angiehunter · 4 years
💌 Jordan
Angie: I did it
Angie: I unpacked the last box
Angie: You should celebrate this with me and be proud that I didn't just leave things in boxes because the only thing worse than packing is unpacking I swear
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noharms · 4 years
is your room messy or clean? / what are your bad habits?
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“it’s messy ... ish.” neve’s lips curl downward in a slight frown that she can’t help but laugh through. “it’s more like ... i haven’t shared my space with anyone in a long time, you know? so i don’t always make my bed and there’s usually a tea cup on my bed stand or some jeans on the floor.” speaking of bad habits, taking her clothes off after work or a long day and leaving  them where thy lie is one of them. “i’m a big fan of take out. i should really meal plan better, but i hate cooking for one. it makes me sad.” she lets out an amused, breathy laugh. “so i order out a lot.”
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chefharper · 4 years
oslo: what’s more important: work or love?
“Oooh what a great question. I definitely think Love is more important that work. I know you need work to pay for things and blah blah blah . But love, is not something you can buy. It is something that just happens nd it is the most amazing thing you can ever feel. So I have to say, Love is definitely more important than work”
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protectserve · 4 years
he’s boring and old so it’s just a plain ‘Det. J. Kincaid’
again, he’s boring and old, but he does have separate ringtones for work related contacts, family, and otherwise. for his detectives and officers, it’s constellation.
i honestly doubt that rick really ever thinks about pictures on his phone, his lockscreen is probably the generic background that comes with his phone, but if jordan got a hold of his phone she would 100% set up her own contact photo as this:
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[ received at 21:27 ] Dicky, if you weren’t going to eat it yesterday, you weren’t going to eat it today! [ received at 21:32 ] 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 [ received at 21:38 ] I know that’s a damn lie because I was the one that convinced you to upgrade to an iPhone 7 plus! Emojis already come on your phone!!! [ received at 21:43 ] 😲
[ sent at 21:23 ] I’m not talking to you. I know you took my ham sandwich out of the break room fridge and threw it out [ sent at 21:30 ] I SAID I’m not talking to you. [ sent at 21:35 ] Jordan, you know I don’t have emojis on my phone. They just show up as boxes with question marks for me. [ sent at 21:42 ] how about this emoji 🖕
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hedonest · 4 years
now hector’s the type to never have people in his phone (when he bothers to have one) under their real names, usually they’re descriptive since he remembers faces better than names. while he does remember her name, he still has her under a different name called ‘Cop sugar mama #1′ 
hector doesn’t bother with ringtones, especially because he barely has the same phone on him for more than a few weeks. often he just steals phones lmao, uses them for a bit, then wipes them clean to sell on craigslist. we love a thrifty ho! if he did think to set one, it’d probably be Hand on the Pump by Cypress Hill
hector, unlike the rest of my kids, LOVES to take pictures! his contact photo is one of jordan looking foxy but also irritated with his shit
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[ received at 09:34pm ] Hillers? Do you mean hoopers? [ received at 09:42pm ] I do have a job, you know. [ received at 09:51pm ] You stole Carly’s lotion?? [ received at 10:04pm ] Just stay there, I’ll be there soon
[ sent at 09:23pm ] hey can you pick me up outside hillers? they kicked me out and i don’t have money for a cab. i’ll send you nudes. i’m a lonely little boy int he mddle of nowhere and i could die out here. i think i see a coyote just over yonder [ sent at 09:37pm ] girl i don’t know, the fuck is a hoopers anyway. hoopers boopers loopers snoopers ne wayz can youuuuuuu? [ sent at 09:45pm ] r u mad at me because i slept on ur couch and then left in the middle of the night and stole ur roomate’s lotion. mami i can change!!!!! i can CHANGE!! [ sent at 10:01pm ] I HAVE DRY SKIN OKAY. can u pick me up or not foxxxxy  [ sent at 10:09pm ] ugh you’re the fuckin bestsstttttt. marry me right now baby let’s go to fuckin VEGASSSSS
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dahliaxwright · 4 years
blushing: describe a rad person you know.
Just one? Well for starters she is incredibly hard working and dedicated. She also is so willing to go the distance for those she cares for. She’s also very friendly and nice which maybe will one day rub off on me. Plus she is incredibly gorgeous with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Not to mention she has a rack that most women would kill for. @libbyfm
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reuniions · 4 years
[text]: I’ll eat brunch alone. No one's good enough when you’re not around.
