#klaine fanartists
datshitrandom · 1 year
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justgleekout | art twinkkurt | art blaintism | art ~ gifs ~ edits typewritingsquirrels | art warblercore | art quizasvivamos | art ~ manips caramelcoffeeaddict | manips catb0ycore | art endiness | gif na-page | gifs cryscendo || edits mynonah | art nancysgillians | edits daltonblaine | edits launching-a-thousand-ships | art expensivemistake | edits rumov | art murongfei | art riverance | art usurix | art gleefulpoppet | edits blurglesmurfklaine | art very-kurtious | art jazziergin | edits crayonstoperfume | edits gleek4life | gifs jazziergin | edits esilher | art carsonphillips | gifs datshitrandom | edits & manips & stuff? ~ cover arts
Not klaine exclusive benjamingates | edits porcelainvino | art mdverse | art gendergentle | art nancysgillians | edits tuiyla | edits backslashdelta | gifs ~ art
TAGS klaineedit klaine fanart klaine art klaine gifs
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bitbybitwrites · 11 months
xoxo MJ/kiwiana-writes
🎶 [Notes] Do you have any other WIP related things, like moodboards, character portraits, playlists or similar?
Yes! ( kind of long, so more info under the break)
I tend to write in Scrivener - which has this great notes section on the right hand side of where the body fo my text is kept. Lots of times when I go on "research rabbit holes" sometimes before I start writing or in the middle of writing (which is what happens more often 😂), I'll search out photos, music etc that make me think of the story or chapter. As I go I'll dump all these photos, links to inspirational items, etc there for easy access.
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Scrivener also has a great sections specifically for places and character and template pages to fill out for locations/characters that I've used in the past. It makes it all easy to jot down/collect all that info in one place. I can copy and past pictures in there really easy - so its kind of like a mood board/inspiration board. And I don't have to go to a whole other document to look for the pictures etc if I need it - its all right there in easy reach
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For my Klaine fic - If I Can Make Your Heart My Home:
A fic which involves a cello player and a baker, I've got a playlist on youtube comprised of mood music for chapters and actual music included in the fic:
Also because this fic involves A LOT of food, I started a recipe wrap up for readers that I try to update every 3 chapters or so which includes quotes where I mention items, and then the recipies for them:
I LOVE moodboards on fics. I'm paired up with a lovely and talented fanartist (@datshitrandom ) for the fic who did this gorgeous moodboard for a chapter where the characters met up in Central Park in the Fall.
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She also made the beautiful cover art for the fic which inspired the story in addition to a CD cover for my cello player and is creating a cookbook inspired by the fic - which I'm excited to see when its finished! 💖💖
For my Klaine fic, Sanctuary :
(which is a fantasy!AU involving a medieval prince and an elf) I have this lovely artwork by @datshitrandom that serves as the inspiration for the characters. The art came first, along with the prompt by @justgleekout. The story is currently on hold till I finished the monster of the previous fic I mentioned above 😂.
And I have 2 RWRB fics brewing at the moment.
Notes, research, chapters outlined . . but very little written so far for them (not enough to post at the moment) . . but both are inspired by fan artwork.
Shaken, Not Stirred - inspired by this sketch by @noodles-and-tea
Curently Unnamed RWRB historical fic - inspired by these portraits by @stormtrooperjeff17004
Thanks @kiwiana-writes 💖💖
If you want to play: Random WIP Game
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hkvoyage · 2 years
Fan Artwork
This is a reminder that if you want to use fan artwork in a post on any social media platform, you should either reblog the artist’s post or make sure you give them credit and link to the artists’s post.
It takes a lot of effort to create the artwork, whether it is an original sketch, photo manip, collage, or a photo/gif from a video. They deserve to have the credit. 
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Do you know of any Klaine gif makers now that Sal is taking a break? I’m sad there won’t be much Klaine content for awhile because most other gifs are for other ships and characters :/
i'm so sorry, anon, i don't follow that many gifmakers aside from sal, and all of the ones i know are either centered on the glee girls or just make gifs for the show as a whole. it's possible that some of the people who multiship kurt/blaine make klaine gifs, though i can't be sure bc i don't follow any of them.
but if any of my followers know any klaine gifmakers, please feel free to respond in the replies or reblog this with recommendations!!
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redheadgleek · 6 years
Dear Klaine/Glee fandom:
Can we please STOP taking other people’s fanart and reposting it? I don’t care that some of the art is years old and the artist has moved on to other fandoms (or left fandom entirely). I don’t care that you include a link to the artist’s tumblr (that doesn’t happen most of the time, which is even more infuriating). It’s not your creation. You are taking away that feedback of likes and reblog sand comments from those who worked hard on on that piece of art and you are removing the ability for fans to interact directly with the creators.
Fandom, can we be a little more aware of what we are reblogging and make sure that it isn’t stolen reposts?
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tattelatte · 4 years
truly one of the most iconic things about watching dimension 20′s the unsleeping city is going “why does that art style look so familiar wait is that kendra the klaine and sterek fanartist i used to follow in 2012”
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I would be interested in your Valentines challenge!!
sirenscallmeon said: Fjfjduuss I’m totally interested in a 14 day valentines day challenge!
somethingfishyfan said: I’m in!! Ty
lallagogo said: I just saw your Valentine Challenge.. can I jump in the ship as a fanartist pirate?
practicallyperfectpenguin said: I’d love to have a go at writing fanfics! This will be my first time ever, so I’d need guidance on how it all works. Thanks! CB
theballadofcarol said: Hi! I would be interested, but I’m not a “famous” fanfic writer, I have a few Klaine fics but never posted them (yet) so maybe this could be my chance to put me and my writing out there, is it ok?
Hey! ItsNotEasyBeingQueen here (still no Tumblr blog to my name). I can’t 100% guarantee it yet, but I should be a Go for the Val Day challenge. I wasn’t able to do the 2018 Advent, and I’d really like to make a run at Valentine’s. Thanks!!! :))
invisibleraven said: If you put together a Klaine/CC valentines fic event I am in!
That’s eight lovely participants so far - if we push it past 10, I’m a-runnin’ it! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Here’s the original post for info!
ETA: Add @roxymusicandlayers!
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hazelandglasz · 7 years
gleekto replied to your post: nadiacreek replied to your post: ...
I don’t know what non-klaine readership is as I only ever read klaine and even that it’s rare these days - but I love your blog. You add the best Jewish and Israel stuff to my dash!!
Klaine readership has dwindled considerably (even if some people stil write ahem ;)) and in other fandoms, I guess no one notices me? Which sounds incredibly conceited now that I see it, but I can’t help how I feel ...
I love bringing Jewish / Israeli stuff to your dash <3
I honestly don’t think I’ll just delete / archive this blog, but I’m starting to consider putting an end to my fanfic writer days ... As much as I love writing them
I honestly love fanfictions, I think it’s a brilliant form of creation, that has opened so many doors and still is damn useful
But clearly, fandom doesn’t have the same consideration for its fanfic writers than for its fanartists and since I can’t draw to save my life ...
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Klaine FanArtists...
THANK YOU so much for your talents and for sharing our mutual love of the boys with the fandom. I love seeing new (and old) depictions of our boys in love. You help this fandom stay alive.
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