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??? : Wake up, Emma! 
??? : Emma, wake up!!
EMMA : ...Huh...?
BURN : Oh, you're finally awake! Thank goodness!
EMMA : Burn? Sparrow? Liebe? 
SPARROW : Are you okay, Emma? You fainted...
LIEBE : If you had slept any longer I would have had to wake you with a kiss. Unfortunate as it is that I didn't get to kiss you, I'm glad you are okay~
EMMA : Yeah, thank you guys. But where are we...?
Observing the unfamiliar room, I spotted mysterious monitors set up in the corners. And on the far wall there were three doors. All of which were a different color. Red, blue, and yellow. 
EMMA : The last thing I remember, I went to the hall to participate in the game, then strange smoke appeared, and then...
BURN : After you guys inhaled that smoke you all passed out and the floor opened up swallowing you guys in!
EMMA : The floor opened up?
SPARROW : Yeah, it turned into a slope and you all slid down it. We followed to catch you as you fell. 
LIEBE : We fell through the ceiling into this room. Of course, I made sure to cushion your fall so you wouldn't incur any injuries. 
EMMA : Thank you for that. What about everyone else?
VICTOR : Hey, Emma. We're here, just trying to figure out what's going on. 
EMMA : Victor!? I'm so glad you're safe!
YMIR : Talk about a rough welcome. If I'd fallen on my face, I would burn this whole place to the ground...
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LEN : That asshole! The one who planned this game is going straight on my revenge list!!
Exploring the room to assess the situation, we found several other men lying unconscious.
BURN : Six guys besides us. So a total of ten people are in this room. We got pretty lucky, you know? It seems there were multiple exits at the end of that slope. So, all of us being together is already a good sign! 
YMIR : So the other participants, close to fifty people, were probably allocated to random rooms like us?
EMMA : It's likely.
VICTOR : Hm, I'm curious about the whereabouts of the others too, however, more importantly, if you take a look at the wall there are three doors. Can't we proceed through them?
YMIR : Wow, those are some really tacky doors.
LEN : Should we go through 'em? We can't just sit on our asses all day, right?
Without a care in the world, Len went to open the red door, but...
LEN : Crap. No good. It's locked. 
EMMA : The yellow one is locked as well.
VICTOR : The blue one too.
LEN : Goddamn it!! Open up you assholes!!
SPARROW : Oh, um...Please don't get violent! 
YMIR : Huh...The windows are barred shut as well. And the glass seems to be specially reinforced.
The other men who were trapped with us also began to wake up one by one, frantically banging on the doors and windows.
??? : Everyone, please be quiet.
EMMA : !?
A male host appeared on the monitors installed in the four corners of the room.
MALE 1 : You asshole!! Let us out already!! 
MALE 2 : Who the hell do you think you are!?
HOST : I understand that you may be confused by the sudden turn of events. But what you should aim for is to become the king, and only that. From now on, only those who overcome several trials will be eligible to be crowned the king, ruling over this banquet.
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YMIR : This is a pre-recorded video, isn't it?
VICTOR : Probably. Either that or they are intentionally ignoring us. I even blew a kiss at the screen and there was no reaction whatsoever. 
LEN : Are you an idiot!?
EMMA : Wait. Did you guys hear the sound of a door unlocking!?
LEN : It came from the red one! 
MALE 3 : It's red!!
MALE 4 : Move! I'm going first!!
MALE 5 : Outta my way!!
The three men simultaneously rushed for the red door. 
EMMA : They're running with so much force...What should we do? If we don't run for it, they're gonna beat us to it.
YMIR : No. We wait. It's best to see what happens when they open the door. There might be a trap behind it. 
HOST : Oh, and one more thing I forgot to mention~ Be careful not to rush. You don't know what awaits you on the other side~
With a flash of a menacing smile, the video on the monitor disappeared. 
EMMA : What was that..!?
SPARROW : I-I don't know...
BURN : Looks like the battle for the door has come to an end!
One of the men who had been involved in the heated argument over the door managed to open it. At the same time, the floor the men were standing on gave way and they all plummeted into a deep pit.
MEN : Ahhhhh!!!
