#mrs ziegler and lalo
gomosmorodina · 7 months
i love that a lot of times breaking bad and better call saul scenes look like some crazy crossovers
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mossycakes · 2 months
absolutely insane lalo moment was when he groomed that couple to kill the man and burn his body to use it as a double ... like holy shit thats an insanely evil moment ... second only possibly to gus killing that guy by zip tying his limbs and putting a bag over his head.
lalo flips like an absolute switch and its so frightening, because you never know how hes gonna react to something. like when he broke into mrs zieglers house, and theres no way of knowing if hes actually going to kill that innocent women, like he did with, oh you know, the innocent man he killed.
its the fact that hes close with them, takes care of them, give them money for healthcare and is invested in their lives, all so that he can use the body if, IF, he needs to! how insane is that!! my girlfriends crazy crazy!
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You'll compile the evidence??????!
Aaaaaaaa 🛐🛐🛐
Gay/bi idk either this mf isn't straight
Here's said evidence:
1. Entering man hole as previously stated here
2. Bringing up Fring's boyfriend to Fring
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Idk felt very "I know what you are"
I feel like there's an urban dictionary word for when gay people are trying to subtly show other gay people they're gay
2.5. Bringing up Fring's boyfriend to Balsa
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Babe you're fixated and overcompensating, move on!
Funny how almost everyone else that obviously knows just doesn't bring it up, except LALO
3. Keeps pretty boys around
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Camp ass gay ass bitch
4. Speaking of: nacho varga
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I feel like expanding upon that is redundant just look with your eyes
All of this just screeeeeams straight
5. The deleted scene lol
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6. He definitely fucked his body double we can all agree on that I think
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The way this is framed too. Bit of something on your chin there pal. Ugh...Sorry for disrespecting the dead.
7. The blue shoes 👟
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I actually won't be expanding upon that
Extra stuff if you think he's specifically gay:
1. He could tell kim was a catch but when he expressed it there was no weird lust or anything there. It was just to let Jimmy know he knew her.
2. Completely missed that girl hitting on him in eladio's place cause he was too busy looking at nacho varga
3. The absolute lack of fucks he expressed about not getting to fuck mrs. Ziegler. Idk one could say that was the plan to begin with...idk...
And finally
4. You're telling me you look like THAT in your 40s and you don't even have a girl for show?? Gtfo. Gay he's gay.
Anyway right about here I should point out that lalo is not a real person but a character so if he's bi or gay or whatever to you it's as valid as the day is long. Death of the author blah blah something something. He never was explicitly said to be anything either. Have fun with your evil blorbos people that's what they're for.
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peachyxboy · 1 month
A Love so Sweet, it Hurts 🥀 - Hello Hello 💐
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El Michoacano - Albuquerque, New Mexico
Circa 2004
Lalo never thought himself to be an anxious man. He never had a reason to be. Despite all the things he's done, and will continue to do, he never really had nerves in his stomach or a tightness in his chest. He always had a calmness and joie de vivre that just came naturally to him. However, the feeling of anticipation didn't leave the whole time. The excitement of knowing by the end of the week, he would finally get to see her. Though, as much as he wanted to spend the time thinking and planning out their evening, unfortunately, Lalo had some bigger fish to fry. He still knew his reasons for being here, and that his real goal was to run the business as smoothly as possible, while also trying to get to the bottom of what Fring was planning. Specifically, his business with Werner Ziegler. He knew there were no associates with that name, or any plans of expanding to Germany. At least, they (the real cartel) weren't. The more Lalo found out about Fring, the more questions seemed to turn up.
Nevertheless, there was still business to be done like today's count. Nothing was out of the ordinary, aside from Lalo's thoughts. "Werner Zeigler...Werner Zeigler. Zeeiiigler," he murmured to himself, not caring if Nacho found it annoying (which he did), "You know how many Werner Zeiglers there are in Germany? Twenty-seven. Twenty-six now, according to Mrs. Zeigler.
Nacho just shook his head as he fidgeted with a salt packet. "I told you, I never heard of the guy."
"What about 'Michael'?"
