#kimial diehl
bonniejkj · 2 months
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end of month soul eater art dump. i kinda fucked up the last one and i don't have any more motivation to fix it. whoops
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bcbdrums · 9 months
What are your Soul Eater ships besides Spirit/Stein?
Oh boy LOL well. I actually don't have too many? Not that I think about seriously. I'll name the ones I think about seriously and then the couple I think about casually. This is gonna be a non-spoiler post with just brief overviews, but I'll mention both anime and manga.
Soul/Maka - I mean. They hit hard in both canons. Easily the most shippable and I'm delighted to ship them. Dare I use the term soulmates? Yes, yes I dare. They're utterly perfect for each other. I could ramble on for thousands of words about why but that would take too long in this post, so I shall save it lol.
Spirit/Stein - Also love them in both canons. I think anime shipping is easier even though they technically get less time together than in the manga? There's reasons for that. Also I find I'm more drawn to them as a platonic ship, but 'eyyy ain't gonna say no to the romance. I am drawn to them because of the whole story... You've got these two dysfunctional adults with some crazy insane history together and we get bits and pieces and more questions than answers and just what happened and I desperately need to know, and I need them together. These two hold me utterly captive with the potential for their stories.
Stein/Marie - Still ship in both canons, but manga is far more shippable and this is why I find Spirit/Stein easier in the anime, because you cannot deny Stein/Marie in the manga. I haven't even finished reading it yet as I write this and I'm just. Whoa. He...actually loves her. I didn't see it coming. And they ALSO have tons of off-screen story that leaves more questions than answers and I direly need to know! Another huge wash of potential.
Black Star/Tsubaki - I mean... Come on. It's right there. In both canons again. But it's the sort of ship where...they don't get romantic till they've grown up. Not for some years later, as late teens or young adults, and then it's sort of an...oh yeah of course we're in love, sort of thing. I don't give tons of thought to this ship, but it's definitely got me.
Kid/Liz - I really do not think about this one hardly at all, but glimpses again in both canons caught my eye. I see this more as a one-sided unrequited love thing on Liz's part, except it's not actually unrequited and it would shock the living daylights out of her if he ever showed any sign of sharing her feelings. Which of course he would some day, heheh. But yeah I barely give thought to this one at all.
Ox/Kim - Don't think about them, but yes very good. Also canon in the manga, woo.
Ox/Harvar - Don't think about them, but they remind me of SoMa.
I think that's it? That might be all I've thought about ship-wise? Hmmm... If I think of more I'll come back to this post and add to it.
Thanks for the ask!!
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spacephoenix-art · 2 years
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A quick WIP because I really love how the sketch came out
I'll finish it soon, hopefully (still procrastinating the lineart lol)
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rodent-king-buunii · 7 months
fuck yall
[adds Kilik, Fire, Thunder, Ox, Harvar, Jakki + Kim as the roster for SEHr2]
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apl-swag-bracket · 1 year
Round 1: Double Trouble (She-ra and the Princesses of Power) Vs. Kim Diehl (Soul Eater)
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mahou-furbies · 2 years
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Witchtober 6: Kim (Soul Eater).
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maguro13-2 · 10 months
War of Shadow Realm ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 4 Finale [2/5]
"Meanwhile in Space Storm Galaxy..."
[What I'm Made of - Crush 40]
Neo Metal Sonic (as Metal Overlord!) : Long time no see, Sonic! My Loathsome copy!
"METAL OVERLORD : The Ultimate Overlord"
Sonic : Alright, Metal! I told you there will be a rematch and that's just good old fashioned butt kicking!
Tails & Knuckles : We're right behind you!
Mario (via Communicator) : Can you hear me, Sonic? Your old robot doppelganger rival is going batshit-crazy again with the Overlord thing! We manage to get to Ohkubo's moon, but I believe that the fight's not over! I know how to stop him and return him to normal!
Sonic : What should I do, Mario!? There's no way that our standards attack were useless against him!
Mario (via communication) : Nonsense! All you need is a little bit of Team Blast to unleash your ultimate or special move, Sonic Overdrive is the only attack that could return Metal Sonic back to the way he was before! That's your chance to attack him!
Princess Peach (o.s) : Go for it, guys! You can do it!
