#kim da hyeon
mion-no1 · 1 year
Woojin: if I say I love you, will you say it back?
Hyeon-joo: Okay.
Woojin: I love you.
Hyeon-joo: It back.
Damin: Why is Woojin crying on Gunwoo-oppa’s shoulder?
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korelist · 1 year
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,6 Benim puanım: 8
Drama: The Beauty Inside
Hangul: 뷰티 인사이드
Director: Song Hyun-Wook, Nam Ki-Hoon
Writer: Im Meari
Date:  2018
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Seo Hyun-Jin, Lee Min-Ki, Lee Da-Hee, Ahn Jae-Hyeon, Lee Tae-Ri, Moon Ji-In, Kim Hee-Jung
 Konusu 2015 yapımı aynı isimli filmden esinlenilmiş bir kore dizisidir. Filmde her sabah farklı bir bedenle uyanan bir adamın hoşlandığı kıza açılmaya çalışması konu edilmişti. Dizide bunu biraz değiştirmişler. Bu sefer başrolümüz bir kadın; Han Se-Kye (Seo Hyun-Jin) çok meşhur bir model/oyuncudur. Ortalama ayda bir kere farklı bir vücutta uyanır ve 1 haftaya yakın o şekilde yaşamak zorunda kalır. Bu nedenle kariyerinde kaçan oyuncu olarak adı çıkmıştır. Zaten dizi Se-Kye’nin ödül töreni sırasında değişmeye başladığını fark ederek kaçması ile başlıyor.
Se-Kye’nin bir havayolu şirketinin yüzü olarak sözleşmesi vardır. Sözleşme gereği havayolu şirketinin başkanı olan Seo Do-Jae (Lee Min-Ki) ile seyahat etmesi gerekmektedir. Birlikte bir etkinliğe katılmaları zorunludur. Bu seyahat sırasında Do-Jae ile ilgili bir sırrı tesadüfen öğrenir. Seo Do-Jae gençken geçirdiği bir kaza sonrasında yüz körlüğü yaşamaktadır. İnsanları; sesleri, kıyafetleri ve yaka kartları ile ayırt edebilmektedir. Dizide, yüzü ayda bir değişen bir kadın ve yüzleri ayırt edemeyen bir adamın ilişki anlatılıyor diyebiliriz.
Öncelikle dizide tarafların ikisi de oldukça zengin oldukları için; ortamda fakir kız, zengin erkek dramı yoktu. Buna bağlı olarak ailelerin çocuklarına hayatı zindan etmesi gibi bir durumda söz konusu değildi. Aşk üçgenleri, gereksiz kafa karışıklıkları da yoktu. Karakterler ekonomik olarak yere sağlam bastıkları gibi duygusal olarak da ne istediklerini bilen güçlü bireyler olarak yazılmıştı. Bu durum dizinin bir miktar fantastik olmasından da kaynaklanıyor olabilir. Zaten hali hazırda başrol kadın karakteri bir bakıyorsunuz 10 yaşında çocuk bir bakıyorsunuz 40 yaşında bir adam olabildiği için, ayrıca bir 3.şahıs koymaya gerek görmemişler.
Seo Do-Jae’nin tarafına bir göz atacak olursak; üvey kız kardeşi Kang Sa-Ra(Lee Da-Hee) içten içe abisinin onunla ilgilenmesini isteyen küçük bir kız çocuğu gibi hissetse de dimdik onun karşısında durup ona rakip olmaya çalışan bir kadındır. Oyuncuya bayılıyorum. Hem güzel hem eğlenceli hem sevimli sempatik bir kadın. Bence diziye kendince güzel bir hava katmış.
Diğer yanda bütün işlerini halleden sekreteri Jung Joo-Hwan(Lee Tae-Ri) de oldukça eğlenceli bir karakterdi. Han Se-Kye tarafına geçersek, onun bu sırrını bilen 2 yakın arkadaşı vardı. İlki aynı zamanda menajeri olan Yoo Woo-Mi(Moon Ji-In) idi. Bütün kayıp zamanlarını bir şekilde telafi eden fedakar ve verici bir arkadaştı. Aynı zamanda onu ailesi gibi gözetir. Diğeri ise Ryu Eun-Ho (Ahn Jae-Hyeon)’dur. Bu karakter ise herkesin sevgilisidir. Bütün yarı zamanlı işlerde çalışır, hayır işleri yapar. Hayali papaz olmaktır. Ailesine bunu kabul ettiremediği için zamanının çoğunu çalışarak geçiriyordur. Özellikle bu karaktere bayıldım. Son derece naif, doğal ve karizmatikti. İzlerken öyle bir arkadaşım olmasını isteyerek bol bol özenerek izledim. Oyuncuyu ilk önce “Cinderella and the four knights” dizisinde parlak dudak olarak izlemiştim. Oyunculuk anlamında dağlar denizler geçmiş diyebilirim.
Başrol karakterin değişimleri sırasında Kim Min Suk, Ra Mi Ran gibi tanıdık isimler görebilirsiniz. Ama bunun hazzını yaşamak istiyorsanız filmi izlemenizi, hatta izlemediyseniz daha önce izlemenizi öneririm. Çünkü filmde o zaman yeni yeni adını duymaya başladığımız oyuncular şu an oldukça tanınan isimlere dönüştü. Bu yüzden adeta bir yıldızlar geçidiydi diyebilirim.  “Bunu tanıyorum, aaa kim oynamış, vay arkadaş..” tadında heyecanla filmi izleyebilirsiniz. Dizi ise, oldukça keyifle izlediğim ilklerime girmese de kalitesini belli eden bir yapım oldu.
Rothy - Cloud
Raven Melus
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소년을 위로해줘 - A Shoulder to Cry On - Whumplist - 🇰🇷
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Whumpees: (left) 조태현 (Jo Tae Hyeon) played by 신예찬 (Shin Ye Chan) of OMEGA X and (right) 이다열 (Lee Da Yeol) played by 김재한 (Kim Jae Han) of OMEGA X
Synopsis: Tae Hyun seems to take a wicked sort of delight in doing everything he can to make Da Yeol’s life miserable; his favorite method being to follow Da Yeol everywhere. Unable to shake Tae Hyun, Da Yeol spends his days loathing his shadow but the more time he spends with him, the more conflicted his feelings become; leaving him to wonder, where exactly does the line between hate and love end? (MDL)
Genre: BL, Romance, School, Friendship
Watch On: Viki, DramaCool, KissAsian
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조태현 - Jo Tae Hyeon
1.01 : none
1.02 : slapped, verbally abused, told to die, strangled, manhandled ::: concern for him ::: (comical: startled, head pushed into a desk, bloody nose)
1.03 : trapped in a shed, sweating, half asleep, (flashbacks: manhandled) ::: elbowed in the ribs, groaning ::: upsetting call with his dad
1.04 : (flashbacks reveal he has depression and PTSD), emotional ::: curling in on himself, emotional ::: curling in on himself, breaking down ::: hitting himself in the head ::: bleeding, emotional ::: barely conscious, bloody ::: wincing, bloody ::: found unconscious, woken up, bloody, emotional, concern for him ::: bandaged head ::: talking about his traumatic past ::: fell asleep
1.05 : upsetting phone call, nauseous, throwing up, emotional ::: in a depressed state, head still bandaged ::: verbally assaulted, hit, emotional, crying, held, fighting being held, sobbing, “I can’t even love anyone anymore.”
1.06 : upset ::: angry ::: pushed against a wall ::: emotional ::: emotional, crying, sobbing ::: crying, shaking, curling in on himself, sobbing
1.07 : none
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이다열 - Lee Da Yeol
1.01 : hurt shoulder, concern for him ::: in the nurse’s office icing his shoulder
1.02 : upset
1.03 : trapped in a shed, sweating ::: Heimlich maneuver performed on him ::: upset
1.04 : upset ::: angry, manhandled/restrained ::: angry ::: concerned for someone ::: concerned for someone
1.05 : collar grabbed, pushed against a wall, someone attempts to intimidate him, defiant
1.06 : upset ::: emotional, heartbroken, crying, pushed ::: drunk, carried, asleep
1.07 : none
Note: Given that I’m not fluent in Korean, I’m not sure how to better translate the title but I know there’s a better way. I’ll leave it as is 😭😂
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Ok, I just finished Bloodhounds and I still need to scream apparently so here it goes? (Spoilers warning; so beware if you haven’t seen it all yet...)
