#Naruto drabble
writtenbyafan · 4 months
Rizzing Kakashi
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⟢ Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x female!reader ⟢
Kakashi: *Enjoying the nice weather on his day off sitting at his favorite park bench, reading his beloved Icha Icha Paradise*
Kakashi: *Vaguely registers the sound of someone running, glances up when the sound gets closer*
Y/N: *comes skidding to a stop in front of Kakashi, doubled over from running*
Y/N, out of breath: “Hey, Kashi! You wanna see something beautiful??”
Kakashi: *laying his open book down on his lap* “Sure.”
Y/N: *holds up a mirror facing Kakashi*
Kakashi: *blushes, looking between Y/N’s smiling face and his reflection*
Kakashi, whispering: “I wish you would stop sometimes...”
Y/N, casually: “Only when you stop being so irresistibly adorable.”
Kakashi: *blushes harder*
Might Guy: *hiding in a nearby bush holding in his tears*
Might Guy, whispering: “Good one, Y/N!”
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cannellee · 9 months
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alpha!sasuke x alpha!naruto x omega!reader (f)
— what is it like being team 7's omega ?
my masterlist : ☆
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the moment it was announced that you were going to be a part of naruto and sasuke's team, you knew it would be difficult.
being both alphas, they're naturally in competition most of the time, but adding an omega to their quarrel made things even worse.
it's in their nature to seek their close omega friends' attention. you didn't particularly favour any of them, but naruto was ready to prove anyone else he could be a better partner to you than sasuke.
from this day on, the two of them started to fight even more than usual.
sasuke is a silent type of alpha, but you noticed he didn't particularly try to drive you away. he didn't seem to get annoyed either when you talked to him, you figured it was a privilege reserved to naruto alone.
actually, it's safe to say that sasuke always made sure you were out of danger while out on missions.
he wasn't exactly doubting your level, but he didn't trust you and your abilities fully. his nature made it hard for him to just ignore an omega in possible danger.
it was kind but subtle gestures, noticable to those who paid attention.
whereas for naruto, he was eager to replace you, to tell you to stay away and let him do the work. he didn't mean to come off as condescending nor disrespectful, he was just extremely preoccupied by your safety and wanted to show you he could take care of you.
it didn't take much time for you guys to become a real little pack. both had their antics and grudges, but deep down you knew they both liked each other in their own way.
you played a big part on how they interacted with each other, without you realising. your calming presence and gentle scent helped the two alphas chill down a bit.
your nurturing instincts also contribute to the cohesion of your team. you sometimes act like a mediator, having little to no trouble to resolve conflicts. kakashi has even given up trying to appease those two when they start arguing and directly lets you do your thing. you always succeed in maintaining a good harmony between the three of you, he's really thankful!
your secret trick is letting naruto scent you as long as he wants, he loves to be able to claim you like this, it appeases him so much! it does get on the nerves of sasuke who curses at him to let you go though.
moreover, they may fight once in a will and throw snarky remarks to the other, but if it comes to you, your safety or your mood, they immediately work hand in hand to reassure you.
it would be one of the rare time you'll hear sasuke be so openly mean at someone. he doesn't even foster the idea of an enemy targeting you.
come back injured and you'll be heavily questioned so he can track the one responsible.
both care so much about you, it's safe to say you bring a sense of unity that wouldn't be present if it wasn't for you.
if the three of you were out at a restaurant for example, it was a tacit rule for you to sit between naruto and sasuke.
they pay extra attention to you, naruto in a more exaggerated manner than sasuke, but you noticed sasuke warmed up to you really quickly after you guys first met.
none of them will ever let anybody disrespect their partner, and they trust each other completely to look after you.
sasuke might let his scent spread widely around you, to hold off other people. whether you notice it or not doesn't matter, he will do it regardless.
don't be fooled, they both are very jealous alphas!
naruto expresses his openly, whether it's a friendly interaction that seemed too close for comfort or a compliment directed at you, he'll playfully pout or at least put his claim on you to reaffirm his position as your alpha.
sasuke's is a bit harder to perceive but present nonetheless. you're able to notice it in the way his jaw tightens, the look of his narrow eyes and protective stance.
they both consider you theirs, it's only natural they drive away other alphas. now that they grew much closer, they only accept gestures of affection directed to you, if it comes from one of them.
they also understand you're an omega and your needs manifest differently than theirs. if you need alone time, guidance or to get away from any situation... they got your back! they'll go even as far as giving you their strongly scented clothes and note down every food you like and dislike to make sure you get your favourite next time.
sasuke is at peace with how he feels about you : he likes you a lot and wants to keep you safe. the long days and hours you spent together as teammates forced the three of you to build an unbreakable bond.
their initial alpha rivalry transformed into a playful banter now. they tease each other and use their omega's laughter to measure their victory against each other.
sasuke still likes to mock naruto in front of you, because he knows it makes him embarrassed and it makes you laugh. they love the sound you make, and your lighthearted scent is like a reward.
you might not notice it, but sasuke pays close attention to you and you can expect sweet gifts from him, like pretty flowers which caught his eyes while on mission and reminded him of you.
during training, both of them become very reliable teachers. they want to demonstrate, help you with certain moves... but always having in mind to keep you away from harm.
the same goes for missions, they'll always step in if they assume you're in danger. and they'll do it over and over again, they don't even consider that as annoying or a burden to their mission.
if you think they're doing too much and you want them to calm down with all their protection, they'll understand and let you manage your thing alone. just know that they'll still have an eye on you.
naruto is very passionate and yes, he'll jump in front of you to shield you from anything. he's like a steadfast guardian you know you can count on, no matter how much he likes joking around.
however, sasuke is protective by placing a vigilant eye over you. he assesses potential threats and his actions are calculated. his protective nature is rooted in a silent commitment to keep safe what he holds dear, in this case, you.
during missions, both will offer their hand or arm to cross a particularly tricky path, they'll regularly ask you how you're feeling and if you need a break. if you do, they'll let you rest and go search for some food while the other is inspecting the surroundings.
overall, they are very careful and attentive.
and it really does make you feel protected and safe. you wouldn't trade you team for nothing in the world!
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heich0e · 5 days
"I find you exasperating."
You go out of your way to step on a particularly dry looking leaf along the path—stained a deep, golden colour and curling at the edges where it rests waiting for the weight of your foot—just to hear the way it crunches beneath the sole of your shoe. At your side, Kakashi's attention is still on the book in his hand, the pages spread open only with his thumb and pinkie finger while the other three support the cracked spine. He doesn't spare you a glance, but he does deign to respond with a curious little hum.
"That's an awfully big word."
The lazy way he says it is enough to irritate you, but his condescending words are almost too much for you to bear. You stop in your tracks, fists curled tightly at your sides, and the white haired young man doesn't so much as slow in recognition of it.
It's fall in Konoha, and while the days are still warm and bright, the breeze that whisks through the village's winding streets is cool. The annoyance you feel prickling under your skin is enough to insulate you from the chill. To numb you to its bite.
You swoop down, dragging your hand lightly along the path to retrieve a handful of small, smooth stones—no larger than the tips of your fingers. Without a moment's contemplation, you launch one at the back of Kakashi's head, and watch as it bounces off dully.
He keeps walking.
Another pebble hits the ground after ricocheting off the back of his headband.
The next makes contact with his right shoulderblade.
He catches this one—just like he could have caught any of the previous three—without even turning around to watch you throw it. His hand, the one not holding his book, shoots up to protect his ear before the pebble can make contact. He holds it pinched between his thumb and forefinger for a moment, still leisurely walking away from you, before he flicks it to the ground.
"You're being so childish today," Kakashi calls back over his shoulder. "Are you sure I'm the antagonist here?"
You hear it then, the smile in his voice, and even though it would only serve to legitimize his accusation it almost makes you stomp your foot petulantly.
Finally, he turns to face you, and even though his mask conceals most of his expression, you can tell it's hiding a grin beneath it. He tilts his head to the side, as though waiting for you to continue.
"How many times have you read that stupid book?"
The familiar novel is closed now, and his page marked, though you're not entirely certain when he did either of those things. He glances at the paperback, as though considering it carefully.
"How many times am I allowed to admit to before you call me a pervert?" he asks.
"You are a pervert," you answer, immediate and sure, while slowly walking towards him to close the gap he put between the two of you. "And you would be even if you were illiterate."
