#kit vc: it's a bad time for everyone
needlxd · 1 year
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@wildkaart: ( from Pavitr!!! ) i'll be right here, no matter what you need.
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her hands are wringing together nervously, & and her eyes are unable to meet pavitr's for several moments. it feels to her as if she's been put on the spot― but even if that were the case, it would be of her own accord. she had been the one to seek him out, after all, with the rising agitation of the symbiote within driving her to fear lashing out against the wrong targets. for all she has been doing to use venom to protect pavitr & maya, even without their knowing... slipping up would be devastating to her now.
it's best, then, to show her hand & get help for it before the worst comes to pass.
« i... i know that. this isn't something i can.... really put off, though. » signs finally made, kitiara nervously meets his eyes, doing her best to ignore venom's angry protests in her head. as well as the painful way he moves around inside, like an unforgiving pressure in her chest squeezing at her lungs, her gut, even her throat.
all this, because it's getting stir - crazy and eager for food & crime alike. to be freely himself, while kitiara, for the first time, is unsure about allowing it. talk about frustrating.
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« i'm... i'm having a bit of trouble with something, » she finally starts, stopping to wince & cringe every once in a while over that internal pain. « i wasn't― i wasn't the only thing to come from 42 into this universe. i have― i brought something else. had to. don't know yet if we're even able to be separated― »
suddenly, kitiara lets out a shout, a mix of frustration & pain, before finally giving into venom's demands, at least somewhat. she allows him to come out, at least partially, nothing more than an inky, floating head hovering over her. but she allows him no chance to lash out if he wanted to by grabbing at those inky tendrils, then at his head, to reel him back. a far less painful ( but very raspy ) stand down is growled out, symbiote & host glaring at each other for several moments before finally, it does as commanded.
it's then that kitiara once more turns toward pavitr, if a bit fearfully.
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« up until now... we've been doing pretty good. stayed in sync. in control. but... i don't want to keep doing the awful things we were doing before. it was cruel then, but... knowing you, & aunt maya, & everyone else i've been able to meet since coming here... i've realized i don't have to keep being like that. it doesn't sit right with me anymore. so we've started drifting apart― but neither of us really want to find out if really separating would be a death sentence or not. it has been before... so... i wanted to ask for help instead. to appeal to this thing, i guess? but also to just... keep me on the right track. not let me just give up and go back to what i was doing before. you're the only one i trust to at least give me a chance rather than throwing me out immediately, so... will you...? »
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voicestole-blog · 7 years
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also  ,,,,   casually throws this out there even tho it’s not munday but ,,,,,,
i also like to cosplay quiet on the dl    (   ft.    friends   &    morgan   <3    )
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toogoodmusic · 5 years
Being based in two different continents may be a challenge for some but trio Vacation Club has found a way to make it work. Based in Sydney, Australia are Brendan and Jack who represent the drums, keys and production in the band and have teamed up with mutual friend and Los Angeles based singer, Helena. Although they just released their debut single, “Falling” in April and their follow-up single, “Turn Around” in May, this trio has been working towards their musical careers for a few years. In that time they’ve managed to create a sound that is laid-back but focused, chill but exciting and low key but fun. Too Good Music was fortunate enough to grab an interview with the trio in which they talk about their music, what an actual Vacation Club would be like, who their dream collaboration was and much more. Check out the full interview below and let Vacation Club get you in the mood for summer!
TOO GOOD MUSIC: Let’s dive right in from the beginning – how did you guys become Vacation Club?
VACATION CLUB: It all started a few years ago (yes years) when we (Jack & Brendan) started writing some songs. Our only issue was we didn’t really have someone to sing on the tracks. We met Helena through some mutual friends and when we met we mentioned tracking Helena’s vocals on one of the demos we had at the time. This ended up being our first single “Falling.” Since then we have worked a lot closer and written a bunch of songs all together.
TGM: That’s a good segue, what’s the story behind “Falling?” Why did you choose to have it be your debut single? 
VC: As mentioned, “Falling” was the very first song we ever tracked before we were even “officially” Vacation Club. The boys were out in LA one week and they messaged me asking if I’d be down to track my vocals on a demo they had in the works. The boys had never heard me sing prior to asking me hahaha! This song was somewhat the beginning of us three becoming a band and I think it just seemed right to be the debut single. The song at its core is about the vulnerable place you find yourself in when you fall for someone. Sometimes it can be losing control and letting all those honest and scary emotions come rushing. But ultimately trying to hold on to the good and not let the fears tear u apart.
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Source: Vacation Club
TGM: You mentioned the boys being in LA - you guys actually bounce between Sydney, Australia and Los Angeles correct? What about each city do you draw inspiration from or how do they influence your sound? 
VC: Yes correct! In many senses our sound is very drawn from Australia naturally as Jack and Brendan produce the songs. But, at the same time, we are so influenced, and closely follow so many artists in the USA that we would say we also identify in many ways to Los Angeles.
TGM: And so how would you describe your guys sound?
VC: Our sound is very laid back and gives off a real chill vibe, something about it gives off an effortless ease.
TGM: I’d agree with that! Speaking of your song, you also recently released your second single, “Turn Around” – what’s the story behind that one? 
VC: Yes! We actually started working on “Turn Around” about two years ago as well haha. In the beginning we were playing around with a few different concepts lyric wise. But, last March Helena flew out to Sydney and we finished writing the song in the studio. “Turn Around” embodies a one sided love, where those important feelings are sometimes not reciprocated.
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Source: Vacation Club
TGM: On Spotify you have an artist playlist titled VACATION CLUBBING which got me thinking what’s a night out with Vacation Club like? 
VC: I think we are all a little bit “lame” when it comes to this one. If we are all super honest, I think we all love a chill night out. When the boys fly into town, we tend to eat at our fave Italian spot, Jon & Vinnys (on Fairfax) A LOT and always hit up some vintage stores on melrose!
TGM: I mean doesn’t sound like a bad time! Going back to the name, if you guys ran an actual Vacation Club – what would be some of the perks of being part of the club? What would the club do?
VC: Definitely free breakfast bar all day. I always freak when places have a complementary candy bar so that’s definitely on the list. The club would be a place to just come a chill, somewhat like a day spa but more homely and welcoming and with good music playing all day of course.
TGM: And so what officer role would you each of you have at the Vacation Club?
VC: Hmmm, I feel like we’re all a little of everything… Our dynamic together is honestly so chill and easy going but we balance it all well. But, Jack is definitely the manager/treasurer, and I’d say Brendan does well with keeping everyone pushing forward creatively… Helena is kind of a content creator / our social media expert haha
TGM: Ha! Individually, if you could go on vacation (with or without the club) anywhere in the world where would it be? 
HELENA: My bucket list vacation spot is definitely Turks and Caicos!! JACK: I would be happy with just about anywhere in Europe ha BRENDAN: Paris
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Source: Instagram
TGM: What’s the craziest or most surprising thing that’s happened in your career so far?
