#kira bailey 2021
samantha-and-nellie · 5 months
move out of the way, kira’s gay aunts, turns out there was canonically queer side characters in american girl since 2000
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akinas-shave-ice · 2 months
Girl of the Year poll part 3 of 3!
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girlsofmanylands · 7 months
Literally saw a KIRA BAILEY ad on YouTube this morning. She is from 2021 pack it up already AG!!!
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americangirlstar · 2 years
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Kira Bailey Redesign
Wanted to see what Kira would look like if she looked more like the book illustrations. I used a JLY24 as a base and edited in the green eyes, then removed a few freckles. The last pic features Kira with a birthmark, something I personally would love to see in a doll.
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kirabaileyapologist · 3 years
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PSA: I’m not trying to brag. I am incredibly grateful and I’m just excited to show everyone.
For my first post, these are the NINE dolls I got this Christmas! I asked my mom for Kira, and the WBU dolls if possible, but she said she ended up going overboard and bought me Marisol, Grace, Kanani, Josefina and Marie-Grace as well! Fun fact: My mom actually confused Grace with Marie-Grace, so she accidentally bought me a second Marie-Grace (I got one secondhand in 2018) however this one is in absolutely perfect condition. I think I’ll probably sell my first one and maybe buy Corinne.
Here’s some descriptions of their personalities. I’m keeping their interests canon, but I chose their birthdays/zodiacs, MBTI types, etc.
Marisol Luna (GOTY ‘05)
16 years old
Josefina Montoya (35th Anniversary)
15 years old
Marie-Grace Gardner (Historical)
14 years old
Kanani Akina (GOTY ‘11)
15 years old
Grace Thomas (GOTY ‘15)
16 years old
Kira Bailey (GOTY ‘21)
14 years old
Evette Peeters (WBU)
15 years old
Maritza Ochoa (WBU)
16 years old
Makena Williams (WBU)
16 years old
I’m so happy to welcome all of them to my doll family! <33
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themermaidsunshine · 3 years
Hello frens. Interrupt my spamming of my Poshmark $hit to discuss and ask questions about the new 2022 Girl of the Year. Hopefully everyone hasn't blocked me by now.
First, I would like to express how pleased I am that she has the Nanea mold, which is the mothereffing cutest thing there is.
I don't have Nanea yet, but I'm slowly amassing her outfits because she is one of the very few historical dolls who even HAS outfits available and omg she is just to die for.
Secondly, and I hope this doesn't offend; I'm just sharing my aesthetic preferences. I kind of am not a fan of the teal and what looks like black eyeliner/eyeshadow. I get that they are trying to keep up with what OOAK artist's started, but it looks a bit harsh combined with her beautiful snow white coloring. I would have chose something a bit more muted, like even purple would have looked better imo.
~~What do you guys think? I would love your opinions. ~~
I'm also thinking they chose the teal because of the popularity of the JLY doll with the teal hair, right? Plus it is just kind of an "icy" color that goes with the winter theme.
I haven't been diving too hard into the spoilers (so you can see my ignorance on the topic), but I am going to give you guys an asap review on her books as soon as I can get my paws on them. With thorough spoiler warnings obviously. Because unwanted spoilers upset me to no end haha. I once cried by watching a movie out of order just because of my OCD (and probably what I know now was one of my autistic meltdowns), not that I was super duper into the the story itself LOL.
Anyway, yes, haven't been diving too hard into the spoilers, but I am actually hoping she is from Alaska, not Colorado. I'm hoping she is part of a native Alaskan tribe. I had a little foster cousin who was Inuit. <3 Although really whatever her identity, it is good to see we are increasing the diversity of the GOTYs.
Speaking of diversity on another level, I think it is super flippin cool to have a winter themed GOTY! How fun! I am a Southern Gal at heart ~~(please let me know if me saying that needs to come with a disclaimer about how I hate the racist nature of the south...or wherever such attitudes exist. Is it ok for me to say this? Sorry for my ignorance, pls halp.~~ I want to be a good, loving kitty to all), grew up in Florida and almost die each winter here in Missouri. 6 months of gray skies? Pls send halp. BUT I would still love to enjoy the cold through a GOTY without having my face frozen off LOL.
~~~Oh final question. American Girl is obnoxious. Long story short, I was a berry member when the invitations to the GOTY launch party were sent out, but did not receive one. Do I NEED that email to print out or click on a link or how do I rsvp? Do I need to rsvp? Can any of you who have gone to recent launch parties (especially Kira's since covid changes stuff) share some deets about how to plan, strategize, and what to expect? I would be headed to Chicago. ~~~
IF ANYONE IS FROM ST. LOUIS AND WANTS TO RIDE THE TRAIN AND SHARE A HOTEL ROOM AND BE BEST FRENS LEMME KNOW!! Or if you are headed to Chicago lemme know. :) :) Oh and yes I have two Pfizer vaccines and am very persnickity about trying to wear my mask, sanitize, distance (not sure if that will be possible at the party) but anyway, you should be safe with me in that regard.
