#kind of dadvi
levisrations · 3 months
Y’all think Levi waves back when a toddler waves and smiles at him or just stares and looks away?
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levis-hazelnut · 4 years
Levi x Reader Tea Parties
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Summary: You’re a new addition to the Scout Regiment, and you bring along with your six-year-old daughter. An unexpected bond forms between you and the Corporal when he seems to be attached to your daughter and spends quite a bit of time with her.
(D/N) = daughter’s name
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"Everyone, this is (Y/N) (L/N). She will be joining us, the Scout Regiment, today and I expect all of you to make her comfortable here," Commander Erwin announced as you slightly stood in front of him, his hands on your shoulders. "I wouldn't mind giving her a little tour," a brown-haired boy smirked to his friend. "Shut up, Jean. Can't you see she has someone already?" another boy with turquoise eyes whispered, gesturing to the little girl beside you, gripping your hand.
Little did they know, you could hear their conversation, despite them trying to be secretive. You watched them as they spoke, or more like argued, as the tall, blonde man next to you was saying things that were at the back of your mind. "Cadet (Y/N)?" "... Oh, sorry. Yes?" You found it a little unusual to be addressed like that. "If there's anything you need, just come to me. Don't be shy." "Okay. Thank you, Sir." "And..." His crystal eyes scanned the crowd before he called out two names, "Armin, Mikasa!" Said people approached both of you, saluting to him, which he dismissed with the wave of his hand. "I need both of you to help (L/N) settle in and show her around. Is that okay?" "Yes, Sir." "Thank you. I'll be off then." You flashed a smile at them, radiating your friendly nature. They smiled in return and greeted you before you noticed their gaze fall onto the (H/C)-haired female next to you. "This is my daughter. (D/N)." "How old is she?" Mikasa asked. "She'll be six in a couple of months," you replied prior to crouching down. "Say hi to Mikasa and Armin, sweetie." The young girl threw herself at you in order to hide from the new people, causing you to chuckle softly. "She's shy. But in about a week she'll be fine with everyone." "She's really cute. And she looks a lot like you," Armin commented. "Aw, thank you,” you grinned in response as you could literally see a single question swimming in his orbs. A question which has been asked a couple of times prior. "I'm twenty-six, by the way. So I'm not young compared to you lot." "Wow. I would have guessed you were about eighteen." You giggled. "That's very flattering. Anyway, should we get going?" "Oh, yeah." All three of you started to walk around the castle and they introduced you to any people you met along the way and showed you the rooms you went past. As you wandered around, you made conversation with them, finding out that they were sweet people. And you told them a bit about yourself, but not too much since they were still new people to you. "(Y/N), right?" The brown-haired boy from earlier took your hand and pressed his lips against it. "Yes..." "Jean, stop it." Mikasa slapped his hand away. "I don't see a ring." "Jean!" "I-it's fine. He's right, I'm not married;;." "I can give you another tour later if you want." You arched an eyebrow and shook your head in disbelief. This teenager is trying to hook up with someone who is twenty-six and has a child? "I didn't come here to be flirted with by some guy I just met." "Well, in a few months, my offer will still be there," he smirked before walking away. How cocky can that idiot get? Did he not get the message that you don't want that kind of interaction with him? "Forget about him. He's a jerk." "I see that--" "Oh my god!! You're (Y/N)?! I'm Hanji! It's nice to meet you!!" A brunette came sprinting towards you, jumping onto you as a male strolled behind her with a crease settled in between his eyebrows. "AWWW!!! Is that your daughter?! She's adorable, I could just eat her!!!" "Sh*tty Glasses, you going to f*cking kill her before a titan does." "Hanji, could you get off of her?" Armin asked. "Excuse me, Hanji? I'm kind of getting squished between you and the floor." "Oh, sorry!" She sprung off of you before laughing maniacally at the sight in front of her, which was the raven and your daughter. "What the f*ck are you doing, you sh*tty brat?" the raven snapped at your daughter, who tugged at his trousers and bit the fabric. "Are you trying to strip me?" He tried kicking her away. That guy is stupid to think that he could talk to (D/N) like that and swear in front of her and kick her. No one would want to mess with your daughter because they would suffer from a mother's wrath. Everyone should know that you never want to anger a mother through their child. That's when their ugly side comes out and no one wants that. "Hanji," you said through gritted teeth as she looked at you. "Who is he?" "That's Levi!" "LEVI!! HOW DARE YOU TALK TO MY DAUGHTER LIKE THAT?! I swear, I'll beat the crap out of you if you don't stop!!" He scoffed. "As if I'm scared of a newbie like you." "Corporal, I think you should take a look at her." Oh, damn. You look like you could destroy humanity with that glare directed on that one male. Titans will run away from you if they saw you right now. And from the way your nails dug into your palm, you could probably rip through your skin. "Fine, here's your daughter." He gripped the back of her dress and dropped her in front of you before casually leaving the scene. "It's not my fault she wanted to see me naked." "I don't think anyone will want to see you naked with an attitude like that," you spat, causing him to stop and face you. "Tell that to me when those hundreds of women leave me alone." "Hundreds of women who have no taste," you muttered. "Damn, I've never seen anyone talk to Corporal like that," Armin whispered. "How did (Y/N)'s personality switch just like that?" "It's that mother's wrath thing. Just don't do anything to her daughter," Hanji notified them. "Do you have a problem with me?" Levi crossed his arms over his chest. "Just don't be like that with my daughter and I won't have a problem with you." "Okay." "Did Shorty