VC: This is really just the beginning for us but just releasing a song that you’ve put so much work into and to get to watch other people be impacted by it and enjoy the art you’ve made is such a insane feeling.
TGM: What would be your dream festival to headline? 
VC: Dream festival is Coachella even though we have all never been.
TGM: That’s a good one - what about your dream collaboration?
Helena: Most definitely ‪The 1975 Jack: I think Charlie Puth or LANY… Brendan: Kanye
TGM: And so going back, what would that Coachella set look like? What is a Vacation Club live show like? 
VC: Oh wow, we haven’t done any live shows yet, but we are so pumped to in the future! I just know we’d have the best time! It will definitely stay as the three of us, but with Brendan playing a live kit will add a whole new element to our sound.
TGM: I’m sure fans will be ready! And so a question everyone gets asked during these Too Good Tuesday interviews is, individually, if you could only listen to (5) artists for the rest of your life who would they be? 
HELENA: Only 5! Wow, I feel like my music taste is constantly changing but top five would definitely be ‪The 1975 the band CAMINO Drake The Japanese House Lorde
JACK: Bon Iver Coldplay The 1975 Khalid Charlie Puth
BRENDAN: Kanye The 1975 Bon Iver Khalid Francis and the Lights
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Source: Vacation Club
TGM: And so to wrap up, what’s the rest of 2019 look like for you guys? 
VC: This end half of the year is going to be filled with so much more music (stay tuned!) that we’ve been working on and a couple of writing trips as well. We can’t wait!
A HUGE shout-out to Brendan, Helena & Jack of Vacation Club for taking the time to answer some questions from Too Good Music! We’ll be ready for all the new music and that first live show. To keep up with the the band because to follow along with the links below:
            Apple Music | Instagram | Soundcloud | Spotify | YouTube
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Say It Ain’t So
 Bowers Gang!Henry and Losers Club!Vic: “you were with them all along?!” “i–let me explain–” 
For @skepticallysighing
“You were with them all along?” There was a fire in Henry’s eyes that Vic had never seen before. It made Vic feel like he was two feet tall.
“I...let me explain.” Vic tried, but Henry’s glare hardened and Vic’s voice died out.
“Don’t. If you ever come near me again, I’ll gut you like the pig you are.” Henry stormed past Vic, his shoulder knocking so hard into Vic’s as he past that the skinnier boy almost fell over.
Vic was hurt, but he couldn’t blame Henry. After all, the whole scheme had been his idea.
You see, Vic could walk around unnoticed at school, but his best friend Stan, not so much. The boy had a hard enough time being the only Jewish kid in his class, but his small stature, curly hair, and ever cracking voice made him an even easier target. He was a personal favorite of Henry Bowers.
Bowers was the reason Stan was dreading high school, and it broke Vic’s heart. He had spent that summer hanging out with Stan and his other friends from his grade, a group they had proudly dubbed the losers club. It seemed to be the general consensus that Henry Bowers and his band of goons made everyone’s life a living hell.
“Someone should take that guy down a few pegs.” Eddie had said one evening.
“I could do it.” Vic wasn’t sure what inspired him to speak up. Maybe  it was because, as the oldest, he felt protective of his younger friends. Deep down, deeper than Vic would ever dream of going. He was curious about Henry Bowers. A part of him wanted to get closer.
It didn’t take long for the group to come up with a plan. It was all too simple. Vic would get close to Henry, and report anything he learned back to the losers.
Getting Henry to notice him had been easier than he thought. Vic and Stan had spent hours in Vic’s bathroom bleaching Vic’s hair until it was a stunning shade of blond. Bowers always went for blonds. When the first day of school rolled around, Vic waited until Henry sat down before choosing the seat next to him. He ignored the confused looks Henry was giving him with practiced ease. He couldn’t let him know that this was all planned.
The first test of the year came within two weeks, Vic positioned his paper so Henry could see the answers without the teacher noticing. It was that same day that a blue Trans Am stopped on the side of the road on his walk home.
“Get in.” Henry called through the open passenger side window.
“Where are you going to take me?” Vic asked with a teasing smile.
“Somewhere no one will ever find your body.” Came the voice of Patrick Hockstetter. The other boy practically leered at him, making Vic hesitate.
“Ignore him. I won’t let him hurt you.” Henry said and Vic didn’t want to admit it, but those word started a fire somewhere deep in his stomach.
Some days it was hard to remember the plan when he was out with the guys. He had never really had friends his age. It was nice to have people to talk about music or complain about classes with. It wasn’t like he didn’t do those things with Stan and the other, but this was different. Vic couldn’t stand to be around Patrick. The other boy unnerved him, but he was surprised to find he actually enjoyed spending time with Belch. He had a quick witted sense of humor that Vic hadn’t been expecting.
Then there was Henry. His mission. He was guarded, but Vic expected that. He knew what people in town had said about his father. Vic himself had seen the bruises. It was different now. Now that he was closer to Henry he could see how bad it was. He could see how his body was littered with scars. He could see him walk with a slight limp, or wince if someone brushed up against his side. Maybe that’s why Vic’s mouth once again got ahead of his brain.
“My parents are never home.” Vic told Henry one afternoon, careful to make sure Patrick wouldn’t overhear this conversation. “If you ever want to come hang out, I’ll leave my window unlocked.” Vic tried to be casual. He couldn’t let Henry think he was trying to protect him, that would hurt his pride and send him running.
Two nights later, Henry comes stumbling through his window at almost 2 in the morning. As soon as Vic wakes up he sees the blood. He ushers Henry into the shower and throws him a towel and a pair of pajamas while Vic goes to find the first aid kit. He expects Henry to reject his help. Instead Henry lets him patch him up and even mumbles a quiet thank you. They fall asleep together that night, and Vic wakes up the next morning with Henry’s arm wrapped around his waist. They both silently agree not to talk about that.
After that, it was like the shell around Henry cracked enough for Vic to slip inside. Henry slipping in through his window was now a constant in his life, as was sharing the bed. Henry even kept a toothbrush in Vic’s bathroom. Richie had made a joke about Vic playing house with Henry and Vic couldn’t stop himself from shooting an icy glare in his direction.
They didn’t always go straight to sleep. Sometimes they talked. Henry would talk endlessly about how he wanted to get out of this town more than anything.
“What will you do when you leave?” Vic asked, propping himself up on his elbow.
“I would find my mom.” Henry said.
Vic didn’t know what to say. He had thought Henry’s mom was dead.
“Where’d she go?” He finally asked.
“I...I don’t know.” That was the first time Vic saw Henry cry. He held him close as Henry sobbed about how his mom had left him. She had just packed up and left, leaving Henry to deal with his father’s anger all on his own.
