#kim gwang-suk
freifraufischer · 2 years
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A non-exhaustive list of gymnasts whose ages are known to be falsified.
“Dick does she look 14 years old to you? [...]  I tell you we have a story going around the gymnastics community that is pretty traditional that when a young Romanian girl is asked her age she looks to her coach for the answer.”  --Bart Conner, 1985 American Cup
Since Wikipedia can’t be trusted to be right for a lot of details of gymnasts careers...
Olga Bicherova
Born in either 1967 or 1968, during Bicherova’s elite career the age requirement was that you had to turn 15 in the year of competition.  Either birthdate would have made her too young for the 1981 World Championships where she won two gold medals, one in the all around and one with the team.  If you take the 1967 birthdate she could have been age eligible for the 1982 World Cup where she won 5 medals, 3 of them gold except that one of the requirements of the World Cup at that time was previous participation in the World Championships.  [In fairness to Bicherova the above picture is slightly mean of me to use as she never grew very tall.]
Ecaterina Szabo
Born in 1968, during Szabo’s elite career the age requirement was to turn 15 in the year of competition meaning her first year of senior eligibility should have been 1983 and 1983 is when her first major titles occurred.  Except she was competing as a senior in 1982 winning a number of international invitationals (which she may have been eligible for anyway because juniors and seniors often competed together at those).  It’s unclear to me why her birthdate was changed though it might have simply been something that happened when the government changed her name to hide her Hungarian ethnicity.  Szabo’s first language is Hungarian and she was born in Transylvania as Szabó Katalin.  She still goes by Katalin in her private life.  She was of age during the 1984 Olympic Games and the 1983 World Championships
Olga Mostepanova
Born in 1970, during Mostepanova’s elite career the age requirement was to turn 15 in the year of competition (or 14 for the World Championship that qualified for the Olympics).  She has said herself that while she was competing her passport was wrong by “years”.  By the accounts as I understand them her first senior year should have been 1985.  Mostepanova was the top Soviet gymnast in 1984 winning the alternative games held for countries that boycotted the 1984 Olympic Games (and the reality of her age falsification makes playing ‘What if?’ for who should have won the 1984 Olympics awkward).  Aside from her 5 Friendship Games gold medals, she would have also been age ineligible for the 1983 World Championships where she won 4 medals, 2 gold (team and beam) and 2 silver (all around and floor).
Oksana Omelianchik
Born on January 2, 1970, during Omelianchik’s elite career the age requirement was to be turn 15 in the year of competition and her first year of eligability was 1985.  None of Omelianchik’s elite career honors are tainted however she says at one point she was given a passport with her birthdate shifted by a week (which would have made her able to compete in the 1984 Olympic Games).
Daniela Silivaș
Born in 1972, during Silivaș’ elite career the age requirement was that you turn 15 in the year of competition meaning her first year as a senior elite should have been 1987.  In 1985 she won a European bronze medal on beam, a World Championship gold medal on beam and a silver with the team.  She also won 3 medals at the 1986 World Cup.  She was of age for the 1988 Olympic Games
Kim Gwang-suk
Only the universe knows what year Kim Gwang-suk was actually born.  She was listed as 15 years old for three consecutive years by the North Korean government from 1989-1991, and then 17 years old at the 1992 Olympic Games.  She may have been as young as 11 when she competed in the 1989 World Championships.  In 1991 she won the World Championship gold on the uneven bars and at least one of her birth years means she might have been age eligible for that competition (which may be why FIG was reluctant to take away that medal, officially they decided that as she wasn’t personally involved in the fraud she could keep it).  The North Korean team was banned from the 1993 World Championships for the sloppy fraud.
Alexandra Marinescu
Born in 1982, the age requirements changed in the middle of Marinescu’s elite career.  For the 1996 Olympic Gams you had to turn 15 in the year of competition and starting in 1997 you had to turn 16.  The Romanian state issued her a passport giving her birthdate as 1981 and it is worth noting that this was the post revolution Romanian government.  She competed at 1995 Worlds, 1996 Worlds, and the 1996 Olympic Games with a stated birthdate that would make her just old enough to compete in those competitions.  In fact she was younger than both Dominique Moceanu and Vanessa Atler.  At no point during her entire elite career which lasted 3 years was Marinescu of age.  She has 3 World medals (2 gold for the team in 1995 and 1997, 1 silver on beam from 1996), and one Olympic medal (bronze in the team from 1996).  The FIG database still lists her incorrect birth year and the Romanian gymnastics federation claims that she is lying about the age falsification (as well as other abuses she has been outspoken about).
Dong Fangxiao
Born sometime in January of 1986 (the exact day is still disputed), during Dong’s elite career the age requirement was to turn 16 in the year of competition.  Her first year of senior competition should have been 2001 but she competed at the 1999 World Championships under the rule at the time that if you are eligible for the Olympic Games you cold compete at the World Championships the previous year.  She won a bronze medal at both 1999 Worlds and the 2000 Olympics with the team.  In 2008 she applied to be a technical official at the Beijing Olympic Games she listed her true birthdate instead of the 1983 birthday under which she had competed.  An investigation of the case resulted in both medals being stripped.
Hong Su-jong
At different competitions during her career Hong Su-jong was entered with a birth year of 1985, 1986, and 1989.  At some of these competitions she was entered with a different birth year as her twin sister Hong Un-jong (Olympic and World Champion who has never herself been implicated in age falsification).  Hong Su-jong’s most significant medal was the 2007 World silver on vault which she is believed to be of age for but she competed at the 2004 Olympic Games with the 1985 birthdate and for that competition she was too young.  Hong Su-jong was eventually banned permanently from competition and North Korea was banned until October 2012 meaning that her sister was unable to defend her 2008 Olympic vault gold.
You may notice that He Kexin is not on this list...
During (and after) the 2008 Olympic Games questions were raised about two time Olympic Gold medalist He Kexin’s age (as well as that of several of her team mates).  Unlike all of the above cases where either inconsistent age information was entered at official FIG competitions or the gymnast themselves have stated that their birth year was changed, He’s birthdate has always been consistent in FIG documents and she herself has always denied falsification.  Her age was listed as earlier in entries for some domestic meets and that was reported by foreign press as evidence that she was too young.  This ignores the fact that age falsification (in both directions up and down) was common by city and provincial teams in China to enter age bracketed competitions and that is what may have been going on.  Either way these competitions are not governed by the FIG so the inconsistent birth information at them was not their problem.  I am generally agnostic about He’s birth year.  There is strong circumstantial evidence to suggest that her age was changed (that doesn’t have to do with domestic competition forms or her appearance) however I understand why the FIG investigation decided that there was not enough evidence for them to act.
Sooooo the only people punished for age falsification have been Asians.  That’s kind of racist isn’t it?
Two things can be true at the same time.  Yes it is highly suspicious that only North Korea and China have been punished for this while there are documented cases of European federations also doing this.  However I think it’s important to note that these cases are not all the same.  North Korea was punished for providing inconsistent birthdates for the same gymnast at competitions.  The evidence of the offense was right there in FIG’s paperwork.  China was punished when Dong applied to be an official with FIG giving an inconsistent birth year.
