#klub ice au
spilledjelly · 1 year
If i may request,,, can we maybe see more cub in the klub ice au? Or other hermits like grian or cleo?
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For the gays ik that love it when I draw cleo and the gays that enjoy cub
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2023/04/28 Vimos unos arbolitos que se habían refugiado en la sombra. Vimos más detalles de decoración de azulejo en las fachadas de los edificios. Había una exposición de fotografía homenaje a los refugiados ucranianos tanto en el país como en el extranjero. Saludamos a un primo que tiene una heladería. Y vimos una discoteca muy famosa en la ciudad pero que estaba cerrada porque era de día.
We saw some little trees that had taken refuge in the shade. We saw more details of tile decoration on the facades of the buildings. There was a photography exhibition honoring Ukrainian refugees both at home and abroad. We greet a cousin who has an ice cream parlor. And we saw a very famous nightclub in the city but it was closed because it was daytime.
Google Translation into French: Nous avons vu quelques petits arbres qui s'étaient réfugiés à l'ombre. Nous avons vu plus de détails de décoration de carreaux sur les façades des bâtiments. Il y avait une exposition de photographies en l'honneur des réfugiés ukrainiens tant au pays qu'à l'étranger. Nous saluons un cousin qui tient un glacier. Et nous avons vu une boîte de nuit très célèbre dans la ville mais elle était fermée car il faisait jour.
Google translation into Italian: Abbiamo visto alcuni alberelli che si erano rifugiati all'ombra. Abbiamo visto più dettagli della decorazione delle piastrelle sulle facciate degli edifici. C'è stata una mostra di fotografie in onore dei rifugiati ucraini sia in patria che all'estero. Salutiamo un cugino che gestisce una gelateria. E abbiamo visto una discoteca molto famosa in città ma era chiusa perché era giorno.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Vimos algumas pequenas árvores que se refugiaram na sombra. Vimos mais detalhes da decoração de azulejos nas fachadas dos edifícios. Houve uma exposição de fotos em homenagem aos refugiados ucranianos tanto no país quanto no exterior. Saudamos um primo que dirige uma sorveteria. E vimos uma boate muito famosa na cidade mas estava fechada porque era de dia.
Google Translation into German: Wir sahen ein paar kleine Bäume, die sich in den Schatten geflüchtet hatten. Wir haben mehr Details der Fliesendekoration an Gebäudefassaden gesehen. Es gab eine Fotoausstellung zu Ehren ukrainischer Flüchtlinge im In- und Ausland. Wir begrüßen einen Cousin, der eine Eisdiele betreibt. Und wir sahen einen sehr berühmten Nachtclub in der Stadt, aber er war geschlossen, weil es Tag war.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Pamë disa pemë të vogla që ishin strehuar në hije. Ne kemi parë më shumë detaje të dekorimit të pllakave në fasadat e ndërtesave. Kishte një ekspozitë fotografike që nderonte refugjatët ukrainas brenda dhe jashtë vendit. Mirëpresim një kushëri që drejton një dyqan akulloresh. Dhe ne pamë një klub nate shumë të famshëm në qytet, por ai ishte i mbyllur sepse ishte ditë.
Google Translation into Armenian: Մենք տեսանք մի քանի փոքրիկ ծառեր, որոնք պատսպարվել էին ստվերում։ Մենք տեսել ենք սալիկների ձևավորման ավելի շատ մանրամասներ շենքերի ճակատների վրա: Ուկրաինացի փախստականներին տանը և արտերկրում տեղի ունեցավ լուսանկարչական ցուցահանդես: Մենք ողջունում ենք զարմիկին, ով պաղպաղակի խանութ է վարում: Եվ մենք քաղաքում տեսանք շատ հայտնի գիշերային ակումբ, բայց այն փակ էր, քանի որ ցերեկ էր:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Видяхме няколко малки дървета, които се бяха скрили на сянка. Виждали сме повече подробности за декорация на плочки на фасади на сгради. Имаше фотоизложба в чест на украинските бежанци у нас и в чужбина. Приветстваме братовчед, който държи магазин за сладолед. И видяхме много известен нощен клуб в града, но беше затворен, защото беше ден.
Google Translation into Czech: Viděli jsme několik malých stromů, které se uchýlily do stínu. Viděli jsme více detailů zdobení dlaždic na fasádách budov. Uskutečnila se výstava fotografií na poctu ukrajinským uprchlíkům doma i v zahraničí. Vítáme sestřenici, která provozuje obchod se zmrzlinou. A viděli jsme ve městě velmi známý noční klub, ale byl zavřený, protože byl den.
