#kim visiting lalo on prison
gomosmorodina · 7 months
i love that a lot of times breaking bad and better call saul scenes look like some crazy crossovers
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gilligays · 2 years
peter on the commentary for bagman saying that gordon was the one to suggest that kim would visit lalo in prison to inquire about jimmy, and that it changed the entire trajectory of the season. and the implication being this decision would also change the trajectory of their relationship. i dk where i was going with this, but. thinking…..
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bellamuertes · 2 years
ok i totally understand the mcwexlker break, but why did kim say she was afraid of telling saul about lalo because they would have paused the scam and then broken up if that happened? i didn't get why one thing would have led to that.
A good question! I was also thrown by this line of reasoning but writing it out makes it make a lot more sense. Prefacing this by saying this is entirely my own opinion.
Jimmy isn't supposed to be Kim's white knight, he's supposed to be her partner in crime.
One of Kim's most famous lines is "You don't save me, I save me." Throughout her time in doc review, she's constantly annoyed by Jimmy's attempts to take blame entirely on his shoulders and find a way for her to escape the mess he believe he made for her, whereas she recognizes her role in what happened (that she stuck her neck out for him for the Davis and Main position) and takes responsibility for it.
So attempting to save her yet again, this time from Lalo, would put them back in this dynamic she's already expressed to dislike.
Jimmy blames himself constantly for putting Kim into Lalo's line of sight, even though she went to visit him in prison and handed him his whole ass of her own accord. For Kim, these are choices she makes. For Jimmy, she wouldn't have had to do any of those things if he hadn't accepted the job to represent Domingo. 
The first time Lalo comes to their house, they do run away; there's no reason not to think they wouldn't do it again. If Jimmy knew there was a chance that Lalo was waiting in the wings, it's a fair guess on Kim's part that he would insist they run for her safety, and thus end the scam.
And this was always Kim's scam, not Jimmy's. He's along for the ride, of course, but this is entirely her brainchild. The two of them are supposed to balance each other—one goes too far, the other reels them back in. Kim doesn't allow for that to happen. By hiding the truth about Lalo, Jimmy doesn't have the opportunity to pull the plug on something that is clearly becoming too dangerous for the two of them to handle. She made a selfish call, one that ultimately got Howard killed and made it impossible for her to live with herself, all because she was having too much fun.
She wanted Jimmy to be her partner, not her savior. Knowing he would drop everything on her account and end something she worked so hard on would be a bridge too far for her. 
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septembersghost · 2 years
I'm so scared it feels like the only thing left for them is kim visiting jimmy in prison and there's no peace there, there's no victory in that no matter how the show tries to spin it. I don't want to seem like I'm dragging the writers because it's such good writing but it's all so so so far removed from what I want for these characters I adore so much.
yeah. i have close to zero hope for this to end any other way now, my expectations are in the basement. i'm silly and cling hard to more redemptive ideas, but that's impossible here. everyone is dead. everyone is too far gone. i actually have trouble even picturing her visiting him in prison (why would she want to? there's no triumph there, there's no love there, and even if there is, it's not enough, it's not doing the right thing, it's just punishment. i wish it didn't feel so stringently moralistic). she's living in hell every day. the only hope i have is that she gets out of florida, but that would mean yet again having to build her life anew and does she even have the fortitude to do that? some people don't get to start over. some people just have to live with themselves.
now feeling that i didn't appreciate the breakup enough because it was so suffused with love. nothing beside remains.
it's not what i wanted for the characters i cherish and adore so much either, and i'm trying to come to grips with the fact that we saw them die - when lalo killed howard, when they exchanged broken i love yous that could never change anything - it was just in slow motion, so it took a while to hear the shot.
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paulmccartneyhole · 2 years
rhea was talking about that kim lalo scene when she visited him in prison and she made fun of how tony kept moving his foot towards her with I quote his sausage toes lol
Damn ok queen
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tacticalvalor · 1 year
«────── « HEADCANON » ──────»
A collection of things I've noticed and wanted to highlight during the airing of the final season. Put below a cut for potentially upsetting topics and S6 spoilers.
Okay so, organizing this by character—
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Kim being terrified of talking to Jimmy when he calls her. Like. Actually scared of how egotistical he is and how much of a risk even listening to him puts her in.
Kim trying to live a genuinely normal life (partner, involved with neighbors, etc.)
See also: Said partner not being into their devil’s tango and just “yeup. yeup. yeup.” while banging Kim.