All of these other cases involve gymnasts whose paperwork was consistent during their careers.  
The fact that FIG is only accepts that level of proof and unwilling to accept (especially in Marinescu’s case) the gymnasts own statements about their birth year certainly doesn’t make them look like they are particularly interested in punishing this kind of cheating unless absolutely forced to.  I would offer the counter point that FIG is not the police and they do not have the ability to determine if there is something else going on with such public statements and they often came out well after the standard 10 year statute of limitation for stripping medals (except in the case of Marinescu).  Some have suggested that FIG was reluctant to act on Marinescu’s statements because stripping Romania of those medals would promote China who was also age cheating at the time.  I don’t think you have to go to that place when the answer is just as likely that FIG has a very narrow standard of proof for revoking medals on the basis of age falsification and has even erred on the side of allowing the gymnast (Kim Gwang-suk) to keep a medal won while clearly under age.
Are FIG officials racist against Asians?  There is a lot of evidence for that.
Has FIG only punished Asian nations for age falsification?  Yes.  But it’s more a case that North Korea is really bad at this and the Dong case has fairly unique circumstances.
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drunkonluv · 2 years
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I've always liked to play with fire
-  Sam Tinnesz
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littlesweetapple · 2 years
Lee Jong Suk as Kim Gwang-il (vip - 2017)
*I'm obsessed with his cocky personality but also wanting to punch him in the face 24/7
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dramacide · 2 years
[Chapter 2]
Interaction: Kim Gwang-Il & Reader
Genre: Crime
Word Count: 1.5K
A/N: Sorry for the wait! This chapter is shorter than the last but I hope you enjoy it regardless.
Summary: You were going to get out of there. Gwang-Il had left you to the boys as he said he would, but to your surprise, they hadn’t touched you yet. But with them on your tail, how will you plot to escape?
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"You've got work to do,"
One of the members, which you remembered to be 'Su-Jin', called out to you. You had found the other members in another room, their uninviting, sharp glares on piercing through you as you entered.
"What work?" As you spoke, the wave of goosebumps and your visible, inconsistent shivers awakened your awareness; you were still in your underwear alone. Almost as if on cue, Su-Jin tossed a satin red robe at you, "Before you say anything, it's oversized because it used to be Mr. Kim's."
Turning his back, Su-Jin continued with what he was doing, "As for the work, I'm referring to chores. We need to keep you busy and away from planning to escape, you see. Apart from that, there's a lot of clothes we'll need you to clean up." You flinched at the thought of what those clothes looked like. On top of that, the last thing you intended to do was assist criminals. They were not stupid; it was no surprise they expected you to devise a plan.
But you weren't stupid either, and you weren't going to let anything stop you. You were going to play along for now.
"No funny business," the other member in the room pointed a finger at you as he took a sudden step forward with a slight snarl sharpening his features, "you have a time limit. If you're not done by then, you'll have to face the consequences. Clear?"
Your eyes met with the finger in close proximity with your face, but you weren't intimidated at all. Matter of fact, you had to resist the urge to smile. "Where can I find the clothes?"
The member escorted you to a smaller room, and you followed as he entered. He gestured to a bath tub, gray and matted with age, and filled with bloodied clothing as you imagined, but the sight instantly caused your stomach to plummet. Who were you kidding? How could you play along and wash the blood of Gwang-Il's unfortunate victims?
"C-Can't we just throw these away?"
"Don't be stupid."
Wincing at the guilt gnawing at you, you struggled to form a sentence, "D-Do I really have to...wash blood?" In response, he threw you some gloves as if that would ease the situation for you. "Are you serious? That's not the only issue here. I'm not just gonna clean up the mess of a bunch of heartless criminals!"
"Then talk to Mr. Kim about it. He's the brains of this operation."
"In fact, yes I will."
Immediately after letting those words escape your mouth, you regretted it. There was no way you were in shape to speak with him now. "I'll escort you-"
"Uh, never mind," you cut him off and raised your palm, "I’ll go later. Just leave me be." He briefly glared at you as if he was suggesting to watch your tongue before he left you alone with your thoughts. And you thought this was a perfect opportunity to start devising a plan. You inhaled deeply to feel tranquil, but all that came of it was the pungent odor of old blood. You hated that you had to do this.
But you guessed this wasn’t your decision to make.
As you scrubbed at the blood-soaked clothes, you tried with great effort to hold back your tears. Your hands shook as you worked, your mind racing with thoughts of escape. How were you so unlucky that you ended up here, stuck in this hellhole? How would you escape?
You remembered the moment of your capture so vividly and you couldn't help but grit your teeth furiously at your ridiculous choice to ignore your parents' number one rule. Now, you were paying the price.
But you weren't going to give up. You had survived for this long so you assumed you were lucky enough to survive a little longer. You would find a way out of this mess, no matter what it took. You just had to keep your head down and play along for now, biding your time until the opportunity for escape presented itself.
You scrubbed harder at the clothes, trying to rid them of the stains that seemed to symbolize all of the horrors that you experienced. Maybe, just maybe, if you could wash them clean, you could wash away the guilt that weighed heavy on your conscience. Maybe, just maybe, you weren't beyond redemption.
But how were you going to get out of here? The members of the group were probably supposed to always watch you, their eyes observing your every move. You had to bide your time and wait for the perfect opportunity.
So, with each day that passed, you began to eavesdrop on their conversations, trying to gather any information that could be useful to your escape. You plan from the beginning was coming up again. You did as you were told and played along with it. It wasn't easy to listen in as they were often alert, their voices barely above a whisper. But you were determined.
As you finished up your futile duties and you overheard a hushed conversation between two of the members. They were talking about a job they had planned for the evening - a job that would take them away for hours. You strained to hear their words, trying to piece together their plan.
This was your chance to escape. At least a million thoughts crossed your mind; most were of fear and uncertainty, but truth be told, you didn’t care. You were not going to let an opportunity like this pass, though escape was probably more difficult than it seemed. But you were ready to do whatever it took to get out of there.
You waited impatiently until the members were all away, then gathered your meager belongings and crept out of the bedroom. Your heart pounded in your chest as you made your way through the dingy rooms, your paranoia gnawing at your determination.
As you reached the front door, you hesitated. This was it - your chance to flee and never look back. But what if you were caught? You couldn't shake the fear that Gwang-Il would track you down and punish you for your disobedience. His face was certainly the last thing you wanted to see.
You took a deep breath and stepped out into the night, determined to put as much distance between yourself and the group as possible.
You knew you had to keep moving - there was no telling how long it would take Gwang-Il and the others to realize that you were gone, and you didn't want to be around when they did.
You forced yourself to your feet and kept on walking, the faint glimmer of light on the horizon guiding you forward. You had no idea where you were going, but you knew you had to find a way to get help. You had to find a way to get back home to your parents, who you expected to be devastated.
You had no idea how much time had passed or how much distance you had covered, but you couldn't afford to stop. You had to keep moving, no matter how tired you were. You dragged your feet along the ground as you pushed yourself to the limit, your body aching with each step. Your mind was numb with exhaustion, and all you wanted to do was collapse and rest. But you couldn't give in to that temptation.
