gutachter · 10 months
Das Mindelheimer Klinikum wird höher als bisher gedacht
Mindelheim: „…Für mehr als 50 Millionen Euro wird das Krankenhaus in den nächsten Jahren neu gebaut. Damit das gelingt, kommt die Stadt dem Klinikum in mehreren Punkten entgegen. Diese Investition ist ein klares Bekenntnis von Politik und Klinikverbund Allgäu: Mehr als 50 Millionen Euro sollen in einen Neubau des Klinikums in Mindelheim am bestehenden Standort investiert werden. In vier…
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soraskygsles · 2 years
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Ja, bitte zum Päckchen Tabak nehme ich noch gerne zum Kuchen....
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sigalrm · 3 months
Haus 15 und 16 by Pascal Volk Via Flickr: Aufgenommen aus Haus 15.1
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the-blackholeus · 2 years
NICENICENICE can you write something for the nurses? anyhting is fine. throws myself out of a window
Nurse Helene
Loveliest gentlewoman in the world.
She takes her relationship with you as serious as her work. She is a very respectful lover, always making sure that she never oversteps any boundaries.
Is the type of lover that will pamper you if you had a hard day. Exhausted? She will make you a comfortable spot in the Klinikum for you two to cuddle in. Hungry? Be assured that she would somehow chase Chef Sauer out of the kitchen so she could make you a meal that actually tastes like food.
She always has time for you. Even when her schedule is filled to the brim, she always somehow squeezes you in there while never neglecting her patients.
When she is on break, she will take you to the park and relax with you on the benches. When possible, she also takes food with her so you two could snack on something while chatting about god knows what.
If you offer to help her with the patients, she will be beyond ecstatic and forever thankful. She is the only one doing any real work in this hospital and having someone by her side who takes over the tasks that require less medical knowledge, she could focus on the more complicated parts of her work and get done with them faster.
Arguments with her are very, very rare and don’t last very long. She hates it when you are upset with her.
Tries to keep you away from the demonic chief doctor. She doesn’t trust this man with an inch of her life and is aware that there is something…inhuman about him. She’s afraid that he’ll hurt you.
Nurse Astrid
You and Astrid met and fell in love with each other before Randolph’s terrible reign over the Heilwald Klinikum began.
You, as her romantic partner, always visited her when she was on break or if she had a less stressful day to spend time with her or to simply keep her company. But that all changed when that demonic chief doctor took over Friedrich’s position and spread terror by creating the loophole.
You were taken as a patient and Randolph had Astrid removed and stuffed her into an iron lung, letting her rot in the storage.
When you found her, you cried for her and swore revenge. But before you could make any idiotic move that could make your situation even worse, she begged you to stay as she didn’t want to lose you again. You, of course, complied.
Ever since then, you stayed at the storage and tried to make Astrid’s life as easy as you could, staying by her side as much as you could.
Nurse Anne
Nurse Anne is, despite being a horrific mutant now, still a kind and gentle soul that would do everything for her romantic partner.
She loves to spend time with you, no matter if she is working or if she is on a break. She always has time to chat with you.
Always manages to make you smile. No matter how down you feel, this woman somehow worms her way through the sadness of your heart numbness of your mind and tells a joke so good you couldn’t help but chuckle. She has a gift of making you feel better, no matter what bothers you.
She needs to be careful when touching you. Her body is completely electrified, and one wrong touch could seriously harm you. But don’t worry, she won’t rest until she found a way to snuggle and kiss you without giving you the greatest shock of your life. Literally.
Fights with this woman? Unbelievable, but it does happen from time to time. However, they don’t last very long and are mostly just small disagreements for what’s safe for you and what not. You know that she doesn’t want to lose you, so you can’t stay mad at her for too long.
Anne can’t sing. Her singing voice is nothing but horrendous, but she still does it because it brings her joy. Seeing her smile wider and far more genuine while she dances (stumbles) around and screeches her lungs out makes it bearable for you though, and you are able to ignore the pain.
