sweetpolyamoris · 7 years
OH! Does anyone have links to guides for Episode 36 and 37? I’m behind because I hate playing without having absolute certainty that I’ll get the illustrations.
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sweeteliteguides · 6 years
Sweet Elite — Chapter 1 Guide
Layout based on @kizmetcandy‘s episode guides.
Negative affinity result: - Neutral affinity result: / Positive affinity result: +
Illustrations: There are 4 illustrations, you’ll need to replay 4 times to collect them all. The illustration you get depends on who’s your highest Infinity. If you have more than one person with the same amount of Infinity, it’s decided alphabetically. You can see who your highest Infinity is by looking at the purple bar at the top of the screen. (View illustrations here.)
Energy cost: 56
Bookworm — End your first day at Arlington studying with Tadashi and Alistair instead of having fun with the other students.
Where to find characters during the objective ‘Talk to some students.’
Alistair + Tadashi - Main Hallway
Neha - Cafeteria
Tegan - Classroom 2
Raquel - Second Hallway
Ellie - Classroom 1
Claire - Garden
Tadashi - Main Hallway
(Side with Alistair)  + (- with Tadashi)
(Side with Tadashi)  - (+ with Tadashi)
(Leave without saying anything)  /
It’s okay... it’s easy for me to pass unnoticed.
Oh come on, I doubt that.  /
It’s easy to miss you if you squat in the corner like that, it doesn’t mean you’re unnoticeable, though.  +
...  -
Nice to meet you, Scholar! I’m Ellie Collins, president of the robotics club.
Robots... So you’re in the Pure and Applied Science department?  /
A robotics club?! Think it might be possible for me to join?  +
Robots... Yeah, that’s too nerdy for my tastes.  -
In any case, I really should get back to finishing this, but you’re welcome to stick around and watch if you want.
(Stay and watch)  /
(Say goodbye and leave)  /
Gah! You scared me...!  /
Jesus! Do you just walk into strangers’ rooms like you own the place all the time?!  -
W-what? Oh, nothing. I just thought the room would be more... extravagant.  +
...  /
Get over it, it’s just a shirt.  -
Why don’t you try washing it with baking soda?  +
(Moving as if on auto mode, I took a step back and then used my leg to kick it as hard as I could, back to its owner.)  +
(Startled, I had just enough time to move my hands and catch it.)  /
(Quickly, I moved to the side just in time for the ball to go flying past me.)  -
(Side with Alistair)  - (+ with Alistair)
(Side with Tadashi)  + (- with Alistair)
(Leave without saying anything)  /
(Leave without saying anything else.)  /
...Are you wearing mismatched socks?  +
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taylormiharu · 3 years
Quick update
So for the next couple of days you'll see 5 posts per day from me.
1 per HSL episode, in their own tags so the MCL tag wont get flooded, however, I'll be making a masterlist post after all of them are posted for easy access, which I'll pin (for a while anyway).
In these posts I'll give you an estimate around how much AP you will need for the episode and how much Gold.
It's strictly cost only, I won't be making walktrhoughs of the episodes. In case you need one, you can find older guides floating around Tumblr by Kizmetcandy and Sakurina. Those guides are accurate when it comes to the dialogue and correct answers, only the cost differs, which I'll be providing for all HSL episodes.
0 notes
mcl-pauly · 7 years
My Candy Love - Episode 37 Guide
-      Negative result for LOM /     Neutral result for LOM +     Positive result for LOM
This guide is based on Kizmetcandy’s guides.
If an answer does not have -, /, or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result
LOM : Love’O’Meter; Low LOM is around 75 points or lower. High LOM is 75 and over.
Action Points : 300-500 Action Points depending on how lucky you are on finding people within the episode.
Illustrations : There are 4 Illustrations in total. One illustration with Rosa, one with Kentin, one with Armin and Alexy and one with Evan. Illustration is based on outfit choice (except for Rosalya’s) and dialogue choices. Two episode replays are needed to get all Illustrations.
