#kitchen remodeling plans
Turn Your Vision into Reality: Pristine Construction Group's Tailored Kitchen Remodeling
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Experience the transformation of your kitchen with Pristine Construction Group's tailored remodeling services. Our team takes pride in understanding your unique vision and bringing it to life with meticulous attention to detail. From conceptualization to completion, we work closely with you to ensure that every aspect of your kitchen remodeling project reflects your style, preferences, and needs. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we turn your dreams into reality, creating a space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Trust Pristine Construction Group to deliver personalized solutions that elevate the heart of your home through innovative kitchen remodeling.
Pristine Construction Group 5146 Douglas Fir Rd #208, Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 8210070
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newdawnconstructionla · 3 months
Cabinet Renaissance: Navigating the Depths of Kitchen Remodeling
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In recent years, the sphere of kitchen remodeling has witnessed a substantial shift, with cabinets emerging as a significant focal point. This 'cabinet renaissance,' as it is now being referred to, combines a blend of aesthetic appeal and pragmatic functionality, and is beginning to redefine traditional kitchen spaces.
While the stylistic elements of cabinet design are crucial, equally important are the practical considerations of kitchen storage. Determining the ideal layout, material, and design to seamlessly blend with the overall kitchen theme, while also ensuring the space serves its practical purpose, involves a thorough understanding of various factors.
As this discussion unfolds, you may find yourself intrigued by the depth and complexity involved in what may initially seem like a simple aspect of kitchen remodeling.
Understanding Cabinet Styles and Aesthetics
To truly appreciate the impact of a kitchen remodel, it's essential to understand the various cabinet styles and aesthetics which can dramatically shape the overall look and feel of your space.
From traditional to modern designs, cabinets are the backbone of your kitchen's functionality and style. Traditional cabinets often feature intricate woodwork and a rich color palette, evoking a sense of warmth and classic elegance.
Contemporary cabinets, on the other hand, lean towards minimalistic designs with clean lines and neutral colors, offering a sleek and sophisticated appearance. Understanding these styles enables homeowners to make informed decisions, ensuring the final design resonates with their personal taste and lifestyle while also enhancing the kitchen's practicality and aesthetic appeal.
Practical Aspects of Kitchen Storage
When planning a kitchen remodel, considering the practical aspects of kitchen storage is paramount, as this not only influences the functionality of your space, but also its overall aesthetic appeal.
You should be able to easily access your items while maintaining a clean, uncluttered look. Consider the size and shape of your items; larger pots and pans may require deeper drawers while smaller utensils can be stored in shallower compartments. Opting for adjustable shelving offers flexibility to accommodate various items.
Corner cabinets can be maximized with carousels or pull-out systems. Don't overlook vertical spaces; installing wall-mounted racks or hooks can save countertop space. Lastly, ensure your storage solutions are durable and easy to clean, enhancing the longevity and maintenance of your new kitchen.
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beverlybuildersgroup · 7 months
Crafting Comfort: Changing Cooking Areas, Enhancing Lives
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In the world of home style and architecture, kitchen areas have actually progressed from simply functional areas to social hubs that mirror the homeowner's lifestyle. This transition is no plain coincidence, yet a reflection of transforming social mindsets and lifestyles. Kitchen remodeling not only brings aesthetic renovation but can additionally reconfigure daily regimens and regular interactions within a household. The idea of the 'heart of the home' has actually been boosted via cutting-edge layout principles, changing cooking areas right into multi-functional spaces where cooking merges with eating, interacting socially, and functioning.
The makeover of living rooms has an extensive influence on daily life, and the kitchen is no exception. Studies show that modifications in kitchen area design can considerably shape domestic routines, from food preparation to social dynamics. Therefore, recognizing the connection between physical space and way of living options is crucial for those aiming to renovate their cooking areas. This write-up will certainly check out the interesting partnership between kitchen remodeling and way of living transformation by first mapping the development of modern kitchen area styles and then analyzing their far-reaching effects on home practices.
Changing Rooms: The Surge of the Modern Kitchen area
The shift in social norms and preferences has resulted in a significant increase in modern kitchen areas, which has not only transformed food preparation areas but also had an extensive effect on way of living behaviors and patterns.