Nurse Sabine
Nurse Sabine is Anne’s cousin and has a very similar personality.
Snuggles and kisses you whenever she gets the chance, showing her affection as much as she physically can. She is an angel and wants to make sure that you are feeling loved, and since she does not really have a way with words (as we have noticed when she escorted us to what has once been Dr. Randolph), she wants to show her commitment through actions.
Loves doing makeovers and dress ups. Our beautiful, ever smiling woman owns every type of outfit or costume and loves to do sleepovers with you while dressing you up as whatever you like.
Much like every other person, she tries her best to keep you away from Dr. Randolph, as she often sees what this…thing (she refuses to call him human) is capable of. She knows that he will turn you in some kind of twisted mutant and tear every bit of humanity from you, and she would do everything she could to prevent that from happening.
Unlike Anne, Sabine is an extraordinary singer with a voice of a thousand angels. She loves to sing to you whenever she is able to, dancing around with you and twirling you without a problem.
Is an absolute dog fan. If you have a dog or own any dog-like creature, she will be all over it and pamper it from head to claw.
Nurse Heideltraut
Dearest Nurse Heideltraut. A surprisingly good girlfriend despite her roughness and lack of empathy.
She is very protective of you and will always have you in her sight to assure your well-being, ready to beat the crap out of a patient should they dare to harass or even harm you.
She is a very loud and demanding person, and arguments between the two of you aren't rare and they tend to be quite intense. She will ignore you for several days after and pretend that you are not there, but eventually, if she is in the wrong, she will crave your affection far too much and swallow her pride to apologize physically. (She would NEVER sorry). If she is in the right, though, she will wait for you to come to her...most of the time.
She is the only one of the Nurses that doesn't mind Dr. Randolph being around you. She thinks that if he would have wanted to harm you, he would have done so already.
Makes sure that eat and drink enough so that you don't get sick. She says that she doesn't want another patient on her sick ward, but in truth, she cares for you and doesn't want you to suffer in any way. Not that she would ever admit that.
Is NOT a pet person. If you have a pet, she would most likely take forever to tolerate it. She forces herself to do so for the sake of you, but don't expect her to be friends with your companion. If you have a cat, though, make sure that it stays away from her. She's allergic.
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faradaysketches · 7 months
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Städtisches Klinikum, Karlsruhe. December 2013 This was a man sat on a sort of trolley wheelchair thing.
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krankenhausstellen · 3 months
Auf Krankenhaus-Stellen können Sie eine Vielzahl von Freie Stellen im Krankenhaus entdecken. Egal, ob Sie als Arzt, Pflegekraft oder in einem anderen medizinischen Bereich arbeiten möchten, hier finden Sie zahlreiche Stellenangebote, die Ihren Qualifikationen und beruflichen Zielen entsprechen.
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medizinreporter · 5 months
Reizdarm – 20 qualvolle Jahre liegen endlich hinter mir
Neuer #patientenbericht vom Glück, unbeschwert essen zu können: 20 Jahre quälte sich Maja (39) mit „funktionellen Darmbeschwerden“ herum. Ende 2023 erfuhr die 39-Jährige von einer neuen Diagnosemethode und der Sanierung der Darmbarriere mit Myrrhe
Instabil. „Das Brennen und Drücken im Bauch traten zum ersten Mal auf, als ich siebzehn oder achtzehn Jahre alt war“, erinnert sich Maja Simon (39, Name geändert). „Damals dachte ich, ich hätte zu viel fette Pizza gegessen. Nach einer Nacht mit einer Wärmflasche im Bett ging es mir am nächsten Morgen zwar besser. Stabil gesund war ich jedoch nicht. Ein, zwei Wochen später war das Gefühl wieder da…
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gesundheitlippe · 10 months
Gesundheit Lippe: Klinikum Lippe im Wandel
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Dr. Johannes Hütte blickt auf ein kräftezehrendes Jahr 2022 zurück. Zwar konnte das Klinikum Lippe im Sommer eine positive Jahresbilanz für 2021 vermelden, aber die unvorhersehbaren Herausforderungen der Corona-Pandemie, die aktuelle Weltlage und Szenarien wie mögliche Blackouts und der Cyberangriff haben ihre Spuren hinterlassen.
