major-charlie · 1 year
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jadipose · 8 months
What an honorable way to die...
o+nly reserved fo+r WO+RTHY o+ppo+nents blaaagh
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daily-klingon · 6 months
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goofyjelly · 1 year
Hear me out : Hilary Duff songs in Klingo- [I am publicly hung]
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babyawacs · 2 years
a is __- b is () c is ,_: each letter has its romulan and klingo n and cardassian similarity *earth. asian. smashes a symbol for ho use on an island on alake. andsunshine. sunshine too. and means sh in-qua-hong* @GoogleTravel @GoogleTranslatr @Dictionarycom @StarTrek
a is __- b is () c is ,_: each letter has its romulan and klingo n and cardassian similarity *earth. asian. smashes a symbol for ho use on an island on alake. andsunshine. sunshine too. and means sh in-qua-hong* @GoogleTravel @GoogleTranslatr @Dictionarycom @StarTrek
a is __- b is () c is ,_: each letter has its romulan and klingon and cardassian similarity *earth. asian. smashes a symbol for house on an island on alake. andsunshine. sunshine too. and means shin-qua-hong* @GoogleTravel @GoogleTranslatr @Dictionarycom @StarTrek I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE…
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federsturm · 2 years
love that they gave pike an apron <3
you know ✨priorities✨
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worstloki · 3 years
if i was writing Thor 4 i would have a scene where Loki tries to explain how he never found out who his mom is and has this theory that Laufey and Hela are his parents because the dates match up and the appearances and magic etc. but then towards the end of the film have a sequence like in Ragnarok where Thor sees Odin giving him an inspirational push to become more powerful except it's Hela and she tells Loki to stop telling everyone she slept with Laufey bc that's what ODIN did (and then she calls him a coward for never using his magic when he's Asgard's strongest mage and skedaddles). The movie ends on the note of everyone regrouping after Gorr had been defeated and going out to eat together and Loki says "hey so you know how earlier I said Hela could be my mom..." and BAM! That's when the end credits start rolling.
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mattgetsit · 7 years
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major-charlie · 1 year
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cosmik-homo · 5 years
I think ds9 did wonders to Worf's character by really driving in the point that he really is, personally, as a private individual, an extreme edgelord over dramatic person and the people who rly know him don't take it too seriously cause they know better. like, a lot of it is not plainly A Klingon Thing but rather It's Impacted by Klingoness But Honestly Hes Just Like That. Enhaces my tng experiences too
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serendip8y · 2 years
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missfinefeather · 6 years
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I need to do photoshops more often, this one was refreshing.
EB: like, trolls are more violent and angry, right? kind of like klingons or something, which is an angry race of alien savages from a human tv show. AG: We aren't savages, you dope! EB: oh, i know, that's not what i meant! but i am guessing you all have to act tough to make it in your world, and have a sense of honor about fighting, and like to beat people up and stuff, right? 
Trolls as Klingos... I mean that’s not one for one but not a terrible comparison...
AG: On my world, I would 8e completely vindic8ed for killing him! He is far lower on the hemospectrum than me. He managed to disrespect me time and time again, 8ut I kept letting him live! In fact, the amount of slack I cut him would 8e considered scandalous 8y those in my class. AG: I had every reason to kill him. And yet... AG: I feel 8ad a8out it like a lame weak fudge8lood, just like he was. 
I guess I got wrapped up in cultural difference, too...
AG: Well, it was the first time I killed some8ody. EB: ok. AG: W8! Ok, that's not really true. What I meant was, it was the first time I killed some8ody I cared a8out. EB: so... EB: you killed other people, that you didn't care about? AG: Yes. Sort of a lot, actually. 8ut there was a really good reason for that! 
I think John is getting a rude awakening ^^;;;;
EB: hm. how many? EB: or... do i want to know... AG: Oh, it doesn't matter. Pro8a8ly many thousands. EB: uhhhhhhhh. EB: hopy shit... AG: God, I know how this sounds! 8ut I had to feed her. My lusus I mean. I've 8asically 8een playing this role as a slave in the food chain my whole life. It is what she selected me to do. EB: i guess that is why you didn't get along with her? AG: Hell yes. EB: i see. EB: still, that is a LOT of killing. jesus... 
This I blame her less for but... damn, I’m so sorry John ^^;;;
AG: Yeah. OH! AG: Ok, that's not quite right. He's the second person I cared a8out who I killed. AG: Man, I always forget a8out her! EB: uh.
OMG, just opening the flood gates! xD
AG: I guess she wound up getting me 8ack pretty good though, so we're even. AG: Oh, also, TECHNICALLY I attempted to kill that same guy around the same time. AG: 8ut I just wound up paralyzing him! Oops, hahahaha. EB: ... 
“I’m starting to see what Karkat meant when he said you were dangerous...“
EB: i guess i had no idea how different we really were. EB: what i am hearing is seriously scaring the shit out of me! AG: Yeah, I know. I wish we didn't have to 8e so different. I'm just trying to 8e honest with you, 8ecause like I said, I have nowhere else to go. EB: ok, well i appreciate the honesty. EB: so... if killing isn't exactly wrong, then what is it? EB: what do you mean by "what killing really means"?