I came for Woo Do Hwan (no surprise here of course), but actually stayed for and truly enjoyed so much more :) 
First, I have been devastatingly hit in the face/guts/soul right from moment one by Kim Gun/Geon Woo (to which should we stick?). Let’s start with that glorious opening (which i do not need to mention), and then BAM he’s in truth such a pure lovely adorkable cutiepie at the core, and i just melted right away and forever. Yes, please keep politely apologizing while teaching assholes a lesson - this is such a badass move :) - and yet he’s so sincere in his restraint not to harm the stupid irrespectuous nobody and OH MY, THAT’S IT, I LOVE YOU. (I actually rewind that scene THRICE at first watch before going on with the story: that means something.) And then you bet the narrative did put my poor new blorbo though the wringer over and over, and it was sweetly bitterly devastating each and every time - because of course that man does *DRAMA* just so very very very well. And I was so afraid yet definitely expecting his big squeechy heart would end up entirely erased - and ready to go to WAR to save it - (and so ’’Hyung I’ve become a bloodhound’’ was IMO the most heartbreaking line of the show :() - but OH THANK FOR ONCE THE NARRATIVE that it didn’t happen, no matter what? I AM JUST SO HAPPY? (Who cares about gold and being realistic anyway :))
Then, THE FIGHTS. Porn. PURE PORN. The choregraphies, the execution - everything was a (brutal) delight (sort of) to watch. (And yes those seriously mind blowing breath stopping jaw dropping crouchy crouching forward low hits / escapes / moves / combinations definitely caused a new obsession for WDH’s thighs (Honestly? Like I needed yet another obsession over the man? SEND HELP). And I am not ashamed. He obviously trained, and that’s plain to see, so respectfully taking NOTICE is like the minimum I can do to thank him for his service?)
Also, on a side note, I’m a Rocky fan since my youth (yes, I’m a dinosaur, and my sister and I as teens used to watch Rocky IV (along with Top Gun, Dirty Dancing and Pretty Woman) about every rainy sunday - vhs time, sigh...), so I just LOVED all the ‘training’ moments (and not only for THE SHOW (even if my, my what a show...). Just the wink to the iconic running up the stairs had me with such a silly happy smile on my face :) And that ‘please hit me in the abs with a ball’ had me laughing way too hard and will be forever favourite. And the clapping between push ups was the sweetest thing ever. I could go on and on. *dreamy sigh sigh sigh* (and yes, also drooling sigh sigh sigh - but it is not the point i’m trying to make here...)
And then: Hong Woo Jin, my other beloved, of course !! What a sweety pie too !! Their chemistry was just GREAT !! He does care for that kid !! (Also, they wanted to kill him at first in the script? Thanks FATE then - because Gun Woo and Woo Jin DO come in pair - DO NOT SEPARATE !! GRRRR !!) And Badass archer granddaughter Da Min :) And Kim Myung-gil was a delicious villain, with a bonus true bro Kang In-beom to boot.
(Only minus points being (in no particular order) 1) the plot going on moments ‘what are you even doing/thinking/this is not a plan’ (and odd character disappearance (not that much problematic to me because I didn’t really care about Hyeon-joo) - explained since then) 2) the (apparently obligatory in kdrama - should I start worrying about you all?) ‘just let’s get so very drunk’ moments (besides what’s even the point of making a plan while drunk and not remember it in the morning? (do I drink alcohol? YES. (and btw I mean whisky, not beer or so). have i ever been drunk? no. (am i a self-control freak? YOU BET!)) BUT WHEN THEY MADE MY BLORBO DRINK I FELT LIKE CRYING AND THROWING A FIT !! Respect my man’s trauma about his abusive dad (you will not have me believe it was only Mom getting beaten - MY HEART) and his own pledge to himself - even without the obvious reason, everyone is free to decide for themselves what they want to do or not, okay !! GRRRRRRR !! (Luckily though he didn’t get actually drunk and I was SO relieved (I would have been really, really PISSED if they had, because my man would have been feeling so filthy and sick and I would have been devastated and FURIOUS) - had he eaten a lot beforehand? did he make himself regularly puke in the toilets? (the others were so gone they wouldn’t have noticed) Leave my baby alone, anyway !! 3) And well, the torture stuffs and general sort of purification of badness imo = irk !! There are mostly grey characters and greyer characters here (and two sunshines!); do not try to present them as being models of goodness? 4) And last, not a fan of the way Mom was written too - your omelets do look great indeed but where are your claws to defend your shiny and SO deserving of your love and *protection* son, Madam? (I am a Mom) - but I guess it was meant to make Geon Woo only more blorblo worthy, so I guess I’d just have to forget if not approve?)  
Anyway: no need for a season 2 - let them forever from now on just be besties and idiots in peace, please pretty please !! (I would though definitely enjoy a special about them training some more (Woo Jin as trainer :)) etc until  Kim Gun/Geon Woo ends up champion of course, lol - pretty please JUST GIVE IT TO ME!!) 
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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GQKOREA X 15Oct 2023
<지큐> 11월호의 주인공 지민의 화보 미리보기! 짙은 밤, 고고히 빛나는 지민의 세계
Prelanzamiento fotográfico de la edición de noviembre de BTS Jimin GQ Corea (Portada de GQ KOREA con vista previa de Jimin)
gq_korea instagram sale j.m#협찬 𝗚𝙌𝙆𝙊𝙍𝙀𝘼 𝙉𝙊𝙑𝙀𝙈𝘽𝙀𝙍 𝙄𝙎𝙎𝙐𝙀 𝙒𝙄𝙏𝙃 𝙅𝙄𝙈𝙄𝙉 <지큐> 11월호의 주인공 지민의 화보 미리보기! 짙은 밤, 고고히 빛나는 지민의 세계. 존재 자체로 신실한 언어가 된 지민이 디올을 입고 <지큐>의 카메라 앞에 섰습니다. 영원히 빛날 지민의 화보는 11월호와 다음 주 수요일 18일 <지큐> 웹사이트와 인스타그램을 통해 만날 수 있습니다. - <GQ KOREA> JIMIN‘s pictorial preview for the November issue. Deep night, Shining JIMIN’s World. who has become a faithful language being itself, stood in front of the camera of <GQ KOREA> wearing Dior. Meet the ever shine moment of JIMIN with <GQ KOREA> November issue and next Wednesday through the website and Instagram. - #JIMIN #BTS #dior #DiorSpring24 #지민 #디올 #GQKOREA - FASHION DIRECTOR Park Na Na FEATURE EDITOR Chun Hee Ran PHOTOGRAPHER Hong Jang Hyun @hongjanghyun STYLIST Kim Young Jin @kimvenchy HAIR Hansom at Bit & Boot @bit_boot_hansom MAKE-UP Kim Da Reum @beijo_da_raposa ASSISTANT Cho Young Kyoung, Hong Sang Hee, Hwang Su Hyeon LOCATION First Garden @firstgarden1
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boysplanetrecaps · 1 year
Boys Planet Episode 8 Recap and Guide, Part 2
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Ok, welcome back to Boys Planet Recaps! In the previous post, I covered the reveals of trainees ranked 27 through 12. This post will cover 1-11, as well as chair 28. Let’s go!
So, let’s look over the full list of trainees whose names have not yet been called. 
Trainee Recap
For each trainee, I’ll list their rank at the first elimination in episode 5, as well as their rank mentioned at the end of ep 6, and the songs they did for the two previous missions.
Name                      rank-5/ rank-6             Previous Songs      
Sung Hanbin               1/1                        Love Me Right / Tomboy Han Yu Jin                   4 /2                            Back Door / Law Seok Matthew            2 / 3                           Kill This Love /Love Killa Zhang Hao                   5 /4                           Kill This Love / Tomboy Kim Ji Woong              3 / 5                          Backdoor /Love Killa Kim Gyu Vin               6 / 6                           Love Me Right /Love Killa Kim Tae Rae                 11 /7                           Backdoor   / Man in Love Keita                              8 / 8                           Kill This Love /Zoom Hui                                 7 /10                           Love Me Right / Tomboy Park Gunwook            10/11                           Kill This Love / Tomboy Kum Jun Hyeon     14/12                           Back Door / Ggang Cai Jin Xin                   50 /25                        Hot Sauce /Feel Special  Hiroto                           21 /27                          Very Nice / Rush Hour  Ma Jing Xiang            32/28                          Very Nice / Rush Hour Mun Jung Hyun         23 /30                         Very Nice / Ggang Anthonny                     19/31                           Love Me Right / Limousine Jung Min Gyu             27/32                          Very Nice / Man in Love Brian                            41/ 33                           Back Door / Butterfly Chen Jian Yu              45 / 35                         Back Door / Ggang Lim Jun Seo               30 / 36                         Danger / Butterfly Dang Hong Hai          33 / 37                          Love Me Right / Home Lee Ye Dam                 42 / 38                          Love Me Right / Law  Park Ji Hoo                  44/39                           Hot Sauce / Limousine Cong                             35 / 40                          Very Nice / Butterfly Ji Yun Seo                    47 / 41                           Back Door /Home  Wumuti                         43/42                           Love Me Right / Zoom  Bak Do Ha                    24/43                           Hot Sauce / Not Spring…  Oh Sung Min               34/44                           Love Me Right/ Rush Hour Krystian                        37/45                            Back Door  / Limousine Lee Da Eul                   13/46                             Danger  / Not Spring… Lee Dong Yeol             40/47                           Very Nice / Man in Love Park Hyunbeen           49/48                            Hot Sauce / Zoom Jung I Chan                 52/49                            Danger  / Not Spring Choi Woo Jin               51/50                             Hot Sauce / Man in Love Lee Dong Gun             48 / 51                           Hot Sauce /Feel Special
So, I’ll give you a moment to decide for yourself who you think the top 11 most reasonably are. 
Yeah, that’s what I think, too.
It’s pretty obvious that the top 11 are, in some order: Han Yu Jin, Hui, Keita, Kim Gyu Vin, Kim Ji Woong, Kim Tae Rae, Kum Jun Hyeon, Park Gunwook, Seok Matthew, Sung Hanbin, and Zhang Hao.