The gap between classical and modern kitchen areas has developed beyond plain aesthetic appeal or stylistic inclinations, now including elements of usefulness, efficiency, and comfort.
Contemporary kitchen areas focus on an open format that promotes interacting socially and offers adaptable room for diverse food preparation undertakings.
Cutting-edge home appliances such as fridges, ovens with innovative food preparation settings, and multi-purpose kitchen area islands have ended up being integral components of these changes.
Moreover, interest in ecological sustainability has actually caused the assimilation of energy-efficient tools within these spaces.
The evolution of the kitchen from a practical, separated space to a welcoming main center shows a significant shift in social mindsets in the direction of food preparation and dining.
Contemporary cooking areas strike a balance between promoting conviviality and maximizing functionality, functioning as inviting areas for family members to share meals and connect, while additionally providing structured rooms for cooking and cooking.
Moreover, sleek lines and minimal cabinet designs combined with bold color schemes have pertained to specify this brand-new age of kitchens-- embodying a sense of style that intertwines seamlessly with features.
By prioritizing current choices and needs while integrating innovative technology, contemporary kitchen remodeling personifies the prevailing patterns that specify modern-day living-- placing a strong emphasis on usefulness, combination, and social interaction.
A kitchen area improvement can considerably influence daily routines.
Reconfiguring the format and functions of a kitchen can exceptionally affect everyday routines, transforming the method dishes are prepared and consumed. This change is mostly attributed to 3 key variables: streamlined job procedures, enhanced social connections, and an even more pleasurable cooking experience.
Enhanced Work Space Effectiveness: A renovated cooking area commonly brings with it an enhanced workflow due to better-designed storage space spaces and strategically positioned home appliances. This enhances performance in meal prep work and clean-up processes, resulting in considerable time cost savings which can be rerouted in the direction of other individual or professional quests.
Enhanced Relationships: The modern cooking area's open layout urges greater social communication amongst those who live together. By allowing several tasks to occur at the same time, such as food preparation, dining, and conversing, the space promotes bonding and strengthens relationships among relatives and housemates.
Raised Meal Preparation Experience: Updated home appliances paired with aesthetic enhancements contribute to an elevated culinary experience promoting much healthier eating habits. Research study suggests that people are more likely to prepare meals at home in aesthetically appealing environments outfitted with contemporary comforts and features.
Purchasing a kitchen area remodel not only updates the physical space, but it likewise has a profound influence on your way of living. By creating an efficient office, it advertises a healthy and delightful culinary experience and brings about better nutritional options. In addition, the kitchen area ends up being a hub for interacting socially and fostering significant partnerships within the house, eventually improving the feeling of belonging and linking among members of the family and guests. This highlights the kitchen area's function beyond just an area for food preparation, but as a main area that sustains individual development and nurtures interpersonal links.
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Make Your Kitchen the Heart of Your Home with Power Builders Group's Kitchen Remodeling Services
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As the saying goes, the kitchen is the heart of the home. It's where families gather for meals, where friends catch up over drinks, and where memories are made. But if your current kitchen isn't exactly inspiring, it's easy to feel a little less than enthusiastic about spending time there. That's where Power Builders Group's kitchen remodeling services come in. Our team of creative and skilled professionals will work with you to bring your dream kitchen to life. From custom cabinets to modern appliances, we're dedicated to creating a unique space that reflects your personal style while also being functional and efficient. Say yes to a kitchen you can be proud of and let our team bring your dream kitchen to life!
Power Builders Group Inc Tarzana, CA 91356 (800) 3655969 https://powerbuildersgroupinc.com/ https://www.bing.com/maps?osid=ec4102bf-6895-478e-9e57-be1dc1e5db1f&cp=34.166434~-118.532996&lvl=16&pi=0&v=2&sV=2&form=S00027
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aconbuildersgroup · 9 months
The Do's and Don'ts of Kitchen Improvement: Mistakes to Avoid
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Embarking on a cooking area remodeling task can be both an interesting and complicated endeavor. The expectancy of changing an existing room into a desired culinary sanctuary is without a doubt stimulating, yet the prospective pitfalls that may develop throughout the process can present powerful difficulties. Browsing these difficulties needs careful planning, informed decision-making, and precise execution to ensure that the pictured outcomes are achieved without any substantial setbacks or unneeded expenditure.
