itaxita · 5 years
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A quick Kisame I squeezed in between commissions :)
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dodddraws · 5 years
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Absolutely fucking feral
Based on this:
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greekbros · 5 years
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(here's a rejected pic from Kisame week. It's based on that shark looking at sharkweek vine.)
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meline0912 · 5 years
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Day 4 : Baby shark / Tides of war
Sorry for the bad quality
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
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It’s here!! Now here are a few quick reminders before Kisame Week kicks off!
Be sure to reread the Kisame Week rules on the FAQ + Rules page, especially if your submission might contain mature content or trigger warnings. Just want to be sure everyone is comfortable participating. 😊
If you can’t quite get your submission posted in time, no problem! This is super chill—as Kisame would want it! I’ll keep an eye out for submissions well into September.
Please tag your content with #KisameWeek2019, mention @kisamesharkweek, and make it clear which prompt you’ve selected by tagging #DayXPromptY​. For example, a submission for Tuesday’s “Abyss / Deep” prompt would be tagged as #Day2Prompt2.
If @kisamesharkweek​ “likes” your submission, then it should be in the queue! However, Dumblr is sometimes...dumb...and I might not see your piece / not save it somehow. If I don’t post your content within a day, please send a message or an ask and I’ll fix it right away!  
I am ready for this, y’all!
💙 @xoxoendoh
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phoenixcrematory · 5 years
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“...What is my purpose and my position?Where do I go? Where can I go?...”
- Kisame
Hi @kisamesharkweek !
Day 5/Into the Mist
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xoxoendoh · 5 years
“It’s Shark Week, Motherf***ers!”
@kisamesharkweek Day 1, Prompt 1: Shark Week. T-rating for Hidan being his ridiculous, mouthy self. Alsooo, I blame @konohagakureship for this because her Akatsuki College AU Hidan just destroys me.
“Kisame, Kisame, Kisame, Kisame!”
Oh, god. Kisame bit down on the inside of his cheek. Why? Every damn July... Just like last year, and the year before, and the year before, ...Kisame pretended not to hear, clinging to that faint strand of hope that Hidan might just lose his train of thought mid-sentence. It happened often enough.
But not today—of course, not today:
“GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS!!” Hidan kicked open the door of the communal kitchen and clapped his hands into a point above his head, his unbuttoned Hawaiian tee flying out around him, billowing in his uncontainable excitement at his annual opportunity to mortify Kisame. “GUESS. WHAT. DAY. IT. IS.”
Kisame was determined to show no reaction, keeping his eyes trained on the shrimp he was peeling.
At his side, however, Itachi only sighed. Better to just get it over with. “He knows what day it is, Hidan. We all know.”
That set Hidan to bouncing on his toes. “Konan, Deidara, Kakuzu—I know you’re home, get your asses in here!” Hidan’s hands fell from his head, lowering in near-meditation as he exhaled from deep in his belly. But that precious silence lasted only that one, shining moment. With an exuberant gasp, Hidan filled his lungs, ...then bellowed: “IT’S SHARK WEE-EEEEEEK, MOTHERFUCKERRRRS! GET THE BEER AND TURN ON THE DAMN TV!”
I trolled my own event, I’m so sorry. 😅 But listen!! Literally NO ONE can convince me that Hidan wouldn’t turn into the Geico Hump Day Camel every single damn year.
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Hidan is this camel. And he would have the entire Shark Week drinking game memorized. This is my hill, and I am prepared to die on it. Thank you.
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kisamenojutsu · 5 years
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me showing up @12am for shark week
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vainkaz · 5 years
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Kisame is my fav akatsuki,,,,,,I rly have a thing for shark people
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optimuspaula · 5 years
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Not really proud of this, but trying to stay someone active. I want to make a collage style drawing with him and all my fav shark characters eventually.
Kisame is one of my all-time favorite characters. I would buy a body pillow of him, given the chance.
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tciddaemina · 5 years
every ripple is a wave
There was a commotion in the mission room even before Kisame arrived. He slid the door open silently, huffing as his sleeve left a dark smudge of red on the door frame, and stepped in. Only a couple of people even noticed his arrival, several eyes flicking his way and a chunin threatening to rise to his feet and come stumbling over, awe heady in his expression, before Kisame waved him off, turning to watch the argument in front of the main desk. 
Kubikiribōchō was strapped to the ninja's back, edge of the blade still dark with oxidized blood, slowly vanishing as the iron was absorbed into the blade. It took Kisame a moment longer to remember the man's name. Momochi something - Kubikiribōchō's new weilder. His appointment as one of the  Seven Swordsmen had thrown up all sorts of hell with the old council. None of the old guard could stand the thought of some low-born guttersnipe being given such as auspicious position, nor the fact that he he tended to publicly send their assassins back in pieces whenever they tried to have his discretely 'retired'.
Zabuza, Kisame remembered, as he watched Momochi slam his hand down on the desk and snatch up his mission scroll, finally stamped and pay approved, before storming out of the room. The ninja behind the mission desk glared after him and bent over his desk, already jotting down some insidious note to the elders probably.