See also also: “ I don’t know what kind of life you’re living but it can’t be worth much ”
Kim returning to ABQ and the courthouse and offering to come forward.
Kim sobbing on the bus… unable to hold it back and just breaking down… Oh my god I cried. She’s so traumatized from everything and now she has to relive it all.
The fact the way she served the divorce papers means that Kim has tried to petition for a divorce for months, if not years, and he literally danced circles around it until she came to his office in person to re-sign it and make him sign.
See also: Him interrupting her every question he asks to intimidate her and guilt her.
See also also: “ Have a nice life, Kim :) ” and, once again, jabbing at her to make her feel bad for an autonomous decision.
Jesse and Kim smoking outside of Saul’s office… Him asking about how good Saul is… Kim just “ When I knew him, he was. ”
LIFE PLUS 190 YEARS… Holy shit. And the offer?? 30 years??? That’s golden. AND THEN MANAGING TO GO EVEN FURTHER TO 85 TO 90 MONTHS?? TO 7.5 YEARS???
“Quantum mechanics? We’re discussing that now?? Stay in your lane!”
Kim’s dress and sneakers combo >>>
Kim volunteering at a legal counsel service 🥺😭 She wants to help people again…
Kim attending Saul’s trial as a part of the audience… Wanting to see one last time what he’s willing to do/if he can do the right thing.
The fact Kim conned her way into federal prison to visit his sorry ass.
When you,,, when,,,, visiting and the,, the cigarette,,,, sharing one last moment,,, Kim walking away for that last time and leaving him to face the consequences for God knows how many years
And then thinking about all of this in retrospect, the idea that Kim is so willing to do everything for Jimmy during the events in which everything happens (and how much she's grown to be able to pull off that last con of sneaking in before finally turning her back).
Like, thinking back to the apartment scene with Lalo, Jimmy (for several reasons summed up as his own cowardice and quick thinking) made her into a sacrificial lamb in the apartment scene.
He told Lalo that KIM was capable of murdering the target (re: Gus, most likely unknown to the duo given the limited extent of their interactions with Lalo). He convinced Lalo to let HER go carry out the hit, knowing that:
If he left Kim with Lalo, he could have killed her.
If he let Kim carry out the hit, she could die (presumably known but still a possibility considering what they do know about Lalo), go to the police, or run away entirely.
And, in the whim of the moment, he was right. Kim WAS capable of it because it gave her the possibility of saving Jimmy. Kim has literally said herself that she has and is willing to drop everything for this man:
“ Jimmy! I have been on your side since the day we met! Who comes running when you call? Who cleans up your messes? I have a job, but I drop everything for you. Every single time. You confess to a felony on tape, I’m there. You have a bar hearing, I represent you. Over and over again, if you need me, I’m there. ”
And it’s just… It’s amazing. It’s true! And I think a lot of her reasoning, aside from trying to see the good in everyone, is because she’s so used to this kind of stuff.
We don’t see a lot of her mother, but from the flashbacks we have, Mrs. Wexler and Jimmy (or rather, his sleazy persona, Saul) are effectively two sides of the same coin. She was raised by someone like Jimmy so, to an extent, there’s that internal justification of the things he does. It’s an illustrative case of how vital of a role parent modeling plays within the family dynamic.
Going to apply some of my own academics into this unintentional rambling, but I’ll try to keep it brief.
Modeling is the presentation and observation of behaviors, whether desired or undesired. Children often look to their parents most for what they should and should not do, and while not understanding the nuances of the behaviors, they are conscious enough to understand the responses to behaviors (e.g., punishment or reward).
A common phenomenon among parents is unintentionally modeling behaviors they do not want to see with their children, aka behaviors that are counterproductive to the desired family dynamic. This can happen for a number of reasons, but two common ones are:
Transmitting unremedied problems onto the children
Influencing them negatively through lifestyle practices, they can hardly help but pick up on (and uncritically follow)
Think of the expression “Do as I say, not as I do”. It’s an age-old expression parents use to justify their behaviors while attempting to dissuade their children from doing the same. Unfortunately, it’s about as effective as slapping a bandaid on a severed limb. This is mostly due to the fact people tend to pick up on nonverbal communication so much more than verbal communication. Simple gestures can change the meaning of conversations, after all.
And I think the relationship between Kim and her mother showcases that concept perfectly.
