#kinda like a montage of her growth before i age her up !!
fizzytoo · 11 months
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postcards and photos to send back home ⭐
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Impressions from TTM
Spoilers, spoilers everywhere. Just a big bulleted list of thoughts as I read through the graphic novel. Not a lot of detail included, so it’ll make a lot more sense if you’ve already read it yourself!
looks like Moonshadow elves cross the arms of the dead... when they have a body to bury
it’s nice to see that Rayla imagines Runaan with all his shirts, the way she last saw him
kinda looks like Rayla changed into her jammies right on her bed and dumped her clothes on that little table. maybe she’s afraid of letting the few things she actually possesses out of her sight
listen we get one little panel of Opeli in here and it’s great
Soren’s cape smacking Callum in the face, 10/10
Lujanne’s appearance out of nowhere, along with Allen’s is just adorable, she’s so sparkly. And also she can apparently just turn totally invisible with an illusion spell? Even at a new moon? Probably because of the Nexus I guess
Lujanne’s “Big strong man with big strong feelings.” She and Runaan have exactly the same type and I support them
Allen’s face when Lujanne says it aches to miss Phoe-Phoe
Callum eating off Rayla’s plate and wondering how Lujanne suspected they were a couple, hmmm
Soren and Allen bonding
Rayla warning Lujanne about hand disguises, as if that was something Runaan made very sure she knew
Rayla’s cute chaos grin when Callum’s Aspiro spell goes off is my favorite pic of her in this whole graphic novel
Lujanne’s “Oh.” afterward is my fave pic of her, too, she does not seem to handle reality well!
Bait’s tongue will never get old
Lujanne’s whole speech during Phoe-Phoe’s rebirth ritual is so touching and beautiful, my heart
Lujanne putting the newborn Moon Phoenix into Ezran’s hands, like she knows he’ll have the best connection with her
Callum’s tears as he reminds Rayla that Runaan killed Harrow, he’s trying to move on, but it hurts
Rayla’s self-soothing behavior when she has her second nightmare in the book--she must have these most every night :((((
the big symbol on the Moon Temple doors looks like a stylized Moon staff, like it’s a building for mages
Lujanne saying Rayla might not want or need the truth right after Callum mentions Runaan’s name to her, he sassily asks about her husbands and she turns it into a compliment
Callum’s big reaction to the moon opals is adorable. The only other one he’s seen was part of a pair of treasured gifts between long-time spouses, so it kinda looks like he’s all “uhh we just started dating”
also Ethari must’ve made cute metal swirly covers for the pair he and Runaan wore, since these two are undecorated--maybe he got his from Lujanne?
listen Lujanne is a hoot and all but she’s both an ally and an antagonist. Her actions are trustworthy but her advice is generally terrible. It’s an interesting parallel to how Runaan says a lot with his actions too, but he talks a lot less than Lujanne
Rayla yeeting herself into a fight just to ask Soren for a talk is 10/10 Moonshadow assassin goals
but her hood is up when she’s lurking in the trees--she might not have known where she’d find Soren and was anticipating something less fun on the feels-o-meter
Rayla in the mud again. Soren keeps making people fall in the mud
Allen’s grumpy squiggle
Callum, I love you, but you have no respect for moon opals. It’s like they wronged you in a previous life or something
that dancing elf has very long hair and shoulder pauldrons, and they start off dancing with six kneeling, watching, hooded elves around them--Moon Druids wore hoods even before they were assassins. Considering what Lujanne said about why the portal was sometimes opened, maybe those six kneeling elves are waiting under their emotion-hiding hoods to farewell a loved one who’s recently died?