"That's not very nice of you to say," he says, tipping his head back and sighing profoundly as though your insult caused him great pain.
"It's the truth, though."
Kakashi peeks down at you from the corner of his eye as you stand by his side. Without thinking, you reach out and grab the sleeve of his jacket, averting your gaze.
It's quiet for a moment. Just the two of you, the fall breeze, the scattered pebbles, and that atrocious romance book.
"You've been gone for a month," your voice is quiet when you finally speak again. So soft it risks being carried away with the wind.
Kakashi didn't even tell you he was leaving before he was sent off on this last mission; you had to find out from another shinobi the next morning, and all they could tell you was he was gone and they weren't sure when he'd be back.
This isn't unusual with Kakashi. It's happened more times than you care to count. Missions that force him to leave the village at short notice are unavoidable—assignments like that to be expected for any shinobi, but particularly for one of Kakashi's rank.
It doesn't make it any easier.
You've thought about bringing this up to him before. Thought about asking him to tell you when these sorts of things come up. Thought about explaining to him how awful it feels to be the last to know. Thought about telling him what those long days apart feel like in this village without him.
But you don't.
Part of it is pride, you think. You're too stubborn to be the one to show your hand like that. To be vulnerable in front of him in such a mortifying, humbling way. Somehow the mere idea of making any of those admissions seems more embarrassing than trailing along behind him tossing rocks at the back of his head.
Another part is fear. You don't want to be the one to speak this thing between the two of you into existence. To give it shape. To breathe life into it by giving it a name. You and Kakashi have always lived in intentional ambiguity. A certain uncertainty. You're not quite friends, you're not quite lovers, you're not quite anything at all.
You're just the one who's left waiting for him to come home.
And then there's the last part—the biggest part—that holds you back. The part you don't quite know how to explain. The part that tells you to bear the pain of missing him, to swallow down your longing, for his sake if not your own. The last thing Kakashi needs is the burden of knowing his duty makes you ache while he's away. That his absence keeps you awake at night. He's got enough he needs to shoulder without you adding to the weight, and this is the least you can do to try and help him carry it.
You let his sleeve slip from your grasp.
"Sorry," you mutter under your breath, shaking yourself from your momentary stupor.
"Are you acting out because I haven't given you enough attention?" Kakashi asks, only his voice is different now than it was a moment prior. Sincere in a way that upsets you more than when he's being intentionally annoying.
You finally bring yourself to look at him, but only to shoot him a narrow-eyed glare.
His own gaze is disarmingly soft when you meet it. Unexpectedly tender. Perceptive in ways you usually choose to overlook.
So much so, in fact, that you're too stunned to even flinch when he taps his book against your forehead.
"Ok, ok," he says with a shrug, spinning on his heel and continuing on down the path at an idle pace, leaving you dumbfounded in his wake. "If you wanted to borrow it, you could've just asked!"
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h8ani · 1 year
Prompt #21 with Sasuke from Naruto please! 🥰 Surprise me!
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Part One → Part Two → Part Three → Part Four
Pairing: Sasuke Uchiha x Reader
Anime: Naruto
Word Count: 3k
Synopsis: you hate him and he hates you, but when he shows up out of nowhere demanding to speak to you all of those years of pent up hatred come out
Warnings: this is the first smut I wrote in years so that’s a warning in itself, rough doggy, all characters are of age/aged up, dirty talk, angry sasuke, oral (female receiving), missionary for 2.5 seconds, angry reader at sasuke
Prompt: “This doesn’t change anything between us.”
A/N - look I actually tried really hard on this and I lowkey wanna make a pt2 to this so please tell me if y’all would want it! Feel free to request a prompt!
"Isn't he so cute!"
"I'm going to marry him someday."
"Sasuke is so cool!"
Hearing his name you couldn't help but roll your eyes. You couldn't stand his attitude even at your young age. It was always someone trying to one up the other, whether it be you excelling in your chakra control or him beating someone else in seconds in a sparring match. You hated him, you hated his attitude and you hated how every girl would throw herself in front of a kunai for him. You hated Sasuke Uchiha and he hated you.
Your feelings towards him weren't one sided either, he could've left you alone but no, he had to bother you any chance he got. Clearly he developed damage to his brain where he can't learn to develop the skills of empathy and self control.
The teasing wasn't that bad, it was the shitty tricks he'd pull and act like it wasn't him. If you wanna pull a prank on someone at least take ownership instead of being a pussy. Did you just call a 12 year old a pussy? Yes. Yes you did. Sasuke Uchiha at 12 years old was a pussy and you've told him that to his face too.
"You're leaving." You say as more of a statement than a question. You look at the brooding kid in front of you, his hand on his backpack strap tightening as he stares angrily at you.
"What does it matter to you?"
"It doesn't but-"
"Then shut up and mind your business." He interjects quickly causing you to stare daggers at him.
"You're a pussy." You push off from the wall you were leaning on and brush past him. "You were weak during exams and you're weak now." You begin to walk away past him when his grips the collar of your shirt and slams you back into the wall you were on. "Hey asshole!-"
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." He cuts you off, his face only mere inches from you.
"You wanna kiss pretty boy?" You shove him away as hard as you can creating some distance between the two of you. "Just get the fuck out of the village already."
And so he did.
You couldn't feel any happier once Sasuke was out of the village. The pain in your ass wasn't there anymore and you felt like you didn't need to prove yourself as the top of your class anymore even though you have been graduated from the academy for over two years. You were perfectly fine without him, everyone else he supposedly made 'friends' with, if he was even able to make actual friends that is; they were worried, suddenly wanting to go out and retrieve him like he was taken. Once again Sasuke was the top priority to everyone minds.
You couldn't care less about Sasuke Uchiha.
He hasn't crossed your mind on your own accord in years. You hadn't seen him in years, you know he's still a topic around the village but you tend to zone everyone out when he gets brought up and at this point in time it's been working. Out of sight, out of mind, he could have gotten himself killed in a random battle and you don't think you'd shed a single tear for him.
You hear a bang at your front door which catches your attention immediately, you go to ignore it thinking it's the neighbor's kid across from your apartment kicking the ball they had against your door until the banging becomes repetitive, the more bangs coming from the other side of the door the louder they became. You swing the door open looking to see who or what was the cause of the annoying noise only to be shoved to the side into the door frame. "What the hell!" You raise your voice grabbing the wrist of who barged in, you get overpowered and pulled back into your apartment and the door gets slammed. You look up at the intruder who shoved his way into your home and see him. "Sasuke?"
Sasuke looks frustrated to say the least. He has the same signature scowl he's always had on his face and the same posture with his arms crossed over his chest while looking around your apartment. There doesn't seem to be a difference in the way he looks at you either, the same hatred behind his eyes as always, even with him being the one rudely shoving his way inside.
"(Y/N)." He said simply with nothing coming after. You waited a few moments if he was just trying to be dramatic with his entrance. He never said anything after that.
"Why are you back in the village?"
"I'm not." You roll your eyes and huff a sigh.
"Why are you here in my apartment then?" You mimic his body and cross your arms over your chest, his head turns to face you and his eyes stare at you intensely. You'd say you were used to this but after so many years you've grown unaccustomed to the look he used to give you because it was nothing like this.
"I'm here to talk, I need to-"
"Why am I supposed to care what you need?" You  insert before he's done speaking. He huffs a breath and soon enough his eyes shoot the daggers you remember.
"I don't expect you to I just need-"
"How about you tell me why you left the village in the first place?" You cut him off mid sentence once again. You don't care about his needs, you don't care about him at all, but you'd like some answers. "Was it like everyone was saying? That you just wanted to grow stronger? So did you find it? Did you get stronger like you wanted?"
"That doesn't matter I don't need to answer that right now, you clearly already know the answer to that." He rolls his eyes and let his arms fall from his chest.
Sasuke was never a man of many words, he was never a man at all he was just a little boy, but with his responses you can't help but bug him about it. Call it being nosy or call it you always zoning everyone out the second you hear his name so you never actually found out the reasoning for him abandoning the village.
"So you're still weak? You're still that little kid who does nothing but bitch and complain about wanting revenge. You may have grown up in these last few years but you're still that sad, pathetic, weakling-" Your shoulders are shoved and pinned to the wall behind you in a moment, you gasp out at the sudden jolt in your back and look up at the angry ravenette.
