#kinnporsche ep. 7
misspoetree · 1 year
Another underrated ep. 7 moment I'm obsessed with:
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Look at Pete's face, he's so fucking uncomfortable.
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So uncomfortable, in fact, that his mask slips for a moment.
But then he reminds himself.
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He really stops mid-sip and reminds himself to plaster on that big goofy smile.
The way they told us SO much about Pete this early is fucking incredible.
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kinnbig · 1 year
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Nodt Nutthasid as Big ↳ KinnPorsche the Series - episode 7
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daltoneering · 2 years
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Significant colours in KinnPorsche: GOLD
the mafia
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fromperdition4 · 5 months
Return to Form
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You know what I like about this line - when Korn tells Kinn to "Come back to [his] old self"?
That Kinn does just that, but not in the way his dad wants.
Because in Korn's mind, Kinn's 'old self' is the obedient heir - who keeps a distance between himself and his people, wears a fake smile to promote their businesses, and defers to his father's judgment.
But that version of Kinn - the version he's tired of being now, and afraid will push Porsche away -
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That version of Kinn isn't who he was.
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Tay reminds us of this when he tells Kinn to let himself love again, after so long - because there was a time, before Kinn had to lead and before he was betrayed and succumbed to revenge, that Kinn was open with his love.
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And Kinn takes Tay's advice, in blatant defiance of his father.
He starts by giving his lucky gun - a symbol of the power he yields and the responsibility he holds - to Porsche, along with his trust.
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And we'll see, over the next few episodes, how he slowly opens his heart back up - becoming his true old self again.
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magicaldreamfox1 · 2 years
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“I know exactly what I want. How about you, Pete? How do you like it?”
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forvegaspetessake · 2 years
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Under-giffed moments (7/?)
*cone meme* It’s about the face journey
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agapintheskin · 2 years
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..and you're saying this cause you really want to know or cause you're jealous?
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yeetlegay · 1 year
Thinking about how badly I need to see the script for ep 7 with my own eyes.
[moaning, utterly lost in the sauce]
[licks the pre-jizz off his hand]
[you know, like a WHORE]
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okay so having mostly recovered from Kinnporsche fever and now, reflecting with a clear mind (suspend your disbelief), I still maintain that the bathroom scene in episode 7 is one of the best sex scenes I've ever seen on television. all of the individual narrative currents they had pulled in over seven episodes came crashing together in that scene, the emotional buildup and resonance was breathtaking, it was so crucial to their character arcs, and ultimately the payoff for the viewer was sublime. and then on top of that, it was filmed gorgeously and the actors nailed every single emotional beat head on (the bone-deep need to feel each other was shockingly palpable). I still get emotional thinking about the looks of pain on Porsche's face when Kinn slaps him and calls him easy, the naked vulnerability Kinn shows when he realizes he has done wrong by Porsche, and the subsequent veneration and penance he shows him. they truly fucking did that and they killed it. like I don't think I'll ever see a queer sex scene with that much of an emotional and narrative foundation again to be honest.
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live-from-flaturn · 1 year
Chay, Hope, and “The New Hunger”
An unnecessary metatextual analysis by an excited English MA queer.
So it all started with this shot from Episode 7 of KinnPorsche:
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I zoomed in on the novel next to Chay’s desk out of curiosity and discovered that it was The New Hunger by Isaac Marion. Not a super old book by any means, and definitely one that Chay would realistically be reading.
Also a brief cameo that lets this single comedic shot FORESHADOW SO MUCH OF CHAY’S TRAGIC PLOTLINE without likely intending to do that at all.
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Because The New Hunger, published in 2013, is a functional prequel to Marion’s 2010 novel Warm Bodies.
Warm Bodies is by far one of the most beautifully written and engaging re-interpretations of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” probably ever written (and I spent 3 summers at Shakespeare camp, so this approval is not coming from a casual fan perspective). There are zombies, apocalyptic drama, Daddy issues, and a LOT of stuff about not losing hope in the face of annihilation, loss, and loneliness. 
R spends most of the novel talking TO HIMSELF and coping with HOW TO BE ALONE. He is doing exactly what Chay is forced to do for survival: Create his own joy and entertainment. He’s abandoned by the world around him and must fight at every turn to maintain a sense of agency, all while desperately clinging to the idea that hope is everywhere. Here are some of my favorite Warm Bodies quotes for perspective:
“It frustrates and fascinates me that we'll never know for sure, that despite the best efforts of historians and scientists and poets, there are some things we'll just never know. What the first song sounded like. How it felt to see the first photograph. Who kissed the first kiss, and if it was any good.”