just say 'okay'? He didn't fight back? He listened to someone he just met a couple of minutes ago?" Hanji rambled in shock before wiggling her eyebrows with a goofy grin. "Looks like someone's taken a liking to (Y/N)~" "Shut up, Sh*tty Glasses," he snarled before turning around and walking away. "Why would I like a brat like her? And I barely know anything about her." "Hanji's always like this. Forget about what she says. Whatever she says isn't true most of the time," Mikasa told you. "Okay. Let's just get out of here." "Well, we've basically shown you everything. Oh, we forgot the most important thing - your room." "Mikasa, Armin!" a voice called, causing the three of you to come to a halt. "Have you seen Horse Breath?" "Why?" "He put horse sh*t in my shoes. That b*stard." "I mean, we saw him like five minutes ago. He might be outside." "Thanks," he grinned. "Who's Horse Breath?" you inquired. "Jean." "I see..." When you arrived at your room, they gave you the key and left you to settle in. There was a double bed and a bedside table with a single lantern, sitting atop it. A chair settled in a corner of the room and there was a wardrobe.
You approached a door and reached for the cold knob, opening the door to see a small bathroom. Letting out a satisfied sigh, you closed the door and sat down on the bed where your daughter already lay. You brushed the hair from her face, giving her a tender smile and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Do you like it, sweetie?" She nodded before sitting up. "I like Levi, too." "What? Why?" "He's nice." "How is he nice?" "He wasn't being rude to me. I saw him smile when he tried taking me off his leg." "I didn't notice." "He's nice, mummy. You didn't need to get angry." "I'll need to see just how nice he is," you murmured before a couple of knocks sounded, so you got up to open it and saw Erwin standing there. You invited him, standing to the side and widening the door as he walked in. Before this, you failed to see that Levi was behind him and he stepped inside as well. "How do you like it?" Erwin asked. "It's so much better than where I lived before." "You're lucky. You're one of the few brats who get their own room," Levi stated in a monotonous voice. "I'm grateful for that." The blonde smiled at you, averting his gaze to (D/N). "Hello, (D/N)." "Hi!" "Looks like she already likes you," you beamed, staring at your daughter in admiration before resting your features and turning to the shorter male. "And, Corporal Levi, she seems to like you as well." "Maybe she's one of the hundreds who don't have taste." "... Sorry about that, I didn't mean it. You know, just don't hurt my child in any way." "I know I shouldn't if I want to stay in my current, healthy state." You laughed softly, but he had no sign of amusement on his visage. That is until your daughter held his index finger, looking up at him with gleaming orbs. This time you were able to see the tiniest of smiles sneak its way to his lips. "Levi, will you play with me?" "No. I have work to do, brat." "Don't get annoyed when he calls her brat because he calls nearly everyone that," Erwin told you, knowing about the little commotion since Hanji had informed him. You nodded in response. "Anyway, I have to go. I'll see you later." "Bye, Sir." "Aww, what about after that?" (D/N) pouted. "I have to train my squad." "And after that?" "It'll be dinner and then your bedtime." "How about tomorrow?" "I don't know." "Come on, (D/N). He has to do some work." "But I want to play with him." "Baby, we aren't here for fun. Not everyone will be able to play with you." "Will you play with me, mummy?" "No. She has cleaning duty," Levi answered for you. "Cleaning! Can I help?!" "She likes to clean?" "Yeah. We both love to," you said as you picked her up, noticing that (D/N)'s hand was still wrapped around his forefinger. He saw what you were looking at and snatched his finger away, almost immediately. "Look, Erwin, they're like a family," Hanji whispered excitedly as she looked through the gap in your door. "Hanji, leave them alone." The female sighed heavily, silently closing the door before it suddenly opened again, revealing Levi who frowned at the both of them. "What are you doing?" he asked the brunette and blonde. "We were just passing by." "What are you doing, Shorty?" "I'm talking to an idiot." He left the two and made way to his office. ~/~ Seven months have gone past since you became a Scout and people enjoy you and your daughter's presence. Most scouts are grateful that you would do most of the work since they do a poor job and you end up doing it again. Everyone loves your daughter, especially and surprisingly, Levi who apparently doesn't have time to play with her, but you find them playing different games every day. Most of the time it would be tea parties and you love to see Levi interact with her and see his soft side. Once you changed into your uniform, you left your room to go clean which your daughter volunteered to do with you. You started to clean the corridors, mopping the floors, wiping windows and dusting any surfaces. Sasha and Connie were cleaning as well, or more like messing around.  "Hey, you two?" "Yeah?" "You can go. I'll clean since you guys aren't doing anything." "Really?! You're amazing!!" You smiled at them as they ran off like little kids. (D/N) was more mature than them even though they're like triple her age. You dunked the mop in the bucket and wrung it out, so it isn't soaked before dragging it across the floor, doing a better job than the scouts that did it before. You blew a strand of hair away from your face and rolled your sleeves up since they had decided to travel down your arms. "Have some rest, honey," you told the little girl cleaning alongside you. "I'm fine." "I think both of you should rest. You've been cleaning for at least two hours," a voice chimed in. "We're fine, Sir." "What about you? Are you tired, (D/N)?" "A little bit. but it's fine." "Go rest, darling. You've done enough." "But I want to help you, mummy." "(D/N), go,” you ordered, your tone stern but gentle. "Okay." "Sir, would you mind taking her to our room, please?" "Of course." Erwin strolled beside her as you watched them disappear as they went further away. Since you were finally alone, it enabled you to clean quicker.
