#kise thoughts are a mess
summer-nights19 · 7 months
Knb dating headcanons (gn reader)
This is my part of a collab with the lovely @neoo that I've been putting off for months (Aomine, Kise, Akashi, Takao, Momoi)
You can probably tell where my biases lie lmao
~ Before dating, you guys had one of those friendships in which you do everything together. If one of you was somewhere, the other was likely not far off. You were also one of the only people he opened up to in any way
~ Even before your relationship was official, everyone half thought you were dating. You both always dismissed these ideas furiously, unaware of your pining being mutual
~ Was definitely a mess when he first asked you out. Despite trying to appear confident, it was clear that he was really flustered and that the nerves were getting to him. When you accepted, his face lit up with one of his rare, geniuine grins and it was one of the most attractive things you had ever seen
~ Definitely the jealous type. If he sees anyone try to approach you romantically, he will put a possessive arm around your waist at the very least while glaring at that person. Has no problem getting his hands dirty, metaphorically or sometimes literally, to remind them that you're his. Usually, he'll take it further by kissing your cheeks and lips, before trailing kisses down your neck. You end up having to remind him that you're in a public setting.
~ Loves seeing you in his basketball jersey, especially if you wear it to his games. He thinks you look adorable in it, plus there's something really hot about you wearing his name and number like that. The first time you did it, he just stared in admiration. Needless to say, it was hard for him to focus during the first quarter of that game.
~ His love languages are quality time and physical contact. He can be a bit closed off at times, so he isn't great with words and emotions, but he finds other ways to show you he cares. For one, you're pretty much always doing everything together: study sessions, relaxing at one of your houses, watching TV, wandering around town... if you're somewhere, he's usually nearby.
~ When you're in a busy place together, he'll hold your hand to prevent you from losing sight of each other. He'll also do this more casually, and, while doing it, he fidgets with your fingers and draws patterns on the back of your hand with his fingertips. It's weirdly soothing for both of you.
~ Side hugs + arm around your waist, so you guys can keep moving while he's touching you
~He's also the type of guy to run his hand up your thigh and kiss you in public if you're comfortable with that
~ Definitely loves it if you sleep in with him during the weekend. You'll spend hours cuddled up like that with his arms wrapped around you or your head on his chest
~ He'll jokingly tease/bully you ALL the time. It was a large part of how you guys used to flirt pre relationship, but it didn't stop after. You can do it right back of course, but he's the kinda guy who always needs to have the last word
~ Tries to teach you how to play basketball. If you're bad at it, he won't mind (he'll definitely tease you though) because he thinks it's adorable how hard you're trying for him
~ Despite not being the best with emotions, he'll try really hard to communicate more with you as your relationship goes on. Makes sure you always know how much he adores you
~ Even before he realised how he felt about you, he was constantly flirting with you. Initially, you shit him down completely, but, as you guys became good friends, you grew to tolerate it
~ He was definitely confused when he first realised he felt something deeper for you - he usually only had casual relationships and superficial flirting, so when he found out he wanted something more from you, he was pretty stumped.
~ Pushed you away at first, but, as he grew to accept his feelings he set about making amends
~ He was terrified when asking you out- what if you said no ??? To his delight, you said yes without hesitation
~ Forgot about all his fan girls when you two started dating. Now, he just ends the conversation with them as quickly as possible to get to you. He also makes it very clear that he's taken.
~ His main love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. He'll constantly be praising all your successes and telling you how perfect and hot you are. Do the same for him and he melts.
~ Constantly leaving kisses all over your face and either hugging you or keeping an arm around you. If you let him, he'll keep a hand on your thigh whenever you two are sitting together.
~ You definitely have mini parties when one of you sleeps over - you put on a bad film, make some popcorn, do your skincare (Kise definitely has the best stuff from his modelling job) and just relax.
~ He's a textbook golden retriever boy.
~ You probably met because you were sat next to each other in class or something.
~ Tries to crack jokes/make you laugh to win your heart. The kinda guy to send you 50 memes/reels a day and be like "this reminded me of you,"
~ Definitely tries to use those really lame dirty pick up lines, and says "Only joking," before you even have time to react.
~ Keeps up a confident facade around you, but internally he's panicking. When he finally works up the courage to ask you out, he's so id when you say yes.
~ When you actually start dating, he's by your side 24/7, and, if he can't be with you, he spams your DMs with texts and memes.
~ If you're ever sad, he tries to comfort you by making you laugh
~ Was cold towards you at first, as he was still completely in denial about having feelings for you. However, as you grew closer over time and started to open up to each other, he let his guard down
~ You guys were probably friends for a long time before dating, and Akashi already trusted you with his life. You're the only person he's ever properly opened up to
~ Treats you like royalty - to him, princess treatment is the bare minimum. He's the definition of a gentleman
~ Also loves to shower you in luxurious gifts - definitely the type to send you large bouquets of your favourite flower at least once a week
~ will keep up his cold façade in public but becomes a total sweetheart when it's just you two
~ Posessive and overprotective (not that many people try coming near you with the kind of reputation he has)
~ You guys were probably already very good friends when she realised she liked you. Eveb efore that, she'd always want to hang out with you and looked forward to seeing you the most
~ Now, she'll be extra friendly and sweet to you, never once leaving your side
~ Becomes a little shy and awkward at times, especially in the beginning of the relationship
~ her love language is quality time - she plans so many exciting experiences and trips for you guys
~ Gets jealous easily and tries not to show it
~ Looks out for you in small ways - she'll cook you lunch or bring you class notes if you're off sick. She's not great with words but shows you she cares through her actions
~ Will never leave your side if you're upset
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shintaru · 3 months
Knb | cuddling head canons
Pt.1, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5
Ryōta Kise ~
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he is very clingy expect him to grab you and force you to cuddle whenever he feels like it.