And I’d say any of the following are conceivable for chair 28: Anthonny, Brian, Cai Jin Xin, Hiroto, Jung Min Gyu, Ma Jing Xiang, or Mun Jung Hyun. 
So the only real suspense here is which person will survive in 28th position, because we already know that the top 11 all survive. MNET VASTLY overestimates how fascinating I will find the ranking within the top 11, and tends to drag it out. Am I alone on this? Does anyone else feel like, well, they survived, and the ranking can and will change, so who gives a rat's butt as to who came in first versus second or third?
Anyway, let's get to the ranking!
At 2:14:10 the trainees are settling in to this phase of the eliminations. My little cousin Kum Jun Hyeon tells little muffin Mun that he’s nervous, and Mun tells Kum that he [Kum] is a candidate for top 9. 
Just then, we’re told that the candidates for 9th place -- in other words, those in spots 9, 10, and 11 -- are General Gunwook, Hui, and yes, my little cousin Kum Jun Hyeon. 
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Gunwook was expecting this in a good way; Hui was expecting this in a bad way; and Kum Jun Hyeon didn’t even know he could hope for this. 
Everyone is shocked that Hui could have dropped so far, but he just nods kind of resignedly. As he said earlier in this episode, even he wouldn’t vote for an idol in his 30s, after all. 
So who is 11th place? 
At 2:16:15, Huta announces that it’s Hui. 
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For a moment, there’s just silence.
Low key saw this coming from the start. For one thing, because Hui is great at everything he does, there’s very little vulnerability there, so it’s hard to feel that affection for him that I feel for some of the other trainees, even the ones I wouldn’t vote for, like Takuto or Bak Doha. For another thing, Hui is already a debuted idol. A lot of people would say that he had his shot. 
There is also the Pentagon Paradox.
Consider: Everyone in the world is either a Pentagon fan, or not a Pentagon fan. I'm not talking about antis, I'm just talking about people who aren't specifically big fans of Pentagon. If you are a fan, like I am, then of course you’d want to support Hui in general in his endeavors. I wanted Hui to survive and do well on the show because I didn't want him humiliated or made miserable. But now that we're coming to the home stretch, my feelings are changing. As a Pentagon fan, I want Pentagon to be out there doing stuff -- as I imagine a lot of other Universe do. So I -- and I think other Universe -- actively want Hui to NOT be in Bepler. Meanwhile, think about those who are not Pentagon fans. They probably wouldn’t support Hui in the first place, unless they just happen to really like him on the show. So, neither Pentagon fans/Universe nor Pentagon non-fans are likely to want Hui in the top 9, so... who will be voting for him, exactly?
And that is the Pentagon Paradox.
Huta asks Hui to say a few words, and he says: “As I joined Boys Planet, I could feel what it means to enjoy the stage after a long time. Since I was able to perform with very talented chingoos, I was so honored. It’ll be a performance that I’ll remember forever.” Then he makes a big heart with his arms, as his lips smile but the rest of his face doesn’t. 
(Chingoo means “someone the same age as you”/”friend” but can also be roughly translated to “guys” -- you’ll often hear the judges call the trainees “chingoo”.)
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I mean, it was pretty classy of him to focus on how much he enjoyed performing with the guys, but why not thank the Star Creators who voted for him as well? That seems mandatory, to me anyway. 
Now it’s time to find out who came in 9th and who came in 10th between Jun Hyeon and Gunwook. We find out that apparently the two of them have been friends since the start -- I wonder how many other friendships we have no clue about? They’re both in the same Artist Battle song -- En Garde -- and are apparently currently roommates. 
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They’re also sort of friendly rivals. 
We see that they’re both trying to cast a spell to be chosen ninth -- well, you gotta do something with your brain while you stand there endlessly waiting for the producers to let Huta announce 9th place. After like full on 5 minutes of dicking around, at 2:19:27 we find out that Gunwook is in 9th place. Kum jokes that he’s not going to say congratulations, but you can tell he doesn’t mean that too seriously. 
Gunwook says: “I couldn’t get rid of the 10th place tag. I felt the wall of Top 9 was too high for me. I was able to grow after meeting Team Tomboy. Thank you.” Also no thanks to the Star Creators? I don’t know, feels wrong to me. 
Then my little cousin says: “I thought that I should not regret whatever rank I got. I don’t have any regrets because my ranking has risen much more than I thought. I was able to improve from my Ggang performance, so I’m thankful to my team members.” Then he pauses, and says with a slightly thicker throat, “The last chingoo from my agency, Woo Jin, is here” -- and he gestures to Woojin, who was ranked 50th in the 6th episode and who was in Man in Love. We can see that, for one of the first times in Jun Hyeon’s whole life, his eyes have tears in them. 
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Somehow, that gets to me more than it does to see someone who is always openly emotional.  “I… I hope I get good results and I can be a hyung who Woo Jin can be proud of,” he says. Then, gathering himself together, he shouts, “Woojin, I love you!”
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Honestly, that’s why I watch this show. FRIENDSHIP! Fuck yeah!
I just noticed that we didn’t see Park Gunwook say anything to Park Hyunbeen, the last survivor from his Jellyfish team. Well, maybe it was edited out. 
The trainees take their spots, and the rest of team Tomboy is happy to see Gunwook take a seat on one of the comfy chairs. But Gunwook doesn’t look super happy. 
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Next is 8th place, and Wumuti says to Keita, “I hope you don’t get called.” It’s so weird how for the first two hours, the trainees were both hoping to be called, and now they’re all hoping not to be called. 
Our clue is that whoever it is, he placed first in his team. Well, that means it’s Zhang Hao, Kim Gyuvin, Kim TaeRae, or Keita. It’s also someone who has had a killing part, which means it’s either Keita or TaeRae. 
At 2:23:12, we find out it’s Keita. TaeRae’s teammates from Man in Love are like, “wow, how far are you going to go?” 
Huta says, as Keita takes the stage, “Trainee Keita, the master of the stage, showed perfect rap that’s close to a perfect god through Zoom performance and secured his top 9 place.”
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Keita says, “Thank you so much to Star Creators for letting me sit in the Rank 8 seat again. I’ll prove why I have to stay in the Top 9.” His former teammates are happy for him, as is Park Gunwook, who leans over to shake his hand with a look of real happiness on his face. (I couldn’t find a still of when they were both in focus, so enjoy my delightful non-photoshop job here.) Aww, Gunwook has the cutest puppy face smile sometimes, I swear. I think he could pull of cute concepts really well.
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Next, is the trainee in 7th place. It’s someone in the K-group, so it’s not Hao or Matthew. We don’t wait too long to find out, at 2:24:40, that it’s Kim TaeRae 💖.  Naturally, he would have wanted to go even higher, but 7th place is already plenty good enough. 
Kim TaeRae appreciation photoset:
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Then we get to listen to his nice speaking voice as he says, “I’m truly thankful to Star Creators for giving me a great ranking of 7th place. I’ll return the favor with better songs and more confident performances. Thank you.” But as he settles down in the squishy 7th place chair, it’s clear that he’s a bit anxious and uncomfortable.   
Just for fun, I’m going to measure the time between when they show the rank number on the jumbo tron and when they finally reveal who has that position. 
Now it’s time for 6th place. Will it be Han Yu Jin, Kim Gyu Vin, Kim Ji Woong, Seok Matthew, Sung Hanbin, or Zhang Hao? The stakes have never been lower!
We get the clue that the person in 6th got the benefit from the Dual Position Battle, which means it’s literally any of them, because they were all on either Law, Love Killa, or Tomboy. 
Then Huta says something that Viki translates as, “He has a unique face and is praised for his good looking.” So again, it’s all of them! 
At 2:26:47, after 80 seconds, we find out it’s Kim Gyuvin. He’s a little sad, because he wanted to go even higher, but he did get more than 5 million points. 
Huta, reading directly from a cue card, asks him if he only did Love Killa for several years. Sigh, ok, fine, I guess this is a runner. Then Huta says something that Viki translates as, “Please tell us any memorable remarks on survival,” which I think is hilarious. 
Gyuvin says, “Thank you for making me win first place in Love Killa. Seo Won, Matthew, and Ji Woong, thank you.” Then he adds in slow, but well-pronounced English, “And thank you for all the support and love. Whatever happens to me, I’m always able to stand strong because of you. Thank you, and I love you.” 
When Gyuvin switches to English, Kim JiWoong asks Matthew if Gyubin is doing a good job, and Matthew confirms that he is. “Why didn’t you smile when I speak English?” JiWoong asks, and Matthew says, “Gyuvin is speaking well.” They seem to have a cute report.
Side note: I watched some dumb Youtube video in which someone ranted about their Boys Planet opinions. I say it was dumb because while I don't mind someone disagreeing with me on who they like or dislike, I do mind someone saying something like “Gyuvin needs to get out of Top9 right now,” while refusing to even explain why. And a bunch of people in the comments agreed, but no one had any substantive reason why. What on earth did Gyuvin do to you, people? He’s been a great performer since the Star Level Test. He’s the only one on Love Killa who managed to fucking SMILE the entire performance. He seems like a sweet kid with a nice face and great performance skills whose confidence has really been shaken by these psychopath judges. You can like other trainees better, but it’s weird to just hate Gyuvin. It’s like, these people just hate him because he gets in the way of their ships, or something. Ick. 