[ sent at 1021 ] didn’t you JUST have breakfast with my dad last week?[ sent at 1023 ] you don’t have to lie to kick it ![ sent at 1024 ] but you do have to report to me if he eats too much bacon, because he’s supposed to be watching his cholesterol and i suspect he’s not actually eating the quinoa salads in a jar i’ve been making him to take for his lunch.
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fullcourtpreston · 4 years
lisbon: if you had the chance to become a prince, would you?
“A prince? I think it would depend on what country. That’s a tough gig. I mean, all the fame and fortune, but constantly being in the public eye.” Preston thought about that for a moment and shook his head. “Nah, I like my privacy.”
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gravesrafael · 4 years
freckles !
freckles: what’s something that makes you happy? describe the first thing that comes to your head.
That would be riding my motorcycle. There is something about it that it almost impossible to describe. It just gives me a sense of freedom that surpasses anything else. There is nothing like it. 
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noharms · 4 years
[text]: You also look amazing in that pic I can’t stop looking at it lmao
[ img sent at 1437 ]
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[ sent at 1438 ] wait, were you talking to me or the smoothie.[ sent at 1438 ] because the smoothie was … not … good.
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charliexhawkins · 4 years
club rules aside, who are the top 3 people you’d want to sleep with?
choosing specifically from the off limits women: @samanthafm @kincaidpd @adelitatorres
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samanthafm · 4 years
top 5 hottest people in charming?
“Are you fucking kidding me? Literally everyone here is hot. EVERYONE. But fine, for the sake of the question, I’m going to go with… Adrian. I mean, the guy was my first kiss and he’s still got that boyish charm I fell so hard for in high school and he just got hotter?Honestly, it’s not really fair. Have you seen the beauty that is Mariel, though? Seriously? She’s absolutely drop dead gorgeous? Just… yes ma’am. Also, whew, have you seen Barbara? I’m trying to figure out if she was specifically made in a lab because someone can’t be that perfect, right? I guess I’d also say… Rafael. Despite the fact that he just… he broke my heart all those years ago, I can’t deny he’s really hot. I mean, really hot. Looking like a scruffy, tall, rough god. He’s annoyingly attractive. I’m– Yeah, I’m annoyed now. Special mentions to the woman I keep checking out at the gym – Delaney – and also the person who actually works at the gym – Leticia. Like yeah, I get it, we’re friends and she works for me but 10/10 would kiss in a heartbeat. Also that gorgeous woman my cousin works with. I’m not sure what’s her name… J something. Jolene? No, no, that doesn’t sound right. Oh shit, Jordan. Yep, that’s the name. 10/10 would kiss too – and sleep with. Also the president of that MC looks fit. Marcus, right?”
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@adrianxpigossi @marielbuenaventura @forlorned @gravesrafael @delaisms @pobreciitas @kincaidpd @marcusortiz
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madame-x · 4 years
netflix and chill with, get high with, enjoy a cup of coffee with - anyone in charming
Netflix and chill with - @romanmaddox
Get high with - Absolutely no one. Don’t do drugs, kids.
Enjoy a cup of coffee with - @kincaidpd
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cxrlymxrris · 4 years
top 3 people you'd be dtf in charming?
“Jordy baby, I love you and I’d be willing to risk the friendship. Felix makes me coffee in the mornings, like grinds up the beans and all that good shit. And I don’t know why but Lane’s kind of cute too so– call me.
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@kincaidpd / @felixvcldez / @lanexporter
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gravesrafael · 4 years
FMK- Jordan, Addie, Lena
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“Fuck? Marcus would likely want to chop my balls off but Addie,” he admitted, biting down on his lip,” Marry? If I couldn’t marry Samantha than I guess I would go with Lena.” That felt awkward coming out of his mouth but he couldn’t take it back,” So obviously that leaves Jordan for kill.” @kincaidpd, @adelitatorres, @lenamartiinez
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angiehunter · 4 years
wanda + hulk !
wanda: if you could have any superpower, what would you choose and why?
“Is it too fucking cheesy if I say to fly? When I was young, all I wanted was to be able to leave this place. To feel free, with nothing but the sun on my face and the wind in my hair. Being in Charming isn’t really an issue, but it sounds nice to be able to feel that, don’t you think?” 
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hulk: which approach to conflict do you prefer: analytical or physical?
“Physical, without a doubt. Give me a fist fight and a barstool, and I’m a happy camper. I’m not cut out for battle tactics and planning..get in, get it finished, and get a row of shots to celebrate winning.”
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