Understandably, those who start such jobs aspire to produce rooms where they feel at home-- kitchen areas that not only offer useful objectives but likewise mirror their character and way of life choices. This desire for belonging unavoidably adds to the stress of making every style choice matter.
Subsequently, recognizing the do's as well as do n'ts comes to be crucial in preventing usual blunders throughout kitchen area renovation projects. This short article looks for to give thorough insights right into these critical elements with the purpose of directing homeowners towards achieving their wanted end results while staying clear of costly mistakes.
Browsing Common Mistakes in Residence Improvement Projects
In the labyrinthine trip of house improvement jobs, many usual mistakes commonly hide undetected, waiting to capture the negligent property owner in an internet of price overruns, organizing accidents, and unsuitable results.
Such dangers can come from a range of resources-- foolhardy layout choices; rash decision-making without adequate planning or research; disregarding to expect potential problems that may develop during the construction process; underestimation of essential sources such as time, cash, or products; or failure to safeguard trustworthy specialist aid when needed.
The intricacy of these projects necessitates careful navigation as well as meticulous interest in detail to avoid succumbing to these potential stumbling blocks.
At its core, successful kitchen area remodeling depends upon recognizing numerous vital concepts: practical budgeting as well as task timelines; thoughtful selection and arrangement of components and home appliances that harmoniously mix capability with aesthetics; cautious use of area while respecting building stability and comfort designs; adherence to relevant building ordinance as well as policies for safety compliance; a proactive analytic method that thinks about feasible hurdles before they show up.
Utilizing these guiding tenets not only aids in preventing common snags but additionally fosters a sense of achievement as well as belonging amongst property owners who can take pride in their successfully completed home enhancement venture.
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science70 · 5 months
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Dining area pictured in Planning & Remodeling Kitchens edited by Maureen Williams Zimmerman (Lane Publishing Co., 1976).
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rndbuilders · 10 months
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Husband & Wife Remodeling Duo 🤝🔨 Turning Ventura County Homes into Stunning Masterpieces. Contact us today to bring your vision to life! 🏡✨ www.rndbuildersinc.com 💻 / 818-510-1360 📱
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olsenmolly · 1 year
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Home Bar - Living Room A large, eclectic, open-concept living room with a bar and white walls is shown in the photograph.
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Do you ever do something that just leaves you going, “....why.” (at yourself!!) No? Just me? Okay then.
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Transform Your Kitchen: Expert Tips for a Smooth Remodel
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Creating a kitchen that marries style and function involves thoughtful planning and careful execution. Whether you’re embarking on a complete kitchen overhaul or making a few strategic updates, these expert tips will guide you through the process, ensuring a smooth remodel that enhances your home’s charm and value.
Planning Your Kitchen Remodel
The cornerstone of a successful kitchen remodel is meticulous planning. Start by outlining your needs and wants. Think about the layout, storage options, and overall flow. Compile a wishlist of features, such as an island, upgraded appliances, or more counter space. Setting a realistic budget is essential; it helps you prioritize and avoid overspending. Consulting with a professional designer can provide valuable insights and help you visualize the full potential of your space.
Design and Execution
With a solid plan in hand, shift your focus to design and execution. Choose materials that offer both beauty and durability. Opt for high-quality countertops, cabinetry, and flooring that match your style and stand up to daily use. Lighting is crucial in a kitchen remodel, enhancing both functionality and ambiance. Incorporate a blend of task, ambient, and accent lighting to create a well-lit, inviting space. Carefully select a color scheme that complements your home’s overall design while adding a fresh, modern touch.
Collaborating with Contractors
Working with experienced contractors is essential for a smooth remodeling journey. Clear communication is key; discuss your vision, expectations, and timeline in detail. Regular updates and site visits will keep you informed and allow you to address any issues promptly. A reputable contractor will efficiently manage the project, coordinating various trades to ensure timely completion. Trust their expertise while staying involved in decision-making to achieve the best results.
