klarolinepositivity · 2 years
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Announcing Klaroline Positivity Week!
Do you have a manip/gifset creator that you think is amazing, but you’ve never popped in their ask box to send them a little note? An author whose stories you devour over and over but haven’t gotten a chance to flail over? Or maybe you’re an artist or author who has a reviewer where every time you get that email/notification that they commented, it makes your day!
This February, we want to make sure that all of the artists, authors, and reviewers in the fandom get the appreciation they deserve. Here are some suggestions for things you can do to show how happy you are that people are keeping the fandom alive:
Send messages to your favorite creators and reviewers to show how much you appreciate their contributions.
Make art or gifsets based on fics you love.
Make fics or drabbles based on art you love.
Reblog your favorite creations to give them exposure.
Write fic or art reccommendation posts.
Anything else you can think of to show your appreciation!
Themed dates are as follows:
February 10: Gifmaker appreciation
February 11: Aesthetic/Manip appreciation
February 12: Fanfiction appreciation
February 13: Reviewer/Reblog Tagger/Reader appreciation
February 14: Free-for-all!
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s contributions and spreading the love around!
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bellemorte180 · 2 years
When @klarolinepositivity week was announced, I had plans. To which I changed and scrapped last minute because it didn't feel good enough. So, I intended to bomb as many people as possible with love. However, this week hit and it was a less than stellar one. I didn't have much time to reblog as many people as I wanted for the first two days and had intended to make more graphics to highlight fan fiction writers that I love and adore.
I had picked out several fics/authors to highlight but I only managed to make three. So below is a fic rec list for the other authors I picked and hopefully if I am feeling up to it, I can work on those graphics.
Are you even real? by @helpfulfairy
Waking up on the forest floor was not a new turn of events for Klaus. He lay there, eyes closed, feeling the sunlight dance across his skin, the breeze blowing through his hair. He sighed, he hadn’t felt this relaxed ever, and it was a delightful feeling. In his relaxation, his mind is drifting when he sees a woman.
Or the P&P au that we all deserved
Jessie, I hope you are doing well. I want you to know that I very much enjoy your writing and pure existence. You are the sweetest person who deserves the BEST things in life. This fic is a vampire Pride and Prejudice that consumes my soul. It is a beautiful work of art for being only two chapters in and I cannot wait to see where you take it.
Not All Guns and Roses by @recklessnesspersonified
A marriage of convenience among two rivals and friends with benefits. Will it end in roses or would it go up in flames. Mafia Au with arranged marriage. A little angst with a happy ending.
When I say this fic is perfection, I mean literal perfection. Mafia rivals and a badass Caroline is honestly beyond wonderful. This fic deserves all the love and so do you. I wavered between this fic and Forbidden because I love myself some Viking Klaus but I landed on this one because of you wrote Caroline. She is the perfect mafia Caroline that I want to see in my fics- ruthless. I'm completely honest when I say that I cannot wait to see what else you have in store for us.
Into Eternity by @morningstargirl666
One day, she shows up at his door, and despite her better judgement, Caroline Forbes starts a relationship with Klaus Mikaelson.
It’s not as easy as she thinks. But then she never asked for easy.
She asked for Klaus.
And she wouldn’t change a single thing.
First off, you made me cry today. Second, you really are a treasure. This is one of my favorite fics and you captured the "what could of been" so wonderfully. I know you have your big project in The Big Bad Wolf but I am curious as to what else you will grace this fandom with.
Stranger Things (Have Happened) by @princess-of-the-worlds
Detective Will Kinney is determined to expose Klaus Mikaelson as a mob boss by kidnapping his wife Caroline. Kinney just did not see this surprise coming.
It has been WEEKS since I've read this fic and it STILL has me chuckling. Like SERIOUSLY. Klaus getting that call about his wife being kidnapped and he is like "good luck with that" and hangs up is just hilarious.
I love a self-sufficient Caroline.
This fic has made me deep dive and binge a few of your Klaroline fics (also, scrolling past all the Torchwood has me curious) and while I LOVE them all, this one will always be my favorite. Please, keep writing for us.
