#kiro's birthmonth prompt
ontowanderlust · 3 years
Hello, hope you're doing fine. If it's not too much to ask, I'd like to make a request:
I just wanna cuddle with this adorable fluffy pup of a boyfriend T~T
Cuddle., v.
Once there was a little bunny who met a lonely bear in the countryside in the spring...
The bear, seeing the bunny in a saddened mood, decided to approach the little bunny and without saying a word, the little bear gave all his honey to the little bunny.
She turned her head from her position, her owlish eyes unblinking as she stared at him expectantly as if he held all the answers in the universe.
He blinked at her, tilting his head as if he was processing her question. "...why?" he trailed off, not expecting her to interrupt his storytelling.
Truth be told, he was actually counting on the fact that she might have fallen asleep due to the ministrations he was doing to her hair and simply rambled about random things to fill in the silence between them, happily ignoring the borrowed time before they were whisked away by their responsibilities come morning.
"Yeah," she nodded as she squirmed in her position, burying her head on his chest as he tightened his hold on her, him not caring if the position made his muscles stiff so long as he could hold her like this. "Why would the bear give all his honey to the bunny? Do they know each other? Did the bunny decided to rob the bear? Was the bear threatened by the little bunny? I wanna know!" she fired questions after questions making him laugh at the absurdity of one question after the other.
"Miss Chips," he lightly admonished, pouting even if she couldn't see him. "I thought I'm in charge of bedtime stories right now? Are you questioning my storytelling skills now?" he whined, earning giggles from her.
"Not my fault your story has a lot of plot holes," she nudged him with her elbow, eliciting an exaggerated gasp from him. "Now come on! Answer my questions oh great Kiro the storyteller!"
"So demanding," he couldn't fight the smile creeping across his lips as he let her wrap her arms around his torso, half-shaking him impatiently and half-pulling him closer to her, only stopping as a yawn escaped her lips.
He swore he could've exploded right there and then and he still would've thanked her for letting him witness her adorable expression. Leaning forward, he couldn't resist planting a small, feathery kiss upon her forehead. "I think it's someone's bedtime now."
"Nooooooo," her voice came out small, fighting the urge to yawn once more. "I need to know if the bunny is secretly a loanshark or if-"
Chuckling at her sleepy comment, he watched as she settled her head on his chest, one hand reaching towards his free hand, intertwining them as she let sleep consumed her. He smiled as he let out a small contented sigh, relaxing as he decided to follow her and let sleep consume him as well, promising to answer her question in the morning.  
Why would the little bear give all he had to the little bunny despite not knowing each other? Well, it’s because the little bunny gave the little bear the one thing he truly desired: a companion who will stick by him for all his lifetime.
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Hello, hello Simi! I’m doing alright, thank you! I hope you are too. Take care of yourself, drink lots of water! First, thank you for your request! I’ve had a lot of ideas for cuddle time with Kiro but I decided to just give them a little reprieve. I dunno why but I feel like I want them to rest after the stories I’ve written about them. Writing Kiro fics take a lot from me- whether it’s because of whirlwind of emotions or there’s just too much energy caused by this boy and I just couldn’t keep up! Soooooo writing cuddle time with him is a nice change of pace so thank you for this. 
And yes, Kiro deserves all the cuddles in the world! I also think he’s the best cuddler among the suitors... Anyway, I hope you liked this one! 
Send in some prompts!
MLQC Dictionary; Masterlist
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
Apologies and Announcement!
So first off, I want to apologize for my absence. I've been incredibly busy with school and parenting (infant). Now that my schooling has turned to online classes, I'll have more free time.
Second! I don't know if anyone is already doing this (so I apologize if someone is) but I've just noticed that next month is Kiro's birthmonth, so...
I declare April as Kiro Month!
I'll make a list of writing prompts for each day of April and post it here ASAP. ANYONE CAN PARTICIPATE! From new writers to experienced writers, you're welcome to join in! Use "#kiromonth" to join in, and you may also mention me if you'd like, too!
