#kim minkyo
museforblooms · 2 months
wait so what's happening to this account??
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★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀ kasey says ⠀ — ⠀ ... ⠀i've been playing around in my drafts for a while with other fic groups but none of them get very far into the plot line phase of drafting. they have names, lineups, and even full discographies but nothing story wise. sadly, due to how impulsively i posted belladonna, they fall into the same trap. rather than being upset about this and just deleting the blog, i thought the best course of action would be turning it into something for the greater kcverse and superbloom media lore since there hasn't been much.
some things i have planned:
rewriting the confirmed list of favorite artists under superbloom — gives an insight into the lore, why some artists are treated better than others, etc.
belladonna's run on superband — similar to the post i made for oliver on the plastic flowers account featuring a video with all the songs they performed and analysis.
introduction to shin yeonghui — entertainment lawyer turned ceo. was on the side of sm in the tao and luhan lawsuit :/
how 405 entertainment became superbloom media — what really happened to the founders of the company? former artists such as kim yuchan and eden jeong.
introducing celatum, blue cheer, ji dawon, and choi minkyo — first generation of superbloom artists, alongside plastic flowers, they got sbm on the map. 2015 — 2020.
introduction to timefighter, destroya, and gemini — second generation of sbm artists. 2020 — 2023.
introducing velvetine, belladonna, re:genesis— third generation of sbm artists. 2023 — now.
( names in 2nd and 3rd gen subject to change but that's where we're going for now. also new account username coming soon, i kinda hate superbloomz lol )
tldr: anything that's superbloom media related but doesn't directly relate to plastic flowers will be posted here and will probably be expanded to include other parts of my universe, like salem's future company + others.
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hyojongpromo · 2 years
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[IG] 221107 mmmina815 post
현아와 효종이💚💙
그녀와 함께있으면 어느새 내가 고민상담을 하고 현아가 그 답답한맘을 쓸어내주듯 답을 건네준다. 내가 언니인데도 얘기를 나누고 나면 항상 동생이 되는 느낌.. 그만큼 듬직하고 어찌나 생각이 깊은지 널 보고있노라면 나를 다시한번 돌아보게 해.
고마워 현아야
MAPS NOVEMBER Issue with HyunA (@hyunah_aa) Dawn (@hyojong_1994)
MAPS가 글로벌 스포츠 브랜드 리복과 함께한 현아&던의 화보 컷을 공개합니다.
트렌드 그 자체를 표현하는 뮤지션 현아&던의 이번 리복 화보는, 클래식한 감성에 빈티지한 무드를 더한 비주얼로 브랜드 리복의 헤리티지와 신제품 클럽 C 85 스니커즈만이 갖는 분위기를 한껏 드러냈습니다. 이외 Y2K 트렌드를 결합하여 캐주얼웨어를 확대한 리복의 다양한 착장 제품들을 착용한 현아&던의 남다른 소화력에 현장에선 감탄사가 이어졌다는 후문인데요.
현아&던과 리복이 만나 표현한 특유의 헤리티지와 남다른 트렌드가 접목된 화보들, MAPS 11월 호에서 만나보실 수 있습니다.
* 맵스 스튜디오 온라인 사이트 및 국내 오프라인 서점에서 구매 가능합니다.
Photography by Kim Minkyo @about4list
Directed by Kim Mina @mmmina815
Produced by Oh Minji, Kim Hasung
Styling_SSUL Style @ssul.style
Hair_Hyojeong @hair_hyojeong1109
Make-up_Minah @minah9022
Only Here, Order Now!
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nextlevelhqs · 2 years
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NOME LEGAL: Gal Minkyo.
PRONOMES: Ele/dele.
NASCIMENTO: 30/12/1997.
CIDADE NATAL: Seul, Coreia do Sul.
POSIÇÃO: Líder e rapper principal do AFTER=MATH.
DEBUT: 13 de junho de 2013.
CONTA: kyonl_
FACECLAIM: Kim Taehyung (V, BTS), idol.