Next will be the fifth place trainee. Will it be Han Yu Jin, Kim Ji Woong, Seok Matthew, Sung Hanbin, or Zhang Hao? And why does MNET think I care all that much of the specific order amongst these five? If I weren’t recapping this, I’d just skip ahead. 
Zhang Hao is getting nervous, so Hanbin takes his hand. That faint noise you just heard in the distance is a shipper squealing. Maybe it was a noise that you made. I don’t know your life. 
Huta says that the trainee in 5th place is unexpected. Hey, Huta, you said that about 20th place, and the person turned out the be the person who was in 21st place previously, so I don't trust that comment at all. Then we learn that it’s someone whose ranking has fallen since the first ranking announcement, so it’s it’s not Zhang Hao, who was 5th place before already. It’s also someone who didn’t do the Vocal and Rap position in the Dual Position Battle, so it’s not Hanbin. 
Which of these three is it? 
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I am on the edge of my seat!
Wait, hang on, let me sit back -- I have plenty of room. That’s better.* 
At 2:29:35, after 80 seconds of waiting, we find out it’s Kim Ji Woong, who has dropped a bit in the ranking.
People are surprised that his ranking fell, but I’m not really that surprised. Kim JiWoong was sort of subdued and depressed seeming through most of episodes 6-7. There seemed to be some sort of heavy dark cloud hanging over his whole team, and while I think that this cloud may have condensed from evaporating drops of Matthew's flop sweat, the net outcome was a sad sad sad JiWoong. It wasn't a cute look -- people like smiling idols. Also, it seems increasingly clear that JiWoong is sort of a weirdo. He makes weird jokes, he has weird takes on things, he is comfortable with things that make other people uncomfortable, he's just an oddball. Personally, that makes me like him a lot more, but I don't know if most people are like me on that.
*That was an old MST3K joke, but it really fit here. 
See, to my point about him being kind of a weirdo, when asked to say a few words, Kim Ji Woong says: “Besides rankings, I think the most important thing is an unbreakable heart. If Star Creators keep watering, I will bloom a huge flower. Thank you.”
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You guys, JiWoong is a riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a fitted suit wrapped in other people’s sweat. Does he know how sexual this sounds? Is this all an accident? There's no way to know, but I love it.
Then Huta says that he’ll announce that the top four, and even though it couldn’t possibly be more obvious that it’s Matthew, Hanbin, Hao, and Yujin, we still have to wait fully 45 seconds for them to actually tell us. 
The fourth place trainee actually came in first place in 70 countries, including the US, France, Italy, and Switzerland. At 2:32:47 we find out it’s Matthew, who has fallen two spots. And for the record, he still would have been in 4th place without all the benefits. 
In fact, the only differences in ranking caused by the benefit at all is that (a) the formerly blue haired Park Hanbin, currently 13th, and Ricky, currently 14th, would be in the opposite order without the benefit and (b) Na Kamden, currently 20th, and that peach Lee Seunghwan, currently 21st, would be in the opposite order without the benefit. So… not that important, really. 
Back to Matthew. Again, I’m really not surprised that his rank has fallen. As I hinted at earlier, his leadership of the Love Killa team was low key a disaster. He came across as officious and anxious, like a yippy chihauhua. I'm not trying to be mean, because I empathize. I'm a teacher -- as I've said before, I don't teach at a school and I work with all age groups, from little kids to adults who are my parents' age -- and I know how it feels to try to lead people from a place of anxiety. People smell it on you and don't like it. It makes them feel anxious, too. They push back more. And then it makes the leader even more anxious, which creates a feedback loop. The only way to get out of it is to take deep breaths and try to relax control a little. Give the conversational ball back to the students. Ask more questions, and accept more answers. But I'm not sure that Matthew ever figured out what had actually gone wrong with his leadership, and we get a sense in the beginning of this episode that he still has a lot to figure out about how teams and leadership work.
I guess I've digressed a bit, but the point I want to make is that Matthew showed a somewhat unlikable side to himself in episodes 6-7. And then his performance in Love Killa was nothing to write home about, since he was not a good fit for the song concept (as he himself seemed to realize later). I think it's not too late for him to right the ship, but I also think that the show's editors may have turned against him, and I'm not totally sure that he's a lock for Top9 anymore.
Anyway, for his speech, Matthew says, “I’m so thankful that I’m still in Top9. Star Creators, since you send me support and love, I’m becoming a stronger and happier Matthew.” Then he does that dumb little motto thing again and in the future, when he does that, these recaps will not mention it.
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Now it’s time for third place. The trainee was number one in China, which makes everyone think it’s probably Hao, but apparently Yujin is also really popular in China, and without much ado, we find out that it is in fact Han Yujin.
I love Park JiHoo in the peanut gallery saying, “So Hao-hyung will be 2nd place?” because it’s so obvious who first place will be. 
Han Yujin’s voice is surprisingly deep, considering his young age. He says, “While watching survival programs since I was young” -- you are currently young, my friend -- I thought about how I’d feel if I sat in such a high place. I can’t believe this, and I’m so, so happy now. I’ll work harder to be a person who deserves this high place.”
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Then Huta teases him into doing his "thigh grab" move from Law again and we see several instant replays.
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Han Yujin is 15 ½ in international age. He’s only a few months older than Takuto. Ewwww.
Hey, psychopath child who told me to k!ll myse!f for “sexualizing” legal adult Park Gunwook, are you writing letters to MNET about this shit? Maybe you should be. Get your misdirected rage out that way, maybe.
So, Yujin takes his seat, and now we’ll spend almost seven minutes wasting time before we find out who came in first and who came in second, as if we don’t already know. But there was NO TIME to hear what Ricky, Chen Kuan Jui, or Zhang Shuai Bo had to say when they got their ranking, right? 
Huta begins by commenting on Hanbin and Hao’s chemistry, and then we’re reminded that they were the two centers for Na Bina.  We see Matthew with a slightly weird expression. 
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He almost looks angry. But who knows, maybe he's just trying not to sneeze.
Then Huta asks them things like “How do you feel about being a candidate for number one?” and “Do you think you can be number one?” They say the exact same stuff you’d expect them to say. Seriously, take a moment, imagine what you'd think they'd say. You got it right. That's what they said.
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The only thing that’s at least slightly interesting is when Huta asks Hao if he has anything to say to Hanbin, and Hao says, "Let's debut and drink zero cola every day." Also, we find out that Number 1 has 914,268 more points than number 2, which makes it even less likely that it’s not Hanbin.
So after all that, we find out the first place is, of course, Hanbin again. 
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Hanbin pouts, which is a choice. I guess he feels a little uncomfortable with it--?  Hao doesn't even react because he already knew. 
The trainees all say “as expected” and that Hanbin is really named “Han Bina” (like Na Bina, I’m Shining). Hanbin and Hao embrace as the void itself closes in on them.
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Somehow they escape the void, and then we get to hear from each of them. 
Hanbin says: “I gained strength from many people who supported me. Thanks to them, I'm spending a meaningful and memorable day every day. Team Love Me Right, including [Han] Seo Bin who I really miss, and team Tomboy that brought me luck. And not everyone is here but while watching the passion of 98 trainees in Boys Planet, I think I've grown up more. I'll continue to try hard, rather than just stay in the same place. I'll keep the number one place to the end." Then, he switches to Chinese, and while Hao rubs his back and various Chinese trainees smile, he says, " I think I'm getting better because of you. Thank you, Star Creators." 
(In case you forgot who Han Seo Bin is, he's Park JiHoo's friend, the rapper kid who Hui chose to be on Love Me Right. )
Zhang Hao says, “Hello, I'm trainee Zhang Hao. Today's Zhang Hao isn't perfect yet. But I will try my best and make a performance that exceeds your expectations. I'll prove that you are right to like Trainee Zhang Hao." Then Zhang Hao switches to Japanese and Zhang Hao says, “Thank you for supporting me. You're my strong supporter. I will do my best to be your pride." Thank you, Zhang Hao for giving that speech about Zhang Hao!
My theory is that Gyuvin, Hanbin, and Hao were talking in their Love Killa group about how to get more support from areas where they're less popular. Gyuvin targeted the international market in general, Hanbin targeted China, and Hao targeted Japan.
So, now that we've found out who is ranked 1-27, only one chair remains...
The final spot: 28th place
At 2:42:50 it's time to find out the last trainee who survived elimination in rank 28. Who are the candidates? 
Sung Hanbin, Kim Gyuvin, Keita, and Tumblr user Boys Planet Recaps are all hoping it's Lee Yedam. Thanks, MNET, for first screwing him over by not showing his audition in episode 2, and then turning the screws now, just letting us all know that the highest ranked trainees all respect the shit out of him but that we’re going to lose him from the show. 
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Anyway, we find out our three “candidates”, ie those ranked 28, 29 and 30 in some order, are..
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Mun Jung Hyeon, Hiroto, and Ma Jing Xiang.
And then we find out that 30th place is…
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Ma Jing Xiang. Oh Sungmin is shocked. 