The flashback where Kim is caught stealing the earrings is a great example, though we do also get that verbal encouragement after the fact, as Mrs. Wexler used Kim as a distraction to steal the other set of earrings. We hear Mrs. Wexler chastise Kim in front of the store’s manager, saying how she’d be much better off in the hands of the police because she’s that mad. Yet her body language there is fairly relaxed. A trained eye, such as Kim’s (as she knows her mother best), can tell it’s a farce. And so even at that moment, Kim is observing that what she’s done is okay because her mother is affirming that physically.
And even though that’s just one instance, from what Kim recalls in brief conversations, that was commonplace. So throughout her peak developmental years, she was shown that these behaviors are okay so long as there is a benefit. As long as the reward outweighs the risk (which is a whole other topic I could lecture on). And, almost consistently, that’s been the case with Jimmy.
He alters legal documents (a serious felony charge), Chuck gets booted out of the firm and gets Kim back on her feet.
He gets involved with the cartel, Kim and him get enough money for whatever troubles they’re having.
He offhandedly proposes sabotaging Howard to get the settlement money, Kim affirms that and everything goes to plan (well, almost. RIP Howard).
But now, through the confrontation with Lalo and Howard’s death, there’s that realization that the risk is getting too high. That the reward isn’t going to be worth the effort. However, so much work has been put in (both in terms of the acts and the relationship with Jimmy) that I think this is being justified by Kim as something she’s put so much into. 
That, at this point, she will get the reward because the reward now is her life. Jimmy’s life. And that’s something that she’ll take (or would have taken) all avenues to protect.
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Thinking about how… real Mike is when it comes to things. Thorough, too.
Like the whole thing with Matty’s death. How he deliberately made himself appear violently intoxicated to goad the other officers into attempting to kill him because he let on he knew the truth.
He pulled from as much experience as he could to perfect the act. He stumbled. He slurred. He uncovered an entire (presumably sealed) investigation and undid the work of an entire police department in the span of… what? A couple of days? A few weeks?
And on top of that, he gave them the slip. He unloaded their service weapons so that he would be the one to walk away. He knew how to stage the scene to keep the police off him for years. How to clean up after himself and leave hardly a trace.
And just in general. Just…
Thinking about his mindset of the justice system and how he believes it could be a good thing. But he sees it’s so corrupt at this point that he believes he’s hardly doing different work when working with the cartel. He knows corruption from first-hand experience. He’s seen how awful it can be. How it tears people apart.
RE: Mike saying that if he had the chance, he’d go back in time to the day he took his first bribe to avoid going down the corrupt cop path. (Which brings up the contrast between Mike’s mentality and Saul’s. Mike being so earnest and getting to see just who Saul is.)
I think my favorite quote of his is:
“ You know what happened. Question is, can you live with? ”
Because that’s just his whole mindset at the end of the day. Bad things happen. You do them; you see them. It’s up to you, and only you, what you do with that information. It’s how you use that information. Do you use it to your advantage? To do the right thing?
Idk… I just think that’s fucking neat. I think these characters are so fucking neat.
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ocalaghan · 2 years
Just my usual end of TV show round-up, this time for Better Call Saul. <3
Better Call Saul was better than Breaking Bad for me. The only downside being no Jesse. But it was just soooooo fucking good and I'm so sad it's over (and sour asf they never won any Emmys!!! THEY WERE ROBBED!!!).
I think it ended pretty perfectly. All the years I've been watching it, I had no idea how I wanted it to end or how it was going to end but it makes the most sense that Jimmy finally got caught.
My boyfriend thought he was going to die in the final episode, especially after the foreshadowing of his silhouette in the grave in the episode that Jesse and Walt guest-starred. But I thought that, combined with the final episode being called Saul Gone, was more a hint that Saul was going to die, not Jimmy. I'm really glad I was right because I would've been mad if he died lmao. Watching him put Saul to bed in the courtroom with Kim watching was just... chef's kiss. Admitting his guilt in his brother's death. Absolving Kim. Just. YES. Obviously his fellow inmates referred to him as Saul, knew him as Saul, but the Saul we knew and that Jimmy carefully crafted was gone.
I was also scared I was going to hate Jimmy by the end, much like Walt, but thankfully it didn't go that way.
I like to think that Kim will continue to visit him. Not all the time, but now and then. I love her so much, just want her to be happy. And hopefully she is happy in her very mundane life with her new man... and that Jimmy's input in the courtroom means she won't get successfully sued to within an inch of her life lmao. I think she'll be amazing volunteering at the pro bono legal firm. I had fears that maybe she would die in the final season but I kept thinking it hopefully can't be true because I think Jimmy would have lost the will to live if Kim had died. I would've rioted if they killed off Kim too tbh.