The Witch Queen @galvanizedfriend
Caroline always knew she was different. She was keyed into her own otherness very early on. Strange things happened around the Forbes women. Her mother never really had to spell it out to her, give it a name. Caroline could always sort of feel it, and then at some point the feeling blossomed into comprehension, and comprehension hardened into fact. And with that came an altogether different kind of certainty: this was not a secret she'd be able to keep forever. One day, no matter how hard she tried to hide it, everyone would find out. And when they did, they would come for her.
Okay, so I wasn't sure if I wanted to highlight this or The Sound of Settling because I love them both (top two fav fics you've written) but chose this because I think more people need to know about it. You are a fantastic writer and such a sweet person. I really enjoy chatting with you and while I know you're busy at the moment with work and may not even see this, just know that I appreciate everything you do for the fandom.
The Raven Hunter by @lynyrdwrites
There is a killer hunting frat boys on campus. The Raven Hunter is a terrible name... not that Caroline has a reason to care or anything.
Sigh, so originally I was going to highlight the fic you wrote me (which I absolutely adore and have read more times than I should admit) but I came back to this one. This is a comfort fic of mine. It is one that I come to when I need something familiar and happy to come home to and the idea of serial killer Caroline is just up my alley.
I've read so many of your fics that I cannot get over them. Please please please keep blessing us with your writing.
Hallowed Ground by @kirythestitchwitch
Caroline's trip to Ireland was not going the way it was supposed to. She was expecting stories and myths, and instead finds that some legends are a lot more real than she could have imagined. And hot. Really hot.
I had NO IDEA what fic I was picking for you. Why? Because I love them all. I picked this one because I cannot get the idea of Caroline killing Damon in a church out of my mind. Perfection I tell you.
Now, I must praise your writing in general. Honestly, Kiry you are a gift. You're talented and a beautiful person inside and out and this fandom is SO lucky to have you.
burn your kingdom down @definedareasofuncertainty
When Caroline Forbes, the Wardeness of the North, decides to start a war against the King of the Seven Kingdoms, she finds an unlikely ally in the rightful heir to the throne.
I was torn between this fic and like a wedding dress needs dirt but my love for Game of Thrones won. This fic is STEAMING with passion, lust, and everyting I want in my fanfiction. Honestly, this is beautiful. The writing, as is everything you write, is spectacular. The yearing between them that they honestly did not want to admit to is just...perfect. Temporary ally my ass. While I suck at leaving my comments (I NEED to be better) I have to admit that you are honestly a fantastic writer and I have read almost all of your fics, and have loved everyone of them.
Acrimonious Accompaniment @supremeuppityone
This is a historical Regency human AU. It’s the day after Klaus and Caroline’s arranged marriage — and it’s just as uncomfortable as it is unconsummated. Or, how 2 stubborn people + misunderstandings = sexytimes.
Almost like everyone on this list, I pondered what fic I wanted to highlight. In the end, I went to my love of historical fics and chose the one you wrote for me. This is just beautiful with the PINING and miscommunication between Klaus and Caroline. You're writing has a light and humorous feel that brings me happiness to come back to when I need a pick-me-up.
This goes without saying but keep writing and bringing us all joy. (Also, your graphics are A+)
teeth in the grass by @little-miss-sunny-daisy
"Doors opening and shutting, footsteps in the hallway with no one around, things disappearing and reappearing around the house. That kind of thing.”
or: Caroline Forbes inherits her great-grandmother's house.
a southern gothic AU
Don't mind me. Just me sitting on pins and needles, waiting for this fic to grace my screen again. I yearn for this Kelly, but alas, you know this. As a pocket friend, I must say that not only do I enjoy your writing, but am so happy for you in every aspect of what is going on in your life. While I cannot wait for more of this fic (and from you in general) my eagerness to find out what haunts Caroline's home can wait.
A Union of Changes by @withyouandthemoon
To end a ten-year war between her coven and the vampires, Caroline had to marry the Original Hybrid Klaus in order to seal a deal of truce. With wedding preparations on the surface and wicked shenanigans brewing underneath, it was a life-changing time for the small-town witch. On top of it all, she had to deal with the unbidden charms of her top enemy, as well as her own unexpected attraction towards him. When dangerous schemes involving arrows and spells followed the wedding bells, what would become of the newlyweds?