You had to keep going, no matter what.
So you kept on walking, your feet pounding the pavement in a relentless rhythm. You didn't know where you were going, but as long as you were far away, that was all that counted.
Out of nowhere, a voice rang out from behind you, sending shivers down your spine. “Where are you going?” Gwang-Il was right on your heels, his presence looming closer than you had expected. Your heart pounded in your chest as you turned to see Gwang-Il standing there, with what seemed like a genuine display of confusion on his face. However, it was quickly replaced with a chilling grin, his eyes glowing with a maniacal light.
Panic took hold and you bolted, your legs pumping beneath you as you fled through the darkness. The fear coursing through your veins acted as a driving force, urging you to move faster. But as you glanced over your shoulder, you saw that Gwang-Il was nowhere to be found. Confused and disoriented, you slowed your pace and scanned the area, searching for any sign of him. But the area was empty, and there was no trace of the menacing figure. Had you really outrun him, or was this just a twisted game? You couldn't be sure, but you knew you had to stay alert. Gwang-Il was a predator, and you were his prey.
As you frantically searched for an escape route, you noticed a shadowy figure lurking in the distance. It was one of Gwang-Il's henchmen, standing sentinel as if waiting for you to make a move. Your heart sank as the realization hit you - there was no way out. Gwang-Il had you completely surrounded, and you were trapped in his web of deceit.
You stood with your eyebrows furrowed and your breath caught in your throat, your mind racing as you tried to come up with a plan. Was this the end for you? You had been foolish to think that you could escape so easily, and now you were probably in an even worse situation than you were before.
Dazed, you turned back to see that Gwang-Il had returned, flashing a wide smile, and slowly but surely, he showed off a coin he had,
“Heads or tails?”
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bidokja · 2 years
Weak Hero Character Names
For those who don't know, the Weak Hero webtoon anglicized a bunch of the characters' first names from Korean to English. They don't do this for newly introduced characters anymore AFAIK, but all the names they anglicized initially have been kept that way.
Since I've gotten a few people asking about the names, so I decided to compile a list of their original Korean names. You can find amost of these on their character profiles on the Weak Hero fandom page, but I figured people would appreciate having a quick reference that is all in one place. Hopefully this helps people learn/connect their original names.
Remember, this is not a full character list, it's for finding the Korean names of the characters that had their names anglicized.
The format will be:
Anglicized Name -> Korean Name (common alternative romanizations will be in parenthesis)
Eunjang High
Alex Go -> Go Hyeontak (Hyun-tak)
Ben Park -> Park Humin (Hoo-min)
Colton Choi -> Choi Hyoman (Hyo-man)
Eugene Gale -> Seo Juntae (Jun-tae)
Gerard Jin -> Jin Gayul (Ga-yool)
Gray Yeon -> Yeon Sieun (Shi-eun)
Phillip Kim -> Kim Pilyoung (Pil-young)
Rowan Im -> Im Juyang (Ju-yang)
Teddy Jin -> Jin Taeoh (Tae-oh)
Daehyeon High
Dean Kwon -> Kwon Hyeokjin (Hyuk-jin)
Jake Ji -> Ji Hakho (Hak-ho | Hagho)
Timothy Park -> Park Taegi (Tae-gi)*
Ganghak High
Jared Sun -> Seon Jongwon (Sun Jong-Wan)
Toby Kim -> Kim Dosik (Do-sik)
Wolf Keum -> Keum Seongje (Sung-je)
Hyeongshin High
Forrest Lee -> Lee Sehan (Se-han)
Myles Joo -> Joo Seungjin (Seung-jin)
Robin Ha -> Ha Minjo (Min-jo)
Sam "Grape" Lee -> Lee Gongsam (Gong-sam)
Yeo-il High
Donald Na -> Na Baekjin (Baek-jin)
Kingsley Kwan -> Kwan Seokhyeon (Suk-hyun)
Yoosun High
Harper "Helmet" Ha -> Ha Huicheol (Hee-chul)
Hugo Yoon -> Yun Hoyeong (Yoon Ho-young)
Jack Kang -> Kang Jeongyeon (Jung-yun)
Jimmy Bae -> Bae Jihun (Ji-hun)
Other Recurring/Relevant Characters
Bryce Oh -> Oh Beomseok (Beom-sok)
Julia Chae -> Chae Yujin (Yoo-jin)
Kenny Ji -> Ji Gwangseok (Gwang-seok)
Lala Lee -> Lee Minji (Min-ji)
Lily Nam -> Nam Jeongah (Jung-ah)
Oswald Yang -> Yang Seonghun (Sung-hoon)*
Sean Shin -> Shin Jeongseob (Jung-sub)*
Stephen Ahn -> Ahn Suho (Su-ho)
Wesley Song -> Song Baekkyu (Beak-gyu)
(* These names weren't on the wiki, so I looked at raws.)
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kdrama-movies-more · 1 year
1940, Feb 14th: Jung Ui-hwan is born (inquiry report)
1965, Apr 28th : Ha Seong-min born
1966, May 18th : Jung Mi-ok was born (case file)
1966, Nov 4th : Cha Ju-man born (inquiry report; "google" info)
1977, Oct 13 : Park Jong-bae was born
~1977 : Jeon Gwang-sik was born
1978, Apr 18 : Hong Mi-yeon(Park Jong-bae's wife) was born
1988, Sept 6th : Bong Ye Bun was born
1990, Nov 28th : Kim Seon-woo's birthday (presumably, inquiry report)
1993 : Hyeon-ok's 21-25 fencing diary's year
2002, Jan : Assemblyman Yoon's Mujin redevelopment fraud file(Mi-ok's news) 2002 till 2005
2002, Mar 25 : Cha Ju-man's last address change/moved in to Mujin(inquiry report)
2005, Nov 13 (11:15?) : dod/tod(estd.) Jung Mi-ok (aged 40) [place: Mujin Port]
2005, Nov 14 (13:04) : Car and body of Jung Mi-ok recovered (ep 1 first scene)
2007, Jan 17th : Bong Ye-bun gets into Veterinary school
2007 : Jungsan Daily(newspaper Bong's mom wrote for) ceases publication
2012, Feb 1st : Bong Ye-bun gets veterinary license
2014 : The 7 years later in the vet office we see in episode 1 before it cuts to another 8 years(=15 years)
2015, Jul 12 : Justin(Park Kang-jun) is born
2015, Sep 15 : Cho Ae-ran gets into debt with Kim Seon-hwa of the Mujin Coffee Shop
~2016 : Jang-yeol meets Seung-gil (17th b'day)
~2017 : Seung-gil's 18th birthday
~2018 : Seung-gil's 19th birthday
2019, Sept 23rd : Cha Ju-man's lecture at Hankuk University
2019 : Kim Seon-woo drops out of Hankuk University after Cha Ju-man's lecture
~2020 : Bae Deok-hee joins the police department
2021, Sept 6: Ok-hui's memory of Ye-bun drunkenly dancing in front of a police car
2022, Sept 6 : Bong Ye-bun turns 35
2022, Sept 20: Kim Seon-woo's last address change date(as in the report)
2022, Sept 25 : dod Kim Si-a (aged 24) [place: Mujin Beach]
2022, Oct 6th : dod Park Seung-gil (aged 23) [place: Mujin General Hospital]
2022, Oct 20th : dod Lee Ji-suk (aged 27) [place: Road near fishing spot]
2022, Oct 20th : Cha Ju-man is elected
2022, Oct 21st : Cho Ae-ran's debt is paid off
2022, Nov 1 : dod Cha Ju-man(57) is murdered, Jung Ui-hwan framed
2022, ~Nov : Jung Ui-hwan(83) dies of his injury
2022, Nov 6th : Cha Ju-man's corruption is published about; day1/2 of Ui-hwan's funeral
2022, Nov 20 : dod Jeon Gwang-sik(45)
2022, Nov 28 : Kim Seon-woo officially turns 33
~2022, Nov 30 : dod Kim Seon-woo(33)
(ages might be in Korean system)
The Mujin Raincoat killer victims
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Cho Ae-ran
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Jung Ui-hwan
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Jung Mi-ok
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Bong Ye-bun
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Kim Seon-woo
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Cha Ju-man; has a spouse and a son; official birthplace is given in Incheon
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otakusmart · 1 year
"The Uncanny Counter 2: Counter Punch" Season Two Ready to Thrill!