"Shut up." He growls lowly and if looks could kill, not that he could but you'd probably drop dead if he wished it.
"Make me you prick." You look at him, your stare unwavering as the pressure on your shoulders feels tighter.
There is no sound in your home but everything seems to be buzzing in your ears. Sasuke's face only inches from yours, seemingly just like when he left the village. You feel a sudden wave of nostalgia if you can even call it that as it wasn't a fond memory to think back on. You wait for his response, you look into his eyes and can't decipher what's going on in his head. His grip on your shoulders loosen before he crashes his lips onto yours, his hand now finding a place onto the back of your neck to pull you even closer to him.
Your eyes widen in shock as you don't kiss him back. The kiss surprising you but what is even more of a shock is who is kissing you. You feel him pull away and the look he gives you is mixed with annoyance and frustration. "Just kiss me back." He pauses and smirks, "Or are you too much of a pussy." Your eyes darken with anger as he used your insult to him against yourself. He doesn't wait for your answer before he pulls you back to his lips, you instantly kissing back.
The kiss was hard and the only emotion behind it was the hatred you feel towards him. Your lips molded together as you two kissed, his hand found it's way from the back of your neck to tangling itself in your hair while you felt his grip tighten sending a tingling sensation to your scalp. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue in heating the kiss up in an instant.
You could feel him press against you, his leg sliding between yours and pressing against your clothed core, a small sound comes out but is quickly swallowed down by him. His lips leave yours to slowly kiss down your jaw, it was excruciatingly slow the way he kissed you, from your jaw to your neck to the sweet spot he found almost instantly. You bit back a moan but he made sure to take his time marking up your neck.
The feeling of his thigh was hard to push to the back of your mind, all you could feel was Sasuke and what he was doing to you. You hate him, you hate how he's making you react right now and you hate at how good he is and neither of you have even taken a single piece of clothing off of each other yet. You hate even more the needy words that come out of your mouth next.
"Bedroom." You say almost breathlessly, you could feel the smirk he gives against your neck before quickly going back to your lips. His hands slide to your waist and pull you to him and walk you back not daring to break from the kiss. He pushes open one door and you feel your ass bump into something hard and cold, you pull away from him to see you backed up against your washing machine. "You idiot, this is the wrong room." You roll your eyes and walk past him going into your bedroom.
"How the fuck was I supposed to know that it's not like I've been in your apartment." He scoffs following you and kicking the door shut.
"Oh I bet you must've dreamed-" your words were short lived as he spun you around and kissed you quieting you down.
Kissing Sasuke wasn't like all the books you've read, it wasn't sweet, it wasn't like being with your ex's when you were in love. His kiss was full of passion, it's a kiss of desire and a feeling of pent up frustrations he nor you have been able to let out. Frustrations at each other, at the world, at everything. Sasuke was a damn good kisser too which annoyed you even further.
His lips left yours to tug off your top, the fabric quickly being discarded to a random corner in your room. His eyes ate your figure up, seeing how your breasts layed there perfectly in your bra you were wearing. A low groan left his lips as he went to kiss up your chest, his fingers hooking onto the waistband of your skirt and started to tug it down past your thighs pooling around your ankles. You quickly kicked them away and pulled at his shirt. "Off." You demand and he takes no time in removing his shirt before pushing you back to the edge of the bed and dropping to his knees."
"Spread." He now is the one demanding. You go to spread your legs before pausing and closing them causing a confused look to cross his face.
"This doesn't change anything between us. I still hate you." His confusion quickly deadpans before shaking his head.
"God shut up." He spreads your legs and pushes your panties to the side before slowly swiping his thumb along your slit and pressing it to your clit causing you to gasp. "You're soaked." It was more of a statement than anything but feeling his thumb start to roll little circles on your clit sent a shockwave up your body. You watched him as he stared at your pussy.
"Are you going to sit and stare or are you going to actually do something pretty boy?" Your words rang in his ears and he slowly looked up at you, the same irritation growing in him like it did all those years ago when you'd call him that name. His thumb left your clit and his index and middle finger slowly pushed it and curled causing you to let out a small moan. He could feel you already clenching around them as he started to pump them in and out of you. "Stop calling me that." His head dipped down between your thighs and licked a long swipe before settling on your clit making you let out another moan.
"I can't help it." You say running your fingers through his hair. "You're a pretty- ahh fuck..." Sasuke sucks on your clit harshly, his fingers curling and uncurling from your gspot making your mind go fuzzy with the pleasure he's giving you. Your fingers tighten in his hair tugging slightly, "Fuck Sasuke." You throw your head back taking in the feeling of his tongue and fingers working on you. You can feel the coil in your stomach tighten up and you screw your eyes shut feeling the pleasure hit you. You feel dizzy and can't focus on anything but Sasuke. He tugs your panties down past your hips and tosses them to the side before finally undoing his pants. You fall back against your bed, chest heavy as that was one orgasm that knocked the wind out of you.
You feel the bed dip down before you're turned over to your stomach, a harsh smack heard before you felt his hand come across your ass. "Ass up." He says, his voice low as he picks up your hips positioning them to his liking. You feel him bring the tip of his cock up and down your slit causing you to shiver. You can just feel the smirk on his face before he pushes in giving you no moment to get adjusted. You let out a mix of a moan and groan feeling him stretch you out, you not having any sort of sex in a while is the excuse you'd like to give but you also didn't expect Sasuke to be big in the slightest.
His hands gripped your hips and brought you back with each thrust, you arched your back and dropped your head letting out small moans as he hit a spot in you that you haven't felt before. "You ever felt this good before with anybody else?" You could hear the smugness in his voice. "You're so fucking tight, don't tell me, you weren't saving yourself for anyone were you?" He chuckles as he thinks what he's saying is funny, you throw your hand back ready to smack him but he quickly catches it and pins your arm behind your back pushing you further into the mattress as he slams into you at a slower pace. "Of course you weren't, you take my cock too well."
You could feel every inch of him with every hard thrust he gives you, feeling him deep in your stomach as you grip the bedsheets tighter and tighter.  "Please go faster." You whine out without meaning to. Sasuke pulls out and flips you to your back before slowly pushing back in making you moan. He leaned forward his thrusts picking up pace and making you look at him.
The close proximity of him making you nervous all of a sudden, missionary was for eye contact, kissing, all of that intimate shit. Doggy style is much more your style with Sasuke. You don't have to look at him. The smirk on his face makes you question him before he speaks. "Who knew you were such a needy sub." Your eyebrows furrow as you go to speak but the words died on your tongue when Sasuke brings his fingers to your clit again bringing you close to your second orgasm. "You're just taking my dick like a good girl, aren't you?" You shake your head refusing to listen to him. His fingers move faster on your clit giving you the perfect amount of pressure to send you back over the edge. Your eyes squeezed shut and head pressed back in your mattress as you orgasmed for the second time in the night. You can feel Sasuke's hips stutter as he fucks you through your orgasm, his pace quickening even more before you felt him stop and let out a low groan as he came inside you.
Your eyes shoot open as you smack his arm, "You did not! Not inside you idiot!" You shove him off of you as you quickly go to your bathroom that's connected to your room.
Sasuke chuckles to himself before letting out a small "oops." He sits himself up on your bed and gets himself dressed. He can hear you grumbling in the bathroom and the shower starting to run as he gets finished. He stands up and makes his way around your room walking to the door before his eyes laid upon picture frames on your dresser. He can faintly see pictures of your closest friends, some recent and some old but what catches his eyes the most was a picture taken when you were in the academy. It was when the top of the class got a picture taken and both you and Sasuke tied for number one. Both of you were upset that you had to take a picture together and it was evident on your faces. Your arms were crossed while glaring at the camera man and whoever had to have forced the picture and Sasuke was looking over to the side, his hand on his hip and looking as annoyed as ever.
Out of all the photos you put in a frame you put that one even as you hated him.
Hate. It's a funny emotion. Isn't it?