The screams of the men faded into the dark depths. 
YMIR : It seems quite deep.
VICTOR : Indeed.
LEN : This asshole is trying to kill us! This is way beyond a game!
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laaroubi · 2 years
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blac-samusaran · 5 months
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King Solomon, symbolizes Magha. He is also a descendent of the tribe of Judah which is represented with a lion, Magha is in Leo and Leo is symbolized by the lion. the star constellation of Regulus is in Leo and is considered to be the heart of the lion. Not only that but Solomon is the son of King David the previous king of Israel, being the son of the king he was the heir of the throne, Magha represents bloodline, he was born into the bloodline to be king of Israel and patriarch of the house of Judah.
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“And God gave Solomon wisdom….” (1 King4: 29-33) Ketu is the headless body of the demon
Ketu is a karaka or indicator of intelligence, wisdom, non-attachment, fantasy, penetrating insight, derangement, and psychic abilities.  Solomon was known as the wisest man to have ever lived.
King Solomon reigned over Israel in the golden age. He was known as being the wisest person to have ever lived writing the religious texts of: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Songs of Songs.
Ecclesiastes 2:17-18 KJVTherefore I hated life; because the work that is wrought under the sun is grievous unto me: for all is vanity and vexation of spirit.
Ketu represents spiritual and detachment from material wealth. Even though he was one on the richest man at that time he was detached from the wealth he possessed and was very spiritual.
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jennyfromthebes · 8 months
hey! I uploaded my first tMG live tape to the archive this weekend! as it says, this is the 01/21 concert in Little Rock AR, which was a duo show.
I'm gonna ramble about it a little more on here than I did anywhere else, because this is the site that I'm actually comfortable on. if you want technical details of this tape most of that is in the description and anything I forgot is going to be in the replies of the reddit post as soon as someone asks about it. this was my fifth goats show and my first duo one, and it was such a fantastic time that it made driving home in an ice storm (and subsequently accidentally pulling an all-nighter for the first time in my life) (but don't worry I got home totally safe) completely worth it. the setlist was absolutely killer, but what really made the experience was how the audience let the silences sit. I'm always a fan of when you get a beat of quiet at a concert, but every time we hit the end of a song it felt like everyone was holding their breath, and it was truly so incredible to be there in a room packed full of so many people but you could have heard a pin drop. (we got that a little bit at the OKC show too, but not quite the same way, and I gotta say little rock takes the crown there.) before this show I didn't really know going to kansas but it's quickly rocketed up to a favorite of mine, and the duo rendition of heretic pride is something that's genuinely breathtaking imo. everyone that I talked to in the audience was super nice, and I got the absolute delight of getting to spend the show hanging out with two people whose first tMG concert it was!! it was such a great experience and I'm so glad I made the decision to go out of my way for this show <3
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Fancasting the Resident Evil Outbreak main cast:
1) Brandon Routh as Kevin Ryman 
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2) Forest Whitaker as Mark Wilkins 
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3) Gabriel Luna as David King
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4) John Boyega as Jim Chapman (just imagine John with the correctly dyed hair)
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5) Enver Gjokaj as George Hamilton
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6) Florence Pugh as Cindy Lennox
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7) Charlize Theron as Alyssa Ashcroft 
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8) Lyrica Okano as Yoko Suzuki
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breanime · 5 years
Hey love I don’t know if you’re still doing the 2000 followers event (Which by the way You go Glen Coco!) but if you are can you do Should’ve known better by Monica for Papi Rio (angst)
So this is the last song drabble for my 2000 followers event. Thank you all so much for following me and reading my work! I love you all!
*gif not mine*
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When you got to the prison and told them you were there to see Rio—again—you expected to have to go through the usual procedure: turn in all of your belongings, get patted down by a particularly through guard, wait for a good 20 minutes for the hellish buzzer that let you know that in the next 30 minutes, you would see Rio. But when you got there, the guard at the desk frowned, looked away from you, and mumbled a single, devastating sentence.
“The inmate doesn’t want to see you.”