Auntie : Found during the objective : “Go to the bus stop to meet Armin and Alexy.” (when leaving to go to the Moondance club). She can be found at the Park. The gift is a purse.
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*Sources : (1) (2)
Hidden Items
If you tell the truth to your mom when asking to go to the Moodance club, she’ll give you a hair accessory. (hard to trigger ? don’t go to your room directly after going home from shopping, mom should appear in the living room)
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Kentin Outfit $285 Armin/Alexy Outfit $290 Evan Outfit $290
Rosalya’s earrings (optional) $15 Movie tickets (optional) $20 Bus tickets $10x2
A.  “I’m spending the evening with a friend. Big hugs.” / or + with Nathaniel
B.  “Thinking of you. Have a good evening. Kisses.” / or + with Lysander
C.  “My friend Lucy is sleeping over. I would have preferred if it was you...” / or + with Castiel
A.  I'm going to get a chocolate crepe. /
B.  I'm going to get a grilled cheese. /
C.  I'm going to grab a soda.
A.  (Sit next to Castiel.)
B.  (Sit next to Nathaniel.)
C.  (Sit next to Lysander.) 
D.  (Sit next to Armin.)
(see here for the outfits choices mess)
A.  (Ask Rosalya.) (Towards outfit for Kentin's Illustration ?) /
B.  (Ask Alexy.)  (Towards the outfits for Armin and Alexy's/Evan's Illustration ?) /
A.  Good evening. /
B.  Hey. / (Armin and Alexy's Illustration)
C.  Hello ! 
Uhh, do we know each other ?
A.  Not yet... / (Armin and Alexy's Illustration)
B.  I don’t think so.
C.  Uhh n-no...
A.  I look forward to learning more about him. /
B.  I don’t really know what to think of him right now. -
C.  Well, he’s nice to Alexy and Armin. +
Which one do you prefer ?
A.  I want to see “Farlo”. / or +
B.  I love science-fiction !
C.  I think I’d rather see the comedy.
Two tickets, that’ll be $20, please.
A.  (I paid for our tickets.) / or +
B.  (I paid for my ticket.)
C.  (I looked at Nathaniel without knowing what to do.) / or +
A.  This is cool. We’re pratically the only ones here ! / or +
B.  Weird, there’s only one person.
C.  Oh no... the movie theater is empty.
I’m not sure he’s going to be very receptive to your remarks.
A.  It’s still worth a shot. / or +
B.  What a pessimist !
C.  Maybe, but I don’t really have a choice. / or +
A.  I look forward to learning more about him. -
B.  I don’t really know what to think of him right now. / or +
C.  Well, he’s nice to Alexy and Armin. / or +
A.  Go Demon ! I’ll hold him back ! +
B.  You’re not afraid he will run off ?
C.  He looks happy to be here.
A.  You see, even your dog is making fun of you ! /
B.  You really should stop smoking.
C.  So, who’s the little girl now ? +
A.  Are you going to go to university ? -
B.  I don’t really see you going to university. +
C.  You don’t know yet ? /
Are you still playing the good samaritan ? Doesn't it tire you sometimes ?
A.  And you, aren't you sick of making fun of everyone ? /
B.  It's my Wonder Woman side, I can't help it. ? +
C.  None of your business. -
That’s even more ridiculous than I could have imagined.
A.  That’s mean, Castiel. -
B.  I think it’s more complicated than that. / or +
C.  True. / or +
A.  I look forward to learning more about him. -
B.  I don’t really know what to think of him right now. /
C.  Well, he’s nice to Alexy and Armin. +
It’s kind of like my secret garden.
A.  Weird place.
B.  This place is kind of like you. +
C.  It’s true that it’s nice. /
A.  A British rockband, Radiored. +
B.  An Argentinian band, Gitan Project.
C.  Cuban rap, Arishas. /
Is everything okay ?
A.  Yes, don't worry. It's nice of you to ask. +
B.  Everything's fine.
C.  Things would be better if I could find Kentin. /
A.  No, sorry. I think I have to go home.
B.  If you really want me to, I'll stay for one drink. /
Yeah, it's the perfect occasion to spend some time with Evan.