GIRL, this WORLD BUILDING is god-tear. Like really, you built an entire fucking Harry Potter-esc type work and delivered some of the best smut I've ever read. Like holy shit. My never ending screaming over this will not end because I just want MORE. I will take this with greedy hands and run HAPPILY into the gates of hell. Please note that ALL of that is a compliment.
Cafune by @destellolunar
The hunter's curse has taken over. The hallucinations become more and more prominent as Klaus wonders if the girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes is real or if he has already completely lost his mind.
Or, Klaus finally finds his soulmate after centuries.
Oh Sabrina, I know that I praised you yesterday for your graphic making abilities but I would be missing a massive opportunity to show case this beauty. You have a gift for words and I whole heartily mean that. If you ever feel the need to have someone cheer you up, come knock on my door because you are so talented in more ways than one that I will be more than happy to sing your praises, over and over.
All I Need by @euvixen
In which I vaguely follow TVD canon and write the soulmate/werewolf mating AU which absolutely no one asked for.
The one in which Klaus finds his soulmate, gets bitten, hides his mating mark from her and waits for the day she'll let him give her one back. Fluffy, mildly angsty slow burn with possible super hot hybrid smut in later chapters.
Maddie, I do not know what is better, the sex or the lead up to the sex. Because HOLY SHIT this fic is hot. I did almost pick Could I Choose You but changed my mind and went with the first fic of course I've ever read. Honestly, you might be the best smut writer in the fandom and I love you for it. I still can't get over that you run Klarolinelookalikes.
Okay- so thats the end of my fic rec. I could have went on and on and on and on because there are so many people in this fandom that are beautiful and wonderful but I had to stop somewhere. When making this list, I had intended to grace all of you with beautiful graphics for your fics- but as you can see, that was ambitious and time was not on my side. Just know that I love all these fics and writers whole heartedly and I thank you ALL for being in this fandom.
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morningstargirl666 · 2 years
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The Howling by @bellemorte180​​
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
They just knew the moment their eyes locked and suddenly the full moon made sense. No longer was Caroline going to have to suffer through a heat with no partner to calm that urge; having refused to take another to her bed since the incident. No longer was she going to have to run wild through the woods, searching for the other half that was to belong to her; only to come up empty. Caroline always knew that one day she would find her mate.
She just never thought it would be Klaus Mikaelson.
Read it here.
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targaryenkaz · 2 years
@klarolinepositivity is such a lovely idea and gives me the opportunity to thank pretty much everyone who reblogs/reads my work. i get kinda shy about messaging people directly (idk why i’m not even that shy) but it always means the world to know people enjoy what you write!
the biggest of thank you’s to @recyclingss and @diaz-eddie - cannot explain how helpful they’ve both been, whether they know it or not, in boosting my confidence. i often feel kinda bad for how often i have to dip out of the klaroline fandom but they’ve both always made me feel so welcome and supported my writing. i appreciate it so so so much & they’re always the two people I’m most excited to see reactions from! (and both also give great fic recommendations) ❤❤❤
its also really cool to hear that other writers who’s work i admire have enjoyed my writing and I really appreciate that. any time I see that @kiaraalexisklay or @galvanizedfriend liked what I wrote i get a massive confidence boost haha so thank you. 
the people who are very vocal about what fics they love are inspiring me to do the same cause its always lovely to hear that people liked your writing, so i promise to do that more in future <3
and to anyone (literally anyone) who leaves a comment on here or ao3 - THANK YOU. those comments that go through and quote bits that made them laugh/cry/squeal make my whole entire week & i adore them.
i’m feeling all mushy and grateful for how kind this fandom has been to me so yeah thank you you’re all the greatest <3!!!!
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joinmenik · 8 years
As a Kol stan and a Klaroline and kalijah fan, I love you're blog and I'm so happy you exist. Keep being wonderful. Happy Klaroline Positivity Week.x
Awww! That's really sweet! I don't get much interaction on tumblr, so I really appreciate this! I mostly just reblog and lurk here and there. Thank you so much for this. I'm really happy that YOU exist! Klaroline, independent Kol, and Kalijah are my flagships too, so bonus points to you :)
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klarolinepositivity · 2 years
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morningstargirl666 · 2 years
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The Howling by @bellemorte180​
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
They just knew the moment their eyes locked and suddenly the full moon made sense. No longer was Caroline going to have to suffer through a heat with no partner to calm that urge; having refused to take another to her bed since the incident. No longer was she going to have to run wild through the woods, searching for the other half that was to belong to her; only to come up empty. Caroline always knew that one day she would find her mate.