As for Jimmy, I guess the options are die in prison or submit an appeal and maybe he gets out early. Maybe he gets out on good behaviour. But his life in jail didn't look like it was going to be too awful for him; the other prisoners seemed to have a lot of respect for him so at least he's got that going.
The final season was just excellent in every way. I loved every second of seeing Mike. Lalo was an incredible villain. Nacho was BEAUTIFUL and I am so sad he died but I knew it was going to happen. And I fully screamed when Howard got shot, didn't see that coming.
Literally want to talk about this for hours but FUCK WHAT A SHOW.
Perfect conclusion to the Breaking Bad universe.
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odekirk · 2 years
That person is insane like, Howard's death was a perfect narrative choice both for how it will affect jimmy and kim going forward and also as a natural culmination of the storyline and especially as a collision course between the two main storylines like. I don't think it was a matter of the writers just being like oh hey we need something for howard to do why don't we just kill him.
fr like the whole point is that these characters who think they are in complete control of their schemes and that they can manipulate events perfectly and account for every eventuality are, in fact, NOT in complete control, and their actions DO have unintended consequences based on an element of chance, which is present in everyone's lives but has more devastating consequences when you play with fire.
is it a "coincidence" that lalo happens to visit their apartment at the same time as howard? yes, in the sense that if he'd gotten there 30 minutes later howard probably would have been gone. but what isn't a coincidence is that lalo wouldn't be visiting their apartment at all if jimmy had not illegally represented him under a false name in court and gotten him out on bail using $7 million dollars of drug money. if he had not been drawn in by the promise of wealth and luxury that he associated with being a "friend of the cartel," lalo would probably still be in prison--and even if he weren't, he wouldn't have a reason to interrogate jimmy.
jimmy, who was voted "least likely to learn his lesson" in high school, makes the same mistake again and again in believing that he can control every outcome of his schemes and scams. it makes PERFECT narrative sense that the most brutal and shocking contradiction of that belief comes in the final season and affects the character whom both jimmy and the audience would least expect it to.
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jtem · 3 years
Better Call Saul Season-6 Predictions
#1.  Lalo dies
The buzz online is that Lalo survives Better Call Saul and is still running around, unseen, in the Breaking Bad world.
Don’t believe it.
Most of this buzz seems to be emanating from the same source. I’ve watched more than one Youtube video speculating about Season-6, for example, which pretty much mirrored each other. We’re talking little or no difference in content from supposedly unrelated people! So that’s not a Buzz, that’s the studio setting expectations.
Anyhow, the buzz points back to an Episode in Breaking Bad, Season-2, where Walt & Jesse kidnap Saul in an attempt to pressure/scare him into not making any deals with the DEA no matter how beneficial they would be for his client. Anyhow, they succeed in scaring Saul, he thinks they’re drug cartel henchmen, and pleads for his life insisting “it wasn’t me” and “it was Ignacio.”
Ignacio is the Nacho character’s real name in Better Call Saul.
So the Buzz is claiming that the scene in Breaking Bad, WHICH TAKES PLACE AFTER SEASON-6 OF BETTER CALL SAUL, means that Lalo is still alive & walking around, and none of this makes sense.
“Family is everything.”
That’s a Salamanca family creed, heard in Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul both.
There were at least four Salamancas alive in the Breaking Bad universe at the time Saul Goodman was pleading for his life and none of those Salamancas were Lalo.
Hector. Not very active, post stroke, but not dead.
Hector’s two nephews (the psycho twins), later done in by Hank Schrader, but still very much alive at this point.
Hector’s son, who is eventually killed by Jesse in Season-4.
So we don’t need Lalo alive for Saul to fear retribution, we’ve got Salamancas enough for that,  and... And... AND...
Lalo doesn’t kill Saul. If Lalo was alive and had reason to murder Saul, Saul would be dead. 
But, again, Lalo isn’t in Breaking Bad. The last of the Salamancas dies in Season-4 of Breaking Bad and none of them are Lalo. Gus visits Hector in the nursing home, after poisoning the cartel’s leadership, taunting him with the fact that they’re all dead and the Salamanca name dies with him (Hector).
We watched all the Salamancas die. None of them were Lalo.