Google Translation into Croatian: Vidjeli smo nekoliko stabala koja su se sklonila u hladovinu. Vidjeli smo više detalja ukrašavanja pločicama na fasadama zgrada. Održana je izložba fotografija u čast ukrajinskih izbjeglica u zemlji i inozemstvu. Pozdravljamo rođaka koji vodi prodavaonicu sladoleda. I vidjeli smo vrlo poznati noćni klub u gradu, ali je bio zatvoren jer je bio dan.
Google Translation into Danish Vi så et par små træer, der havde søgt tilflugt i skyggen. Vi har set flere detaljer om flisedekoration på bygningsfacader. Der var en fotoudstilling til ære for ukrainske flygtninge i ind- og udland. Vi byder velkommen til en fætter, der driver en isbutik. Og vi så en meget berømt natklub i byen, men den var lukket, fordi det var dagtimerne.
Google Translation into Slovak: Videli sme niekoľko malých stromov, ktoré sa uchýlili do tieňa. Videli sme viac detailov zdobenia dlaždíc na fasádach budov. Uskutočnila sa výstava fotografií na počesť ukrajinských utečencov doma aj v zahraničí. Vítame sesternicu, ktorá prevádzkuje zmrzlináreň. A videli sme veľmi známy nočný klub v meste, ale bol zatvorený, pretože bol deň.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Videli smo nekaj majhnih dreves, ki so se zatekla v senco. Videli smo več podrobnosti o dekoraciji ploščic na fasadah stavb. Tam je bila razstava fotografij v čast ukrajinskim beguncem doma in v tujini. Pozdravljamo bratranca, ki vodi prodajalno sladoleda. V mestu smo videli zelo znan nočni klub, vendar je bil zaprt, ker je bil dan.
Google Translation into Estonian: Nägime paari väikest puud, mis varju varju olid leidnud. Oleme näinud rohkem üksikasju hoonete fassaadide plaatide kaunistamise kohta. Toimus fotonäitus, kus austati Ukraina pagulasi kodu- ja välismaal. Tervitame nõbu, kes peab jäätisepoodi. Ja me nägime linnas ühte väga kuulsat ööklubi, kuid see oli suletud, kuna oli päeval.
Google Translation into Suomi: Näimme muutaman pienen puun, jotka olivat turvautuneet varjoon. Olemme nähneet enemmän yksityiskohtia rakennusten julkisivujen laattojen sisustamisesta. Siellä oli valokuvanäyttely, jossa kunnioitettiin ukrainalaisia ​​pakolaisia ​​kotimaassa ja ulkomailla. Toivotamme tervetulleeksi serkku, joka pitää jäätelökauppaa. Ja näimme kaupungissa hyvin kuuluisan yökerhon, mutta se oli suljettu, koska oli päiväsaikaan.
Google Translation into Georgian: დავინახეთ რამდენიმე პატარა ხე, რომლებიც ჩრდილში იყვნენ შეფარებული. ჩვენ ვნახეთ მეტი დეტალი კრამიტის დეკორაციის შესახებ შენობის ფასადებზე. მოეწყო ფოტოგამოფენა უკრაინელი ლტოლვილების პატივსაცემად სახლში და მის ფარგლებს გარეთ. ჩვენ მივესალმებით ბიძაშვილს, რომელიც აწარმოებს ნაყინის მაღაზიას. ჩვენ ვნახეთ ძალიან ცნობილი ღამის კლუბი ქალაქში, მაგრამ ის დაკეტილი იყო, რადგან დღე იყო.
Google Translation into Greek: Είδαμε μερικά μικρά δέντρα που είχαν βρει καταφύγιο στη σκιά. Έχουμε δει περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες διακόσμησης πλακιδίων σε προσόψεις κτιρίων. Υπήρχε μια έκθεση φωτογραφίας προς τιμήν των Ουκρανών προσφύγων στο εσωτερικό και στο εξωτερικό. Καλωσορίζουμε έναν ξάδερφο που έχει παγωτατζίδικο. Και είδαμε ένα πολύ διάσημο νυχτερινό κέντρο στην πόλη, αλλά ήταν κλειστό γιατί ήταν μέρα.