Neo Metal Sonic (as Metal Overlord) : Sonic, I discovered that the Time Eater was responsible for destroying half of the Ohkuboverse that it appeared 1000 years ago and revealed that it was a facade by Shadow Realm. But the Time Eater has killed the man who created the world of that Bratty Meister! So that is why I was brought into this time in the real world to overthrow the Kusakabe Legacy with my bare hands!
Penny Crygor (via communicator) : So what? The Kusakabe Legacy object revealed itself that it might be data that was stored in the mainframe, then I realized that the legacy that you wanted to ovethrow was something special to his family that dedicated him from California using the via network system. So it turns out that the Kusakabe Legacy itself was pieced together in a database stored in one disk.
Neo Metal Sonic (as Metal Overlord) : And I bet it was the time eater that created the Legacy of his family! And now I understand things from a girl-genius grunt of a plumber like you! That's just great! [picks up an Eggman Fleet Battleship] But I'll suggest that...I'LL CRUSH YOU!
Cooler (o.s) : Hey! Those are my lines!
(knuckles destroys the battle ship by punching it)
Sonic : Now then, onward with march!
Tails & Knuckles : Okay!
"Two Team Blasts attack later..."
Sonic (in Super Form) : Ha! It's working! Looks like it's working, guys!
Mario (via Communicator) : Knock him dead, that'll put up to his misery!
Neo Metal Sonic (as Metal Overlord) : Hahaha! Not even a scratch on me! I was designed to be this strong for an evolution like this to make me stronger! I am just getting started to take this seriously! But how about I give you a demonstration!
Sonic : Not good enough! This thing in Overlord form is super strong when it comes to this one in the storm! But it's one thing's for sure!
Tails : He's steady as she goes when he packs a punch!
"Two more Team Blast attacks later..."
Knuckles : Man he's tough for one giant robot!
Tails : I can't say enough that he manage to be still invincible in that form! We gotta crunch the numbers somehow!
Neo Metal Sonic ( as Metal Overlord) : When this is over, I'll overthrow my creator and start a robot kingdom over Planet Earth for my own conquest, and after that, there will be an army of clones to overthrow the governments of the real world! And when I do...I'll be unstoppable and I will conquer everything as the ultimate overlord there is! For you see, that I am...(we later cut to him in his original form on Final Fortress) defeated again?! Damn it! (Slams fist)
Sonic : Sorry! You snooze you loose! That's what you get locking up Eggman in that airship.
Metal Sonic : This is the real reason that I couldn't defeat you in that kind of form! It took me hours to combine that data and become the ultimate overlord in conquest! I had the chance of using data copy from what, Tac from Kirby? How can I rule the world when my creator notices that I started an uprising?! I only wanted rule the world as an overlord and that is it and got nothing else left in my system for years! And I would've gotten away with it, if it wasn't for your meddling self and your vile friends that I do and do not even know!
Sonic : Hey, What is what it is. It's a win win after all, it's gonna be another rematch between you and me!
Metal Sonic : I'm going to regret you that in style! And when I do, I'll disguise myself as that robot from one of your spin off game and challenge you to a bloody pulp in the Olympics!
Egg Pawn : There he is, officers! That's the one who tricked us as pawns in a corrupt game! Take him away and put him on restrictions to reset his system! (The guards handcuffs Metal Sonic)
Metal Sonic : W-What?! (Looks at the handcuffs) Wait! Wait! There must be some kind of mistake! You gotta believe! You can't do this to me! Wait! (The guards drag him away) WAAAAAAIT!!!
Sonic : Well, guess that's the end of the road, for him. I wonder how the guys are doing back on Ohkubo's moon?
"Meanwhile on Ohkubo's moon..."
Ashley : Alright! Looks like we manage to stop the mad man for good!
Kaguya : Talking about cutting it close. I hope this is wearing your powers down, Asura Kusakabe! You finally got what you deserve! (Asura vanishes into a puff of smoke, leaving a Heartless Emblem behind)
Ashley : Well, What do you know? So I barely made to rest my opened case, that the Kishin Asura was a decoy after all. So the reason that you and Maka went all that trouble for a heartless doppelganger used as a decoy. It was nothing more than a puppet created from Asura's heart, that means the real Asura Kusakabe has been dead for a long time.
