#kikoru packs
ephemic · 3 months
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⠀⠀♥︎ ≀ kaiju no 8 (manga) random icons !!
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sonicasura · 2 months
Rowlet's Day Out
Trainer: Well wish you guys luck for your training today. Hopefully everything goes smoothly for you all.
Trainer was saying there goodbyes too the Defense Force Trio, as there couple days of relaxation had come to an end.
Kafka: I will call you tonight when everyones settled down. OH! And make sure that if your gonna go anywhere you at least text me so I know where you are.
Trainer: Ok Kafka, I hear ya, don't worry everything will be Munkidori.
Reno: Don't you mean Hunky-Dory!
Trainer: Nope!
Kikoru: Well glad you are actually being responsible Kafka, now don't be late you two or else you may be stuck on cleaning duty.
Before Kafka and Reno could respond, Kikoru turns too look out the window and sees, her faithful butler since she was little Yamato Akiyama ( Had to call the Butler something) waiting by the car too take her too Tachikawa Base.
Letting out a happy hum, she starts preparing to leave
Kikoru: Well my ride is here * Starts picking up bags* Hope to see you there and not on the side of the street pushing that old tin can on wheels.
As Kikoru walked out of Reno's house she couldn't help but giggle at Kafka's yelling about talking bad about the company car.
Yamato: Ah Miss Shinomiya, glad to see you in such high spirits. Please allow me too place your bags in the back seat for you.
Letting out a soft thank you, Kikoru took her seat in the passengers side as Yamato swiftly and gently placed her bags in the back seat.
The drive too the Base was filled with peaceful silence, so Kikoru was surprised when Yamato ended up speaking.
Yamato: Miss Kikoru, I hope you don't mind me saying but I have noticed lately that you have been in very high spirits. I take this too mean that you acclimated well to the Defense Force.
The question took Kikoru off guard, but she responded quickly.
Kikoru: Oh yes, I have taken quite nicely too the Defense Force and the other Officers. It is quite nice, everyone there is so nice and they are willing to lend a hand. Especially another new officer like me, her name is Akari and is usually the first after a training session to ask if everyone is ok and if they need some sort of medical attention. OH! And then there's Hakua she's very boisterious and she has a seemingly endless stomach, there was this one time she had a mountain of rice and....
The conversation went on like this for the entire drive towards the base with Kikoru talking about her experiences and the friends she made at the base, all while Yamato sliently listened happy that Kikoru was thriving and making new friends that she could count on.
However unkown to both of them, one of Kikoru's bags lightly shaked on it's own before stopping.
Before Kikoru Left
Rowlet was woken up by the hustle and bustle of the morning with everyone eating there breakfests and packing to leave. Rowlet let out of huge yawn as they peeked there head out of the little cushioned bird house that was made for them. Trainer was there putting together everyones breakfest, Kafka frantically packed up all there belongings as they forgot the night before too do so. Reno chastised him for being so forgetfull. Overall it was very noisy and Rowlet wanted a nice quiet plave too nap, so there next spot was the living room, however it was still to noisy, so they tried resting a top a shelf, however that didn't work either as the sun's glare hit them from a nearby window, so they countinued on searching for a good napping spot. That when Rowlet found it Kikoru's special bag she had yailored made to house Rowlet when ever the group went out for walks, it was perfect and Rowlet quickly snuggled into the bag and promptly went back to Dreamland. Unknown to anybody, as Kikoru picked up the bag along with the others and walked out of the house.
Tachikawa Base
After Kikoru got herself settled and changed into her ttaining clothes she left her room she shared with the other female officers not knowing that Rowlet was in the bag and slowly waking up. Rowlet now getting the rest of there nap done, slowly peaked there head out of the bag only to be met with a wholey unfamiliar sight. A odd room with a bunch of bunkbeds and no Trainer or other Pokemon in sight. Befuddled by there new surrondings they immediately started to explore the room. There was nothing here really so they decided to explore more of the Base, it wasn't tricky to open the door and soon started fluttering through the hallways. Oblivious to the camera that Rowlet kept on passing, thankfully no seemed too notice the little Grass Owl Pokemon and Rowlet kept on with there own little adventure. It was awhile before Rowlet came across something amazing, an empty cafe with sweet treets on the counter left ripe for the taking. Of course Rowlet just had too start munching down on all the delicious sweets, however this is when trouble appeared. As during Rowlet's sweet feast they made quite a bit of noise, and it ended up alerting a white tiger that was passing by.