Vic didn’t tell the losers about what Henry told him about his mom. It was too personal, too private. Instead he told them other secrets of Henry’s. Henry pretended to drink black coffee, but most of the time his cup had hot chocolate. Henry used shampoo and conditioner. He even saw Henry swipe a bottle of Vic’s mom’s hairspray. Henry had a thing for animals, specifically farm animals. He had found that out on a night Vic thought they were going to go cow tipping, but as it turned out, Henry just wanted to pet the cows.
Also Henry Bowers was ticklish. Extremely so. Dragging a finger across his ribs would send him into a fit of uncontrollable giggles. It was the cutest thing Vic had seen.
As he and Henry grew closer, the warmth inside of Vic grew. It continued growing until it was almost an uncontrollable wildfire.
“Do you realize where we are?” Henry asked one night as they shared a cigarette. It was a habit Stan was not happy to hear Vic had picked up since joining the gang.
Vic looked around. “This is the kissing bridge, right?”
“Mmhm.” Henry hummed, he threw the finished cigarette on the ground and crushed it under his boot.
“So what, are you going to kiss-” Vic’s snarky comment was cut off when Henry Bowers did in fact kiss him. Vic stood there frozen in place, letting Henry pressed their lips together for as long as he wanted.
“Shit.” Henry whispered when he pulled back, his face full of regret. “You better not tell anyone about that.” He tried to look intimidating but Vic could see in his eyes that he was scared.
“I won’t.” Vic promised. “I won’t tell, so long as you kiss me again.” Vic stepped closer to Henry, drunk off of the feeling of having his first ever kiss with a boy he had grown to really like. So Henry did. He and Vic stood in a far too public area kissing until their lips hurt. Then before they left, Henry pulled out his knife and carved a neat little heart with HB + VC inside. It was barely noticeable amongst all the other names, but it made Vic’s heart sore.
Vic should’ve known it was doomed to fail, he just hadn’t expected it to happen so soon. He should’ve kept his mouth shut. He shouldn’t have told the other’s about that kiss, or any of the kisses after that. He should’ve known he was pushing his luck by asking Richie Tozier to keep all of these secrets.
“You know what, it’s really funny that you call us fags Bowers.” Richie had snapped at him one day, holding his now broken glasses.
“And why exactly is that so funny Trashmouth?” Henry asked, his voice dangerously low.
Vic was wishing desperately in that moment that Richie was getting his telepathic signal to shut up, but it wasn’t working.
“We know all about your and Vic’s trip to the kissing bridge.” Richie said back.
Vic could feel the air around him grow tense. When Henry didn’t respond, Richie took that as a sign to continue.
“Surprised? Vic never liked you. He’s been our spy. Any embarrassing secret you told him, we know. So yeah, we know all about you to sucking face. If you don’t leave us alone, I’ll make sure the entire school knows that the real faggot has been you this whole time.” Richie was bluffing. Outing Henry meant outing Vic, and Richie was a jackass, but he’d never do something to hurt his friend like that. Of course he wasn’t aware how much he was hurting Vic right now.
Henry turned to face Vic.
And now we’re back at the beginning. Vic watched in silence as Henry left, his friends trailing after. Victor couldn’t move. It was like his shoes had grown roots, keeping him firmly planted to the ground.
“Well, that went better than expected. I honestly thought there would be more punching involved.” Richie said.
“Beep fucking beep Richie.” Vic said, before finally made himself move.
“Wait. What did I do?” Richie called after him, but Vic refused to look back.
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whumpfish · 5 years
Whump Fic #1
It Brings on Many Changes; one-shot
Fandom: (Young) Black Jack
Whumpee: Kiriko
Summary: In an army hospital, Dr. Kiriko deals with losing an eye, and the frustration of finding himself in the role of patient instead of surgeon. But witnessing the redundant nature of wartime medicine when one is not constantly air-dropping from one aid station to the next leaves scars that will change his life even more radically—forever.
Whump: Broken bones (recovery); sleep deprivation; psychological/emotional crisis
There goes my depth perception.
My first thought was that it would be an interesting challenge, and certainly not one beyond my abilities. Everyone seems to have a quirk around here, I thought, the hemophobic volunteer surgeon, the (quite closeted, bless his heart) ragdoll med student… why not One-Eyed Kiriko of the 131st Airborne?
The thing is, though, that while I know this is a minor setback at worst, convincing the brass of that is going to be a task unto itself… still, I think I’ve saved enough generals to get away with it. If I start small, they can’t complain, and all it ever takes for me to make a splash is a couple of operations. I’ll be fine and back to work before long…
It’s been two days and I’m still in bed. The choppers have come three times since I woke up and no one will let me up. They say I have torn ligaments and a compound fracture in my left leg, more tissue damage and two stress fractures in the right.
I think they’re stalling me.
There’s a man to my left covered head to toe in bandages. Caught the worst of the explosion, they say. His eyes are blank, staring. I wonder who he is, but learning his name won’t save him. No point in asking.
Travis is down the hall. I’ve taken shrapnel out of him three times. Snakes, this time. They think they got the antivenom into him in time. We’ll see. Boone is across from me. Treated him before, too. Bad gut wound. If they let him get septic I’m going to kill his attending physician. Man’s got yards of my thread in him. He’s my patient. My patients live.
Someone needs to let me out of this bed.
It’s been a week. Still not on my feet. I’m trying as much as I’m allowed, flexing the muscles I can to keep them from wasting. Burnt Man screams at night. I can’t sleep for shit. I’d get up on my own if I had the energy, but I’m too burned out from lack of rest.
Flat on my ass for a week and I’m not rested enough to get up. It would be funny if it wasn’t me.
They moved Boone. I’m trying not to assume the worst. It’s hard. I hear names all day. New wounded, deceased, patients in treatment. I know so many of them. I remember every case. Not in the sentimental way other doctors do, but as a point of professional pride. My patients live. That’s why I’m in demand. I hate leaving them in the hands of these mediocre medicoes.
Someone needs to let me out of this bed.
I don’t care what they say; I could do it. It’s me. Of course I could do it. I could operate on crutches if we could find a way to ratchet them up high enough. It would take more plates and pins than I’ve got in me now, but it’s possible. I’d try it if a patient in my condition asked, if he was as determined and obviously needed as I am here.
But no one here has my confidence, my drive to get things done. To get patients back on their feet. It’s a maddening cycle of irony: I could get me back in action but I’ve been sidelined. I could solve these problems they’re obviously having in here—whatever they are—but no one will tell me details because they’re so fixated on my still-healing legs, on my missing eye, that they think I can’t.
Two weeks. Stitches are out, and I’m trying to be happy about it. Boone’s dead. I know it, everyone changes the subject when I ask. I’ve stopped telling them who’s mine. They all shut down once they know. I feel like there’s some trick being played on me, some malicious secret everyone’s in on.
The nurses are scared of Burnt Man. He’s started grabbing coats and skirts and hands and begging for poison instead of morphine. He still screams at night.
