#kinda shorter than usual but uhhhhhh
waltwhitmansbeard · 2 years
my fair lady: chapter twenty
i'm just gonna say it: you gotta read these first. @romeoandjulietyouwish, this is your legacy, i guess.
She dresses quickly and silently, not wanting to draw the attention of whichever guard is at her door tonight. She picks a simple, brown dress, something she wears when she helps tend the castle gardens, and layers over it a black cloak. With her hair rolled up and tucked under the hood, she's unrecognizable.
She opens the secret door that Vax has not traversed since their return to Zephrah, making sure it closes silently behind her, and, with a single candlestick in one hand, begins to descend into the catacombs. She has only been down here but once before, many months ago, but Vax has described the path a few times, so while it takes some investigation and backtracking, she manages to make her way to the steps that lead up into the store cupboard that Vax uses to start his journey. She pushes up on the trapdoor, knocking over the old bucket that sits atop it, which clangs to one side. She lowers the trapdoor again and freezes, listening for any movement above. After a full five minutes, she determines that no one is coming to check out the commotion, and she proceeds up into the store cupboard.
She snuffs out her flame and leaves it on a shelf before poking her head out into the corridor. At this time of night, nearly all of the kitchen staff is asleep, save for a few scullery maids doing the last of the day's cleaning. It is easy enough for her to slip past them and out onto the grounds. Despite having grown up relatively sheltered, Keyleth has some experience sneaking out of the castle, usually to go visit the sprawling cherry tree that she and her father planted atop a nearby hill to commemorate her mother's passing. It takes some doing, but she manages to slink her way along the outer wall and through a little door near the stables.
From there, it's about a ten minutes walk to the actual city of Zephrah, and then the hard part: finding the cottage. She's had it pointed it out to her once or twice, in one of her many trips into the city to work with healers during the war, but that was during the day, and now, under the light of a waning moon, she must put her memory to the test to navigate the dark streets and remain unseen at the same time.
She finds the place by the large banner hanging out front: a black field with the four interlocking triangles of gold, the symbol of the Royal Guard. Keyleth knows that they display this banner to let their neighbors know that they always have a safe place to come to should they need one. Keyleth scurries up the front door, keeping her hood low around her face, and knocks.
After about twenty seconds, the door swings open, revealing a quaint interior lit by a dying fire. "Good even—Keyleth?"
Vax's jaw hangs low as Keyleth sheepishly waves. "Good evening."
He grabs her arm and yanks her unceremoniously inside, slamming the door shut behind her. "Have you lost your mind?" he snaps, fixing the lock before prying open the curtain on the front window to check the street. "You shouldn't be here!"
Keyleth lowers her hood and stands in the middle of Vax and Vex's little cottage, which somehow looks exactly and nothing like she had imagined. "I needed to speak with you."
Seemingly assured that she was not followed, Vax wheels on her, a deep frown set on his face. "My shift begins in the morning, Your Highness," he says rather coldly.
Her nostrils flare. "I needed to speak with you now."
"And what could possibly be so important that you were willing to risk your life to come here to tell me?"
Keyleth was not expecting this hostility from him, and it's beginning to make her blood boil. She tosses a glance over her shoulder. "Where is your sister?"
"She is with Lord Percival." Keyleth can hear the thinly veiled jealousy in his voice. "Why?"
"Because I'm tired!" Keyleth exclaims with a humorless laugh. "I am tired of the running and the hiding and the pretending. I'm tired of going through the motions of my life as if I am not in the most acute agony I can imagine."
Vax takes a step back. "Key—Your Highness..."
"Please," she begs, "please, just—is this to be my life? Locked away in a castle, alone in that room, remembering the way your hands feel in my hair? The way your smile eases my racing heart? Am I to be condemned to misery and solitude because you have taken my heart with you wherever you go? Is that the price of the crown? Because if so, I don't want it! I refuse it!"
"Princess, please." Vax's voice breaks with desperation. "You were right, we have to be better—"
"Better than what? All of them?" She throws her hands out to gesture all around her, toward the Ashari citizens asleep in their homes. "All of these people who wake up and love each other and create families that they can be proud of? I'm not better than them! I envy them, and I am tired of the envy."
"I'm leaving," he says abruptly, his jaw clenched tight.
Keyleth freezes, tears streaming down her face. "What?" she breathes.
"As soon as I am able to request a moment of your father's time, I will be volunteering for the manhunt for Gaben Finefirn. I am exceptionally well-suited for the task and it will take me far from Zephrah."