#2.  Kim Wexler
Ever notice that Kim’s enemies are all men? She hates Howard. She hates Kevin at Messe Verde. The victims of her little play con games were men. She’s a loner, she doesn’t seem to have any friends except for Jimmy, and Jimmy appears less a man in her life than a surrogate mom. Which doesn’t make sense because she didn’t seem to get along with her mom too well. But we don’t really know much of that story so maybe Jimmy/Saul is that loving relationship she never had with her mom, maybe Jimmy/Saul is a place holder for the dad we never saw... 
Kim’s mom was unreliable and pretty shady it seems. That implies Jimmy but who knows? Still I have to make a prediction so I’m saying that Jimmy is Kim’s way of trying to have an emotional relationship with her mom.
I don’t think we’ve seen “The Real Kim” in Season-5. 
“Opposites Attract.” Kim is far more similar to Howard and Kevin than she is to Jimmy, which may explain her negative feelings towards them. She’s beating on herself? By beating on them she’s beating on herself?
Anyway, I think the journey for Kim comes full circle, and the Jimmy Experiment ends. I don’t think she dies, I think she walks. That, the love and attention from whatever parent she never got growing up she now gets from Jimmy has served it’s purpose. It fulfilled her needs.  And, she realizes this. She doesn’t hate Jimmy, it’s an experience she had always wanted, and Jimmy is never going to stop loving her but their paths diverge in Season-6.
Would be a hoot if she winds up with Howard... Probably what I would have done with the story.
#3.  Jimmy/Saul
At some point Jimmy fully transforms into the Saul Goodman character of Breaking Bad, and I’m guessing it’s the departure of Kim Wexler from his life that makes it happen.
Supposedly “Slipping Jimmy” had been trying to recast himself, and rebrand himself, from the beginning of the series, and he drew most if not all the inspiration from Kim Wexler. It was her rise from humble mailroom beginning to Power Attorney that prompted Jimmy to try the same. It was Kim, or Jimmy’s emotions for Kim, that drew him away from the path of Slipping Jimmy and towards that of Kim’s... and his brother’s. 
Anyway, I see Kim as Jimmy’s anchor. He’s a moth drawn inexorably towards her flame. The moment that flame is gone there is nothing to oppose Slipping Jimmy, no reason to fight it, no incentive to try much less actually change.
So that’s how I see it:  Kim walks and Saul Goodman snaps back hard into the Slipping Jimmy traits. He becomes the Saul Goodman of Breaking Bad.
#4. Nacho/Ignacio
I suspect that he dies. If I was writing for the show I would certainly write that in, his death, see if it stuck. I mean, he clearly has no future in the Better Call Saul universe as he doesn’t appear as Nacho/Ignacio. 
Could he just run? Of course. That’s what he wants to do. He wants out of the drug cartel, he wants out of his life of crime, he wants to run and he could certainly do that. He could run. And that could be why the character is not in Breaking Bad. It could be. It could happen that way. Or he can die. I’m going to say he dies.
#5.  Francesca
I don’t know. I really honestly don’t. She was an employee of Jimmy’s and Kim’s, they loved her, she was a great worker and then in Breaking Bad she seems like a mostly angry and corrupted person. On Breaking Bad she often comes across as somebody who is compromised and doesn’t like it, but she clearly is not lifting a finger to stop being compromised...
So I don’t get it.
Francesca returns to Saul Goodman sometime between Season-6 of Better Call Saul and Season-2 of Breaking Bad. I’m assuming we see her in Season-6. So, um, I guess that’s my prediction? We see Francesca again?
#6.  They overlap
Better Call Saul is a prequel to Breaking Bad. It happens first. Right?
Not necessarily.
The two shows could run concurrently.
Saul Goodman doesn’t make his first appearance in Breaking Bad until Season-2, Episode-8. So that leaves the entire first year and just over half the second for a Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad crossover.
We’ll definitely see more Breaking Bad characters pop up in Season-6. The money is on Walter White making an appearance.
#10.  The Breaking Bad Movie
So Breaking Bad ends and Walter White is dead, right? No. Wrong. All we saw was him collapse, presumably unconscious. But he could have been alive. People survive gunshot wounds all the time. So Walt is alive, in prison and the first act of the film is Walt’s stupendous breakout! We’re talking Mission Impossible & MacGyver all rolled into one! Walt engineers the most brilliant escape EVER, and then goes hunting for his $80 million that the Neo Nazis stole from him. He doesn’t know where it is but unlike everyone else on the planet he knows that it exists.
What do you think? Ground penetrating RADAR? Maybe inferred to search out changes in surface temperature, revealing hidden doors or tunnels?