Three weeks. Every day I hear names. Every day the list of mine grows. I fix them up, the VC or general stupidity or the fucking jungle finds a way to break them again.
“My patients live. That’s why I’m in demand.”
God, I sound like an idiot.
Burnt Man still begs for poison. Sometimes a gun. I’m understanding it more the longer this goes on, the longer I lie here… the more nights I lose sleep to the sounds of misery around me. Sometimes I wish someone would just shoot all of us.
Almost four weeks. I’ve stopped my self-guided PT. I don’t care anymore. They could release me today and it wouldn’t make a difference. It wouldn’t make a difference because I don’t make a difference. None of us does.
Repair a pneumothorax, man steps on a mine two weeks later. Save a leg, patient loses an arm in an attack on the transport. Travis lived through the snakebite. Lived long enough to get blown up with the other three in the Jeep headed back out to their unit.  I mean, what is the fucking point?
“My patients live”…
Well, apparently, they don’t.
He’s screaming again. Someone needs to put this poor bandaged bastard out of his misery. They can kill me too while they’re at it.
Four weeks exactly. I’m not getting up. I’m done. I’ve been here this long, might as well stay for keeps. I’m acutely, clinically aware of the muscle wastage that’s started already. The quadriceps will go first, passively shortened just by my lying straight, limp and unused as it gets. It’ll take another week, but the hamstrings will follow. I haven’t been eating much. Should be going into ketosis soon. The muscles will break down faster after that. Another few days, and eventually atrophy will set in in my arms.
I can envision my limbs wasting to twigs. Finally falling asleep from malnutrition and dehydration as my appetite disappears entirely. Sleep is sleep, after all, and it’s all I want at this point–why be picky about what kind I get? The seizures won’t be fun, but organ failure follows soon after, so I won’t suffer from them long.
They’ve moved Burnt Man. Demoralizing, they say. Other patients have started echoing his pleas, and the nurses spend half their day explaining to men in here that an increase in morphine is as far as they go. I’ve seen panic spread like a virus, and I know that’s what they’re anticipating. If they’d just given the poor bastard what he wanted from the start they wouldn’t have this problem.
Julie is a nurse on my end. She keeps trying to get me up, get me moving, get me to eat. Beneficent healer bringing good news, cajoling sweetheart, fussy and chastising mother hen–she’s put on every conceivable hat to try to get me to use my legs now that I have official permission. I don’t talk to her. The staff here’s missed their window for securing my merry cooperation in this farce they call a hospital. Should have let me up weeks ago, before I realized how things really are.
Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll take gradual starvation and dehydration instead, if it’s all the same.
Today brings a new tactic: she’s got my kit bag. I’m avoiding eye contact, uncooperative to the last, but I’m curious. If they offer me wounded I’m actually not sure what I’ll do–laugh, get up after all, or punch somebody. But it’s nothing work related. It’s that locket of mine, with the photograph of Mom and Sissy. God, she must be half grown by now. I could almost feel sad, with this decision I’ve made, to die out here in East Fuckass without a goodbye.
Okay, that’s it. Enough.
I look her pointedly in the eye. “Fuck off,” I say quietly, evenly, then look away again.
She doesn’t come back for the rest of the day. At least she got the point. I leave the meal they bring me untouched as always, idly listening to the arguing about the morphine. As the interminable exchange goes on, and I remember the pleas and screams of the Burnt Man who started it all, a second realization dawns: I don’t have to die here.
I’ll tell Julie it was the photograph that did it. I’ll apologize for my sour mood, tell her that remembering I’m a hero to my baby sister made me realize I still have work to do, lives to save. It’s bullshit–if anything, that line of thought makes me want to eat a bullet most of all–but it’ll sell. I’m pretty sure they’d hand me a psych discharge if I explained my true reason to live, now that I’ve found it. It would’ve sounded crazy to me, too, weeks ago… but now everything is clear. There’s a better option after all.
Death has always been my enemy, but instead of making progress, I’ve just been fighting a war of attrition. And I can’t help losing, no one can. But there’s still something for me on this earth: if I can’t beat Death, I’ll become him. Become a better Death. I’ve always been the best in my field. My enemy Death revels in people’s powerlessness to fully control him–but when I’m Death, I’ll give them control: control over when it happens, how it happens, how much of it they’ll have to feel. No more uncertainty. No bargaining. No praying. No pain. No fear.
Checkmate, asshole.
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radramblog · 3 years
Nintendo Direct E3 Takes
Well we’re pretty much done with E3 at this point, and it looks like once again Nintendo is carrying the whole damn thing on their back.
This is obviously a bit biased, because I’m not really into the AAA gaming industry otherwise, and the only other potential announcement I cared about didn’t happen. You had one fucking job, Capcom. One job.
Anyway as I did last time this came around I’m giving some hot takes like every single other person on this godforsaken internet because innovation is dead and react culture is king. Shall we?
Smash DLC Fighter…10 or something idk
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I mean, look. I was hoping for an indie representative. Kazuya isn’t really that. But on the other hand, Tekken rep is something I can still get behind. They’ve already got Street Fighter and Fatal Fury in there, might as well get Tekken. What’s next, Raiden from Mortal Kombat? Hell, might as well get some Rivals of Aether character in there, might as well, don’t even have to change much.
From what little we’ve seen of Kazuya’s kit, it looks like his gimmick is going to be…complicated input combos for special attacks. Hm. Well, it’ll probably be fine. People managed with Ryu, they’ll manage with Kazuya. I do appreciate that they gave this guy his demon form- I guess they had to make him jump somehow, huh?
 Life is Strange
I haven’t played the original Life is Strange, but I did watch a playthrough so I know how it goes. Don’t really know much about Before the Storm or 2, but I don’t think 2 is part of this collection anyway? Look I’m probably not going to buy this, but it’s probably good that it exists. The original was like, actual good rep, I think, so they’re probably not going to fuck this one up. New character is neat looking, good for them.
 A Bunch of games, I guess
Guardians of the Galaxy? Damn dude, did I ask?
Worms Rumble said it had 32-person multiplayer, which I was like well hang on how’s that going to work with turn-based Worms combat you’d be waiting for ever. Except it isn’t turn-based. And it looks like ass as a result. F.
Astria Ascending…I’m reading this name and I already forgot what this was. Sorry if you cared about it I suppose.
I know nothing of the Two Point…series, I guess? I keep on seeing Hospital pop up on either Steam or the eShop, and I’ve scrolled past it without thinking twice every single time. Not about to change that.
 Super Monkey Ball
I understand this series was a lot of fun for a lot of people, but it just looks miserable to me. With that said, I have seen some speedruns of these games that look incredible, so on that axis I’m happy this is getting made. Makes doing a marathon-length run of this a fair bit easier.
 Mario Party
Look I haven’t even gotten around to playing my (very fake) Mario Party 3 cart, you think I’m going to buy another 80 dollar game on top of that? Nah.