She just never thought it would be Klaus Mikaelson.
Read it here.
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bellemorte180 · 2 years
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heart to heart by @darkestgrays
His eyebrows shot up. “I thought for sure you would have sworn off any chance of being near me.”
“Well it was what almost made me choose the other choice, but I figured since I’m stuck with you as a mate either way, why not make the most of it.”
“You don’t sound so enthusiastic,” he commented dryly.
Or the one where Caroline finds her mate but it's the last person she expected and she has to deal with it.
Oh Maria. I cannot express how much I loved this fic so when @klarolinepositivity week came around, I knew I wanted to pummel you with love. This fic honestly was so uplifting and heartwarming and you have no idea how much I needed it. I love a good werewolf mate trope and you gave me that AND an arranged marriage? The world building was just incredible.
I want you to know that you are a wonderful and sweet person, a true blessing to have in this fandom. I cannot wait to see what else you can create and bless us with because you really are a blessing to have here.
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morningstargirl666 · 2 years
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@klarolinepositivity This is a tribute to all my readers of The Big Bad Wolf and my many other fics for reviewer/reblogger appreciation day. 
Dear readers, you are awesome. You are beautiful human beings that I love and adore immensely. I treasure your comments, kudos and support so, so much and I absolutely wish you all the best in your lives, your aspirations and careers. I was only able to feature a few comments and readers in this edit, so here’s my special thanks to those I’ve missed. 
On tumblr, @purplesigebert​ @heatherstyles​ @enniec123 for their continued support, @frogs-are-bitchs for brightening my day with several memes she made for tbbw that were absolutely hilarious, and her continued reviews. @helpless-in-sleep for offering some kind praise as they slowly make their way through this monster, and @certifiedceraunophile for screaming in my ao3 inbox when they read tbbw’s prequel, The Little Wolf. @destellolunar for being one of my first commenters ever, something I am immensely grateful for to this day. @bellemorte180 for continuing to read my massive 15k chapters before I post, and for making the story its first edit way back last year that I certainly screamed over. And thank you @jen27ny​ for leaving a heart-shattering comment that brightened my morning recently, you have no idea how much it meant to me at the time.
On ao3, a big thank you to emi_mikaelson, MissPugLover24, Krstnfrcn0, Ferps and many other loyal readers I’m probably forgetting about who come back and review with each update. Thank you especially to amandamonroe, another loyal reader, who always leaves a comment, even when they go a back and reread, not necessarily when a new chapter comes out. They also once described Esther and Lycaon as “the Viking version of ‘the rich good girl who’s actually awful’ and ‘bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks with a heart of gold’” which is so fucking perfect I can’t. Thank you to whoseoks, Kibo_Ichiro and many others who left giant comments that made me cry a little, and so many more readers whose smaller comments left just as much as an impact.
All of you are A M A Z I N G. Don’t you damn well forget that. 
With my immense gratitude,
(and also slightly broken by your love)
Morningstar ❤️
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bellemorte180 · 2 years
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Picture This by @helpless-in-sleep
After having a panic attack backstage of a runway show during Paris Fashion Week, Elena tells her with the hint of a smile on her lips, “Only you would get rescued by Klaus Mikaelson.”
Caroline glances back to the crowd, where the man has long since disappeared. “Who?”
Okay, so MAYBE this is a cop out because this was a gift for me BUT I could not help but make a banner for this fic when highlighting you for @klarolinepositivity. Jen, you are a FABULOUS writer. You have a talent I envy and a style that I know I enjoy no matter what you're writing. You have a range that is spectacular and a wit that is capture fantastically.
You have become a wonderful fandom friend and I enjoy chatting, plot bunnying and reading everything you put out. NEVER stop writing for this fandom because if you do I honestly may cry.