„Eigentlich wollen doch alle nur ihren Job machen“, sagt Hütte. Damit meint er nicht nur die Pflegekräfte, die diesen Beruf ergriffen haben, um Menschen zu helfen, die aber nun schon eine ganze Zeit am Limit arbeiten. Er meint auch die Chefärzte, Führungskräfte und Verwaltungsmitarbeiter, die in den letzten Monaten immer wieder auch Krisenmanager mit hoher Frustrationstoleranz und Improvisationstalent sein mussten. Er meint eigentlich jeden Einzelnen, der rund 2.800 Mitarbeitenden des Klinikum Lippe und er sieht, was die Teams in allen Bereichen leisten.
„Wir haben schon 2021 und auch in diesem Jahr unser Krankenhaus — trotz Pandemie — gemeinsam wieder ein großes Stück nach vorn gebracht. Dass uns das unter den aktuellen Rahmenbedingungen gelungen ist, halte ich nicht für selbstverständlich. Ein großer Dank gilt daher jedem einzelnen Mitarbeiter und jeder einzelnen Mitarbeiterin. Doch wir existieren nicht in einem Mikrokosmos und müssen uns deshalb auf weitere unruhige Zeiten einstellen.“ Hütte meint damit die aktuell prognostizierten Engpässe bei der Strom- und Gasversorgung. Szenarien eines Stromausfalls oder der Zusammenbruch der Kommunikationsnetze werden von den Katastrophenschutzbehörden inzwischen als reale Bedrohung angesehen. Dazu sagt er: „Wir bereiten uns aktuell auf derartige mögliche Ausfälle vor, um die medizinische Versorgung der Bevölkerung in jedem Fall sicherzustellen. Schon zu Beginn der Pandemie waren wir den Entwicklungen durch gute Vorbereitung immer einen kleinen Schritt voraus. Das muss jetzt möglichst genauso laufen. Auch der im November erfolgte Cyberangriff auf die IT-Infrastruktur zeigt, dass wir durchaus vorbereitet waren. Das Aufräumen allerdings wird uns die kommenden zwei Jahre beschäftigen. “
Aber neben den allgemeinen düsteren Prognosen für die kommenden Monate hat der Klinikgeschäftsführer auch viel Positives zu berichten: „Wir sehen, dass unsere Strategie 2025 Früchte trägt. An den Zahlen, aber auch an den Baufortschritten, den technologischen Neuerungen und den neuen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern, die wir für uns gewinnen konnten. Natürlich denken einige Lipper beim Jahr 2022 auch an die Schließung der Klinik für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie in Lemgo. Ich möchte noch inmal betonen, dass niemand leichtfertig einen Fachbereich einfach so dicht macht — auch ich nicht. Wir haben diesen Schritt wohlüberlegt vorgenommen und haben durch die Konzentration der unfallchirurgischen und orthopädischen Leistungen am Standort Detmold nun in Lemgo wieder Kapazitäten unsere dortigen Leuchttürme weiter auszubauen. Das ist langfristig wichtig, um den Klinikstandort Lemgo zu stärken.“
In puncto Bau stehen gleich in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2023 erste Einweihungen an. „Noch sieht es so aus, als wenn wir unser Ziel erreichen und die ersten Patientinnen und Patienten im Mai 2023 bereits auf den neuen Bettenstationen versorgt werden können. Auch der Umzug der Endoskopie soll im Sommer erfolgen. Wenn man sich die aktuelle Lage im Baubereich so ansieht, gleicht das ja schon fast einem Wunder. Aber wir haben ein gutes Bau-Projektmanagement.“, berichtet Hütte. Er sagt weiter: „Auch unser Motto „Mit Herz und Hightech“ haben wir konsequent verfolgt. Wir konnten in diesem Jahr mehrere erfahrene Mediziner für den Aufbau unserer universitären Strukturen am Campus Klinikum Lippe und für die weitere Spezialisierung unserer Standorte gewinnen. Ein schlagendes Argument für gute Fachkräfte ist da sicher auch unsere Technologieoffensive, denn wer arbeitet nicht gern mit neuester Technik? Das Wichtigste ist nun, dass wir gemeinsam gut durch den Winter kommen. Wir sollten unseren eingeschlagenen Weg trotz aller Widrigkeiten motiviert und engagiert weiterverfolgen. Ich bin überzeugt, dass es sich lohnt — für ein Krankenhaus mit Herz und Hightech, für unsere Patienten.“
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hipstafootprint · 9 months
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Klinikum Bogenhausen I · Munich
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jamathan · 1 year
I'm Jamathan, indie game developer from germany. I got into game dev over ten years ago and I'm still going strong - here is some of my best work:
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BETON BRUTAL is a first person parkour game set in an overgrown concrete tower where the only goal is to reach the top as fast as possible. There are no checkpoints however so you better not fall!