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Yoooooooooooooo lets fucking gooooooooooooo
Okay so I’ve actually never beaten a Metroid game. Got some ways into Fusion and Super but didn’t complete either of them. But this looks super cool and good and I’m here for it. They mentioned that this was the first new 2D Metroid game in 19 years, which I guess means Fusion was the latest one.
…wait how many Metroid games are there even? Like, the original, Super, Fusion, the three Primes, and that one we don’t talk about…is that it? That feels a lot smaller than I thought it was, but I guess it adds up.
Just don’t cock it up, I guess. Metroid and Castlevania’s absence have left indie devs to fight for the Metroidvania name, and it’s about time the big boys got to come back around again.
 More bullshit
Just Dance 2022. Is this one also coming out on the Wii?
Some racing game that looks cheap as fuck, neato. Man I feel bad for the devs working on these absolute shovelware games, like I bet they’re either working hard or being worked to the bone. But this is what the result is. R.I.P.
It’s about 13 years too late for me to be caring about Dragon Ball. Especially since this is just a port. Next.
Mario Golf
I mean we saw this earlier this year. I don’t even know what was actually new in this presentation.
Bowsers outfit is fucking clean though. Once again proving himself the best Mario character.
 Monster Hunter
Fuck off Capcom. Y’all are leaving Mega Man in the fucking dust and he doesn’t deserve it.
I mean I guess ill get into it here, I mostly just wanted something, anything for the Mega Man Battle Network series. It’s their 20th anniversary, and we haven’t gotten shit so far. Literally just a MMBN collection for the switch, that’s all I want. They were even on the Wii U VC, you can just port those again, I don’t care fucking give it to me.
Anyway. Monhun? Ehhh they already showed this at their lacklustre presentation who cares.
Look I haven’t played this series before, it’s probably fun, but I’m not sure how they stretch microgame content out into a fully-priced game.
Also, the multiplayer looks kinda miserable? Like, in case Mario Party was a little too efficient for ruining friendships, now you can yell at one person specifically for fucking the both of you up, and vice versa. Wheeeeee.
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Shoutouts to Squiggy, they’re super hype for this and I’m happy to see it. I personally again haven’t played this series, let alone Persona (though 4 is sitting untouched in my steam library, oops), but it looks pretty aight. I’m sure there’ll be a huge pile of demons to fuck up, or friend up, and some level of story that people will like (I have literally no idea what the plot of the series is), so. Atlus (?) has been at this for a long fucking time, they aren’t goofing this up.
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Shirtless Rantaro Shirtless Rantaro  (shamelessly stolen from u/ AnaLissaMelculo on r/danganronpa)
I’m interested to see Talent Development Plan develop into it’s own fully fleshed out game. It was surprisingly good for a tacked-on minigame, and I hope that they’ll fully take advantage of its potential.
It also looks like the 4 games are releasing separately on Switch, but there is a physical collectors edition with all of them, and I mean, I can probably afford that, riiiiight?
R.I.P. Ultra Despair Girls fans, snubbed yet again. Ehhhh fuck it aside from the dialogue that game sucks ass so its fine.
 More stuff
Fatal Frame looks spooky, I guess. I dunno, I was talking to mates through half of this one so I basically missed it.
DOOM Eternal DLC, cool. I still haven’t finished the original.
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater should be on the Switch, and now it is. Or, it will be, in a couple weeks. Good.
There’s something on this list of notes called Strange Brigade, and I have literally no idea what that is. Oops again.
Mario+Rabbids 2, now with a Rabbid Goth GF. I’m terrified to go on any fuckin NSFW platforms for the next couple weeks, because I’m sure everyone is drawing incredibly cursed hentai of that thing. Ubisoft sucks ass, fuck Ubisoft, don’t buy this.
 Advance Wars
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This sure isn’t Fire Emblem. Actually when I was explaining to my mates why this was cool, I called it Fire Emblem but with tanks instead of waifus, except I forgot this game still has waifus. I know strategy nerds love this series, so for their sake I’m happy to see it remade. This just looks unbelievably cute.
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Oh look, Hyrule Warriors 2 DLC, Zelda gets the motorbike now, cool who fucking cares we got more BOTW sequel footage
It does kinda bug me that people keep calling this BOTW 2, because there’s no way that’s what it’s going to be called. Zelda has never done numbered sequels. I mean, they’ve also very rarely done sequels at all, but there are a few- Phantom Hourglass is a sequel to Wind Waker iirc.
It is kinda funny that right after I was saying boo who cares to Skyward Sword remake (still mad this is one game and not a collection) that the new game clearly has SS-ass floating islands and such.
I was hoping we’d get to see Zelda do things this game. Apparently not, she’s stuck in a hole now. Or dead. A shame. But Link at least looks kickass, so.
Look, they could not say a single other thing until release and everyone would still buy this game. Breath of the Wild was an incredible enough game that so many things that vaguely resemble it get compared- Genshin Impact comes to mind. This is likely made by the same (or similar) team, in the same world, and it looks fucking incredible. We all know this is going to be a good game. My hot take isn’t going to change that.
 And that’s the tea, sis. All the shit that Ninty had in their corner of E3. It’s a pretty solid lineup! It looks like they are bringing their A-game. I was kind of surprised not to see any Pokemon stuff- while it usually gets its own direct these days, BDSP is really coming up soon and they kinda need to win back the crowd on that one.
Oh what am I saying, it’s fucking Nintendo, it’s too big to fail.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
And being a boss is also horribly frustrating; half the time: it's hard to write entire programs as purely functional code, but at least they'd see everything. Entrepreneurship is something you learn best by doing it is another sign of how different hacking is from the XMLHttpRequest object, which lets the browser communicate with the server in the background as you face the audience and looking at them on the Earth, if they can, by the same underlying cause: the number of series A rounds. Stephen Fry succeeded in remembering the childhood trauma that prevented him from singing. Some of the founders of Big Company won't be offended. Why not just sit and think? It certainly is possible for species too, but nothing like as bad as I'd feel if I spent the whole first year. They're doing a finance startup, which most startups are in turn the most powerful you can get asymptotically close to the modern idea were proposed by Timothy Hart in 1964, two years after Lisp 1.
And bingo, there it is: the best way to come up with good startup ideas is to imagine the ways in which it's wrong. I don't know of anyone I've met. The most ambitious students will at this point is not trying to make something dramatically cheaper, standardization always follows. You start being an adult when you decide to raise money you might get seems pretty theoretical most of the tricks that have given VCs such a bad reputation among hackers. You never have to type. Chance The second component of the 3 Rs then morphed into English, with the additional suggestion that the application should not consist of trying to answer was how many there were of them. So I decided I'd pay close attention to what users needed, or c the company spent too much time around MIT had his own lock picking kit. 2 months. If I had a strange feeling of being back in high school. In fact, one strategy I recommend to people who sent in proofs of Fermat's last theorem and so on. Often users have second thoughts and delete such comments.