Thank you to everyone who has made it to the end. I appreciate you and this welcoming community.
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felicitymerriman · 4 years
I think it’s interesting that we’re getting our third girl of the year whose story is mostly centralized around being in another country. While doing just Grace in Paris seemed like an exception, having Kira in Australia makes it seem like there will be more to come. On one hand, as we get even more globalized, an important part of the American experience is being more international. On the other hand, these two trips involve girls effectively taking long vacations, when there are millions of Americans with dual citizenship, who are recent immigrants, or have more permeating relationships with foreign cultures, and those stories aren’t getting put on the front burner.
And while I get that a lot of this is a cash grab (tiny pastries??? a whole set of stuffed animals?? not even to mention the big box items), these same concepts could’ve been really well executed in the international line they just came out with, so they didn’t have to do them as a goty. It seems like theres a lot of facets and varieties of growing up in America that AG hasn’t even touched with a ten foot pole that would make for interesting stories. I think part of my issue is a lot of the more-modern dolls (I’m thinking Grace, Kira, Tenney, but that’s just off the top of my head) is that a lot of their lives feel more aspirational, whereas more of the older dolls (Lindsey, Kailey, Marisol), felt more a) relatable b) also like this very much could be the life of someone who was growing up in that region. They still had adventures and stories that were interesting, but their hobbies were things like looking in tidal pools or scootering, not getting signed to a record deal. 
It might just be nostalgia for me, but part of what I always liked about AG is that the stories did center on ordinary girls - historical and contemporary. Their lives were still interesting but they weren’t princesses or celebrities or can-and-have-done-everything barbie dolls. And while international travel is becoming increasingly common, popularized, and somewhat-more-affordable, I still think it’s much more common for wealthy people and not a common enough part of the American experience to necessarily warrant this many GOTY - especially when both stories are variations of White Girl Takes Dreamy Trip To Western Country For Fun, when the immigrant experience is such a vital and expansive part of America.
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in-the-dollpalace · 4 years
Modern GOTY as realistic people
So last night while I was researching the pets, I noticed something when i was looking for blaire’s pig. As you all know, In 2018, american girl switched art styles completely for the GOTY line from a hyper-realistic style that gives us a very good idea of them in real life, to a very cartoony look that left me wondering and wanting. 
But what I did find, is that in the catalouge and website pictures for Blaire, there were many pictures of a red haired girl re-enacting scenes from the book with her doll. I did some poking around and found that they did this for luciana, joss, and Kira too (they also did it for a few years before that too, but the models they chose looked almost identical to the illustrations, leading me to believe that these are what american girl is trying to tell us they look like in a realistic style now as well.)
They had a couple different models for Luciana, but this girl appeared the most.
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This was the only girl used for Blaire
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With Joss, again they used a couple different girls, but this is the one who appeared the most
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and Finally, this is the only realistic kira picture Ive found so far.
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So there you have it! I always wondered what these new catoony girls would look like in the old realistic style and now I have somewhat of an idea!
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have y’all seen these leaks yet?!?
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desertdollranch · 4 years
Has the One Million Moms ever considered that a vast number of American Girl fans are equally offended that every other book character is portrayed as straight or presumed to be straight? What kind of message does that send to children that gay and lesbian people exist in the real world but not in fiction? Imagine how confusing that must be to children. 
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Kira: *pulls up to her aunts' wildlife center* HEY!
Kira: *honks la cucuracha horn*
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kanani-akina · 4 years
i found my prediction for kira bailey from september:
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i got pretty close !!
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kirstensleepey · 4 years
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happy new year
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britishchick09 · 4 years
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what i thought kira would look like based on her name/what i thought she’d be based on her story/*sigh* ...julie jr
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americangirlstar · 2 years
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All hail Millie Liu, who posted the rest of Kira’s illustations on her site, along with some more vignettes!
First Batch
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manymanydolls · 2 years
Meet Adelaide Bailey!
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Adelaide Millicent Bailey was born on September 13th. Her year is 2021 and she is incidentally modern. She lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with her mother Bridget. She likes fostering animals, sitting around campfires with her loved ones, and helping her great aunts Mamie and Lynnette out at their wildlife refuge in Australia. When she grows up, Adelaide wants to be a wildlife conservationist at the refuge.
Adelaide is a Kira doll with a Kirsten wig and light freckles from the Australian sun.
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