He may throw you over his shoulder and make you cuddle with him if he gets jealous of you talking to another guy
loves placing his hands on your hips and bringing you as close to him as possible when you wish him good luck before a game
Says cuddling with you helps him win games
If he is far away on a career/ sports trip he will call you while snuggling with his pillow and tell you how he wishes it was you
Yukio Kasamatsu ~
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gets flustered over the thought of cuddling you
is the big spoon
likes holding your hand when your lay beside him
will run to you and pick you up by your waist when he wins a game
if he loses a game he will silently snuggle up to you and fall asleep
Shintarō Midorima ~
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Gets flustered when you bring up cuddling
doesn’t know where to place his hands, will become stiff as a rock if you guide his hands to your waist
malfunctions when you lay on him and wrap your legs and arms around him
won’t admit it but he loves it when you wear his shirts when you both cuddle
Loves when you wrap your arms around his waist from behind, he will be a blushing mess
Bonus ~ will claim that hugging him before a game will bring him good luck kazunari Takao ~
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Loves tickling you and hearing your laughter when you lay beside him
Likes watching movies with you sitting on his lap, head laying on his chest, and his arms around your frame
Will hug and kiss you before games and when it’s time to part ways he’ll hold onto your hand for as long as possible and won’t let go
Loves to smother you by laying on top of you
Somehow manages to fall asleep on your ass
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imagine-knb · 1 year
The GoM have been busy for a while (it could be basketball, school, or something else). They finally check messages from their s/o. They've missed so many and the last one is asking if they want to break up so they can focus on basketball. How do they save their relationship?
Apologies are healthy ʅ(°ヮ°)ʃ Admin Neon
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“Please let me make it up to you.” – he spends quite a bit of time texting you back, saying he’d like to meet you at your place to discuss what’s going on between the two of you
when he arrives at your door, Kuroko has a small bundle of your favorite flowers – he’s a gentleman, so of course he’s going to remember which sets are your favorite
spends a long time listening to all of your complaints and all of your retellings of times you’d felt alone because of him; when you finally finish, he’s misty eyed and apologetic
tries his best to make gaps in his schedule that he can dedicate to you, but sometimes messes up and double books himself – he always cancels the other thing to spend that time with you instead
absolutely the most dramatic about it when he sees you asking to break up – sends you a hundred texts, all of them some form of ‘why would you ask that?’, ‘no! never! not in a million years!’, ‘i love you, i don’t wanna break up!’
when you eventually call him to stop all his mass texts, he’s already crying on the other end of the line – had this been Teiko!Kise, he probably wouldn’t have cared and dropped you, but he’s not like that anymore; he’s grown, he’s matured, and he knows what love feels like now
is the type of boyfriend to say he will do anything to make it up to you and then actually tries his damned best to do it
you want to go on a date right after school tomorrow? sure, Kasamatsu’s going to beat his ass when he’s caught skipping practice, but it’ll be worth it
it was a long day and he had not checked his phone all day, so by the time he saw your text, it was already midnight
he would never admit it, but Aomine had been watching too many romcoms recently, so he thought it was a great plan to just go over to your house right now and throw pebbles at your window
Aomine doesn’t care that you looked kind of miffed at the fact he’d woken you in the middle of the night – he tried to ignore the guilt he felt when he saw that it looked like you’d fell asleep crying
“I don’t want to break up with you.” – his voice was too loud for how quiet the night was – “Get down here and let me in. I’m spending the night here with you.”
when he sees your text message, there is a small part of him that does wonder if he would be a little more stress free if he were single – he feels ashamed that the thought had even crossed his mind; he’d rather suffer unlucky days for all eternity than break up with you
calls you and asks you how he can fix this – is genuinely surprised when you seem mad that he has to ask, but deep down he knows you are right
with a heavy sigh, he switches tactics and asks if he could come over to your place – “I want to see you. I want to hold you.”
he uses the long walk over to your house to think of all the ways he would make it up to you, starting with all the ways he could show you how much you meant to him
he texts you once – a simple ‘what do you mean ____-chin?’ – and doesn’t message anymore after that because he’s waiting for your response
is honestly not aware of what could be the problem, so he doesn’t think to message you again or call you, so the next time you guys interact is when he sees you in person at school
when he tries to act normally with you and you give him a bit of a cold shoulder, he finally starts to realize he’d done something to really piss you off
will keep trying to pull you into a hug and when you finally relent, he’ll murmur into your hair – “Just tell me what I’m doing wrong. I’ll fix it, whatever it is.”
first thing he is going to do after reading your text message is pause whatever he’s doing to call you – doesn’t matter if it’s practice, doesn’t matter if it’s dinner; he’s going to pause it and he’s going to call you
if you don’t answer, he leaves you a voicemail; if you do answer, he asks if the two of you could talk in person later that night
he does not elaborate any further – he honestly doesn’t think he has to – so he may have accidentally freaked you out with thoughts that he might want to breakup
Akashi is honestly shocked when you arrive already in tears because of your conclusion, but he quickly corrects your wrong assumptions and promises to block off more time for just the two of you in his busy schedule – “Let’s have some time together right now.”
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ithegodot · 5 months
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Still 05/07, i made it! happy aokise day to those who celebrate 💙💛
with a fic:
Title: Through a Looking Glass Rating: Gen Warnings: None Characters & ships: Aomine Daiki/Kise Ryouta Currently at Chapter 4/7 Summary:
Good at reading people as he is, Kuroko has noticed budding feelings between two of his friends way before they themselves did. Aomine is pretty obvious, so it should be easy, isn't Kise the same..? He thought he would keep watching from a distance, but after they mess up one too many times, maybe it's time for the gang to do something about it. How much meddling is too much meddling? Or: Kuroko's look from behind a looking glass at whether Aomine Daiki and Kise Ryouta will get together.
AO3 Link
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laceymorganwrites · 1 year
I never thought I´d fall for you
KnB edition:
Female reader
listen, he has a type and it´s certainly not you
your boobs are non existing, not at all like he likes them
so why the hell is he looking after you all the time? why´s he got that stupid smile on his face whenever you look in his direction?
you shouldn´t be this pretty...no more than that, you´re so hot to him, just gorgeous
this man fucking overthinks everything he knew about his preferences before when he sees you for the first time
how are you so hot?? he doesn´t understand it 
it´s not your personality, at this point he hasn´t even talked to you just yet
it just hits him, he´s super attracted to you physically for some reason and because of that he´s intrigued and curious to get to know you beyond all that
someone tell him why he´s getting flustered when you smile at him
you make him such a mess, he´s so fucking embarrassed, this isn´t like him at all
someone who´s as shy as you isn´t at all the girl he looks for
he doesn´t like shy and passive girls at all, they bore him
he much prefers someone who actively seeks him out
in his mind the shy girls are just fans of his that won´t actively be fans which pisses him off
when the two of you are paired up in a group project he´s beyond irritated when you just talk about school stuff and other things, complimenting his playing style and not just screaming about how cool he is
it´s...strangely nice
it´s the first time he can actually talk to someone without having to fake anything
and somehow the closer you get the more he is attracted to you
he feels really special that he´s one of the only people you talk to
he loves your shy smiles as well when you see him, it makes his heart flutter
 you´re so average it irritates him
he doesn´t even want to talk to someone irrelevant and boring like you
so why are you so persistent?
