tacetnix · 1 year
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---- [ Oh shit, two of my favorite clothes-wearing japanese ladies of all time are back!!! ]
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ftwpositiviity · 2 years
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ANONYMOUS SAID;  @litoredeem needs some love I feel. Jay has to be one of the sweetest people in the RPC and no matter what muse they're writing,  @creepiitus​ / @kiryuiegerin​  / or @makimavellic - jay is also just so wonderful! I am so blessed to call them friend and everything they write is top tier. They're so lovely to talk to and just an all around pleasant person.  Jay's aesthetics are absolutely amazing too btw and have you seen their art?  to die for.  
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regnantlight · 2 years
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@kiryuiegerin​ sent:  19 satsuki kissing zelda :)
||19. a  kiss  with  tears. || A  FUCKED  UP  KISSING  MEME || 
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     It wasn’t that she had meant to cry (who was she kidding, Zelda never meant to cry) but somewhere between the screaming and the blaming and the “You should have told me,” the tears slipped out. And once they did, there was no stopping them. 
     She thought— no, she was certain— that she saw tears in the blue of Satsuki’s glare, too. Perhaps that was why the woman pulled Zelda into a sudden kiss, capturing her mouth with the same hard resilience that she captured countries, charging forward even against Zelda’s weakly sobbed, “I can’t,” because she couldn’t. She had made a vow, before Hylia, before her People, and she couldn’t kiss her— 
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     But there was no space for her morality between their closed lips, and Zelda surrendered all too easily, all too quickly, crying and hating and loving Satsuki as her hands gripped the sides of her head and their lips locked until the skin felt bruised. 
     Last time, she thought, as Satsuki’s breath slipped against her own. This will be the last time. 
      A twist in the bottom of her stomach whispered that it didn’t believe her. 
      She ignored it. 
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cromwellharvests · 3 years
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"You've thoroughly charmed everyone, tonight."
The two would indulge a bit of interlude from the commotion inside, standing in the brisk air of the balcony. Away from prying eyes and chatty socialites. Though Satsuki stood stiff and proper, as usual, there is undeniable reprieve in this moment shared between them. Where they could enjoy their champagne above a garden and below the starry heavens.
"Myself included." She silently confesses, peering behind the veil of her side fringe to the Earthshaker. A hint of a... smile? "Even when my guard is at my highest, in places like these, it is ... nice, that I can find comfort in your company. So thank you. For coming with me."
@kiryuiegerin​ | [ based off that doodle :)c ]
It very well could have been overwhelming– being so thoroughly surrounded by beauty on every layer. The stars which so often got trapped in her eyes instead pressing down overhead, her constant companion of flora and fauna below, and... words did Satsuki little justice, but striking, graceful, and resolute came close.
Smiles and gentle candor aside, hardly a minute had passed the whole evening where the alchemist’s heart hadn’t raced; flutters of worry tickling the nerves from her nape down to her fingertips. Guests of the highest esteem all eager to meet and trade banter, telling stories and peppering with one question after another...
And yet, it scarcely seemed to faze the Prime Minister in the least. No matter how many vied for her attention– one proposal, comment, question, and transition of company after the next– she was steady; gaze clear, and disciplined.
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“...I– really?” Safe to say, her words caught Miss Cromwell by surprise. Me? she thinks in lieu of words, which were suddenly hard to come by. 
Making a good impression on the other attendees was one thing– a feat which, even for all her humility, Emily was confident she could pull off with enough care (as someone in her position should)– but... being a comfort to Satsuki Kiryuin was entirely another. Her excellency was not prone to flattery, either; if she offered a compliment one could be certain she meant it.
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“I can’t begin tell y’ how happy I am t’ hear that. ” thankfully, the warmth of her expression manages to do most of the heavy lifting where words continue to fail. “Th’ pressure you must be under at these sorts ‘f things is the stuff that makes diamonds out ‘f coal. T’ be able to take even a little bit ‘f that load off...well, I’m certainly glad t’ be here. With you. 
An’ I hope you’ll have me again, sometime.”