BETON BRUTAL was very well received so I even made a level editor and a DLC for it:
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The Heilwald Loophole
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The Heilwald Loophole is a spin on the classic survival horror trope of being trapped in a hospital with psychotic staff that is trying their hardest to kill the player. In this game however, getting caught is a core gameplay element. The game consists out of many different narrative branches that must be explored by getting caught in different situations. This is an example of the average Heilwald Klinikum nurse:
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Trials of Argolis
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Trials of Argolis is a first person meele combat bossrush set in ancient greece. The combat is heavily inspired by Sekiro, which is one of my favourite games. It's really not the best feeling thing in the world in hindsight but it's still a project I'm quite proud of.
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gutachter · 1 year
„Meilenstein“ fürs Klinikum Garmisch-Partenkirchen: 57,37 Millionen Euro Förderung für nächste Ausbaustufe
Garmisch-Partenkirchen: „…Frank Niederbühl stuft die Entscheidung des Ministerrats als „Meilenstein“ ein. Kein Wunder: Der Freistaat Bayern wird die nächste Ausbaustufe des Klinikums Garmisch-Partenkirchen mit einer Summe von 57,37 Millionen Euro bezuschussen – und somit überhaupt erst möglich machen. Im dann achten Bauabschnitt steht die Errichtung eines weiteren Westflügels anstelle der…
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Welcome to the Mad Doctor Appreciation Club!
I am the receptionist, Mr. [REDACTED]. I hope you enjoy your stay at our highly renowned club! ... What do you mean you haven't heard of it before? That's besides the point. I'll give you the rundown.
This club, located in this old hospital, is home to the most genius of individuals whose work has been underappreciated! From the old workers from the Heilwald Klinikum, to that mercenary medic over by the operating table, every one of our beloved members has been underappreciated for far too long! We allow outsiders to visit and marvel at their ideas from time to time, but there have been certain... Incidents. Pay them no mind. It will be fine. Not EVERY member is hostile, so you should be safe.
Here is our list of current members. We are very relaxed with what can make an honorary member, too. An honorary member just means that you have never had a medical license or doctorate's degree before, but still hold the spirit of a mad doctor. If there is anybody who you believe deserves to join, either as a member or honorary member, please write their name at the bottom of this paper, in the section called "comments".
•Dr. Daniel Dickens from Angels of Death
•Every Doctor from The Heilwald Loophole (Dr. Randolph, Dr. Wolfram, Dr. Hauser).
•Nurse Anne, Nurse Heideltraut, Nurse Sabine from The Heilwald Loophole (honorary members: work in the medical field)
• Dr. Steinman and Dr. Suchong from Bioshock
•Tanner from Scrutinized
•Victor Frankenstein (honorary member: never finished medical school)
•Herbert West from Reanimator (honorary member: never finished medical school)
•Medic from Team Fortress 2 (Note from Receptionist: keep an eye on him. He's so crazy, his medical license was revoked... You don't want to know why. We just call him Medic to avoid confusion with another member.)