And when you were finally done, you sighed in relief, glad you were finally done after another half hour of tiring your muscles.
Your content expression soon turned dark when two boys came tumbling your way, shouting profanities at each other. Eren floored Jean, who sprung back up almost immediately and was about to throw a punch to the other's face, but you caught his wrist, preventing him from harming Eren any further. "What are you doing?" "That titan idiot punched me for no reason." "It was an accident. I was training and you got in the way. You just need glasses to see where you're going!" "You need glasses to see what you're punching!!" "Shut up, both of you!" you demanded and they silenced. "If you were outside, how the hell did you end up here?" "Oh, I don't know." Jean shrugged. You rolled your eyes, freeing his wrist from your grip and he rubbed the, now, red skin. "Honestly, you guys are so immature." "He started--" "I don't care. I'm just going to my room and I would like it if I don't hear any fighting." "Sorry, (Y/N)." "You're still young. You haven't matured yet like you were supposed to a few years ago." "You know, you make it sound like you're old, but you're still young. So what if you're twenty-six? That's still young," Eren stated. "Thank you. But I feel old when I see you." "Age doesn't matter. I would love to have you in my bed at any age." "Shut up, Jean." You rolled your eyes once again, leaving the two and making your way to your room, opening the door to find your daughter and Levi on the bed, having yet another tea party. Hearing her giggle caused a tender smile to edge onto your lips as you closed the door and padded to the bed, where they sat, and stood by it. "Hi, mummy!!" She got up from the bed and hugged your legs as you ruffled her hair. "Hey, honey. Did you have fun?" "Yeah! Levi played with me." "Looks like you had time to play with her again." "I still have work to do, but Erwin asked me to stay with her." "You can go do your work now if you want." "I can leave my work for later," he replied reluctantly, not wanting to admit that he would rather stay with (D/N). "I wouldn't think you were good with kids, seeing as how you seem to be harsh with the cadets." "She isn't at that age when she's spoiled and bratty. Or when she's annoying like the other brats here." "Was that a compliment?" Levi ignored you, watching (D/N) climb back onto the bed and she jumped onto his lap, spilling the hot contents in his mug over him. He hissed when the tea seeped through his clothes and tried to keep his patience at the cause of the accident. He stood up as you rushed to pass him a cloth. "Sorry." You gave an apologetic smile. "You can go to the bathroom and change out of your clothes while I get you some from your room. I would give you mine, but I doubt they will fit." "Just take your a*s and get me clothes," he grumbled. You nodded, despite the rudeness, and left your room, pacing to his office to get a spare uniform. You took out a pristine, white shirt and some neatly folded trousers before hurrying back to your room, careful to not crease the clothing. Knocking lightly on the bathroom door, it opened a few seconds later to reveal a shirtless Levi. Quickly, you passed him the clothes, trying to not get distracted by his abs and the scars that adorned his skin. He wordlessly closed the door before you sat on your bed, next to (D/N) who was strangely quiet. She probably just felt bad for spilling the tea on her new 'best friend'. You pulled her into your arms and kissed her cheek, resting your chin on the top of her head as she buried her face in your chest. "It's okay, baby," you said quietly. Upon hearing the click of the door, you flitted your eyes towards it and the raven came into sight as you gave him a small smile. He took the (H/C)-haired girl away from you, holding her in his arms and brushing a few locks from her face. His back faced you, so you weren't able to see the smile he owned. "I'm not angry at you." "You aren't?" "Of course not." She flung her arms around him, grinning which turned into laughter when he tickled her, squirming in his hold. You let a grin grace your lips; you wouldn't mind Levi being (D/N)'s step-father. Wait. No. What am I thinking? Shut up, brain, you thought, fighting your mind that decided to develop feelings for the male during the time you spent here. He placed her back on the ground and straightened her clothes for her, fiddling with a few strands of her hair as he stood behind her, now facing you. As he gazed at you, you could sense that he wanted to say something, so you lifted an eyebrow, questioning his silence. His eyes motioned to (D/N), letting you know that he doesn't want her to be here while he talks to you. You gave a discreet nod in understanding, ending your telepathic conversation there. "Sweetie, do you want to go play with Hanji?" "Okay!" "I'll be right back. I'll take her to Hanji." You took her petite hand in yours, leading her down the corridor as you thought about what Levi would want to speak about. You didn't notice Hanji until (D/N) squealed her name, darting towards her. "Hi!! What do you need?" "Can you stay with her for a while? I need to do something." "Sure!" "Thank you." When you wandered back to your room, you closed the door behind you as you sat back down on the bed, leaning against the headboard and crossed your legs after taking your shoes off, and patted the spot in front of you for Levi, who was still standing in the same spot as if he hadn't moved at all. He joined you on the other side of the bed, sitting on the edge with his feet on the floor. "What did you want to talk about?" "I don't think anyone has asked you yet." "What?" "Who's the father of (D/N)?" Silently, you stared at the sheets that spread over the mattress you rested on. Even after seven months of getting to know the people