"You mean far from me."
Finally, Vax's harsh exterior cracks. She sees it in his eyes, the flash of pain, the cut to the quick. What is she to say to this? She could beg him not to leave—she is very much not above falling to her knees in supplication—but if freedom is what he desires, then who could she be to deny him that?
Vax begins to pace, a tight, tense line between the fireplace and the opposite wall. Keyleth watches him in silence, a treed squirrel eying the pacing dog below. "Why did you come here?" he eventually grits out, coming to a stop near the hearth and running a stressed hand through his hair. "What...what did you hope to accomplish? Nothing has changed, Your Highness. You are still to be the sovereign of a nation, and I am a common guard."
"There is nothing common about you," she argues, her voice quiet. "There is nothing common about your devotion to this country, to the service of my family. There is nothing common about how keenly you know every thought in my head before I speak it aloud. There is nothing common about your skills or your talent or the way in which you wield them to make the world safer, kinder, gentler. There is nothing common about the way my breath catches every time you look at me, like for the briefest moment, time has stopped, and we are the only two left on this earth. You, Vax'ildan, are extraordinary, and if you truly believe that you are unworthy of me because of our difference in station, then I have failed as someone who loves you with all of her heart. I only hope that someday I can be worthy of your exquisite affections, of the love that you have graced me with these past months."
Vax stares at her, eyes wide and bright, the waning fire dancing in his irises. Countless emotions play across his face—bewilderment, confusion, hope, sorrow, heartbreak, joy, frustration—but his features settle on something soft, something fragile. She knows that whatever happens next, it has the potential to shatter them both, and despite the madness of the tension, she wishes this heartbeat of possibility could go on forever.
"Keyleth—" Her name has always sounded like a symphony on his tongue. "—I adore you in more ways than the cleverest poet could ever hope to describe. It has been easy for me to tell you, as many times as I have, that I would die for you, gladly, eagerly, because it is a truth that does not scare me. But what I have never allowed myself to say aloud is how desperately I want to live for you." Tears fall afresh from Keyleth's eyes as a small gasp escapes her. "I wish to spend every single one of the days that the gods see fit for me have left by your side, in awe of your splendor, in service of your great mission here among your people. I want to worship you like the zealot reveres his god and I want to hold you until the last bricks of civilization decay into dust. I want to risk everything, because you are everything."
"Then do it!" Keyleth strides up to him and takes both of his hands in hers. "We have been trying to protect each other from the world for far too long. I think it is time to give the world a chance to prove itself better than either of us believe it to be." She looks him in the eyes, takes a deep breath, and says, "Vax'ildan Vessar, will you marry me?"
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lazaruspiss · 6 months
your ship, character and fandom opinions are so based. i'm also a poly robin shipper so it's nice to see there are more of us here. anyway, i'd love to hear what are your all time favorite dc ships and why, and if you have any headcanons (sfw and nsfw) about them. or you can just ramble about any fic ideas you have, the ones you've mentioned already are very interesting.
thank u for the compliments and also the many things to talk about!! <3 mwah! (readmore added bc of length)
picking a favorite ship is so hard, because im a multishipper and real big on leaving my options open so that i have the most opportunity in any given story!! like, brudick and sladick are both ones i love for dark stories, but they each give such different angles and paths that you can take. all combinations of robins are dear to me for different reasons. and even within the context of one ship, i can usually come up with a lot of different directions that they can go it!!
i can't even say "X is my favorite for Y types of stories" because with a good pairing theres so much you can do with a variety of types of stories!! so. def cant pick a favorite, but i can list some that i like! they mostly involve Dick, bc my biases are quite obivious, lol.
Dick ships: Bruce, Slade, Talia, Slade/Talia, Tim, Jason, Steph, Damian (but it depends a lot on context, i see Dick as being very careful about not taking advantage), any poly robins combo, Slade/Rose, Tara
other ships: Slade/Rose, Slade/Talia, any robins together, Bruce/Talia (but only if Talia is having daddy issues about it), Nyssa/Talia (Nyssa repeatedly kills and revives her to make her understand her anger at Ra's. the rituals. they're intricate i swear-)(but also in arkham knight Nyssa compares her love for Talia to Bruce's explicitly romantic love for Talia and i've never been normal about that), any combo of the Al Ghuls tbh they're so mentally ill about each other
so uhhhhhh. really you could pitch any Dick ship at me and get me talking. if anyone wants to ask about that list ur welcome to lol
fic ideas!!! i have some shorter ones, like a Blackfire/Robin non-con based on that one scene from tt03, but i kinda wanna take this chance to ramble about my longer ideas!
u may have seen some of these, but i have a series called "days without incident" which is a bunch of shorter than usual fics stringing together random semi canon compliant scenes of Dick being in dangerous sexual situations, which are eventually going to end in a rlly angsty fic of Dick being assaulted and just accepting it. it sounds dark, and it is, but due to the length and format they really just serve as quick writing warm-ups more than anything.
