#kinda unwilling pred
mmmleckerlecker · 1 month
a pred that has absolutely stuffed themself with food and are now determined to eat this one prey for dessert but their stomach is already soooo packed that they’re jostling and massaging it with each swallow to make room for more and more of this extremely resistant and squirmy prey
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nomstellations · 6 months
"Aren't you excited? After this you're going to be a real predator like the rest of us!"
I look down at your trembling form, curled up in my palm. I'm not too sure where they found you, but I'm sorry that you were found at all. I never asked to be a part of this, but being born into a family of people-eaters isn't something anyone asks for. I have no interest in eating anyone alive, but traditions are traditions...and I worry that if I don't, someone else will definitely hurt you. The expectant, excited looks on everyone's faces are mirrored by my reluctant expression, and I study you again. I'll try to make this quick.
When I lift you up to my mouth, you don't make a sound. Even when my warm breath washes over you and you touch my tongue, you don't kick or cry out. Have you already accepted your fate as my food? I nearly choke on you when I swallow- you're so small, yet you're bigger than anything I've ever eaten. Cheers and applause ring out from my peers, but I can only focus on how strange it is to have something living sliding down my throat. It feels good, which makes a pang of guilt stir up within me. I was made for this, but I don't like it.
I can feel you slide into my stomach, still shaking out of fear. My peers congratulate me, but all of my attention is on you. I couldn't apologize then, but when I am left alone I will free you. Neither of us asked for this, and I can only hope you'll forgive me.
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cowardlysimon · 1 year
Superma,n evil robot clones eating each ther time ‼️
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sorry for getting obsessed with new characters like.. Every day but idk they are all just so silly I love all of them.
anyways look at this video I made
I ❤️ Eradic,ator and Cybo,rg Superm,an 💕 (they want to kill each other all the time)
alright that should be all see ya
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ltsmoving · 1 year
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(i got mad distracted writing this one lmao)
Imagine, if you'll humour me, a newbie pred. They're only just starting to explore this new diet, and it's great! but they've never exactly been a fast runner and actually catching prey can be difficult.
To compromise, they instead plan to stalk and kidnap a prey, and it goes a lot smoother than roughing it! but now they have a different problem on their hands. They have the prey back in the privacy of their home, but they just can't bring themselves to do it- they're a living person too!
The prey is strapped to a dining room chair in the cold basement of the pred's house. They glare at the pred as they pace back and forth, weighing up the guilt they'd feel against the gnawing, prickling pins-and-needles of the hunger that would bite back and kill them if they didn't sate it soon.
When the pred checks back on the prey, they're hunched over in their seat, only stuck upright by their binds as faint, delicate snoring comes from them. It is rather late, the pred considers, deciding that they'd sleep on the decision and leave the prey to their own sleep for now.
In the morning, they bring the prey a glass of water, not wanting them to croak before they're in their stomach. As the pred helps the prey by holding the glass for them, the prey takes notice of the pred's shirt, and finally speaks up after drinking half of the glass.
"You like that band?" they squeak out, voice hoarse with strain. The pred is confused for a moment before following their gaze down to the shirt they were wearing- a band graphic tee they had bought a few years prior that was always too big for them.
The pred hesitates for a moment before responding. "I used to. I know some songs, but I usually just sleep in this."
A breathy laugh rests hollow and cold on the pred's skin as the prey looks back up at them. "I never expected a predator to like prey music." There's bite behind the comment, but a curious and genuine smile plastered on their face that the pred can't help but return.
"Hey, good music's good music." Both of them laugh lightly, and a conversation starts up naturally. Just a back-and-forth of small talk as the two get to know each other a little better.
Before long, the pred is so lost in the conversation that they'd forgotten all about why the prey is there in the first place. They feel even more guilty than before and sit in silence for a moment while they reconsider their options.
Surprising the prey, the pred walks behind them and loosens the binds on their wrists, the prey tentatively shifting their arms from behind their back to brace themselves on the chair as they go to stand.
They turn to smile and thank to predator, but are quickly pinned to the ground and met with the gaping darkness of the maw before them. The prey wrestles and fights against the predator, pushing desperately against their shoulders to wrench their head free- but, like a vice, the predator's jaws only grip tighter, refusing to let as they take a strained, painful swallow.
It's an arduous process, but little by little they work the prey down their distressed oesophagus, the dryness of their skin and clothes scratching at their throat as they cuss themself out for waiting so long- they just taste that good!
One final gulp sounds and reverberates around the empty basement, sending the last of the prey down into them as their gut expands and sags, pushing the chair that just held them out of the way of its girth. The predator gently and curiously feels over their bloated stomach, prodding where the skin stretches, caressing the sore underside.