here, you weren't prepared to answer this question. And they were respectful enough to not inquire you on a subject you never seemed to like bringing up. "He..." you started before swallowing. "He died when the Colossal and Armored Titan attacked Shiganshina. We were fleeing from our house and I had (D/N) in my arms. I was so focused on getting to safety that I didn't realise my husband wasn't near us. When I looked back--" Your voice cracked as you bowed your head and let your hair fall to cover your face. There weren’t any tears, but you just wanted to conceal your expression. "You don't need to carry on if you can't," he whispered, fighting back the urge to hug you. "No. I-I'm fine." You pushed your hair back, keeping your eyes on the material underneath you, which seemed to be more attractive that the man in front of you. "I looked back and I saw a three-metre titan, who grabbed my husband. I saw him look at me as I froze, not able to think about what to do. I was useless and couldn't save the person I loved the most when he was right in front of me." "We all have times like that. And there wouldn’t even have been something you could do without gear." "But he was right there. I saw him get devoured by that damn monster. But he didn't have any fear shown on his face, I could see a smile. I don't even know why he was smiling, but I'm glad he was. At least, I wouldn't have an image of him screaming. Since then, I wanted to join the Survey Corps to be more useful but I waited until (D/N) was old enough to wander around here by herself. She is still quite young, though, she's really mature for her age and I'm happy to see that she doesn't seem full of misery. She was only a year old when her father died, so I doubt she knows anything about him apart from what I tell her. She always loves to hear stories about him and her full attention is at me when I tell her. Every memory I have of him is still fresh, even after all these y--" "(Y/N)!!!" You were startled by the sudden outburst and the slam of your door. Head snapping in that direction, you see Hanji standing there without (D/N). "Hanji, where's (D/N)?" "I don't know!!" "What do you mean you don’t know?!" you yelled. "I went to get Eren, so I left her in my office. I was literally like five minutes and when I went back, she was gone! I don't know where she went and so I came here because I thought you would know where she is." "Hanji, I leave you with her for like ten minutes and you already lost her?!" "I'm sorry!" "Gosh, I'll go look for her myself," you mumbled, trodding past Hanji. "Shorty, what are you doing here?" "I was talking to (Y/N)." "About what?" "You don't need to know." "You guys are hiding something from me!! Tell me!" "No. I have to go look for a girl that someone lost." You paced through the castle, looking in all the possible places she could be, but still couldn't find her even with the help of Levi. A heavy sigh slipped past your lips as you leaned against the wall, your eyes on the ceiling. "Where can she be?" "We haven't checked my room and Erwin's room." "Oh my gosh! You're right! How did I forget about that?" Levi went to his office as you ran to Erwin's and hastily knocked before opening it with no hesitation. "Sir, have you see (D/N)?" "No. What happened?" You quickly explained what happened before jogging to Levi's room to find your daughter in his arms. You beamed and took her from his grip, peppering her face with kisses. "Don't leave the person I leave you with, baby," you whispered as you rested your forehead on hers. "I got bored, so I went to look for Levi. I was going to wait here until he came back." "So, you're just going to forget about your mother and look for him? I see how it is." "No. I love you more, mummy." "More? So you love him? How close are you with my daughter, Levi?" He had allowed you to call him Levi due to the time all three of you have spent together and you were able to form some kind of friendship with him. There was a slight smirk on his lips, while you noticed the flicker of amusement in his ashen hues. "Anyway, we're going to go to the mess hall for dinner. You coming?" He glanced at his desk, where a meagre pile of paperwork sat before looking at both of you and proceeded to walk, letting you know he will come. He shut his door and strolled next to (D/N) as you were on her other side. Anyone who would see you three, and didn't know you, could mistake you for a small, happy family. "AWWWWWWW!!!!!" You rolled your eyes, knowing who it was and it just had to be her to see you. But none of you stopped, ignoring the squealing behind you. "Hanji, you sound like a kettle about to explode! Can you shut up?" you snapped, turning around once being fed up. "You guys are so cute!! I love it! Like you love each other!" "Shut up!!" both of you shouted as the door to the mess hall opened. Silence fell upon the room as they all looked your way. "... Hey, guys!" You shone a smile at them, acting as if nothing happened. "(D/N), in the near future, Levi's going to be your dad," Hanji snickered quietly to the young girl, and you shot daggers at her. "Sh*tty Glasses, shut your f*cking mouth." The pure girl gasped at Levi's words, her (E/C) orbs wide as she stared at him. He apologised to her and strode to a table, forgetting about the people gazing at him. You went to a different table and sat down, not bothering to communicate with anyone since you weren't in a great mood due to Hanji. ~/~ "Mummy!! Mummy!!! Wake up!" "Yes, darling?" you murmured as you were still half asleep. "Mummy!" You were fully awake now, looking at the adorable face in front of yours as (D/N) bounced on you with excitement. "What do you want?" "It's my birthday today!!" "Okay." "Muuuuuummyyyyyy!!!!" "I'm joking, baby. Happy birthday!" you laughed as you plopped her down next to you, tickling her. "Stop!! Stop it!" she giggled.