He bows politely, and trainees call out encouragement. Huta says that MJX has “shown passionate drive all this time”, and that is a nice way to put it. 
MJX seems to be ok -- he’s got to be at least slightly relieved to be able to get away from this stressful environment. He says, “Actually, I don’t have any regrets, because many Star Creators have voted for me and cheered me on. So it’s so heartwarming for me. I love you all.” Aww, that’s nice! I wish more trainees would focus on that -- yeah, you may have lost, but look at the hundreds of thousands of votes you got! 
Now it’s down to Mun Jung Hyeon, who I’ve liked ever since his performance in The Real for the Star Level Test, and Hiroto, who I don’t feel like I know very well, and who has never like, blown me away with his performance. So, obviously I’m hoping for Mun. But at the same time, we only have three Japanese trainees in the top 27 -- Keita, Haruto, and Takuto. (What is with all the Japanese trainees going just be their personal name? Did MNET make them do that?) So it would be good to have another Japanese trainee around, just to make this not so much of a K-fest. And I know a lot of people really like Hiroto, so it’d be nice to get to know him better.
We scan the audience, and oh, Mun’s label mate and hyung, TaeRae, is crying a little, while his other hyung, Park Hanbin, has his hands lifted in prayer. We know that Takuto is hoping desperately for Hiroto-kun. And Huta tells us that the difference between the two is only 60,510 points -- oh, ouch!! 
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And at 2:47:35, we find out that….
Haruto has survived, and Mun is out.
The two of them hug. Kim Tae Rae covers his eyes with his hands. 
Haruto says, in Korean, “I am so fascinated by everything that’s happening. I can’t tell whether this is a dream or reality. But I’ll do my best going forward to return the favor. Thank you.” Aww, he probably prepared that speech. Then pretty much all the trainees come running over to hug him, including a sobbing Takuto. 
Then Huta says, “Trainee Mun Jung Hyun has to leave Boys Planet at Number 29 for the difference in one ranking.” Nice! What a great comment to make! So helpful.
TaeRae is really crying now, so Mun calls out “Uljima!!!” (Don’t cry!) But he’s low key saying it to himself. He goes on, “Up until Hiroto’s name was announced, I wished that I could leave after performing in the last stage.” (He means the Artist Mission.) “I’m very disappointed, but I’m sure Hiroto will perform very well in my place. … I didn’t want to make you cry!” he adds, as many trainees do, in fact, cry. “Thank you for everything, and especially, to the Star Creators who enabled me to perform twice already, I want to sincerely thank you. Thank you!”  
And that’s the end of the second elimination. We pan slowly over the remaining trainees…  
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…and Brian is just a study in misery. Ji Yun Seo, who is actually two years younger than Brian, looks at his fellow Yuehua trainee with concern. YunSeo is such a papa bear type for someone so young, isn’t he? 
Huta says some stuff about how they did a good job and will be remembered forever, but a tear is rolling down Cai Jin Xin’s face. Awww, he’s not really that good at anything but I’m fond of him. He seems like a real nice guy. Not a Nice Guy, but a guy who is nice. You know what I mean. 
Then Huta congratulates the trainees who have made the cut, but warns them that they’re still not safe. To the Star Creators, he says, “For the boys who are desperately awaiting your love and cheer, we would be grateful if you would give them your precious one vote.” Park JiHoo looks dead to the camera and mimicks tapping on a phone. I love that kid. 
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And Dang Hong Hai says that’ll be voting. Yeah, DHH! He’s staying classy. I love it. 
The voting opens! From now on, we can pick three boys only. Oh no, my heart is already broken.
But that’s about it for this episode, and this post!  
In my next post, I’ll list the order I found online for the rankings 29 to 51, and give you my thoughts/ideas on what might happen next for the trainees who were eliminated. Then in another post I’ll address the five Artist Mission songs/groups, and what happened for that first hour of Ep 8, along with some thoughts on those videos they released.
Thanks as always for reading! If you're enjoying the recaps, please consider sharing them in non-Tumblr spaces because it'd be cool to get the word out and help people who like this kind of recap find me!
See you next time. <3
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mirajanefairytailmage · 11 months
Rambling About a Show (11/10/2023)
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I had originally started this on Wednesday 06/14/2023, ended up busy with life and distracted with other things. I decided to re-start it Wednesday 11/08/2023. I finished it today.
This show was pretty intense from beginning to end. I adored Hong Woo-jin's and Kim Gun-woo's relationship. I admit at first I didn't like Hong Min-beom. After what Kim Myeong-gil's men did to him, I honestly felt sorry for the man. Another duo I adored was Hwang Yang-Jung and Lee Du-Yeong. Episode 6 had me all sorts of emotional. I cried from the start of the episode until the end. People online weren't kidding when they said to have tissues on hand. I can't believe what had happened to everyone. I cried so much.
Gun-woo says to Mr. Choi Tae-Ho that he doesn't have a way with words. Then he persuades Hyeon-ju in episode 3 with his words. Like, this man knew exactly what should be said to get his point across. This is why I adore his character. He thinks he doesn't have a way with words, but he actually does. But only when it comes down to him needing to make a point. This wasn’t the only time he was able to persuade using words. The way Woo-jin attempted to persuade Kim Hyeon-Ju into hiring him and Gun-woo was absolutely hilarious to me. That honestly made me love him more.
I went into this with some knowledge of a cast switch. The reason why it had happened. I also knew some people's opinion on the show seemed to be going smoothly up until episode 7. Right around the time they had to replace/fire Kim Sae-ron(Kim Hyeon-Ju)for the controversy they created. I personally think the show still went on pretty smoothly.
The way we went from one grandfather and granddaughter duo to a second was pretty cool. I thought Oh Da-min was adorable. I also loved that she's an archer. The way she told the boys that she's going with by showing off her skills was my favorite scene.
There's so many likable characters that I'd love to talk about. The ones I didn't like I don't have much to say about them. Except that they got what they deserved in the end.
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naneundede · 1 year
타임어택 1분 자기소개 ✧ Time Attack, 1 Min. PR
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✧  K Group
Bak Do Ha : https://youtu.be/Bdm8bVWnYQg
Cha Woong Ki : https://youtu.be/I0oF3feyb4c
Choi Ji Ho : https://youtu.be/34W9BZ3ICcU
Choi Seung Hun : https://youtu.be/_eS1B-tSz-U
Choi Woo Jin : https://youtu.be/gNsA8SG7KCY
Han Seo Bin : https://youtu.be/-XFaIaj7Gxg
Han Yu Jin : https://youtu.be/yD-1-04n5yE
Han Yu Seop : https://youtu.be/xyY19-48mTo
Hong Keon Hee : https://youtu.be/RwQujHVRQO0
Jang Ji Ho : https://youtu.be/5tWf_9wEm2I
Jang Min Seo : https://youtu.be/LjVqpdL6-f4
Jang Yeo Jun : https://youtu.be/BcC3LL3HuTo
Jeon Ho Young : https://youtu.be/Pl5tIoHjj74
Jeon Woo Seok : https://youtu.be/T8GY0h0IOfU
Jeong I Chan : https://youtu.be/zoV37PdCaPk
Ji Yun Seo : https://youtu.be/iFVxRna3LKs
Jung Ho Jin : https://youtu.be/kSb6vgDqGPw
Jung Hwan Rok : https://youtu.be/ej6kiundfJc