They have trouble moving, but hoist up their gut and sluggishly carry themself, and their prey, up the stairs out of the basement and into their living room. The rest of their day is spent trapped under the weight on the couch as they try their best to stay awake through the food-coma that suddenly overcame them.
That feeling of guilt they were dreading quickly dissipated as they revelled in the afterglow of the meal . It was understandable why so many predators are so hasty with their prey- if not out of morality, out of pure hedonistic rapacity.
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ianarovoices · 1 year
Just want to bring some unwilling prey home, & make it clear that food is all you are, all you'll ever be. That this is where it was meant to end for you, all your life ever meant, everything for nothing more than to be a meal for a hungry predator.
At first, you don't believe it, that this was all your existence was leading to. But, as you realize there is no escaping your end, you give in. You glance up with reluctant acceptance, with a gaze that makes it clear you're ready to give in to the fate I've decided for you, the fate of all my living meals.
Smirking, I lift you up, & begin to swallow you. At first, caught in the mental trap I laid for you, you don't protest. But about halfway down, it hits you that this is really happening, & you begin to thrash about, trying to escape my clutches. And yet, it's already too late; with 2 more powerful swallows, you're completely inside me, sliding down my throat with ease.
Soon, you're in my belly, & I feel you kick & squirm, trying to find a way out of my predatory clutches. But this is the end for you, & there's no escaping it now.
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wendy130 · 1 year
forgive me if you aren’t taking art requests rn, but if you are-
could i request some peer pressure duo noms? — 🎲
// I fucking love your peer pressure story (pt1 & pt2) soo :P
// transcript of words under the read more line
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2nd page words:
A long string of "no"s trailing behind Ranboo
3rd page words:
A long string of "no"s as Ranboo gets picked up Ranboo, thought bubble: "Oh god, I'm going to LITERALLY die" Techno, thought bubble: "Oh god, I'm going to die of social interaction"
4th page words:
*wiping drool off*
5th page words:
*muffled cry*
6th page words:
Techno: *soft purrs* Pointing at Ranboo: *passed out*
7th page words:
~~Time Skip~~
Ranboo yawns, next drawing says "where... am I?" Arrow pointing between two drawings: *thinking for a moment* On either side of a concerned Ranboo: OH NO Next drawing: *snoring noises* as Ranboo *touch*es the stomach walls Next drawing, "no"s surrounding Ranboo as he thinks "I don't want to be AWAKE for this--"
8th page words:
*Waking up noises* Techno: "Wh'h'ppen...?" Next drawing, a small "AH" coming from Ranboo as Techno *push*es down & says "Oh-- are you okay?" Next drawing, Ranboo says "...Wth do you think??" Next drawing, Ranboo is squeezed and cries out "wait-- wait-- I'm sorry" over and over again Next drawing, Techno's thought bubble says "Shit-" and he says "kid-- KID-- Relax, I'm getting you out!"
9th page words:
Ranboo is *plop*ed back into Techno's hands
10th page words:
"And then they became BEST FRIENDS" Above Ranboo and Techno it says "HUGS :D"
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tinystarwatch · 2 years
Big fan of the pred goes feral and can no longer be trusted scenario(From a spell, compulsion, ect) but with like, multiple preds.
When pred 1 goes odd prey's first reaction is of course, go running to their trusted friend pred 2. They're accepted readily, maybe a little to readily actually, but prey is so shaken that they don't notice the way pred 2 is fixated on their movements a little to much, until nearly to late.
Now left to try and hide, horrified. All their usual close friends now a possible threat. It all turns out eventually, but for several heart pounding hours their life felt to be truly on the line. (Preds are very apologetic afterwards though)
Premium hurt/comfort fearplay 👌.
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vorish-wonderland · 2 years
Idia was (allegedly) designing a game where one of the characters is (allegedly) a giant octopus merman. He decides to go to Azul to make sure everything is 100% accurate. Even internals need to be completely accurate...
Includes: soft/safe vore, willing prey, semi-unwilling pred
✮✶Get Out!✶✮
"You want me to WHAT."
"Um.......... e-eat me."
"With all due respect Idia... no."
"Oh, come on Azul! Y-you don't want my depiction of an octo-mer to be inaccurate, do you?" Idia asked.
"You know more than enough for it to be accurate! And not to mention, in WHAT scenario would you need to know what the inside of me looks like?! Why would you need that information?! What is happening in your game?!"
"I-it's in relation to a specific ending, d-don't worry about it..." Idia blushed. "A-anyways!! I need you to eat me so I can know what the inside of you looks like. Just a quick in and out, it'll be fine heehee!"
Azul sighed.