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morningstargirl666 · 2 years
@klarolinepositivity I also want to take some time to thank @enniec123​ especially, for being such a cheerleader of my works. Ennie, in this fandom it is the greatest compliment to receive one of your magnificent comments, commentating your reactions as you read. And not only have you graced me with such a comment once, but continue to do so, again and again, not just on every update of The Big Bad Wolf, but on my other fics as well. You are such a treasured member of this community, and I just wanted to take some time to directly thank you. 
Here’s a collection of some of my favourite moments in your various comments, and I’ll also offer you a blank check full of my eternal gratitude - I couldn’t decide on what gift to give you, so you pick, whether that be an edit for one of your fics, outtakes from tbbw or a perhaps a drabble request or something, the choice is yours. So truly, thank you so much ennie, for being such a bright presence in this fandom. You make me laugh, you make me cry, and I honestly don’t know where I’d be without you ✨❤️✨
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bellemorte180 · 2 years
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Dear readers,
Thank you. In regards to @klarolinepositivity, I want you to know that today honestly is the most important. Yes, us content makers are a big part of this community but we would be nothing without you because you are what keeps this fandom alive. It is you that keeps us writing, creating and bringing content to this fandom. It is your positive encouragement and kind words that make creating in this fandom (or any fandom) worthwhile because without you, there would be no point in creating at all.
Yes, we may create because it is something we enjoy but we post because we want others to enjoy what we make. We also want to hear your thoughts and feelings our creations evoked. Whether it be happiness or sadness, we want to hear your positive feedback because it will keep us going. It will keep us creating.
I know that sometimes it may seem daunting to reach out to a writer or a graphic maker, fearful that they will be annoyed or that you’re wasting their time but trust me, you’re not. Even if we do not respond to every comment, we see them.
You are the reason why we create.
Because without you, there would be no fandom for anyone to find solace in.
You’re what keeps it alive.
Now, I want to thank some very special people who have given me the nudge to keep on writing.
@delightfullysunny: You read, reblog and review almost everything I write. I find that when I post, I am excited to see what you think. I cannot wait to read the review you leave me, giving me that urge to keep on writing. Some days are bad days but it's kind words like yours that mean the most. When my motivation is low or I have doubt in my writing skills, I go back to some of the things you’ve said and it reminds me of why I love to write. Your words have been noticed and appreciated, so thank you.
@1jemmagirl22: Jemma, you sweetheart. I see those reblogs. I see those reviews. I do. You are beyond kind and wonderful. Your reviews on A03 are always so positive and sweet. As a writer yourself, you know how intimidating it can be to post something, anxiously waiting for feedback so to see you reviewing and promoting me, is something that I not only admire but am thankful for. Your thoughtfulness and standing support is not only appreciated but utterly tear jerking (in the best way).
@enniec123: Everyone knows you and we all love you. You are our constant cheerleader. Bringing smiles to us all and cheering us on from the sidelines. You are always there to bring a smile to our face and squeal about the things you love. Hearing you rave over and over about something you’ve read or a graphic you loved is intoxicating. You breathe life into this fandom with the simple fact that you do not hold back your encouragement. There has been more than once that I thought of you, how something I would write (JAF) would make you smile and it kept me coming back to it.
@diaz-eddie and @recyclingss: I’m putting the two of you together because I have one very specific memory that means the world to me and it's because of the two of you. There was a night that we were in the old server and you were raving about Ballad of the Sea. That series is very near and dear to me and to hear both of you talk about how much you loved it, means the world to me. Both of you show appreciation for the writers you love and still do, that memory will always stay with me specifically. It was honestly that conversation that had me going on to writing the prequel and the sequel…and will have me writing the final part this year. Without that encouragement, Ballad of the Sea would have been a standalone one-shot. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for being probably two of the biggest cheerleaders in the fandom.
@carolineforbae: Girl, you’ve been with me since day one. Back when you got first dibs on Demonology to your comment bombs, you are someone to be cherish. I know we have not talked as often as we used to, because of real life being the way it is, but I always think of you and remember how you kept me going during my early days in the fandom. It was your constant friendship and encouragement that made me
@destellolunar: I remember having this really shitty day. Like just a super bad day and I was talking with you. It was around the time I was working on developing Echoes of Sorrow and you made me that graphic, the one I still use today, simply to make my day better. That graphic made me cry, because it made my day so much better. I know that I’ve praised you twice already this week but it just shows that you’re too amazing for this fandom. Seriously, creating content, co-running the library? You really are bringing this fandom together in the best way possible. Keep being that amazing and wonderful person you are. You deserve all the good things in life.