A.  It's a bit weird hanging out with him and his two brothers, when they've only met once before. Don't you think ?
B.  Great, sounds fun ! /
C.  What are you guys going to do ?
A.  “You’re welcome, it’s normal. Have a good night at Moondance.” /
B.  “I almost let the cat out of the bag. Let me know next time that I’m your alibi ! “ -
C.  “I don’t like lying, especially to your dad... Let me know next time.” /
A.  “I wouldn’t have done that if only you had kept me informed !” -
B.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know I was supposed to cover for you.” /
C.  (In the end, I decided to ignore his text and not reply.) /
Go on, I'm listening.
A.  Is there a problem ? /
B.  You're really going too far ! -
C.  I'm worried about you… /
A.  What do you think you’re doing, picking fights with strangers ? -
B.  I’m scared you’ll put yourself in danger... /
Why ?
A.  Your attitude has changed a lot since Evan came back. /
B.  I heard about what happened at the Moondance… /
C.  I don't think Evan is a good influence on you. /
A.  It is my business, I'm your girlfriend/friend ! -
B.  How can you say that ? / (Kentin’s illustration)
C.  You want us to leave you alone ? /
A.  Kentin…
B.  (I got close to him.) (Kentin’s illustration)
C.  (I can't believe he just said that.)
A.  Kentin, wait !!
B.  That’s it, get lost !
C.  (I watched him leave... A strong sensation of powerlessness in the pit of my stomach.) (Kentin’s illustration)
A.  (I can understand him, we know nothing about this Evan...) /
B.  (A bit hesitant, I leaned toward him and whispered...) +
C.  (I don’t understand him, Evan seems so nice...)
A.  (I can understand him, we know nothing about this Evan...) /
B.  (I don't understand, Evan seems really nice...) /
C.  (He must surely be having a hard time with what he's going through.) /
Yeah. It will be a nice occasion to get to know Evan a little better.
A.  That’s a bit of an odd hang out when it’s only been the second time you meet, don’t you think ?
B.  Good thinking ! It’s going to be nice. /
C.  What are you going to do ? /
I’m reading a book on learning how to code.
A.  What’s that for ?
B.  Great ! +
C.  That must be interesting. /
That’s one of my options, yeah.
A.  I’m sure you will get there.
B.  You’re so passionate... +
C.  Isn’t that a bit tough to get into ?
A.  Are things going any better with your parents ? +
B.  Well, you did kind of deserve it...
I’m really disappointed in Kentin. I didn’t think he was so easily swayed.
A.  It’s mostly Evan’s fault...
B.  Me neither...
C.  There’s got to be some explanation... /
If I end up at the cops again, this won't do. I'm telling you !
A.  Of course not. Everything will be fine ! / (Armin and Alexy's Illustration)
B.  (I roll my eyes, exasperated.)
C.  Oh mercy no...
A.  No, sorry. I think I have to go home. /
B.  If you really want me to, I'll stay for one drink. /
A.  What is she doing ? She's crazy !
B.  I love this girl. / (Rosalya’s Illustration)
C.  Delanay was going to pick me !
Me too. She's awesome.
A.  It is really ridiculous, all of this for a piece of latex…
B.  I wouldn't have dared... / (Rosalya’s Illustration)
C.  How is she that confident ?
A.  That’s a bit of an odd hang out when it’s only been the second time you meet, don’t you think ? /
B.  Great, that seems fun ! /
C.  What are you guys going to do ? /
This consultation will only cost you $500! That's a friend's discount !
A.  In your dreams, Alexy. +
B.  WHAT ?! /
C.  You think that's funny ?
You look like a high schooler, that's what's wrong !
A.  That's true...- with Armin
B.  Stop fighting, you two ! /
C.  Shut up ! - with Armin and Alexy
You looked lost in your thoughts... Am I bothering you ?
A.  Yeah, a little. I have to go back in. -
B.  No, not at all. It's nice to see you. +
C.  No, no, don't worry. /
Alexy told me he loved vintage stuff and Armin took an interest for my superhero shirts.