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valorxdrive · 3 years
It had been her first stint in candymaking. Its evidence most blaring with every back and forth between -- too sweet, not sweet enough, too sweet, too sweet... too sweet! Or perhaps it had been her own taste buds influencing this practice?
In any case, when her finalized batch was pulled from the fridge, she felt she had made an appropriate choice in the variance between heart shapes and star shapes -- finding they somehow suited the intended receiver. Likewise, an overwhelming sense of pride overcomes her when her butler complimented the tidiness of the choco and the care put into wrapping, even offering his finger upon the box when she needed to tie the perfect bow!
Now all that was left to do was deliver the goods to her valentine, and bask in triumph when he could be on the receiving end of her culinary efforts this time around...! Although... he might realize that they were a touch on the bitter side for chocolate.
“Darling...” Cupped within her palms is the product of her labor, with it the bat of her lashes. “This is 本命チョコ. For Valentine's day, I’ve made it just for you...” And, albeit quieter, she adds, “with my love.”
With that she quickly slips the gift in his palm, following up with a chiding wag of the finger. “So don't you dare forget to give me something on white day, a month from now...!”
♕ - Snatching the moment of calm that comes within another day of the Kiryuin moment was another example of heaven sent. Returning for a new day to be spent with her friends, her family, Sora didn’t mind, in fact the exploration of a place labeled as Satsuki’s Earth led to him finding another glorious example of how life was spent all over again. Different possibilities, different circumstances, all of it spiraling together while tapping upon some familiar marks that succeed in reaching a multiversal step. Right now that idea simmers a peaceful wave of calm while his body moved in a series of trained steps, fresh from the coordinated coaching of his beloved, somehow it feels as if she’s guiding him through each practice all over again.
These wooden floors that stretched long, holding a series of training equipment, down to the flicks of sunlight that peered through the open window, so much of it held a particular nostalgia as he trained. By now the awkward transition of stance altering was defeated, opening up the gates of fluid motions, a new form of melody for the Kingdom Key to sing as each exhale and inhale tied the bladework his body performs aptly. “Here and.. A ki stance, a proper way to let the spirit and body align..” Eyes amped by his awareness, another successful flurry was performed as he steps in, the series of devilishly swift sword strikes tearing through the air, carving nothing but his inner light within it’s wake, trained to the needle to stay potently harmless...
Only for that moment to be welcomed by interruption as the rice paper doors slide open. Perking up in recognition, it didn’t even take any focus from the heart to note this present. Easing up, allowing the blade to dangle while he gently lifts his head over, hints of beaded sweat dripped down his face while giving her a flourishing grin.
“Ey there, ‘Suki!” Sora openly introduces, initially caught in the moment of seeing her.. Only for golden spark of her craft to capture his eyes. Part of him thanks the stars he’s luck to dismiss the keyblade as he turns, heart sent with a invigorated beat as he comes to meet her halfway. Was that what he thought it was? Blinking once, twice, soon the gravity of this particular day... From how she held an extra skip to her step, to the sudden whimsy of her determined fire...!
Sora really did forget that today wound up being Valentine’s day! After all the time displaced traveling he makes from cosmos to cosmos, to think there would be a moment it actually aligned, with him having his special someone on top of that!
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There it was. That blissful, flower growing, outright sun sparking incantation of a pet name that never failed in making his legs grow weak. As the energized frenzy of warmth captures his face, it leaves him stunned in place during her approach, those irises remaining so staunch in awareness as she comes to deliver him this special holiday gift. Lips briefly agape, something, anything! Any brand of wording that attempts to be made is canceled out by the soothing lull of her voice, down to the way his heart continued to ramp up a frantic series of beats within his chest.
And he’s certain if she were to cement the unrivaled warmth of this day, he truly would be knocked out due to emotional drunkenness. Smoothing his thumbs over the contents within the wrapping, exchanging glances between both Satsuki and the chocolates in turn, it was how to switch about the joyful rush as he leans in, following his heart in a moment that deserved it, allowing their lips to momentarily meet in a tender kiss.