A loud growling sound is what caused Rowlet to turn his attention away from all the sweets. When Rowlet met the maker of the noise he froze in absolute fear, as Rowlet was being stared down by none other than Bakko, Captain Ashiro's resolute companion. For a good 10 seconds the 2 just stared at eachother before all Hell broke lose. Raucous noise broke out in front of the cafe, before a panicked Rowlet darted out quickly flying away while holding a Donut in there beak. Bakko quickly gave chase, not wanting to let the intruder get away. Though thankfully for Rowlet, being airborne let them have a full-proof escape option of heading out a open window in the main hallways second floor. Bakko ended up not being able to follow as the time they made it up the stairs Rowlet had long since flown away.
Rowlet had taken up residence in a tree near the training area, having to make sure they weren't about to be jumped by a white tiger. When Rowlet was postive about having made there grand escape they began munching on there donut. Once again Rowlet began to enjoy themselves, there sweet treat, the sun shining on them, it is perfect.
???: WOW that Owl is so cute!!! I wonder what kind of Owl it is?
Rowlet who had just finished there donut, got startled by a loud voice from under them. Looking down they were met with the excited gaze of a very tall woman with reddish pink hair.
???: OHH THERE SO CUTE!!! Aw man, I wish I had something to give you, just so you come down and I could get a better look at you!!!
Rowlet Owlish blinked before blushing and letting out a happy coo at the praise.
???: HAKUA! I finally found you, I have been looking all over for you, come on we have too go back trainings starting again.
Hakua: Akari! OH come over here quickly you have too see this Owl there adorable!!!
Akari who is quite short with short black hair, went over to stand next too the now named Hakua.
Akari: Oh wow! Your right that Owl is super cute, though the Owl looks incredibly odd. You don't think it's some sort of Youju do you!
Hakua: WHAT?! Don't be ridiculous that Owl is way to adorable to be some ugly kaiju, beside it hasn't even attacked us, no kaiju is this calm.
Akari: Ya, you got a point, though that Owl sort of reminds me of those strange kaiju that have been appearing throughout the past 3 months.
As the 2 girls countinued talking, Rowlet just looked at them curiously, but that was soon replaced with terror when Rowlet heard a roar and turned to see Bakko dashing towards the tree. So Rowlet quickly fled to the skies, flying as quickly as they could as Bakko quickly closed the distance. Bakko who was not willing to let Rowlet get away a second quickly climbed up some of the nearby sheds and lept towards Rowlet to try and catch them, all while the 2 girls yelled at Bakko to stop. Wether Bakko would have caught Rowlet was up in the air as a ring appeared above Rowlet and pulled them through and like a amazing magician they dissapeared leaving a confused Akari, Hakua, and Bakko.
Back at Reno's House, Rowlet was pulled through one of Hoopa's rings and back home from there little adventure.
Trainer: Rowlet!!! There you are I was so worried about you. It's not safe too wander off like that around hear, thankfully Hoopa tracked you down in no time. Well your back and being worried doesn't help, so let's just get something to munch on, OK!
Rowlet let out a happy chirp of there name as Rowlet followed Trainer and Hoopa too the kitchen for some more sweet treats.
Okonogi sat going over the secruity footage just too make sure everything was ok.
Okonogi: Well everything is ok and 100% prank free, now too get those reports down.
As Okonogi drank some of her coffe for the long night ahead, glanced back at the screen causing her to comically spit out her coffe
On the the screen showed Rowlet flying through the various halls exploring the place
Rowlet doesn't know how much chaos they just stirred up in base, lol. Okonogi definitely shows the footage to Mina and Soshiro alongside interview the two officers who saw the stranger kaiju. It was clear that the little fellow looked lost but no one knew where exactly he came from.
Hoopa warping them away is enough to link the newest addition to Trainer.
