#kinda again
normal-about-the-dca · 6 months
Dried Paint (Sun x Reader Ficlet)
Warnings: Angst
Sun is a jerk here, it's implied you're a new employee and he's already decided he doesn't like you.
Ficlet below the cut!
“So like, what's your deal?”
Sun pauses wiping down the table. When he turns his head you pretend to engross yourself in scrubbing a Monty figure. You definitely could’ve worded your question more delicately.
“Excuse me?”
Something in his tone tells you that you're walking on the cusp of making a Very Bad Social Blunder. The Monty toy in your hands stares impassively as if to say “you're on your own.” You scrub harder at the paint stubbornly stuck to its chest. So much for tempera being washable.
“I always see the other bots walking around,” you start carefully, “The Glam Rocks I mean. The mascots?”
He’s turned to face you completely now. You don’t dare look at him, picking at the splotch on the toy with your nails. Like a tire rolling downhill, the words continue to tumble out before you can stop yourself.
“It’s like you never leave the daycare, not even when it’s closed. Even DJ leaves the Fazcade sometimes, but I’ve never seen you walking around. I guess it’s just weird to me that—”
Sun snatches the figurine from you.
“Aren’t you nosy! Didn’t your mom ever tell you it’s rude to pry,” he chides.
Tutting annoyedly, Sun presses the soaked rag he was using earlier to the paint splotch. Your hands stay frozen in front of you, slightly taken aback by his sudden behavior. He crouches slightly to meet you at eye level.
“None of them have to clean and maintain an entire daycare by themselves like I do. None of them have to do their own maintenance like I do. None of them have to deal with fixing the mistakes of a revolving door of ‘handlers’ that don’t even know how to get dried paint up from plastic like I do.”
The paint wipes off the toy with ease when he pulls the cloth away. Stunned and embarrassed, you can only awkwardly stare when he shoves the little Monty back into your hands. Turning away with a huff, he goes back to wiping down the table. His voice is much cheerier when he speaks next.
“I just don’t have time for all that,” He laughs, “I think now would be a good time to take your break, friend. You don’t want to overwork yourself!”
You stare down at the wet action figure in your hands. Your eyes sting, but you refuse to cry in front of this jerk. You take a breath to hopefully steady your voice.
“Right… Yeah, I’ll go do that.”
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aresonist · 2 years
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well hello there
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Just making a list of things, intentionally or otherwise, which might have/did mess with Philza's emotional state in the lead up to him doing a silly and following the book (which promised his kids back and implied his wings too) (from memory I don't have the stream open and it was loooong):
It being Tallulah's birthday
Forever, a close friend, is in a coma after having been drugged, and Philza probably having a pretty traumatic time just 2 days prior trying to help. And now all he can do is bang a pan and talk and pray.
Eggs missing
Philza missed his eggs being hurt and in pain and scared because he was away, and the signs are still there to prove it
Him and Fit discussing the eggs, and if Philza would still love them even if they were AIs/robots/lab experiments/etc
Event his kids would have really enjoyed, but they aren't there to do so. No Chayanne doing the cooking, no Tallulah playing her flute...
Taking Tallulah's place at the event by playing the music (a thing Philza doesn't do, despite being in an extremely musical family)
Capybaras helping him fly to take photos (see: the damaged wings and the promise of flight)
Alcohol from the celebration, even if he only drank a little bit.
Having to explain everything to Missa, his government assigned husband, and admit he wasn't there when the eggs needed them - neither of their parents were there, just the babysitters. Couldn't even get a phonecall with their dads when the kids were hurt and in pain. Having to tell his partner their children are lost, maybe dead, maybe gone, nobody knows. Obviously Missa needed to know and Philza would explain it! And telling Missa the best option! But... It wouldn't have helped Philza's mental state.
The eggs in the maze and only two survive story (messed with everyone tbf)
Only (a copy of) Chayanne's item being in the maze. Also it being blocked from him by the barrier blocks. It only being Chayanne's is even worse to his mental state than it being everyone's there
Believing himself too stupid to save his children, expressing this directly by apologising to the Chayanne floaty for that, and bringing it to mind, probably not helped by being in a crew of a lot of the 'clever' players (we all know from those tumblr posts insulting yourself enough over time affects behaviour, and given his mentions about not doing lore because not clever enough earlier even if that was ooc this is probably a longer term concern for him C as well. Pretty sure he's called himself stupid while rping with the eggs before)
The maze ending with no answers, only more pain and fear. Once again left with glimmers but in practice nothing
His extremely secure home being compromised
Using Tallulah's colours and flowers on the box. Also correctly getting the one of his kid who would leave him angsty metaphor and a story with the instructions, even if it felt a bit off (its her birthday, its her birthday, he was desperate)
The joke about a wise old crow whilst he was feeling very stupid, but knows his kids think of him as clever.
