#kleoyia has writen 12 3-inch thick volumes on getting infromation out of someone
Legolas’s family’s jobs/responsibilities:
Thranduil: “king”, he really is the leader of the silvans but he was elected. Leadership does not pass down through the bloodline. Basically in charge of the silvans, the silvan army as a whole, as well as maintaining at least civil relations with the other elven realms. Most notably the other avari countries, bc, unlike the light elves, they don’t mind murder. Also, the silvans have had 4 different wars with them by the time the third age rolled around, there is tension there. It has gotten more chill over the millenia though.
Cloudryad: whatever she wants, basically. She was the leader of the silvans for millenia, she’s done. She does occasionally courier things between the silvans and avari, though. She’s got a wolf pack, so don’t piss her off. Tends to travel with the Nomad Avari elves in her free time.
Lasgen: Basically the creator and head of the silvans’ Assassination/black ops squad. Is only thrown onto the battlefield when they need a one sided massacre bc otherwise it’s just over kill. Instrumental in maintaining good relationships with the other Avari countries bc she gets on really well with most of the other generals. (Mind you, she gets along with the generals in the third age, she was down with ripping out the throats of their predecessors)
Lirion: head of R&D department. People are fooled into believing he’s the responsible one bc he’s more introverted. Yeah, no, he’s a mad scientist. Has torn apart the time/space continuum on several occasions. “I don’t fear god, he fears me”
Kleoyia: switches between a scout and the head of the Torture and Interrogation department. She’s really good at the torturing, so she’s always brought in on the large cases, but she also likes to travel throughout the world with nothing more than her horse. Fastest rider, which means she’s occasionally a messenger as well. She likes traveling so as to not loose herself to her more gruesome job.
Legolas: He’s actually a really respected warrior who often leads teams/squads. He’s the one that spends the most times out fighting, bc Lirion’s not interested, Kleoyia is more useful at gathering information in one form or another, and throwing Lasgen into the mix is overkill 95% of the time. Legolas is also the best elf to send in order to maintain positive relationships with the light elves bc he’s the least likely to explode.
Oropher: he’s dead.
Miriel: she’s also dead.
(Actually, wouldn’t it be cool if the silvans and avari, as a virtue of not worshiping the valar and instead worshiping their own gods, do not go to the halls of Mandos when they die and are instead transfered to an afterlife created by the very gods they worship? And that’s why you can’t find any of them in the halls or valinor? And why Miriel’s spirit ‘refused to come out of the halls’ (aka: the valar have no clue where she is)?)
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