Google Translation into Dutch: We zagen een paar kleine bomen die hun toevlucht hadden gezocht in de schaduw. We hebben meer details gezien van tegeldecoratie op gevels van gebouwen. Er was een fototentoonstelling ter ere van Oekraïense vluchtelingen in binnen- en buitenland. We verwelkomen een neef die een ijssalon runt. En we zagen een heel beroemde nachtclub in de stad, maar die was gesloten omdat het dag was.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi så noen små trær som hadde tatt tilflukt i skyggen. Vi har sett flere detaljer om flisdekorasjon på bygningsfasader. Det var en fotoutstilling som hedret ukrainske flyktninger i inn- og utland. Vi ønsker velkommen til en fetter som driver en iskrembutikk. Og vi så en veldig kjent nattklubb i byen, men den var stengt fordi det var dagtid.
Google Translation into Polish: Widzieliśmy kilka małych drzewek, które schroniły się w cieniu. Widzieliśmy więcej szczegółów dekoracji płytek na elewacjach budynków. Odbyła się wystawa fotograficzna poświęcona uchodźcom ukraińskim w kraju i za granicą. Witamy kuzynkę, która prowadzi lodziarnię. I widzieliśmy bardzo znany klub nocny w mieście, ale był zamknięty, ponieważ był dzień.
Google Translation into Romanian: Am văzut câțiva copaci mici care se refugiaseră la umbră. Am văzut mai multe detalii despre decorarea plăcilor pe fațadele clădirilor. A existat o expoziție de fotografii în onoarea refugiaților ucraineni din țară și din străinătate. Salutăm un văr care conduce un magazin de înghețată. Și am văzut un club de noapte foarte faimos în oraș, dar era închis pentru că era zi.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы увидели несколько небольших деревьев, укрывшихся в тени. Мы видели больше деталей декора плитки на фасадах зданий. Была организована фотовыставка, посвященная украинским беженцам в стране и за рубежом. Мы приветствуем двоюродного брата, который управляет магазином мороженого. И мы видели в городе очень известный ночной клуб, но он был закрыт, потому что было дневное время.
Google Translation into Serbian: Видели смо неколико малих стабала која су се склонила у сенку. Видели смо више детаља о декорацији плочица на фасадама зграда. Била је изложба фотографија у част украјинским избеглицама у земљи и иностранству. Поздрављамо рођака који води продавницу сладоледа. И видели смо веома познат ноћни клуб у граду, али је био затворен јер је био дан.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi såg några små träd som hade tagit sin tillflykt i skuggan. Vi har sett fler detaljer om kakeldekoration på byggnadsfasader. Det fanns en fotoutställning för att hedra ukrainska flyktingar hemma och utomlands. Vi välkomnar en kusin som driver en glassbutik. Och vi såg en mycket känd nattklubb i stan, men den var stängd för att det var dagtid.
Google Translation into Turkish: Gölgeye sığınmış birkaç küçük ağaç gördük. Bina cephelerinde çini süslemenin daha fazla detayını gördük. Yurtiçinde ve yurtdışında Ukraynalı mültecileri onurlandıran bir fotoğraf sergisi vardı. Dondurma dükkanı işleten bir kuzeni hoş karşılıyoruz. Ve kasabada çok ünlü bir gece kulübü gördük ama gündüz olduğu için kapalıydı.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ми побачили кілька маленьких дерев, які сховалися в тіні. Більше деталей оздоблення плиткою на фасадах будівель ми бачили. Відбулася фотовиставка на честь українських біженців на батьківщині та за кордоном. Ми вітаємо двоюрідного брата, який керує магазином морозива. І ми бачили в місті дуже відомий нічний клуб, але він був закритий, тому що був день.
Google Translation into Arabic: رأينا بعض الأشجار الصغيرة التي لجأت إلى الظل. لقد رأينا المزيد من التفاصيل حول زخرفة البلاط على واجهات المباني. أقيم معرض صور لتكريم اللاجئين الأوكرانيين في الداخل والخارج. نرحب بابن العم الذي يدير محل لبيع الآيس كريم. ورأينا ملهى ليليًا مشهورًا جدًا في المدينة ، لكنه كان مغلقًا لأنه كان نهارًا.