with anyone else he´d have flipped already so why can´t he with you?
why does he feel so calm around you? like there are no expectations? he isn´t supposed to feel normal
and it certainly isn´t supposed to feel so nice and comforting
no, Seijuro should fall for someone equally as cold as him, someone from a powerful family
he never really thought about falling in love or chasing after someone because in the end his father would pick out someone suitable for him
he wouldn´t get a say in it either way so he never bothered
but you made him want to experience these feelings that everyone around him had so carelessly
just once he wanted to taste the freedom of love
you´re an extrovert
it´s pretty self explanatory but people who talk too much and get too close to him always irritate him
tries to avoid you so much and always yells at you to stay away every time you sit beside him during lunch break
still, you´re the only person he ever runs after (only to get you back the snacks you got him which he didn´t ask for)
he keeps wondering why you´re so damn persistent, he´s not even worth it in the first place
you also don´t seem to care about basketball all that much which is weird because it´s the only thing he´s good at
eventually he gets too tired of trying to avoid you and just lets you talk to him
somehow he also finds himself replying to you which is something that never happened before
and even stranger than that...he feels calm around you and wants you to talk more
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miss-choco-chips · 27 days
HI! :> It's nice evening to send random asks! Please tell me where each of the people you ship Kuroko (KnB) with would take Kuroko on a date? And where would Kuroko woult take himself on a date) :>
hi dear!!! Its so nice to hear from you! I haven't checked my ask box in like... a year lmao and just checked it now and saw your message!! Destiny, i tell you!
Well, I ship Kuroko with basically everyone, but I'll answer about the big ones.
answer under the cut cause it got big
Kagami: I feel like Kagami would be either be really chill, since they've been friends for so long, that he'd take Kuroko somewhere they already hang out at (ex, Maji burger and then their favoirte streetcourt), OR he gets all self conscious because he wants it to be perfect so he prepares something homemade and they watch movies at his place (where the GoM can't spy on them). Thats if they are in japan. I love fics where they live in America togheter, and over there, I think he'd take Kuroko to an amusement park or to see one of his favorite spots. They are best friends, before they are partners.
Aomine: Maji, streetcourt and then home to make out, in that order, if he's the one to plan it. If he makes the mistake (or miraculous decision) of letting Momoi know they have a date, she'll insist he 'treats her tetsu-kun right', so he'll give it a bit more thought and take Kuroko to a nice cafe, where Kuroko can read one of his books while Aomine browses through his magazines. Peaceful and comfortable, like the twin souls they are like when alone togheter. They don't need to do anything special for it to feel special.
Akashi:... he's over the top, okay? He'll pick Kuroko up in a luxurious car, take him to a 5 star restaurant and then take him to a nice walk in a rose garden or something (and if there's no rose garden in the city, he'll have one built specficially for that). He'll kiss him under the stars, and sappy after all that, he'll allow Kuroko to take HIM to an ice-cream parlor. They end the night speaking about everything and nothing over some vainilla and strawberry ice cream. And sometimes, when Kuroko insists on doing something silly and unexpected (the only person who can still surprise Akashi), like racing through the park or smearing ice cream on akashi's nose, he feels like the young boy he still is but was never allowed to act like.
Kise: After recovering from the near happines-induced heart attack after Kuroko said yes, Kise would go ape-shit planning the perfect date. He's not confident he'll get a second one if he messes this up (he would, but kuroko wont ever admit as much), so he overcompensates by interviewing the people closest to kuroko to help him come up with something perfect. In the end, he decides on a quiet picnic alone togheter, in an open field where Nigou can run to his heart's content while they talk, away from fangirls and cameras. He's a perfect gentleman, walking Kuroko home to his door, and is so surprised by Kuroko's unexpected goodbye kiss that he ALMOST forgets to immediately text him a text begging for a second date. He doesn't, and the positive reply leaves him smiling for hours.
Thats my main ships... But I basically ship Kuroko with everyone lmao so *shrugs*
And as to where Kuroko would take himself... I'd say he'll probably go to his favorite bookstore, get something nice to eat, and find a streetcourt so he can relax, eat and read, and then watch someone play ball or play himself if the urge strikes. Nothing too crazy, in my opinion
If you have any other ideas, id love to read them!
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redheadspark · 1 year
could i request 6 with jack russell, love your work and think this prompt sounds cute 🫶🫶
A/N - AWWW, I do like this for Jack! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Summary - Jack tends to let his eys linger on you. For the right reasons
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Warnings - Just some cute fluff for our wolf boy :)
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Jack tends to stare off into space when his mind wanders.
Maybe it was a habit that he's had since he was young, not being able to focus on one thing instead of several things. Or maybe it was his anxiety that would step in from time to time when things got tough. His eyes would simply sit on one object and his mind would just....take a trip so to speak.
Of course he had things on his mind, being a werewolf was one of them. For most of his time having this curse Jack was worried. Worried about huting another being, worried about being seen as simply a monster when he knew deep down he wasn't, worried that his future was so uncenrtain. Worry flooded his life and he hated it, but he never showed it with his clients or other monster hunters he would encounter and work with.
That's where you came in.
Your monster-hunting reputation was not as famous as Jack's, but it was good enough to be on the radar when you two connected. He saw you as intimidating when you talked to him with daggers on your thighs and hips and your eyes drilling his, you were more forward in what was on your mind and how you were thorough. Yet on your end, you saw how gentle he was and more empathetic with any monsters he would hunt. It made you realize you both were so opposite from one another.
No wonder you fell for another so hard and so quick.
Jack found you reading a book, curled up in your shared bed one late spring night as the soft pattern of rain was heard on your rooftop. You loved having the window open to hear the rain, and as you flipped to another page in your book and hummed to yourself, Jack zoned out yet again.
