at him like he had the answer to everything. 
But pretty didn’t even begin to cover how fucking breath-taking she looked in front of him right now. 
The dress was a deep red, silk and flowing and clinging onto the curves of her body in a way that would make Aphordite jealous. The peak of her skin just made him spiral further, making it a little harder to breathe when he knew exactly how soft and smooth it felt under his fingertips. The way her curls cascaded down her shoulders, hints of lighter strands from the days spent in the sun after hours of surfing the same waves they have been riding for years. 
But it was the lips that got him.
The lips that were the same fucking colour as the stupid dress she was wearing. 
The lips he wanted to fucking feel against him. 
“When have you ever known me to stick to the plan?” He retorted, suddenly wishing he had grabbed the extra drink from the bar when he felt how dry his mouth was. 
Her lips twitched upwards. “Or be patient.” 
A beat passed as they both stared at each other, feeling a million miles away from the gala in the abandoned hallway. They let themselves bask in the moment, in their own little bubble of frozen time before he couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Fuck, I missed you.”
Something in his chest eased the second he wrapped his arms around her, tugging her into his chest as he buried his face into the crook of her neck. He took a deep breath, letting the smell of her vanilla perfume overwhelm him until his lungs were full of it. He felt her sink into the embrace, felt her body sag against his and it was the closest he had ever felt to coming home.
“I hate this,” she murmured as her hands fisted the material of his blazer between her fingers, like she was scared someone was going to pull him away from her. “I really hate this.”
“Me too, baby, me too,” he murmured back, his lips brushing against the junction of her neck that he knew would have her crumbling in his hands in seconds. “But we gotta do it. We can’t risk them knowing, can’t risk them taking you away from me.” 
And maybe that was the hardest part of it all.
JJ was used to acting first and thinking later. He never cared about the consequences when it came to himself, he never really had a sense of self-preservation. It wasn’t that he never valued his life, he just didn’t go out of his way to care about it as much as he should have. But when nobody else really cared for you, was there ever a reason to care about yourself?
But this was different. This wasn’t just about him. He wasn’t the one who would get punished if they found it. 
When he had broken Kiara out of Kitty Hawk, it seemed like a no-brainer. There were no thoughts about the consequences or the repercussions. He just knew he needed to get her out of there, he just needed her. 
The Carrera’s didn’t see it as much. 
Even on their return from El Dorado, even when the rest of the world saw them as heroes and explorers and the best thing to happen to the island—her parents saw it as rebellion. 
And JJ was always in the middle of it.
But with the fear of her parents sending her away—somewhere far away where he couldn’t ever reach her again—they had to play it smart. With the months ticking away until Kiara’s eighteenth birthday, they had to just bite their tongues and keep her parents in the dark until they couldn’t act on their threats anymore. 
Kiara never cared about her inheritance or a trust fund or anything else they could blackmail her with. Nothing mattered more to her than her freedom, and in a few months, that would be all hers too. 
It just really fucking sucked that it meant they had to play this part, had to play into this stupid act. It sucked that they couldn’t even risk telling their friends or anyone else they trusted. It sucked that he had to pretend every day that he had moved on—that he was moving on. 
It really fucking sucked that after years of pining and wanting and yearning, it would be the last few months that really tipped JJ Maybank over the edge. It was like his own personal form of torture to stay away, to keep away when he had gotten a taste of Kiara Carrera before she was ripped away from him again. 
“I know,” Kiara sighed, the words sounding heavier than they ever should from someone as young as her.
“It would make it a lot easier if you warned me about lil’ numbers like these,” he commented after a few seconds, something inside him desperate to see her smile again. 
Kiara snorted and he felt himself grinning at the sound. She pulled back, glancing down at her dress before looking at him with an innocent expression. “What ever could you mean?” She teased, playful and sounding a little more like the Kiara he loved before treasure hunts and meddling parents ruined them. “You can’t tell me this is getting you all hot and bothered, Maybank?”
“You could wear a trash bag and I would be on my knees, Kiara,” he retorted, the words earnest and sincere and her name just sounding like the end of a promise.
Her cheeks flushed but she didn’t look away. “Really know how to make a girl swoon, Jay.”
“Not a girl,” he shook his head, his hands gripping her waist like she would disappear. “Just you, baby.”
“Jay,” she breathed out, finding herself rendered speechless at the hands of JJ Maybank once again. 
It had been far too long since he held her in his arms, since he was able to shamelessly say every thought that came to his head instead of having to hide behind the facade of broken exes. It had been far too long since he was able to tell her, since he was able to see her cheeks flush all pretty and pink and know he was the reason behind it.
His eyes dropped to her painted lips. “We should probably head back to the gala before somebody notices we are missing.” 
She nodded dumbly. “Yeah, probably.”
“We can’t blow our cover, Kie,” he continued, his body moving on autopilot to follow her as she took one step back and then another.
“Of course,” she answered, walking back step by step until her back hit the wall. 
“We don’t have much time,” he whispered, something stronger than desire burning in the pit of his stomach as her tongue darted out to lick her lips. 
“We needed much time,” she retorted, and JJ couldn’t bring himself to care about the voice in the back of his head screaming that it was a bad idea. 
He could go back to moping in his yearning and bubbling feelings later, he could break the facade for just a little while. 
The sound of her moan was muffled the second his lips pressed against hers, his hands engulfing her face like she was his lifeline. In so many ways, she honestly was. 