A.  What did you bring me ? +
B.  I'm sure they will love it. /
C.  Oh, so you're giving them your old stuff... That's nice. -
A.  Now do you see what your idiocies have done? (Evan’s Illustration) 
B.  I hope you're proud of yourself ! -
C.  All of this is your fault ! -
A.  Thanks again for earlier. /
B.  By the way, why did you volunteer to do the demonstration ? -
C.  That science class was very interesting… +
I hope Charlotte is having such a hard time since changing high schools... She at least deserves that.
A.  I still hate the fact that she was never punished for all of it… /
B.  Maybe, but Iris should have been more careful. -
C.  Do you think we will ever see her again one day ? +
A.  (Buy the earrings for Rosa.) +
B.  (Don't do anything.)
That's really not smart.
A.  True, it's not real clever. +
B.  Someone's being a bit bitter. -
C.  That's not at all the Kentin I know. /
They are all so beautiful !
A.  I trust you on that. +
B.  Are you sure ? -
C.  Okay, let’s go see. /
These shorts are so cute !
A.  Oh yeah, you think so ? It's just an old thing... /
B.  It looks good on you, you should keep it. +
It's really nice of you to have let me come over. I know I kind of invited myself…
A.  I'm starting to get used to it. -
B.  You're always welcome here, you know. +
C.  What did you want to talk about ? /
A.  That's really not cool for you to have to go through that. /
B.  Did you try talking to your mom about it ? +
C.  After all, you kind of do the same thing, don't you ? -
Maybe I should talk to her about it, But I don’t really know how to...
A.  If I were you, I would be honest and direct with her. -
B.  Try to be understanding. +
C.  Maybe you could talk to your dad about it ? -
That's also why I haven't talked to my mom... I feel a bit stupid to comment on her situation when I'm doing the same thing.
A.  It's not the same. +
B.  It's true, it is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black… -
I'm hesitating on whether or not I should just hide in the locker room until tonight. To escape all of this...
A.  I don't think that's a good idea, Iris. /
B.  Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit ? -
C.  Can I come with? +
I wonder how Ms. Delanay took it...
A.  She must be turning green ! - with Melody, / with Violette  
B.  From what I saw, she's not taking it well. + with Violette and Melody
C.  I don't think she has a say in it... /
So, in my point of view, it's only been somewhat informative.
A.  I'm sorry... +
B.  I don't know if it's the school's role to be so... Comprehensive. -
You could say that...
A.  Where are you going ? -
B.  Are you waiting on someone ? /
C.  Can I walk with you ? /
No problem, I have what you would call a "date".
A.  Is it someone I know ? /
B.  Oh cool ! /
C.  With a boy or a girl ? -
What is SHE doing here ??
A.  It's none of your business, Amber. - with Nathaniel
B.  Hmm, okay I'm going to go. Thanks anyway Nath. + with Nathaniel
C.  Amber, have you seen Kentin ? /
Speaking of, Kentin isn't here today ?
A.  No, I don't know where he is… /
B.  What observation skills ! +
C.  What does it matter to you ? -
Who's the older guy who hangs with Kentin and the twins ?
A.  It's Alexy and Armin's brother.
B.  It's Kentin's friend. /
C.  It's none of your business. -
Ms. Delanay
Okay. HIV, Herpes, what else ?
A.  (I raised my hand to answer.) /
B.  (I prefer not to say anything.) /
A.  Hepatitis A ? /
B.  Hepatitis B ? / (correct answer) 
C.  Mono ? /
Mr. Faraize
A.  I don't know, sorry... /
B.  The final exams.  /
C.  The current chapter. /
A.  (Lie.) /
B.  (Tell the truth.) / (Towards Hidden Gift) 
Kentin’s father
A.  You must be mistaken, Sir. /
B.  Okay, I'll give him the message. /
C.  T-tonight...? /
Or at the cinema, or both, I don’t remember exactly.