You stopped tickling her and gave a loving kiss on her cheek as she caught her breath. When you got out of bed, you stretched as a yawn left your mouth. Both of you freshened up and got ready for the day, leaving your room to have breakfast. "Mummy, did you get me a present?" "Of course, I did. I'll give it to you later." "I want to see if Levi got me something!" You weren't exactly looking forward to seeing Levi since you would end up talking to him. And then, Hanji would come out from nowhere and irritate the hell out of you. And you don't want to be grumpy today because then (D/N) wouldn't be as enthusiastic as she is now. When you entered the mess hall, it was already full of scouts who came up to her and wished her a happy birthday. A few gave small presents, due to having little money, which varied of different chocolates and sweets, and that sort of thing. Once you finished eating, you left the building but let (D/N) stay in the mess hall as they all played with her and kept her company. You roamed the grounds of HQ to have some fresh air after all the people that surrounded you minutes before. When you reached the stables, you decided to stroke your chestnut horse. "What's wrong?" You turned around to see Levi nearing you, and gave him a miniature smile. "Nothing." "(D/N) is thrilled to have all the attention, but I couldn't go to her yet since I don't have a present." "Levi, you're her best friend. How could you do that?” you teased. “She was excited to see what you would get her." "I didn't have time to. What did you get her?" "A bicycle." "That's expensive." "I know, but I wanted to make her happy, unlike some other people that failed to do that since they forgot about her birthday." "Shut up. I didn't forget. I was planning to get her something, but I had a lot of work to do," he protested. "I know. I'm kidding," you grinned. "I could say that the bike is from both of us. I mean, I just don't want her to be disappointed that you didn't get anything for your best friend." "You're going to pester me because of this, aren't you?" "Yep! But I'll say it was from both of us." "Thanks." "What? That's the first thanks I've heard from you. You probably just feel bad for forgetting about your best friend's birthday present." "Tch. Well, I didn't forget about the present I got for you." "A present for me? Why?" "Do you not want it?" "What is it?" "Close your eyes." Hesitantly, you complied and lidded your eyes, waiting for him to tell you to open your eyes. But he never did. Instead, you felt gentle hands settle on either side of your hips and lips press against yours, which is when you opened your eyes in shock and saw his eyelids in place of his eyes. After realising what was happening, you returned the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling his lips morph into a smirk. "Oooo~! What's happening here~? Looks like they decided to have a party of their own." You parted straight away and saw the huddle of scouts which Hanji and (D/N) stood in front of. A light blush dusted onto your cheeks as you stood behind Levi, who faced the bunch with a glare. "See, I told you that Levi will be your dad in the future, (D/N)." "Levi, mummy? Is that true?" "... I mean... we don't know what going to happen in the future..." you responded nervously. "I want Levi to be my dad!" She dashed towards him and jumped up, so Levi could lift her up. "And I want you to be my daughter," he hummed softly, making sure no one heard him. From here, your future with Levi takes a step forward. You don't know what the future holds for you, (D/N) and Levi, so you don't know if you will be a small, happy family. But for now, you'll cherish every moment you have with Levi and remember every moment, big or small, to tell any other children you have. To think that (D/N) having tea parties with Levi is what brought you two together.
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poisonpeche · 2 years
I just... the thought of your young son coming into your room on Father's Day morning with one of Levi's cravats like "I wanna be Daddy's daddy for Father's Day because he's a good daddy and I want him to know what it's like to have one!" 😭
Your son has always been an inquisitive child, asking you both about anything and everything.
Levi insists he takes after you with the annoying, shitty questions as your eyes roll and his playful smirk breaks across his features.