But in the best way, with a soft gaze in his eyes and on his smiling lips
Once you two got together, you brought out the opposite or another another to make your hearts whole and as one. For Jack, you brought out his boldness and his directive communication, although you did love his endearing and meek moments since it showed the kinder and vulnerable sides of Jack.
Jack brought out the softer side of you, the side you buried for some time since you've lost so much in such a small time. He knew you were kind and broken at the same time, and over time he showered you with love and with affection. The kind you never thought you had and would ever get in your life. It scared you to get that from him, and yet you welcome it since you knew Jack was a dime a dozen, and you could never let him go.
He'd never let you go either.
"What are you staring at?"
Jack blinked, noticing that you were staring at him with your book now in your lap. He had to grin widely, shaking his head since he saw you give him a small look of concern.
"Nothing at all, just the most beautiful girl in the world, Amor," He answered, you grinning as he walked over to sit with you in bed, "And to think of what I can get you for our anniversary coming up,"
"I didn't think monster hunters who are dating get each other an anniversary gift, at least I didn't remember learning that," You joked as he leaned over and pecked your cheek.
"Well consider this a lesson then," He smoothly replied, taking the book from your lap while he was still kising your cheek, then moved to kiss your jawline and then down to your neck. You knew he was disracitng you, and he was somewhat wokring since you were feeling your breath get shorter and your pulse quicken. You leaned into him, feeling one of his hands reach up then to cradle your neck and moved your jaw for a better angle to kiss your pulse point.
You never thought you be a vulnerable mess at the hands of another monster hunter.
"It looks like I'm getting a distraction and not a lesson," You teased, though it was out of breath and almost a whimper as he kissed a sensitive spot along your skin. He chuckled, the stubbed on his chin and cheek grazing your neck was almost a bit too much.
"Lesson number one: how to properly love a monster hunter," Jack whispered in your ear as he then wrapped you in his arms and you two sunk into the bed with ease.
The End
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Spring Prompt Session
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unhinged-summer-fun · 2 years
having and holding
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Written for Danktober Day 21: Body Worship, Bad Dog, & International Day of the Nacho
Frankie Morales x F!Reader (22+)
Summary: The baby's here. When did 'mother' replace 'wife' in your psyche? Could you still be both? Could you still be you?
Word Count: 740
Warnings: Anxiety and depression, postpartum depression, negative self-image, body dysmorphia (m and f), healing, pregnancy
Notes: Another one in the books for Frankie and Wifey. Love yall.
[full danktober list here]
[Don't Call Me Wifey series masterlist]
"You're being ridiculous."
"I'm not being ridiculous."
"Frankie, stop it."
"I want you."
"I want you."
"You're humping my leg."
"Can't you feel that I want you?"
"Bad dog."
"C'mon, you don't mean that…"
"Okay, you're not bad. You're terrible. And the fact is that I don't want me right now."
Your admission dropped a bomb on the conversation and crumpled the look on his face. Immediately, you felt terrible for saying it. You didn't even quite mean it, really. You only wanted to sate the burning embarrassment that warred with your libido right now. It wasn't Frankie's fault that you'd taken a look in the mirror and saw the mess your child made of your body, and decided to shoulder all that guilt like you deserved to hate how you felt and looked, now.
"Forget I said anything, I'm sorry, let's—"
"Please don't shut down on me, baby." Frankie kept his hands on your thighs, effectively trapping you on the couch. You didn't try to struggle, but shame rose with the heat in your cheeks the longer he looked at you. It was something you both struggled with, the negative self-talk. Normally, it would be met with hugs and affirmations, but this time felt different. It was different.
Frankie hadn't tried to make a move on you since the birth of your little one. Part of it was him wanting to respect the doctor's orders, but your mind had opened up a long-shut door and let the demons back into your mind. Post-partum depression, they called it. You were familiar with these kind of dark thoughts, but after so long of being with Frankie, you were no longer comfortable around them in the way you used to be. They felt like barbs instead of armor, now, knives you threw at yourself. And Frankie knew that.
"I love you," he said, soft but firm. His eyes gleamed with emotion and conviction, both of which you felt every time he uttered an endearment to you. "What's the top worry right now on your mind?"
This was how you coped; picking away at the iceberg of your anxiety until the great, unmeltable chunks of it could be whittled down over time with just hugs and kises and I love yous.
You sighed. "It seems so vain and selfish—"
"That's not what I asked," he reminded you gently.
"How I look. I'm… I'm flabby and my skin is all stretched and won't snap back, I have no strength in my core anymore and I always look a mess because even though you give me space to be by myself, I can't shake the feeling of being on alert for a cry or something, and I ate all the nachos and now there's no more nachos and I'm sad, and—" It all tumbled out one piece after another, a landslide of things you kept inside for the sake of performing motherhood, performing your role as Mrs. Morales.
"Who told you not to like those things? They're signs you're strong, that you endured." He whispered it to you, like a secret.
"Society," you said, shrugging.
"Society isn't allowed into our bed, mama." He said, trying to get you to smile. And damn him, it worked. You rolled your eyes but didn't hide your amusement. "Who else said that?"
"I don't know, me?"
His face softened a little more before he kissed your hands, bringing them together in his. "I love you, whether you accept it or not," he promised. It choked you up, making your lower lip wobble. "We can find ways to help you feel better in your body, but denying yourself happiness isn't the way to live happily ever after the way I promised you we would, baby."
"I know," you mumbled miserably.
"I'm going to ask you again, but I won't bug you about it after this. Please think about what you want and not what you deserve for me. Please?"
"Okay, baby."
"Do you want to go with me to the bedroom and get a little nasty for the rest of naptime?" he asked, a completely serious look on his face.
You burst out laughing, tears falling as you reached down to hold his face in your hands. You kissed him once through your grin before resting your head against his. "I love you, Frankie Morales. I would love to get nasty with you."
"Then let's go."
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vespersposts · 2 years
KNB: a scented story
Hello everyone!
✨Here is the post that came out of a conversation with the wonderful beauties @fellow-deviant, @lamnwar, @0214letters, @officialparentofadrien ✨
What perfume could the Knb guys wear according to their personality (and in my opinion)?