"Fiiiiiine. But I'm getting you out the moment I want you out. Understand?"
Idia's hair flared up in excitement as Azul grabbed him and brought him up to his mouth.
Idia stepped inside, making sure to take notes on everything. What the inside looked like, what the teeth/beak looked and felt like, the exact shades of blue the flesh was, etc.
He was just a bit too excited to be inside Azul, honestly.
"Alright Azul! I'm ready, do it!" Idia blushed profusely. "S-swallow me...!"
Azul felt really weird about this whole thing, but did as Idia asked anyways.
He let out a deep exhale as he felt Idia go down. It was really hot. Not enough to burn, but definitely enough to be felt.
Idia was so excited. He just successfully convinced his friend to eat him!
"Seven, that felt weird." Azul said. "Your hair really is made of fire, huh?"
"Magic fire, but yeah."
"Now, you just have to... take notes, right? Then I can get you out?"
"Yeah, just... j-just a bit longer..." Idia said, looking around and writing down his notes about what it's like in Azul's stomach.
Almost thirty minutes passed.
"Idia. Can I get you out now."
"N-no! Just a bit longer, ok?!"
"...ok. But not too much longer, understand?"
Much longer passed.
"Idia, I'm getting you out."
"NOOOOOO!" Idia pouted.
Azul made a mental note to absolutely never let this happen again.
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chuckeroo777 · 2 months
Dungeon Meshi Volume 12 Part 2
Things keep getting hairier! And slimier. Let's see what happens next!
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Gold star for effort guys.
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But, a paratenic host is one in which the parasite doesn't actually do anything. But in this analogy, it's the only one you actually parasitised.
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Tags: Feral Pred, Willing to Unwilling prey, Full Tour, Non-Fatal
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Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions.
Also, did the Lion already eat her hair desires, or is she just too flustered currently to bother?
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See? Chilchuck said Dwarves live 2.5 times longer than Tall-men. If their average is 200, that makes Tall-men's 80. Kinda makes the Half-foot thing kinda pointless if it's only a 17% difference from Tall-men.
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Uh, okay? Why? In the demon backstory chapter, it's suggested that wishes caused the changes in lifespan, but how did they do that without enveloping the world like Marcille wants to do? I
According to the adventurer's bible, Tall-men can produce fertile offspring with Ogres or Half-foots. Do these hybrids have longer lifespans? Wait, she specifies long-lived, so I guess not?
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Izutsumi knows bullshit when she hears it. Seriously though, the lion continues to spit smoke. We know exactly what the lion will do once it escapes. It's not using half truths, it's just straight up lying that it wants to help Marcille with her goal.
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An important image.
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Yes Izutsumi. That's generally how it works. You'd know if you actually knew your parents.
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The plot thickens.
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Ooh, is Chilchuck making lasagna?
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Laios gets real handsy when the monster is passive. Actually, since doppelgangers rely mainly on chromatic illusions, shouldn't it feel off? Maybe they supplement it with actual illusion magic.
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If I remember correctly, she really liked the dryad pottage. She even has Dryads as a major portion of the army she's raising. I also spotted some elephants in the wide shot. Do those ever show up later?
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A precious image.
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Geez Marcille, at least stir in some butter and garlic salt.
Also, rare footage of Marcille not wearing that stupid choker.
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Marcille. This is a sad scene. Stop making me laugh during your trauma.
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There is something deeply funny about Izutsumi being the most worldly of these idiots. I mean, it makes sense. Senshi spent most of his life on the island, Laios is young and doesn't pay attention, and Chilchuck has always lived in urban areas. Meanwhile, Izutsumi has been shunted from owner to owner her whole life.
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When you roll an abject failure, but the DM wants to move things along anyway.
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Wouldn't you be hungry if this was the first non-monster food you had eaten in weeks?
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I love the silly shit this manga pulls sometimes. Everyone literally just refers to it as "the island".
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Agreed, it's very silly. But more importantly, what kind of magic nonsense allows a three-way meeting between a fairy, a crystal ball, and a telephone?
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Actually, the dungeon is acting more like a slime right now, attempting to flip its digestive system to envelop external prey.
Lots of short chapters this volume, but the density is high! We might end up with four posts on this one! See you in a bit!
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suzyandthefox · 3 months
More Cookie Nom Headcanons
Check the tag #SuzyAsks to see which cookies did I already give my opinion on
Black Raisin Cookie : She is a quiet, cold, and protective pred. Her insides aren't very inviting, as they're full of folds and wrinkles, but it's dry and kinda soft, they would be tightened around you always.
She wouldn't be eating you anyway unless you're one of the 3 people she trusts outside the raisin village.