Nacho leaned back in his chair, "Like I said, I only know the names of two guys over there."
"Yeah, yeah. Victor and Tyrus," he rapped his fingertips on his thighs, before his gaze landed on the street dealer and he pointed towards him, "You."
"Y-Yeah?" he asked anxiously.
"Werner Zeigler, you ever heard of that guy? Werner. Zeigler?"
"Uhh, no."
"What about Michael? A bald gringo. He's in the game."
The dealer just shook his head, and Lalo dropped the subject for now. However, he did continue to talk out loud, before turning to his two men and trying to sniff out if there was anything else. "So there's nothing new going on, huh? Nothing...different?"
"Like what?"
"Like anything."
Nacho was silent, but Domingo shot him a worried look before turning to face forward again. Lalo immediately noticed and turned his gaze to him. Unfortunately for Nacho, Dom couldn't keep a secret with that baby face and doe-eyes. "What?" Lalo asked sternly.
Nacho could see the other start to grow nervous from the pressure, so he tried to quickly interject, "It's nothing."
Lalo gave him a look, to which he only tried to explain it away, "It's nothing, man, couple of skells on Fourth have been complaining that this stuff is stepped on."
"Stepped on?" he looked towards baby face, "You hear that too?"
Domingo finally turned to face him and shrugged, "They say it's different."
"Different how?"
"Skells complain," Nacho tried to reassure him, "It's what they do."
Lalo thought for a moment before standing. "Okay. Show me."
Nacho and Dom gave each other one last look, before Nacho stood to drive him. Just as they were about to leave the restaurant, Lalo turned back and took out his wallet, "You know where Lovelace Hospital is, right Domingo?"
"Yeah, why?"
Lovelace Hospital
Tala on the other hand was not fairing well with the anticipation. She had already misplaced two of her pens, and it wasn't even lunch yet. A million things were going through her mind, and while plans of cocaine distribution and possible rivals weren't one of those things, she still had a very full plate. The thing that was bugging her the most, were her feelings towards Lalo. She would be lying if she said there wasn't an attraction, but what Tala didn't know was how far that attraction went. Obviously, she could only speak for herself when it came to her feelings. She liked Lalo a lot, probably more than a lot if she were being honest, but there was still things she had to consider. For all she knew, she could just be a fling Lalo wanted to distract himself while here in America. Additionally, she didn't know if and when Lalo would return to Mexico, and she didn't wanted to get too ahead of herself in thinking what that would mean for them.
As much as her mind wanted to stay on the topic of her love life, Tala still had a job to do. She was doing her rounds when she noticed a familiar face standing at the nurse's station: "Dom?"
He turned and she could see in his hands were a bouquet of roses, "Hey, doc."
"You visiting someone?" she asked.
"No, these are for you," he said as he handed them over.
Tala smiled as she took the flowers in her hands, "Confessing your love already?"
He blushed and laughed, "No, they're from Lalo. I'm just delivering."
She immediately paused and looked at the card attached to them:
Two more days.
This time, Tala's cheeks went flushed as a smile formed on her face. "I-I...tell him I said thank you. Sorry that he made you deliver these all the way here, though."
"No, it's cool. I'm not the only one."
Tala's expression turned puzzled, "The only one?"
Just then, the elevator had opened and a procession of eleven of Lalo's street dealers came in with a bouquet of all different kinds of flowers. The sight was definitely something to behold as these rough-looking thugs all had a bouquet in hand, before placing it on the desk in front of her. Everyone had stopped to look at the commotion, the nurses giggling with excitement at the new material they would gossip about later. Tala stood there in utter shock, but her heart did flutter at the idea of Lalo planning this romantic gesture.
During her lunch break, Tala had stepped out to make a call.
"I thought we agreed on no more causing scenes at my hospital?" she teased.
"Doctora. So you got my flowers?"
"Yes. All twelve of them."
"I didn't know which ones you likes the most."
"You know, you could've just got one of each flower for one bouquet."
"And why would I do just the bare minimum for you when I can always do more?"