It was like taking a bullet to the chest—which you would take, for Rio, if you had to. You blinked, tears forming in your eyes. You drove four and a half hours to see him…
“I’m sorry,” you said, steadying yourself, “I think there’s been a mistake…”
“No ma’mm,” the clerk cleared his throat, “He’s requested to remove you from the visitor list. He’s only allowing his lawyer to see him at this time…” He looked down. “I’m sorry.”
“I want to talk to him,” you said, anger replacing the surprised pain.
“You can call the inmate at this number—” he slid a pamphlet over to you.
“I know the number,” you said back, “I have it memorized. I want to talk to Rio.”
“You can’t see the inmate unless he has you on the list—”
“—Then let me call him,” you interrupted, holding your ground, “I’m not leaving until I speak to Rio.”
“Cell phone room is around the corner,” the clerk said, defeated.
You grabbed your purse from the counter and stomped down to the cell phone room, slamming the door behind you. You dialed the number, accepted the charges, and waited. Five minutes went by before you heard that voice that made your heart skip a beat.
You closed your eyes, the tears stinging in your throat at the sound of Rio’s voice. You missed him so much, it was physically painful to you. “I’m here,” you said, knowing that he knew what ‘here’ meant.
“I know. I want you to go home.”
“Fuck you.”
Rio sighed on the other end. You could hear some light chattering in the back, but every sound he made was in stereo, both because you were so tuned in to him, and because Rio was afforded a certain amount of room, space, and respect due to his status on the streets. Even in prison, he was still a King. “This isn’t fair to you,” he said, “and I… Fuck, I can’t keep asking you to waste your time—”
“You didn’t ask me anything!” You shot back. “You made this decision to shut me out without even saying anything to me—”
“Because I knew your ass would try to argue with me!”
“You’re damn right I will!” You were pacing now, stomping around the small room. “Why would you take me off the visitor’s list?”
“Because I can’t keep doing this to you,” he shouted back, “It’s almost ten hours, to and from, to get here, you stay all day for a 45 minute visit where I can’t even touch you…” Rio took in a steadying breath, and you pictured his eyes as red as yours were. “I can’t support you, or comfort you, I can’t take you on trips like we used to do, I can’t even make fucking money in here—I ain’t shit for you while I’m in here!”
You felt your blood boil. “You… I can’t even…” You took a breath, stopping your pacing. “I didn’t ask to go with you to Mexico,” you started, “and I didn’t need the shopping sprees in L.A on Melrose. I didn’t need the furs or jewelry—and I still don’t, Rio. Material things don’t mean much to me. You are what matters to me.”
You heard Rio swallow on the other end of the line, and he was silent for a moment. “I can’t keep letting you hold us down on your own…”
“But I want to!”
“Yeah, you say that now, but what happens in another month when I’m still locked up? What happens when my guys stop sending you money? Huh? What happens when you meet someone else—”
“Are you out of your mind?!” You gasped. “Do you think I’m that easy? That fickle?”
“No, but—”
“I love you, Rio!” You screamed. “I fucking love you, you dumbass!”
“Watch your mouth—”
“Why would you take me off the list?” You knew you were bordering on hysterical now, but you couldn’t help it. “Why would you try to shut me out, Rio? I thought we were in this together! Why—”
“Why haven’t you left me?” He asked back.
You froze, eyes wide. The question was so absurd, you had to take a moment to even think of how to answer that question. “…what?”
“Why haven’t you left me? I’ve been in here 215 days with a grip more to go, and you… Fuck… Why are you still with me?”
You blinked, letting the tears fall down your cheeks. “Because I love you.”
“I love you too,” he said back, “and that’s why I can’t keep doing this to you…”
“Rio,” you said slowly, carefully, “I never ever cheated. I never ever lied. You know that I’ve been with you through everything, and I always will,” you shook your head, wiping your tears, “I love you. I love you more than anything—money, jewels, trips—that doesn’t mean shit to me. I love you. There’s no man alive or dead who could make me leave you,” you added, trying to address his fears, “It doesn’t matter if you’re up or down, either way—I’m gonna be here with you.” You could have sworn you heard Rio take a shaky breath on the other line, so you kept talking. “You should have known better than to think I would leave,” you said, “You should have known better than to doubt me—and I’m mad, Rio. I am so mad right now because I love you so, so much. And I would do anything for you. It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, doing five to ten, I will always be here for you.”