As a prey she is extremely unwilling and feisty, she will make sure whoever eats her suffers greatly, she tastes horrible (like black raisins,duh) . The only exception from this rule is Pure Vanilla Cookie and Only Pure Vanilla Cookie.
Madeleine Cookie: Dashing, magnificent Knight In Shining Armour pred, he is gentle, sweet, protective, extremely polite, and only slightly teasing you, as a form of flirting.
I can imagine him holding your small hand, kissing it, and gently easing it to his mouth, every movement would be slow and respectful, as you aren't a meal he is consuming, rather a dear person that he is protecting.
His stomach is Luxuriously comfy and warm, it barely moves when you're in it, and only gives you soft hugs and massages, never tighter than that. He would be more than happy to have you in his belly whenever you want it, doesn't have to be times of danger.
Espresso is one of the cookies that pays frequent visits to his belly, for a variety of reason.
But he would also be willing prey, to Espresso mostly.
Pitaya Dragon Cookie: Pitaya is absolutely a pred,a cruel one too. Safe scenarios aren't this Dragon's thing, they are a teasing pred that thrives on Fearplay and tiring out their prey, before devouring them in Dragon form.
They have swallowed many Cookies, Hollyberry being one of them for example.
They would swallow you just to display dominance over you, "Bastard pred" is written all over this Cookie.
Their stomach is a huge dark slimy chamber that can hold many cookies inside of it.
That's all I can think of for now, feel free to ask me about Any cookie!
(I will not give opinions on any child coded or minor coded Cookie, that means No Pancake cookie, No Onion cookie, No Custard Cookie, Absolutely no SnapDragon Cookie, You get it)
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mmmleckerlecker · 7 months
I just… *clenches fist* love preds who, as a personal rule, don’t ever let their prey out once they’re in their stomach. like physically they COULD, but they just… won’t
and it isn’t even a malicious thing. they have plenty of prey friends that they have never and WILL NEVER touch… unless the prey gives the go-ahead. and a lot of times the prey friend doesn’t even really comprehend what they’re getting into like…
“are you even really a pred? I’ve never actually seen you eat someone one,” friend 1 asks.
“oh, I definitely am,” the pred answers without even looking up from their phone.
“yeah?” friend 2 prompts. “could you do a little demonstration to prove it?”
that gets the pred’s attention. “what? on one of you?”
friend 1 shrugs. “yeah sure. if you can even do it.”
the pred is already sliding their phone into their pocket. “and this is what you really want?”
“yes, definitely,” friend 2 confirms. “I’ve known you for years. I’d really like to see you try.”
“well,” the pred says as they reach for friend 2, “if it’s what you really want…”
and within a minute, friend 2 slides smoothly down the pred’s throat and fills out their stomach. “told ya,” is all the pred has to say.
the pred gives friend 1 a few minutes to run their hands over their belly in awe, feeling friend 2 within curiously poking about their new surroundings. eventually the interest wears off and the pred sits back down, returning to their phone.
“aren’t you going to let them out?” friend 1 asks after a moment.
the pred squeezes absentmindedly at their stomach’s new occupant and only spares a distracted glance at friend 1. “ah sorry, no. I’ve never let a prey back out before and I’m not about to start now.”
the form within them begins to shift about a little more uncomfortably.
“but… but they’re your friend?” friend 1 can only stutter.
“yeahhh, they are,” the pred agrees looking genuinely a little sympathetic. “but you guys said you were cool with it and I’m not about to change how I do things now. again, sorry.”
by now, friend 2 is in a panic trying to escape, but the pred seems unbothered. they merely knead their prey back into submission with one hand and continue typing on their phone with the other.
at a loss, friend 1 can only stand there and gape. the rest of the day they’re forced to watch the pred’s belly get smaller and softer, knowing friend 2’s fate is partly their fault and they themself were only spared by pure chance. they try not to flinch every time friend 2 gathers what strength they have left to fight back, but their struggles grow weaker with each passing hour. friend 1 never challenges the pred’s abilities again.
or… OR the prey knows EXACTLY what they’re getting into, or so they think. they’ve been dating the pred for a long while now and have been considering offering themself as a meal lately. the idea of being made one with their lover is very appealing to them. but they also know it’s very permanent so it’s taken months to build up the nerve to take that one last leap of faith. finally they find the courage to ask.
the pred raises a surprised eyebrow. “really?” they question in disbelief. they aren’t opposed to the idea, they just never would have expected it from their lover.
the prey nods sheepishly, cheeks growing bright red.
the pred immediately drops everything and gives their partner their undivided attention, expression deadly serious. “you know it’s a one way trip, right? this decision is final.”