“White day.. Uh huh..” He uttered in a dreamily fashion, half-swearing that miniature hearts could be drawing up and popping around his face. Without missing a beat, the excitement of trying her efforts were too good to pass up! That smoothed chocolate heart had a way of gleaming due to the sunlight hitting the room, giving this treat a mythical looking aura that he couldn’t help but challenge head on. Appetite lit as much as his heart was.. he inches forth, the chocolate taken to his mouth!
Raw lightning snap, crackled and fucking popped within his mouth the instant his expectations were granted the harshest sense of opposing factor. Charging through his mouth was the a force of power that aimed to utterly annihilate his taste buds, while in some ways familiar, the sugary sweet moment served as the kind of booby trap to offset it entirely. Instance, wild shivers wavered up his arms, shoulders to his head, causing those brunette spikes to stick out even wilder then before.
D.. Did he just wind up a bomb in his mouth!? By now whether that nervous sweat was either from training or the labor of love would have a hard time being discerned. With that opened eyed deer before headlights expression takes over Sora’s face, he chomps, he chews, leading more to that intensely bitter flavor to kick at his taste buds while a warrior will allows for him to gulp it down.
“T.. This is like... the tea...” Just what in the worlds did Satsuki’s tongue come to prefer?! That maddening question slapped to and fro in his mind, but above that, her expectant gaze was only burning a fire within his gut.. Definitely not the chocolates! It only led to one outcome to be the answer. As a swath of gleaming light begins to coalesce around his being, kicking up soft rushes of gust to spiral within the room, determination burned within the eyes of the keybearer as he arrives at his answer! For this smile!!
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He proceeded to stuff the whole fucking bomb of bittery chocolate perfection into his mouth..
There’s also a very good chance that Sora proceeded to pass out due to the bitter overload fucking with his brain.
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thecrimsonmonster · 3 years
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@kiryuiegerin​ sent:  "A beast like you will be cursed to never have your hunger satiated."
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“Oh, I’ve no argument there, but do consider this, Miss Kiryuin: to some degree, are not all humans beasts? Is there not a constant hunger in every mortal to fill a void, or to seek out completion? To climb the ladders, to discover power, to at last achieve immortality, whether through corporeal means, or a spiritual ascension?
“In one form or another, we all have insatiable hungers---even you. And that would make you a beast, then---just like me.”
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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@kiryuiegerin​ | met the witch
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 -  🜚  -  Several weeks had passed since she was graced with the presence of the enigmatic, perilous prime minister  -  several weeks without a shred of dignified class to brighten her dreary evenings in unfiltered assertions. The corners of her velvet lips pull into a sincere smile from behind her cup, easily pulling her attention from scribbled notes to the woman in the doorway.     “ Good Evening, Prime Minister. I quite missed seeing you around. ”
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woerended-a · 3 years
❛   patch .   help  my  muse  patch  up  a  wound . + ❛   volumes .   gaze  at  my  muse  in  a  way  that  silently  says  ‘i love you’ .
@kiryuiegerin / answered .
Granted, it was definitely somewhat difficult to explain his...condition to anyone, but as outlandish as semi-immortality would seem, he’s at least glad Satsuki always listens to what he has to say. Furthermore, there’s no way he couldn’t explain now, considering that she’d basically seen him die...The only other alternative was to let her think he was some kind of ghost, and he’d really rather not do that to her.
Even so, he should have expected she’d help him with his injuries regardless. Even if his life was able to be infinitely replenished, the pain of death was no small price to pay for simply leaving it be...That’s something he’s sure she’d say, were he to try to shrug said injuries off. He’s learned not to say such things, though. Devaluing himself like that was also objectionable, and he needed to stop defaulting to responses like that.
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Of course, this is the first time he’s seen her since she...made quite the admission. And considering her gaze, and the heat it brought to his face, there’s no doubt that she hadn’t suddenly recanted those words. They remained true.
With his uninjured arm, he gently scratches at his cheek with one finger.