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা ছায়ায় আশ্রয় নেওয়া কয়েকটি ছোট গাছ দেখতে পেলাম। আমরা বিল্ডিং facades উপর টাইল প্রসাধন আরো বিস্তারিত দেখেছি. দেশে এবং বিদেশে ইউক্রেনীয় শরণার্থীদের সম্মান জানিয়ে একটি ফটো প্রদর্শনী ছিল। আমরা একজন কাজিনকে স্বাগত জানাই যিনি একটি আইসক্রিমের দোকান চালান। এবং আমরা শহরে একটি খুব বিখ্যাত নাইটক্লাব দেখেছি, কিন্তু দিনের বেলায় এটি বন্ধ ছিল।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 我们看到了几棵躲在树荫下的小树。 我们已经看到了更多建筑立面瓷砖装饰的细节。 举办了纪念国内外乌克兰难民的图片展。 我们欢迎一位经营冰淇淋店的堂兄。 而且我们在镇上看到了一个非常有名的夜总会,但是因为是白天所以关门了。
Google Translation into Korean: 우리는 그늘에 숨어 있던 작은 나무 몇 그루를 보았습니다. 건물 정면의 타일 장식에 대한 자세한 내용을 살펴보았습니다. 국내외 우크라이나 난민을 기리는 사진전이 있었습니다. 아이스크림 가게를 운영하는 사촌을 환영합니다. 그리고 우리는 마을에서 매우 유명한 나이트 클럽을 보았지만 낮이라 문을 닫았습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: ראינו כמה עצים קטנים שמצאו מחסה בצל. ראינו פרטים נוספים על קישוט אריחים על חזיתות בניינים. הייתה תערוכת צילומים לכבוד פליטים אוקראינים מבית ומחוץ. אנו מקבלים בברכה בן דוד שמנהל חנות גלידה. וראינו מועדון לילה מאוד מפורסם בעיר, אבל הוא היה סגור כי זה היה בשעות היום.
Google Translation into Hindi: हमने कुछ छोटे पेड़ों को देखा जो छाया में शरण लिए हुए थे। हमने भवन के अग्रभाग पर टाइल की सजावट के अधिक विवरण देखे हैं। देश और विदेश में यूक्रेनी शरणार्थियों के सम्मान में एक फोटो प्रदर्शनी थी। हम एक आइसक्रीम की दुकान चलाने वाले एक चचेरे भाई का स्वागत करते हैं। और हमने शहर में एक बहुत प्रसिद्ध नाइट क्लब देखा, लेकिन वह दिन का समय होने के कारण बंद था।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami melihat beberapa pohon kecil yang berlindung di tempat teduh. Kami telah melihat lebih detail dekorasi ubin pada fasad bangunan. Ada pameran foto untuk menghormati pengungsi Ukraina di dalam dan luar negeri. Kami menyambut sepupu yang menjalankan toko es krim. Dan kami melihat sebuah klub malam yang sangat terkenal di kota, tapi itu ditutup karena siang hari.
Google Translation into Japanese: 日陰に隠れていた小さな木が数本見えました。 建物のファサードのタイル装飾の詳細を見てきました。 国内外でウクライナ難民を称える写真展がありました。 アイスクリーム屋を営むいとこを歓迎します。 そして、街でとても有名なナイトクラブを見ましたが、昼間だったので閉まっていました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Көлөкөсүнө баш калкалаган бир нече кичинекей дарактарды көрдүк. Биз имараттын фасадында плиткаларды жасалгалоонун кеңири деталдарын көрдүк. Өлкөдө жана чет өлкөлөрдө украиналык качкындарды даңазалаган сүрөт көргөзмөсү болду. Балмуздак саткан бир тууганыбызды кабыл алабыз. Ал эми шаарда абдан белгилүү түнкү клубду көрдүк, бирок күндүз болгондуктан жабылып калган.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami melihat beberapa pokok kecil yang telah berlindung di bawah naungan. Kami telah melihat lebih banyak butiran hiasan jubin pada fasad bangunan. Terdapat pameran foto menghormati pelarian Ukraine di dalam dan luar negara. Kami mengalu-alukan sepupu yang mengusahakan kedai aiskrim. Dan kami melihat kelab malam yang sangat terkenal di bandar, tetapi ia ditutup kerana hari itu siang hari.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Бид сүүдэрт хоргодсон хэдэн жижиг модыг харлаа. Барилгын фасад дээрх хавтангийн чимэглэлийн талаар илүү дэлгэрэнгүйг бид харсан. Украйны дүрвэгсдийг дотоод, гадаадад хүндэтгэсэн гэрэл зургийн үзэсгэлэн гарчээ. Зайрмагны дэлгүүр ажиллуулдаг үеэлийг урьж байна. Тэгээд бид хотод маш алдартай шөнийн цэнгээний газрыг харсан ч өдөр байсан тул хаасан.