“I know,” is all the prey answers. “I’ve always known.”
the pred nods, satisfied. without further ado, the take their partner into their mouth. they ever so slowly swallow them down, giving them plenty of opportunity to change their mind. but they don’t. a few minutes later, the prey is sealed within their final resting place.
to keep things romantic, the pred puts on their partner-turned-meal’s favorite movie while they digest. at first, it’s just a tingling sensation for the prey. but then it’s an all encompassing burning. suddenly, this is far less romantic than they’d expected. their pred partner had always been so sweet and gentle, but then inside of their stomach is absolutely brutal and unrelenting.
“I’ve changed my mind,” the prey suddenly gasps, fighting against the crushing walls. “I don’t want this anymore. please. let me out.”
the pred just gives their belly a few comforting rubs. “sorry, love. but you already know that what goes into my stomach doesn’t ever come back out. you’re just going to have to stay right where you are.”
this isn’t what the prey wants to hear. they quickly turn to begging, then bargaining. finally they’re reduced to sobbing. it all falls on deaf ears as the prey massages their lover throughout the whole process and continues watching the movie. by the time the film is over, the prey has given up on escape. the only signs of life the pred can feel as they get ready for bed is the occasional twitch or shiver from within. when they crawl into bed and curl around their belly, they make sure to wish their partner one last goodnight. the only response they get is a weakened kick. the pred smiles as they drift to sleep.
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nompunhere · 1 year
contains: safe soft vore, g/t, willing prey, and kinda sorta unwilling pred. for a little bit
It's a rainy day today
When I woke up, the pattering on the roof and the sight of you so cozy and curled up beneath my fingers nearly lulled me back to sleep. I had to go to work today though, so I forlornly shake off my drowsiness, and switch my hand out for your own little blanket. You still shiver in your sleep despite my efforts, and I tiptoe off to the kitchen with a smidge of guilt lingering in my head
The sky is dark and rolling, pouring out sheets of rain. I get some quiet music going as I start pulling together the things I'll need for the day, but a buzz from my phone on the counter interrupts. 'Severe Storm Warning', it declares in big text. I sigh, the commute was just gonna be that much harder then, huh.
As I start taking my meds, I hear a little yawn. I glance over and see that you've made your way out of bed. Your blanket hangs around your shoulders like a cape, and when you finally pry your sleepy eyes open enough to look at me, you quicken your steps. I reach down to put you on the table, but you refuse to slide off of my palm. "I do have to go to work you know" I chuckle, keeping my voice low for the early hour. "Don' care," you mutter back, "'S cold."
I sigh, amused, and continue one-handed with my morning routine. You remain in your half asleep daze, idly watching as I flutter around. I fix up some instant coffee, and you wrinkle your nose when I ask if you'd like a mug. "It's warm~" I tempt, swishing mine around with my spoon. Your eyes are hooded as they swing over to look at me, then further down. "I know something warmer~" you reply, imitating my sing-song voice.
I huff, "You know I-" "I know, I know, need to pay the bills, I get it." You sigh, curling further into your blanket. My heart twists a little. "But," your voice is muffled through the fabric, "It says it going to thunder today..." Even through the tired glaze on your voice, I can still hear an edge of fear. We both know you're deathly afraid of lightning, it's the reason for the first time you spent the night after all. It makes me feel awful that I'll have to leave you to go work, but...
Almost like magic, my phone buzzes on the counter once more, this time it's a message in my company chat. 'Everyone is excused from work today due to flooding, see you tomorrow!' My jaw drops, and I don't miss the way you immediately lean towards me, before I fully turn to you and exclaim "I'm off work!" You light up like a Christmas tree, "Really!?" Your once grumbly voice now brightens with relief, and I nod excitedly. "It's the rain! The buildings can't function with flooding." I grin. You beat you hands on the side of my finger, "I don't care how it happened!" You seem about three seconds away from leaping at me, "Let me in!!"
I just laugh again, and bring you closer to my face. You vibrate in place as I part my jaws, already salivating with my anticipation. You damn near almost fall off my hand you're so close to the edge as I ease my hand even closer. Once in range, you shed your blanket to climb over my teeth as fast as you can, and flop onto my tongue. I carefully close my mouth and begin poking you around, soaking you with saliva. No matter how many times we do this, it never fails to make my heart race when you accidentally get a little too close to my teeth.
After I'm fairly certain I've throughly soaked you, I tilt my head and let you slid a bit further back. You wiggle a little in excitement, but it doesn't slow me down as I finally gulp you down with a satisfied hum. I internally track your progress down my throat, feeling as you pass my collarbone with a bit of a squeeze, and then the little drop as you reach my stomach.