DIDick AU. a friend of mine has been on the receiving end of so many DMs of me fleshing out these alter OCs, to the point that it would feel weird if I didn't write anything for it. the problem is that when I think about it, it all revolves around characters and there's no real plot line to use for it. I could just rant about it, bc figuring out what I want to do for a story about them is really tricky. it's also tough bc it's a teeny bit more personal than I usually go for. do /I/ have DID? unclear. I probably wouldn't tell you either way. anyways, it's an idea i want to more with but it's just more complicated to work on than most others.
suicide fic. "Where The Dead Stay Dead", title in reference to this being in a "Jason Stays Dead AU". i want to take a sort of dark comedy direction, but i have trouble controlling how the tone ends up when I write. Dick tries to kill himself post Jason's death + many other bad times but Slade just happens to pop in to try and bother him that day, and is uh. he doesn't know how to feel about it, the kid dying in front of him, but he drags Dick to a safe house and does some made-up comic book science fuckery to give Dick his healing factor. Dick is not very happy about this when he wakes up. the rest of the story follows an arrangement where Dick searches for a way to perma die and is generally a depressed grumpy bitch about everything, and Slade secretly tries to get him to stop doing that while trying to figure out a way to revive Jason. whichever ends up being easier. a lot of it would probably just be about Slade feeling lost with this "new" version of Dick, as well as the two of them swapping stories about dead loved ones and learning how to mourn.
timcel fic. that was the placeholder title, before i settled on "Nature's Order (As Told From Alpha To Beta)", but i still call it the timcel fic for short <3 the alpha in that title is Ra's, and the beta is Tim. the kick off for the story is that Ra's kidnaps omega Dick to use as a human incubator bc he and Talia had a spat that's left him heir-less, and he kidnaps Tim to make Dick more compliant. it's a really extreme take on "right wing alpha male pipeline, but omegaverse". it's gonna be a lot of bad times for Dick <3 i've talked about it so much with my friend that one time they mentioned basing smth partially off of Nature's Order Tim, and I think that's a good sign that I should really be writing this properly at this point. I have started chapter one! but bc it's gonna be a long one I want to get three chapters done before I start posting, bc having a few extra chapters written will help with my nerves a bit.
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saltedsour · 4 years
tutorial level lore (for real)
i didnt proofread this after 1.75 hours of typing and that's your fault because i said so
expect typos and nonsense
everybody forgets about him like wtf,,,.???? i swear everybody just goes "HIIIII IM SO HAPPY ALL FOUR OF US ARE HERE" "please i'm right here"
playlist mode also forgot about him 😢
to be fair i forgot about them until right as i started typing
also needs a hug. actually fuck that they all need a hug
the,,, the shortest,,... i i cannot..... they're short oh my gosh
probably one of those wiggly cactus fucks but like angry at everything
also the youngest out of all of em.... babeyyyyyyyy...
110% has a cool scarf i mean come on guys
ok to differentiate between corruption and this fucker's name i'm gonna give him a capital C at the start
tbh they all have that certain vibe that i can't explain rn rn but corrupted and blixer the most so uhhhhhh they vibe together share a vibe yeah
unironically dabs
probably the less focused on MURDERING spicy player shapes
"Okay look ASSHOLES I was the first out all of us to be pink so y'all should really treat me with more respect" they don't
has the best song and ill fight you over that
would look rlly cool if they were like....... not Corrupted just not them
glares at chronos every time he says wink out loud.
his last name's probably kyle
doesnt have a face anymore. it's a clock now.
NO his face doesn't mostly tell the time accurately and that pisses logic off the most.
ironically dabs
maybe the tallest but maybe logic's taller i haven't rlly decided yet ok ok
he cant right now he's dunking his bible in milk
rlly wants to eat food sometimes so he just yeets like fucking corn flakes at his face. milky ways also sometimes yeets corn flakes at his face.