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sleepy-wanderer · 22 days
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Sleep With Kakashi… but actually sleep
Kakashi has never been one to sleep very often. Past trauma makes any kind of sleeping difficult. Many times in his younger years he’d close his eyes and see Rin and Obito’s faces behind his eyelids as the light left their eyes. So when you guys get together he sees this as a flaw. When you begin to stay over at each other’s places he waits until you fall asleep and then will resume his reading. He didn’t want to worry you with his insomniac habits and the demons he was fighting. Eventually you catch on to this. It took a few times of waking up in the middle of the night to his small light reflecting off the well worn book pages. You finally got the truth out of him.
In an effort to remedy this issue, one night you take him into your arms. You lay his head across your chest and gently play with his silver locks. He appreciates the effort but highly doubts this will soothe him into dreamland. He thinks this until he wakes up the next morning, still resting on your chest. How did he get here? Why did he sleep through the night? When did he fall asleep? He doesn’t know but you can bet he’s addicted to it now. This was actually what finally made him pop the question on if you wanted to live together. This man will be pouting in the bed, begging for your attention and wanting you to hold him by the time 10pm rolls around. He’s not only traumatized but he’s touched starved and he’s finally found you, his perfect comfort.
Also. This man does the cutest little snores and you can not tell me any different.
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bakugoushotwife · 1 year
Hello, idk what to call this, sort of a drabble? But like what naruto characters would be all cocky like 'yeah i want a gf with a high drive' ' i want a freak' etc and then get one and be all tired and regret asking for it
a/n: oh this is actually super funny to think about, i hope this does you justice!!
cw: suggestive/NSFW themes, mild descriptions. jiraiya's and shikamaru's is fem!reader but i tried to keep the rest gn
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Naruto: swears up and down he has the stamina. mister "i beat pain" mister "i literally humbled a god" yeah yeah. maybe it's time the hokage himself is humbled. he can't keep up with his wild spouse, who needs at least five rounds after every extended trip away. the spouse who always teases him about not being able to handle it, so now he has to.
Jiraiya: who knows, maybe this is where he gets it from. the pervy sage knows everything there is to know about the female anatomy, but admittedly he's falling short on the female brain or libido. he's written smut books for crying out loud, it's teetering on embarrassing when you call him after you get back to the leaf and he's genuinely fainting at your moves and pacing. maybe's getting old for this, maybe you're just the crazy revenge for all his earlier talk, who can say?
Kakashi: he reads the same smut books bro he's convinced he could handle a horny partner. in fact he craved one, actually confident in his abilities to impress them with his stamina. but he should know better. he was blessed in every way with you, other than the way you craved him several times a day and wanted to try risky and perverse things. i mean, he loves that too of course, but you keep his balls hurting and his brain reminding him to never brag like that again.
Shikamaru: oh you know the type. lived his whole life preparing to be hassled by some lady, the only relief was going to be the bedroom. shika is a suave dude, he thinks he's got his bases covered. but oh god no. not only do you hassle the hell out of him but you put that thun thun thun down all the time!!! and he feels so goofy cause he can't say no to his sweet little wife, after all he did say this would be his only relief...he just didn't know how frequently he'd be relieved.
Kiba: definition of "i got that dawg in me" and then fucks around and finds out that maybe you, actually, have that dawg in you. some days he can barely escape your clutches, but he'd be lying if he said he was aggravated by your neediness. no matter much he ached after giving you what you wanted all day, he was just happy you were satisfied and that he could do that for you. sweetness.
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pupkashi · 1 year
congrats on your milestone!! ^^ :3 Could i please request "why are you staring at me?" "you're pretty..." with naruto? i've been having naruto brainrot lately :<
thank u friend !! I’ll happily write for our sunshine boy :3 this is my first time writing him so i hope this isn’t too ooc </3 let me know what you think :]
join the party!
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“should i cut my hair? i feel like it’s getting a bit long” naruto huffs, running his hands through his golden hair and ruffling it a bit, smiling when you smooth it down for him.
the konoha sun is beating down on the two of you, y’all blades of grass surrounding the small blanket you found yourselves on. you can’t help but notice how the way the golden rays of the sun look on naruto’s honey skin. his eyes seem to be a bit bluer than usual in this lighting, it makes you fall for him even harder.
“think it looks good a bit long like this” you smile, kissing his cheek and relishing in the way his cheeks turn pink, “you’d look good with shirt hair too though” your words causing him to pout, throwing himself backwards and laying on the blanket, a pout on his face.
you only stare at him as he rambles on about his hair, not completely sure what was saying. you could only focus on how pretty he looked. his pink lips moving as he spoke, nose scrunching adorably when he described how bad he’d look with his hair completely up.
“- what if i tried kakashi-sensei’s hairstyle? is mine long enough for it?” he asks, staring at you expectantly, his eyes sparkling as he smiled up at you, a confused expression on his face before he speaks up again.
“why are you staring at me?” he’s laughing a bit at the way you giggle at him, laying down next to him and brushing his soft hair out of his eyes.
“you’re so pretty” you sigh, a love struck smile on your face as his cheeks heat up once more. “you could cut your hair short as you want and i know you’d still look just as pretty” you mumble, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
“wha- so suddenly?” he laughs nervously, still trying to get used to being complimented so often by you.
“cant call my pretty boyfriend pretty? what has the world come to” you frown, propping your elbow up so your cheek rested in the palm of your hand.
naruto didn’t say anything, his brain too fried from the amount of times you’d called him pretty while looking like you were heaven sent yourself. he only managed to scoot over a bit, arms snaking around your sides and easily moving you so that you were cuddles close to him, your head resting on his chest.
the two of you were quiet for a while, watching the clouds pass overhead. you soaked in the moment, trying to memorize the way the sky was painted in reds and pinks, your eyes fluttering shut and smiling as you got a whiff of Naruto’s cologne.
it was peaceful, listening to the distant voices of people in the village, hearing the wind rush past the two of you, birds singing as they flew by. you wished the moment could last forever, not being interrupted by-
“so should i cut my hair?” his voice was louder than he anticipated, a sheepish smile on his face when he apologized for making you jump a bit.
“nah, i kinda like it like this” you mumble, face still resting on his chest. naruto didn’t say anything, humming in agreement and smiling. if you thought he looked pretty, he wasnt gonna change a single thing.
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devildomresidentt · 3 months
Random out of pocket Naruto tweets (filler post while I work on Naruto Headcanons)
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nuvi-mp3 · 1 year
Lately Kakashi has been taking his time in making love to you, as if he were savoring you. But right now you’re craving much more from him.
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He towered over you, caging you in between his arms as he thrusted into you. His repetitive thrusts were leaving you in a daze. The sound of skin meeting each other again and again and echoing into the room, the heat radiating off his body that’s pressed against your chest, the beautiful sounds coming out of his mouth and into your own, left your mind numb with only thoughts of him. And even though you hate to admit it, it just wasn’t enough.
“Is that all you’ve got old man?”
In a flash he flipped you onto your hands and knees and shoved your head down into the pillow. Before you knew it he slammed his cock back into your pussy causing you to yelp.
“Ah well I was actually trying to be nice but if you’re going to act like a brat, I’ll fuck you like a brat.”
The quick change in his demeanor surprised you but who were you to object.
Here’s a small one lol
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rinsvg · 1 year
⋆ ˚。⋆୨HOMECOMING୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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You were practically desperate to drag him into your apartment and let him put his hands all over your body after being away for weeks that seemed to last forever. You're now grumbling as he quickens his speed, his long cock effortlessly brushing against the battered area of your body.
he lifts his pelvis, breaking your train of thinking as he strikes you just where your eyes should be, causing them to slide towards the back of your head. He leans against the head board, looking directly into your eyes as he gently picks you up and places you back on his dick. “my pretty wife."
You bite your lower lip in frustration at how wet his words are making you feel. Your body inadvertently gives in to his words, and you begin to softly meet his thrust.
Your chest and neck are covered in kisses from his lips, which are also leaving small love bites here and there. The music you played in anticipation of his arrival has now been totally drowned out, leaving only the sounds of skin-to-skin contact and groans. Your bodies were dripping with sweat, and the sticky mess was making you feel hot and out of body.