Also the crow thing. I know there's a lot of jokes about Philza and bird brain which go around from time to time, the perching, the wandering off to examine shiny things while people are talking, etc. If we take this as read... Well. Phrasing the instructions as about a bird really would force that side of him.
Using the nest as the closest waypoint. His nest, not his house, his concrete nest in the sky where he felt most like the bird he partially is.
It happening so late. Philza doesn't often continue to midnight, let alone gone 2am. To me this implies his character isn't usually up and big active that long (I like to think when offline the characters are a combo of sleeping and just chilling). So IC he's probably exhausted. Which. Does not for "rational" thinking make. You probably wouldn't have got him not leaving at least a copy of the book in the chest earlier in the day.
TBH, all that accounted for, I'm surprised he kept weapons and shield and glider and food on him with the note. It was needed, but I'm more surprised he managed to reign himself to bring some things with him not just throw everything on the floor and go.
It was a /long/ stream and even the fun cute bits fed into a loop of stressing him out and breaking down. Crack, crack, crack, crack, and after enough time it /will/ get through.
And tbf, it probably took all of that to do so.
(and I hope the other characters when he one way or another gets out of this understand. everyone's under a lot of stress, but that stream in Philza stream was just breaking him again and again and again)
Also another aside which breaks the vibes of this post but eh - people keep saying his survivalist tendancies should have kicked in, but I think they actually played against him here?
Philza is used to taking on very shit situations with a lot less than he was carrying. That sword and shield? More powerful than anything in hardcore. And sure now he's set up he has so much food and resources in hardcore world, but when he starts? He starts somewhere impossibly dangerous with literally nothing, and does fine, which is a whole lot less than he took with him.
Plus... He's used to being alone. Completely stressed out, manipulated, and fucked with brain probably didn't even consider a note. Why? Because he's not used to anyone being there. Why leave a note before going to do something dangerous you're underequipped for if there's nobody there to read it? It's only him in most of his worlds. Nobody would notice him gone because there's nobody there to notice.
(Sure his husband his back and his friends are here and the island is full of people who love and trust and care about him, but at the end of the day, when he's stressed and its late and the Feds have systematically and likely purposefully broken him down, and his friends have accidentally helped with that... He's from a solo hardcore world, where he starts with nothing and nobody is there to help him. It's not he doesn't trust them. It's that he doesn't even realise in the height of his emotions that there's anyone else there.)
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I’m not into Diokak, but sometimes I like to imagine Kakyoin had developed some kind of false crush on DIO while fleshbudded, cuz y’know DIO was the first fellow stand user he had ever encountered in his life.
And because of his naivety and inexperience with healthy relationships, Kak believes that their toxic “relationship” is normal behaviour of true lovers, and that DIO’s abusive nature must be tolerated since it’s who he is.
Of course all of this is one sided, and DIO just takes amusement in Nori being so enamoured with him and uses that to his advantage to get him to whatever DIO pleases without so much as a complaint.
Jotaro being the first person ever to show Kak genuine kindness and affection without expecting anything in return opens Nori’s eyes to what true love should be like and further fans the flames of his hatred toward DIO.
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angelbvn · 2 years
tumblr add a spam like feature. i need my mutuals to know how crazed i am.
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empresskaze · 2 years
Can I get 3, 4 and 14 for Noll and Ren? Or whomever you feel up to, really! I love all of your OCs! 💕
3. Apple cider
4. Warm drinks
14. Chilly evenings
And throwing October Snz Prompt Day 5: Chilly air into this cuz WHY NOT XD
Sorry this took so long to post 💜 Also I know Cold Summer's Day isn't done but this takes place several months after it "ends" so even longer after the last chapter I posted. (I doubt anyone cares but I'm gonna reference a few things that will be discussed in CSD...eventually)
Also I started writing this on the 5th and it ended up being a lot longer so it'll post after midnight, oops.
"Why are we here?" Noll huffed, bringing his hands up to his face, breathing warm air onto his fingers.
Jasper did not attempt to hide his exaggerated sigh, "I told you, Celeste has been bothering me for weeks to get cider and donuts, non store bought," He added quickly when Noll opened his mouth, "She likes Baker's because one of our first dates was here." Jasper smiled fully aware of Noll's eye roll.