@klavscaroline: Three words. Wanderlust betting pool. We did not know each other when you came to me with the idea for that betting pool and I will be forever thankful that you did. I was still so new to the fandom and to hear that my fic had captivated you to the point of wanting to create something that would engage the readers more than I ever could have. While Wanderlust will always be my baby, it was you who made it an event. It was you who brought so many people into this fandom and if it wasn’t for that collaboration, I honestly do not know if I would have kept writing.
And to everyone who leaves a review, whether it be for me or someone else,
Thank You
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morningstargirl666 · 2 years
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The Howling by @bellemorte180​
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
They just knew the moment their eyes locked and suddenly the full moon made sense. No longer was Caroline going to have to suffer through a heat with no partner to calm that urge; having refused to take another to her bed since the incident. No longer was she going to have to run wild through the woods, searching for the other half that was to belong to her; only to come up empty. Caroline always knew that one day she would find her mate.
She just never thought it would be Klaus Mikaelson.
Read it here.
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bellemorte180 · 2 years
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Hypothetically Speaking by @thetourguidebarbie
Caroline was totally enjoying her normal predictable life. Really, she was! And then Klaus, a New York doctor with an attitude problem, came and ruined it. Who comes out of nowhere to take over their estranged dead father's medical practice, anyway? Weirdos, that's who. She hated him, but like, at least he was cute to look at. His one good quality. Just because she was on a very strict no-jerk-boyfriend diet doesn't mean she can't look at the menu, right?
For @klarolinepositivity day 3, I am high lighting the fan fiction author Angie or Angelikah on A03/ff.net and @thetourguidebarbie here on Tumblr.
Angie has been in the fandom for YEARS and has given us so many wonderful fics for us to enjoy. She was one of the first writers I started reading before I began writing, all the way back in 2016 or so before I jumped into the fandom head first. I actually had her page bookmarked and checked for updates every now and again.
When choosing which fic to highlight by this author, I went with Hypothetically Speaking because it is a recent favorite of mine. I toyed between this, Cut to the Bone and Circuit Break, all enjoyable and well worth the read, but I settled here because this one makes me laugh. When I say Angie is a comfort author, I mean that sincerely. If there is a fic that brings me joy after a bad day? Hypothetically Speaking is a go too.
So thank you Angie for writing so much amazing content but also really being my gateway into this fandom.
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morningstargirl666 · 2 years
In celebration of @klarolinepositivity fanfiction appreciation day and the recent tenth anniversaries of the first episodes showcasing this beautiful ship, I’m going to start a collection of edits paying tribute to my favourite fanfics and their writers, new and old. As I’m studying filmmaking, and love films in general, I thought what better way to pay tribute than make edits in the style of movie posters?
Before I post the first set of edits for this collection, I want to thank @bellemorte180 and pay tribute to her especially. 
Erica, without you I wouldn’t have found the amazing community that comes with the Klaroline fandom. It was a year ago now, at the end of January, when I first left a comment on The Howling, asking whether you knew any beta readers in the fandom, hoping to find one for my new WIP at the time, The Big Bad Wolf. I approached you because I loved your works so much and admired your presence in this fandom, thinking you could help me. And not only did you offer to look over my first chapters yourself - and continue to do so to this day - but you invited me into the Klaroline discord server, where I met so many people and made so many friends. I really can’t express how much it meant to me, how much it still means to me now - especially back then, when I was going through my first year of university entirely online and alone due to covid, and struggled to meet new people as a result. The friends I made online were a lifeline during that time where I couldn’t meet people in person, and I truly can not express how grateful I am to you for giving me it. Without you, I wouldn’t have met @certifiedceraunophile who dragged me here onto tumblr, and so many others that I adore fiercely.
Just as my place in this fandom began with you, I find it only fitting that I start this new collection with you and with a tribute to The Howling. I realise I never truly expressed how much I love this fic, and need to rectify this immediately.
So thank you, Erica. Thank you so much for everything.
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