You lost all sense of time as he leaned down till his mouth touched yours. Your lips swell from his scorching kisses, but you still look for him in an effort to feel the flames. You're in a trance from the way he fucks you, but the fact that he isn't slowing down simply makes it feel all the more better.
pushing you back down he continues, feeling you squeezing around him. tears streaming down your face and your eyes rolling back, “I missed you so god damn much princess.”
gojo satoru, eren jaeger, suna rintarou, Micheal Kaiser, Aki hayakawa, Itachi Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, sanzu haruchiyo, getou suguru, Connie springer
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uchihaxitachi · 10 months
coincidences | someone asks you on a date |
it has been a few months since you have rescued the s-ranked criminal ninja, there have been several instances of cute moments between you two, you two have also had your first kiss. of course that was when you were too drunk & you do not remember, itachi has also not reminded you of that at all. despite everything, the one promise that the uchiha always fulfills is ‘i will protect you’ for protecting him. because he is in debt and bla bla bla. frankly — now you two are better off called ‘friends’ or maybe something different which you two wouldn’t ever explore easily.
you know he carries secrets, just because he keeps you company does not mean you have any right to probe through them. perhaps this is why itachi seems so comfortable around you. you don’t ask him about what it feels to be an akatsuki member, what it means to be an s-ranked criminal, what it means to be a shinobi, what does the headband signify? you’re more than happy being a normal human being who does not really know about chakras, about ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu whatever. just a normal cafe library owner living her life peacefully.
your cafe door opened, and it was none other than the man in the straw hat, this time you were at the counter & you beamed at his presence. “oh, itachi ! welcome back!” you cheerfully grinned; while he removed his hat and smiled gently at you. “glad to be back, it’s been what- 10 days or so?” itachi muses. aw, he has started remembering things too.. especially how long it’s been since you two have seen each other? downright adorable!!
before you could say anything further, a guy barged in. he was a regular customer now, he had just finished his usual order and was here to pay the bill. “y/n san, thank you, your cheesecakes, lovely as always.” he hummed, while you smiled. “aw thanks! i’m so glad you liked it.” itachi did nothing but observe.
“i was wondering if you’re free tonight, uhm, for dinner and stuff.” he smiled, a little timid as the proposal as you blinked. “uhm, is this a date?” you raised a brow, clarifying his intentions before hand. before you could say anything in response after the man nodded diligently, a part within you wanted to see itachi’s reaction. he looked torn, confused between telling the guy to piss off & letting you go on the date.
you gritted your teeth a little, sighing. of course… why were you even imagining things like that with the uchiha. his world and yours are completely different. funny how both you and itachi were similar in thinking in certain aspects — which is why you two have gotten along so well. you nodded at the man, smiling. “thank you, so so much for the offer. however, i won’t be able to join you for the date, i am not looking for anyone at the moment.” your rejection was polite but clear. the guy smiled, of course a little dejected but left with that.
your eyes then wandered towards itachi, not talking about what just happened. you knew too well, talking about this wouldn’t yield into anything. “so, itachi, do you want to join me for dinner?”
itachi half-smiled, his usual, content & yet so deranged smile. content for him, deranged for you because it wrecks your fucking heart up. he nodded, looking up at you. “is it a date?” the tone was teasing, and when you were offered banter by the solemn uchiha himself — you wouldn’t back down.
“date? yes, but don’t forget we’re already married.” you rolled your eyes, watching how his cheeks betray him with a slight blush.
he leans forward, flicking your forehead. getting a bit serious as the next words flicker out of his mouth. “let’s meet for dinner tonight at your place. allow me to be the chef. allow me to… talk a little about myself.” he offers, and you nodded, flicking his forehead back with a nod.
maybe today’s the day you will uncover him a tad, or maybe he is just going to tell you about himself so you know you can still run away if you wanted to.
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writtenbyafan · 4 months
[Kakashi and Y/N walking through town on their way to meet team 7]
Y/N: *pulls chapstick out of vest pocket*
Kakashi: “What flavor is that?”
Y/N: *applying chapstick* “Hm? Oh, it’s peach flavored.”
Kakashi: “Can I try it?”
Y/N: *caps the chapstick and hands it over*
Kakashi: *stops in front Y/N leaning in as he pulls his mask down and kisses Y/N*
Kakashi: *pulls away and swipes his tongue over his lips before putting his mask back in place*
Kakashi: “You’re right. It does taste like peach’s.”
Y/N: *brain has stopped working*
Y/N: (⸝⸝⸝・ᯅ・⸝⸝⸝)◞♥︎
Kakashi: *continues walking* “Keep up or else you’ll fall behind.”
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cannellee · 8 months
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୨୧ alpha! naruto au x omega! reader (f)
— what they would give you as a courting gift (pairing : naruto, shikamaru, sasuke, itachi, rock lee, neji)
my masterlist : ☆
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naruto is a joyous and energetic person, his gift are as vibrant as him. in order to court you, he would definitely take you out on some dates. ichiraku ramen sounds like the perfect place to begin his courting! it's a place which holds countless of precious memories for him and he wants you to get to know him better. he's someone who speaks his mind, so I think he'll really talk openly about his desires and interests in you, it's one of the rare times he's being serious and it's truly a sight to see.
onto a more materialistic approach, naruto will 100% gifts you plushies. he thinks it's an adorable way to connect the both of you. extra points if the plushie is the effigy of kurama! he will sometimes scent it, sometimes not. it all depends on how you react to them, he'll pay attention to your reactions and decides if that was the right move.
I also think naruto will choose a more natural and spontaneous courting, surprising you with cute and funny outings. helping you escape at night so you can both see the stars together. he'll throw cute notes at you to cheer you up during class...
overall, naruto just wishes to spend more time with you, make you laugh and smile. he really considers your happy face as a reward, it literally makes his day. he wants the both of you to know each other and grow closer.
now sasuke is definitely more reserved in his approach and less explicit about his feelings for you. nonetheless, he won't stay on the sidelines and let other alphas steal you from him. I don't think he'll give you gifts at the very beginning, he's prudent and will first and foremost test the waters by subtly scenting you at times and assess your reaction. if he considers it a green light, he'll start acting more assertive. probably a few stargazing sessions to begin with and when you start to get closer, he'll be more possessive about his courting.
I think he would give an item related to his clan. it could be a luxurious silk robe with the uchiha crest at its back. he would love to see you wear it, in his mind, it serves as a symbol of unity and pride, having his omega wear that would reinforce the seriousness of your relationship along with solidifying his potential claim on you.
in the same spirit, later into the courting, sasuke would gift you a uchiha clan heirloom. that way, he puts you under his protection and his claim on you is now strong and clear, serving as a warning to all alphas that you're his. its strengthens your bond as it's a deep acknowledgment of the importance your hold in his life.
and in fact, sasuke's gift serves as a proof of his commitment to you and your relationship and it feels reassuring to know that he considers you as a member of his clan.
as expected of shikamaru, he has a pretty good understanding of omegas' nature and will therefore, make pretty good gifts. he has a pretty laidback behaviour, this is why I think he wouldn't want to make courting seems too ceremonial and will adopt a more casual approach. oh you're cold ? here's his jacket, scented. you don't even have to ask, shikamaru is just great at making things seem so normal. you mentioned you liked soft items ? here's a cute blanket he bought today, no it's not really a gift, just a thanks for spending the day with him. and it's just that. of course if you're careful you'll catch him blushing if he sees you snuggling his scarf, it's redolent with his pheromones and he's pleased to see you look so safe.
other than that, it's mainly lazy indoor dates. just you taking a few naps, progressively getting closer to each other until you eventually fall asleep on his chest.
overall, shikamaru likes to do things according to your tastes and doesn't want his courting to seem unnatural and bizarre. he tries his best to be his usual self while also trying not to get too shy, surprisingly.
lee is a great alpha, always cheering you on. he's very open about his love for you and he just needs you to give in. of course he knows you're more reserved and needs more time to get to know him before you can make a decision. that's why he's so patient and devoted to you during the courting process. flowers, cheesy love notes, wood sculptures with your initials... with lee it's never ending and you're always surprised with what he was able to come up with.
he will give you gifts, but he'll also often take you out on dates for fun adventures, at least that's what he calls them. genuinely thinks rock climbing & hiking are the best ideas. if he discovers you're not sporty at all, don't worry! lee is more than happy to carry you around, take your hands to help you walk through a particularly tricky path and asks you if you need a break every five minutes. he takes it as his chance to prove to you how alpha, how reliable he is. how much his unwavering determination and passion are yours only.
probably will try cooking snacks, like cookies or brownies but I don't think he's that much of a cook so it'll end up messy. you'll have to console him about this fail attempt and reassure him that you can be the one cooking for him instead!