"It's cold." Noll muttered, pulling on his jacket.
"One, you didn't have to come. Two, wear a heavier coat." Jasper said as they walked down the path lined with pumpkins.
The sun had not quite set but already the air had a deep chill to it. Leaves littered the ground covering the matted grass with specs of red, orange and brown. Autumn was definitely in the air.
Baker's being one of the few cider mills not far from the outskirts of Newhaven also meant it was busy. Noll's complaining started when he saw the gravel parking lot filled with cars and he had not stopped since.
"You're welcome to stay in the car." Jasper said as he leaned against the brown board side of the farmhouse.
"I doubt I could even find it now." Noll said leaning on his cane. Cooler weather always made his hip stiften up.
Twenty minutes later both of the men exited the building, donuts and cider in hand.
"Christ!" Noll swore as a gust of wind hit him, "We weren’t inside more than five minutes, how is it so much colder?"
Jasper snorted but didn't reply as he walked his best friend grumble back down the path. It was as they were passing a stand selling a variety of drinks, something or rather someone caught his eye.
He elbowed Noll, "Isn't that Ren?" Jasper gestured with his free hand.
"God I hope not." Noll didn't feel like chatting to his business partner after a few arguments they'd had this week. But he looked over at the man sitting on a bench next to the stand. "Damnit...it is. Why is he here?"
Jasper began to slow his pace, something in Ren's posture felt off. Ren sat forward, elbows propped on his knees, his glasses sat on his head, he appeared to be fiddling with a handkerchief.
"He doesn't look happy." Jasper said quietly.
"Is he ever? Yes yes I agree." Noll replied quickly after the look Jasper shot him.
Both of them exchanged looks briefly, then Noll sighed and began to limp over to Ren.
The coordinator did not appear to notice them, his gaze remained unfocused staring forward.
"Uh..." Jasper cleared his throat, "Hey Ren. Didn't expect to see you here tonight."
Reynolds looked up, squinting briefly before pulling his glasses back down onto his face. "Jasper? Noll?" He looked confused like a child seeing their teacher outside of school. "Yes right...I..." His voice caught in his throat triggering his raspy cough. A moment later he regained his breath and stood up. "What are you two doing here?" Ren asked as he hiked the collar up on his coat.
Jasper held up the bag, "Errand for Celeste."
Ren nodded then raised an eyebrow at Noll, "He talked you into it? I'm shocked." He smirked.
"Shove it, Ren." Noll sniped at him.
"Is everything okay?" Jasper interjected stepping a bit infront of Noll, who half turned away. "You seemed.. distracted."
"Yes, well..." Ren cleared his throat, "I'd been waiting for someone but..." Suddenly Ren’s fascade dropped, his face fell and tears began pooling in the corners of his brown eyes. "Apparently...he's not coming...again." His voice quieted to a raspy whisper.
Noll shot a look at Jasper but before either could speak, Ren started away from them, handkerchief pressed against his cheek.
"Ren wait! Wait!" Noll called after, cursing that he'd never been able to properly catch up to someone speed walking.
Ren slowed near the entrace of the grounds, stepping aside to let a group of people through. He sniffled, wiping his eyes but the tears staining his cheeks left trails. "I'm fine." He whispered before coughing again.
"Of course." Noll said flatly, "Look, I'm cold, you're probably cold, Jasper is a freak of nature so he gets no say, but let's go sit in the General Store and warm up, okay?"
Ren pushed his glasses up to rub his eyes then nodded. Jasper led the way, as the three made their way into the little country store which also had a small seating area.
"Finally my hands can thaw." Noll said easing himself into a chair.
"I'll grab us something to drink, any requests?" Jasper asked as he leaned against the back of the chair.
"Apple cider, hot please." Ren rasped.
"Coffee." Noll said as he massaged his hip.
"It's nearly..." Ren pulled out his phone. "7 o'clock, coffee?"
"Gotta feed one of the vices." Noll shrugged.
Neither spoke for a while, Noll shifted uncomfortably in his seat, while Ren’s cough worsened.
"Are you..." Noll's words trailed.
"Probably." Ren said without looking at him. "Haven't felt myself for a few days." He sniffled. "But who's to say." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
Noll pressed his lips together as he mulled over his next question. "Dalton stand you up?" His fingers twirled the end of his cane. Subtly had never been his strong point.
He wasn't surprised when Ren nodded. "What a dick."
"Yeah. I shouldn’t be surprised." Ren’s voice wavered. "Things have been...strained between us for sometime. I thought maybe..." His voice broke into another cough.