Escrita total de letras, melodia ou arranjo em um B-SIDE DO GRUPO (“O!Rul8,2?”) — 2013
Escrita total de letras, melodia ou arranjo em um SINGLE DO GRUPO (“N.O.”) — 2013
Papel principal de curta duração em episódios variados (Show me the money, 5° temporada) — 2016
Papel coadjuvante em um drama/show televisivo (Who Are You: School 2015, interpretou Gong Taekwang) — 2015
Papel principal em um drama/show televisivo (Extracurricular, interpretou Oh Jisoo) — 2020
Escrita total de letras, melodia ou arranjo em um SINGLE DO GRUPO (“Mic Drop”) —  2017
Vídeo de variedade em um canal do YouTube de uma indústria (“Kyo Reads Thirsty Tweets” Buzzfeed Calebs) — 2021
Escrita parcial de letras, melodia ou arranjo em um SINGLE DO GRUPO (“Black Swan”) — 2020
Papel principal em um drama/show televisivo (Snowdrop, interpretou Joo Gyeok-Chan) — 2021
Escrita total de letras, melodia ou arranjo em um B-SIDE DO GRUPO (“New Kids”) — 2021
Escrita total de letras, melodia ou arranjo em um B-SIDE DO GRUPO (LOVE YOURSELF: HER) — 2017
Escrita parcial de letras, melodia ou arranjo em um B-SIDE DO GRUPO (LOVE YOURSELF: HER) — 2017
Escrita parcial de letras, melodia ou arranjo em um SINGLE DO GRUPO (“Run”) — 2015
Escrita total de letras, melodia ou arranjo em um B-SIDE DO GRUPO (Wings) — 2016
Escrita total de letras, melodia ou arranjo em um B-SIDE DO GRUPO: (LOVE YOURSFELF: TEAR) — 2018
Vídeo de variedade em um canal do YouTube de uma indústria (“Kyo Tells Us About His First Times” Buzzfeed Celebs) — 2021
TW: abuso físico e mental, violência doméstica,  assassinato, tentativa de suicídio, depressão.
A família de Minkyo era extremamente pobre. Os pais viviam pulando de barraco em barraco com os três filhos, sendo Minkyo o mais velho. Por muitas vezes dormiram nas ruas dos bairros mais pobres da capital. Seus pais não conseguiam ficar muito tempo num mesmo emprego, já que cada um tinha seus vícios e a educação dada era a pior possível.
Além da ausência de infraestrutura, nenhum membro daquela laço daquela família tinha sido planejado. As outras famílias pobres que Minkyo conhecia ainda tinham algum tipo de carinho, mas a dele era diferente. Os pais se odiavam e odiavam os filhos. As crianças eram as únicas que se uniam para sobreviver aos abusos. Diversas vezes tentaram vender as crianças, além de colocar cada um dos pequenos para trabalhar, enquanto passavam o dia dormindo. 
Minkyo tentava cuidar de seus irmãos, ajudava com a educação e lhes dava o que comer. Fazia pequenos favores, limpava casas, levava os cães para passear e recebia algumas moedas daqueles que sentiam algum tipo de empatia por sua história. Tinha seus doze anos quando começou a cantar nas ruas e mesmo que os trocados fossem poucos, era a sua maior fonte de renda.
Tinha quatorze anos quando uns amigos do colégio o levaram para pequenos shows de freestyle, além das batalhas e apresentações da cena underground. O garoto passou muito tempo calado, estudando, até que começasse a se apresentar, chamando a atenção de olheiros. Aquele mundo lhe fez fechar os olhos para uma tragédia que já estava sendo anunciada há algumas semanas.
Apesar de ter melhorado um pouco as condições em casa, os pais só viam os filhos como mais bocas para alimentar, obstáculos. Se todos eles sumissem, seria mais fácil. A mãe encheu a comida dos mais novos com veneno para ratos, e as crianças mal perceberam no gosto. Quando Minkyo chegou em casa, encontrou os irmãos mortos no banheiro. O jovem de quinze anos antes mesmo de ligar para o serviço de emergência foi atacado pelo pai com uma faca. Toda a raiva que sentia se transformou em força, uma vontade imediata de sobreviver. Acabou apunhalando o homem no peito, em legítima defesa. A pequena casa em pedaços se desmanchou nas cinzas do incêndio que começou. A família era tão insignificante para a sociedade que a fumaça não chamou a atenção de uma mosca. 