I only thought to do this since I've been noticing that my work from Gavin Month is still getting publicity on here, so I thought, why not give our pretty superstar some love too?
I'll hopefully have the list out tomorrow or Saturday; I plan on working on it in between assignments.
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ontowanderlust · 3 years
Love + Kiro + Fluff
I've decided to write another request cause I like your writing and I love Kiro 💛 In my previous request you choose to write angst so I need some fluff now 😄
Love., n.
Contrary to popular belief, Kiro had known he was in love the moment he laid his eyes on her and let him tell you, the media had lied about how love at first sight would be.
There was no light shining down upon her with the voices of angels playing in the background, no elaborate fireworks display that went off, nor cupid's arrow and flashing hearts can be seen nor even a huge neon sign that says: congratulations, you're in love!
No, no. It was more of... a quiet event. His heart skipping a beat and his psyche easing up at the sight of a familiar woman meticulously looking at the shelf for that particular brand of potato chips.
It was refreshing. Invigorating. As if he had been born anew.
And the moment their hands met? It felt as if all his problems had melted away with just her touch...and in a way, you could say he had wanted more.
Pursuing her, contrary to popular belief, was a hard task.
He already knew what he felt and he had never been more certain in his life. But what about her? And so woo her, indeed.
Despite the speculations of the media when it comes to how he shows his affections, he wasn't really the type to show off. He didn't go overboard with gifts nor took her to outlandish dates outside of the country- no, that's not even his style and yet, he screamed his affections towards her.
For one thing, she would always be the first he sees whenever he walks into the room- the people around them being nothing more than decorations.
His arms, without a fail, would reach over to her, wrapping around her small frame, swaying their bodies into a made up melody- engulfing them into a world of their own while the crew around them scattered and ran amok.
His gifts would include food and music to help her survive the day, and their dates would either be in the comfort of his home or hers, always shielded away from the prying eyes.
His love for her is so loud that a lot had picked up on it but for some reason, she- the person who held his heart- had not heard him.
Though, that didn't stop her from meeting him halfway- even if she, herself couldn't explain her actions.
He knew of her quiet affections for him through her onslaught of messages whenever his flight had just landed, he knew from the upturn of her lips whenever she heard Savin praising him through the phone, he knew from the way she would mouth the lyrics of his song, head bobbing along to the melody whenever she thought he wasn't looking.
He's not blind, and he's not oblivious to the hints being laid in front of him.
But rather than voicing out this feeling she held for him, he'd gladly sit back and enjoy these little things she offered him. He would wait for her to realize what they shared because what is love if not patience?
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I believe you’re eternity anon, right? Hello! I’m glad you liked my work and thank you so much for sending another request! 
I am absolutely in love with this prompt. Just a bit of fun fact: I was thinking of this when I was washing the dishes and the words that just popped into my mind was the line: What is love, if not patience? And in my opinion, the suitors are equally patient with MC and I’m like uwu-ing at the thought. Also, I’m glad that we’ve got more Kiro content now!  
Anyway, I hope you like this! Just a random thought popping in just now: I am amazed that anons here know exactly what they had requested. I’m like- whenever I go anon on some blogs, I keep forgetting what I requested or asked for until like.... it sinks on me. XD 
Send in some prompts!
MLQC Dictionary; Masterlist
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ontowanderlust · 3 years
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Linger., v.
Don’t go, he whispered, placing his lips upon her forehead as he tightened his hold around her waist as if she’ll deny him of what he asked of her. Stay the night…please.
A heartbeat passed.
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Shortest piece I’ve ever written. But hey, you know what I love with Dictionary prompts? It can be short or long but the message is still there. Kinda like...a diary entry. I’ve written many dictionary prompts and I gotta say, some of the short pieces have much more story to tell. Idk. 
Send me some prompts!
MLQC Dictionary; Masterlist
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ontowanderlust · 3 years
Eternity + Kiro
It can be angsty or fluffy or even a little bit of both. I will leave that for you to decide.