You know, if they don’t go red, maybe John has a future as her Moirail... I mean, if I wasn’t spoiled on certain things already...
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
Who is Klingo And Gigglymash
The chosen ones and best eternals
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517goldknight · 3 years
Neobiontomania: Flagrashax
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Profil w komputerze
Typ: Ognisty
Charakter: Neutralny
Typ ciała: Humanoid z płonącą głową
Wzrost: 1,9 mln
Rozumny: Tak
Ludzkie pochodzenie: Tak
Klasyfikacja: Człowiekowate
Zdolności: Pyrokineza, latanie, inteligencja
Naturalna broń: Ognisty topór
Wysoki humanoid o czerwonej skórze i płonącej głowie (którą, na szczęście, może sobie zgasić by np. niczego przypadkiem nie uszkodzić tymi płomieniami). Wygląda, jakby jego twarz składała się wyłącznie z oczu (odżywia się tworząc sobie otwór w miejscu ust, który po jedzeniu całkowicie się zrasta). W walce posługuje się toporem o falowanym ostrzu i długim drzewcu.
Jest inteligentny, ambitny i odważny.
Tereny wulkaniczne i pustynne, a także miasta.
Charakteryzuje się wysokim IQ i zdolnościami pyrokinetycznymi - potrafi tworzyć ogień, kontrolować go i kształtować, a nawet używać go do latania ruchem odrzutowym.
Wszystkożerny, jak człowiek.
Od łacińskiego "flagrare" ("płonąć""), portugalskiego "rachar" ("ciąć") i "acha" ("topór") oraz angielskiego "ash" ("popiół") "axe" ("topór").
Znane przykłady
Flgrashax Dwayne'a
Profile on computer
Type: Fire
Character: Neutral
Body type: Humanoid with burning head
Growth: 1.9 m
Sapient: Yes
Human Origin: Yes
Classification: Humanaceae
Abilities: Pyrokinesis, flying, intelligence
Natural Weapon: Fire Ax
A tall humanoid with red skin and a burning head (which, fortunately, he can extinguish himself in order not to accidentally damage anything with these flames). It looks as if his face is made up of only the eyes (he nourishes himself by creating a hole in his mouth which heals completely after eating). In combat, he uses an ax with a wavy blade and a long shaft.
He is intelligent, ambitious and brave.
Volcanic and desert areas, as well as cities.
It has a high IQ and pyrokinetic abilities - it can create fire, control it and shape it, and even use it to fly a jet.
Omnivorous, like a human.
From Latin "flagrare" ("to burn"), Portuguese "rachar" ("to cut") and "acha" ("axe") and English "ash" and "axe".
Known examples
Dwayne's Flgrashax
Profilo en komputilo
Tipo: Fajra
Karaktero: Neŭtrala
Korpotipo: Homsimilulo kun brulanta kapo
Kresko: 1,9 milionoj
Racia: Jes
Homa Origino: Jes
Klasifiko: Homedoj
Kapabloj: Pirokinezo, flugado, inteligenteco
Natura Armilo: Fajra Hakilo
Alta humanoido kun ruĝa haŭto kaj brulanta kapo (kiun, feliĉe, li povas estingi sin por ne hazarde damaĝi ion ajn per tiuj flamoj). Li aspektas kvazaŭ lia vizaĝo konsistas nur el siaj okuloj (li nutras sin kreante truon en la buŝo, kiu tute rekunkreskiĝas post manĝo). En batalo, li uzas hakilon kun ondeca klingo kaj longa ŝafto.
Li estas inteligenta, ambicia kaj kuraĝa.
Vulkanaj kaj dezertaj areoj, same kiel urboj.
Ĝi havas altan kovocienton de inteligento kaj pirokinetikajn kapablojn - ĝi povas krei fajron, kontroli ĝin kaj formi ĝin, kaj eĉ uzi ĝin por flugi je jeto.
Ĉiovora, kiel homo.
De la latina "flagrare" ("bruli"), portugala "rachar" ("tranĉi") kaj "acha" ("hakilo") kaj angla "ash" ("cindro") "axe" ("hakilo").
Konataj ekzemploj
Flgrashax de Dwayne
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maricama · 4 years
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JOIN ME IN MY LAST SHOW W THIS FACE I PLAY KLINGO IN @leonbellstein’s @clubbedthumb performance of HONEY IM HOME- i haven’t laughed so hard in a rehearsal process nor been on such a wild date so pls join the fun and swipe all the way to the end of a recording of some dance practice n hear me talk angry to myself . . . . THURSDAY FEB 4 @ 7PM FRIDAY FEB 5 @ 8PM SATURDAY FEB 6 @ 5PM get ur tix at @clubbedthumb @leonbellstein i’ve never felt so hot w a stache #onlinetheater #zoomtheater #zoomtheatre #zoomlife #zoom #potatito #dance @steezystudio https://www.instagram.com/p/CKtsq5OheCg/?igshid=1udoyfwnqrwtp
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