Admittedly, Tala did feel the familiar fluttering in her chest again when he said that. "Well, I just wanted to thank you. They're all lovely."
"I'm glad you think so, I wanted something that could try and match your beauty."
"Are you just saying that so I'll see you sooner?"
"Depends, can you?"
Tala chuckled, "Unfortunately, I can't. I have another late night. Sorry."
"Don't be, I enjoy waiting for you."
Just as Tala was about to say something, she heard her pager go off. She sighed, "I have to go, but I'll try and call you when I can."
"I look forward to it."
Nacho's Car
Nacho had tried not to vomit while hearing Lalo speak with the doctor over the phone. Honestly, he wished he traded placed with Dom and didn't have to sit through all this lovey-dovey shit. He had spoken with Fring regarding the doctor, and Gus had advised to try and see if there was anything serious going on. And if the doctor was to get involved more than just physically, that he should report it immediately. For Tala's sake, Nacho hoped she wouldn't. He had only interacted with her in passing when she was still Hector's doctor, but she seemed like a good person. And way too smart to get involved with a Salamanca. He was relieved though when he finally hung up.
"Are you in a relationship, Nacho?"
He glanced over at his boss for a second before back on the road, "No."
"No girlfriend, wife? Nothing like that?"
"No," he repeated.
Lalo just hummed as he looked at the passing buildings, "So you wouldn't know a place to take someone on a date? Somewhere nice? Not a club, but maybe a lounge or restaurant."
Nacho was about to reiterate himself when he got a sudden idea.
"I might know a place."
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aanteater-nose · 1 year
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me watching Lalo jump Mrs. Zieglers gate
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seraphtrevs · 2 years
Do you think Ben America was all Lalo or was it all acting? He styles his hair different, his outfit didn't seem like something he'd wear at a formal gathering in his real life. But to Mrs. Ziegler this character worked perfectly though to the viewers we could see right through it
It was all acting. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but Tony did such an amazing job with this because he makes Lalo bad at acting, but not so bad that it's unbelievable that some people would fall for it. I imagine that's a difficult line to walk as an actor.
Lalo is a very intelligent sociopath. He's really good at reading people and understanding their motivations, but he doesn't have the same sorts of feelings normal people have, which is why he comes across as hollow when mimics them And in Lalo's defense, the times we've seen his acting fail had other factors that made him less likely to succeed. Fred the Travelwire guy just had a strange encounter with Mike, who is a fantastic actor, but as soon as he was out from under Mike's spell, he started reflecting on how weird that whole situation was. So when Lalo shows up and asks about the exact same person that Mike was asking about, of course Fred is suspicious. Even if Lalo had given an Emmy-worthy performance, I still don't think he would have been able to convince Fred to show him the video footage. And Casper was literally hiding in the woods because he was scared to death that he was going to be murdered by criminals for knowing too much, so of course he immediately clocks Lalo as a threat, even though he was initially friendly (also, I think he recognized him? They did meet briefly when Gus showed Bolsa and Lalo the "chicken cooler"). And while Lalo could not for his life pull off "scared" for the judge at his bail hearing, he was at least able to mask what a freak he was enough that the judge granted him bail. Back to Margarethe - there is literally no reason for her to find Lalo suspicious. His seduction is successful because he makes sure their conversation revolves around her, which is part of why she found it so sexy. It's very flattering to have an attractive person hang on your every word. Lalo was confident he could seduce her because he knew how to give her exactly what she wanted. You don't have to be completely convincing if you're playing into what people want to believe
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mannytoodope · 2 years
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Lalo:Werner Ziegler. Werner Ziegler.Werner Ziegler.Ziegler.You know how many Werner Zieglers there are in Germany?Twenty-seven.Twenty-six now, according to Mrs Ziegler. Nacho: I told you, I never heard of the guy. Lalo: What about "Michael"? Nacho: Like I said, I only know the names of two guys over there. Lalo: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Victor and Tyrus.You. Turk: Yeah? Lalo:Werner Ziegler, ever heard of that guy?Werner Ziegler? Turk: Uh... No. Lalo: What about Michael? He's a bald gringo. He's in the game. Okay. (blows raspberry)South wall pouring concrete? What's he up to, man? What's he doing? So there's nothing new going on, huh? Nothing different?