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Attention all fans of the immensely popular Korean drama series, "The Uncanny Counter"! Prepare to rejoice as the highly anticipated second season, "The Uncanny Counter 2: Counter Punch," is just around the corner, bringing with it a unique and captivating storyline. In an effort to build up the excitement, tvN has treated eager viewers with a tantalizing glimpse into the upcoming season through a series of photos from the cast's script reading session. These behind-the-scenes glimpses promise a supernatural and action-packed adventure that will leave fans on the edge of their seats. Based on a beloved webtoon, "The Uncanny Counter" follows the enthralling exploits of demon hunters who cleverly disguise themselves as employees at a humble noodle restaurant. Entrusted with the crucial mission of eradicating malevolent spirits on Earth, the Counter team valiantly battles against the forces of evil in their quest to maintain peace. The first season of "The Uncanny Counter" shattered records, captivating audiences and earning record-breaking ratings on OCN during its 2020 broadcast. Now, the gripping narrative of these fearless demon hunters continues in "The Uncanny Counter 2: Counter Punch."
The Uncanny Counter 2 will reunite with familiar faces
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Rejoice as the talented cast members who brought the first season to life will be reprising their beloved roles. Jo Byeong Gyu will once again grace our screens as the charismatic So Moon, while Yoo Joon Sang will keep us guessing with his enigmatic portrayal of Ga Mo Tak. The determined Do Ha Na, played by Kim Sejeong, will return alongside the insightful Choo Mae Ok, portrayed by Yeom Hye Ran, and the wise Choi Jang Mool, brought to life by Ahn Suk Hwan. But that's not all! In an exciting twist, a fresh lineup of talented actors will be joining the ensemble for the second season, promising to elevate the intensity of the storyline to new heights. Among the new faces are Jin Sun Kyu, Kang Ki Young, Kim Hieora, and Yoo In Soo. In the recently released script reading photos for "The Uncanny Counter 2," these new cast members seamlessly blend in with the returning stars, setting the stage for an electrifying continuation of the series. Jin Sun Kyu will take on the role of Joo Seok, a firefighter who becomes So Moon's savior, but finds himself teetering on the precipice between good and evil. Kang Ki Young, known for his endearing characters, embraces a thrilling challenge as he portrays Pil Gwang, a villainous character who absorbs the powers of his adversaries. Adding to the intrigue, Kim Hieora will embody Gelly, a pure evil character unafraid to unleash her dark side and commit heinous acts. Meanwhile, Yoo In Soo will bring to life Jeok Bong, an awkward and newly recruited Counter member who is still acclimating to the supernatural world.
The Uncanny Counter 2 release date, and more
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"The Uncanny Counter 2" promises an intense showdown between the strengthened Counter team, bolstered by new recruits and enhanced powers, and an increasingly malevolent breed of demons who have absorbed Counter abilities for their own nefarious purposes. Speaking about the upcoming season, the producer teased, "We have infused 'The Uncanny Counter 2' with breathtaking visuals and exhilarating action sequences to amplify the unique thrills of the first season. So, brace yourselves for an expanded universe and a larger scale, as 'The Uncanny Counter 2' reaches its maximum excitement." Viewers can eagerly anticipate the premiere of "The Uncanny Counter 2: Counter Punch" in the latter half of this year. Get ready for an epic battle unlike any other as the Uncanny Counter returns to the screen, bigger and better than ever before. Read the full article
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korelist · 2 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı : 8,6 Benim puanım: 8
Drama: Call It Love
Hangul: 사랑이라 말해요
Director: Lee Gwang-Young, Kim Ji-Yeon
Writer: Kim Ga-Eun
Date: 2023
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Kim Young-Kwang, Lee Sung-Kyung , Sung Joon, Kim Ye-Won, Jang Sung-Bum, Jun Suk-Ho
Hem izleyici olarak benim için hem de Lee Sung-Kyung için garip ve farklı bir deneyimdi. Dizi baştan sona ağır bir melodram olarak sürdü gitti. Acıları anlattı, acılardan beslendi, ölecek öldürecek gibi yaptı ama sürünsek de herkes yaşadı. Öyle tanıdık ama beklenmedik bir havası vardı ki, içine girdikten sonra çıkamıyorsunuz. Lee Sung-Kyung’un da bu anlamda ilk ciddi rolüydü. Daha komedisi ağır yapımlarda oynadığı için bu kadar ciddi bir rolde, bu kadar mutsuz bir karakter olarak izlemek bizim için ilginç onun için yeniydi.
Sim Woo-Joo(Lee Sung-Kyung), Sim Hye-Sung(Kim Ye-Won) ve Sim Ji-Gu (Jang Sung-Bum) üç kardeştir. Babaları Sim Chul-Min(Ahn Nae-Sang) çocuklar küçükken evi terk edip metresi Ma Hee-Ja(Nam Gi-Ae) ile kaçıyor. Anneleri Kim Hyun-Joo(Kim Hee-Jung) ise ağır bir bunalım ile çocuklarını tek başına büyütüyor. Çocuklar büyünce de küçük bir sahil kasabasına yerleşiyor. Ailelerinden kalan evde birbirlerine destek olmaya çalışarak yaşayan bu üç kardeş bir gün babalarının metresinin yaşadıkları evi satılığa koyduğunu öğreniyorlar. Meğer baba ölmüş, ev metrese kalmış.
Bu noktada baş rolümüz ortanca kardeş Sim Woo-Joo, bütün bunların acısını metresin oğlu Han Dong-Jin(Kim Young-Kwang)nden çıkartmaya karar veriyor. En ufakları şarkıcı olmaya çalıştığı için hiçbir katkısı yokken, en büyükleri olan kardeş ise bir bankada çalışan sürekli birilerine aşık çok da stabil olmayan bir karakter. Evden de atıldıkları için çok eski bir arkadaşları olan Yoon Jun (Sung Joon)’un yanına taşınıyorlar. Yoon Jun bir anda üç kardeşin abisi gibi oluyor.