Kitchen remodeling can be an exciting yet challenging endeavor. By following these expert tips, you can navigate the process with confidence, creating a kitchen that perfectly suits your lifestyle and enhances your home’s value. The goal is to blend functionality with aesthetic appeal, resulting in a space you’ll love for years to come. If you need professional assistance, Avalon Studio Design Builder offers exceptional services to transform your dream kitchen into a reality.
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Upgrade Your Kitchen: Cabinet Replacement Essentials for Kitchen Remodeling
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The pursuit of an aesthetically pleasing and functional kitchen often leads homeowners to consider a major component of kitchen design - cabinet replacement. A kitchen remodeling project of this magnitude warrants careful consideration of numerous factors, from the choice of materials to the design aesthetics and the budgetary constraints.
While cabinet replacement seems straightforward, it is an intricate process that requires a thorough understanding of kitchen ergonomics, current design trends, and the varied options available in the market. As we embark on this detailed exploration, we'll equip you with the necessary knowledge for making an informed decision on replacing your kitchen cabinets, ultimately transforming your kitchen into a space that is both stylish and efficient.
Stay with us as we unravel the essentials of this pivotal aspect of kitchen remodeling.
Evaluating Your Kitchen Cabinetry Needs
Before embarking on a kitchen cabinet replacement project, it's crucial to meticulously assess your specific cabinetry needs to ensure that your new cabinets not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your kitchen but also serve their functional purpose effectively.
Start by considering the storage requirements for your kitchenware, utensils, and appliances. The cabinet design should offer an optimal organization solution, enabling easy access and efficient storage.
Keep in mind the kitchen's overall layout and the space available for new cabinets. The material, finish, and hardware of the cabinets should be chosen thoughtfully, keeping in mind the kitchen's existing decor and your budget.
Choosing the Right Replacement Cabinets
Navigating through the myriad options for kitchen cabinets can be overwhelming; however, by focusing on certain key factors such as quality, functionality, style, and budget, you can successfully select the ideal replacements that align with your needs and preferences.
When considering quality, look for cabinets constructed with solid wood, dovetail joinery, and full-extension drawer guides. Functionality-wise, assess your storage needs and choose cabinets offering optimum space utilization. Style is also crucial; the cabinets should complement your kitchen's overall aesthetic.
Lastly, balance these aspects with your budget. Remember, investing in high-quality cabinets can increase your property's value. Therefore, while it may seem expensive upfront, the long-term benefits can outweigh the initial cost.
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newdawnconstructionla · 5 months
Unlock the Art of Culinary Luxury: Discover Trendsetting Kitchen Remodeling with New Dawn Construction Los Angeles
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Embark on a journey of culinary indulgence with New Dawn Construction Los Angeles, where we redefine the heart of your home through our trendsetting kitchen remodeling services. Imagine a space where innovation meets elegance, transforming your kitchen into a haven of culinary luxury. Our expert team is dedicated to crafting kitchens that not only reflect your style but also enhance functionality.
From sleek modern designs to timeless classics, we pride ourselves on staying ahead of trends to bring you the latest in kitchen aesthetics. Immerse yourself in the possibilities of creative layouts, premium materials, and cutting-edge appliances, all meticulously curated to elevate your cooking experience.
At New Dawn Construction Los Angeles, we understand that your kitchen is more than just a space for meals; it's a reflection of your lifestyle. Let us unlock the art of culinary luxury in your home. Connect with us today, and let's turn your kitchen remodeling dreams into a stunning reality! New Dawn Construction Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA (818) 273-5120 Newdawnconstructionla.com https://goo.gl/maps/7JksS4LPd7xfKixY7
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beverlybuildersgroup · 8 months
Lasting Kitchen Area Improvement: Environment-friendly Solutions For Your Home
As the significance of sustainable living remains to increase, numerous home owners are seeking methods to redesign their homes in a fashion that is both eco-friendly and cosmetically pleasing.
In particular, kitchen area improvements have come into emphasis as a location where considerable adjustments can be made to lower ecological impact.
This article explores numerous environment-friendly options for cooking area makeover, giving viewers with functional steps towards developing a much more sustainable home.