neji is a great observer, he has your tastes and hobbies all figured out and he knows how to choose the perfect gifts. he is very gentle with the omega he is trying to court and his gifts are as thoughtful as you can imagine. small accessories! after assessing what you like, he'll settle on a small hairpin with soft colours, which compliment your eyes. jewelry as well! a subtle bracelet, a ring or anything, just to remind you that he thinks about you all the time. it's a way to show people that you too are connected and that neji is already pursuing you, the others can back off.
he knows you're sensitive to smells, so probably a few candles with sweet fragrant and cute designs. perfumes? (or insence burner) as long as he likes the smell, he's buying. he loves to know you're wearing the scent he has chosen for you, it's like a pre-mark. it's not his scent yet but it's only a matter of time.
however, neiji will not force things, you'll wear his pheromones yes, but only when you feel ready and you have completely accepted him.
a delicately sewed kimono, or an item you'll be able to wear more easily, like a scarf, gloves... but! his favourite courting gift and the gift which really sealed your relationship is the cute pendant around your neck, carrying a piece of his cloth so that you always smell like him. it's subtle, but enough for the time being, he'll have plenty more time later to scent you profusely!
to. provide.
this man's main goal is to provide for you and to show you he can do it. he's reliable and he's desperate to have a chance with you. please notice him.
while getting to know him, you'll get plenty of nest items, scented of course. a lot of blankets, a few pillows and some of his clothes, he'll give it all to you. he'll even help you build your nest if you let him, he's not so sure about what he's doing but he's attentive and learns fast so you can count on him!
he'll get you food as well. you'll never be hungry with itachi. when you meet up, if he didn't already brought snacks with him, you can be sure he'll buy some later just for you. you paying isn't even a option.
just like his brother, he'll give you clothes you can wear on a daily basis with the uchiha clan crest on them. all that to assure your protection and to claim you, nobody wants to meet a jealous uchiha anyways.
he's a bit quiet at times so he'll use notes to share his feelings. it's always really touching and delicate, you know he means it.
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dira333 · 3 months
Hi! How are you? Hope everything went well with the guy!
If the plotbunny game is still going, could you do something with Kakashi? Thanks!
That will happen on Sunday, but thanks for asking. The plotbunny game is ongoing this whole week.
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It's too hot to be thinking.
It's too hot to be alive, too, but you can't really help that at the moment.
"I'm gonna find the person responsible for this mission," you groan, stretched out on the floor, "and I will kill them."
Something warm touches your ankle and you'd kick it if you had the energy. "Do me a favor and be quick about it," Kakashi grumbles.
"You're the reason we're wasting away our time? In this heat?"
"In my defense, it sounded like the perfect mission," he whines. "Just sitting around, waiting for the Daimyou to finish his business."
"Everyone knows that the Village hidden in the Sun is hell on earth. You could have asked me."
"It was supposed to be a surprise." He points out, his thumb now rubbing a circle onto your ankle. "I wanted us to have time to cuddle."
He sounds so sweet that you can't stay mad at him.
"Do you want to cuddle now?" You ask, foregoing your own misery to make him happy.
"God no, it's way too hot for that."
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h8ani · 1 year
Part One → Part Two → Part Three → Part Four
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Pairing: Sasuke Uchiha x Reader
Anime: Naruto
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: smut, angst, a pinch of fluff if you squint, slight dubcon but not really, oral for 2.5 seconds (f! receiving), face fucking, doggy, riding, power bottom, unprotected sex
A/N - hello everyone! Sorry this part took so long, I’m already planning on making a part 3 tbh 💀 pls let me know what you guys think on this!
Sasuke leaving was never the issue, he himself was the issue and what mortal sin you committed by allowing what you two did happen. You would've felt better committing treason towards the leaf than what you have done.
The days that followed after he left you felt the five stages of grief and no one even died. A part of you did but you're just being dramatic if you're being honest.
It was something you were in denial about. You hated him, you still hate him. You hate that you slept with him but a part of you keeps rewinding and thinking back of what happened. How he pushed you into the wall, how he brought you not one but two orgasms and above all else, you keep thinking back on everything he said to you and how it made you putty in his hands.
When he left while you showered you couldn't have been more than a little grateful, you don't think that you'd want to look him in the eyes after everything that transpired, especially since that fucker came inside you, you have never let anyone ever do that, not even an ex boyfriend. The trip to the store when purchasing a pregnancy test couldn't have gone worse with the fact you ran into some of your friends and they immediately sent a hundred questions your way as to why you were in that specific aisle. Fuck Sasuke for that. Fuck him for everything.
It's been about three months since you last saw him, though a little part of you feels like you made all of this up because no way in hell this actually happened but sadly it has and the only way you've been able to keep him mostly out of your mind is going on mission after mission. Out of sight, out of mind, because if you're too busy focusing on missions then there's no way in hell that boy will be on your mind. Sasuke Uchiha will always be the boy you hate, you hate his stupid face, his stupid attitude, the stupid way he stormed right into your apartment acting like he owned the place.
You shake your head ridding those thoughts from your head while walking back into your apartment, the mission you just got back from tired you out more than it should have and all you wanted to do was shower and fall asleep in your bed you missed oh so much. Your fresh clean non Sasuke contaminated sheets.
You open your bedroom door and immediately start to discard your clothes and tossing them anywhere they'd land in your room. Your top goes left, your bra goes right, you struggle to walk and take your socks off and seemingly slip and nearly crash into the bathroom door before you stop yourself and let out a long sigh. You make your way into the bathroom and start your shower without even noticing the presence of someone on your bed.
From his eyes being accustomed to the darkness in your room Sasuke was able to see you decently, he saw how tired you looked, the bags under your eyes were dark as you didn't bother covering them up with makeup like most girls he knew, your hair was falling out of the ponytail you had in and the way you walked with heavy footsteps and the fact you almost tripped and fell without even noticing him just proves you're exhausted.
He scoffs at hearing your shower start and hearing you hum to whatever song was playing in your head. Some kunoichi you were, he thought as he relaxes back into your bed. He couldn't believe how irresponsible you were and you were supposed to be the best of the best from your shared class, granted that was years ago but you were supposed to be better than the others, you weren't meant to have your guard down and Sasuke knew that, regardless if you were in your own village and the comfort of your own apartment, you should be better. He rolls his eyes at his own thoughts and his attention soon goes to the shower being turned off and a completely obnoxious and unnecessary yawn that comes from inside of it.
The bathroom door opens and there you were flicking the lights on, bathroom towel wrapped around you. Your eyes still didn't register someone was in your room until Sasuke sits up to look at you, the movement from your bed causing you to let out a scream only meant for if you were being murdered, which you were not. The scowl on Sasukes face deepening even more as his ears start to ring. "How fucking loud can you be?" You blink a few times to register that it's him and not just you thinking about him once you didn't have anything to distract your mind with anymore. He looks irritated as if he wasn't an unwanted guest in your apartment. "Do you want people to know I'm here?"
"Why are you here?...again." You glare at him with what little energy you have left and tighten your grip on your towel. Your hair was still a little wet and you'd rather not have him see you naked again.
"Don't act all modest now, I saw you strip and basically fall face first in the door when you got here. Seriously, I could've been an intruder."
"You are an intruder." You quickly reply and he actually chuckles, he fucking chuckles at that. You huff out a sigh and walk to your dresser across the way from your bed and grab the first pair of pajamas you find and head back to the bathroom to change.
"Oh you embarrassed if I see you naked now?" He smiles to himself but gets no response from you. He gives you all of five seconds because apparently you should've magically been dressed to his standards by now, he's up and off the bed and heading to the bathroom to open the door. The handle turns and before it's open enough to walk in you slam it shut right in his face.
"Hey pervert! Ever heard of knocking?"
"You're calling me a pervert like you weren't cumming on my-" The door swings open and he's met with your glare, your face felt warm at his words coming out.
"Shut up, why are you here Sasuke?" He chuckles and looks down at you, his eyes scanning your body and your matching pajamas.
"Cute." He thinks to himself and finally looks back up to you. "So speaking of cumming," he pauses, you raise a brow at him waiting for him to continue. "I was just checking if you were pregnant or not, didn't know if you were on the pill or whatever."
"Shouldn't you be more aware of that beforehand?" He just shrugs and looks away. "God you're an ass."