Minkyo não conseguia suportar aquela perda toda a esperança de uma vida melhor com os irmãos. Planos de fuga, objetivos traçados. Nada mais fazia sentido, nem mesmo a própria vida. Foi convencido por uma mulher a sair daquela ponte só porque achou que uma última refeição valeria a pena. Ela lhe deu um banho, ofereceu ajuda psicológica e lhe deu abrigo por alguns meses, até o destino bater na sua porta com uma proposta. 
Se tornou trainee de uma pequena empresa, e aos poucos suas habilidades foram crescendo. Minkyo parecia ter nascido para aquilo e logo aquilo se tornou um propósito de vida. Iria vingar-se de tudo e todos com o sucesso.  A empresa em que estava passava por momentos difíceis, e entre um punhado de trainees, confiou a WishBone o futuro do rapaz, lhe vendendo como o seu melhor trainee. Foi na empresa que o instinto de irmão mais velho aflorou, mesmo que não fosse o mais velho dos colegas. Prometeu cuidar bem de cada um dos membros do futuro grupo, independente do futuro. 
Apesar de ter superado alguns de seus traumas, sente que o emocional jamais será curado. Minkyo tem muitas recaídas, onde os pensamentos ruins tomam conta de suas ações, o fazendo ser uma ameaça para si mesmo. Quando isso acontece, o homem vai para perto de seus amigos, pra perto dos seus `'irmãos", é como chama os membros do Aftermath.  Agora que se tornou um dos rostos mais famosos da Coréia e talvez do mundo, seu sonho é consolidar sua carreira como ator, uma das paixões que acabou adquirindo graças às oportunidades dadas pela fama.
Minkyo é dono de uma personalidade marcada por dualidades. Pode ser alguém carinhoso, cheio de bons conselhos e ensinamentos, porém também reconhece sua estupidez tremenda, além da agressividade que vem como reflexo dos traumas vividos, são nesses momentos que o homem se lembra que veio da hostilidade, parecendo que jamais poderá se esquecer de seu passado. 
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solplparty · 2 years
j-hope '방화 (Arson)' Official MV https://youtu.be/QmpTkkaKYSU j-hope '방화 (Arson)' Official MV Credits: Production : Boring Studio Director : Lee Suho Executive Producer : Lee Seokjun Assistant Director. : Jeon Sehoon Production Assistant : Kwon Je-heon , Park Jihoon D.O.P : Lee Jinhyuk Focus Puller : Hong Kang 2nd A.C : Ryu Seunggyu DIT : Jeon Juhwan 3rd A.C : Hong Kyungui Gaffer : Oh Jonghwan 1st : Kim Hyunggyun 2nd : Yu Jaejun, Choi Beomseok 3rd : Choi Hyungeon, Jeong Heewook 4th : Yoon Jaewoong Art Director : NOMESS Team Leader : Lim Gyuseong Art Team : Lee Jungsik, Kim Chaejeong, Go Juhwan Paint : Mural Life Special Effect : DRAGON Director : Park Choulyoung 1st : Oh Wonjun, Park Jaesung 2nd : Seol Chongyoung 3rd : Park Youngmin Stunt : Best Stunt Team Stunt Coordinator : Park Sungho Stunt Man : Oh Myeunghoon, Cho Minkyo Magnum : servicevisionkorea Equip : Scorpio Techno Crane 45ft Head Tech: Choi Taehyun Crane Oper: Woo Jisoo Assist: Kim Hakseo, Lee Byumki DRONE Operator : Lee Jaehoon, Jung Soonwoo Match move & Compositing : Kim Yeongseok FX : Jeon Seungwoo, Lee Minkyu 3D VFX : AQUON 2D VFX : Kim Hanbin VFX : Kim Sehwang (AVLE) VFX Assistant : Lee Jaehee Special Make-up Director : Oh Seongseok Assistant : Lee Byunghyun, Choi Yuri Supporting Team Team Leader : Lee Kyoungjm Memeber : Won Dongwook,Won Dongsuk, Moon Isak,Kim Youngjin BIGHIT MUSIC. Rights are reserved selectively in the video. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Manufactured by BIGHIT MUSIC, Seoul, Korea. Connect with BTS: https://ibighit.com/bts http://twitter.com/BTS_bighit http://twitter.com/BTS_twt http://www.facebook.com/bangtan.official https://www.youtube.com/user/BANGTANTV http://instagram.com/BTS.bighitofficial https://channels.vlive.tv/FE619 https://www.tiktok.com/@bts_official_bighit https://weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/94808190 https://www.weibo.com/BTSbighit https://www.weibo.com/BTSmembers http://i.youku.com/btsofficial http://btsblog.ibighit.com #jhope_Arson #JackInTheBox #jhope #제이홉 #jhope_방화 HYBE LABELS