You both have been taking his simple, yet relentless questions with ease even though they’ve caused a few headaches here and there. But he’s brand new to this world, and you meet him in kind. He deserves to reveal the world’s secrets.
Maybe this whole parenting thing won’t be as difficult as you both thought.
That is until your son asks you both a question that has you and Levi desperately pleading for the other to take control on the eve of Father’s Day.
“Daddy, how come we never see your mommy and daddy?”
Levi’s eyes dart to yours in one final desperate plea, but you squeeze his hand under the table in reassurance with a nod.
He always seems to find the strength with you.
“My mother isn’t with us anymore, but don’t worry…She…she’s at peace now.”
Your son knows Levi’s resolute tone all too well, and even though he doesn’t understand how a person could be so near and far away, he accepts his father without another word. His Daddy always tells the truth even if it’s hard. Mommy always say so.
“But Daddy, what about your daddy?”
“I, um,” he bores into the table, searching for the words, “I…didn’t have one.”
You watch on as your son’s face of utter shock drops into a deep frown and you marvel at the uncanny resemblance the two share with their shared expression. His brow furrows even further and his eyes begin to widen with tears gathering in his lash line as uncontrollable hiccups bubble forth. He bites back his sobs, trying to keep his composure the best he can to be strong in his Daddy’s presence.
Your partner just got really good at hiding it, but if the silly questions come from you, your son’s bleeding heart comes from Levi.
Levi has a hard time finding the words, but when his son falls apart like this, he melts and always knows exactly what to say. Pulling from his pain, his solitude, his isolation as a child when he only had himself to soothe him.
“Shh…don’t cry, baby,” Levi whispers into the air between them, “It’s okay to be upset now, but don’t carry this with you. Daddy’s okay now, alright? I promise. I have you and your mother to take care of me now.”
He can’t stand to see another tear fall down his son’s cheek, and he slides the backs of his hands across the table with palms open wide before him. Head low and eyes turned upward, searching his little face.
His baby places his tiny hands in his father’s weathered palms. Levi’s hands gently close over top, squeezing him in comfort.
“I’m not going anywhere, okay my love? You don’t have to worry about me. I’ll always be right here.”
The boy blinks back tears and a small smile begins to form at his father’s tender voice. Daddy never lies and he always has a way of putting things plainly, so that he can understand, speaking to him as an equal.
Your son reaches upward towards the white fabric draped over the worn wooden table hanging from his father’s neck. His fingers run through the soft cravat and then travel further upward to his father’s cheek, stroking him in comfort.
Levi turns into his tiny palm and plants a kiss that slips into playful nips after his retreating fingers, sending your baby into a fit of giggles. A smile sets on both of their faces with a glassy look in their eyes as they hold each other’s gaze in their own little world.
You look on in wonder as his strength never seems to surprise you. See Levi, I knew you could do this. Your musings slip into the air between them both.
Your son’s fingers return back to the neck tie.
He never wanted to sleep with a stuffed animal or blanket, but would only accept the humble cloth as a companion in the night, the fresh smell of linen and tea leaves lulling him to sleep.
You don’t know when the love of the tie began, but it had to have begun when Levi would rock him to sleep at night against the warmth of his chest when he was just a baby.
Tucking his son into his covers, he slips off the cloth again, draping it over his baby. The boy nuzzles into it, taking it into his hands.
“See, my love? I told you, I’ll always be right…,” he whispers and presses over his heart through the fabric, “here.”
He looks up into his father’s eyes and knows he means every word, but the impending loneliness from today’s revelation continues to eat away at him deep into the night. He has to make things right.
Levi wakes with the dawn and can feel your warm embrace with your arm draped lazily around him.
Puffs of air fan out over the back of his neck as you slumber on. He melts into your touch behind him as your chest presses into his back with each breath.
He can see the morning light creeping in underneath the room’s door, and then, something entirely new…
He spots two little feet nervously padding up the door and two tiny knocks sound against the wood.
“Baby, are you okay?” Levi gently calls out to his son.
“I…I, um,” Levi chuckles internally at his stammering.
“It’s okay, just come in,” and as the door opens you rise to look over Levi’s shoulder. The sight before you has you gripping Levi’s waist, hiding your smile in his neck.
It isn’t that your little boy brushed his own hair and dressed himself at 5 years old…It’s the anxious, downcast eyes over the white fabric hanging from his neck…Levi’s cravat tied clumsily around him.
“Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!” He beams and you look over to Levi to catch his expression with the biggest shit eating grin on your face.
Levi is at a loss, lips slightly parted with an unreadable look.
It causes the boy to retract his excitement just a little with eyes shifting down, “Sorry, Daddy…S’not as good as yours, but I…” He bravely looks back up to his father, “I know you said it’d be okay, but I wanna be Daddy’s daddy for Father’s Day because he’s a good daddy and I want him to know what it’s like to have one!”
Levi’s jaw closes immediately.