I sigh as you settle in, and rub at your form under my skin. You immediately rub back, and it takes everything in my power not to melt in my chair. "Back to bed?" You speak up. I smile and make my way back into the room, "Back to bed." I confirm, just before my back hits the mattress.
It's a rainy day today
oh, this is... this is really nice. thank you, anon, for this lovely post! genuinely a very pleasant read. love soft little momence like these
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mystique-mansion · 5 months
hi! im manny, im a 23 year old trans guy with some kinks lol. im a newbie pred who's kinda shy about vore; of course, i can still be mean and possessive ;) feel free to chat with me thru messages or my askbox!
dm's are always open to chat or rp, and please, feel free to send story ideas in my askbox! i love writing :3
this blog is NSFW and not for anyone under 18!
you will see fictional posts about
domestic violence + abuse
drugs and alcohol intoxication
i am a csa survivor who uses littlespace as a coping mechanism. im also a double amputee. i only am interested in the above things in a purely fictional context and with my own boundaries.
heres what im into
vore (unbirth, oral, cock, anal) PRED, either willing or unwilling depending on the scenario (love when my dom partners force me to vore someone~) (also prey in unbirth scenarios)
same size
macro/micro (as long as you stretch me out still)
mpreg (i'd loved to be filled up with a litter or two or three~)
birth denial~
cgl (ageplay stuff, would LOVE to find a partner who's into this on top of the other things)
belly inflation (i gotta be on the receiving end; getting my guts or womb packed with your seed is a fav of mine)
safe vore (for unbirth and cock vore, mostly)
digestion (oral and anal, love being descriptive about how sloshy and soft you are)
belly aches snd rubs~
drugs and alcohol
absolute no's
scat and disposal
watersports (tho i do have a fetish abt wetting my pants in public and being teased about it, thats as far as ill go)
being prey (not at the moment, tho i do have a fantasy of being unbirthed by another, much older and experienced trans guy)
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supernormalblogname · 3 months
Are the other agents preds too?
GHEHEH yess thank you i love to talk abt my agents... of the agents i use for vore (3,4 & 8) i think all of them have the potential to be preds... 3 as ive drawn before is definitely the apex predator of sorts, big and strong and likes to eat (willing, unwilling, whatever. they love to have a tummy full of someone) & they are not easy to eat when they don't wanna be. but theyll let themself get eaten by ppl they trust..
4 is the one whos really new and kinda weirded out by the whole people eating people thing... unfortunately for him he is very prey sized and 3 thinks hes tasty.. but he would like to be a pred.. i wanna draw stuff about this it is on my to-do list
8 enjoys being prey the most ! but she's physically strong enough that she can control when she gets eaten and by whom... she's very soft abt vore i think. likes to be eaten to feel protected and held and likes to eat people to let them feel the same way.... shes the only one who'd be able to overpower & eat 3 but she wouldnt be interested in doing that unless in like. extreme circumstances
(i don't use my ne.o3s in vore bc they are minors to meee... look away kids u are too young for this gay nonsense)
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fastfur07 · 4 months
It's Not Fresh
Finally getting back into fic writing? Maybe? I dragged this out of my drafts after someone's encouragement, so please enjoy.
Salmon.id pred, unwilling prey.
Of all things, why did they have to get a charger?
The Inkling had been excited to start their first shift at Grizzco. Mowing down Salmonids seemed simple enough, especially with a team to fall back on, but their assigned weapon was already draining their confidence.
Salmonids began slithering up onto the shore, and the employee hesitantly took aim. It was only the beginning of the first wave, but they were already overwhelmed. They didn’t know what to aim at, and what if some of the little ones snuck up on them while they were distracted? Their coworkers fanned out onto the exposed ground, not noticing a little squid climbing up to the highest point, too far from the action to be useful, but safe.
Could they snipe something at this distance? They caught sight of a Steelhead menacing one of their coworkers, but their shot fell short. The same happened when a Snatcher carried off some eggs. Dejectedly the squid looked back at the egg basket: the team wasn't going to make quota without their contribution.
They were going to have to face their fears. The employee took a deep breath, trying to convince themself that it wasn’t that stressful, and their coworkers would help them if they got in trouble. Mustering all their courage, the squid shuffled forward and prepared to step off the tower.
They were interrupted by a frying pan colliding with their head.
Slipping on ink, their head throbbing, the Inkling scrambled to sit up. They were staring at the scaly underbelly of a Cohock. Their gaze floated upward to see it staring back, eyes bulging and bloodshot. Some kind of grin formed on its misshapen mouth. The employee instinctively shrank into squid form and tried to swim away, but found themself scooped into the pan and lifted out of their ink.