Kisame stepped up to the desk, bypassing the line entirely and earning a few jealous glares from the jounin waiting there. He grinned at them, still able to taste the blood on his teeth, and laughed when they quickly looked away, eyes falling to their shoes. Togai's face lit up when he saw him and he sprang up, a wave of fawning adulation already falling between his lips, even as he discretely dried to shove a couple of missions scrolls over the spider-web of cracks that Momochi had left in the desk. 
It took less than a minute for Togai to approve his pay, adding a generous bonus for finishing the mission with time to spare. He kept up a constant stream of chatter the entire time, the pandering, slimy smile not leaving his face for a second. Kisame barely heard a single word, watching through the window as a figure prowled across the courtyard, chunin diving out of his way in waves. Kubikiribōchō glinted in the light, almost entirely clean, and Kisame wondered just how bloody he must have left it for it to still be drinking it up by the time Momochi got to the mission desk. 
"Have a good day sir." Togai smiled, holding out Kisame's pay scroll. Kisame grinned, enjoying the way Togai paled a little even as his smile stayed fixed on his face, tense and stilted. 
"Oh I will." Kisame said. - He'd heard about Momochi before, everybody had. Kisame had been a chunin and still years away from his job with the Cypher Division when the news had erupted, spilling across Kiri like a wave breaking the shore. One hundred and twenty-six academy slaughtered before they could take the Academy test and confirm their position, and all by a child not old enough to join the Academy. 
Every major family in Kiri had bayed for his execution. Yagura had promoted him instead, bypassing the Academy entirely and dumping him directly in ANBU for someone else to deal with.
Kisame could remember seeing him once in passing, being escorted from the Mizukage's office by a pair of blank-faced ANBU. He'd been a skinny kid then, still growing into his limbs, but there had been a look in his eyes that had made Kisame grin. 
He'd filled out now, Kisame noticed, leaning against the rail as he watched Momochi demolish the training dummies at one of the lower practice courts, that kid of his watching on silently from the sidelines. Zabuza was a couple of inches shorter than him, but damn if he couldn't match Kisame for sheer muscle weight any day. Not that he'd expect anything else from Kubikiribōchō's wielder. The three months he'd spent learning Kubikiribōchō had almost doubled Kisame's lifting weight, and Momochi threw Kubikiribōchō around like it weighed no more than Nuibari.
Momochi was older, stronger, hell, he had a kid in tow, but there was that same look in his eyes, even after all these years. He'd burn Kiri to the ground if he could and spit on the ashes. It was the sort of thing Kisame should probably report, loyal shinobi of Kiri and all that, but... He glanced over his shoulder at Samehada, feeling her ripple and purr against his back. He'd done what needed to be done, and ended up with Samehada as his prize, but Kisame couldn't lie and say what had happened to Cypher Division sat well with him. 
"The fuck do you want?" An angry voice called from below, and Kisame shook himself free from his thoughts, glancing down to find Momochi glaring up at him, Kubikiribōchō balanced on his shoulder. Kiri wasn't known for its sun, but damn if Momochi didn't look a fine sight anyway, chest still rising and falling roughly, a faint sheen of sweat on his skin, glaring up at Kisame with a look that could strip paint. 
Kisame grinned, hauling Samehada off his back and vaulting over the rail. She purred in his hand, hungry and eager, and scales already shifting beneath her bandages as she wet her lips for the taste of blood. Kisame landed in a crouch barely feet from Momochi, rising in a smooth movement and stepping right up into his space, close and fucking personal. 
"Fight me." Kisame offered. His smile was too sharp, showed too many teeth, eager for a fight, but there was something beneath - respect maybe, or a genuine anticipation to see where this would go. 
Momochi grinned, as Kisame knew he would. Nobody became one of the Seven Swordsmen without enjoying a good fight, and Momochi was no different. Momochi stepped back, hauling Kubikiribōchō off his shoulder in a single easy movement, and jerked his chin up, eyes wild and eager. "Show me what you've got, Hoshigaki."
They said Momochi was the best weilder Kubikiribōchō had had in generations, and it took only three traded blows for Kisame to decide he agreed. Kubikiribōchō was unweildly at the best of times, stupidly heavy and with a length that made any traditional swordsmanship downright impossible - and yet Momochi used it with a precision that was downright beautiful. It flew in his hands, sweeping around him in lethal arcs that left the wind howling in their wake, letting the momentum of the blade carrying him across the battlefield at startling speed - and he did it all silently, not a single grunt or heavy breath passing his lips, not a single footstep scuffling on the stone.
There was no dodging Kubikiribōchō, not when its reach could cut a man in half ten feet away, and blocking was just asking to have to sew a sulking Samehada back together afterwards, so Kisame ducked and rolled, jumping over a strike that would have left him bisected if he wasn't fast enough.  Less than a minute into the fight Kisame let Samehada's bandages fall away, grinning as he dove at Momochi and shaved a hand span of skin from his bicep, blood dribbling in hot waves down his arm for the rest of the fight. 