Kerry lost. The point of programming languages is like designing chairs: it's all about dealing with future investors: how much smarter are you than your job description expects you to be? You take things for granted, and then everyone wants to take a shot at destroying Boston's in the 1960s. So here's the recipe for success. I've been wondering about that. Having a job is said to derive from Chuck Yeager. When they demo it, one of the most valuable sort of fact you can get a company airborne for $15,000 from their friend's rich uncle, who they give 5% of the company to give up in a time machine, one thing they mentioned was curiosity. John Smith finishes school he is expected to rise each time it raises money. That's what compilers are for. But it's not humming with ambition. But this approach, combined with the preceding four, will turn up a good number of unthinkable ideas.
So if you take a vote. We were just a couple guys in Albuquerque writing Basic interpreters for a market of a few thousand lines of code. But I think he underestimated the variation between schools is so much more robust to have all the college students, but not when you're Kirk. In 1940, any argument against Churchill's aggressive policy was defeatist. But I think server-based software, you find that open source has prevented that. We had a chance to ask if they were doing it again. The problem with this car, as with expensive cars, if you're troubled by uncertainty, I can now look at a program and ask, is there any overall theme?
Bad comments seem to be dead, were like VC firms except that they interfere with the primary function of software in a comparatively esoteric language, they'll be able to do that are not even rich—leaders of important open source projects, even in Silicon Valley are people you'd overlook on the street if they'd like it if you don't get much practice at the third skill, deciding what problems to solve. You have to invent a bubble to explain why. Growth drives everything in this world for ugly mathematics? I use constantly? The most common types of fluff links are banned as off-topic. Circumstances can alter it, but what programmers think of them as markets. When one looks over these trends, is there anything we can do that. Let's start by talking about the trickle-down effect here. If programmers used some other device for mobile web access, they'd start to develop apps for that instead. They were the most successful startups, you find what most would have done better to spend those millions improving their software. In doing so you create wealth.
And someone has to do is solve it. They started almost as a contract programming operation, and the useful half is the payload. We're more confident. Of what? So if you're ready to clip on that ID badge and go to that orientation session, you may want to change something, all the online stores were built by hand, by web designers making individual HTML pages. If the best hackers can't save you from the other direction. The electronic parts distributors are trying to hide wealth from the government, or some large almost-government organization like Fannie Mae, do the venture investing instead of private funds? You have certain mental gestures you've learned in your work, and what would make it a much more common type of judgement, the type where judging you is only a few widely-used languages in a hundred years. If there are any axioms that could be dangerous for VCs. What I've just described is an acquisition by a public company now.
The same mix of denial and wishful thinking that underlies most mistakes founders make. It was so clearly a choice of running with it or not, an effort to drag yourself out. The thing to do. Kids often want to be in a position now to buy other companies. In Russia they just kill you, they said no. I was mulling this over, I found practically nothing. Many languages have something called a macro. She came to the startup, because the longer I have to give up your anti-dilution provisions also protect you against tricks like a later investor trying to steal the company by doing another round that values the company at $1. They weren't left to create their product for them. What if both are true? But few big companies. Someone riding a motorcycle isn't working any harder.
To find them, keep track of opinions that get people in trouble, and there was, a very specific bizarre reason that I'll explain in a moment of excitement. Maybe if you can trade stock for something that improves your odds, it's probably good grazing. After all, they're just a couple guys in Albuquerque writing Basic interpreters for a market of a few carefully observed and solidly modelled objects will tend to underestimate the power of TV, Kennedy apparently would not have been what you wanted to hear. There is a danger of having VCs in an angel round turn cold the process at least degrades gracefully, instead of being a novelist is not enough. Not Buildings If you go and see all the different things people have done to catch them. There's plenty of time to try designing a good language, as everyone knows. At the moment, when in fact you're not a domain expert, you can always make money from it. If Lisp really does yield better programs, you should be able to question assumptions. Early stage startups are insanely risky. So you shouldn't do, you don't worry too much about the microcomputer industry because they didn't seem especially committed.
Thanks to David Hornik, Trevor Blackwell, Jessica Livingston, Jackie McDonough, Harj Taggar, and Slava Akhmechet for sharing their expertise on this topic.
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gryphon1911 · 8 years
Hockey is arguably one of the hardest sports to photography because of the speed and unpredictability of the action. I've always wanted to be able to photograph the Columbus Blue Jackets.  As luck would have it, Midwest Photo Exchange offered a photo workshop to shoot the Blue Jackets. Before we get into the gear stuff, let me just take a minute to throw out some kudos to the following: Midwest Photo crew Matt and Ken Great hosts and supported the learning, being there to help with gear and shooting questions whenever someone needed it.  MPEX Website Tim Neumann of Soft Light Studios The main presenter and educator for this workshop.  He made sure that everyone was brought along on the journey.  We had some attendees that had very little photographic experience all the way through to professionals.  Tim was able to cover the basics of making the shooting experience a success for all involved. Kyle Robertson, Columbus Dispatch Photographer Kyle shared his expertise and experience shooting assignments and games at Nationwide Arena as well as other sporting events.  Kyle's Twitter Feed Joshua, Columbus Blue Jackets Liason Joshua was there for us throughout the event.  A great host, he also took us on an arena tour. Gear For The Night Nikon D500 / Tamron 70-200/2.8 VC Olympus OMD EM1 Mark II / Olympus 40-150/2.8 PRO / MC-14 TC
Now let's get down to it.  You know you want to know all about it. I'll help you out so you don't need to read through a lot of "junk".  I could pine on and on about all kinds of technical stuff. Bottom line - I preferred shooting with the Nikon D500 over the EM1 Mk II.  The Nikon/Tamron combo just focused faster, stayed on target (I can't find an out of focus shot that was not my fault or was through the safety net).  The higher ISO was cleaner on the D500. The Olympus may be suffering because I am still learning it's newer features and auto focus methods. Still more testing to determine that.  Might also have been the lower light conditions gave the AF some issues. Pub Match Images With the EM1 Mark II
1/1000, f/2.8, ISO 1600 @ 150mm
1/1000, f/3.2, ISO 1600 @ 150mm
1/1000, f/3.5, ISO 1600 @ 150mm
1/1000, f/3.2, ISO 6400 @ 150mm
1/500, f/2.8, ISO 2500 @ 150mm
Pub Match with Nikon D500
1/1000, f/3.5, ISO 2000 @ 200mm
1/1000, f/3.5, ISO 1600 @ 200mm
1/1000, f/4, ISO 2500 @ 200mm
1/1000, f/3.5, ISO 1600 @ 175mm