From environmentally friendly products option to techniques for waste reduction and water conservation, this extensive guide supplies notified insights on how sustainability principles can be efficiently applied in the context of kitchen improvements.
The transition towards lasting living need not entail large sacrifices or extreme way of life changes.
As a matter of fact, it frequently entails making conscious decisions concerning sourcing and utilizing sources sensibly.
This aligns well with the contemporary need for conscious intake-- a principles that champs high quality over quantity and promotes the worth of items that last longer and do much less damage to the setting.
By embracing these concepts when remodeling one's kitchen area, property owners can attain attractive results while likewise contributing favorably in the direction of worldwide sustainability initiatives.
Eco-Friendly Products for Your Improvement
Including green products into kitchen remodeling designs substantially decreases ecological influence while offering a sustainable yet cosmetically pleasing living area. These materials, frequently stemmed from recycled or quickly sustainable sources, use an included layer of sturdiness and performance along with their ecological advantages.
Alternatives such as bamboo for kitchen cabinetry and flooring, quartz kitchen counters made from recycled glass, or in your area sourced rock all add to reducing carbon footprints and waste manufacturing throughout building. Moreover, devices that birth the Energy Celebrity label guarantee minimized energy consumption without jeopardizing performance.
The selection of eco-friendly materials also offers a distinct opportunity to create a distinctive design that mirrors a person's dedication to sustainability. For instance, reclaimed wood can add a rustic charm while recycled metal provides an industrial vibe. Low-VOC (Volatile Organic Substances) paints not just secure indoor air quality but likewise come in different shades to match any kind of wanted aesthetic. Additionally, LED lighting alternatives are a lot more energy-efficient than typical bulbs and supply myriad options for establishing the mood in the kitchen area room.
Inevitably, these environment-friendly services cultivate a sense of gratification by creating shared value-- they improve way of living while contributing in the direction of global sustainability initiatives.
Methods for Decreasing Waste and Conserving Water
Embracing strategies to decrease waste and conserve water can make a huge difference in maintaining our valuable earth, transforming a normal food preparation area right into a green giant. It's vital to comprehend that the kitchen area, being one of one of the most made use of areas in a home, has substantial potential for waste generation and water use. Consequently, using sustainable practices supplies not simply environmental benefits however also substantial cost savings on utility costs with time.
1. Compost Your Cooking Area Waste: Composting organic kitchen area waste like veggie peels, coffee grounds, and eggshells minimizes the amount of garbage that winds up in garbage dumps while providing nutrient-rich soil for your garden.
2. Mount Water-Saving Devices: Going with energy-efficient appliances such as low-flow taps and dish washers with 'Eco' setups can considerably lower water consumption.
3. Execute a Recycling System: Having actually clearly identified reusing bins urges much better waste partition, making sure recyclable materials are properly refined rather than winding up in landfills.
By integrating these strategies into everyday routines, homeowners can add dramatically to international preservation efforts while growing a healthier living setting at home. In addition, embracing these eco-friendly options allows people to become part of a neighborhood devoted to protecting the earth-- fulfilling their subconscious wish for belonging whilst making substantial strides in the direction of sustainability.
Verdict Finally, the pursuit of sustainable kitchen makeover is not simply an aesthetic venture however a significant payment in the direction of ecological conservation.
The consolidation of green products and waste decrease techniques works as a testimony to humanity's capability to innovate in harmony with nature.
This worthy effort belongs to planting seeds for future generations-- while delighting in the fruits it bears currently.
Thus, every house owner ought to consider these green solutions in their quest for home renovation, inevitably promoting a much healthier world.
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What Design Trends Should I Take Into Consideration For My Cooking Area Improvement Job?
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The layout trends of the kitchen, typically described as the 'heart of the house', remain to advance with time. Present designs not only prioritize functionality but likewise reflect individual aesthetic appeals as well as integrate ingenious innovations.
With a variety of choices offered in the marketplace, from open shelving principles to smart home appliances, it is essential for homeowners preparing a cooking area renovating task to remain educated concerning these developments. Understanding these trends can assist in driving choices in the direction of creating a cooking area that not only serves its function successfully but also resonates with one's way of living as well as taste.