"Wowwwww you guys have FACES??? smh."
maybe believes the world is flat
types for 20 minutes after you insult him online
would set fire to the tree of life and watch every second of them burning
the tree's probably fireproof tho and like i don't think fighting the fucking shape goddess went well last time??? didn't it??? now u dont have to worry abt getting ur face hurt that's for sure
Probably part enderman at this point like what the fuck how did you get out of that locked room???? You just see him fucking leave out of another room like OK CHRONOS
says wink out loud
does the most jobs for the tree (outside of what they all usually do)
what they're supposed to do (teach those spicy player shapes to not die) isn't what they actually do now (try to kill spicy player shapes unless they're good enough to not die and get the fuck out of there!!!)
Genuinely misses having a face.
she has the most braincells. and eyes. three eyes. (and three braincells)
second shortest,!!! will fight you
probably the most reliable at reading anything
"okay guys it's been fun but i'm going to space now" *walks out of the room*
probably would be like rlly competitive in video games and like whenever they suddenly win when you were about to win you hear them gleefully cackling thats actually rlly wholesome wtf me
"guys is the world flat yes or no" "does my life depend on the answer???" "YES. YES IT DOES, CHRONOS." "uuuuuuuHHhhHHhhHh"
probably added megalovania to the group's playlist (if they had one.................)
the tree of life definitely once yeeted the fucker she just grabbed her fucking face and went YEET!!!!! no idea why but that 100% happened
played minecraft and left a review saying there wasn't enough squares
fought Corrupted and won
"i'm gonna munch. i'm gonna crunch" just steals somebody's fucking c h i p s and SPRINTS away
strong shitpost energy tbh??
doesn't know the difference between astronomy or astrology
nobody can see any stars™️ where they live and she rlly wants to see stars™️ (it's her aesthetic ok) (smh) (you wouldn't get it)
they might just be in the fuckign void thats not rlly an aesthetic
doesn't understand most memes tbh
"guys ur not being logical....... 💔"
would whisper wikipedia articles to you <3
i'd say they could do the best maths out of everybody but rlly i dont trust them with 1 + 1
unironically would type like... this... sometimes...
"guys why are you awake it's like 3 am" "shut the fuck up logic we're eating stolen c h i p s"
probably has rlly cool legs (i forgot to delete this but now i'm kinda liking what me 10 minutes ago said)
they maybe broke 1 law but it was just one of the laws of reality (like a fucking nerd smh)
T-poses regularly to assert dominance over the three shorter peasants.
actually the only one that still likes the tree of life. "GUYS GUYS SHE'S COOL WTF???" "logic please she fucking deleted my face"
fought Corrupted once and lost
favourite flavour drink is water
everybody probably calls them logic because saying three more syllables is just too hard
also dabs but maybe???? ironically (he doesn't know either anymore)
wtf he's directly middle height to everybody (bht he's taller than everybody in that stinky new game form though so good for him)
punches stuff!!!!!
"guys where are my c h i p s"
he has a pupil but only sometimes for no reason
probably went into the tutorial gang like wayyyy after everybody else so he's the new shape™️
"hey guys check out this neat selfie" he just shows them an image of sans
kinda "died" but he actually just took over the world
the tree of life also tells everybody what they need to know rn rn so like she just went "heyyy yeah he died 😭 have fun guys" and went off to go be mean to him for like. ever.
he is a cat. he will never forget that. everybody keeps reminding him plEASE GUYS
ahhhhhhhhhh!! water scary
types for a fucking hour if you insult him online
rlly needs a hug
tired 24/7
probably wears a hoodie. all the time. even in the summer.
most focused on spicy player shape murder.
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? he raped me, so I kinda don’t have any desire to text him
Has someone ever called you at midnight on your birthday? yes! K did one time. MAN that meant the world to me.
Have you ever slept in the same bed as your friend? yup. many times.
Who was the first person you talked to today? K. I woke up early cus I’m trying to get off my sleeping pills and I kept my shades up. When I woke up I had a long stream of messages from K pouring out his thoughts, which honestly was the most welcomed surprise. He had been SO CLOSED OFF lately and it was eating me alive, so to see that he carved out some time to put his thoughts to words, was one of the most incredible ways to wake up, especially after the ways things have been the last 6 mos. I had like an hour to just quietly be still and message back n forth. 
How many text messages are in your inbox? a lot. I keep trying to delete threads. I long to be the kind of person who has like 2 active threads and that way all the new ones are simply answered and deleted.
Will this week be a good one? that’s the goal. It’s a hard one so far, but I think my brain is just SO desperate to return to homeostasis and being happy again, that i’m just trying to grasp every shred of hope I can.