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laplaylistes · 2 years
j-hope '방화 (Arson)' Official Teaser
New Post has been published on https://laplaylist.es/j-hope-%eb%b0%a9%ed%99%94-arson-official-teaser/
j-hope '방화 (Arson)' Official Teaser
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VIDEO: j-hope ‘방화 (Arson)’ Official Teaser
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j-hope ‘방화 (Arson)’ Official Teaser
Credits: Production : Boring Studio Director : Lee Suho Executive Producer : Lee Seokjun Assistant Director. : Jeon Sehoon Production Assistant : Kwon Je-heon , Park Jihoon
D.O.P : Lee Jinhyuk Focus Puller : Hong Kang 2nd A.C : Ryu Seunggyu DIT : Jeon Juhwan 3rd A.C : Hong Kyungui
Gaffer : Oh Jonghwan 1st : Kim Hyunggyun 2nd : Yu Jaejun, Choi Beomseok 3rd : Choi Hyungeon, Jeong Heewook 4th : Yoon Jaewoong
Art Director : NOMESS Team Leader : Lim Gyuseong Art Team : Lee Jungsik, Kim Chaejeong, Go Juhwan Paint : Mural Life
Special Effect : DRAGON Director : Park Choulyoung 1st : Oh Wonjun, Park Jaesung 2nd : Seol Chongyoung 3rd : Park Youngmin
Stunt : Best Stunt Team Stunt Coordinator : Park Sungho Stunt Man : Oh Myeunghoon, Cho Minkyo
Magnum : servicevisionkorea Equip : Scorpio Techno Crane 45ft Head Tech: Choi Taehyun Crane Oper: Woo Jisoo Assist: Kim Hakseo, Lee Byumki
DRONE Operator : Lee Jaehoon, Jung Soonwoo
Match move & Compositing : Kim Yeongseok FX : Jeon Seungwoo, Lee Minkyu 3D VFX : AQUON 2D VFX : Kim Hanbin
VFX : Kim Sehwang (AVLE) VFX Assistant : Lee Jaehee
Special Make-up Director : Oh Seongseok Assistant : Lee Byunghyun, Choi Yuri
Supporting Team Team Leader : Lee Kyoungjm Memeber : Won Dongwook,Won Dongsuk, Moon Isak,Kim Youngjin
BIGHIT MUSIC. Rights are reserved selectively in the video. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Manufactured by BIGHIT MUSIC, Seoul, Korea.
Connect with BTS: https://ibighit.com/bts Tweets by bts_bighit Tweets by BTS_twt http://www.facebook.com/bangtan.official https://www.youtube.com/user/BANGTANTV http://instagram.com/BTS.bighitofficial https://channels.vlive.tv/FE619 https://www.tiktok.com/@bts_official_bighit https://weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/94808190 https://www.weibo.com/BTSbighit https://www.weibo.com/BTSmembers http://i.youku.com/btsofficial http://btsblog.ibighit.com
#jhope_Arson #JackInTheBox #jhope #제이홉 #jhope_방화
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scaramouchespet · 5 years
All of the k-dramas I have ever watched
I will write a little synopsis first and then my opinion. I will warn if there is any chance of getting a spoiler.
Strong woman Do Bong Soon
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× First drama I have ever watched.
The story goes about a girl who is incredibly strong because every woman that’s born in her family is AMAZINGLY strong. Is like a superpower. She doesn’t have a job, so she’s looking for one. There are ladies being kidnapped and they’re trying to catch the person who’s doing it.
× Handsome, funny guy such as Hyungsik acting as Mr. Ahn.
× Great actors such as Hyungsik(x2), Boyoung and Suk ho. Great acting.
× I think there was some empty spaces in the plot SPOILER: like, where the guy who is kidnapping the girls gets his money??
