#kin Memories
fromfiction · 19 days
One of the strangest experiences is realizing in hindsight that the weird memories you were having were related to a source material canon that hadn't been created yet at the time you were remembering details of your life from it.
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zacian-paw · 3 months
Spring is here, Celebrate, the flowers will start blooming, and changes will happen
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roommatewells · 5 months
My roman empire is scott cutting his hair short for envy fucking adams i was literally so devastated by it his hair was so CUTE long. The importance hair has 4 me and he just CUT IT FOR HER IM SO LIVID IIIII
I need a drink.
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cutthroat-crimson · 1 year
Do you ever miss someone from your source so much that it physically hurts you?
Like you get a queasy stomach knowing that you will never see them again?
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two-facedgod · 1 month
i come from a place where the oceans are stained pink and the snails have sparkling crystal shards on their shells and the sky is orange sherbet except on rainy days when it turns green and the rain it tastes like battery acid and the spindly skyscrapers point middle fingers at heaven and -
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featherwingfae · 4 months
Ok So this one is for the Fae/Faerie kin that also identify as Therians or feel a connection with certain animals.
I've seen many Fae/Faerie kin who are also Therian, and I'll admit I have a connection to some animals myself and have been found to mimic their behaviors. However I don't remember living like an animal. Now it's possible that they are simply kin memories that have not yet surfaced, but I don't feel like that's the case. I can remember being said animals just not living as them. For example I would romp and play as a fox among other foxes but I did not survive the way they did. For me it was merely fun. Not unlike a child playing pretend. I feared no hunters and I did not need to hunt for food myself. And if ever I did hunt it was simply part of the game rather than survival. I know there are plenty of Fae that could and would change into the forms of animals, and as fun as messing with humans might be, I just don't think it was the only reason Fae would go about as animals. Which only furthers my belief that sometimes it was just for the pure fun of it. And I'd imagine that just as some people have favorite animals so too do some fae. I don't think it was always just a one time thing either. Fae can communicate with the natural world in ways most humans would only dream of, imagine just being that one deer in the herd that just disappears and reappears but after years and years of interaction the rest of the herd (while probably sensing that you are not quite a deer, no matter how much you may look like one), has also come to accept that you are not a danger to them. Perhaps over time you've kept an eye on this one herd and their descendants. steering them away from the occasional danger or leading them to the juiciest greenest hidden pastures. You become a kind of faerie god-deer (like faerie godmother). And after so much time acting like a deer, you find yourself slipping into the animalistic habits even when you're not taking the animal form. But you don't mind. Your experiences are part of you, it was only natural. And perhaps after a while you find that the courts and humanity are just not all that interesting to you. You think about the deer. Your deer. The herd you'd been watching, protecting, guiding. You start spending more and more time as a deer. It's fun, it's free and after a while most predators learn to keep their distance from your herd. You are still Fae but the deer is part of you now, perhaps just as important as the part of you that is Fae.
I'm curious are there any Fae/Faerie kin who resonate with this at all? Do you remember (if in fact you have any kin memories at all. Not everyone does. And there's nothing wrong with that 😊) being an animal living, surviving as an animal? Or, do you remember being interested and/or amused playing as an animal while all the time knowing that the other animals can sense that you are different? Does the Fae/Faerie kin side and the Therian side feel like two separate lives or do they feel almost blended? Do you remember being afraid when you were an animal or did you know that you had almost nothing to fear? That no matter what, you were a magical being that could charm, trick, or enchant your way out of most situations?
Please understand I'm not trying to invalidate anyone. As far as I'm concerned no one can tell someone who or what they are but them. If you resonate at all with this post it doesn't make you any more or less Fae/Faerie kin or Therian. In the end, only you can know who you are. I also write this post for the Fae/Faerie kin who don't quite feel Therian but find themselves acting in animalistic ways. Those that feel connection and memory but still just don't quite feel they are/were animals (at least not normal ones). Kins that feel like it was/is more play than survival but who still find it quite satisfying to shriek, bark, meow, growl, chirp, squawk, etc.
If you've read this far, then I appreciate you and may you have a most marvelous and magical day/night 😊🍀✨🌙🍄☀️👁️
Till next time
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lunar-star-child · 1 month
The way anti kins assume they suddenly know everything abt you and act like you don't know yourself akjdwksj
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vampyre-kin · 7 months
Every time I listen to these lyrics I feel the charing of my wings as I fall from grace and the bitterness of still yearning for God's love.
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The Horror and the Wild - The Amazing Devil
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ranboos-kin-cafe · 23 days
Hello ^^ i saw that you offer stimboards and i wanted to ask if I could request one for an Otto Octavius/ Doc Ock (from the Spectacular Spider-man, the animated show from 2008)kin? Um i was thinking stims relating to science or technology but anything goes ^^ thank you for your time and i hope you have a good day/are doing well :]
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A 2008 Otto octavius stimboard with science and technology stims!
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This was so fun! Thank you, I really enjoyed making it! I Hope you like it!
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overlord-mordax · 1 year
Those times when the homesickness for somewhere in your kin or fictive life borders on exotrauma.
When you miss elements of your home, culture, food, clothes, language, things that you just can't touch or share here.
is it worse or better when it's a place that does technically exist on earth?
I don't know.
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felltiers · 2 days
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Do you ever take a personality quiz that actually fucks you up. Like in a kind of positive way but still just fucks you the hell up??? Anyways I'll link it in case anyone wants to take it, idk who made it really but DAMN the result I got,,, sobbing on the floor crying sobbing gasping for air
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fromfiction · 1 year
Is it normal to not have memories of your kintypes? Sorry if this has been asked before
This has been asked many times before, and will be asked many times again, and that is completely okay.
It can be normal to not have memories of your kintype.
However, it is important to make sure you know what memories are.
Not every memory is a visual recollection of events one after another.
Sometimes a memory is a familiar smell.
Sometimes a memory is "just knowing" and being sure of something.
Sometimes a memory is an impression of a face.
Sometimes a memory is a recollection of touch.
Sometimes a memory is music you don't know where you heard it.
Sometimes a memory is knowing the sound of someone's voice.
Memory is different for everyone, and not every memory is something that plays out like a flashback. This is as true for regular memories as it is for kin memories.
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k1npositive · 1 year
It's okay to not have any kin memories. They're not required to be valid.
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fluffy-red-dragon · 1 year
If you're a dragon and had/have a hoard tell me about it and what attracted you to hoard it
I hoarded books made by all different species of dragons though I had to be very delicate with books made by the smaller ones. I enjoyed just keeping then and the aesthetics of how they looks though reading then where also interesting
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two-facedgod · 19 days
of all the senses, our sense of smell is the most strongly associated with memory. just catching a perfume in the air or taking in the scent of laundry can be a powerful experience. you may even see visions. but - what if a smell could take you back to another life?
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lunar-star-child · 1 month
The fictionkin pain of being ripped away from your loved ones
Not looking how you're supposed to
Seeing yourself in your source
Getting dysphoric
Struggling with exotrauma that no one believes you have
Longing to be back in your universe
But knowing you can't
And you're forever stuck living this fake life
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