can’t tell for sure but maybe the elf is dancing along the lines in the stone like they mark patterns for ritual dances, which would be the bomb
Soren and Rayla’s conversation is pretty wrenching. Seeing Soren have to struggle with what he did because it’s tangled up with Viren is rough because as a Crownguard it should just have been his duty to defend his king and he’d have nothing to feel weird about
Rayla dissociating herself from the term “assassins” and Soren dissociating from calling Viren “my father” in the same conversation is 10/10 excellent growth
Soren must know what happens to prisoners his dad gets a hold of, even if he doesn’t know the details :(((
“we captured him” and “Viren took him” seem to be talking about the Crownguard and Viren, not the brodigies and Viren
Rayla having a wooden sword at the end of the day bc she played swordfighting with Allen and Soren all day long
the panel where Rayla doesn’t say anything at all after telling Callum that she asked Soren about Runaan actually says so much, you can hear it
every time Lujanne’s white lies idea gets repeated, things get worse
Allen’s reading glasses, there must be one optician in the human village and he caters to soft kindly gentlemen of a certain age
in the moon phase montage, baby Phoe-Phoe is flying next to Ezran after one week at the Nexus. Maybe he’s paying her back by helping her learn to fly after she helped him teach Zym how to fly! Did they bond as tightly as Ezran did with Zym? I support Ezran just bonding with the most powerful flying creatures in all the land.
the irony of Callum using Lujanne’s tactics against her is amazing, but really the white lies thing is a giant ball of chaos in this story and it does not play favorites
Bait on the stone pillar during rebuilding
all the noises the Moonhenge makes are 10/10
Rayla dancing with Callum even though there’s almost no chance she’s ever done that dance before
Lujanne’s pupils going white, that is a cool effect, what’s it mean?
the black moon in the pink sky is so spooky! Is it just me or does the color scheme here kinda vibe like the space outside Aaravos’s library?
the smoky assassin squad, 10/10 creep factor, I love it
the lightning being a literal crack of doom with “CRAK-DOOM” as Katolis Castle appears, “echoes of thunder” indeed, very nice
Lujanne being mad but she can’t decide if it’s at Callum or herself
when she says pulling Rayla out now will leave her soul on one side and her body a husk. After the Insta live stream last night where we learned that soulfang serpents are Moon primal creatures, that’s... super interesting
smoky assassins go tssh in the rain like they’re still hot from being cremated, thanks I hate it
Andromeda finds Rayla first and seems closest/most aggressive so I wonder why she might hate Rayla more than the others
the assassins’ wrist bindings have gone red but they’re still attached and seem to trap the souls where they are. But all they need to be free is to perceive that Rayla completed their task, even though we know otherwise. So... would that work for killing any target? If you’re certain that you did it, does your binding fall off even if you’re wrong? eyes Pip
this must not be the actual afterlife since the spirits kind of mist up toward the moon and vanish, it’s more like a lobby, no one stays here unless they get stuck
portaling around just by shouting at villains, excellent
Rayla literally dropping a sword at the sight of the pod Viren’s in, yeah, it’s that creepy, I agree
Viren’s eyes are so black I think they’re Aaravos’s. I got a whole headcanon on Good Viren and Evil Viren for S4 now, wow
Phoe-Phoe pulling out a feather for Callum, awww my heart! This is why Ezran had to come, to bond with her so together they could save Callum and Rayla, it’s so sweet
so these humans are from the Storm Spire battle, bc that’s the Storm Spire behind Rayla and Callum on p108, with the rune-written arch. Did they die hating Rayla and Callum from the battle? Did they even know Rayla was up there? Or is pod Viren/Aaravos actually making them attack out of hatred for Viren’s death? One of these is definitely creepier and more awesome
Rayla’s confidence that Callum can and will boost her at the right moment with his magic, my heart, I love battle couples
that one panel that mirrors the Ghost Feather key art, hhhhhh
Rayla being the better swimmer, such precious irony, thanks Runaan
them holding hands and swimming upward together on the full-page panel is blessed
Lujanne pulling Rayla out of the lake with both arms gives me feels bc my grandma saved my life once
Lujanne being super soft over Rayllum, she is indeed a hopeless romantic
Rayla says “gone” about her parents and Runaan, and that’s the word Ethari used too, and I’m suddenly wondering if Ethari reached right into that pool and has always known that the lotus is half-submerged and if the sword he’s been making is for himself
I’m so glad Rayla told Callum what she saw of Viren
Rayla deceiving Callum and heading into danger alone because his life is more valuable to her than her own is exactly what Runaan did for her the night of the full moon in Katolis. I’m leaning toward her having thought this over and doing it on purpose bc she believes it’s a sign of deepest love--that Runaan’s actions and Lujanne’s words match up in her head, so she thinks it’s the right thing to do bc the mage and the assassin agree. Alas, Callum doesn’t understand the Moon arcanum yet, so he will have a different opinion. That mage and that assassin do not agree!