What was the last movie you watched and with who? I’m watching sleepless in seattle cus it helps put me into good dreams and I watch it alone.
Anything happen to you within the past month that made you really happy? uhhhhhhhhhhhh.. well doing the questions tonight was really meaningful to me. The guy at mickeys remembering me was sweet. getting rid of so many car fulls of donations has been great.
What are you wearing right now? jammies.
Do you want to see somebody right now? yeah. invited him and everything
When’s the last time you cried? approximately a half hour ago
Will you regret your next kiss? i really don’t get when this question is asked. why would i? 
Are you a forgiving person? lol don’t ask K this. he might feel differently, but I think I am? I try really hard to be. 
Do you currently have feelings for anybody? i do. 
When was the last time you changed in front of someone? i HATE to do that. like it is one of my most significant insecurities.
Are you the youngest person living in your house? I am
Have you ever liked someone older than you? that’s my preference
Who did you last fall asleep with? with? uhhhhhh I’m goin to guess Dutch when he slept in my bed. but like adult wise? Justin
Would you hug the last person you hugged again? i genuinely can’t remember when I was last hugged.
Now your cell phone, what color is it? uuuuuhhh hold on lemme snap off the case. oOoOo it’s a very pretty silver I think
Who were you last in a car with? probably mom
Who did you text most today? K
Do you have a reason to smile right now? I was very lucky for so long. that’s cool
Did a boy or a girl text you last? boy
Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them? hm. I don’t think so. He SO wanted a kiss and it bothered him I wasn’t into doing that. But I knew I was going to break off our dating cus he kept talking about how he thought it was OK that he held a gun to his sisters boyfriend when he pushed her. idk that didn’t sit well with me.
When was the last time something bothered you? now lol
Would you rather love one person, or have many short relationships? one
Would you prefer to date someone taller, shorter, or the same height as you: taller
Can you be your complete self around the person you like? i can’t anymore, no. but I was able to for like what, 7ish years?
Are you wearing makeup? no
What color was the last vehicle you were in? silver
Is there a person of the opposite gender on your mind? yea
When was the last time you got high? never unless I was maybe like from pain meds the doctors gave me
What’s a word that starts with the third letter of your first name? ambitious
Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? oooooof. no. but I think about it every day. but hard to kiss someone who is like 700 miles away
Do you always answer your phone? not usually. I do for my brothers or my mom or gram or K or nathan. 
Does anyone ever spell your name wrong? usually people like to put 2 n’s.
Will you be up before 7AM tomorrow? I mean off and on likely yes
In the past week have you cried? only about 3457 times.
Do you get along with your parents? I get along very well with mom most of the time. I don’t talk to my dad
What was the last thing you looked up on YouTube? the song “she’s gone” by hall and oates 
Any upcoming vacations? no.
What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? I like strong hands, strong posture, kind eyes, a cute smile, etc.
Do you have alcohol in your house? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LOT. which is interesting considering we probably have collectively 5 drinks the whole year MAYBE between 3 people.
What’s the closest pink object to you? pillowcase
What makes you the happiest right now? seeing K message me.
Are you mad at someone right now? no
Are you ticklish? unfortunately. it really bothers me to be tickled.
Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? my nephews/niece
Would your life be the same without alcohol? yeah. I really don’t care about drinking. I could eliminate it entirely and not notice a difference.
Have you had “the best night of your life? what, like tonight? no I’d say saying goodbye to a nearly decade long friendship is not grounds for best night of my life.
What was the first thing you thought this morning? “i wonder if K is up.”
What were you doing at 2AM last night? just about to go to sleep.
The shirt you’re wearing, does anyone else have it? So its a v-neck pretty old from old navy. It was an exclusive online and they hardly had any so if anyone has kept it this long, there wouldn’t be many people.
If you were offered to smoke some weed right now, would you accept? no. zero interest in anything altering my brain.
Could you go a month without cursing? shore thing
Ever been out of your state? lol. many many many times.
Do you plan on getting drunk or high tonight? no. 
Toilet papered someones house? no.
Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning? morning if I have any intention of my hair looking decent. Night if I want to sleepSO good. I’d love to take two (like someone else boujee I know) but I don’t have my own shower. the shower I use is in someone else’s bathroom which is connected to their bedroom. So I feel it would be a huge inconvenience 
Have you been to New York City? no. 