Terrified as they were, the squid was unable to change back and defend themself. The Cohock dragged its tongue across its crooked teeth, before its maw gaped open. The employee only had a split second to realise what the Salmonid was planning before they slid out of the pan and fell, sliding across its slimy tongue and being forced down its throat with a wet gulp.
Finally regaining their powers of speech, the employee screamed and thrashed as they were shoved deeper into the darkness, enemy ink stinging all over them and a fishy stench overpowering them. Their coworkers were too far away to help them; why hadn’t they just gone with everyone else? Trying to keep from bursting into tears, they squeezed their eyes shut and waited for the inevitable as a disgusting belch rumbled around them.
Two weeks later
"Hey, check this out."
Leaning over to peer at the screen of a sea-cucumber phone, our Inkling was not prepared to have a terrifying memory resurface. They were looking at a crisp, level, award-winning-quality photo of a Grizzco employee's boots sticking out of the mouth of a Goldie, which looked surprised, but ultimately pleased, as it swallowed the rest of them. Two employees were in the background: one was getting on with business as usual, unfazed, while the other actually looked enthusiastic about their coworker being devoured. 
"... What the shell?"
"I dunno, everyone's been sharing these kinds of photos lately. Look." The Octoling holding the phone scrolled down, revealing photo after photo of employees allowing themselves to be eaten. One was diving from a Fish Stick into the gullet of a Maws, another had a Chum latched onto their head, and a third was in swim form being fought over by two Smallfry. There was a long silence as the two examined the photos, before the Octoling spoke again.
"...It's honestly kinda-"
"Being eaten alive is not fresh."
"I wasn't going to say that," the Octoling stressed. It's kinda, uh… impressive? To set it up and take the photo. I mean, the likes are rolling in. People must really like this stuff."
"How long have you been seeing it for?" the squid ventured.
"About two weeks," the Octoling replied.
The Inkling got up and gave a parting gesture, heading for the lobby exit. It was just a coincidence. It had to be. Employees probably got eaten by Salmonids all the time. It couldn't have anything to do with their own "incident", right? The question kept haunting them, and eventually they concluded that the only way to answer it was to investigate the trend - but with no leads, all they could do was ask around.
The Inkling asked everyone they saw, in the lobby, around the shops, even in matches, but couldn't find any real information. All anyone said, when they had any idea, was that they had seen those kinds of photos all over the Internet, but couldn’t identify the people behind them. It was only after a while that the Inkling accepted the fact they had subconsciously been trying to avoid: they were going to have to go back to Grizzco.
Unfortunately, they couldn't muster the courage to ask anyone while they were waiting for the shift to start, preoccupied as they were. They also couldn't say anything in the helicopter, nor in any of the three waves, where they continued vicariously participating, but remembered to stay with the group this time. Then, as the clock ran down and the final wave ended in a success, the Inkling finally took a deep breath and prepared to get their coworkers' attention. 
They were interrupted by a wail from overhead.
"Horrorboros? Oh, this is gonna be gold!" someone said. "If we can get up to that thing's mouth, we'll be famous."
"Who has Inkjet?"
Our Inkling didn't even have to look to know they had Inkjet.
In only a few seconds, the squid was in position at the highest point on the map, waiting for the King Salmonid to launch a bomb and leave its mouth open to fly in. They couldn't believe it - they'd had the perfect opportunity to talk to the people who were posting the photos, and now they were about to be the subject of one! But they had to do it, or they wouldn't be told anything.
The Horrorboros loomed closer, its bomb almost primed, and turned toward the trembling Inkling, who could barely maintain their balance, much less their composure. They heard their coworkers hurriedly preparing for the shot, and looked down. Everything seemed to be going to plan, but why were they staring back up with such an urgent expression? The Inkling looked back at the gigantic Salmonid just in time to see it launch its bomb straight at them, and sprang into action. 
They didn't remember exactly how it went; when they returned to the ground they weren’t sure if they had been revived or simply recalled from using Inkjet. They definitely remembered their boots skidding along the slick tongue of the Salmonid, and the sharpness of its jagged teeth, and the plume of its rancid breath, and the endless depth of its pulsing throat, but everything else was a blur.
Whatever had happened, the squid felt strangely calm, at least calm enough to keep up appearances while they returned to the foyer and the photo was uploaded. They had to agree it was a masterpiece: if you zoomed in a little, you could clearly see their resolute, almost heroic expression, along with how tightly they were gripping onto the Inkjet's handles. 
"Wow, this is really blowing up!" remarked the photographer, showing their phone around. "Oh, I almost forgot to tag you! What's your handle?"
"Oh, I'm not on social media," the Inkling smiled. "In fact, I was wondering how this trend even got started."