× SPOILER: The whole story they’re trying to make the girl look as if she is powerful, and there are all these men trying to tear her down ONLY because she is a woman and that means she is weak. At the beginning I look at that as a cool sign of hey, women are not weak, look! but when she loses her powers she needs to rely ON MEN to fight the kidnapper. Points down. 
Part time idol
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This is about a man who is in charge of a kpop company, and he wants to put together a group. He creates a mixed gender group, but the thing is that all of the members have a flaw that has to be fixed.
× Really short drama. (This is a good point haha)
× Funny. 
× In five chapters you get to see a full evolution in the characters.
× It also has a back story that helps us to understand why the present is like it is. 
× Helps us to see how ppl can get through problems in life. 
× Talks about friendship and loyalty.
× But I don’t think that’s actually how companies work tho.
× Handsome actors and beautiful actresses.
× Actually not great acting but it’s still okay.
Boys over flowers 
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This is about a girl who gets into a rich ppl school, and she starts to ‘challenge’ the bad arrogant boys in the school, f4.
×I didn’t like it.
× It speaks about friendship. SPOILER: When Jihoo had to let go Jandi because Joon Pyo loved her. 
× They did a great job making us see how the character was feeling without actually saying it. Not great performances/acting, but still good.
×A little extremist. SPOILER: Jandi’s parents, for example. The mom was terribly dramatic and the dad just followed her lead as their son. 
×SPOILER: I just didn’t like it because, you know, you’re Jandi and instead of going with the good boy who treats you like a queen, you go with the other guy joonpyo. get out joonpyo  
× SPOILER: so cliche that Joonpyo falls in love with Jandi cuz she is the only girl that has been rude to him. Also cliche that the rich parents don’t pay attention to their son. Cliche that the mother doesn’t want his kid to marry the poor girl. Cliche that the mother wants to control his kids life. Cliche that two guys are in love with the same girl, but she does only love one of them although at some point she liked the other one, or both of them. Cliche the part where they travel to joonpyo’s beach and that little girl gives Jandi something that she has to give to someone she loves. All that sentence was SO cliche. 
× SPOILER: cliche that the rich kids have parents issues, but Jandi, who is poor, doesn’t. 
× It really doesn’t have a sense of time, like in the last chapter five years past in twenty seconds. 
Choco bank 
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Chocolate and financial advising combine. Jongin studied to work in a bank, but he has no job. Suddenly he runs into HaChoco, who has a chocolate business which is broke. 
× Short drama. 
× Really cute 
× Kai from exo is in it. 
× Teaches you that you have to live your dreams and not your parent’s 
× Easy to watch. 
× We get to see the characters transformations in five chapters only, fifteen minutes each. 
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× My favorite drama. 
The story goes about a queen who has had her child hidden from the enemies: the guys who killed her husband. He wants to have the power, but his mother is not willing to give it. Also, she kills everyone who sees his son. On the other side, there are two friends who go to the capital to meet the family of one them.
× Historical drama. 
× Really good actors as Seojoon, Hyungsik, Go Ara, just to name some.
× All of the acting was awesome.
× All of the characters have turns and transformation archs, which means that at the beginning they were at some point (like their thoughts and lifestyle) but as the plot advances and the characters go through experiences, they change. SPOILER: As Ji Dwi, when he realized that if he didn't do anything to get the throne, his mother was not going to give it to him. 
× A lot of things get explained, it doesn't just happen. SPOILER: Hansung loves Sunwoo so much cause he makes Hansung feel like he can be strong and stop the abuse of his hyung from his grandfather.
× It always keeps you waiting cause you don't know what's going to happen and how are they going to solve their problems 
×I think it was kind of cliche, but they did know how to go on with it. SPOILER: the love triangle between Ji Dwi, Sunwoo and Ah Ro, but you don't usually see a love triangle where you think the girl is iN lOvE wItH hEr bRotHr. Also, the powerful mom who 'hates' her son. That's pretty much what I have seen until now, so just keep on waiting and I will keep on re-updating this, and I wil upload them with the tag #crisskpopedits with my kpop edits ♥
If you have any recomendationa I will be happy to watch the movie/drama you recommend me. I’m looking forward to watch more !