“…You won’t forget about me?” Rio asked, and you knew he must be alone now because you could hear the vulnerability in his voice.
“Oh, baby,” you sighed, a new set of tears streaming down your cheeks, “How could I forget about you? Think about it—every Saturday and Monday for the last seven months, I’ve been on that receiver sitting across from you. Me. Because I’m your girl.”
“You’re my life,” he said softly.
“I know,” you chuckled through your tears, and Rio laughed on the other side of the line as well, “that’s why you should’ve known better… asshole.”
“I love you too, mama,” he said, “Just… Give me a minute, okay? I can put you back on the list right now.”
“Yeah,” you leaned against the wall, “you better.”
Within 20 minutes, you were being walked to the back to see Rio. You were surprised, however, when the guard passed the room where you usually went—the room where you would sit across from Rio with a little window blocking him from you—and kept walking. He stopped in front of a door and turned to you.
“The inmate has bought five minutes,” he said lowly, “Try to keep touching to a minimum… I’ll be right outside.”
Touching? You held your breath, watching as the man unlocked the door to reveal…
He was standing in the room in his orange jumpsuit with chains around his ankles and wrists—but he was there, with no window of glass blocking him off from you.
And now you were crying again.
You ran to him, vaguely registering the door shutting behind you, and cried into his chest. It had been over seven months since you’d last been able to touch him, and to have this moment with him… it was breath-taking. Rio leaned down and kissed you, and you melted into his embrace. It didn’t matter that he was chained, it didn’t matter that you only had 5 minutes.
All that mattered was him.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he said, his lips on yours, “I love you. I love you.”
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him since he couldn’t hold you, and that’s how you spent your 5 minutes, just in each other’s embrace, kissing and crying and sighing.
“Rio,” you asked, mouth on his, “You paid for this?”
“Mm hmm,” he answered, a small smile on his face, “It was money well spent.”
You laughed—you knew better than to ask how much it cost. Rio’s income had decreased significantly since he’d been locked up, but he was still making money. Of course, to Rio, it wasn’t enough. So for him to spend money to have this (probably illegal) privilege with you… It meant a lot.
There was a knock on the door, signaling that your time was up.
“Hey,” Rio reached up and brushed your tears away, the chains on his wrist clanking as he moved, “don’t cry. I love you, baby.” He kissed your tears away, creating a new batch with the soft show of affection. He was smiling when he pulled back. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For reminding me that you’re my ride or die,” he answered, his fingers brushing against your face gently, “I had a weak moment, but I’m good now. Cause of you.”
“I’m here, Rio,” you said, tapping his heart with your hand, “and I’ll always be here.”
You left the prison with a sense of hope; you had cried a lot, but you felt secure that now, Rio knew better than to doubt your commitment to him. You would wait for him for as long as it took, and now, he knew that.
That was the last time Rio ever doubted you, from then on, he was secure in the fact that his girl was going to be with him no matter what, and whenever he started to feel trapped or paranoid that you would leave him, he’d remember the things you said to him, and he reminded himself—
—that he should know better. And he did.
Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! (using my old taglist till Friday)
Everything Taglist: @encounterthepast @jigsawlover10 @gollyderek  @charlylama @realduckvader @whovianayesha  @lexxierave @loveintheroyalfamily  @fanfictionrecommendations-com  @maxslime-blog @songforhema @lucielandss @themadhatter92  @christinawxxx @anabella-baby @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @luminex3 @ashkuuuu @luckysstrikes @carlaangel86 @floralpeaceofmind @dylanobrusso @iaintnofurry  @ymariejp @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @mrsjaxtellerfan @holamor @drinix @rhabakoli @stories-you-wont-hear @king4thesirens @leahnicole1219 @evanlys19  @binbons-is-theloml @aikeia @bitch-imma-head-out​  @witchygagirl @geeksareunique @sparrows-books  @nyxxnoxx​ @justvnash​ @truly-insatiable
Rio Taglist: @gemini0410​ @sweetybuzz25 @glimmerglittergirl @gensneverland @jamielennkeeler @angels-pie @hermionetriskatniss
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strictlyfavorites · 2 years
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B. B. King4
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meidwii · 7 years
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#Repost @ki_nganjuk with @repostapp ・・・ Halloooo... Salam inspirasi.... H-4 penutupan recruitment nih. Udah pada daftar kan ya?. See you soon. #king4 #kelasinspirasi #kelasinspirasinganjuk
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We are so blessed to have spent time with this real superstar Professor Mervyn King, our planets champion reshaping our future by inspiring one Board Room at a time. We asked him what Kept him going at she 79, he said: Every morning I take two pills, one is Passion ant the other one is Dedication #mervynking @nataliebeckeraakervik #king4 #southafrica #johannesburg #thekingreport #thoughtleader #thoughtleaderglobal #coporategovernance #governance #change #future (ved African Pride Melrose Arch Hotel)
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mountkay · 6 years
DOWNLOADS @ mediafire.com/folder/n706zezerzr0a/Q_U_I_N_T_E_S_S_E_N_T_I_A_L_V_A_P_O_R (CHOICE OF MIX OR INDIVIDUAL TRACKS IN FLAC OR MP3 V0)
DONATE @ https://mountkay.bandcamp.com/album/-
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lilcuesta · 5 years
Week 7 Entry 1
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Hello my blacks, today I wanted to recommend one of my favorite movies loa What is “Straight Outta Compton”
The story tells the rise to the success of the group N.W.A (Niggas With Attitudes) and its subsequent decomposition due, fundamentally, to disagreements about the contracts and how to distribute the money among them. Later there would be a failed reunion of the group and a new meeting after the death of Eazy-E, because of the HIV virus. The film also portrays the political context of the United States in the 80s and 90s, and the abuse of power by the police towards the black population. Reference is made to events that occurred mainly on the Compton and Los Angeles stages and, in particular, much attention is paid to the famous case of Rodney King4 and the trial following its beating by the Los Angeles police.
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Mille volte grazie per questa strepitosa estate insieme | Sardigna Street Food
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Mille volte grazie per questa strepitosa estate insieme 🙇‍♂🙇‍♀ | Sardigna Street Food Siete i migliori clienti che potessimo trovare.. resteremo insieme a voi fino alla fine per concludere quest'estate con il gusto che l'ha contraddistinta!  Visita il nostro sito web www.sardignastreetfood.it per visionare il nostro menù, i prezzi e scoprire dove siamo e come contattarci!  #fastfood #streetfood #sardegna #villasimius #foodporn #sardiniafood #summer2019 #manvs4ood #manvsfood #4 #king4 #kingfour #xxlburger #burgerxxl #foodchallenge       Read the full article
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Fancast for “The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes” if it were a live-action movie/TV series:
1) Ashley Tisdale as Rachel King
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2) Ashraf Barhom as Salim Othman
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3) Chris Pine as Eric King
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4) Lucas Black as Jason Kolchek
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5) Omari Hardwick as Nick Kay
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verde-grande · 6 years
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@TokyoBambaataa: 【メディア掲載】 現在販売中のSOCCER KING4月号 (@SoccerKingJP) 東京ヴェルディ特集、#東京ヴェルディ・バンバータ 熊本GMのインタビューが掲載されています。ぜひご覧ください! https://t.co/5UJwRAeEEj #verdy #verdyfamily #東京ヴェルディ #東京バンバータ #サッカーキング https://t.co/NOrc8Z5cji
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dgnagalaxy · 7 years
♪第4話Introduction♪ 4/28(金)11時、配信スタート! 「KING4 強すぎだぜ! 宇宙傭兵」 キョウリュウハンターを名乗る男の正体は、 ブレイブキョウリュウゴールドだった…! 圧倒的に強いゴールドと剣を交えたレッドは 一体何を感じたのか…? http://pic.twitter.com/8nnjpziFxO
— 獣電戦隊キョウリュウジャーブレイブ (@Brave_toei) April 27, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/DGNAGALAXY
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kingzaander · 8 years
Stretch your friends like a rubber band to test their elasticity, the same way they do unconsciously when they need you or something from you. If they pop, use that information.
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