I'll put my choices here, let me know if you agree or disagree. I have also included 3 characters that I am particularly fond of, but I am open to adding others if you suggest them.
Part 2 here
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🩵 Kuroko:
determined, kind but also very in touch with the sensitivities of others. Reminds me a bit of the sunrise after a night out with friends, that feeling of a unique and comfortable moment.
I think he would wear a fresh perfume, slightly spicy but not bitter, perhaps with an aquatic and metallic touch, something like
Echo- Davidoff -> suede, nutmeg, sandalwood and a touch of chili.
Apparently lazy, a bit spoilt, fond of sweets and sports, he is like those neighbourhood cats who seem to spend all their time with their bellies in the sun and instead have a strict schedule of where to go for cuddles. He reminds me of brown sugar, sweet but also aromatic, and in my opinion he is the type that would do wonders with a unisex fragrance based on vanilla and osmanthus but with a warm, woody base (I love the contrast between his 2 metres and the delicacy of white flowers). He'd rock this one:
Vanilla Exclusif- Mancera -> White Peach, Osmanthus, Whipped cream and Brown sugar with a base of amber and woods.
💛 Kise:
It makes me smile just thinking about him. The brother I would like: polite, sunny, affectionate but also capable, competitive, empathetic and not at all bothered by his success or beauty. OK, he's a Gemini like me, so sometimes we're a bit of a nuisance, but…. You get used to it! He reminds me of the excitement of doing something for the first time, of having to keep a secret in order to surprise someone, but also of the fear of getting bored quickly and being left behind.
This complexity can be expressed with a zesty, citrusy opening that evolves with pepper and ends with musk and incense (which are in perfumery the connection between sprit and body). It's a sexy scent, for sure!
Dylan Blue- Versace -> bergamot, fig, pepper, papyr, musk, incense.
💚 Midorima:
Quoting Hitchcock's definition of Grace Kelly, he is 'hot ice'.
Serious, meticulous, ironic and quirky all at once, he has an undeniable charm, always keeping you on the edge of love-hate. He reminds me of a garden in the sun, but also of a library at midnight, a plate of hot ramen but also the slush that makes you 'freeze your brains out'. For him, I chose a fragrance that is apparently very masculine but revolves all around a delicate flower: iris.
Dior Homme Eau for Men- Dior -> grapefruit, iris, amber, cedarwood.
💘 Akashi:
The guy who has everything but the emotional necessary. Yet he struggles, with struggles that no one sees, to become himself again but also not to lose what he has learnt. Sei reminds me of confidences drinking lemon tea, roses, peace after great suffering, the beauty of balance when you had to build it; but also the thrill of imagining a new future.
Rose ikebana- Hermes -> roses, rhubarb, tea, spices, moss
💙 Aomine:
The bad guy who is not so bad. The lazy guy who tries to get noticed because he's too messed up to realise he needs to, the guy who thought he'd lost his best friend's trust and interest in his greatest passion. I'd like to give him an alpha male scent, but in my opinion Daiki is much simpler, in the sense of minimal. It reminds me of a warm sunny day where you don't have to do anything special, maybe on holiday, when you have time to look up teh sky and fantasise. I think he would happily wear something low-key, like 'your skin but better', with ozone (oxygen) notes, amber wood and musk.
I'm also sure that if his better half gave him a perfume he would bathe in it every time he knew he had to see her, but that's another story.
11 11 - Lake & Skye -> ozonic, musk, amberwood
🩷 Momoi:
My favourite girl in the series, so understanding, sweet but also determined. She does not compromise but knows how to stand aside, she trusts Tetsu and his intuition blindly and she is right. The patience of the saints both with the GOM and at Too, the need to be part of a group and to keep being together. She is very feminine, but also very sharp so she reminds me of the scent of magnolia which is sweet but not cloying. For her I chose a simple floral with a hint of lemon to emphasise her freshness.
Magnolia Alba- Chloè -> Magnolia, citrus zest
❤ Kagami:
The boy who is all fire and passion but is a first-class softie. He always makes me smile when he gets embarrassed over nothing or when his mighty physicality clashes with that not-so-well-hidden shyness. He is a mix that struggles to find its roots, but he is an intelligent guy, just a bit impulsive. I think he uses an 'important' perfume to cover himself a little. I think the perfume that was created as the 'essence of determination' is perfect for him.
Blue de Chanel- Chanel -> woody, zesty, green notes
🩶 Teppei:
He deserves more consideration. He has this adult/kid ambivalence that makes him so charming, an eccentric but also a character who is able to inspire and uplift others even when he himself is in doubt. He's shrewd but never harsh, sometimes a little manipulative (but for a good purpose). When i think about him I think about opposites, like tecnology and traditition all blended together. So this perfume has notes of Yuzu but also sea and ambergris (that is syntetic).
Invictus Aqua- Paco Rabanne -> Yuzu/ marine/violet leaf/ambregris
Ok, seems like i finished this loooong rant! Hope you arent bored out of your minds. Let me know you impressions if you like!
Lots of kisses!
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saenora · 1 year
me & koca did it w aomine and kise so now u do relationship hcs w shoichi !!!!!! <3
we’re definitely extremely bold individuals but soft and melting when together. WE’RE ICE CREAM IN 50 DEG C HEAT. He makes me go uwuw with taht smile.
he gets all shy and is skippy… when I AM AT PRACTICE TT_TT. I KNOW YOURE DRAGGING ME THERE TORI.
he thought he was dating some hotshot intimidating chick… he is IN DISBELIEF WHEN HE LEARNS HOW MUCH OF A WEIRDO I AM as we progress. He feels cheated by fate but ITS PART OF THE CHARM PLEASE… i can make him blush REALL HARD. MY FLIRT GAME IS A1… so pussy over pride exception. #HESNAKEIAMCHARMER
Shoi is psychic and good at reading people. so i mess w him all the time telling him how wrong he is… but yes he catches on it very soon and SO NOW I GET AFFECTIONATELY BUT ROUGHLY MANHANDLED IN PVT.
HE GIVES BEST PRESENTS, never forgets any dates/anniversaries… and never gets angry… and is literally the most supportive and patient w me….. sobs he let me handle my stuff… But if stuff gets out of hand… YOU AWAKENED HIS THIRD EYE FR. RIP YOUR SOUL. ITS THE FIRST TIME I’VE SEEN HIM LOSE PATIENCE. HE IS AWFULLY SO HOT.. I AM HIS CERTIFIED SIMP.