"And you're a bitch." He quips back, not thinking a second after he says that you swing your arm back ready to slap him, your hand inches away from his face but he quickly catches it yanking you towards him. "Nice try, I was always quicker than you remember."
"You can leave." You glare at him while pulling your hand out of his grasp and go back towards your bed plopping down allowing your body to feel the comfort of your blankets. Your eyes close momentarily and you sigh contently.
Knock, Knock, Knock
Your eyes shoot open and you frown, no one ever comes to your place without usually asking. Sure you have your neighbors where their kids are usually loud and the parents come to apologize for the nuisance but you haven't heard them since you got home.
Knock, Knock, Knock
You groan and kick your feet out flinging your limbs all around and sit up. "Can a girl sleep for once..." you grumble and sit up.
"I know you're not about to answer that." Sasuke voices and you look annoyed.
"Clearly someone wants to talk to me so I'm going to answer it." You make your way thru your bedroom and Sasuke is right behind you grabbing your arm and pulling you back.
"What if it's your annoying ass friends? Or Anbu? Or anyone fucking else? Don't answer the damn door." His words are quick and hushed while you're just staring up at him even more annoyed.
"Can you-"
"Can you just listen to me?" He gives you a look as if to say 'Are you fucking dumb' and you just shake your head.
Knock, Knock, Knock
"Just let me answer it, it's not like anyone's going to come in so just stay in my room and close the door." His grip on your arm tightens, his eyes squint as he contemplates and he nudges you towards the door, retreating back to your room.
"Just make it quick." Your bedroom door shuts and you let out a sigh. The dramatics of him is unbelievable.
You open your front door to see your downstairs neighbor, she's a small elderly woman who lives alone with her two cats, you recall when you've helped her catch her cats a few times when they've escaped. Once you're in frame and she sees you in your pajamas she couldn't help but smile. "Hi dear, I heard you scream and wanted to make sure you were alright."
"Scream? Oh! Yeah..." You scratch the back of your head and smile, there was a big bug and it flew on me, sorry Miss Nohoya." You sheepishly smile at the old woman. "I know it's late I'm sorry to have woken you."
"Oh no worries! Just didn't know if I had to serve as backup for a young shinobi!" Your face falls once you see the bat she had in her hand.
"Miss Nohoya!" You laugh and take the bat. "Where's your cane? Let me help you back to your apartment you shouldn't be walking down these stairs."
When you got back inside your apartment you knew Sasuke was gone before even getting back to your bedroom. Call it intuition or call it being around him for more than your liking but you could just tell.
Once you got back to your room your window was open and like you had assumed, Sasuke was no longer here.
The weeks that followed were nothing short of boring, more missions, more nights where you were even more tired than the previous. It became repetitious in the worst way possible. The only thing that seemed to break the cycle of your nights repeating itself was hearing the light tapping of a knock on your door and the handle turning. Unlucky for you, you didn't lock your door.
The door swung open and slammed shut and as you walked out of your bedroom an angry looking Sasuke (let's be honest he always looked angry) was pulling you back in. His eyebrows were furrowed and his grip on your wrist tugging you back in was harsh. "You need to start locking your door, don't be an idiot."
"Awe do you care what- OW!" His grip tightens and it sends a sharp pain up your arm. "Look Sasuke I'm not in the mood for-"
"Then get in the mood." Your cheeks warm up at his words and the tone he used behind them. The look on his face was nothing more than a scowl, his hand quickly went up to your shoulder to push you down on your knees while his other hand quickly removed his belt letting it fall down to the floor.
You hate to admit this, but the sound of his belt being undone in such a motion and the amount of pressure he used to push you down sent a chill down your spine, though you would never admit that to anyone.
You look up at his and see he's already looking down at you, his eyes staring at you so intently you glare up at him hoping it'd make him stop. The way he's looking at you, the way you're still on your knees for him, you hate it.
"I hate-"
"You hate me. Yeah I get it, open up." His hand smacks your cheek lightly twice as if his command wasn't enough. Your glare becomes harsher and his hand is quick to hold your chin tilting your head back to look at him more. "I said open." His thumb swipes over your bottom lip slowly pushing into your mouth.
You don't know what comes over you but you suck on the digit that's in your mouth, a deep chuckle comes from up above you and your focus is back on him, he slowly crouches down in front of you, a smirk prominent on his face. "Look at you. You'd listen to anything I'd tell you wouldn't you?" Your brows furrow and push his finger out of your mouth.
"Shut up."
"Then open your mouth and suck my dick." He leans in and captures your lips in a kiss before you can say any smartass comeback. His hand slowly stroking his cock while you lean into the kiss wanting more. "Be good." He breaks the kiss and leaves wet kisses down your neck. "And I'll fuck you after, you want to cum don't you?"
He doesn't give you more than a moment to respond, the feeling of his lips on your neck making you feel fuzzy inside and clouding your mind.
He's standing up and pushing the tip past your lips. You slowly roll your tongue over the tip, not going any further and taking your time. If Sasuke wanted you to suck him off then you're doing it how you wanted to regardless of his wants.
Or so you thought.
You hear that deep ass chuckle of his and his hand reaches out tangling itself with your hair and stays there holding your head in place. He rolls his hips slowly as the tip hits the back of your throat causing you to pull back from his cock but his hands keeping you in place. "Didn't I say for you to be good?" He pushes your head back down on him, guiding your head up and down on him. You relax your jaw allowing you to take in more of him as you keep a steady pace.
Sasuke doesn't take too long before he starts pushing your head deeper and deeper receiving the sound of you choking on him. "Breathe thru your nose." He instructs you and tightens his grip on your hair and picking up the pace.
The only sounds in your room that could be heard was the wet noises your throat makes while he begins to face fuck you. You screw your eyes shut as your throat is used for him, focusing on your breathing was harder than you thought. Tears prick your eyes and slowly fall down your cheeks.
He used your hair to pull you off of his dick allowing you to gasp for air before pushing you back all the way down. Your nose reaching his pelvis and throat constricting around him you hear Sasuke let out a groan and his pace quickens again. His thrusts into your mouth were getting sloppy the quicker he was. "God- You're so pretty like this, my cock in your mouth. Look at me while I cum down your throat."
You look up through tear filled lashes and blink up allowing more to fall down your cheeks. His eyebrows were knit together and the staple look of frustration was all over his face. "Yeah keep looking up at me like that, you're doing s-so good."
His pleasure peaked and he shoved your head back down and came down your throat, "Swallow it." He demands and you listen, swallowing everything he has. You pull off breathing deeply and wiping your eyes and face.
"Strip." Sasuke voices down to you. Your mind still hazy from the lack of oxygen you blink up at him with tears still in your eyes.
In a blur of haziness your clothes are discarded along with his and you're pushed face down into your mattress and ass up. A loud slap rings in your ears bringing you more clarity, you let out a small laugh. "Somebody is in a hurry- ah!" You gasp out feeling his fingers press up on your clit letting the words die on your tongue.
"You're so wet." His fingers move quicker making you whimper. "Did you like getting your face fucked by me that much?" His face dips down to lap up the wetness, hands gripping your thighs to spread you wider for him.
Sasuke begins at a fast pace, licking and sucking your clit quickly bringing you to your high, you grip the sheets under you as the coil is about to snap but slowly gets unwound again as he pulls away from you.
"What. The. Fuck." You look back at him, he smiles at your flushed cheeks, the pout on your lips and yet the scowl on your face still prevalent.
"You want my dick that badly huh? Wanna beg for it?" Sasuke sits up and pulls your hips back.
"Oh fuck you."
All you hear is his deep ass laugh behind you before you feel him push in with one thrust. He bottoms out immediately and you feel the stretch of him.
It's been a few months since the last time you and Sasuke fucked so you still weren't acclimated to his length and girth. With that being said he doesn't give you any time to get adjusted as his hips pull back and snap into you at such a brutal pace, but even with his harsh thrusts you let out a loud moan, his dick hitting you deeper than before.
Your pussy tightens around him and sucks him in with every thrust he gives you. He slaps your ass making you whine into the mattress.
"Fuck." He grunts, his hands gripping your hips and pulling you back into him when he thrusts up into your pussy. "Who's fucking pussy is this? Tell me or I'll stop." You whine loudly in response, pussy tightening around him. He slaps your ass harder this time grunting as he becomes rougher with his thrusts. "You want me to stop then? Princess doesn't want me to keep fucking her?"