Ve başrol erkeğimiz; metresin oğlu Han Dong-Jin(Kim Young-Kwang). Kendi işini ayakta tutmaya çalışan orta halli, son derece sessiz ve depresif bir karakterdi. Babası öldükten sonra annesinin beraber olduğu hatta evlenip boşandığı erkeklerden olabildiğince uzak olmak için uzun süredir annesi ile çok nadiren görüştüğü bir hayat yaşıyor. Genel bir mutsuzluk hali var. Hayattan zevk alabilecek hiçbir aktivitesi ve hevesi yok. Ara ara gösterdikleri, eski ilişkisi Kang Min-Young( Ahn Hee-Yeon) ile de işlerin oldukça olumsuz gittiğini anlayabiliyorsunuz.
Dizi bu iki depresif karakterin aslında birbirlerine ne kadar çok benzediklerini anladıkları süreci anlatıyor. Ama o kadar naif bir şekilde anlatıyor ki izlerken hem merak ediyor hem üzülüyorsunuz. “Kader ağlarını nasıl örüyor” başlığı altında bir hikaye izlerken, zorlama yapılan hiçbir şey yok. Sanki her şey olacağına varıyor. Başrollerde oynayan oyuncuların eskiye dayanan bir arkadaşlıkları olması nedeni ile normalde aralarında sürekli şakalaşıyorlarmış. Ancak ikisinin de karakteri bu kadar melankolik olduğu için sette birbirlerinden uzak durmayı tercih etmişler. Bu şekilde role daha iyi konsantre olacaklarını düşünmüşler. Ancak bu melankoli uzunca bir süre çekimlerden sonra bile ikisi içinde üstlerinden hiç atamayacakları hissiyatını getirmiş. Bir röportaj sırasında bu durumdan kurtulamayacağız herhalde diye endişelendiklerini dile getirmişler.
Toparlarsak ben çok beğendim. Dizinin naifliğinden ve o istemsiz mazoşist havasından keyif aldım. İkili dışındaki bütün oyuncularda ayrı ayrı oyunculuk konusunda kendisini ispat etmiş son derece profesyonellerdi. En büyük kardeş olan Sim Hye-Sung’nun karakter gelişimi izlemeye değerdi. Kardeşlere kol kanat geren Yoon Jun ise ayakları sapasağlam yere basan dizinin bel kemiği gibiydi. Biraz acı çekmekten rahatsız olmayacaksanız dizi size de enfes gelecektir.
Wonstein - The Secret Garden
Raven Melus
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idolskpop · 1 year
‘Moving’ Episode 19: Ryu Seung Ryong, Kim Sung Kyun’s Emotional Father-Son Reunion
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The penultimate episode of ‘Moving’, the hit Disney+ original series, delivered an intense and emotional showdown between the former agents and the North Korean army. Ryu Seung Ryong, Kim Sung Kyun, and Han Hyo Joo were on the brink of losing but promised to save their children.
‘Moving’ Episode 19: The Final Battle at Jeongwon High School
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(Photo : Disney+) The episode began with the continuation of the fierce battle between the former agents and the North Korean army. The North Koreans were determined to complete their mission and bring the file back to their country, while the former agents were willing to do anything to protect their children. Lee Kang Hoon (Kim Do Hoon) was brutally beaten by Park Chan Il (Jo Bok Rae), who had super-strength powers. Kang Hoon was inexperienced and overpowered by his opponent. Their guidance counselor, Cho Il Hwan (Kim Hee Won), tried to stop Park Chan Il, but he failed. Luckily, Lee Jae Man (Kim Sung Kyun) arrived in time and saved Kang Hoon from the North Korean soldier. Their father-son relationship touched the viewers as Jae Man apologized for coming late. Jang Joo Won (Ryu Seung Ryong) was able to defeat Kwon Young Deuk (Park Gwang Jae), who had the same powers as him. Joo Won used his healing abilities and superhuman strength to overpower his enemy. However, the situation turned worse when Kim Deok Yoon (Park Hee Soon) called for backup from their strongest soldier, Lim Jae Seok (Lee Suk Hyeong). Lim Jae Seok had the ability to crush anything with a clap, but he was sensitive to light and could not stand seeing it. Lim Jae Seok unleashed his destructive power and demolished half of Jeongwon High School, causing chaos and panic among the students and teachers. Joo Won had to save Jae Man again from the collapsing building, but he got trapped under the rubble with a metal rod piercing his chest. Joo Won’s eyes were severely damaged by Lim Jae Seok’s attack, and he decided to remove them himself. He told Jae Man to take care of his daughter, Jang Hui Soo (Go Youn Jung), and said his final words: “I love you.” Jae Man managed to escape from the building with Kang Hoon and others before it was too late. He carried Joo Won’s body with him and mourned his death.
The Heartbreaking Reunion of Ryu Seung Ryong and Go Youn Jung
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(Photo : Disney+) Meanwhile, Kim Bong Seok (Lee Jung Ha) and Hui Soo were hiding in a classroom with Frank (Ryoo Seung Bum), who had betrayed the CIA and decided to help them. Frank used his healing abilities to treat Bong Seok’s wounds and told him that he was his uncle. Frank revealed that he was Kim Doo Sik’s (Zo In Sung) younger brother, who was kidnapped by the CIA when he was a child. He said that he never forgot his brother and wanted to see him again. He also said that he was sorry for what he had done and asked for Bong Seok’s forgiveness. Bong Seok accepted Frank’s apology and hugged him. He said that he was glad to have an uncle like him. Frank smiled and said that he was proud of his nephew. Hui Soo was worried about her father, Joo Won, who had not contacted her for a long time. She tried to call him, but there was no answer. She asked Frank to help her find him, but Frank said that it was too dangerous. Hui Soo insisted on going out, saying that she could not just sit there and do nothing. She said that she loved her father more than anything and wanted to see him alive. She ran out of the classroom, followed by Bong Seok. They encountered Lim Jae Seok, who was still rampaging outside. Hui Soo tried to fight him, but she was no match for his power. Lim Jae Seok grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up. Bong Seok used his flying abilities to rescue her, but he was also caught by Lim Jae Seok. He squeezed them both until they lost consciousness. At that moment, Joo Won’s voice echoed in Hui Soo’s mind. He told her that he loved her more than anything and that he was sorry for not being a good father. He said that he was proud of her and that she should live happily. Hui Soo regained her strength and broke free from Lim Jae Seok’s grip. She used her healing abilities to heal Bong Seok’s wounds and helped him fly away from Lim Jae Seok. They landed near a truck where Jae Man was waiting for them. He told them to get in quickly and drove away from the school. On the way, Hui Soo saw her father’s body lying on the back seat. She was shocked and devastated. She cried out his name and hugged him, hoping that he would wake up. She asked Jae Man what had happened to him, but Jae Man could not answer. He was also in tears and grief. Hui Soo blamed herself for her father’s death. She said that she should have stayed with him and helped him. She said that she was sorry for not being a good daughter. Bong Seok tried to comfort her, saying that it was not her fault. He said that her father loved her very much and that he sacrificed himself to save them. He said that they should be grateful for his life and honor his memory. Hui Soo sobbed and said that she loved her father very much and that she missed him. She said that she wanted to see him again and hear his voice. Bong Seok hugged her and said that he was there for her. He said that they were not alone and that they had each other. He said that they would get through this together. The episode ended with a heartbreaking scene of Hui Soo and Bong Seok mourning their father’s death, while Jae Man drove them to safety.