A beat passes and he covers his eyes with his hand, running his fingers through his hair with his head tilting back. A shaky sigh leaving his nose.
Looking up at the ceiling he whispers, “Come here.”
His son takes tiny steps forward and his anxiety blooms in his chest.
“M’sorry, Daddy…If you don’t like i-“
“-Stop, saying sorry…” He drags his hand away from his eyes and the boy gasps at tears threatening to spill over his dark lashes.
“Daddy, don’t cry…I’m right…” He pokes at his father’s heart, “here, remember?”
Levi takes his little hand in his again lifting it to his lips for a kiss.
“Of course, baby…I remember.”
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levi-ish · 3 years
Dadvi (dad Levi) has been on my mind recently 😩
Spare fluff hcs abt him and his teen daughter 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️⁉️
YESS!! levi as a dad, he was born to do that
hes all traumatized and thinks that he isnt worthy of love, but when you got pregnant with his little bundle of joy, he became a thousand times more insecure, everything worried him, the thoughts of not being enough as good as a father bc he never had a dad himself, and he wanted to do everything he never had.
personally i think levi would be a papa bear to his little girl. he'd get so protective like dont come near her or he'll rip you to shreds. he doesnt like to think that his baby grew up, its not fair! he didnt get to enjoy her younger years nearly enough.
hed get so jealous over any boy or girl that came with second intentions, he isnt strict, dont get me wrong, but he surely prefers if she hangs around the house or him more than out, hes just scared of something happening to his daughter.
(pretty sure he'd teach her how to fight though)
in the evenings you can find him laying on the couch with his baby laying on his shoulder after a long marathon of a new movie or series that she suggested. he also likes when she hangs around in the kitchen and helps him to cook dinner and set up the table for her mother.
levi is the kind of dad that will always cover his daughter with a blanket whenever she falls asleep without one.
and in late evenings, she will serve him tea to help him get through work easier.
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by-kilian · 3 years
I love how it call it a dadvi sandwich haha, it's cute. I would think that Levi finds the weight of his family sleeping on him as comforting, kind of like a weighted blanket? out of all the kids, who do you think likes to use Levi as a pillow the most? id think it's the twins, always scrambling after him when he comes home from work so they can snuggle with him when's sitting down on the couch.
And yes, I think he does like it! He just likes being around the people he loves, especially his family. It's a reminder that they're okay, alive, etc.
And I actually think they alllll love to cuddle with him, and the girls are definitely clingy but Eli loves to find his dad and randomly cuddle up to his side and nap while Levi watches TV, and it's his favorite thing in the world especially cause Eli is older and Levi worries he will stop caring about him someday 🤣
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anlian-aishang · 3 years
anlian your dadvi headcanons are the cutest things I've ever read 🥺🥺🥺 im gonna be daydreaming about that all day now bc of you lol
@gxwri, this was SO NICE of you - to drop by and leave this sweet message 🥺 It was so kind of you, that I wrote some more just for you.
I hope you enjoy, cutie! 🥰 I love you! :D 💜💜💜
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by-kilian · 3 years
could you describe your writing procrss, please? do you write outline first for the chapter, then everything else? or do you just write in one sitting? very curious to know, because all your works are so interesting and very hard to stop readng.
Awww, thank you so much for this--what a huge compliment, bby thank you! 🥺❤️❤️❤️
Also, I can’t remember if I shared my process already (at least not in-depth anyway) but it kind of looks like this.
I always have a rough outline of what I want to happen. It’s seriously very rough and basic. I put down my concept for the story, character wants and needs/obstacles, and then go from there. I do it all in Google docs but I don’t save outlines, I use it as the rough draft itself and edit as I go along which I’ll explain. 
I’ll use “Always” as an example. 
Concept: Reader and Jean have always been in love with one another, but never acted on their feelings until they’re forced to spend more time with each other in Marley. The problem? Both of them think the other person’s already in love with someone else. 
Scene 1: Reader and Jean are cooking in the kitchen together. Very domestic and fluffy. 
Wants: to be even more domestic with the reader
Obstacle: he can’t because he thinks the reader is in love with Eren
Wants: to spend more time with Jean because she cherishes moments like this with him
Obstacle: she can’t because she thinks he’d rather be with Mikasa and is in love with her instead.