ALOT OF STUDY DATES bec other than that we dont have time and we’re dead serious abiut it. tho they do end in heavy makeouts pleaae.. HE STIMULATES MYBBRAIN I AM- _-_
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evelhak · 2 years
KnB 30-day challenge
14. Favourite Member of Kaijo
Kise: I won!!!!
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Me: By default since I don't really care about any of the other characters at all.
Kise: Oh...
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Sorry, I couldn't resist. Jokes aside, I do like Kise a lot. He is also spectacularly annoying. But also in a way that is sort of endearing to me, because it reminds me of my sister a lot... It's this specific way of communicating where the person leaves the responsibility of interpreting how serious they are, to the other person, because nearly everything they say is delivered with this "I might be joking or I might be serious" kind of demeanor. That drives me nuts. That's like a special kind of poison to an autistic person, especially since I tend to default to seriousness. So, watching Kise has me sighing and rolling my eyes a lot.
Also the way eeeverything just haaaas to be a show. Reminds me so much of my sister too. Like, can you people even enter a room in a normal way sometimes? Yes, alright, you're funny in the right time and place, but. People will love you even if you're not constantly performing. I daresay they will love you more. I guess this is also special kind of taxing for me, because it's just unnecessary sensory information I have to process and my tolerance is limited so it's not nice when someone overwhelms me with things that are not necessary, and I have to sort out the relevant information from the mess. I get that this makes communication more stimulating for some people but for me it actively prevents me from communicating well, so, it's an unfortunate clash of needs.
I may not be doing a very good job at convincing you I like Kise right now, but I do. He's genuinely heartwarming and I think his character arc speaks for itself. Also when you see a pattern in a character that reminds you of someone you love deeply, those annoying things somehow turn into positives, because the person who they remind you of is lovable to you with all of their annoying quirks? So, in a sense you love that character because they're annoying and not despite of it? You actually end up enjoying being annoyed by them? Does that make sense?
Kise is also sympathetic to me because I grew up right next to so many popular people, seeing how their life is far from the glory jealous people always thought it was, so while I love to troll Kise in my fics, because he's just so trollable I can't resist, I also want to give room for his insecurities and further growth. I also like to write him, because I think there are many things Kuroko can learn from him if he stops resisting it. I personally understand why Kise's way of expressing himself slows down that process with someone like Kuroko but I would really like to see them improve their communication beyond what canon did. I would like to see Kuroko ask and accept direct help from Kise in some things and I would also like to see Kise resist the urge to turn it into a personal show. I think they could have a lot more fun together if both got a little bit more over themselves.
I have really fun plans for Kise in my stories, actually I'm just about to write him in a much bigger role than I have until now, so that's gonna be interesting, and I think it will overall highlight the best aspects of his character and his growth.
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sociieties · 2 years
@peachmuses: shuu walks through the place to meet up with kazuya, makoto, and tatsuya. ( tatsuya is still on the train, so he's not worried about his reaction ) but shuuzou looks rough. as in - he looks like he was jumped. he sees them, and winces, as he moves to them. he's definitely looked like he's recently gotten into a fight. " hey. " he says, as he leans against makoto, breathing hard, a hand coming up to his side. " you'll never guess who i ran into. " a pause, " or who ran into me. " he breathes out again, " so mako-chan. you remember haizaki ? apparently, he's a fucking coward, because apparently he saw me and i didn't see him and he jumped me with a tire iron, " a hand comes up to rub at his head, where a bump is forming, " he might be dead. i don't know. i left him on the sidewalk. " he coughs, " got in a few good hits though. it hurts to breath and my head is spinning. " / shuumako <3
" he looks like shit, " an easy comment made by kazuya when he sees the late arrival, it's said before shuuzou's within ear-shot. he barely even moves, head still tilted back on the seat of the chair he'd placed himself in a few minutes ago, only nodding his head back towards shuuzou when makoto looks confused. now that he's even closer, kazuya can tell that he probably feels like shit, too. he leaves the thought to pass as he blows a bubble in his gum, it's too big and pops before he knows it, making a mess over his face. fuck.
makoto, however, pays no mind to kazuya after he's greeted by shuuzou, who does look absolutely terrible. did he get jumped?
" what happened to you? " he asks, quietly, shifting to help hold shuuzou upright now that the other had stopped moving. at the mention of haizaki, makoto's gaze darkens, entire energy shifting to the point where kazuya lifts his head and turns in his seat to face the two of them.
" who's haizaki? " it's a cold question while kazuya picks gum off of his face.
" that asshole who steals people's moves, he played a one on one with kise last year -- i'm gonna fucking kill him. "
kazuya's already on his phone, texting tatsuya to tell him that he won't be around when he comes off the train since he has to go kill some cunt named haizaki.
" fair game, then. where's the tire iron? if he's not afraid to hit someone else with it, then he doesn't mind getting hit with it. "
" zuya — " makoto breathes out a short breath, clearly stressed, as he walks shuuzou towards the benches.
" whatever. if he's not already dead, i'm gonna kill him. " now standing, he pockets his phone and begins walking off. before he's too far gone, kazuya walks back over towards the other two, looking down at shuuzou to look at his wounds while makoto frets over him. he watches for a moment as makoto pulls shuu's hands away from wounds to look for himself / kazuya sighs and pulls out his pack of gum, opening it and shoving it in shuu's hand. " chew. don't do shit else, unless it's letting mako take you to the hospital. "
mako only glances at kazuya, walking as he begins walking off again. " tatsu's gonna be pissed. " " i told him that i won't be here. " " and about shuu? " " no. you figure it out before he shows up. "
kazuya's gone and makoto sighs, looking back at shuuzou. inhales, exhales, then drops himself into a crouch in front of the other. three fingers. " look at me, how many fingers am i holding up? where all did you get hit? just your head? "
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peachonified · 1 year
I am home sick today... and probably until Wednesday.
This means 4 things
The dogs will get walked
I will clean my room
I will try and apply for 3 jobs
I get to work on fanfics
As you know I have been struggling (so struggling) with what to write. I have so many things in the pipeline, and I don't have the gang here yet to go 'okay, so what should I write' and I am trying to stay off twitter (cos it's a hot mess but I miss the people who were engaged with what I was writing, you know?)
ugh. let's call that the sick sooks, and actually start writing.