Netizens’ Reactions
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(Photo : Disney+) The 19th episode of ‘Moving’ received rave reviews from the viewers, who praised the actors’ performances and the director’s skills. They expressed their emotions and opinions on various online platforms. Here are some of the comments from netizens: - “This episode was so sad and touching. I cried so much for Joo Won and Hui Soo. Ryu Seung Ryong and Go Youn Jung are amazing actors. They made me feel their pain and love.” - “Kim Sung Kyun deserves an award for his role as Jae Man. He showed so many emotions in this episode. He was angry, scared, sad, and brave. He was a hero and a father.” - “I can’t believe Joo Won is dead. He was my favorite character in this show. He was so funny, kind, and cool. He had such a great chemistry with everyone. I will miss him so much.” - “The action scenes were so epic and realistic. The special effects were impressive. The director did a great job of creating tension and suspense. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.” - “I’m glad Frank turned out to be a good guy. He redeemed himself by helping Bong Seok and Hui Soo. I hope he reunites with his brother, Doo Sik, soon.” - “I’m worried about what will happen in the final episode. Will Doo Sik and Mi Hyun survive? Will Bong Seok and Hui Soo be happy? Will Frank escape from the CIA? I can’t wait to find out.”
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(Photo : Disney+) ‘Moving’ is a captivating series that combines action, fantasy, romance, and family drama in a unique way. It is based on a popular webtoon by Kang Full, who also wrote the screenplay for the series. The series features a stellar cast of veteran and rising actors, such as Ryu Seung Ryong, Han Hyo Joo, Zo In Sung, Cha Tae Hyun, Ryoo Seung Bum, Kim Sung Kyun, Lee Jung Ha, Go Youn Jung, and Kim Do Hoon. The series has received positive reviews from critics and viewers alike, who praised its plot, characters, cinematography, music, and production value. It has also achieved high ratings on various platforms, such as Disney+, Hulu, IMDb, MyDramaList, and Naver. The series will air its 20th and final episode on September 20th, 2023. It is expected to deliver a satisfying conclusion to the story of the superpowered families. If you enjoyed this article, feel free to share it with your friends and leave a comment below. Subscribe to IDOLS KPOP for exclusive updates and captivating content. Read the full article
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판도라 조작된 낙원 13화 14화 다시 보기 13회 14회
판도라 조작된 낙원 13화 14화 다시 보기 13회 14회 <<
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판도라 조작된 낙원 13화 14화 다시 보기 13회 14회
판도라 조작된 낙원 13화 14화 다시 보기 13회 14회
판도라 조작된 낙원 13화 14화 다시 보기 13회 14회
판도라 조작된 낙원 13화 14화 다시 보기 13회 14회
판도라 조작된 낙원 13화 14화 다시 보기 13회 14회
When Yi Ui-bang struggled with defeat during the Jowi-chong rebellion, he took advantage of this and in December 1174, his son Jeong-gyun ordered his subordinates to assassinate Lee Ui-bang and finally seized power (Gabohjeongbyeon). When someone made a false report to the central government on Imjail in November, about the time to deal with the case, that the civil servants were conspiring to cause a rebellion with the men, Taoist monk Kim Yun-seung and seven other people were exiled to the island, and Lee Yun-su, a medical officer, was sent to Geoje County. stiffened with
Also at this time, he repaired Bojesa Temple (普濟寺) and held a ceremony to request Myeongjong to participate in the ceremony, but he did not follow the advice of the officials concerned. He secretly ordered Seungnoksa (僧錄司) to request the king's behavior and prepared various banquets, but Myeongjong did not respond, and it is said that the officials went instead.
Jeong Jung-bu did not want to leave the position of authority, but in December, Jang Chung-ui, a royal servant, agreed with him and said, 'If the king gives the chancellor a ark, he will not quit even when he is 70 years old.' I confessed to myself and received approval. Sometimes he sat in the middle room and spoke about other people's sins, and his authority was so high that the white official went to his house and congratulated him.
General Hong Joong-bang was almost assassinated by lower-ranking military officers for opposing the military officers taking temporary positions by taking away the temporary posts of military officers. The fact that they were captured and exiled can be interpreted as meaning that, unlike the Lee Ui-bang faction, the Jeong-jungbu faction does not want drastic changes as they are moderate. It was already a trend of change for military officers to concurrently serve as civil servants, but Hongjungbang's opinion that it was too much to take away even temporary positions for civil servants seemed to be in agreement with the middle court. This can be seen from the fact that among Hongjungbang's ambassadors, he said that he was unable to speak because he was afraid of their opposition. It was also to reveal that the high-ranking shamans in the middle, who were unable to speak due to the opposition of the opposition, had no intention of fighting with tattoos after they rose to power in the Jung-jungbu regime.[13][14]
In fact, at the time of Lee Eui-bang's death, the commanders of the second subjugation army were Gi Tak-seong, Jin-jun, and Gyeong-jin [15], and since they were all moderates at the time of the Musin Rebellion, the subjugation army was said to have been unmoved. In addition, Yang-suk, Gyeong-jin, Ki Tak-seong, Jin Jun, and Lee Gwang-jeong all rose to high positions and became the core of the court, indicating that the moderates who had been humbled in the past counterattacked and wiped out the lower military forces.
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freifraufischer · 2 years
1990 Moscow News
The German television archive diving youtube channel OLGA posted three new videos, some West German training from the 1980s, 1985 West German World Trials and the 1990 Moscow News which features Kim Gwang Suk (PRK), Natalia Laschenova (URS), Karine Mermet (FRA), Zhang Wenning (CHN), and Tatiana Groshkova (URS).
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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pointyshoesmf · 3 years
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dramacide · 3 years
[Chapter 1]
Interaction: Kim Gwang-il & Reader
Genre: Crime, Smut, Angst
[R18] Warnings: Forced Stripping, Vaginal Fingering, Blow Job, Kidnapping, Strangling, Mention of Torture, nothing else I think
Word Count: 3.3K
Summary: School is over for the summer, and after lounging in a meadow, a group of anonymously infamous men steal you away for their own benefits.
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Finally. The school year was finally all over. You had been through a shit ton of things that year, both good and bad; but as a pessimist, the negatives outweighed the positives, and as a whole, they were more memorable, truth be told. Regardless, it was finally over. For the time being, and a time you would embrace.
In fact, you were willing to do something you wouldn’t usually bother to do. You lived by connections to narrow, somewhat concealed streets and alleys in South Korea, and there was no surprise that it was barren of resilient weeds that sprout from cracks in the ground.