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hyunbinsource · 7 years
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kimheebibi: 오늘도 밤 12시! SBS 비정규직 아이돌🙌🏼 #비정규직아이돌 #parttimeidol
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kirnheebibi · 6 years
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kim heejung + yg family!
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mbkupdates · 7 years
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DIA Official Twitter Update 171028 with Jooeun and comedian Kim MinKyo
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mixtape os que quiser
kim minkyo and gang jin: a mixtape about first love. 
sunkissed by khai dreamsso slowly a sunlit dream pulls me out of sleep, feel the morning through the blinds, i get to thinking 'bout your sunkissed face and a quiet place where i could give you all my time. (...) so softly a tender breeze brush against my knees on a summer afternoon, i get to thinking 'bout the hazy days under august shade that i used to spend with you. i didn't realize it was all i wanted, what i had.
pleaser by wallowsindecisive feelings of enjoyment, hold the thought, i think i need a moment. i'm aware there's something i should tell you but my voice annoys me, bite my tongue off with a smile, i can't feel it anymore 'cause recently the line is blurred between depression and bliss. (...) i'm talking while you're next to me, did i ruin the moment? if i could tell you how i feel would you know what the words meant? for sake of conversation, could you read the writings on my sleeve? 'cause that's the best you're gonna get so maybe i had better leave.
venus flytrap by feng suavelying awake all weekend like a bug stuck in a venus flytrap. am i supposed to hold out, darling? we don't have forever. i'm just a bug, i'm just a bug and i'm yours to slowly digest.
is this how love’s supposed to feel? by ben leeyou kissed me slow, it happened way too fast. i told myself there's no way it would last. is this how love's supposed to feel? is this how love's supposed to feel? and all my friends are saying it's not right i want to sleep beside you every night. is this how love's supposed to feel? is this how love's supposed to feel? so say you'll stay, i promise i won't go, there's just one thing i really need to know: is this how love's supposed to feel?
this side of paradise by coyote theory ask me why my heart's inside my throat, i've never been in love, i've been alone. feel like i've been living life asleep, love so strong it makes me feel so weak, our fingers dancing when they meet. you seem so lonely, are you lonely? i'll be the only dream you seek so if you're lonely, no need to show me, if you're lonely come be lonely with me.
falling for u by peachy! (+bonus track! jin pov)i was hangin' with you and then i realized, i didn't think it was true, i was surprised when i found out i've fallen for you. i didn't wanna believe my feelings for you, i didn't wanna believe that i could lose you if i told you just how i felt, but i can't help it, i'm falling for you and I can't quit it 'cause i'm stuck on you, and it might be pathetic and you might be skeptical but i just want to be with you. please tell me, boy, can you get a clue? or come through 'cause i just want to be with you.
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simonrp · 6 years
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No camines con mucha seguridad por las calles de Yeonsan, MOON MINKYO, podrías terminar siendo la siguiente víctima de Simon. Recuerda hacer todo lo que te pida y no involucrarte en las órdenes dadas a otro ciudadano, no querrás enterarte por ti mismo de lo que él es capaz.
¡Te damos la bienvenida, Lex! Cuentas con 12 horas para enviar la cuenta de tu personaje con los datos restantes de tu personaje, no dudes en pasarte por el main en caso de necesitar una prórroga.
información del usuario —
Pseudónimo: lex
Pronombres preferidos: ella/suya
Edad: 21
País o zona horaria: méxico
¿Roleas contenido +18?:  yesssssss
¿Algún trigger warning que quieras mencionar? ¿FCs que te incomoden?: tw: pedofilia, violación
información del personaje —
Las malas lenguas dicen que MOON MINKYO podría ser la siguiente víctima de Simon, ojalá no estén en lo correcto. Cuenta con VEINTIDÓS AÑOS y suele pasar su tiempo TRABAJANDO COMO DJ en VISION NIGHT CLUB. Algunos aseguran que tiene un gran parecido con KIM TAEHYUNG, pero aún no logramos entender por qué.