I have made a short list!
I picked up And Kise Makes Five - it's my oldest WIP, so it's time to try and get at least the next chapter done
An AkaBoKuroo that is a months late gift fic
Innocent Muscle Sluts - that's AkaBoku, but there might be a gang bang in the change room - we shall see...
Keep plotting out my hq/knb cross over fic, which is an dystopian immortals d/s verse. Probably not so much focus on the dystopian.
There are two more chapters left on Too Many Tardies (my wincest D/s verse fic). The next one is almost done, but it's short and a cliff hanger, so I need to get the last chapter up to edit stage before I post
As you can see, I am trying to ignore all the new and shiny ideas and just get through things. But... I miss writing short little prompt fics, so maybe I will just write short stuff and post.
The next new thing though... I am shackling myself cos it will be my 200th fic on AO3 and even thought it's a made up awesome, it still feels like an awesome, so I dunno. Maybe I just need to finish something and post so I can get past the 200's inertia.
Anyway, the main point is, it's time to write my boys again
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imagine-knb · 7 months
In the spirit of Valentine's, how about GoM+Kagami+Himuro+Takao trying to make handmade chocolates to confess to their crush because their crush mentioned that was their most preferred way of receiving a confession?
Kuroko: He may or may not have snuck into Kagami's house while the other male was making chocolates to learn a thing or two from him. That being said, his own homemade chocolates are not that bad. He manages to make small, bite sized pieces of milk chocolate that melt in your mouth. And your hand and your pocket and your containers and... well, they can't seem to hold their shape at all.
Kagami: He's always been great at cooking, so chocolate making didn't seem that far off for him. He's able to make decent looking little chocolate truffles, but his presentation for them is absolutely lacking. Stuffed into a tupperware container with a sticky note slapped on top, he shakily hands it to you the next day in hopes that the flavor of the chocolate would speak more than his decorating skills.
Kise: He spends such a long time making sure that the chocolates he makes look aesthetically pleasing, that he forgets to actually make sure that they taste as good as well. He manages to make the cutest little truffles, each one decoratively painted with edible shimmer that make them look so delectable, but the second you pop one into your mouth, you're met with the most awful, bitter taste of burned candy.
Aomine: He had never been good at making sweets. The only thing he was sure of was that he could not, under any circumstances, follow any of Momoi's advice unless he wanted to accidentally poison you. He ends up going the easy route and finds those ready-made candy melts that he can just microwave and put into molds, but even that gets a little messed up when he winds up breaking half of them.
Midorima: Prior to his planned confession, he spent weeks watching video after video, tutorial after tutorial, just to learn the best method for chocolate making. The whole process ends up being harder than he initially thought, but the end result are halfway decent sweets that he seems proud to present to you. He even goes to slightly extra mile by finding a decorative bag to store them in.
Takao: The process of making chocolates is a complete mess. He doesn't know how to cook and even less so does he know how to create sweets. He ends up burning a lot of them, but doesn't want to waste the ones he's made already, so he eats them himself. Ends up getting violently sick from eating all the burnt chocolate and he looks physically ill when he hands you the measly good ones he's managed.
Murasakibara: He's always been good at making sweets and confectionaries, as it's a particular interest of his, so making the chocolates for Valentine's Day was never the problem. However, actually handing them over to you for a confession? He seems hesitant, not because he doesn't want you to have them, but because he's unsure how to do so without it being awkward.
Himuro: He's a bit stubborn when it comes to asking for help from people he knows are better at chocolate making, so he decides instead to follow a video step by step. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't have all the necessary equipment used in the video, so he spends a lot of time improvising. The chocolates end up actually coming out decent, but he's disappointed that they're not perfect.
Akashi: Chocolate making may be something he's not actually good at, as the kitchen is a disaster by the time he's through making the sweets. There's a cook standing with him in the kitchen, offering him pieces of advice, but he is constantly shutting them down and insistent that he can do it on his own. He brings the chocolates to his room that night so the chef can't switch them out for other ones.
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Let's Go Shopping!
Continued from:
It was kind of hard for Yukio to take Kise seriously given how arrogant and foolish the younger boy was on the daily. He would've assumed that Kise thought that he was the only special person around and no one else compared to him considering that he was a model who had a knack for copying others. But when Kise stared at him with a hopeful look in his golden eyes and said that he meant his words earlier, it was his turn to be taken aback.
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"Oh... Well then, sorry about earlier. I appreciate your words."
It was somewhat clear that Kise wanted to help him given his suggestions but Yukio didn't want Kise to make a big deal out of his hormonal fear given that it was really a touchy subject that made navigating life in the outside world somewhat difficult...
If he did ever get a chance to meet a female bodybuilder, his brain would surely fail to function given that most of the females he encountered were physically pretty and delicate.
"Oh, a friend huh? The last time I ever saw any girl like that would probably be my cousin I mentioned..." He spoke with a somber tone. The look in his eyes brightened a bit the moment he realized he had to grapple with the fact his childhood friend, Kai, turned out to be a girl. He wasn't going to talk about it to Kise though. It was quite a personal and sad story about how she had to be forced to live her life as a boy for 16 years.
"...I guess that'll work." After all, he had to deal with Shirakami every day and he couldn't be a stuttering mess around her forever. Maybe he could also try talking to Kai er, Kairi. She was practically family given that they grew up alongside each other and he had to accept the fact that she was really a female.
"Well... You're not what a real man should be like. You act like a whiny baby. ...Alright then."
He went into the dressing room, got changed, and looked at himself in the mirror. He felt stunned. He looked good. But he wanted a second opinion, so he got out of the dressing room and stood before Kise.
"How do I look?"