"Oh, you don't know?" another coworker chimed in. "Couple of weeks ago, someone got eaten by a Cohock while doing a shift. They didn’t even get splatted, they kind of just… sat in there, until the rest of their team took it out. They seemed really scared, but everyone else was like 'Yo, that's sick! Way to stick it to the man, huh?' So we all started taking these photos, and it became this kind of protest against Grizzco. Although, now that I think of it, it must have been kind of traumatic for that first person."
"Yeah," the squid replied with a fake laugh, "sucks to be them."
The end
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 2 years
If you want a prompt, how about something like safe unaware/accidental noms? Where both pred and prey were unwilling but maybe the pred doesn't even notice? (Or the pred does know but does it on accident while prey is panicking and misunderstanding, but personally that's my second) I just reallllllly like this trope and reallllly wanna read more of it...please?
Wooooo here I gooo!!! :D
Two friends, a giant mer and a human sized naga, there's nothing wrong right? Until your small friend turn out to be too curious... :]
@da3dm :]
TW: Safe/soft/unaware vore, unwilling pred, unwilling prey, digestion mention (kinda; doesn't happen tho)
A sunny day, there was a light breeze in the air and the sound of the waves breaking on the shore, made it a perfect day to rest lying on the sand, under the rays of the sun.
The giant mer was lying on his back on the beach, the vast majority of his tail out of the water, only occasionally getting wet when 'little' waves crashed against it.
His calm and slow breathing showed that the mer was asleep, his mouth slightly open, one of his arms resting on the sand while the other was resting comfortably on his abdomen.
His naga friend was coiled on his own coils watching the green mer rest. His golden tail uncurled a bit as he stretched out. The naga gazed at his friend as he rested, his pale blue eyes widening as he had an idea.
He slid slowly toward the mer's sleeping body, climbing up the arm that lay on the sand to easily climb up to the mer's chest.
Once he was there, he looked up, beginning to climb over Dream's face. He curiously looked at the slightly open mouth of the mer, which was a dark shade of green while his tongue was a light green. He had never noticed it until now.
However, his curiosity didn't last long though as Dream yawned in his sleep, causing Punz to fall straight into his mouth and because of being lying on his back caused him to quickly head for his throat. “D-Dream!!!” It only took a fragment of a second for his head to be swallowed and get into the throat.
The mer choked for a moment before continuing to swallow the naga unconsciously. His hair was plastered against his eyes from the saliva in his throat, and he couldn't push it away as his arms were pressed against his sides.
Punz writhed as he continued down, feeling the end of his tail finally enter the mer's throat.
It wasn't long before the top half of him was ushered into a more open space, the rest of his body following within a few seconds.
He moved toward the walls of his stomach, desperately trying to get his friend's attention. “Dream!!?? Can you hear me!? Get me out of here please!" he yelled at him as he pushed and hit the soft walls.
The sudden movement in his stomach woke Dream up, who yawned in confusion hearing his friend, but unable to see where he was. “Punz..?” He looked around, still unable to see the golden naga.
The movements in his stomach increased and Dream placed a hand on it, feeling the small movements. "Dream! I'm in your stomach! You swallowed me while you were sleeping! Get me out of here please!!!” Hearing this, Dream's eyes widened, beginning to panic as well.
How was it possible that he had eaten his own friend?
He desperately tried to throw him up, he tried many ways but couldn't push Punz up which made him more nervous and made him panic even more.
It always worked for him with some kind of food he didn't like, why did it not work this time? The mer let out an anguished sob as he covered his face with his hands. He didn't want to kill Punz...
A few minutes passed before he felt the naga press against the front of his stomach. "Uh...Dream?" "Yeah!? Are you alright?!" he asked with urgency painted in his voice. "Uh...Yeah...For some reason I'm fine...Dream?"
The mer calmed down for a moment before speaking to his friend. "Tell me..." "You won't have a brood pouch for some reason, right?" he asked curiously. "Uh.. I don't know.. I never thought about that…"
Punz released a relieved sigh, apparently he already knew where he was. His friend hadn't been raised by other mers so he obviously didn't know he had a brood pouch and the reason Punz wasn't turning to mush was because he was surely inside of it.
"Then there's nothing to worry about... Apparently you've always had a brood pouch and having unconsciously swallowed me, your body has noticed that you didn't want to swallow me voluntarily, also not knowing what you were swallowing and put me here. So, for At least we know that I'm going to be fine, and now I'll have to wait for you to know how to get me out of here…" the naga explained calmly.
The mer hummed understanding what his friend was telling him. "But how did I swallow you? I thought you were resting on the sand..." The naga blushed slightly in embarrassment.
"Your mouth just made me curious and when you yawned I fell into it…" Dream let out a small sigh. "Be more careful next time... What a scare we've had…"
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