Google Translation into Nepali: हामीले छायामा शरण लिएका केही साना रूखहरू देख्यौं। हामीले भवनको अनुहारमा टाइल सजावटको थप विवरणहरू देखेका छौं। स्वदेश तथा विदेशमा रहेका युक्रेनी शरणार्थीहरुलाई सम्मान गर्दै फोटो प्रदर्शनी गरिएको थियो । हामी आइसक्रिम पसल चलाउने चचेरे भाईलाई स्वागत गर्छौं। र हामीले शहरमा एक धेरै प्रसिद्ध नाइटक्लब देख्यौं, तर यो बन्द थियो किनभने यो दिनको समय थियो।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਸੀਂ ਕੁਝ ਛੋਟੇ ਦਰੱਖਤ ਦੇਖੇ ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੇ ਛਾਂ ਵਿਚ ਪਨਾਹ ਲਈ ਸੀ. ਅਸੀਂ ਇਮਾਰਤ ਦੇ ਚਿਹਰੇ 'ਤੇ ਟਾਇਲ ਸਜਾਵਟ ਦੇ ਹੋਰ ਵੇਰਵੇ ਦੇਖੇ ਹਨ. ਦੇਸ਼-ਵਿਦੇਸ਼ ਵਿੱਚ ਯੂਕਰੇਨੀ ਸ਼ਰਨਾਰਥੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਨਮਾਨਿਤ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੀ ਫੋਟੋ ਪ੍ਰਦਰਸ਼ਨੀ ਲਗਾਈ ਗਈ। ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਚਚੇਰੇ ਭਰਾ ਦਾ ਸਵਾਗਤ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਜੋ ਇੱਕ ਆਈਸਕ੍ਰੀਮ ਦੀ ਦੁਕਾਨ ਚਲਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਅਤੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਇੱਕ ਬਹੁਤ ਮਸ਼ਹੂਰ ਨਾਈਟ ਕਲੱਬ ਦੇਖਿਆ, ਪਰ ਇਹ ਬੰਦ ਸੀ ਕਿਉਂਕਿ ਇਹ ਦਿਨ ਦਾ ਸਮਾਂ ਸੀ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ یو څو کوچنۍ ونې ولیدلې چې په سیوري کې یې پناه اخیستې وه. موږ د مخونو جوړولو په اړه د ټایل سینګار نور توضیحات لیدلي. په کور دننه او بهر د اوکرایني کډوالو د درناوي لپاره د انځورونو نندارتون جوړ شو. موږ د تره زوی ته ښه راغلاست وایو چې د آیس کریم پلورنځی پرمخ وړي. او موږ په ښار کې یو ډیر مشهور نایټ کلب ولید، مګر دا تړل شوی و ځکه چې د ورځې وخت و.
Google Translation into Persian: چند درخت کوچک را دیدیم که در سایه پناه گرفته بودند. جزئیات بیشتری از دکوراسیون کاشی در نمای ساختمان دیده ایم. یک نمایشگاه عکس برای تجلیل از پناهندگان اوکراینی در داخل و خارج از کشور برگزار شد. ما به پسرعمویی که یک مغازه بستنی فروشی دارد خوش آمد می گوییم. و ما یک کلوپ شبانه بسیار معروف را در شهر دیدیم، اما به دلیل روز بودن تعطیل بود.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Urang nempo sababaraha tangkal leutik nu geus nyokot ngungsi di tempat teduh. Kami parantos ningali langkung rinci ngeunaan hiasan ubin dina fasad gedong. Aya paméran poto honoring pangungsi Ukraina di imah jeung di mancanagara. Kami ngabagéakeun misan anu ngajalankeun toko és krim. Sarta kami nempo hiji nightclub pisan kawentar di kota, tapi ieu ditutup sabab éta daytime.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Nakita namin ang ilang maliliit na puno na sumilong sa lilim. Nakakita kami ng higit pang mga detalye ng dekorasyong tile sa mga facade ng gusali. Nagkaroon ng photo exhibition na nagpaparangal sa mga Ukrainian refugee sa loob at labas ng bansa. Tinatanggap namin ang isang pinsan na nagpapatakbo ng isang tindahan ng ice cream. At nakita namin ang isang napaka sikat na nightclub sa bayan, ngunit ito ay sarado dahil ito ay araw.