AND THEN he needs to go after Gretchen & Elliot. Walt hated them, yes, but if you recall he dropped all of his money on them with instructions to gift it to his son, Walt Junior. Gretchen and Elliot agreed, of course, but after Walt’s capture they turn it all over to law enforcement, double crossing Walt. So Walt needs revenge on them, but he also needs a flight out of the country because he’s sick of trying to hide his cash, and he doesn’t want to go underground. No, Walt wants to retire someplace where he can live out his life as a free man, spend his money without care and Gretchen & Elliot just happen to own a private jet!
See how that works out?
Now, is Jesse involved in any of this? Jesse now knows that everything he was thinking about Walt was wrong, that Walt never double crossed him but he had double crossed Walt.
Jesse’s turning point -- against Walt -- when he was waiting to “The Vacuum Cleaner Repair Man” to help him to disappear, start a new life. Jesse seems to believe that he was being set up but in El Camino he spots the exact same mini van parked at the vacuum cleaner’s shop, so he knows that Walt was legitimately trying to help.
So, maybe now Jesse wants to help Walt. Or maybe law enforcement caught up to him and he just wants to escape and start a new life somewhere else, like Walt.
Is Saul Goodman in prison? How does Season-6 end? We know that in Season-5 he got made by a cab driver who seems intent on some sort of “Reward” i.e. blackmail. Maybe he puts Saul in prison. Or someone else recognizes him. Anything. So by the end of Season-6 Saul may be behind bars with Walt or even Walt & Jesse.
I think I’d rather see Walt reunited with his family on Gretchen & Elliot’s plane, instead of Saul. And the movie might need a sequel anyway, and Saul is as good a reason to have one as any,  so there’s that...
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sob-dylan · 4 years
Kim married Jimmy in one episode and then went to visit Lalo in prison in the next. This self-destructive queen cannot be stopped!
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littledevil-jpeg · 4 years
Kim Wexler: season 6
In terms of possibile developments for Kim Wexler in the final season, there are a few that are most likely to go down:
៚ The obvious one => with her involvement with the cartel growing as Jimmies does, she either gets pulled in alongside him, or breaks bad and does that herself. In boths cases, I think her death unlikely at least for its disruption of continuety - I don't see Jimmy recovering from her death at the hands of the cartel enought to 1) Be the Saul we meet in BB, and 2) further involve himself with criminal activity that would have in this scenario killed Kim. Some think Lalo kills her, though I doubt that, based solely on the way he mentions Lalo in 'Better Call Saul' on Breaking Bad. Alternatively, by the end of season 6 Jimmy has been corrupted to such a great extent that he doesn't care about Kim anymore, hence the little impact from her death. In that case this would indeed be in line with his character we see portrayed in BB
៚ Breaking up => 1) Jimmy drives her away on purpose, in that protecting her from the cartel (though I think Kim would figure out a sceme like this, as she knows him well enough); or 2) They have a falling out, for a countless amount of possible reasons, and simply part ways
៚ The Sandpiper money => there have been speculations that once the ongoing Sandpiper subplot is resolved and Jimmy recieves his money, Kim takes that from him and flees with it
៚ Folsom prison blues => for whatever plans she has in mind for tearing down Howard, or perhaps for her renewed involvement with the cartel, Kim gets arrested and ends up in prison. This is a stretch, though I suppose some scenes during the events of Breaking Bad where Jimmy visits her wouldn't mess up the BB line. On the other hand, it's doubtful Jimmy would play by the rules and allow Kim to be imprisoned in the first place - unless, that is, they have a falling out on several possible bases: Kim breaking bad, Howard, the cartel, the Sandpiper case, the Saul transformation, etc
៚ Quick-vanish => another use for either the cartel profits or the Sandpiper ones - Kim, for whatever reason she might need to flee, is forced to seek an escape through the Ed the vacuum guy. This would additionally link Saul to Ed, and show the origins of that contact he, in BB, just happens to have at his disposal for Walt's use
៚ The unknown => and finally, I think none of the above will be - I hope so, at least. I am mostly hoping Vince&co will find a better, more original way to end it that makes sense for the character of Kim Wexler
៚ Breaking bad => Kim's change has been making a major shift in the fifth season, and the direction her arc might be heading might see her break bad, get pulled in with the cartel's business, and progress somewhere (?) from there. This too is strange and contradicts Jimmies 'amigo del cartel' (mad spanish skills). Though again, perhaps at this point he is so far gone he doesn't care about Kim anymore, and wouldn't even try to find her/save her in this case
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