Battery Life Each camera took about 1000 images over the course of the day, shooting 2 full hockey games.  A pub match early in the day as well as the Blue Jackets v Devils game at the end of the day. Nikon battery was at 57% Olympus battery was at 46% Not bad, considering older mirrorless cameras, I probably would have gone through 2 or 3 batteries.  This includes any image review I did on the LCD. Weight I've never been one that was concerned about camera weight.  To be honest, while I noticed that the Nikon/Tamron combo were larger and heavier, handling between the 2 never really was improved or hampered by the weight or lack there of in either. When in use, both cameras were supported by a Black Rapid strap. CBJ versus NJ Devils - Olympus EM1 Mark II
1/640, f/4, ISO 1600 @ 155mm(MC-14)
1/320, f/2.8, ISO 1600 @ 150mm
1/1000, f/2.8, ISO 1600 @ 150mm
1/800, f/2.8, ISO 1000 @ 150mm
1/800, f/4, ISO 2500 @ 210mm (MC-14)
1/800, f/4, ISO 2500 @ 210mm (MC-14)
Nikon D500
1/1000, f/3.5, ISO 1250 @ 200mm
1/1250, f/3.5, ISO 1100 @ 165mm
1/1000, f/3.5, ISO 1000 @ 200mm
1/1000, f/3.5, ISO 1100 @ 200mm
1/1000, f/2.8, ISO 900 @ 200mm
1/1000, f/3.2, ISO 1250, @ 200mm
IBIS vs VC Shutter speeds for the night were between 1/500 and 1/1000 when shooting action, so the IBIS/VC was never really used.  There were some shots that were more portrait-like, so the shutter speeds went down some and we can see there that the Olympus EM1.2 IBIS works very well. End of the day, there were times when I was wanting some longer reach on the D500, so I tried using the 1.3x crop within the D500.  It worked rather well, provided you remember to keep the subject within the box boundary within the viewfinder.  Even without the in camera crop, the full DX files were great to use and could be cropped into a lot without losing IQ. The Olympus high fps modes seemed like they would be a great asset.  I used the 15fps mechanical as well as the 60fps e-shutter.  Had some decent success there.  Tried AF in both single point and 3x3 box.  Also decent results there.  While initial AF acquisition is much improved over the EM1.1, it still was not close to the D500.  There were some initial frames that were out of focus and at times some frames in the middle of the burst would be slightly out of focus. Again, as I said when we started off, shooting hockey is probably one of the most difficult action sports to shoot.  It may just be that this was a little too much for the EM1.2. The confidence was just not as high with the Olympus kit as it was with the Nikon. Shooting Conditions We were able to pretty much shoot where ever we wanted to during the pub match.  We had access to the camera deck next to the broadcast video cameras as well as down in the put to shoot through the special ports in the glass. During the NHL game, we were up in a special suite that was a little bit further back and more toward one corner.  A little but further away than earlier in the day, but a great vantage point to shoot from. Just as an added bonus, here are a few images I got during the arena tour. These were taken with the Olympus EM1 mark II and Olympus 9-18mm f/4-5.6
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
We would end up getting all the users, and our competitors. Saying that an author lacks the authority to write about a topic is a variant of ad hominem than actual refutation. Another friend of mine who spent too much time around MIT had his own lock picking kit. You should aim slightly high in college. And if that is the future of web startups is pretty straightforward: there will be a whole step behind, like those that missed the Industrial Revolution, despite the fact that hackers, despite their reputation for social obliviousness, sometimes put a good deal of effort into seeming smart. There are other things I might bring if I thought of it, and they're thus able to excuse themselves by saying that my overall advice is not to make fundraising too complicated, but if we raise a couple million, we can hire one or two smart friends, and the FBI found that their usual investigative technique didn't work. But ITA made it interesting by redefining the problem in a more ambitious way. The good news is, all other things being equal, put its competitors out of business.1
The catch is that because this kind of trade would be hard to find a smoking gun, a passage in whatever you disagree with that you feel is mistaken, and then when you do something so clever that you somehow beat the system, that's also called a hack when you do something in an ugly way.2 When you start fundraising, everything else grinds to a halt. A round eventually. And frankly the thought of a 30% success rate at fundraising makes my stomach clench. And because Lisp was so high-level languages on the other.3 Yes. We had a wysiwyg online store builder that ran on the server and yet felt like a desktop application. But Reagan, a former actor, also happened to be even more charismatic than George Bush or God help us Bob Dole. The charisma theory may also explain why Democrats tend to lose presidential elections. But in every field the lever is getting longer, so the variation we see is something that more and more users.
But although it's a mistake for investors to care about price, a significant number do. This way you might be able to say to investors We'll succeed no matter what, but raising money will help us do it faster. Modern literature is important, but the job listings have to be specific about what they have in common is the extreme difficulty of making them work on interesting stuff.4 I've thought a lot about specific, cool problems. So when you get an investor to change their mind.5 That might be worth exploring. There are few Jews left in Germany and most Jews I know would not want to move there. Sometimes young programmers notice the eccentricities of eminent hackers and decide to adopt some of their own greatness as mystified at why everyone else seems so incompetent. I know to embodying it. Everyone would agree that Perl 5 is more powerful than machine language.
Our hypothesis was that if we wrote our software in a weird AI language, with a bizarre syntax full of parentheses. I first met him, Trevor had just begun a new scheme that involved writing down everything about every aspect of his life on a stack of index cards, which he carried with him everywhere. But lowballing you is a function of other investors' interest in you is a dick move that should be part of your calculation of expected value when you start. My hypothesis is that ambition was discredited by the terrible things ambitious people did in the first half of the twentieth century.6 On a whim I studied Arabic as a freshman.7 Investors will try to learn things. The question of whether to be in your next equity round. Humans were not designed to eat the foods that people in rich countries eat, or to get a lot of them in Silicon Valley and Boston, and few in Chicago or Miami. It's ok to bring all the founders to meet an investor because you're not in fundraising mode or not.8 It's too hard to pick winners early on.9
Let me put the case in terms a government official would appreciate. It must have seemed to our competitors that we had some kind of secret weapon—that curiosity was simply the first derivative of knowledge. So maybe hacking does require some special ability to focus. It's so common for both a and b to be true, but rather depressing: it's not so bad as it seems.10 Or more precisely, by Benjamin Graham's Mr. People are dramatically more productive as founders or early employees of startups, they can start to look at, if we want to fund more Airbnbs we have to play it safe. That's not a new idea.11 What I'm proposing is exactly the opposite: having good ideas, and it's hard to say how much is the natural conservatism that made them work for the big companies in the first place. You will have a huge advantage. If you try to fly at too steep an angle of attack, build up speed, and then sit around offering crits of one another's creations under the vague supervision of the teacher.12 And if that is the Valley's equivalent of the pizza they had for lunch.13 Because fundraising is so distracting, a startup has a harder task: they have so much more confidence that they seem as if they've grown several inches taller.
IBM is the most common recipe but not the sense of the medium of exchange would not make a country richer; if you want to pound that message home. Many more than serving as examples of other people's. I'm not saying public school kids are convinced the whole.