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ichosogf · 3 years
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⌕ ˓  kikoru shinomiya layouts ⌗
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enhajeans · 3 years
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֢ 🗯️ 怪獣8号8はエキサイティングな漫画です。読み終えたばかりで、さらに更新が必要です。これらのアイコンを保持してください。
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mylifeissuperboring · 2 years
Books read in 2019
[2017] [2018]
January (9 Books)
Eleanor Roosevelt Vol. 3 by Blanche Cook (Non-fiction) Muslim Girl by Amani Al-Khatahtbeh (Non-fiction) Dirty Job by Christopher Moore (Fiction) Persepolis 2 by Marjane Satrapi (Non-fiction, Comic) Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan (Fiction) We Will Not Be Silent by Russell Freedman (Non-fiction) Marvel Rising Vol. 1 by Devin Grayson (Comic) Evicted by Matthew Desmond (Non-fiction) Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (Fiction)
February (8 books)
Rabbit Cake by Anne Hartnett (Fiction) Yes Please by Amy Poehler (Non-fiction) Bitch Planet Vol. 2 by Kelly Sue DeConnick (Comic) Adulthood is a Myth by Sarah Anderson (Non-fiction, Comic) This Land Is Their Land by Barbara Ehrenreich (Non-fiction) Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 2 by Robbie Morrison (Comic) So You Want To Be a Modern Homesteader by Kirsten Lie-Nelson (Non-fiction) The DC Universe by Neil Gaiman (Comic)
March (12 books)
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck (Fiction) Under a Painted Sky by Stacey Lee (Fiction) Becoming by Michelle Obama (Non-fiction) Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan (Fiction) The Girl from the Other Side Vol. 4 by Nagabe (Manga) The Girl from the Other Side Vol. 5 by Nagabe (Manga) The Girl from the Other Side Vol. 6 by Nagabe (Manga) Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 5 by Ryoko Kui (Manga) Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 6 by Ryoko Kui (Manga) Giant Spider & Me Vol. 1 by Kikoru Morino (Manga) Giant Spider & Me Vol. 2 by Kikoru Morino (Manga) We Are Never Meeting in Real Life by Samantha Irby (Non-fiction)
April (3 books)
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo (Non-fiction) Spark Joy by Marie Kondo (Non-fiction) Parable of the Talents by Octavia Butler (Fiction)
May (4 books)
Dungeons and Dragons and Philosophy by Various (Non-fiction) Stories by Various (Fiction) The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden (Fiction) Atlas Obscura by Joshua Foer (Non-fiction)
June (4 books)
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green (Fiction) How to Grow Up by Michelle Tea (Non-fiction) Apollo 8 by Jeffrey Kluger (Non-fiction) Rad American Women A-Z by Kate Schatz (Non-fiction)
July (4 books)
Organic Gardening by Charles Dowding (Non-fiction) Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali (Non-fiction) Love and Resistance by Various (Non-fiction) The Soil Will Save Us by Kirsten Ohlson (Non-fiction)
August (7 books)
We Need New Names by NoViolet Bulawayo (Fiction) Eloquent Rage by Brittney Cooper (Non-fiction) Squirrel Girl Vol. 9: Squirrels Fall Like Dominoes by Ryan North (Comic) Death Masks by Jim Butcher (Fiction) 2 Fuzzy 2 Furious by Shannon Hale (Fiction) How Dare the Sun Rise by Sandra Uwiringiyimana (Non-fiction) Deadpool Classic Vol. 8 by Frank Tieri (Comic)
September (8 books)
The Geek Feminist Revolution by Kameron Hurley (Non-fiction) Embroideries by Marjane Satrapi (Non-fiction, Comic) Percy Jackson: The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan (Fiction) The Coaching Habit by Michael Stanier (Non-fiction) Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett (Fiction) Fullmetal Alchemist Vol. 5 by Hiromu Arakawa (Manga) Why Does He Do That by Lundy Bancroft (Non-fiction) Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 3 by Nick Abadzis (Comic)
October (5 books)
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes (Fiction) Farm City by Novella Carpenter (Non-fiction) Percy Jackson: The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan (Fiction) Hunger by Roxane Gay (Non-fiction) Squirrel Girl Vol. 10: Life Is Too Short, Squirrel by Ryan North (Comic)
November (6 books)
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 4 by Nick Abadzis (Comic) 13 Clocks by James Thurber (Fiction) Daring to Drive by Manal Al-Sharif (Non-fiction) Packing for Mars by Mary Roach (Non-fiction) Hogfather by Terry Pratchett (Fiction) Blood Rites by Jim Butcher (Fiction)
December (6 books)
Jingo by Terry Pratchett (Fiction) Rejected Princesses by Jason Porath (Non-fiction) The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Fiction) Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 5 by Nick Abadzis (Comic) The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater (Fiction) 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Márquez (Fiction)
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sonicasura · 3 months
Know Your Not Alone
Kikoru couldn't stop the Honju's assault, she was already expending all her energy, to stop the bleeding from the strikes that humanoid Kaiju did. Though despite it all she still got back up and attack, however in her current brutalized form she couldn't even scratch the Monster before her. Which led to the Monster swiping it's claws aganist her causing even more injuries, eventually her desperate fighting got her right arm broken, unable to not only move her arm, but the rest of her body. Falling to her knees in despair, she waited for the end to come, as the Honju gathered massive amounts of energy near it's horns to shot a devastating blast to snuff out a young life.