“I...didn’t get the chance to say so before, you know but... I...feel the same. I’m...sure you already knew too, but...I wanted to say it, now that I can.”  A small smile finally rises to his face, at that.
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flameleads · 3 years
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@kiryuiegerin​ asked: 💭 "The role of a fuhrer."
What Roy Thinks | Currently accepting.
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"The Fuhrer’s role’s been predetermined since before he got it. Bet you didn’t know that.” Bitterness dripped off his words as he made eye contact with Satsuki, his voice quiet to not bring attention to himself. “He’s a puppet controlled by someone else. His role is to do as he’s told: lead the military, shape the country around it, and keep the public oblivious about anything being wrong with the shape of this country in more ways than one.”
How much did she know about alchemy? He wasn’t quite sure. If she knew enough, he might tell her more about what he meant. For now, he kept the facts about Homunculi, Father, the nationwide transmutation circle, and human sacrifices to himself.
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“If you’re asking about what I think about the role of someone elected to the role of Fuhrer, then that’s a different story. First of all, I want that person to be just that: elected by the people they govern. Secondly, I want our country’s Parliament to be restored before any of that happens. Right now, Amestris is a military dictatorship, and I plan to shift it to a democracy. At that point, the role of a Fuhrer---no, the role of a President---is to the people of the country. Not above the people like they are now, but to them.
“Is my answer to your satisfaction, Prime Minister?”
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tacetnix · 2 years
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 >// tumblr wh-
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master-of-za-warudo · 3 years
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“More like I, DIO surmise that you are mostly talk when it comes to being actually ruthless. To kill someone as casually as swatting a fly just isn’t in you.  You merely maintain a perfectly crafted illusion that you are Little Miss Absolute Dictator while deep down, you lack the heart for any real callousness and cruelty for the sake of your ambitions....
Am I wrong? 
Do you want to prove me wrong? 
Go ahead. I, DIO won’t move from this spot or even flinch.”
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regnantlight · 3 years
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    It was complicated. 
    Zelda loved her in every way that is sweet and lustful and infuriating and heartbreaking. And she was envious of her, of that great strength, that confidence and pride that defined Satsuki at every angle, every glance. 
    It was an odd thing, to be in love with someone who made you feel inferior by mere fact that when presented with two paths, they took the better one than you. 
    Satsuki chose strength. Chose her confidence and her pride and everything that made her an indisputable leader, for better or worse. And Zelda...
    What did Zelda chose? 
    To bow her head at her mothers grave and still the tears that wanted to fall.      To stand in freezing waters and reach for deaf divinity over and over again.      To heel at her father’s words and release the few things that brought her joy, brought her pride. 
    Zelda loved her. 
    Satsuki was everything that she had lacked the courage to be. 
    And she hated her for it. 
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The sounds of her heels clacking against the floor only brings about the sounds of a woman rather amused by her words. “If that isn’t a bold faced lie I do not know what is. But I can be ascertain that despite that cold demeanor lies someone that clearly shocked to me. But as a Kiryuin. Its only clear that you try to save face in front of your subordinates. I find this...endearing that you learned that much. Its good that you never back down from anyone. Still...”
Ragyo monologued her way over towards her daughter from behind with a single hand now reaching over the cusp of her chin. Keeping herself firmly against the girls’ back when addressing herself towards her own flesh and blood. Vermillion eyes gazing over her blue hues. Her rainbow aura slightly shinning in the darkness.
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“...I suppose it should not matter. Not that I have you around me. I’ve taken things have been improving in my absence, Satsuki?”
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valorxdrive · 2 years
[ Tell us a bit more about Sora's folks :|c what was the situation like when he first reunited with them? How does Sora feel about it? ]
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Alright! Time to get this bad boy here cracked open!
To begin with, his parents are respectively a Fisherman for his dad’s trade, while his mom is a Shipwright, their particular lines of trade leading to them winding up spend a lot of time together, ultimately getting together. That’s just to hold the background while getting onto the actual deal that comes with Destiny Island. Keep in mind this is a touch of my own HC compared to having any canon backing.