And so on and so forth for scenes after that. Once I have ALL of those nailed down and plotted out first just like above, that is when I start to write the scenes, deleting the outline you see above as I go along. I don’t always do it in order either. I go wherever I’m inspired to write and jump around, and sometimes that helps me write another scene.  For example, I wrote Eren’s POV scene right after I wrote the kitchen scene even though that was the second to the last scene, and the kitchen scene was first. It inspired me to write other parts of the story because it served as a reminder that one of the biggest obstacles to Jean and the Reader becoming a thing was really simply Eren (not so much Mikasa--reader is just oblivious). Eren is the catalyst for conflict because the reader is attached to him, and because Jean knows the reader is attached to him, too. It was oddly motivating to get his point of view because it reminded me that he was still a very big part of the story itself because in a sense, he is the BIGGEST obstacle the two of them face.  Unless it’s a very basic one shot (like dadvi stories), I don’t tend to write in one sitting. I take my time, see what fits where, and let stories sit sometimes to see if the scene actually works or if it just worked when I initially wrote it. Another example is the dance scene. It was originally from Jean’s POV entirely at first, but I didn’t like that after sitting on it for a few days. We rarely got the reader’s side up until then--only hints at how she felt--so it actually worked more (and hurt more) to see from her perspective that she really loved Jean and thought it would never work. It also worked to me because I thought it was important to highlight that she loved Eren at one point but it was hard to love him and she was conflicted.
I like doing this outline process of scene by scenes because then it’s like putting a puzzle together for me. If I haven’t written scene 3 yet but let’s say I got 1, 2, and 5 done, I can use what I have already written to help me with what I’m struggling with. When I’m done and every scene outline has been erased and written, I then go back and edit to see if it makes sense as an entire story, editing as I see fit to bring back common themes or metaphors or whatever else I really like.  I hope this helped and made sense, my creative process is slightly all over the place sometimes 😂. Lmk if you have any questions, and thank you again for your incredibly kind words. :3 
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by-kilian · 4 years
I'm feeling very soft today - I just imagined Levi being gifted a small black kitten and I'm melting aaaaaaaaaaah
A black kitten suits him so well, and it’s even cuter to think of it as small like him.
My old headcanon was that he’s all those dads you see online who initially said no to having an animal, but then treat it like their entire world. At first he’d be hesitant and make all kinds of excuses—he has allergies, dander would get on everything, too dirty and too much work, etc.—then his S/O (who gifted it to him) sees him asleep on the couch with the kitten all curled up on his chest, while Levi has a protective arm under it acting like a makeshift crib.
Dadvi even with animals. 🤣
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by-kilian · 4 years
I just read the recent chapter and WOW! I really loved this chapter 💕💫😌✨😖💖 I love how Levi treats Isabel and everytime you write them together I just go “🥺” because it’s such an adorable sibling dynamic. You can tell he loves and cares about her when he does things you wouldn’t normally expect from him.
“What he did instead was push his chair back so he could walk to her other side. He did what he always did when she cried. He hugged her and ran his fingers through her hair in order to soothe her. “
Like that part made me go !!! cause I just didn’t see it coming from him and you can tell he gets out of his own comfort zone in order to make Isabel calm down cause he just cares that much about her. Just the sibling dynamic is in-tune with the characters that I truly do see them interacting like this and very adorable 😌
“She made one mistake and it cost her her life.”
No words. When I read that first part and read the last name “church” of the director I was like “oh no.” Truly a beautiful story😌💕
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I love love love writing their sibling dynamic out because I think apart from kids (in the dadvi universe), the only other person in this world that Levi is super super soft for is Isabel cause she’s so sweet. 
And yes, it was a sad revelation to write! But necessary. Thank you so much for your kind words per always, I LOVE YOU!
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by-kilian · 4 years
Hi I just wanna say I love your writing! Now I havent read ur multichap fic LDBS since normally I dont have a long enough attention span for the long haul (I normally read ur one shots like dadvi). But I wanna try reading ur story. I just wanna know, is it like heavy on dark content or anything?
Hi bby, thank you!!  You’re so sweet for wanting to give LDBS a try, but I do have to say it’s pretty dark. Not the typical dark content stuff writers flag their works as (like the sexually taboo dark stuff), but it does dive into a lot of angsty tough topics like childhood abandonment, trauma, allusions to drug abuse, and so much more. So I suppose it’s dark in that sense. If you watch shows like Criminal Minds, Luther, or Killing Eve, you should be able to handle it and I do tag every chapter beforehand to let people know what’s coming.  I don’t tag it all in the tags of the story itself because some things have yet to come and I don’t want to spoil anything yet (but I plan to tag once the chapter is written), but I do tag in the notes before every chapter starts so everyone’s aware of what to expect. Some things that don’t make me flinch make others flinch so I try to be aware of that. 
If you prefer fluff and sweet content, this is not necessarily that kind of story 😭. Although there are still sweet moments and moments of humor, it’s a very neo-noir type of story.  I hope that answers your question! Please don’t feel obligated to read it although I am so appreciative to you being open-minded. Lmk if you have any other questions and I’ll try to answer as best I can. ❤️
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anlian-aishang · 3 years
Ur DadVi headcanons r just 💖💖💖🥰🥰
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jdjfdsljfad you adorable anon!!! YOU are just 💖💖🥰🥰
Thank you so much for the kind message I am SOFT!!!1 I am SO glad to know that people like my Dad-Levi headcanons!! Honestly, I am maybe the most self-conscious about writing Dadvi?? He is such a hot commodity - I don’t want to mess him up XD So thank you for the kind words :’) I really really appreciate it, love :D <3 
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