•Dr. Takuto Maruki from Persona 5 Royal (Note from Receptionist: he's convinced he doesn't belong here. We assure you, he does.)
•Dr. Alfred Drevis from Mad Father
•Johannes Mimir Faustus from Servamp
•Dr. Zed from Borderlands (he doesn't have a REAL medical license, but he still has one. So, he is counted as a normal member.)
•Edward Richtofen from Call of Duty Zombies
•Victor Veloci from Dinosquad (research still being conducted. He seems to disappear from time to time. Recent sightings of dinosaurs reported from members of club.)
•Dr. Colress from Pokemon Black and White 2
•Dr. Yung from The Mastermind of Mirage Pokemon
•Blue Medic from Team Fortress 2 Emesis Blue (note from Receptionist: we call him Dr. Ludwig, Dr. Fritz, or Dr. L to avoid confusion with another member.)
•The Doctor from Dead by Daylight
•SCP 049 from the SCP Foundation
•Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs
•Dr. Gilbert Alexander from Bioshock 2
•Dr. Alto Clef from the SCP Foundation
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sigalrm · 3 months
Bremshebel by Pascal Volk Via Flickr: Klar ist der Bremshebel zum Bremsen da, aber nicht so! Das Hörnchen hat es auch nach Innen verbogen. Fotos von meinem Patschepfötchen erspare ich Euch an dieser Stelle.
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benkaden · 9 months
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Städtisches Klinikum Berlin-Buch Waldhaus – Neue orthopädische Klinik
Berlin: Graphokopie H. Sander KG, 1071 Berlin (B 8/66 Best.-Nr. A 2451)
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abyss-presence · 1 month
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Note: this follows the theory that the protagonist is a younger version of Joseph Randolph; the protagonist is addressed as 'Joey' and with he/him pronouns; Trash Collector is addressed as 'Ro' for the last part and with they/them pronouns; ooc?; like one or two swears; no ships
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A short stop for rest
Running around the Heilwald Klinikum was exhausting and quite frankly terrifying. It seems that the courtyard is the only relatively safe place where Joey can rest. And plus, the Trash Collector is there! Maybe he should ask what their name is, after all this time... But also, does he really need to? They don't seem particularly offended about it, nor have they ever brought it up themself. As he walked forward into the main part where he knew he'd find his buddy, he thought about giving them a nickname instead. Calling them 'Trash Collector' every single time feels a bit too much, so a nickname would totally work, right? He just needs to think of one...
Once he arrived, he sat down on the stairs leading up to the library, resting his arms on his knees while pondering over the matter. A nickname... Was he even creative enough to think of one? He's a med trainee, he's barely qualified to do his own fucking job yet and that stresses him out beyond belief, so it feels like his mind is way too preoccupied to participate in simple endeavors like this one.
Anyway, while he was sitting and sulking, Trash Collector actually noticed him. They came over and sat down next to Joey, mostly out of curiosity.
"What are you doing?" Joey almost fell back out of surprise and anxiety. That prompted a giggle from the Trash Collector. It sounded weird, but at the same time extremely mischievous. Did they do this on purpose? What a bastard.
"Nothing much... Just... thinkin'."
"About what?"
"About life. Like, all of this... I don't think I've acknowledged just how... insane all of this is," quickly realizing that he was about to start rambling, Joey added: "sorry, you probably don't need to hear about that stuff."
"No. Go ahead."
"Huh?" He was confused. Why would the Trash Collector of all people care about his thoughts?
And almost like reading his mind, they responded:
"You've listened to what I have to say. I want to hear you back."
"The trash doesn't count. You've listened to me before that, have you not?"
Damn it. That was a fair point. Were they being genuine? Or was this another scheme to manipulate him...