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flintism · 2 years
lalo like “it’s really awful that your husbands “boys” didn’t show up at his funeral :/// that’s just not right ://////“ well where were YOU when your ex bf shot himself in the head and didn’t even get to have a funeral
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saulgoodperson · 2 years
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seraphtrevs · 2 years
What do you think Lalo would have actually done with Mrs. Ziegler? Would he have actually slept with her, do you think?
Absolutely not, and I'm sure because there was literally nothing stopping him from sleeping with her if he wanted to. She told him she had work tomorrow so she really shouldn't invite him in, but it was with the same conviction as someone on a diet saying "oh gosh I really shouldn't have another slice of cake..." like CLEARLY she was hoping he would talk her into it. Her husband had died not too long ago, so I'm sure she was feeling conflicted and looking for him to take the lead a little.
If Lalo had said, "But I'm leaving tomorrow...we'll never have this chance again", she would have grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him inside. She even prompts him, like "when do you leave?", suggesting she wants to pick this up where they left off if he's still around on the weekend and again, hoping he'll be like "tomorrow, my darling, and I would regret it for the rest of my life if I didn't get at least one kiss!" Instead he just stares at her lmao. I'm pretty sure if she had invited him in, he would have made an excuse about an early flight to catch.
So what's stopping him? It could be because sleeping with someone under false pretenses is sleazy (Lalo does occasionally have moments of decency!)...but at the same time, she was looking to have her world rocked by a sexy American with zero expectations of it lasting longer than one magical night, so I don't think it would trouble his conscience too much to give her what she wanted and then do his snooping.
I suppose that maybe he thought it would be too risky, because if she woke up and caught him snooping he might have to kill her which he clearly didn't want to do...but I think he could talk his way out of it, like he couldn't sleep and was curious about the story she told about her late husband. Who's she going to tell? And if he got up and did it as soon as she was fast asleep, he could have finished pretty quickly with little threat of her waking up before he was done.
Sleeping with her really was the easier option, but he chose to hide in the bushes all night and then break in. Occum's Razor tells us he didn't fuck her because he's very, very gay and knew he couldn't perform, or if he could the sex would suck so bad she'd ask him to leave as soon as it was over lol
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flintism · 2 years
if only lalo had had the idea to go seduce mrs ziegler in s5 and had forced nacho to come with him the sheer hilarity potential of the whole thing
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flintism · 2 years
gifset comparison of lalos face when kim is yelling at him and when mrs ziegler is like “i’d like to invite you home”
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flintism · 2 years
lalo, sparing mrs ziegler & her dog: WHO is a soulless pig now 
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seraphtrevs · 2 years
When Lalo was doing the "Weeerneer Ziiieeegler" thing, he also says there's now only 26 Werner Zieglers in Germany "according to Mrs Ziegler" and idk, the idea of him talking to that poor idiot's grieving widow is so creepy to me, it would have been cool to see (totally unnecessary though, so I get why they didn't write that scene). What's your stance on the whole "Lalo going to Germany" idea that's currently floating around?
I think it's a strong possibility that we'll see him in Germany with Mrs Ziegler. It's hard to make predictions this season because they really weren't kidding when they said it would take us by surprise, but we see Lalo sipping wine at a restaurant in the teaser, and that isn't something he'd be able to do in ABQ or Mexico if he wants to keep playing dead (I'm guessing he has a fake passport.) But Germany? There's no one there who knows him or is looking for him. And the last we saw him, he was fixated on proving Gus was up to something behind the cartel's back. He sent the twins after Nacho, and I can't think of what other proof he could be thinking of other than getting to the bottom of the Werner Ziegler business.
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flintism · 2 years
me, when lalo doesn’t have sex with mrs ziegler: who’s doing gay rep like better call saul? 
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flintism · 2 years
tbh i think lalo didn’t kill mrs ziegler because he doesn’t want people to know he’s in germany
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