With how easily set that Sora, Riku and Kairi have access of getting off the islands. (Her training with Aqua and outright just hopping off for the ventures in KH3 showing that.) It gives me the worldview that in Destiny Islands in particular, there’s a heavy emphasis on answering your calling.
While normally it applies to following your passion filled goal in a particular subject, in other cases, the World Order upon Destiny Islands opened up further to the deal of receiving outlanders to people becoming an explorer of the great world. (Sans, how legends like Xehanort don’t even hint at the idea of him even being dead, just that he managed to succeed in freeing himself to go explore the worlds beyond.) As for Sora’s case, him and his family had to embrace the aspects of the latter as a part of his livelihood.
Great joy serves as the lasting definition one case, but in tandem of that is the irreparable sense of change that shifts through all of them. Fairy Tales of the worse degree came to life, split them, and suddenly their son is one of the lead causes of everything being fine again. At the age where he’s intended to be under their umbrella of protection, adjusting to the reality that their son is the one watching over them lead to difficult boundaries to bounce across. Aspects such as Sora’s life upon the islands, his schooling (Donald/Goofy/Jiminy ensured to keep him up well in education.), to facing the larger than life duties alongside of a dream come true is an incredibly difficult aspect to balance.
Even from Sora’s perspective was a transition period of adjusting back to the normal font of lie. In some ways it’s easy such as finding himself working back into past relationships as if they were hardly apart for a long time. Becoming a storyteller among the group is certainly a guilty pleasure.
At the same time, there’s the era of knowing things can’t truly be the same. Calls to adventure, that restlessness after thinking of past foes, that stage of his life where he’s becoming his own driving force and can decide how to live his life feels as it arrived too soon. Part of him even feels disturbed at how at the end of the day, even if Xemnas had been their last foe then, Sora’s web of life extends across universes now involving so many people he’s come to cherish.
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Right now Sora stands at a crossroads in how he intends to live out his relationship with them. While always loving them, part of him accepts that the shift in their family dynamic, his calling to the way they genuinely care about each other needs to be worked up in some fashions. Even now the fact Sora enjoys to regularly use magic around the house is still a spectacle for them to adjust with.
And until he finds a good answer to that dream that truly started it all, how a mysterious voice held so much confidence that He’d be the one to truly open the Door to Light, he’s content in having the resolve right now resume his journey to see things through. On this deal at least, he’s thankfully received his parents full support.
Much as the ‘Sora come to dinner memes’ like to safe otherwise. :p
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cromwellharvests · 3 years
@kiryuiegerin​​  ♥‘ed
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“  —ah, actually, that’d be me, your excellency. cromwell. major cromwell, that is. ” she cuts in, gently, sparing the (admittedly more imposing) corporal at her side from having to explain himself, (poor thing looked fit to faint under the prime minister’s gaze). 
being mistaken for a civilian was a not-uncommon consequence of her general resistance to donning uniform. with that sorted, though, she promptly offers a respectful combination of a salute and quick bow of her head. “ how can I be ‘f service? ”
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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@kiryuiegerin​ sent a letter: So, is Christina a drinker? If so, is she a lightweight or a heavydrinker? Anything she's got a preference for?
When people are drunk, does she find humor in it or think less of them?
// Unprompted
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          Though I always go on about what a coffee drinker she is with the occasional tea ~ she does enjoy a glass of wine with dinner on special occasions. Champagne during special military events, red wine with her steak while on a date, hard whiskey at the bar, but never beer as she finds the smell to be repugnant. Though, that’s not to say that she wouldn’t have one sip if offered by someone particular. I would say that out of all alcohols she’d drink red wine the most, but it’s not really that often. Maybe once a month? As for her opinion of drunk people, she’d find it amusing for the most part  -  so long as they don’t do anything sketch toward her. 
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          If they’re belligerent, shouting at her, violent, etc. . . they’re gonna have a bad time. Though it’s not her responsibility to deal with people like that, she’d certainly use her alchemy to incapacitate take care of them. 
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