Kimial Diehl : So all of this time, The Kishin that Crona was going to become... wasn't going to become a Kishin at all?
Yami Bakura : Nope. It was all part of Demon Vibe's plan for galactic conquest.
Kimial : What?! Are you telling me-
Ashley: That the Kishin Asura-
Kaguya : Isn't really-
Everyone on Earth : -A God at all?!
Sora : Now I get it, So all this time that Maka went all that trouble for a phony God and he was Demon Vibe's pawn to his game to think he is an evil god.
Maka Albarn : Then...Then...That means...
Moirai Albarn : ...the Real Asura is dead? (Everyone pauses for a moment)
Kaguya : But...But what about me?! I'm still a clown created by Shinra's grandson and I didn't even flinch nor I vanished into nothingness! Guess that means that I get to keep living on earth! If only there was a news station to catch this latest scoop, it would be pretty bummer to have this for a celebration or victory.
Fuse : That's exactly what we wanted to hear from you, detectives. Great job on defeating that imposter! We knew it all along from Channel 5
[Ulala's Swinging Report Show - Kenichi Tokoi]
Ashley : Who are they? And, what are they?
Kimial Diehl : Hold that thought! They're not Nintendo's, they're Sega representative. It's the Channel 5 News Crew!
(We then cut to Gurhal Channel 5 News)
Hal : Good evening! This is Hal from Gurhal Channel 5 news. Tonight we give you the latest stories from Real World AU that detectives to save this planet. The famous school-themed training facility Death Weapon Meister Academy was destroyed due to it's destruction by the Space Colony ARK's Eclipse Cannon, which led to the start of of this never-ending conflict called the War of Shadow Realm declared by criminal Mastermind, Neo Metal Sonic. Ulala?
Ulala : You said it, Hal. It has come to my attention that the so-called Kishin Asura has been exposed as a fake to designate the planet for complete destruction on all life on earth, has once again foiled the Yamis's plans by two detectives, Ashley and Kimial. Using their combine efforts to stop the criminal threats on corrupting the entire world, all of Asura's bad influence have been stopped, or should I say a heartless's influence would turn the world sour. How does that sound to villains like them, Fool us once, shame on them. Fool me twice, they'll spend time in Jail on Earth. How does that sound for a couple of card-playing losers like you all of the time.
Marik : [to Bakura] I told you that was a stupid idea! That was all nothing but misunderstandings!
Bakura : [To Marik] Bite me, ya mug! I have no interest from a grunt like you! I don't know if we even agree on using these heartlesses that determined for power-hungry numb nuts! Why did I ever did to deserve like this?
Marik : Same goes to you. I just happened that we're not even wearing space suits on the author's creepy ass cartoonish moon we're on.
Ulala : So, who says that this never-ending conflict is going to end pretty soon, once we get to earth for serving time at prison and get ourselves a little chat.
Necrodeus : I say that this war is not even over. I am going to make you suffer all, and I even bet that this corrupt game has officially changed, all to the rule world in Darkness!
Ulala : Huh, What are you...Hey, what's going on? Who are you!? No! stay back! I said "Stay back"! (TV BUZZING) AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!
Hal : Ulala, you there? Ulala, are you there? Did you get that? Hello, Ulala! What the heck is going on in here! Hey,no! What do you think you're doing?! What are those things?! (A Skullseer laughing evilly is heard) No! Don't come any closer! YAAAAAAAHHHH! *TV BUZZING*
"Transmission Interrupted..."
~ Sixty-Ninth Scene : The Ruler of Darkness ~
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serpentfeverart · 1 year
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre from Soul Eater, please.
Hope you don't mind I drew Kim too <3
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chalkanthit · 3 years
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Queer dwerbs and their bench;;
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steinmariedotgov · 3 years
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slydiddledeedee · 3 years
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i imagine this is how over half of the conversations kim has with ox go
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baltharino · 3 years
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fierybud · 4 years
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Soul Eater Chapter 93-95
Idk, I just felt like coloring something from my country
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spacephoenix-art · 2 years
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Finally finished this drawing of my favorite Soul Eater witch (*^▽^*)
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codelevels · 3 years
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Old Art from 2.5 years ago vs my Art now!! follow me on my art account on instagram: instagram.com/starpaintedskyes
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kursed-arcana · 4 years
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