kisamesharkweek · 5 years
See you July 2020!
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Art by @monty2403
Thank you to everyone who participated and made Kisame Week 2019 so much fun!
@talesfromkirigakure | @bubblewhale | @itaxita | @techbilt | @shaiger | @kisamenojutsu | @oceans-grey | @tciddaemina | @chisie12 @absolutefandom-rubbish | @tangerine-sketchz | @naftaspirtzavod | @meline0912 | @shaseichou | @konohagakureship | @imadethisblogcuzmymomfollowed | @phoenixcrematory | @eliotsartdump | @moodincorporated | @anonbinaryartist | @vainka139 | @optimuspaula | @cheshirecaine
Kisame Week 2019 may be over, but please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments about this year or next through my main blog, @xoxoendoh ! @kisamesharkweek is now closed!
💙 Endoh
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
Ya’ll. This is a shark zine...benefiting sharks. Need I say more??
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A collaborative charity art zine paying tribute to sharks. 59 amazing artists added their talents to this zine with 69 full-colour illustrations.
All proceeds that this zine makes will be sent directly to sharksavers.org on a yearly basis.
Help us help the sharks by buying shark art!
Buy the zine here for $1+
Check out previous Swim On zines + extras!
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
Kisame Week Day 3: Blood in the Abyss
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20036536/chapters/47871880#workskin
The worldbuilding is going crazy but I don’t know if I’m ever gonna use them all. Sorry it took a while. I hope you enjoy!
Rated: Teen/Up for swearing
“I never thought such a random quest will trigger this.”
“Are you really getting slack-jawed at this, Beast? It’s a fallen kingdom, a pile of rubble and stones.”
“A golden rubble. How much money can I get if I sell that?”
“You sell that and NPCs will stab your ass.”
A scoff. “As if.”
“Those mermen with shiny stabby sticks might.”
“What mermen –!”
It was a step too near, too close for the comfort of the NPCs. A breach of their borders, even if their sacred kingdom had fallen, they would protect it till their last breath!
Seeing danger approaching, Tailless Beast quickly swam to the side, dodging the valiant charge by the NPC Mermen. As they tried to escape, he couldn’t help but wonder how she had been able to catch sight of the mermen when he was unable to. Ducking under the rubble, Akira and Tailless pushed off the fallen pillar with their legs, briefly increasing the distance between them if only for a little, and with the small extra distance, the two players could finally observe the pursuing NPCs.
Grieving Merman Guard (Level 52)
HP: 280,000/280,000
Tailless Beast pursed his lips, bringing his broadsword up to his side, sick of running away while Akira furrowed her eyebrows. That word was nagging at her mind, magnified and dancing teasingly. Normal NPC monsters would not be named as such, unless…
“Beast, stop!” A forceful tug at Tailless Beast’s large arm interrupted his skill and he shifted his glare from the returning Merman Guards onto the smaller, human figure by his side. His jaw opened, pointy teeth bared in a snarl, the urgency rising higher within him but Akira simply returned it with a deadpanned. “Calm down, will you? You’re always looking for a fight!”
Before the furious Blade Master could retort, Akira had already pulled him out of Atlantis borders and the pursuing Merman Guards immediately halted their bloodthirsty pursuit, stopping a couple of meters shy from them. Up close, they could see the smooth skin of the Mermen, darkened by the black circles and bags under their dull eyes. Scales gleamed, though dull, under the dim shine in the sea from their waist down, revealing hips entirely covered with the same scales that ended in long, thick fish tails instead of legs. In the lore of Eden, it was said that the Merfolk were humans blessed by Suijin, the Water God that presides over all things water, a manifestation from the people’s beliefs of a benevolent presence that resided in the element. And water to them, was the source of life!
With intruders beyond their borders, the Merman Guards relaxed their stances and started to swim back to their positions when a gentle voice called out to them.
“There are no words that I can offer you to ease your grief, but the great land of Atlantis will always be remembered and revered in my heart,” Akira solemnly said. When the two Merman Guards turned around, they saw the Elementalist bow at the waist, long hair softly waving in the water at her lowered head. Moving their spears to their left hand, the guards held out three fingers with their right hand, thumb and little finger folded in, and placed it over their hearts before also lowering their bodies into a low bow, returning her respect with one of their own: The Trident’s Heart, where their king and the land of Atlantis would forever remain in their hearts. Seeing the situation, Tailless Beast gave his respects and bowed as well, but the guards blatantly ignored him and addressed Akira.
“We thank you, kind traveller, for your words. If I may so bold to ask, what is your purpose in visiting Atlantis?”
Akira was silent for a moment as she contemplated her words carefully, before deciding to risk it with the truth, praying that Mermaid Knight Rie was at least someone respected in their ranks since they were both of a similar profession. “I was guided here by Mermaid Knight Rie with the hope that I could uncover the truth behind her death.”
Like a crack on the dam slowly spreading outwards, the guards’ smiles slipped away, eyes widening in agonised disbelief as words tried to crawl out of their trembling lips. “Y-You know… of Her Highness – M-Mermaid Knight Rie?”