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stylekorea · 2 years
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WOODZ for MAPS Magazine February 2022. Photographed by Kim Minkyo
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nextlevelhqs · 2 years
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ᅟᅟ →    𝐁𝐎𝐀𝐒 𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐒! As 61 fichas a seguir foram lidas, corrigidas e aceitas no Next Level até o dia 20 de setembro de 2022, às 18h do horário de Brasília. O início dos jogos está se aproximando, qual será o próximo desafio? Não esqueça de postar sua introdução OOC e seguir todas as contas em nossa lista.  ᅟᅟ Àqueles cujos nomes dos personagens não estiverem abaixo, serão contatados pela moderação em breve. Os casos mais graves, relacionados com apagamento de gatilhos, serão postergados à quinta-feira; aos que apenas necessitam de alguns ajustes, serão aceitos ainda hoje.
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Emma Myun, head manager do I:Machina (Wishbone Corporation);
Heo Nayoung, road manager do Arcana (JG Entertainment);
Park Bomi, maquiadora da JG Entertainment;
Faolán Guinness (Faoladh), produtor da JG Entertainment;
Han Mirae (Beniyuri), solista da JG Entertainment;
Bae Naera (BaeBi), solista da Atom Entertainment;
Yang Lian (ɓuɐ⅄), solista da Atom Entertainment;
Kwon Bora (BORA), solista da Wishbone Corporation;
Hwang Soojin (Jimmy), solista da Elevate Labels;
Seo Junwoo (Ares), solista da Elevate Labels;
Hsu Changning (Kairos), B01 do Vermillion;
Yoon Moonkyung (MOOИ), B03 do Vermillion;
Hwang Seungwan (Fallen), B04 do Vermillion;
Kang Jinhwan (Dio), B05 do Vermillion;
Choi Beomseok (Michael), B07 do Vermillion;
Jung Saerom (Dominique), C01 do Arcana;
Hyeon Mina (Misty), C03 do Arcana;
Choi Geumseong (Juniper), C04 do Arcana;
Seo Jimin (New), C06 do Arcana;
Kang Minji (Jimin), E05 do Evol;
Yoo Sowon, E07 do Evol;
Shin Hayoon (Vivi), F07 do Soda Pop;
Maeve Anne Kwon (Eve), F09 do Soda Pop;
Sun Yunyi (Sunny), H02 do Glittermoon;
Tsubasa Anna (Anna), H03 do Glittermoon;
Kuroi Kiyomi (Kitty), H04 do Glittermoon;
Lee Haebaragi (Ethel), H05 do Glittermoon;
Song Heejin (Zoey), H07 do Glittermoon;
Yamane Suzuha (Zunni), H12 do Glittermoon;
Park Hyemi (Hyemi), J01 do Crystalline;
Gong Chuseyo (Chunli), J02 do Crystalline;
Ahn Saebyeok (Aurora), J03 do Crystalline;
Bang Minah (Mina), J04 do Crystalline;
Mason Ryu (Mason), K01 do Avant Garden;
Andrew Hayes (Andy), K02 do Avant Garden;
Pyo Sangwoo (Sangwoo), K03 do Avant Garden;
Park Minhyuk (Hyuk), K04 do Avant Garden;
Tsubasa Kaoru (Kaoru), K05 do Avant Garden;
Chwe Minjae (Minjae), L02 do I:Machina;
Kim Hyungjun (Zed), L03 do I:Machina;
Aiden Choi (Eden), L07 do I:Machina;
Matteo Shin (Deep), L08 do I:Machina;
Wang Yue (Yue), M01 do IÆM;
Park Evie (Evie), M03 do IÆM;
Shin Hyesun (Solar), M06 do IÆM;
Gal Minkyo (Kyo), N01 do Aftermath;
Kwon Minwoo (Minwoo), N02 do Aftermath;
Yoon Minseok (Kuma), N03 do Aftermath;
Natthasit "Nat" Chikunthip (Nat), N05 do Aftermath;
Hwang Soogeun (Soogeun), N06 do Aftermath;
Kai Sato Lawrence (KΛI), N07 do Aftermath;
Cho Jimin (Harper), O01 do Vespera;
Hwanbo Ran (Ramona), Q07 do (Z)Hero;
Kang Dongwoon (Jay), R03 do Looping;
Jeon Minsu (Minsu), R07 do Looping;
Seo Minji (Minji), R08 do Looping;
Lee Jinhwa (IAN), R10 do Looping;
Kim Somin (Minnie), S05 do Cherryberry;
Jeon Sungmin (Scorpius), T04 do Cloud9;
Lee Hoseok (LEVI), T05 do Cloud9;
Moon Eunhyun (Eunhyun), T07 do Cloud9.