“What wonderful thing didn’t start out scary?”
“You should always be taking pictures, if not with a camera then with your mind. Memories you capture on purpose are always more vivid than the ones you pick up by accident.”
“’What's wrong with people?’ she says, almost too quiet for me to hear. ‘Were they born with parts missing or did it [love] fall out somewhere along the way?’“
“The sky is blue. The grass is green. The sun is warm on our skin. We smile, because this is how we save the world. We will not let Earth become a tomb, a mass grave spinning through space. We will exhume ourselves. We will fight the curse and break it.”
“Deep under our feet the Earth holds its molten breath, while the bones of countless generations watch us and wait.”
“Nothing is permanent. Not even the end of the world.”
“Enough white lies can scorch the earth black.”
“What happened? How did I get here? How could I have known that my choices mattered?”
“Crying. Expelling grief from the body in the form of salt water. What's its purpose? How did it evolve, and why are humans the only creatures on Earth that do it?”
He has not reached the point of exhumation yet. 
Porchay must first be burned down. He must experience the hopelessness, loss, and devastation of betrayal first. 
Like yeah, sure, this is a throwaway shot and someone on the set probably grabbed a handful of random books to use but HOLY FUCK they really could not have made a better (potentially) accidental choice!
Like... Jesus Christ in Heat do I love these books more than life itself. Warm Bodies is my second favorite book of all time and again, I read books for a living. You should go check them out if you like romance, comedy, zombies, or really just feeling good about the end of a novel. Isaac Marion will fundamentally change your life and the way you look at the world and it’s a wonderful experience.
But also the accidental foreshadowing of Porchay’s world being burnt up... of his memories being tainted and blackened by Kim’s lying and Porsche’s secrecy... Ugh it hurts. I am having some feelings in this Chili’s tonight. 
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misspoetree · 1 year
They way Vegas looks at Arm after he openly admits to be hungry is such an underrated moment.
I mean look at his amused little face.
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Arm doesn't even realise how close he gets to being devoured.
(Also foreshadowing my beloved <3)
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moerusai · 1 year
What is the best trio of KP eps and why is it 6-7-8?
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kinnbig · 1 year
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Nodt Nutthasid as Big ↳ KinnPorsche the Series - episode 9
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fruityuncleskeletor · 2 years
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Forever screaming at Vegas in this scene acting like a cat who brought his human a dead animal as a gift. His eyes keep going to Pete and he talks to Pete in this scene although there's more folks there and he does a sweeping look after, to gloat. It just feels like he's wooing Pete at this point, the only thing more obvious would be if he turned around and fanned out his tail feathers.
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fromperdition4 · 5 months
Vegas and the Illusion of Choice
At this point in the show we've seen Vegas show a keen ability to manipulate people, and this right here is my favourite example of that:
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He gives a big, genial speech to Don* and then holds his hand out to solidify their deal. When Don hesitates to shake, Vegas takes that final choice away from him by grabbing his hand.
It's scummy and perfect.
*Quick aside: did anyone else get the impression that Don doesn't know who Vegas is? Like, he could have just been surprised to see him instead of Big Wang, but he doesn't act like Vegas is anyone important, much less a mafia son... In comparison, we saw in episode 1 that Don knew Kinn before he was acting head, and even talked about seeing him grow up. Does Gun not bring his sons to business events? Or does the minor family just not normally deal with the Italians? (wait, no - Vegas says in ep 10 that he’s been exchanging info with them… which makes the lack of recognition even weirder!)
Anyways - later on, in episode 10, we're going to see Vegas pull a similar move with Porsche - offering him the choice to leave instead of waiting in his cell for Kinn, then pulling him away before he's really had a chance to make up his mind:
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And I'd argue this has been Vegas's M.O. this whole time. He's set himself up as the opposite of Kinn - someone who's laid back where Kinn is stuck up, who treats his bodyguards well instead of yelling at them, who will tell Porsche the truth instead of keeping everything close to his chest - but it's all a carefully sculpted act.
Because he knows that the best way to get someone to do what you want, is to make them think it was their idea in the first place.
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artpo · 8 months
Oh Vegas, I love the way you lie
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