Can you go a day without laughing? if you asked me this 6 mos ago I would FIRMLY say no. I am an extremely happy and upbeat person. but man these months have just altered me to my core and this isn’t who I want to be. right now, I go dayssssssss without even chuckling.
Is there anybody you wish you would be spending time with right now? yea
Are you tired? a tiny bit.
How many tattoos would you get? none.
Do you get drunk every weekend? i’ve not been drunk in a long time.
Have you held hands with someone in the past 24 hours? no
Who was the last person you high fived? a nephew of mine
How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? none
Do you know how to drive? mhmm.
Will next Friday be a good one? uhhhhhh as far as I know there’s nothing planned. so probably. 
Who was the last person to wink at you? the guy at Mickeys lol
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wormwizerd · 7 years
tagged by @landoffandomsandtrash​ (thank u) rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people tagging: mutuals, if you wanna (i don’t think i even know 20 people)
1. drink: water 2. phone call:  my mom 3. text message: my brother 4. song you listened to: I Wanna Get Better -- Bleachers 5. time you cried: um this afternoon 6. dated someone twice: never dated someone once lmao 7. kissed someone and regretted it: nope 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: not through death but i’ve lost touch with a lot of people 10. been depressed: yeah 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no i don’t like alcohol
3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. green-blue 13. orange hues (peach, salmon, scarlet...sunset colors) 14. dark blue
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. made new friends: yeah 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yep 18. found out someone was talking about you: no i’m drama free 19. met someone who changed you: kinda, yeah 20. found out who your friends are: i mean i already knew who they were 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: what’s this supposed to mean but for the record i haven’t kissed anybody
GENERAL 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them but i only have like 20 or 30 people on there i don’t use facebook very much 23. do you have any pets: no 24. do you want to change your name: idk i’m thinking about it 25. what did you do for your last birthday: i baked some lemon cupcakes and put jellybeans in them and they were amazing 26. what time did you wake up: i usually wake up by 9 if i don’t have to go to school but otherwise it’s 6:30 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: tryna get to sleep 28. name something you can’t wait for: i can’t wait for the next season of b99 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: i live with her i see her all the time 31. what are you listening to right now:  music-wise? nothing 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah i used to be friends with a kid named thomas in 2nd grade 33. something that is getting on your nerves: the fact that i said i was gonna start working out but i didn’t 34. most visited website: tumblr unfortunately 35. hair colour: black 36. long or short hair: short 37. do you have a crush on someone: no
38. what do you like about yourself: uhhhhhhhhh i like that uhhhhh hmm i guess i like my face
39. want any piercings: no 40. blood type: O i think 41. nickname: sometimes @ambystroma​ calls me nam but i don’t have one other than that 42. relationship status:  single 43. zodiac: aries 44. pronouns: they/them 45. favourite tv show: mmm it’s gotta be A:TLA 46. tattoos: i don’t have any but i think i’d like to get one someday 47. right or left handed: right handed 48. surgery: no 49. piercing: no 50. sport: i do tae kwon do but i don’t compete so idk if that counts 51. vacation: uhhhhhh ???? i want to go everywhere but i really like going to the beach 52. pair of trainers: what do you want from me
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: nothing atm 54. drinking: nothing... 55. i’m about to: go to bed 56. waiting for: myself to get my shit together 57. want: sleep and good mental health and to have a good quarter 58. get married: i don’t think it’s for me 59. career: haha i don’t know but my current idea is physical therapy but it’s subject to change
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: hugs 61. lips or eyes: both are weird but eyes i guess 62. shorter or taller: is this about partners because it really doesn’t make much of a difference 63. older or younger: uhh older 64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms ???? i don’t know  65. hook up or relationship: whatever works for you..? 66. troublemaker or hesitant: these are not opposites of each other you could be a hesitant troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER 67. kissed a stranger: no strangers are for looking only why would anyone do that 68. drank hard liquor: no but i’ve had wine and it’s gross 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i’m too careful 70. turned someone down: can’t turn someone down if ya don’t get asked out lmao 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: not that i’m aware of 73. had your heart broken: not really 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: yes 76. fallen for a friend: i fall for all my friends but i get over it haha
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 77. yourself: no 78. miracles: luck, yes. miracles? that’s kinda pushing it 79. love at first sight: no 80. santa claus: no 81. kiss on the first date: i wouldn’t but do what you want 82. angels: no
OTHER 83. current best friend’s name:  don’t got one i’m too distant 84. eye colour: brown 85. favorite movie: i have a lot but my all-time favorite has got to be Mulan
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