A.  I didn’t plan to see Kentin tonight.
B.  Ah yes, I had forgotten. /
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mysugarcandies · 7 years
I totally understand waiting for @kizmetcandy to make a guide (trust me: I’m awful at choosing the right dialogue) but sometimes it’s more fun to just go in blind, like the good old days.
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melodyalanaroster · 7 years
As Usual With The Episodes...
I will not be playing Episode 35 until @kizmetcandy has her guide up!
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mclussie · 7 years
I got tagged by @shion-mcl thanks fam ♥
Rules: pick 9 characters (from any media) you relate to and tag 9 people
1) Valancy Stirling’s personality and imaginativeness from The Blue Castle
2) Usagi’s kindness and love of food from Sailor Moon
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3) Meghan’s commitment to her brother from The Iron King
4) Ahn Min Hyuk’s mental breakdowns from Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
5) Sheldon’s introvertism from The Big Bang Theory
6) Maurice Moss’s lack of social skills from The IT Crowd
7) Tatiana’s pride from Eugene Onegin
8) Elizabeth’s wittiness from Pride and Prejudice
9) Bridget Jones’ clumsiness and devotion from Bridget Jones’s Diary
It’s kinda cliché and nothing special but that’s all I got rn. I can’t tag 9 people because I simply don’t know 9 people, but let’s give it a try
@impqueengames @kizmetcandy @airheadcandy @mcldrabblesforyou @mcl-ceri-mccarthy @sailorfailures Seems like I’m also a rulebreaker ;) 
Also, feel free to tag yourself if you want to.
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lulucutie12 · 8 years
Get to know moi
Got tagged by @judalswife
*Rules: Must tag 9 other people (shit)
*Relationship Status: Unrequited, but we’re going to hang out by ourselves soon, so we’ll see what happens
*Favorite Color: The most girly shade of pink you can imagine
*Pets: I used to have a savannah cat named Mina
*Last song I listened to: “How Far I’ll Go” from Moana
*Favorite TV show: Sense8 on Netflix. Message me if you ever wanna talk about it
*First Fandom: Ghost Hunt
*Books: There’s a lot, but I’m currently obsessed with “We Are The Ants” and “Beauty Queens”
Well here we go, @eleore @fatedsong @fyeah-ghosthunt @lulucutie12 (that’s one just my other account) @kizmetcandy @orulyon-sama @everythingghosthunt @witchhuntress @theotomereview
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mclsecretsanta · 9 years
Hi! It appears that I haven't received a gift yet from the Secret Santa. Are there still things coming in?
I believe so, yes. I’m waiting on some people to finish their gifts and send them in. 
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mcl-pauly · 7 years
My Candy Love - Episode 35 Guide
-      Negative result for LOM /      Neutral result for LOM +     Positive result for LOM
This guide is based on Kizmetcandy’s guides.
LOM : Love’O’Meter; Low LOM is around 75 points or lower. High LOM is 75 and over.
Action Points : 500-700 Action Points depending on how lucky you are on finding people within the episode.
Illustrations : There are 5 Illustrations in total. One Illustration with each boy. Illustration is based on outfit choice and one dialogue choice except for Armin’s Illustration where you just have to choose the right outfit. Four episode replays are needed to get all Illustrations.
Auntie : Found during the objective : “Go back to the high school.” (For the first night meeting at the school Garden). She can be found at the Cafe or at the Dollar Shop/Shops. The gift is a Polaroid Camera.
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*I had to translate some dialogues from french to english because I didn’t know what was the official english translation for them.
**Sources : (1) (2) (3) (4)
Hidden Items
Objective : “Open the box”.
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Objective : “Move away from the Park”. It can be found at the Cafe under the cafe sign.
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Objective : “Intercept the culprit !” pick up the earring.
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Lysander Outfit $185 Armin/Castiel Outfit $200 Nathaniel/Kentin Outfit $205
A.  (I started yelling.) - with Charlotte
B.  (Without thinking, I jumped on the silhouette.) - with Charlotte (bigger drop)
A.  Do you think she's hurting because you no longer live with her ? +
B.  Do you know if, by chance, she's the type of person that goes onto dating sites ? /
C.  It's about time she grows up, she's pathetic. -
She usually never goes out, she's a real house cat. I spent an hour looking for her. I was so scared something might happen to her.