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solplparty · 2 years
j-hope '방화 (Arson)' Official Teaser https://youtu.be/MyivSgSMCwk j-hope '방화 (Arson)' Official Teaser Credits: Production : Boring Studio Director : Lee Suho Executive Producer : Lee Seokjun Assistant Director. : Jeon Sehoon Production Assistant : Kwon Je-heon , Park Jihoon D.O.P : Lee Jinhyuk Focus Puller : Hong Kang 2nd A.C : Ryu Seunggyu DIT : Jeon Juhwan 3rd A.C : Hong Kyungui Gaffer : Oh Jonghwan 1st : Kim Hyunggyun 2nd : Yu Jaejun, Choi Beomseok 3rd : Choi Hyungeon, Jeong Heewook 4th : Yoon Jaewoong Art Director : NOMESS Team Leader : Lim Gyuseong Art Team : Lee Jungsik, Kim Chaejeong, Go Juhwan Paint : Mural Life Special Effect : DRAGON Director : Park Choulyoung 1st : Oh Wonjun, Park Jaesung 2nd : Seol Chongyoung 3rd : Park Youngmin Stunt : Best Stunt Team Stunt Coordinator : Park Sungho Stunt Man : Oh Myeunghoon, Cho Minkyo Magnum : servicevisionkorea Equip : Scorpio Techno Crane 45ft Head Tech: Choi Taehyun Crane Oper: Woo Jisoo Assist: Kim Hakseo, Lee Byumki DRONE Operator : Lee Jaehoon, Jung Soonwoo Match move & Compositing : Kim Yeongseok FX : Jeon Seungwoo, Lee Minkyu 3D VFX : AQUON 2D VFX : Kim Hanbin VFX : Kim Sehwang (AVLE) VFX Assistant : Lee Jaehee Special Make-up Director : Oh Seongseok Assistant : Lee Byunghyun, Choi Yuri Supporting Team Team Leader : Lee Kyoungjm Memeber : Won Dongwook,Won Dongsuk, Moon Isak,Kim Youngjin BIGHIT MUSIC. Rights are reserved selectively in the video. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Manufactured by BIGHIT MUSIC, Seoul, Korea. Connect with BTS: https://ibighit.com/bts http://twitter.com/BTS_bighit http://twitter.com/BTS_twt http://www.facebook.com/bangtan.official https://www.youtube.com/user/BANGTANTV http://instagram.com/BTS.bighitofficial https://channels.vlive.tv/FE619 https://www.tiktok.com/@bts_official_bighit https://weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/94808190 https://www.weibo.com/BTSbighit https://www.weibo.com/BTSmembers http://i.youku.com/btsofficial http://btsblog.ibighit.com #jhope_Arson #JackInTheBox #jhope #제이홉 #jhope_방화 HYBE LABELS
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miyeosin · 3 years
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MIYEON photographed by Kim Minkyo for MAPS (November 2021) [scans: summer_kiii]
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ateezdata · 3 years
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(210928) @ateez_official_:
MAPS October Issue with ATEEZ A few days after the photo shoot, ATEEZ became a half-million seller in four days after the release of the new album! The performance of the powerful members in the Deja Vu music video, the energy reminiscent of flames. News that it is also included in the MAPS pictorial 🔥 You can see it now at @maps_studio Photography by Kim Minkyo (@about4list ) Directed by Han Jongwan (@hanjongswhat) Styling_Lee Jonghyun (@jongddee) Hair: Yu Mirim Make-up: Lee Eunju Models: Hong Joong, Seong Hwa, Yun Ho, Yeo Sang, San, Min Gi, Woo Young, Jong Ho of ATEEZ(@ateez_official_)
#maps #mapsmagazine #ATEEZ #에이티즈 #hongjoong #홍중 #seonghwa #성화 #yunho #윤호 #yeosang #여상 #san #산 #mingi #민기 #wooyoung #우영 #jongho #종호 #atiny #에이티니
Source: ATEEZ Official Instagram
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