It didn’t matter that somebody could wander down this random hallway and see them. It didn’t matter that everyone they had been hiding their secret from were only a few walls away. It didn’t matter that it was risky and stupid and an unnecessary danger to their plan. 
It wasn’t a logical decision at all but, then again, he didn’t have much use for logic when it came to Kiara.
“You’re gorgeous,” he breathed against her lips between kisses, his heart thundering in his chest when she let out a delighted noise. His head dropped to her neck, his lips touching every inch of skin he could to cover them with hopeful kisses. “You are fucking breath-taking, Kiara.”
“Jay,” she said, the tone in her voice was some twisted mix of a warning and a plea that thrilled him.
“I meant what I said,” he continued as his hands fisted the material of her silk dress between his fingers as it bunched at her hips. “You could wear anything, baby, anything and it would get me on my knees.”
Her lips parted in surprise as she watched him slowly descend down her body, nosing at her dress until his knees hit the carpeted ground. She pressed herself against the wall like it would help, like it would ground her enough when he lifted his head, his cheeks flushed and his hair dropping in front of his eyes as he looked up at her like a goddamn greek tragedy. 
“Please, baby,” he whispered, breathless and absolutely at her mercy as his hands wrapped around her calves. “I need it, Kie. I need it so fucking bad.” 
She didn’t even realise she had been nodding until he let out a groan, pulling one of her legs over his shoulder as his lips pressed against the bare skin of her thighs.
His hands squeezed the fat of her thighs, basking in the feel of her soft skin under his touch as he pressed one, two, three kisses along her inner thigh. He pushed the skirt of her dress up until it pooled at her waist, until he was able to slot himself between his legs like he had dreamed about pathetically for the last few weeks.
“Shit, baby,” he groaned as his fingers brushed against the waistband of her panties, if they could even be called as much. They were black and lacy and barely made of any fabric, and fuck, it made his head spin.
“Didn’t want it to ruin the dress,” she simply said, a teasing grin on her lips that he just wanted to kiss off her face. 
“You’re a fuckin’ tease,” he groaned, his forehead pressed against her hip but he couldn’t help but smile as she laughed. 
She pushed her fingers through his hair, pulling his head back so she could see the heated look in his eyes. “They are a part of a set.”
His lips parted in surprise. “Kiara.”
“I’ll wear it for you sometime,” she added, blood roaring in her ears as she spoke.
He cocked a brow. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” she nodded, swallowing thickly. “Unless you get us caught.”
His eyes darkened and something mischievous washed over his expression as he grinned up at her. “Better keep quiet then, baby.”
It was fucking sinful to have JJ Maybank on his knees for her. To have him dressed up in a sleek suit that cost more than either of them cared to admit, to have him groaning and panting and pawing at her like he was a starved man who craved her. To have his head buried between her legs, one hand keeping her pushed open and the other pushing the fabric of her panties to the side.
Her head fell back as she slapped her hand over her mouth, a noise whiny and pathetic quickly muffled as she felt his tongue pressing slow, deliberate circles against her clit. Her eyes fluttered shut as he pulled her closer, as she let him because it felt like every cell in her body sacrificed itself to JJ Maybank the second he got his hands on her.
“Shit, Jay, please.” The words slurred together as she felt the coil in her stomach twist, as she felt an overwhelming urge to squeeze her thighs around his head.
“I got you, baby,” he groaned, his nails digging into her skin like she would be ripped away from him, like somebody would take away the taste of heaven away from his lips. His nose brushed against her clit as he glanced up at her, as he watched her chest heave with soft pants. “Atta girl, Kiara.” 
His hands gripped her thighs as she shook under his touch, as her body shuddered with every lick against her pussy. He groaned as she engulfed him completely with her taste and her smell and her moans and everything herherher.
His eyes fluttered shut as her thighs pushed against his ear, as her hands gripped his hair, as her heel dug into his back. His groans vibrated against her shuddering body as she came, as she let herself mutter his name on a loop like a broken record. His whole body burned for this to be forever, for the rest of the world to disappear and leave just the two of them to stay exactly where they were for the rest of their lives.
“Fuck,” Kiara breathed out, her head hitting the wall behind her with a low thump before she huffed out a laugh. “We are stupid.”
“Maybe,” he hummed as he pressed a kiss onto her shaky thighs, and then one more for good measure because he couldn’t bring himself to pull away from her just yet. “But stupid things have—”
“—good outcomes all the time,” she finished with a grin on her face. 
“And this was the best goddamn outcome ever,” he murmured as his hands glided up and down her thighs, like it physically pained him to pull his touch away from her. Maybe because it did. 
“Yeah,” she murmured, a soft expression on her face as she reached down, as her fingertips brushed over his face. “We just gotta ride out this stupid plan for a few months.”
He turned his head, catching her wrist as he pressed a light kiss on the palm of her hand. “Soon, baby. Some outcomes are so good that we just have to wait a little for them.”
“Soon,” she repeated like a mantra, like both of them had been doing every single day. 
Soon. Soon. Soon.
Just not yet.
-Roxy (SW3)
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jojameswinter · 3 months
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It kinda feels like that now, staring down at the freefall, wondering if he can leap and make it out in one piece. He couldn’t do it then, but in those rare and hopeful moments he’d think someday. Someday she’d mean it, someday he’d say it back. Someday felt so far away. Someday feels a lot like now. 
Read chapter 7 here on Ao3!
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