A.  Oh, I see... I would have done the same. +
B.  I was really scared without you, you know...  /
C.  It couldn't have waited ? -
A.  (I just want to kiss him...) / (Nathaniel’s Illustration)
B.  (I could stay here staring deep into his eyes for hours...) /
C.  (I want to congratulate him as well. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to do it.) /
Mind your own business for once... Why do you even care ?
A.  It's not good for you… +
B.  It's against the rules ! -
C.  I don't actually... You're right. /
Are you going to report me to the principal ?
A.  Of course, I even carry a hidden camera to show to the principal. /
B.  You know I would never do that. -
C.  It depends... If I keep my mouth shut, what do I get ? +
They always have to show up at the wrong time, it’s crazy...
A.  I understand... If I had been in your place, I wouldn’t have been able to avoid them either. /
B.  I was really scared without you, you know... +
C.  You’re emancipated... Couldn’t you say you had something important to do ? -
A.  (I just want to kiss him...) / (Castiel’s Illustration)
B.  (I could stay here staring deep into his eyes for hours...) /
C.  (I want to congratulate him as well. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to do it.) /
I’m alright, I was just thinking... About my father.
A.  You must be so relieved that he’s doing better now. -
B.  Are you worried because Leigh and Rosa are going away for the weekend ? /
C.  Do you want me to come with you when you go visit him ? +
(if low LOM) Hmm ? Oh, hi Nickname.
A.  Rosa told me that her and Leigh were leaving this weekend, are you going with them ? -
B.  Rosa told me about your father getting better, that's great news ! - (bigger drop)
C.  You know, I still can't believe you came to Iris's party. +
(if high LOM) I’m alright, thank you.
A.  I heard that your father is getting better. You must be so relieved... -
B.  I heard that Rosa and Leigh were leaving this weekend. Are you gonna take some time for yourself too ? /
C. (I stared at him, trying to guess if behind this polite answer darker feelings were hidden.) +
I wasn’t able to avoid him, our conversation lasted too long.
A.  I understand... He’s your brother after all, that's legitimate. /
B.  I was really scared without you, you know... +
C.  Couldn’t you say you had something important to do ? He’s your brother, not your father... -
A.  (I just want to kiss him...) / (Lysander’s Illustration)
B.  (I could stay here staring deep into his eyes for hours...) /
C.  (I want to congratulate him as well. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to do it.) /
If I had been there, you can believe that I wouldn't have left them off the hook !
A.  I don't doubt that... Thanks for being on my side. +
B.  You wouldn't have been able to do much, you know... No one saw them do it... -
C.  It's crazy... We haven't spent a lot of time together lately but... I realize that I can always count on you. + (bigger increase)
Like you said. He was in a really really bad mood. It's been a while since he lectured me like that.
A.  I understand that you weren't able to go out... If I had been in your place, I wouldn't have been able to do much either. / or +
B.  I was scared without you, you know... +
C.  You could have at least snuck out after he went to bed ? -
A.  (I just want to kiss him...) / (Kentin’s Illustration)
B.  (I could stay here staring deep into his eyes for hours...) /
C.  (I want to congratulate him as well. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to do it.) /
A.  Hey ! You don’t need to get defensive, I didn’t do it on purpose. /
B.  What are you doing ? /
C.  If I had known that I was this scary before, I would have taken advantage to scare Amber. /
Well... It’s simple. We’re going to go.
A.  Excuse me ?! / with Armin, Castiel and Lysander, - with Nathaniel and Kentin, - with Armin if you’re dating Lysander
B.  There's nothing simple about that... + with Lysander, / with Nathaniel and Kentin, - with Armin and Castiel
C.  I was hoping you/someone would say that ! + with Armin, Castiel, Nathaniel and Kentin, / with Lysander
Yeah, but that means that everyone can see who you're talking and flirting with... Is it a polygamous app or what ?