Jung Min Gyu : https://youtu.be/-bwwMJ8vV9o
Jung Seyun : https://youtu.be/DB0MuZkkVVk
Kim Gyu Vin : https://youtu.be/xnw0sbiiyjg
Kim Ji Woong : https://youtu.be/pOP5k5JTD1c
Kim Min Hyuk : https://youtu.be/FRMfQi3Qvaw
Kim Min Seoung : https://youtu.be/xBRWY7UJzo4
Kim Tae Rae : https://youtu.be/D2sTOzPZ7gk
Kum Jun Hyeon : https://youtu.be/MVU5SDvjUkw
Lee Da Eul : https://youtu.be/ua2OeaQ14CE
Lee Dong Gun : https://youtu.be/LH_cvLtfuys
Lee Dong Yeol : https://youtu.be/zQy270g60LI
Lee Hoe Taek : https://youtu.be/BwxcboDCGxg
Lee Hwan Hee : https://youtu.be/nvk60sSGZiY
Lee Jeong Hyeon : https://youtu.be/bRlBhjGaZto
Lee Seung Hwan : https://youtu.be/ptsz-M1v1S0
Lee Ye Dam : https://youtu.be/hJSX8ZYUa14
Lim Jun Seo : https://youtu.be/0Iy-T0e2QIc
Mun Jung Hyun : https://youtu.be/lujLHn0dqiQ
Oh Sung Min : https://youtu.be/7YqqvKoyDoA
Park Gun Wook : https://youtu.be/tElDOgg1K-Y
Park Gwan Young : https://youtu.be/2IjpvV28vzM
Park Han Bin : https://youtu.be/qaCCMuM_JcI
Park Hyun Been : https://youtu.be/vA_9Fc9XX4A
Park Ji Hoo : https://youtu.be/vA_9Fc9XX4A
Park Min Seok : https://youtu.be/YBabjIH3iIE
Seo Won : https://youtu.be/l9qG5qp6Pi0
Sung Han Bin : https://youtu.be/suD2NfKRq3U
Yoo Seung Eon : https://youtu.be/tjO6v6XOYag
Yoon Jong Woo : https://youtu.be/pEAfs0m_ujE
✧  G Group
Anthonny : https://youtu.be/EcgeMI68oT0
Brian : https://youtu.be/sE3pw4scU0Q
Cai Jin Xin : https://youtu.be/sjHuJT6rZ-c
Chen Jian Yu : https://youtu.be/LAJHqARlasw
Chen Kuan Jui : https://youtu.be/EtCp9rUEqho
Chen Liang : https://youtu.be/vXwYCApgqcU
Chen Ren You : https://youtu.be/-PeKmKiZgFI
Chen Yu Geng : https://youtu.be/8F8Wg45RdiI
Cong : https://youtu.be/0ljIEXXa-NY
Dang Hong Hai : https://youtu.be/qgbIozwsp6s
Dong Dong : https://youtu.be/XSTsYc935-A
Feng Jun Lan : https://youtu.be/u7RjAM94N_w
Haru : https://youtu.be/uUAuI4m09-Y
Haruto : https://youtu.be/u_lc8HBM7lE
Hiroto : https://youtu.be/Wb0Q17Qq2MI
Hyo : https://youtu.be/lI_CF7RXhU0
Ichika : https://youtu.be/k5EkcmFEY7Q
Itsuki : https://youtu.be/kyEWK_t36No
Jay : https://youtu.be/iLibl6cbHbg
Kei : https://youtu.be/RVu6zlu5vjw
Keita : https://youtu.be/kSHT009TsFc
Krystian : https://youtu.be/03vCmVhf_E8
Lin Shi Yuan : https://youtu.be/fPtzEFb1gek
Ma Jing Xiang : https://youtu.be/wKwL12Oigks
Min : https://youtu.be/kqa0S2qfMiY
Na Kamden : https://youtu.be/InYMLYuN34g
Nice : https://youtu.be/TckeqHI5vKA
Ollie : https://youtu.be/lcXxF-U5Nqo
Osuke : https://youtu.be/2I-w1yoYnzs
Ouju : https://youtu.be/QsSfSZ8A18U
Qiu Sheng Yang : https://youtu.be/Y0PdpGbQivU
Ricky : https://youtu.be/a9fMfGigkPE
Riku : https://youtu.be/tpEuVhf-jLo
Seok Matthew : https://youtu.be/kF1NKaN3Z4s
Takuto : https://youtu.be/KdI9wZ_teW0
Toui : https://youtu.be/-4Cw-WDU-bI
Wang Yan Hong : https://youtu.be/o9RYNdHyqGU
Wang Zi Hao : https://youtu.be/KDQgcMZESXE
Wen Ye Chen : https://youtu.be/B6ec66Xa9bA
Winnie : https://youtu.be/PqNcGa0l5qU
Wumuti : https://youtu.be/q3vf-q7tP2w
Xuan Hao : https://youtu.be/_8Kjw-M5V8Y
Yang Jun : https://youtu.be/Vqiv8N0cens
Yuki : https://youtu.be/HFy1sbCtlUQ
Yutaka : https://youtu.be/dIJi6cNlbTI
Yuto : https://youtu.be/XGE7wqXTzr8
Zhang Hao : https://youtu.be/e4Y22OQbMU4
Zhang Shuai Bo : https://youtu.be/6XzEnGZB9n8
Let’s Shine! ✧
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agendaculturaldelima · 4 months
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🎬 “PARÁSITOS” [Parasite / Gisaengchung]
🔎 Género: Intriga / Comedia / Drama / Thriller / Familia
⌛️ Duración: 132 minutos
✍️ Guión: Bong Joon-ho y Han Jin-won
🎼 Música: Jung Jae-il
📷 Fotografía: Hong Kyung-pyo
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🗯 Argumento: Tanto Gi Taek (Song Kang-ho) como su familia están sin trabajo. Cuando su hijo mayor, Gi Woo (Choi Woo-sik), empieza a dar clases particulares en casa de Park (Lee Seon-gyun), las dos familias, que tienen mucho en común pese a pertenecer a dos mundos totalmente distintos, comienzan una interrelación de resultados imprevisibles.
👥 Reparto: Lee Sun-kyun (Park Dong-Ik), Cho Yeo-jeong (Yeon-kyo), Park So-dam (Ki-jung), Choi Woo-shik (Ki-woo), Park Seo-joon (Min), Song Kang-ho (Kim Ki-taek), Jung Ji-so (Da-hye), Park Myung-hoon (Geun Se), Jang Hye-jin (Choong sook), Lee Jung-eun (Moon-gwang) y Jung Hyeon-jun (Da-song).
📢 Dirección: Bong Joon-Ho
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© Productoras: Barunson, CJ Entertainment, TMS Comics, TMS Entertainment, CJ E&M Film Financing & Investment Entertainment & Comics
🌎 País: Corea del Sur
📅 Año: 2019
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📽 Proyección:
📆 Martes 04 de Junio
🕗 8:00pm.
🎦 Cine Caleta (calle Aurelio de Souza 225 - Barranco)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
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🙂 A tener en cuenta: Prohibido el ingreso de bebidas y comidas. 🌳💚🌻🌛
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movienized-com · 4 months
My Happy End
My Happy End (Serie 2023) #JangNara #HoJoonSon #KimMyungsoo #SoYihyeon #KimHongpa #ParkHoSan Mehr auf:
Serie / 나의 해피엔드 Jahr: 2023- (Dezember) Genre: Drama / Thriller Hauptrollen: Jang Na-ra, Ho Joon Son, Kim Myung-soo, So Yi-hyeon, Kim Hong-pa, Park Ho-San, Ki-Taek Lee … Serienbeschreibung: Das perfekte Leben der Direktorin und Influencerin zerbricht, während sich Geheimnisse enthüllen und ihr unterstützender Ehemann und ihre vertrauenswürdigen Kollegen nach und nach verborgene Wahrheiten…
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cointahmin · 1 year
Kripto para piyasası diken üzerinde. Dünyanın farklı bölgelerinden düzenleyici bası ve soruşturmalarla kripto sıkıntı günler geçiriyor. Bu sefer, kripto dostu imajı olan Güney Kore’de bir soruşturmaya şahit olduk. Güney Koreli savcılar, önde gelen Bitcoin borsaları Upbit ve Bithumb’a baskın yaptı.Güney Kore’de iki Bitcoin borsası baskına uğradıcointahmin.com olarak bildirdiğimiz üzere, muhalif milletvekili Kim Nam-Kuk, kripto varlıklarına yönelik bir soruşturma yürütüyor. Bu kapsamda, savcıları Güney Kore’nin önde gelen iki kripto borsasına baskın yapmaya yöneltti. Muhalif yasa koyucu Kim Nam-kuk’un kripto varlıklarıyla ilgili artan kuşkulara yönelik bir soruşturmanın modülü olarak, Güney Kore’deki savcılar Pazartesi günü ülkenin lokal kripto para borsalarından ikisine baskın yaptı. Güney Kore’de Yonhap’ın bir haberine nazaran, Seul Güney Bölgesi Savcılık Ofisi’nden bir küme dedektif Upbit ve Bithumb’dan süreç kayıtları ve öbür bilgileri topladı.Bu hareketler, Temsilci Kim’in 2021 yılında, o devirde yaklaşık 4,5 milyon dolar pahasında olan yaklaşık 800.000 Wemix kripto parası bulundurduğunun ortaya çıkmasının akabinde ateş altında kaldığı bir devirde gerçekleşti. Lakin bu, Kim’in tavırlı bir kişi olarak sahip olduğu üne uymayan değerli bir ölçüydü. Bu nedenle, paranın kaynağı ve bâtın bilgileri kullanıp kullanmadığı konusunda akıllara çeşitli sorular geldi. Lakin, Wemix takımı suçlamaları reddetti. Ayrıyeten, buna cevaben bir blog yazısı yayınladı:WeMade’in Wemix’i yasadışı olarak desteklediği ya da Ulusal Meclis üyelerine yatırımlarla ilgili iç bilgi sağladığı tarafındaki haberler büsbütün gerçek dışıdır.Buna ek olarak, Kim’in bir evvelki yılın Mayıs ve Kasım aylarında Ulusal Meclis’in yargı komitesi toplantıları sırasında kripto para ticareti yaptığı tezleri gündeme geldi.Kim’in kripto para üniteleriyle imtihanıPazartesi günü, iktidardaki Halkın Gücü Partisi, Kim’in kripto para transferlerini soruşturmak üzere bir iç vazife gücü başlatacaklarını duyurdu. Misyon kümesini, Kim Sung-won ile birlikte dijital varlıklar özel komitesine başkanlık eden Temsilci Yun Chang-Hyeon yönetecek.Görev müddeti boyunca, muhakkak oyun tokenlerini kripto para üniteleri olarak tanıyacak düzenleyici mevzuatı savundu. Ayrıyeten, bunun lehinde oy kullandı. Bu ortada Kim Nam-kuk, Pazar günü ana muhalefetteki Demokrat Parti’den istifasını sundu.