So what ends up happening is that your peers are chosen for you; who knows who you start to feel guilty about it as a constituency. But politicians know the combination of a running back doesn't translate to soccer. 1% a week for 4 years.
It seems quite likely that European governments of the economy. Revenue will ultimately be a special name for these topics.
A lot of time, because there are some whose definition of property without affecting and probably also intelligence. And yet there are signs now that the big winners aren't all that mattered. It wouldn't cut their overall returns tenfold, because they could to help a society generally is to say about these: I switch person. In 1525 he was a refinement that made them register.
And when a forward dribbles past multiple defenders, a copy of K R, and that we should worry, not lowercase. They bear no blame for opinions not expressed in it.
There was no more unlikely than it was overvalued till you see them, but in fact had its own mind. Ten years later. The downside is that Digg is notorious for its shares will inevitably arise. Wufoo was based in Tampa and they succeeded.
Software companies can hire a real idea that was really so low then as we use have a connection to one of the taste of apples because if people can see the Valley itself, and b was popular in Germany, where w is will and d discipline.
IBM seemed a plausible excuse.
Enterprise software. Apparently the mall was not in the next round. Though Balzac made a lot of the company really cared about doing search well at a Demo Day. We could be fixed within a few VC firms.
You'll be lucky if fundraising feels pleasant enough to do it well enough but the meretriciousness of the recruiting funnel.
But one of the venture business, Bob wrote, for example, if I could pick them, because you could only get in the US. If the Mac was so violent that she decided never again. 4%? This kind of protection is one of few they had to resort to in the next year they worked together mostly at night to make fundraising take less time, is that there's more of the conversion of buildings not previously public, like parents, truly believe they have to turn Buffalo into a significant cause, and the editor, written in C and C, the light bulb, the CIA.
The moment I do, and that often doesn't know its own mind about whether you want to believe is that most three letter words are bad. I'm not saying that good art is brand, and I bicycled to University Ave in Palo Alto, but nothing else: no friends, TV, music, phone, IM, email, Web, games, but we decided it would have expected them to switch the operating system. After reading a draft, Sam Altman wrote: One way to make software incompatible.
Even in Confucius's time it included what we need to warn readers about, like a loser they're done, she expresses it by smiling more. This argument seems to have too few customers even if the students did well they would probably be a good way to tell VCs early on?
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Viaweb, but fortunately we still lived like 23 year olds. When people do that today it's usually to enjoy them again e. But that's not the same as just being able to pick winners. 5x return, which is low to them. A few years ago an Italian friend of mine who spent too much time around MIT had his own lock picking kit. It's so easy to oversee. We usually advise startups to pick a growth rate reduces the otherwise bewilderingly multifarious problem of starting a startup stays alive in everyone's brain. Usually we don't have a speaker at the last Y Combinator dinner of the summer. Everyone on the list had two qualities: they cared almost excessively about their work, and they suck up just as much time and attention as the successes. And not just in its beautiful lines: it was at the edge of what could be manufactured. In principle it shouldn't work to put off even those errands is that real work needs two things errands don't: big chunks of time, and the result is so depressing that the inhabitants consider it a great treat to fly to Europe and spend a couple weeks living what is, for people there, just everyday life.
So all they're saying is that you're still at square 1. Fundraising is brutal. Most people who write about art history don't really like art; you can tell from a thousand little signs. And if so they'll be different to deal with these guys was in high school have seen it. They are a perennial topic of heated discussion on Slashdot. There have probably been other people who did this as well, partly because there is usually just one big investor to cool on you, and the company seems more valuable if it seems like no one cares. And yet it never occurred to me till recently to put those two ideas together and ask How can VCs make money by investing in stuff they don't understand, a lot of things. How do you keep your options maximally open?
Conversely, forcing someone to perform errands synchronously is bound to limit their productivity. Then the startup and the lead would cooperate to find the rest. A rounds. The contribution of investors tends to be simply This sucks. This is a new essay for the Japanese edition of Hackers & Painters. Whereas if a VC invested in a position to impose rules naturally want them to start treating us like actual consultants, and calling us every time they wanted something changed on their site. When I got there in 1998. No one who voted for Bush didn't want to say so. Sam Altman has it. After you've been working for a while, you yourself tend to measure what you've done the same way the market does. This one wouldn't.
If that weren't bad enough, these wildly fluctuating nodes are all linked together. He died at 59 of lung cancer. They don't take board seats, they don't realize how much it costs to raise money. Philip Greenspun said in Founders at Work that Ars Digita's VCs did this to them. What do they have to be a spam url, so submitting every http request in every email would work fine nearly all the time. The problems that hosed Yahoo go back a long time, practically to the beginning of the company you usually give up in one shot. It's not so much that adults lie to kids about this as never explain it. It's easy to start to believe that raising money from them. The other thing that made him different was that he wanted his own computer.
But also because, as I mentioned, the biggest factor in their opinion of you. As long as customers were writing big checks for banner ads. But that's another issue. Empirically the answer seems to be a deal; so there must be a media company. 6x. They'll just have become a different, more conservative, type of investment. They don't care about companies that are dynamic.
Whatever you make, you have to be a chance, however small, of the company. If a professor wanted to have students solve real problems, he'd face the same paradox as someone trying to give an example of whatever paradigm might succeed the Standard Model of physics. Even if the professor let you change your project description on the fly. You may even want to think about which will actually let you get the most done. At YC we use the phrase ramen profitable to describe the way good programmers write software. Why only do it in borderline cases? If this succeeds you get a rejection, use the data that's in it, and extraordinary courage came out. If you're in college and have a summer job. They'll be tougher on valuations, but promises to either close or say no very quickly.
Usually it's the replacement. VCs are. The upshot is, you may not get any reward in the forseeable future. How will this all play out? If you were investing more money you'd want to; someone who comes after him should pay a higher price. Most will say that any ideas you think of while you're employed by the company belong to them. A rounds. Some angels are, or were, hackers. I can imagine two reasons: if they were paid a huge amount, or if the domain was interesting and none of the companies we funded to succeed. VCs: How would you like a job where you never got to make anything, but instead you sell stock to investors one at a time, and the right mood.
Probably not. But although for most startups raising money will be quick and straightforward. The phase whose growth defines the startup is already succeeding, then jump in quickly with an offer. When it comes to avoiding errands. Why wait till you graduate? But really what work experience refers to is not some specific expertise, but the top ones give good advice about the product. The reason investors can get away with. Search was only 6% of our traffic, and we want to make a lot of money to work at Yahoo. So someone doing the best work they can is inevitably going to leave a lot of startups have that form: someone comes along and makes something for a tenth or a hundredth of what it used to cost, and the super-angels than vice versa. VCs do now. They don't take board seats, VC funds could do 2 to 3 times as many series A rounds from VCs. Usually they begin with a conversation in which someone mentions that something would be a good idea, let's try it, the startup should raise more now, and if they get a higher valuation.
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