Rayla’s cloak has that Moon Temple symbol on its back. Is it Lujanne’s cloak? Any Moonshadow who sees it will probably know where she got it and who helped her. That could be fun!
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resonanteye · 3 years
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via https://resonanteye.net/horror-reviews-day-2-slither-no/
horror reviews day 2: slither? no.
only one movie tonight: growth
1: I’ve seen that before. Slither? It’s a nice effect, parasites in the skin.
2: diabetes
3: I love a good news-montage intro. There’s something about it that makes me start to believe the movie could be real, this is how things first get scary in real life most of the time (unless you’re right on the scene)
4: ok, you’re going to use leeches to make people into super-people. I’m sure nothing will go wrong. this part of the intro is not as good, but then again, if we’re getting into scientific hubris I suppose an info dump is how it’s done. it just feels like this is half of the movie I wanted to watch, crammed into 30 seconds. this isn’t a sequel, there’s no excuse.
5: slither. it’s slither, but with “man playing god” instead of “aliens”
6: no service on the phones. will they have cell service with no explanation later? maybe.
7: by all means go back to an island that had some wild outbreak, and where people still apparently live? who are these people living there? how can they sell a house there? IT WAS ON THE NEWS
8: second outbreak, who’d a thunk it. and yes leave her alone in there? the hell. why are there “townspeople” on a damn plague island? the idea that it can’t be sold makes more sense and I believe it.
9: we’ve already seen a corpse and a violent murder, you can say “shit”.
10: these creatures are flappy. I like it. if they start sexing, they’re dead.
11: told ya. dude’s doomed.
12: oh please equalize these movies. the sonic blast of sound after people whispering for fifteen minutes! I use subtitles but it still got through.
13: so all this outbreak was NOT on the news? also: “parasites feed on adrenaline” is a great quote. also also: get in the damn car to the doctor, don’t look for cell service.
14: these leeches are cool. accordions are cool but are not a substitute for backstory.
15: why are you kidding a man that was just vomiting all over himself.
16: I would murder that alarm clock.
17: they don’t put him in a car to go the doctor, and now this infected island is his getting… threads of leeches from his leg. and he’s not getting laid twice. it doesn’t work that way. or wait- in slither, dude got a lady on the side. guess he will get laid twice.
18: I love the intuition. all right, it’s better than it was a minute ago. matrix fight scene included.
19: yep, slither. will she end up full of parasites, hidden in a barn, the size of a whale? hongry? looks like it.
20: using practical effects in a movie like this looks AMAZING after too much CGI
21: what in the entire wicker man remake is this shit
23: he’s walking. she’s running. for fuck sake. that’s some early horror we-don’t-know-better shit. there’s no reason a recent movie should do this, ever.
24: that’s two penetrative acts of violence so far.
25: again: why is anyone living on this island.
26: n95 masks, and they’re going to… beat him up. solid plan?
28: I’m not going to show you worm man, but here’s an arm being turn off to be used as a weapon.
29: town sheriff just looks tired as hell. just has to keep shooting everyone, it’s the only thing he’s done in this movie.
30: shades of reanimator going on here. that’s pretty good. mad doctors and leeches. we already know the antidote’s in that stupid doll. just saunter out while he gives a monologue for the ages, excellent.
31: suddenly it’s a zombie movie, somehow it’s still not on the news.
32: diabetes to the rescue.
33: the CGI is really bad. it’s been, the whole time. I wish horror would go back to relying more on practical effects, with CGI used for anything BUT the monster/gore. my little website badly reviewing this one movie probably doesn’t mean much, but it’s how I feel.
34: oh here come the monologues.
35: what the hell kinda creature WANTS you to eat it
37: oh of course it’s about a baby. thing should be full of leeches, but it’s now the central motivation. how about getting your brother the antidote? how about that? no. just a random baby.
38: shades of children of men. usually that would be a compliment but not now.
39: never make a sequel. this hint at it is bad.
6/10. I’m being generous because I loved slither. bad CGI, used way too much. bad ending notes. poorly built characters. half the movie is missing or contained in info dumps. good idea though.
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