Kikoru: * Thoughts* I'm sorry Daddy, I... I couldn't be perfect... I... am... sorry Mommy, I can't protect others like you did.
This was it, her story was going to be cut short by the horror in front of her.
A loud cry immediately gained her attention, along with the Honju who both turned there sights skywards. Both reactions were different as Kikoru was in shock over what she was seeing, and the Honju who was in immense pain as the tiny martial artist landed a direct Dynamic Punch to the Monsters head, which stopped the Monster's attack.
Kubfu who after there sky diving Dynamic Punch used the Honju as a platform to jump back to the ground with no damage.
Meanwhile in the Sky
Trainer: * Shouting* When I said we need to intervene Kubfu, I didn't mean you full sending yourself free falling too attack!!!
Back to the fight
As the Monster recoiled back in pain, Kikoru stood there in shock, having been saved by a Youju or something that looked vaguely familiar to her. The appearance only added to the creature's oddness, a small bear like Youju, with predominately grey fur, except for there muzzle which was a light tan, and hand and feet which had black fur, probably the most eyecatching thing was the white fur around there forehead that went off into tassels ( which looked like a hachimaki headband in Kikoru's opinion) overall the creature was so odd to Kikoru, her thought's were broken when the tiny creature began to sprint forward at rapid speed. Unknown to Kikoru, Kubfu began using Aerial Ace to quickly deliver hits to weaken the Honju. It worked somewhat as the strikes packed enough of a punch to start breaking bones and disable the Honju's movements, however, the tiny fighter type was still limited in power to properly take down the Kaiju. The Kaiju's rage eventually reached a boiling point, as it let out a roar and quickly began to gather energy between its horns again. It unexpectedly did it much faster and threw the energy ball right down the street. Kubfu could dodge. Kikoru couldn't dodge.
So Kubfu stood tall to defend Kikoru from the blast. This caused Kikoru to cry out in fear, not for herself, but for the creature that was defending her. Moments slowed down and in those few seconds, before the blast reached them, the creature began to glow a bright blue and white color.
A huge crashing sound was heard, and Kikoru who closed their eyes in fright, opened them back up to be met with an amazing sight. The creature stood there holding back the blast, while the glow grew ever brighter. Soon the creature began growing bigger, and bigger until the glow stopped and in the small bear's place now stood a 6'03 tall bear that had the appearance of a dojo master. The now-evolved Urshifu R, stood holding the blast back with ease before a rapid flurry of blink-and-you-will-miss-it strikes destroyed the blast completely. Kikoru stood completely amazed at the display of raw strength, and the surprises were not over yet as Dadju appeared to help out the two welps.
Other things I didn't add because of space: The drone caught aight of Kubfu and there evolution, but lost visual after the shockwave
Trainer was there to watch Kafka and Reno take the test, and Kubfu had stayed out to watch the combatants fight and dived in after Trainer said they needed to help after the Kaiju resurrected
Uh oh, I don't think Kikoru can lie about Urshifu unlike she can with Kafka. Honestly Kubfu/Urshifu is the type to jump in a fight all kinds of insane ways. That evolution scene is definitely etched in everyone's mind.