A.  Yeah, it seems to be rehibition, indeed. /
B.  It's mostly for people who can live with it ! /
C.  I don't find that bad... It's a system that's based on popularity. +
Anyway, I gotta go now. Do you think you can manage without me ?
A.  Yeah, no worries ! /
B.  I'll try… +
C.  I think I can find someone to help me, don't worry. /
Well, it seemed like there was a lot going on in his head for a while, and he chose the wrong time to pour it all out…
A. I knew what he was feeling... It had to come out one day or another. /
B. I was scared without you, you know... +
C. You couldn't explain to him nicely that it was the wrong time ? /
A. Maybe you should give him some space ? He must need to be alone sometimes. +
B. You should talk to him about it, if it hurts you. /
C. He will surely get over it, you don't need to worry. -
To the beach. It's been a while, I need to see the water.
A.  Oh, I'm jealous... I would love to go to the beach with my sweetheart. /
B.  I wonder if one day I'll be able to go away for the weekend with my sweetheart... For now, it would be way too stressful. /
A.  Excuse me Rosa, but I have to go. /
B.  (Well, I'm not just going to leave Rosa stranded here. Something tells me she won't appreciate it much.) /
Hmm no, why ? Is there a problem ?
A. (I prefer to be honest, even if I can't tell them everything.) + with Rosalya and Alexy
B. (I prefer changing the subject.) -
C. (I prefer to lie.) /
We just got kicked out of class... I really didn't need that…
A.  (I have to reassure her, it's the best way to get back to where we were in our conversation.) /
B.  (I have to reassure her, make sure we're on the same wavelength. So that I can come back to the subject at hand more easily. ) +
A.  (After all, who cares...) +
B.  (No ! I want to keep it a secret !) /
A.  How old was he ? / with Iris, - with Armin
B.  He didn't go to Sweet Amoris then ? /
C.  What was his name ? / with Iris, + with Armin
A.  What are your thoughts on dating sites ? /
B.  How would you react if you found out that your boyfriend was two-timing you ? /
C.  What do you think of Iris ? /
Great. I feel like I'm going to have a good day.
A.  Can I know what’s making you so happy ? /
B.  You’re lucky... /
C.  Uh hum, me too... /
A.  Is that why you two were always sitting together ? -
B.  So... You did all of that for me ? +
C.  You really think that will calm her down once and for all ? /
A.  Did Amber stop bothering you ? /
B.  How are things with Samuel ? + (bigger increase)
C.  ... How are you ? +
A.  It won't happen again. /
B.  We just find it romantic to see each other at night... /
C.  Please don't tell dad... /
A.  I didn't do anything, I swear. Amber is the one who started it. /
B.  I have bad grades in art, is that it ? /
C.  No, I don't have anything to say. /
Nothing, Nothing... I'm just testing you.
A.  I'm not a freaking guinea pig ! (Automatic -)
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otomelavenderhaze · 7 years
Como você conseguiu a imagem do armin no ep 34? ;~; eu segui direitinho o guia da kizmetcandy e não consegui ;_;
O último diálogo é o determinante. Vc precisa apenas deitar na cama com ele pra se aconchegar e não dizer nada. Depois vai desbloquear o diálogo final e vc vai conseguir a imagem. Eu sempre sigo as respostas do Wikia respostas amor doce. Lá é 💯.
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melodyalanaroster · 8 years
Episode 34
Like with Episode 33, I’m gonna wait for @kizmetcandy to post the guide before I start playing....
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germandelights · 10 years
So I saw lots of peeps like, "how do I piss this guy off?"
KizmetCandy's guides are great, but when you feel the need to pick just negative answers the guides are even better because she let's you know which one is the negative answer. My Candy Love in REVERSE, YOU GUYS.
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kizmet-eldarya-blog · 10 years
Tumblr media
I believe I have it. Meet KizmetSoul. This is my new look on Eldarya. And I'm pretty happy with it. 
Also a note: This is my new blog that I'm dedicating to Eldarya. Let's see if I can do was well of a job on this blog as I am on my kizmetcandy. 
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