[ @sportbaes for Ryōta Kise! ]
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laceymorganwrites · 2 years
Calling you mommy for the first time
KnB edition:
when you´re pegging him
it´s your anniversary and he´s already comfortable subbing for you
he´s finally had enough of you begging him to do it, it annoys him
and he´s not a whiny bitch, he doesn´t go back on his words, he can easily take it
if you can take him he can take you
let´s just say he doesn´t stay that overconfident for long
but not because you´re so rough with him, quite the opposite actually
you´re so gentle with him it touches him to tears, he didn´t expect that
he genuinely never felt so loved, you´re taking your time with him, prepping him and actually making it feel good
he could cum from your fingers alone, he´s wondering how the hell you know exactly where his prostrate is
´mommy please, I´m ready´
when he cooks for you
he enjoys cooking overall, it calms him down while he can easily focus as well
and he´s super proud of all of his creations, liking to experiment with a few flavors and recipes
and it makes him so happy when you like it as well
loves cooking for you more than for anyone else
´do you like it, mommy?´
he always regards you with such cute puppy dogs eyes, always waiting for your approval
but he always gets it, he´s such a good boy for you
´of course I do. I like everything you make for me, baby´
when you praise him
this man honestly thought he was a sadistic control dom before he met you
but not only do you show him how touchstarved he really is, you also unlock his praise kink
Seijuro has so much pressure on his shoulders, but somehow you manage to make it all go away, he doesn´t break underneath it anymore
you force him to take breaks and help him out in private, reminding him of all of his successes, no matter how little they might be
be that a basketball match, managing to get out of bed, shower or get groceries, you always make sure he knows he´s appreciated and loved
´good job, baby´ you smile at him, gently stroking his hair
he looks up at you with such a proud and happy expression, it just makes you melt
´thank you, mommy´
during facesitting
out of everyone he probably has the biggest mommy kink since he´s a little
he just loves it when you take care of him, he can let out his inner child completely, you accept him just as he is
you never scold him for eating too much sweets or making a mess, instead you help him have a balanced diet and clean together with him
he was unsure about sex at first, just because he´s so big and doesn´t wanna hurt you, it took you guys a while to find positions that were comfortable for both of you
he has an oral fixation so eating you out is literally his favorite hobby
whenever he´s anxious he´ll just pull you over and have you sit on his face, that´s how it´s most comfortable for both of you
´mommy tastes so good´
literally gets so drunk of your pussy, won´t stop until you yell at him to, the best feeling to him is your shaking legs squeezing his head 
when you stroke his hair
he never thought you´d be dating, moreso that he´d ever fall in love with you
or anyone for that matter, he never thought he was deserving of it
you started out as friends, you noticed how he was always alone and one day you caught him crying and let him vent to you
ever since that day he comes to you whenever he has something on his mind, weighing him down
a deep friendship formed from this, but soon he became a bit too interested in you as a person, panicking a bit
but when you ask him out on a date he´s so relieved because he can finally place the feeling, it´s the first time he´s ever fallen in love
your relationship progresses slowly but that´s what makes it so deep and unwavering as well
one day you´re just cuddling and stroking his hair gently when he looks at you with a dreamy expression and that cute smile of his
´I´m so glad I met you, mommy´
when you edge him
he´s the best good boy out of all of them
wants to make you so proud of him
he´s super insecure in his skills in bed because he genuinely thinks he´s nothing special and barely average
but he makes up for it in endurance and stamina, so he´ll always tell you how you can use him however you like, until you´re completely satisfied when he can´t cum anymore
loves edge play the most because it tests his will, he will hold out on cumming until it hurts for you
the best part is following your orders, falling so safely in your arms, he just needs to listen and let go whenever you tell him
´I want you to cum with me, baby. Another round, will you be a good boy for me?´
´yes! I´ll be anything you want me to be, mommy´
when he service tops
confuses topping and domming for the longest fucking time
until you just yell at him how you wanna take care of him
he´s literally so touched at the sentiment and very willing to let you show him the reigns
doesn´t mind domming or subbing, he´s the perfect switch who will adjust to your every need
he doesn´t have a high libido himself but he´s always more than ready to satisfy you fully
it´s rare that he initiates but it mostly happens when he´s feeling very emotional, when he just can´t believe you´re really his
´I want to make you feel good today, mommy´
when he subs for the first time
he wasn´t really a dom before but because he doesn´t have a lot of sexual experience he´s mostly vanilla
he never really had the time or partner to try out anything new
but he sure likes it when you pamper him outside of the bedroom so when he brings up how he wants you to take control who are you to deny him
´you´re so eager, it´s cute~ don´t worry, mommy´ll take care of you´
he blushes so hard, he´s not used to using those terms in bed, he did think about calling you mistress or something along the lines just because you´re the perfect dom to him
I mean he watches way too much femdom porn so of course he wants to be a good slut for you
´I´ll be a good boy, mommy´
after he won a match
he has too much energy, literally too much
you have to stop him from  running you over most of the time cause he´s the type of person to jump hug you
´baby, calm down a bit´ you giggle, hugging him back and promptly being lifted up by him
´we won, mommy!´
he´s so euphoric and proud of himself and the team
you smile at him and kiss him, not caring if anyone else sees, it´s known you´re a couple at this point and nobody from the team minds so nobody else gets to gossip about you 
´that´s amazing, baby! you did so well´
calls you mommy to tease you
it´s still early in your relationship and he doesn´t think you have it in you to dom him
he caught Wakamatsu watching femdom porn the other day and made fun of him for it, but the concept doesn´t leave his mind
he´s in denial that he´d like it as well, because he does enjoy domming a lot. like a lot. mostly a very sadistic dom but can be gentle when in the right mood
he´s in a silly mood a lot where he just won´t stop talking and cracking stupid jokes, at the most inappropriate times
especially when you´re working
´aww am I being a bad boy, mommy?´
´yes you are, you fucking brat´ 
your voice is so deadpan, he doesn´t even have time to be embarrassed about how much he´s blushing right now
it doesn´t happen that he´s speechless
´will you punish me?´ his voice is quieter now, he hates to admit it but the thought of you putting him in his place turns him on a lot
´later if you can be fucking patient for once´
asks for it after discovering his kink
he always found women in control to be incredible endearing
you already had such a confident and strong personality, he fell for you incredibly fast
mostly because his friends set you two up and therefore it was pretty clear the relationship would last
he´s such a sweet and considerate boyfriend, falling in love more every day
and you two are always very open and direct about your needs and desires so it´s no surprise when he mentions the possibility of a mommy kink
´oh don´t worry, I´m into that, you can call me mommy, I´d like that´ you smile and watch his reaction
he´s so relieved that you don´t judge him for his preferences and gives you a  big hug
´you´re the best, mommy´
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