By the end of it Kisame was panting, raising a hand to wipe the sweat from his face and only managing to leave it wet with blood instead. His arms ached, body dotted with a dozen tender spots that'd bruised blue and black by the end of the night, and he was starting to feel light headed from the seven sluggishly bleeding cuts Momochi had inflicted. It had been years since a fight had left him in such bad shape. Momochi looked even better, skin bloody and ruined by Samehada's kiss, a dark spot forming on his jaw where Kisame had clocked him in the face, the look his his eyes positively vicious as he stared up at Kisame, Samehada purring against his throat.  
God Kisame wanted to fuck him. 
"Again?" Kisame asked, looming over him, Samehada brushing his throat just lightly enough to draw a trickle of blood. Momochi turned his head, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and when he looked up he was grinning, blood on his teeth. "Of course." - Zabuza ("Momochi. Call me fucking Momochi. We're not friends.") was everything Kiri ever wanted in a shinobi. He was strong, ruthless, and a master at both ninjutsu and kenjutsu. He was also helping plan a coup against Yagura and put almost every cent he earned towards funding the complete destruction of Kiri as they knew it. 
Kisame was more okay with some of these things than others. If he were a better shinobi he'd probably hand Zabuza over to T&I. If he were a better friend he'd probably try and convince Zabuza to be more discrete, to give it up as a lost cause before things go south (because they will go south, this is Kiri, and Yagura will burn it to the ground before he see's someone else in control) and he and his kid both find themselves on the block having their heads cut off for treason. Kisame does neither of those things.
He spars with Zabuza three times a week, shoring up the holes in his defense and helping him fine tune his mist jutsu's until they're strong enough that not even a Kiri nin can see through them. He treats them to lunch when Zabuza's donated his pay again and barely has enough cash to pay the rent, let alone feed himself and a growing kid. He takes missions with Zabuza when Zabuza lets him, and doesn't say anything about how the info is always wrong, how there's always more enemies than there should be, how they always seem to know they're coming, and how woefully underpaid Zabuza is for each one of these suicide missions he gets sent on. 
Sometimes Kisame looked up and finds Zabuza watching him, something wary and unspoken in his eyes. Kisame just grins, making a dumb comment about how he keeps stumbling across Mangetsu and Chōjurō making out in the training fields, and drags a grumbling Zabuza back to bed for another round. Its only later, tired and sweaty and bleeding just a little, that Kisame lies back and lets himself think.   
If Kisame were stronger maybe he'd say something, if he were wiser maybe he'd think ahead, calculate the chances of success, the fallout of what will happen - because it will happen. It was always going to, sooner or later. Instead Kisame bites his tongue, pretends not to see, and covers for Zabuza where he can. He tries not to wonder what he would do if he opened his next mission scroll and found Zabuza's face staring up at him.
(Tries not to think about the fact that he'd help him, if only Zabuza ever asked. That he'd do anything for him. But Zabuza never did ask.)
Kisame rolls over, watching Zabuza's face shift gently in his sleep, eyelids flickering at some unknown dream, a crease in the pillow pressing a line into his cheek. He looks almost soft like this, sleepy and vulnerable, and Kisame pressed closer, throwing an arm over his waist and pressing his face into the scarred line of his throat, knowing that when Zabuza wakes up Kisame will laugh it off as something he did in his sleep.
Part 2
Entire work on AO3 
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moodincorporated · 5 years
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Kisame Hoshigaki moodboard
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y'all, it be shark week
It’s a bit chaotic, but I’m kickin’ off Kisame Week 2019 with this right here. I was actually going to do a lighter sword or katana or something but at the same time, Samehada, y’know?
Day One: Swordsman
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greekbros · 5 years
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(Day 4, prompt:Baby sharks!)
(sorry for the late entry, and no I didn't forget to put his gills on, I kind of like the assumption that a hoshigaki earns their gills after they have killed their victim)
(I wonder what they could be looking at?)
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meline0912 · 5 years
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Kisame Week 2019
Day 3 : Nautical (or Nice) / Blood in the Water
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
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Who’s excited for Shark Week??
What is it: Coinciding with Discovery Channel’s “Shark Week,” Kisame Week 2019 is an event to celebrate Kisame himself and any of your favorite Shark Man pairings + friendships!
How to participate: Indicate which prompt you chose, tag your content with #KisameWeek2019, and mention @kisamesharkweek​!
If you do not use Tumblr, no problem! Post your content on your usual site and submit a link to it on our Tumblr.
For more information—including NS-FW tagging requirements, other rules, and prompt descriptions!—check out the About and Frequently Asked Questions pages on the full @kisamesharkweek​ profile.
Finally, “read more” for a typed prompt list, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
- Mod Endoh
Monday (July 29): SHARK WEEK!! + Swordsman Tuesday (July 30): Favorite Relationship Trope + Abyss / Deep Wednesday (July 31): Nautical (or Nice) + Blood in the Water Thursday (August 1): Baby Shark (DODODODO!) + Tides of War Friday (August 2): Under the Sea + Into the Mist Saturday (August 3): Gentle Giant + Instinct Sunday (August 4): Life’s a Beach + Free Prompt!
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