"Here, hopefully this will help." Jasper set a cup down in front of Ren then handed Noll his coffee.
"Thanks." Ren managed a smile.
Jasper sat next to Noll and mouthed "Dalton?" and recieved a nod.
Ren hummed as he sipped the warm cider. "I don't wish to keep you too, I'm sure Celeste wonders where her donuts are."
"Don't worry, I told her it was busy, she'll understand." Jasper said cheerfully.
"Still though..." Ren said looking away.
"Look," Noll began, "If you don't want to start ripping into Dalton right now, that's fine but please let me be around when you do decide, I have plenty of thoughts on him...ow!"
Noll glared at Jasper who'd kicked him under the table.
Ren chuckled. "I'll remember that." His expression slacked as he brought his handkerchief back out, sneezing into it.
"Bless you." Noll and Jasper chimed in unison.
"Thanks." Ren said clearing his throat then took another long sip of cider.
The hum of the surrounding crowd filled the silence and the three sat with their drinks. After three more sneezes from Ren, Jasper suggested they leave, offering the coordinator a ride home.
"Yes thank you." Ren said, unhappy how congested his voice was now sounding. As they walked to the car, the wind blew around, swirling leaves around their feet. Even with his thicker coat on, Noll could see Ren shiver as they walked.
He wanted to do something but had no idea what. What did normal people do in these situations? What would Dalton do? Noll cursed inwardly at even bringing up that name.
Before he could do anything they were at the car. Ren got in the back leaving the front for Noll who made eye contact with Jasper.
"Leave it for now okay? You'll see him at work." Jasper said then ducked in the car.
"Right...right." Noll breathed as got in.
"I might be late tomorrow." Ren said as they pulled up to his building.
"You're sick, stay home." Noll said but Ren shook his head.
"Minor cold nothing terrible." He sniffled. "Thanks again."
"You're impossible." Noll said as Ren headed for his door.
Inside his apartment, Ren sat on his bed, hands cradling his phone as he read the text Dalton had sent while he was in the car.
Tears rolled down his cheeks.
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eskawrites · 2 years
The third elden ring au is gonna be Robin as tarnished and Nancy as ranni
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justarandomart · 28 days
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they are so normal guys
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calling my lover "mine" but not in the way that my toothbrush or notebook are mine, mine in the way my neighborhood is mine, and also everybody else's, "mine" like mine to tend to, mine to care for, mine to love. "mine" not like possession but devotion.
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spoopdeedoop · 5 months
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curiositypolling · 7 months
pls reblog for sample size etc
follow for more occasional useless polls
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uglyfruit · 7 months
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here are some flower people
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
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the easy grip on the knife. the leg over the seat. the hand over the other seat. the sassy "come get it" move. you know the bitch is smiling behind that mask even as he said the line.
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cloudysarts · 1 month
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yeesh. touchy subject
hey have you guys noticed that in dreamscaperers, bill has to squint and get really close to the memory to be able to read the numbers. i have. heres a low-effort comic about that
(edit: theres more to this comic now! you can find follow-up doodles here and here!)
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lungthief · 1 year
listen. i know it's not 2014 anymore and i know it's just a throwaway line and that the russo brothers didnt intend for marvel action blockbuster captain america the winter soldier to become the tragic gay love story that never was but man. having steve say "it's kind of hard to find someone with shared life experience" in a conversation about romantic relationships right before the bucky reveal is so cruel. it's not just about steve and bucky obviously having the shared experience of being "out of time," it's the fact that they've both been stripped of their humanity in opposite directions. steve is a legend, he is an american hero and a national icon before he is a human being the same way that bucky is a weapon and a killing machine before he is a human being. steve knows that anyone who falls in love with him in the 21st century fell in love with captain america first, and that's just not him. but then the one person who knew him first and knew him best and loved him (not captain america, that little guy from brooklyn) so much he died for it is alive, impossibly. and it's a miracle because he's back and it's horrific because he's back under the worst possible circumstances. but to steve, the winter soldier is worth tearing the world apart for because he's always been bucky first. they find each other and suddenly they're human again. and maybe, despite it all, being "out of time" becomes a blessing, because in this century they'd finally be allowed to love each other the way they've always wanted to. like real people do.
like. no. the captain america trilogy isn't about two queer men traumatized and alienated by war and modern life rediscovering and reclaiming their humanity through their love for each other. but. i mean. it couldve been
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William gives Michael a very “good” FNAF gift..
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