Even moreso once it becomes clear this isn't the only time it happens. They have a feeling that Trainer is connected.
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sonicasura · 2 days
Oh destroyed they got alright. Given how things are going in the manga, noone is happy about what guy did.
Like you've pointed out, Kafka is a valuable assest and a much needed powerhouse should another Great Cataclysm occur. And given how Keiji is as a person is well of aware of the fact that there are possible more of such disaster class kaijus.
They need all the strenght they can get. And then some.
And as Iæve mention on how Kafka is as a person he is very popular with the public even though they only know his kaiju form. Though he doesn't mind that much as it mean when he is in his human form he can easily walk around without getting swarmed by fans and the like.
Which many the more popular officers of the DF find themself envious about when they go out and about, and don't want attention on themself.
Kafka actually finds it a bit embarrassing when he spots his friends from Monster Sweepers have actual No 8 merch on them. And it is not helped when he finds that Reno, Kikoru, Iharu, Aoi and Izumo also have some too.
And Kafka is going to be swimming in Get Well Cards, gifts and what nots. Once he is well enough to get them. Kafka had 24/7 hour care around, which was not easy giving his current size complicated matters. And that the doctors had no idea how to properly what is the kaiju verson of extreme diarrhea, heart issues, rashes that bleeds like broken hoses and more mixed together into one disaster packed.
Both Kafka and Tiny is pretty much figthing for their lifes all over again, and neither are in a very good mood once the worse has past.
The gifts definitely give Kafka some extra motivation on getting better. I can only imagine the challenges for those poor doctors but it's a learning experience that could further help the himbo if such problems occur again. Also an in depth look into a kaiju's biology and better understanding of it.
Kafka's lucky that no one knows about his human identity. Ben 10 Ultimate Alien was a good example of the issues for a normal person. Tony Stark can get away with it as he has the social skills, awareness, smarts and power to keep people from going overboard.
Kafka, not so much.
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sonicasura · 3 days
I'm pretty sure seagulls and pelicans are demons in disguise if I'm honest. Those birds can be right out bastards at times, espeically if they are unable to get what they want.
Bakko was also there and the tiger found himself with Kafka on these little explorations when the pair had nothing better to do. And all in all, the tiger found himself having a good time too at the beach trip. He even got to catch himself some nice meals too. Though wasn't too happy when Iharu, Aoi, Izumo and Reno accidently drenched the big cat during a water fight.
Anyhow, now to the hiking trip. Said trip happened some weeks after the fridge incident. As everyone felt a need to be away for a few days after the whole thing.
Things was a bit more difficult there, given that thanks to his size Kafka would have difficulties being inside a tent without getting crushed by someone. And they had problems finding a place to camp given that it was pretty much camping season and noone wanted strangers near Kafka just yet.
But eventually they found something. A small camping resort that while not the most popular around had good ratetings and offered some nice lodging. Along with a nice view of a lake, good hiking spots and much more.
At least packing was easy enough. So was the drive, since Kafka just stayed in Reno's jacket pocket the whole way. Both had a nice time looking at the scenery on the way.
And this time Gen, Eiji and some of other friends even got in on the fun. Which sometimes ended up with Soshiro and Gen in getting into small fights that Eiji, Mina and Kikoru had to stop. The other rookies would also help when needed as sometimes it was a group effort.
Especially when one of the fights ended up Kafka nearly ending up getting thrown into the firepit where the smoors and newly caught fish was cooking.
I haven't encountered any pelicans but I have seen a lot of seagulls before. My mom and I sometimes give them stale popcorn as a little treat. None have stolen food out of my hand yet.
Kafka hides out in Reno's pocket afterwards as he rather not end up being roasted kaiju. Mina absolutely scolds Soshiro and Narumi for nearly sending the himbo into the firepit.
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ichosogf · 3 years
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⌕ ˓  kikoru shinomiya icons ⌗
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enhajeans · 3 years
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֢ 🗯️ この漫画の芸術は完璧です、私はあなたがこれらのヘッダーが好きであることを願っています、楽しんでください!
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