With such a strange atmosphere, and given that you had lived there your whole life, your parents had always been insistent on never taking shortcuts; never talking to or engaging with strangers; never staying out too late; and everything similar parents would enforce. No doubt, you felt they exaggerated a little too much when they resorted to reminding you on a daily basis, but you understood that they seriously prioritized your safety. If you stayed out for an hour after curfew, they would go incredibly insane.
However, they never had a problem with you coming home a few hours later than some time after school ended every day, so it would be no issue for you to make your way to the closest heaven you could find. A meadow. In truth, it was nothing compared to heaven, but sprawling in the field where the grass is actually greener; the large number of dandelions and chrysanthemums that surround you in the stillness of their meditation; breeze little to none; and the sweet sound of birds chirping in their habitats, not too distant from you was a dream you were practically itching to live.
So, you did.
And there you arrived: for what seemed like at least half an hour of walking down an empty road in the blazing sun, new beads of sweat trickling down your face and a wave of burning cold ghosting over you as your knees almost gave way. You almost reconsidered coming all that way, but there was no way you could drag yourself out of the situation in your ever-increasing fatigue. Immediately, and with visible frustration, you unzipped your bag and pulled out your plastic water bottle, which was half empty and contained water that had easily warmed up during the day, and you drank until you finished what was left, inconsistently fanning yourself with your unoccupied, sweaty hand, though you knew very well it would be an effort to no avail.
You took a step off the road and right onto the meadow, squinting as you attempted to look forward; it had become clear to you that laying on your back was now out of the question, but there was shade not too far away under a tree, its glowing leaves in all their glory, standing out in the field of somewhat tall grass.
Action plan in mind, you moved in the tree's direction, sighing in relief as you wiped the new and old perspiration from your forehead. As you approached the tree, you huddled right up against it, catching your breath and drawing your bag to your chest as you observed the surrounding environment. You may have been in a predicament, but it was no lie that the view was astounding. It could have been a magnificent piece for your photography club, but school was over already.
A few minutes passed, your vision blurring to a degree as your eyes slowly closed, but you heard the rustling of what might have been a squirrel speeding past. Jolting, your eyes instantly opened: wide and expressive of confusion, followed by the new, zooming thoughts in your mind; a large percentage of which were nonsense, but eventually, when they started to make sense, the question of what time it could be was the first to occur to you.
You were aware that the journey from school to the meadow was quite far, so you imagined that quite a long time had passed as it stood, despite staying in your spot for what you thought to be just a few minutes. Your phone was in your bag’s main compartment, so it would take no effort to check the time… Or so you originally believed.
You hadn’t noticed before, but matter-of-factly, your bag had gone missing. But how? There was no denying that you had placed it on your lap, so as your search around the tree and the entire shaded area was unsuccessful, panic replaced your confusion. Had it been stolen? How was that possible?
Defeated, you ran toward the road to see if anyone was around. In the distance, one not too far was a black rover which stood out suspiciously and began to move in your direction a few moments after you stepped out onto the road. Red flag. The literal epitome of a red flag. You knew one when you saw one, and this couldn’t be more obvious. You couldn’t care less if you were somehow being insane, because you weren’t going to take any risks.
You needed a plan.
And fast. The vehicle moved closer to you with accumulating speed, and you figured your options were ridiculously limited. You could only run, but it would only be a waste of your breath because outrunning the vehicle was an unrealistic move.
So, that was it. You approached a dead end in your mind, and before you could express your frustration and agitation, you felt a cold grip on your wrist, and immediately, you were dragged into the car, another hand covering your mouth temporarily before eventually ceasing your ability to speak with some duct tape. Your arms were bound behind your back uncomfortably in the struggle, deep thoughts left you visibly shaken: utterly bewildering awareness of what was happening; a confirmation that everything that unfolded before you was real.
Real. It was all real. And it was about to get a lot more real. Two men, who gave a slightly immature but dangerous aura, chatted among themselves: one driving and the other drinking from a bottle. You sat beside a man who seemed to be in charge based on your judgement of his isolation from everyone else, and his silent engagement in a novel of some kind. Just sitting in his presence was enough to evoke an unnerving feeling from you, and that was on top of the fear of whatever his capabilities could be.
Keeping your eyes of the world outside through the flaunting windows, you didn’t hesitate to allow your tears to gloss your eyes and pour down, eyes stinging as your head rested on the window.
There was no escaping this.
At your arrival, you were greeted by the mocking grins of two other gang members, and you struggled in the grip of the two gang members that were in the car with you. You could not scream to your full potential because the duct tape still muffled all of your helpless cries as the men forcefully stripped you, but as they reached for your red lace bra, the gang leader called out to them.
“Su-Jin, leave her,” you heard, and to this you heaved a deep sigh of relief.
“What’s the problem?” One of the two gang members who were handling you turned to the gang leader who was sitting in one of the bleak corners of the cold room, earpieces in ears and a translucent, bloodied glove dangling from his fingertips.
“Give her to me.”
In that moment, you could have sworn your heart contorted. But you weren’t surprised - matter of fact, you imagined you would probably get more unlucky. You almost beat yourself up for getting your hopes up, even a little, because as you figured before, things were about to get real.
Too real. Horrifically real. Whatever you would experience next could only be more horrific than movies portray them to be; and the movies you watched with this similar atmosphere never seemed to be sugar-coated.
In the distraction of the gang members, you freed one arm somehow, and peeled off the duct tape from your lips; you flinched in response, but as soon as it was off your face, you crumpled it and threw it to the ground in one swift motion. Just as easily as you freed yourself, your arm was grabbed again, but you had granted yourself the freedom to speak, so you could manage for the time being.
“Hey… Hey, you! Are you insane? Let me go! I swear, you’re not getting away with this. You better-”
Immediately, one of the gang members threw a palm over your lips, pressure causing your head to crash back onto his chest.
“I’ll take her, but you’ll see her later on,” the gang leader continued, rising to his feet and sauntering toward the three of you, flashing a brief smile. The gang members nodded and handed you over to him, and he did not drag you away or even take your hand, but you still felt compelled to follow him. You had no idea who he was; you had no clue what he was capable of; you had no clue what he wanted either; but you knew for sure that disobeying was out of the question.
He led you to a room; it was a bedroom to be exact, but compared to the room you had just come from, the new atmosphere flooded a halcyon ocean in your mind, despite previously being tense as a result of the situation. The bedroom was well planned and beautifully decorated; it seemed to be somewhat emblematic of the Victorian era.
But the ocean cleared along with your astonishment as the gang leader cleared his throat before relentlessly pushing you to the bed. In shock, you sit up and look up to him, eyes locked on him despite his constant movement as he paced up and down.
“Who are you? What do you want from me? Why can’t you just leave me be? Why? Why me? Answer me!”
He didn’t respond to your question, but after a few moments he finally stopped pacing and looked directly at you.
“You’re lucky to still be unharmed,” crouching down, he kept his eye contact on you, “You’re the first one to make it to this point without being tortured. So, consider yourself lucky.” At his remark, you were both confused and horrified, and when he placed a cold palm on your knee, you shivered and tried to shake it away, but your attempt was unsuccessful.
“What do you want from me, then?”
“We’ll continue this conversation after I put you in your place,” he smirked.