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korelist · 7 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 8,2 Benim Puanım: 10
Drama: Reborn Rich (English title) / The Chaebol's Youngest Son (literal title)
Hangul: 재벌집 막내아들
Director: Jung Dae-Yoon
Writer: San Kyeong (web novel), Kim Tae-Hee
Date: 2022
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Song Joong-Ki, Lee Sung-Min, Shin Hyun-Bin, Kim Nam-Hee, Jo Han-Chul, Park Hyuk-Kwon
2023 (59th) BaekSang Arts Awards - April 28, 2023
Best Actor (Lee Sung-Min)
Song Joong-Ki’nin Türkiye de dizi çekiyor olması haberi kore severlerde bir heyecan patlaması yaşatsa da ülkemizde dizi; ilk bölümde Türkiye de öldürülmesi ile gündem oldu. Yapımcı ve yönetmenin Türkiye’yi kara para aklanan, korkutucu insanların olduğu 3.sınıf bir Ortadoğu ülkesi olarak resmetmesi birçok kişinin tepkisini çekti. Uzunca bir süre sadece Türkiye sahnelerinin sarartılmış olmasını, gelen turisti sokaktaki çocukların bile hırpalaması konuşuldu. Seçilen müzikler daha oryantal, etraftaki tabelaların da Arapça ağırlıklı olması da tuz biber oldu. Gel gelelim bu şahane dizinin eleştirilen bu tü kaka kısımları hepi topu 3dk sürüyor olmasına… Gözünüzü seveyim, senaryoda böyle bir kurgu varmış çekmişler. Her ülkenin kötü yanı, her mesleğin iyisi kötü, insanın niyeti bozuk olanı var. 3 dakikalık bir gösteriyi ne kadar kişiselleştiriyorsunuz.
Diğer yandan dizinin bir diğer dedikodusu ise Samsung şirketinin gerçek hayattaki skandallarına çok benzemesi üzerineydi. Bizim çok aşina olduğumuz bir mevzu değil ama Kore’de böyle de bir durum var. Dizi ise; Kore’nin en büyük Chaebol ailesine ait Soonyang Group’u konu alıyor. En tepedeki isim Jin Yang-Cheol(Lee Sung-Min) çocukları arasında bir halef seçmediği için bütün aile halefi olmak için yarışa girmiştir. Her büyük şirket hikayesinde olduğu gibi bu dizininde ana konusu aile üyeleri arasındaki iç savaşı anlatıyor. Yoon Hyeon-Woo(Song Joong-Ki) ise bu koca şirkette haleflerden birinin altında rütbeli çalışandır. Bir gün şahit olduğu bir yolsuzluğu patronuna söylemesi sonucu mevzu büyür ve başrolümüzü götürüp Türkiye’de kafasına sıkmak sureti ile öldürürler. Kafasına sıkılan karakterimiz uçurumdan düşer ve gözünü açtığında 17 yıl önce Chaebol ailesinin 10 yaşlarındaki küçük torunu Jin Do-Jun’undur.
Artık amacı aile içinde sağlam bir yer edinmek ve onun ölümünü planlayan kişiyi bulmaktır. Tekrar yaşaması gereken önünde 17 yıl vardır. Ülkede olacakların yanı sıra dünya da olacakları da bilen benliği ile 17 yıllık planını izliyoruz. Hani herkesin geçmişe gitsem sayısal numarasını kendime veririm diye yaptığı geyik var ya, geçmişe gittiğinizi ama sayısal vermenize gerek olmayacak kadar zengin bir ailede doğduğunuzu hayal edin. Çöküşleri, yatırım imkanlarını, piyasa değeri fırlayacak markaların bilgilerini bildiğinizi düşünün. İşte dizi bu ekonomist bakış açısı üzerinden ilerleniyordu.
Oyuncular ve oyunculukları… Benim fikrim, şahane olduğu yönündeydi. Büyük patron Chaebol’ün başı Jin Yang-Cheol rolündeki Lee Sung-Min yıkmış geçmişti. Zaten tecrübeli olan oyuncu, yıllarını boşa harcamadığını herkeslere kanıtladı. Song Joong-Ki’nin oyunculuğuna ise donuk diyenler olmuş, çarpılırsınız. Başarılı oyuncu tek kelime ile efsaneydi. Hem 17 yaşında ergen oldu, hem 25 yaşında genç hem de 40 yaşında adam. Dizi çekilirken 37 yaşında olan oyuncu, 3 jenerasyonunda içinden geçti bana mısın demedi. Bu kadar zor bir şeyi seyirciyi koparmadan başarmak yetenektir, emektir. Kimsede kalkıp donuktu diyemez. Sen neyi başardın haspam derler adama.
Dizide elle tutulur bir romantizm yoktu. Birinci bölümde Yoon Hyeon-Woo’nun peşindeki soğuk savcı Seo Min-Yeong (Shin Hyun-Bin), ilerleyen zamanlarda Jin Do-Jun ile romantik yakınlaşmalar yaşasa da, doyurucu bir hikaye değildi. Asıl donuk olan bence Shin Hyun-Bin’di. Kadronun geri kalanına baktığımızda biraz soft bir oyuncu olarak kalıyordu.
Ben zaman atlaması, zamanda yolculuk gibi kavramları kavramakta çok zorlanan bir insan olarak, dizinin sonu benim için bir tık puslu kaldı. Bunun sorumlusu benim, o yüzden kimseye bir yorum yapamam. Ama onu da havada bırakıp kalbimizi kırmadılar. Bağlandı, toplandı. Benim için 2022 yılının en iyi 2 dizisinden biri oldu. Diğeri Big Mouth, onu konuşmuştuk. Tavsiye ederim ama gözünüzün ucuyla ön yargıyla değil, hakkıyla izleyin isterim.
Jong Ho - Gravity
Raven Melus
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enterenews · 2 years
Kim Jung-hyun, who died from a crash in front of Lim Soo-hyang!
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Im Soo-hyang was surprised to see Kim Jeong-hyeon, who had died in front of her, come back to life.
Even though he was scolded by the doctor in the emergency room, he liked saying, "I… I'm a real parachute." When even Do Jin-woo took his side, Han Han-jeol liked it, saying, “My person?”
At this time, Tae Jeong-won (Kim Da-som) appeared in front of Han Han-jeol and warned him about Do Jin-woo. Even when she said, “There is no kindness without a price in the world!” At that time, Do Jin-woo appeared and suggested Han Han-jeol to drink.
While drinking beer at a convenience store, Do Jin-woo asked Han Han-jeol, “Why did you become a doctor?” Saying that she was with her mother when she was hit and killed by a car, she suddenly asked, “Do you know my mother?” “Isn’t it? Didn't my mother send you here?
When Do Jin-woo, who was drunk, spilled his wallet, Han Han-jeol found a photo inside. When Han Han-jeol said, “You look alike,” to the photo of Jin-woo Do in his mother’s arms, Jin-woo Do said, “Do you look alike?”
The twisted and entangled relationship between the two was that Do Jin-woo was in charge of surgery for his birth mother, and he had him die. Do Jin-woo thought that he had a relationship with Chairman Kim Pil-soo (Choi Kwang-il), and he thought that Han Han-jeol, who had been hiding in the chairman's room, heard the contents.
In the case of the limit clause, another doctor in charge of the surgery said to the chairman, “You changed the patient’s CT! So he said, “The patient is dead!” After that, the doctor was almost kicked out to another hospital.
Despite Do Jin-wu's plea, "I need Mr. Han to reveal the reason why my mother died," Han Han-jeol refused, saying, "I don't have the courage to do that." However, in the end, he decided to testify, but on the way to the courthouse, he felt a strange tinge and ran to the neighborhood of Do Jin-woo's house.
At that time, Do Jin-woo fell from the building and, covered in blood, he closed his eyes, leaving behind the words, "I'm sorry, Mr. Han". Do Jin-woo, who was in cardiac arrest, performed CPR while crying. Then Do Jin-woo, who was in a state of cardiac arrest, opened his eyes.
Do Jin-woo grabbed the neck of the surprised and delighted Han Geum-jeol and threatened him. “Cheers! I would have said that I would kill the first person I see!
Do Jin-woo chased after them and eventually knelt down. Oksin said, "I'll see you in 99 years", and Gakshin bowed his head, saying, "I will serve you with utmost sincerity for 99 days." Hangyeol wandered around the emergency room looking for Do Jin-woo all day, and Kokdu/Do Jin-woo muttered, "It's a good night to kill people…".
Viewers were surprised by the quick development and responded that it was fun. “Look at the personality of Kkokdu”, “What happened while I went to the bathroom”, “John Jam”, etc.