"N-No! Don't stop, please don't stop- ah fuck." You press your head further into the mattress muffling your moans. "Close..." you mumble but Sasuke could make out what you said. He thrusted a few more times, allowing you to get closer and closer before pulling out.
Your eyes shoot open and the sound you let out could be described between a whine and a scoff. You look back at him, tears slightly welling in your eyes can be seen by him. "Come here." Sasuke smirks at you while laying back against your pillows, his hands pulling you on top of him. "Ride me." You hastily straddle him and position yourself before slowly sinking down on him.
You were beyond frustrated, he could see that, hell he knew that after cutting your orgasm short twice but Sasuke couldn't make anything easy for you.
He was here to let his frustrations out on you, came here only to fuck you and leave like last time but as time goes on and seeing you want him, no. Seeing you need him, you needed him to fuck you, needed him to bring your pleasure to the hilt and then push you over even more. Sasuke wanted to stay to see how frustrated you really could get, you got needy the more you were pushed away from your orgasm and he couldn't help but love to see you like this.
For someone he couldn't stand he sure loved watching you writhe when he shoved his cock in you.
You set a good pace for yourself, slowly bouncing up and down on his cock while feeling him even deeper. You let your eyes flutter shut as you pick up your pace, hands finding place on his chest.
"Look at me." Sasuke spoke low and husky. The heat on your cheeks radiating off of you from his words. You keep your eyes shut and shake your head slightly. "(Y/N)." You felt his hands dig into your hips pulling you up and back down on his cock harshly snapping his hips into you. Your eyes open as a gasp slips past your lips. "I said look at me."
Your eyes focus on him, the way he has a smirk on his lips but seeing his eyes scanning your face. He looks at you with arrogance all over his face but his eyes slightly soften at you. You looked cute like this, nervous to make eye contact with him, fucked out of your mind just chasing the high you want so badly.
He wraps his arm around your waist pulling you against his chest as he thrusts up into you, his hips snapping into you pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
It's not long before you're a moaning mess on top of him, your moans soft yet high in his ears, your clit rubbing against him giving you that little push before your orgasm washes over you.
Your body spasms on top of him, hands gripping his shoulders as nails digging into him leaving crescent shaped prints into him. Even tho you were on top Sasuke was never one to give you the power. He dug his heels into your mattress fucking up into you faster chasing his own orgasm. You still coming down from yours, you whine and squirm feeling overly sensitive.
He gives one last thrust into you letting out a low groan as he came. You melt like putty against him breathing heavy, eyes feeling heavy as they slowly close.
Sasuke was breathing just as hard, the grip around your waist loosening as his hand finds place at your lower back, after a moment he slowly began to rub the smooth skin up and down. Your heartbeat was beating hard against your chest, he chuckled hearing it beat so rapidly.
Your eyes slowly opened coming back to reality. You stayed on his chest, hand slowly mimicking his own hand movement and rub his arm. "So..." you start and take a moment. "What was all that about? You came in angrier than usual."
He takes a moment to think of what to say. Could he get away with saying he needed a stress reliever or would you be offended by that? He wasn't going to say he missed you, although he's already wanting to plan out his next visit into your home after tonight. "Bad day." He decides on. A short silence fills the room before he feels you sit up to look at him.
He looks at you blankly, no signature scowl on his face nor the cocky smile he likes to shoot at you. He just had a neutral look on him as he looked at you. His hand still moving along your back, nails lightly scratching your back giving you a comfortable feeling with him.
You let out a light sigh and focus on your fingers twiddling around. "I'll be gone on a mission for about a month in a few days." Sasuke's eyebrows raise but you continue on, "Just in case you have any more bad days."
"Or you." He quickly adds, your lips slowly form a smile as you look at him.
"I'm sure I'll have some bad days too."
It was an unspoken agreement you two had, neither one of you feeling the need to explain in further detail. Although your feelings for him very much stay the same, when either of you have the feeling of need for the other, to satisfy that itch you both need to scratch you two would be happy to help.
You couldn't say this was a friends with benefits situation as neither of you would call the other a friend, but you wouldn't want to hate anyone else if this wasn't the outcome it came with.
Hating Sasuke Uchiha was the best decision you've made.
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mayullla · 2 years
Title: Snake's Lair
[ - Lake (Gn!reader) + Lily (Platonic yandere) + Sasuke (Naruto) + Blueberry tarts (Naga au) - ] - Anon's ask
Summary: Sasuke found you alone in the forest and took you in.
Additional warnings/tags: fantasy au, child!reader, death to a few minor characters (some get eaten), violence, mainly monster taking care of a child kind of vibes but with a few dark themes here and there, etc.
[ - Fairytale Picnic Event - closed - ]
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You were a child he found in the middle of nowhere abandoned by your parents. In the middle of nowhere with multiple scratches on your hands and legs from tripping among the tree roots unable to see what was in front of your legs as you kept on calling for your parents.
You didn't know that you were walking deeper and deeper in the forest, you don't know when you stepped into a certain snake’s territory who took notice of you because of your calls for your parent.
“Hn… what are you doing here?”
“I am lost… I cant find my parents…”
Sasuke actually did see your parents, horrible people as he listened to them whisper of abandoning you to the beast that lurked in the forest. He didn't care to listen to their reasons finding that they would make fine meals for a while, they didn't know that they would enter their own doom first.
He was rather full by the time he stumbled into you. So instead of eating you, he thought he would just keep you for a bit... just for a while.
When he feels hungry, you would be right beside him.
Never would he imagine that he would grow attached to a little child like you. So quickly the fear and distrust in your eyes turn to curiosity towards his kind. What was he supposed to do with you?
He let you rest in his lair, yet as days passed and he became hungry he would not touch even a hair of yours preferring to seek food in the forest the wild boars and other creatures.
You were tiny, was his excuse for being unable to eat you that boars were much more bigger than you and could actually make him full, unlike your small frame.
Instead, he was the one bringing you food, the fruits and vegetation he had no interest in which you quietly ate. He tried to give you fish or meat a few times, yet you would only hesitantly look at him confused as to what you should do with a live fish. It only later did he understand that you can't eat raw at least not like that when the rabbit’s legs twitched a few times on the floor right in front of you.
You refused to give the rabbit for a while, unable to watch him eat the poor thing alive when it was a harmless creature. Sasuke had to wait till nightfall when you were sleeping to take the bunny and have his dinner.
The shock and betrayal in your eyes were amusing when you finally realized what happened to the bunny when you woke up. Watery eyes, you glared at him you weren't so naive to think that the bunny ran away Sasuke wasn't so kind as to eat his live meals away from you.
But somehow you always stuck close to him, always happy whenever you received the slightest affection from him. When you realized what the two finger poke Sasuke sometimes does on your forehead means whenever he leaves the cave and you grab him by the hand. You were scared that he would abandon you just like your parent did, it was his way of showing affection.
Not that he would ever admit it.
When he saw your feet cut from the sharp rocks of the forest he forced you to stay in one place and went out to get leather bringing it to make some shoes for you to use. It wasn't the best but they worked in protecting your feet.
Sometimes Sasuke would let you follow him, getting fruits or water, when you would again pull his hand he would just grab you by the waist and head out. Sometimes placing you on his shoulder he let you grab the fruits in the trees, holding you tightly yet not enough to break your ribs as you wanted to grab the water this time from the river. He never said it but he was a little scared that you might be taken away from the current.
He got used to it, he had grown so attached to you. So when one day when he just came back from a hunt he could not find you in the cave, yet he could smell… smell something else here… humans and blood.
He forgot about everything with only you in mind he left the cave. You have to be safe, you must.
He would be angry at you if you died.
The screams and cries that were all too familiar to him made him speed up, he was closed.
He killed many that day right in front of you, as you called out his name begging his help. He didn't care about the blood that wasn't his splattered on his body and drenched his hands as he harshly grabbed you pulling you to him. He could hear your heartbeat, your cries as your that touched his shoulder… warm.
You belonged to him, and no one is going to take you away. Tell would have to kill him first but he would never let that happen. That was the day when he started becoming more controlling, and observant of what you do. He will keep you close and safe from the world and not even you would have any say.
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