No, no, he shouldn't think about them like that. They're different. They're not... hostile. At all. Even the Ominous Voice couldn't give him that. But they can and it confuses Joey just as everything else in this cursed place. Maybe he should reconsider his career choice...
"Well? You gonna talk or not?"
"Oh, um– yeah, yeah... I was just..." Wait, what should he even say? About the nickname and whatnot, or about just everything else?
Trash Collector scoffs and nudges Joey on the shoulder, "Come on, just spill it already. It's not like you're hiding government secrets, right?"
"No, of course not." Joey sighed and brushed his hair back, a habit he'd picked up in his teenage years when he desperately tried to straighten out his hair. Whatever he did, it never worked. He's in his 20s now and his locks still stay proudly fluffy. "There's just a lot going on in my mind. Um... Would it be okay if I gave you a nickname?"
"Hold it, what have you been calling me all this time?"
"Trash Collector..."
"You can't be serious." Somehow it was clear to Joey that they were more amused than upset.
"Sorry... I couldn't think of anything better. But yes, I got lazy with referring to you in such a way in my mind, and, to be fair, I don't really want to know your real name. Unless you want to tell me?"
"No, not at all."
"Figures. So how about this: I will tell you my nickname, and you'll tell me yours. Surely you have one?"
"Yes, I do. It's a sensible deal, kiddo."
"You can't call me 'kiddo,' you're like, only 2 years older than me."
"I'm 42."
"Nevermind." The two of them laughed it off, but Joey's smile quickly vanished. It feels like he understood just how tired he is only now, in this very moment. The pitter patter of rain hitting the concrete ground was a rather soothing noise despite the gloomy atmosphere it created. But at this point, what isn't gloomy about this place? It's like it's eating him alive, devouring whatever positive feelings he'd harbored before. What did he do to deserve this? What kind of deadly sin he committed that all of this fell on his shoulders and crashed him under the pressure? He couldn't answer that question even if he tried.
"What's wrong, son? I can practically smell the negativity on you." Joey scoffed at that, once again smoothing his hair back.
"I'm pretty sure it's not 'negativity' that you can smell. But, um... I don't know, like I said, there's just too much to think about. Anyway, about the nicknames."
"Right. Mine's Rat man."
"People just call you rat man?"
"Yes, but I don't really mind. There are always worse things they could call me, aren't there?"
"Fair point. Call me Joey."
"Oh how nice, you have an actual name." Trash Collector quickly made the connection that Joey must be a short version of the name Joseph, which was... suspicious, to say the least. Is it just a coincidence? Probabaly. And if it is, it's a funny one.
"Don't say it like that. I don't have nearly enough brain power to think about anything other than surviving and making basic conclusions right now, so it's not like I can give you an actual name." Surviving... Ha, such irony it is to call this experience 'surviving.'
"It's all good Joe, I never asked you to anyway."
"You're not even saying it correctly."
"I'm aware." Joey only rolled his eyes at seeing that mischievous smile on their face again.
"Then I'm gonna call you Ro."
"Why Ro?"
"Because I don't want to call you a rat."
It was strangely sweet of Joey, but Ro isn't even surprised at this point. Just at a glance they got the impression that he was a good guy. Or at least tried to be. And the more they talked to one another, the more that belief firmed in their mind.
And while they were thinking this situation over, Joey actually fell asleep, leaning against their side. Not the greatest idea considering how dirty they are, but to be fair, Joey is not exactly clean himself.
Ro sighs quietly and puts one of their arms around Joey's shoulder to keep him from falling off and lean back, staring up at the dark sky above. Might as well get comfortable now, who knows how much sleep this kid will need after everything they went through?
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krankenhausstellen · 3 months
Die Nutzung eines spezialisierten Jobportals wie www.Krankenhaus-stellen.de ist eine der besten Methoden, um passende Angebote für die Bewerbung Klinik zu finden. Hier bieten namhafte Kliniken Assistenzärzten verschiedener Fachrichtungen eine Reihe von Karrieremöglichkeiten, die ihren individuellen Anforderungen und Interessen entsprechen.
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