Before you could react in any way, he had his hands gripping your neck, and in your surprise you clawed at his knuckles - to which he did not flinch - and you attempted to pry his hands from your neck; this was also to no avail. He watched intently as you struggled for air, kicking and lifting your head every so often. You didn’t know what to do, but you knew he wouldn’t kill you. That was why he brought you here, right? And he specifically mentioned that the other gang members would see you later. He really knew how to put you in your place.
When he finally let go, you felt your chest heave as you gasped, and when you gathered enough energy, you tried to move further out into the bed and away from him, but he grasped your ankle in time. You groaned, under the impression he was not quite done yet. And it terrified you. You didn’t hesitate to let your tears flow; as a matter of fact, you wanted him to see that you were afraid. Anything to prevent getting hurt anymore, right? That was your goal.
“Don’t...don’t…” You struggled to gather your words, “Don’t hurt me, please.”
He paused momentarily before taking some time to look behind him at the door. You bit your lip, quivering in unadulterated fear in your burning anticipation of what was to come. You knew you would never get what you wanted, no matter how hard you begged for it.
No matter how bad you wanted to get out of there unscathed.
“Who are you?” You asked again with a hoarse whisper, but as he finally turned his head to make eye contact you jolted, teeth chattering; and your lungs tried their best to compensate for the lack of air you received previously.
“Kim Gwang-Il,” he chuckled briefly before he spoke in monotone, rising to his feet and lifting his knees onto the bed, then moving in your direction, face expressionless.
“Kim Gwang-Il?” You expelled a shaky breath, grabbing onto a pillow as you held it up to your chin, concealing your chest and providing somewhat of a protection, “T-Tell me...Why did you bring me here?”
He smiled for a moment, looking away temporarily as he picked up some gloves from the nightstand and put them on before he moved his focus back to you, “If I kill you now, I’ll only get one chance to hear you suffer under my hand. So I’ll try something slightly different.”
“Huh? Something different? What do you mean by-”
Before you could finish your sentence, Gwang-Il had his arms either side of you, and in your struggle, you could only move your head. He did nothing but study your expression and caress your cheek. Smiling, he moved down away from your face, and when his hand was level with your hips, he reached for the waistband of your underwear. Immediately, you grasped onto his wrist which made him look up.
“Other option is me leaving you with the boys,” he curled his lips inward and raised his eyebrows, “Choose wisely.”
“Y-You’re just gonna kill me no matter what! It doesn’t matter what I pick!”
“Did I not say that I’d try something else? I’m not going to kill you,” he laughed; one could say his lack of sanity was summarised in that alone, but there had to be an abundance of horrific activities he had previously engaged in. None of which you wanted to hear about.
“But didn’t you say that those men would ‘see me later’? What was that about?”
“You’ll find out then, but for now, I’ll tell you that the outcomes are quite different,” he nodded in a way that was self-evident he did not see this as a serious situation.
“Okay, okay fine… I’ll go with this.”
“Great choice.”
He continued, slipping a finger under your waistband and pulling your underwear down, before throwing it away. You felt the deepest shame you had ever felt in your life at that moment, and you felt an overwhelming feeling of tears threatening to break through. Holding your breath, you closed your eyes, and without your sense of expectancy, you gasped as you felt a sudden sensation between your legs. Your eye instantly flew open, and as soon as they did, your focus caught onto the rapid movement of Gwang-Il’s fingers in and out of your wet pussy, and in reaction, you tried to stop the uncontrolled moans he elicited from you by covering your mouth with your hands, but all that came of that were incoherent, yet easily heard sounds which Gwang-Il seemed to live for, judging by his mocking grin.
Slowing down with his fingers, you grab his wrist once again, this time as encouragement, and it was so obvious what you wanted - it was written all over your face. Gwang-Il’s expression eventually faded along with the movement with his fingers.
“Hmm, this isn’t interesting. Find a way to interest me if you want to continue living,” he got off the bed and stood before you.
“What? You said you weren’t gonna kill me!” You were startled at his sudden remark; you didn’t even have a plan in mind. How would you get out of this one?
“Yeah, if you give me a reason otherwise,” he checked his fingernails, not focused on your reaction.
Sighing, you bit your lip before resorting to the only thing you could think of. You beckoned him, patting the edge of the bed, waiting for him to obey. When he did with no hesitance, you got off the bed and as you stood in front of him; you pushed him so that he laid on his back, and as soon as he hit the bed, he lifted himself up to an extent: his elbows pressed into the mattress, and his eyes were watching intently in anticipation.
Hesitantly, you crouched down and reached for his belt, fiddling with the buckle until it was free, and revealing his underwear, under which he was practically throbbing already. You knew he was enjoying this.
You bent your head slightly, wrapping your tender, fragile fingers around his cock, sliding your fingers up and down the length and watching his expression every now and again. He didn’t utter a word; he didn’t seem to flinch at all; and he didn’t show any other sign of pleasure. You needed to try harder, and that’s exactly what you were going to do. Dying today wasn’t on your To-do list.
You let your mouth do the work; it joined your fingers as you brought your lips to his tip, then practically consumed as much of his length that you could; then, you moved back up as you felt your gag reflexes act. You continued on with your best effort but he still would not react.
Were you doing everything wrong? Was he still going to kill you? You had no experience in this kind of thing, so the first thoughts that flooded your mind were thoughts of doubt. After letting go and panting, you looked up to him in frustration, running a shaky hand through your messy hair.
“Could do better,” he seemed exhausted; almost like he was no longer interested or feeling patient, “One second, ma’am.”
Gwang-Il sat up, buttoning up his pants again and sorting himself out before standing up again and walking toward a cabinet. By cocking your head, you could narrowly see that he was grabbing something out of a drawer.
When he turned around, you were puzzled. He held the ends of a piece of string as if he was presenting a gift. It soon clicked; as it did, you moved as far from him as possible - as far as the walls would let you.
“Please. Y-You don’t have to do this… Please! Please, I’m begging you… I don’t wanna die…” Tears had already broken through again, breathing inconsistent as you continuously snivelled, begging with sweaty palms sliding past each other and your knees forced against the floor.
“Please, I swear I’ll do anything! Please!”
“Wipe your tears. I’ll make a proposal,” he started, gesturing that you’d come over with a single finger, “If you want to live, you become my property from now on. I can’t let you leave here alive, so I’ll just keep you. Don’t frown, it’ll be quite fun, you know?”
Fun? Was life really that much of a joke to him?
In your helplessness, you nodded, but you knew you would try to escape one day. You just had to play along for the time being. Wiping your tears, you looked at him through red, glossy eyes.
“What in any of this do you find so pleasing? Huh?” You held in the urge to snarl.
“Well, I don’t know. You see,” he closed his eyes briefly, “the moan of pain… It’s something.”
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squishysuk · 3 years
LEE JONG SUK as a serial killer Kim Gwang-Il:
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“Looks like a cinnamon roll,
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Could actually kill you.”
Lee Jong Suk as a pyscho serial killer in VIP still gives me goosebumps! The effort he had exerted to portray his character as a villain turned out perfectly and earned heaped praises.
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gym-oldies · 3 years
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