Furthermore, renovating jobs are significant endeavor that requires mindful factors to consider as well as planning. The selection process needs to include a comprehensive analysis of each trend's values against usefulness, longevity, as well as cost-effectiveness.
A well-executed kitchen remodeling has the potential to boost daily life by boosting workflow performance and elevating general appearances while adding significant value to your property. Involving these existing layout trends will guarantee your new kitchen straightens flawlessly with the modern way of living while still preserving a classic allure that assures fulfillment for years to come.
Checking Out Present Designs for Your Food Preparation Room Restoration
Exploring the most recent design trends for a cooking area improvement job can revive the cooking space, creating a motivating and useful environment that harmoniously blends with the total aesthetic of your residence.
The expedition of contemporary designs is essential to make sure the updated kitchen not only meets functional needs but likewise offers aesthetic pleasure.
Contemporary patterns emphasize on open space designs, minimalistic styles with tidy lines, as well as including natural elements such as wood or stone.
Modern devices integrated seamlessly into cabinetry offer modern convenience while maintaining an uncluttered look.
One noteworthy fad penetrating current cooking area designs is sustainability, mirrored both in material selection and energy-efficient home appliances.
Reclaimed materials like salvaged wood or recycled glass tiles include a one-of-a-kind character while lowering environmental effects.
Power reliable home appliances paired with LED light alternatives add to reduced energy use, aligning with eco-conscious values.
Furthermore, personalization plays a considerable function in today's cooking area renovation jobs.
Custom-made storage remedies customized to specific needs advertise efficient use of the room as well as contribute to a streamlined aesthetic.
These present trends supply rich opportunities for property owners seeking to craft kitchen areas that resonate deeply with their way of living while cultivating a sense of belonging within their space.
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aconbuildersgroup · 9 months
Reasons Why You Should Consider Kitchen Remodeling With Acon Builders Group
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Your kitchen is the heart of your home, and it is where you spend a lot of your time cooking, eating, and socializing with your family and friends. However, if your kitchen is outdated, cramped, or lacks functionality, it may be time for a renovation. At Acon Builders Group, we take pride in helping homeowners enhance their kitchens with our professional remodeling services. Our team of experts can work with you to design and build your dream kitchen that is modern, stylish, and functional. From new cabinets and countertops to lighting and flooring, our kitchen remodeling services will not only improve the aesthetics of your space but also increase your home's value. Don't settle for a subpar kitchen when you can trust Acon Builders Group to transform it into a beautiful, functional space that you will love for years to come.
Acon Builders Group 169 E Flagler St floor 14 unit 1438, Miami, FL 33131 (305) 7711133
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queenerdloser · 2 months
i picked an apartment (NOT the church remodel one lmao) and signed my lease and i have a car now so most of what was stressing me out this month is now wrapped up, which explains why my body decided i had Done Enough and gave me a head cold to force me to rest in bed.
#liveblogging life#i got sick literally the same day i signed my lease lmao#also like. i still havent told the church remodel i'm not planning to go with them#BUT they havent really reached out to me about the lease i was supposed to sign within 48hrs?#kind of curious what will happen if i just straight up ghost them but i think i'll reach out tomorrow#theoretically i think im supposed to pay an admin fee but uh. kind of dont want to lmao#idk i've kind of second-guessed myself a couple of times bc the apt i picked is a little dingier than the church remodel one#and i keep thinking about the fucking STAIRS....#but it's definitely cheaper and it has nice big windows and so much closet space. and it just feels like it utilizes its sq footage better#also the area is definitely closer to a lot of things and just kind of easier to navigate to some essential places#only a 20m bus ride to work! how nice is that!!!#no pet rent a cheap parking rate/month... yeah i AM happy with it#i just wish i wasn't stuck with sad gray carpet and kind of outdated kitchen appliances lmao#also the countertop is so depressing... i really want to do something to it but apparently peel & stick is a bad idea for kitchens??#and i'll have to figure out what to do with the blinds... tbh i fucking hate blinds lmao#i finally found a 3d virtual tour of the exact unit i'm renting thank god bc none of hte pictures on the site were accurate#and i was having trouble visualizing the space for where to put stuff#also you can measure shit on this map thing??? super useful lmao
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