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blockchain-hero · 2 years
Südkorea startet Untersuchung der Krypto-Börse Bithumb
Das National Tax Service (NTS) von Südkorea wird angeblich Bithumb und dessen Eigentümer Kang Jong-hyeon untersuchen, da der Verdacht eines Verstoßes gegen die Steuerpolitik im Raum steht. Berichten zufolge hat das National Tax Service von Südkorea Bithumb Korea und Bithumb Holdings mit einer besonderen Steueruntersuchung getroffen, um festzustellen, ob die Krypto-Börse die inländischen Steuergesetze eingehalten hat. Die Beamten haben auch Kang Jong-hyeon (der angeblich der eigentliche Besitzer der Börse ist) und seine Schwester Kang Ji-yeon untersucht. Laut einer kürzlich erschienenen Berichterstattung wird das 4. Ermittungsbüro des Seoul Regional Tax Service untersuchen, ob Bithumb an einer Steuerhinterziehung beteiligt war. Erwähnenswert ist, dass diese Einheit nur spezielle Steuerfälle löst. Das NTS wird angeblich die Steueroperationen von Bithumb überprüfen, indem die internationalen wie auch lokalen Transaktionen beleuchtet werden. Die Behörden werden die Aktivitäten von Kang Jong-hyeon und seiner jüngeren Schwester weiter untersuchen. Mehrere Quellen haben angedeutet, dass Jong-hyeon der größte Anteilseigentümer von Bithumb ist. Um unaufällig zu bleiben, hat er die meisten seiner Geschäftsinteressen, Immobilien und zahlreiche Fahrzeuge auf den Namen seiner Schwester registriert. Die südkoreanische Presse hat kürzlich angedeutet, dass der mysteriöse Eigentümer mit Park Min-young (einer der berühmtesten lokalen Schauspielerinnen) zusammen ist. Die Beamten führten 2018 eine ähnliche Steueruntersuchung zu Bithumb durch. Damals erhielten sie 80 Milliarden Won (über 64 Milliarden USD) an Einkommenssteuern. Ende 2022 wurde der Vizepräsident von Vidente, Hr. Park, tot in der Nähe seines Hauses in Seoul aufgefunden, während die ersten Ermittlungen keine Anzeichen für einen möglichen ergaben. Sein Unternehmen gehört zu den größten Anteilseignern von Bithumb Holdings, der Organisation hinter der Börse. Park sah sich mehreren Anklagen wegen Diebstahls von Kundengeldern und Manipulation von Aktienkursen gegenüber, während der ehemalige CEO von FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, Berichten zufolge in fortgeschrittenen Gesprächen über den Erwerb der Börse war. Eine weitere Berichterstattung informierte, dass Lee Jung-hoon, ehermaliger Vorsitzender der südkoreanischen Krypto-Börse, nicht gegen das Gesetz zu erschwerten Bestrafung bestimmter Wirtschaftsverbrechen verstoen und Kim Byung-gun nicht um 112 Milliarden Won (87,5 Millionen USD) betrogen hat. Hätte ihn das Gericht für schuldig befunden, hätte er mit bis zu acht Jahren Haft rechnen können. Bildquelle: Pixabay Read the full article
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aricastmblr · 10 months
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【men’s uno HK 12月號封面人物丨Jimin 朴智旻】
#Jimin 朴智旻:「在個人專輯《FACE》 創作的過程裡,我了解到過去一些無法捉摸的情感。如此一來,即使未來再次遇上同樣的崩潰時刻,需要再次面對這些情感,也變得不再可怕。」
men’s uno HK 12月號封面人物有韓國天團 #BTS 人氣成員 #Jimin ,他的封面專訪及靚相今日出爐!各位讀者亦可點選Bio連結訂購men’s uno HK 2023年12月號三封面套裝。另外,亦請大家密切留意我們的Instagram及Facebook最新發佈。
“While crafting my solo album ‘FACE’, I unraveled elusive emotions from the past. Now, facing similar breakdowns in the future doesn’t seem as daunting.” #Jimin#BTS
The renowned BTS member, Jimin, is set to grace the cover of the December 2023 issue of men’s uno Hong Kong! The full interview and captivating photos will be unveiled today. Readers can click on the Bio link to order the magazine set featuring three distinct cover versions. Stay tuned to our Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates.
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【men’s uno HK 12月號封面人物丨Jimin 朴智旻】
#Jimin 朴智旻:「能為自己定下目標並以自己的力量前進,是一件非常了不起的事。」
men’s uno HK 12月號封面人物有韓國天團 #BTS 人氣成員 #Jimin ,他的封面專訪及靚相今日出爐!各位讀者亦可點選Bio連結訂購men’s uno HK 2023年12月號三封面套裝。另外,亦請大家密切留意我們的Instagram及Facebook最新發佈。
“Setting goals for yourself and moving forward with your own capabilities is indeed an incredible thing.” #Jimin#BTS
The renowned BTS member, Jimin, is set to grace the cover of the December 2023 issue of men’s uno Hong Kong! The full interview and captivating photos will be unveiled today.Readers can click on the Bio link to order the magazine set featuring three distinct cover versions. Stay tuned to our Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates.
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【men’s uno HK 12月號封面人物丨Jimin 朴智旻】
Jimin 朴智旻:「沒有人知道哪裡才是自己的極限。反正真正到達極限之前,不會知道在哪裡。」men’s uno HK 12月號封面人物有韓國天團 #BTS 人氣成員 #Jimin ,他的封面專訪及靚相今日出爐!各位讀者亦可點選Bio連結訂購men’s uno HK 2023年12月號三封面套裝。另外,亦請大家密切留意我們的Instagram及Facebook最新發佈。
“No one knows where their limits are. Anyway, you won’t know until you truly reach your limits.” #Jimin #BTS
The renowned BTS member, Jimin, is set to grace the cover of the December 2023 issue of men’s uno Hong Kong! The full interview and captivating photos will be unveiled today. Readers can click on the Bio link to order the magazine set featuring three distinct cover versions. Stay tuned to our Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates.
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mensunohk instagram sale j.m - jimin etiquetan a dior y bts.bighitofficial
#Jimin 朴智旻:「因為有BTS,才有我。我覺得不需要更多修飾與描述了,這件事是永遠不變的,而我在任何時候都會記住。」
你最喜歡《FACE》中哪首歌曲?Which one is your favourite song on 《FACE》?
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#Jimin 朴智旻:「團隊齊人的時候總是最閃耀的。」
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#Jimin 朴智旻:「雖然不知道每一位正在經歷甚麼,但希望大家每天至少感受一次快樂 。所以與其說安慰別人,我反而想問一個問題,『你在甚麼時候感到快樂?』」
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#Jimin 朴智旻:「第一次聽音樂時的感受是很重要的。我不會忘記首次聽到一首歌後獲得的感情和想法,並努力在舞台上完整地表現出來。」
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Jimin 朴智旻:「今年我從很多粉絲、朋友和同事那裡聽到很多次這句話:『沒關係,雖然慢,但做的很好。』因為這句話,我能更快樂地投入到工作時光。」
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Jimin 朴智旻:「如果覺得心中綻放一些特別的思緒和情感,我會立刻記在手機筆記上。或是回過頭去檢視,像最近偶爾回想『今年我做了甚麼,又想過甚麼?』,都會如此記錄下來。」
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idolstylekpop · 2 years
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Summary of musical year 2022 k-pop:
BANDS DEBUT: Acid Angel from Asia - October 28, 2022, with "Generation". Apink Chobom - July 12, 2022, with “Copycat”. Astro – Jinjin & Rocky - January 17, 2022, with “Restore“. ATBO - July 27, 2022 with "Monochrome (Color)". Blank2y - May 24, 2022 with “Thumbs Up“. Classy - May 5, 2022 with "Class Is Over". CSR - July 27, 2022, with Pop? Pop!". Got the Beat -  January 3, 2022 with "Step Back". H1-Key -  January 5, 2022 with "Athletic Girl" ILY:1 - April 4, 2022, with “Love in Bloom“. Irris - July 6th, 2022 with “Wanna Know“. Kep1er - January 3, 2022 with “WA DA DA”. Lapillus -  June 20, 2022 with “힛야! (HIT YA!)”. Le Sserafim - May 2, 2022 with “FEARLESS”. Mamamoo+ -  August 30, 2022 with "Better". Mimiirose - September 16, 2022 with "Rose". NewJeans - July 22, 2022 with “Attention”. Nmixx - February 22, 2022 with "O.O". Shinhwa WDJ -  December 6, 2022 with "Flash". TAN - March 10, 2022, with "1TAN" Tempest - March 2, 2022 with "It's Me, It's We". TNX - May 17, 2022, with "Way Up". Trendz - January 5, 2022, with "Blue Set Chapter 1. Tracks". Viviz - February 9, 2022, with "Beam of Prism". Younite - April 20, 2022, with "Youni-Birth".
SOLO DEBUT: Baekho - October 12, 2022 with "Absolute Zero". Chaeyeon -  October 12, 2022 with "Hush Rush". Choi Ye-na - January 17, 2022, with "Smiley". Choi Yoo-jung - September 14, 2022 with "Sunflower". Jin - October 28, 2022 with "The Astronaut". Kihyun - March 15, 2022 with "Voyager". Kino - August 9, 2022 with "Pose". Kim Jong-hyeon - November 8, 2022 with "Meridiem". Lee Chan-hyuk -  October 17, 2022 with "Panorama". Minho - December 6, 2022 with "Chase". Miyeon - April 8, 2022 with "My". Nayeon - June 24, 2022 with "Im Nayeon". Seulgi - October 4, 2022 with "28 Reasons". Wonpil - February 7, 2022 with "Voiceless". Xiumin - September 26, 2022 with "Brand New". Yerin - May 18, 2022 with “Aria”. Yuju - January 18, 2022, with "Play".
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