Have a nice day! 😄
Eternity., n.
He was prepared to let her go.
After all, he hadn't really expected her to return his affections. Not when she's go three- no, four other suitors.
Four impressive suitors who can give her anything she had wanted- stability, power, protection, ancient artifacts.
And him? What can a mere superstar slash hacker on the side offer her?
Headaches and chaos, that's what.
So he made the choice of distancing himself from her- choosing to offer her silent protection from afar. He made the decision so she wouldn't get hurt, wouldn't get entangled with the mess he had created, the past he chose to run from.
He didn't want to leave her like that but he did it anyway for her sake and...even if he's gone, there are four guys left to keep her safe, to keep her company. Oh how wrong he was.
Only, he had underestimated her involvement with Black Swan and that mistake cost him a lot and in turn, she paid the price greatly.
Kiro, when do you think can we finally push through our great donut expedition?
Hmmmm... when we're not busy? Let's take a day- no, a year off! We'd scour the entire Loveland City- no, we'd travel the world if we have to! We'll find the greatest donut to ever exist even if it's the last thing we do!
I promise.
Glancing to the three guys before him, he knew he had to do whatever it takes to bring her back. And maybe... he can finally let himself lose in her, fight for her hand, and give her only the best she deserves...even if it takes him an eternity.
They'll get her back. He'll get her back.
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When you said angst, just how angsty you wanted it to be? lol. Truthfully, I’ve thought long and hard about how to associate the word with Kiro and since I’ve written a fluff about him last night, I think I’m gonna go with angst now. 
Just a bit of disclaimer, I am far behind in MLQC chapters since my main acc is MLDD. I do know there’s this dope af CG at the end of ch. 32? and I had to put it somewhere. 
ALSO. KIRO! I legit teared up earlier when I saw the ask. You’re not the first to request for a kiro prompt but you gave me hope that kiro stans aren’t cryptids! And have a lovely week to you, dearie! (kinda middle of the week but hey, there’s still four days left and I intend to wish you happy days!)
Send me some prompts!
MLQC Dictionary; Masterlist
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ontowanderlust · 3 years
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Hands., n.
"You're awfully invested in my hands, aren't you?" He remarked, chuckling as she intertwined their fingers together. "What, don't tell me you're asking me to finger you-"
"Shaw!" she admonished, her free hand flying towards his mouth in an attempt to stop him from finishing his sentence. "Can't you stop being a brat for even a minute?"
He scoffed, relaxing as her touch resumed. "Oh please, aren't you the bra- hey!" he exclaimed as resounding smack echoed throughout the room, his hand rubbing his chest.
"Really, stop with the innuendos Shaw. I'm just admiring your hands." she sighed, sinking on his chest as she continued to play with their hands.
"You're weird, you know that right?" he asked as the comfortable silence dissipated between them. "What's so special about my hands anyway?"
She let out a small smile, crinkling her nose at him as she stayed silent much to his amusement.
"Keeping secrets now, are we?" he probed to which she snickered at.
"I just like them, okay?" she finally answered. Because they are the gateway to your thoughts, she wanted to add but decided against it. After all, it's not everyday she gets to keep him up to his toes. "I just really really like them."
Rolling his eyes, he let her be. "You're really weird."
"But you like me anyway, right?"
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Since Shaw’s birthday is coming up, I shall be writing Shaw related prompts for him until the big day. I’ve done a similar thing with Kiro’s and since it’s quite fun, I decided to let it stick. I’m gonna write for them during their birthmonth. It’s just sad that I couldn’t do the same for Victor since I started the dictionary prompts last february, I think or was it march? 
Anyway, I have a thing with hands. I play with people’s hands when I was bored and there was a time where I did this for a guy and he told me it’s quite soothing so yeah... it was our thing before. And no, there’s no innuendos fired.
Send in some prompts!
MLQC Dictionary; Masterlist 
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