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hoshigaki Kisame/Momochi Zabuza, Hoshigaki Kisame & Uchiha Itachi, Haku & Momochi Zabuza Characters: Hoshigaki Kisame, Momochi Zabuza, Uchiha Itachi, Haku (Naruto) Additional Tags: Kisame Week 2019, Rivalry, Crack Treated Seriously, Funny, Dad!Kisame, Dad!Zabuza, Pre-Slash, Teamwork, Intimidation Summary:
An unexpected meeting between two of the Mist’s famous Seven Swordsman results in a timely alliance, civilian brutality and dads being dads.
Day I - SHARK WEEK!! | Swordsman
P.S. i still wanna do some late fics for Kisame Week but I’ve really held off on sharing this on tumblr lol @kisamesharkweek
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
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Day 4 : Baby shark / Tides of war
Sorry for the bad quality
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
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Not really proud of this, but trying to stay someone active. I want to make a collage style drawing with him and all my fav shark characters eventually.
Kisame is one of my all-time favorite characters. I would buy a body pillow of him, given the chance.
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
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Kisame is my fav akatsuki,,,,,,I rly have a thing for shark people
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
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Kisame Week 2019 - Day 7: Free prompt  @kisamesharkweek​ 
Free day so why not draw some self-indulgent ot3 art? Kuzu and Hidan are polar opposites so Kisame is there to balance them. 
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
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Gentle Giant for @kisamesharkweek !!! (part two of baby shark) ❤
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
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Kisame Week 2019 - Day 6: Gentle Giant @kisamesharkweek​ 
AU where Uncle Kisame likes to spend good quality time with his nephew Shizuma.
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
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Kisame Week 2019 - Day 5: Into the Mist  @kisamesharkweek​ 
Get ready to get your guts spilled all over the forest!
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
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if y’all follow me y’all know I love me some KisaMiru
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
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Kisame Hoshigaki moodboard
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
Kisame Week Day 2: Hidden in the Abyss
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20036536/chapters/47594251
The next chapter for Breathing Under Water :D ! 
It doesn’t start with Kisame but he does appear early on! Hope you enjoy reading! 
The Autumn dawn was about to break, quietly and slowly lighting up the concrete pavements. Crystalline dew hopped off the bouncing auburn leaves as Akira stepped through the large white pine door. Nodding her head at the guards, she silently walked through the crimson carpeted floors and stopped before the double doors.
“Come in, Akira,” said a deep voice.
Her solemn countenance cracked with the betrayal of a smile. You can’t get past shinobi instincts after all, especially when it’s –
“Good morning, Hokage-sama.” She bowed her respects before greeting a bubbly Minato and a grumpy, definitely sleepy, Shikaku who stood by the side.
The old man, weathered by the vicissitudes of life smiled warmly. “A very early one indeed. What’s your report?”
“There are some correlations, Hokage-sama,” Akira began. “It will still need more testing for a definitive answer if we wish to know whether Eden can improve our strength in real life, but training in that world is possible. In terms of testing out skills and movements, I believe it’s doable. Because of the nerve connections and realism that Eden utilises, one would really feel like they’re fully immersed in the game.”
“What level are you, Akira?” Minato interjected excitedly. His blue eyes lit up, shining brighter despite the time.
“Only 35.” Her voice was small, shy even. Because it’s been three months since she started, having played since the launch, but her level was rather… miserable. “I’ve spent too much time figuring out the possibilities of utilising my character differently,” she harrumphed. “Of course I cannot compare to a level 47 Shadow Hunter like you. Aren’t you at the top of the leaderboard?”
Minato shook his head with a small smile. “Supposedly, yes.” Seeing Akira’s raised brow, he continued with a grin. “If you did it the conventional way too, you’d top me.”
Akira didn’t suppress her snort at his comment or her smile. A teasing glint shone in her eyes, leaning in front of a grumbling Shikaku to wink at Minato. “I would top you if Kushina-hime allowed it. Oh, maybe we could both top you.” Dark giggles danced out of her lips, the sly smile widening bit by bit into a full blown grin at the blond’s reddening face. “The hime will probably love that.” The flush was darkening, almost to the beautiful fire of his said wife’s hair.
Shikaku groaned as he painfully squeezed his eyes shut.
Despite the difference in their ranks, Konoha City’s Hokage Sarutobi chuckled, feeling a little wistful yet nostalgic at watching the younger generation. He used to be one of them once upon a time, and the only regret he had was not eliminating the wars as they grew up. “Alright, before my Commander embarrasses himself further, what of the swordsman that you found a month ago?”
Akira straightened her back and replied solemnly, “As previously reported, I’ve already established contact with him, Hokage-sama. He seems to linger around areas near the sea.”
He laced his fingers, nodding at her words. “You know what to do, Shimizu-san.”
Basically, determine whether to ally with him or kill him. An absolute joy.
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kisamesharkweek · 5 years
Under the sea prompt for @kisamesharkweek!
“Itachi just wanted to go down to the shore to get a break from his family. He didn’t expect a giant shark-like creature to pop up out of the sea and start talking to him.”
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