Google Translation into Thai: เราเห็นต้นไม้เล็ก ๆ น้อย ๆ หลบอยู่ใต้ร่มเงา เราได้เห็นรายละเอียดการตกแต่งกระเบื้องที่ด้านหน้าอาคารมากขึ้น มีการจัดนิทรรศการภาพถ่ายเพื่อเป็นเกียรติแก่ผู้ลี้ภัยชาวยูเครนทั้งในและต่างประเทศ เรายินดีต้อนรับลูกพี่ลูกน้องที่เปิดร้านไอศกรีม และเราเห็นไนท์คลับที่มีชื่อเสียงมากในเมือง แต่ปิดเพราะเป็นเวลากลางวัน
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم نے چند چھوٹے درخت دیکھے جو سائے میں پناہ لیے ہوئے تھے۔ ہم نے عمارت کے اگلے حصے پر ٹائل کی سجاوٹ کی مزید تفصیلات دیکھی ہیں۔ اندرون اور بیرون ملک یوکرائنی پناہ گزینوں کے اعزاز میں تصویری نمائش لگائی گئی۔ ہم ایک کزن کو خوش آمدید کہتے ہیں جو آئس کریم کی دکان چلاتا ہے۔ اور ہم نے شہر میں ایک بہت مشہور نائٹ کلب دیکھا، لیکن وہ دن کا وقت ہونے کی وجہ سے بند تھا۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Biz soyada panoh topgan bir nechta mayda daraxtlarni ko'rdik. Biz binolarning jabhalarida plitkalarni bezashning batafsil tafsilotlarini ko'rdik. Mamlakatimizdagi va xorijdagi ukrainalik qochqinlarni sharaflovchi fotoko‘rgazma tashkil etildi. Muzqaymoq do‘konini boshqaradigan amakivachchani kutib olamiz. Va biz shaharda juda mashhur tungi klubni ko'rdik, lekin u kunduzi bo'lgani uchun yopiq edi.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Chúng tôi thấy một vài cây nhỏ đã trú ẩn trong bóng râm. Chúng tôi đã thấy nhiều chi tiết hơn về trang trí gạch trên mặt tiền tòa nhà. Đã có một cuộc triển lãm ảnh vinh danh những người tị nạn Ukraine trong và ngoài nước. Chúng tôi chào đón một người anh em họ đang điều hành một cửa hàng kem. Và chúng tôi thấy một hộp đêm rất nổi tiếng trong thị trấn, nhưng nó đã đóng cửa vì đang là ban ngày.
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slime-gods · 3 years
I started this last night and finished it earlier today :D
and also tiny versions of em!
left to right is:
fritzi, josef, aliza, adalius, lily, andreas, glowstick and gisela!
fritzi, josef and adalius are owned by Kam
and lily, andreas and gisela are owned by Jae!
(more images under cut)
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shwunari · 6 years
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....I do not regret anything.
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
DREAM IN KLUB ICE,,,,, actual pure hell chaos incarnate. Instead of being locked in solitary confinement there’s just this fucking nightclub with a bunch of random people who are all also prisoners but won’t listen to Dream’s scheming because they’re too busy partying and also maybe trying to escape. Skydoesminecraft is there.
Okay so it crack. Okay. Thank god I was going to cry if it was anything but crack.
Everything is chaotic and I love it.
Also this is now called disco prison au.
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pandascanpvpmoved · 4 years
klub ice with dream team
sighhhh *adds this to the list of cursed au ideas*
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Ownership - Chapter 22 (A Kylo RenxOC AU)
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Cora Ardmore and Kylo Ren work for rival companies, but they don’t know that until after they spend the night together. Once their identities are revealed to each other it’s a question of who will cave first?
This fic is mostly porn, pure kinky porn.
Please leave comments, kudos and reblogs if you like it. If you would like to be tagged, let me know.
Warnings: Language, Discussion of a BDSM club and fetish wear, Racism (I DO NOT IN ANY WAY CONDONE IT NOR AM I RACIST MYSELF, IT IS PURELY FOR FICTIONAL PURPOSES) 
Chapter 22
Kylo Ren
Sunday morning I was pleasantly awakened by Cora holding a tray of breakfast food, fruit juices and coffee. Once I was sat up, she placed the tray down and sat down next to me on the bed. “Whats this all for?” I asked teasingly. “Damn, you saw through my cunning plan,” she giggled, taking a brioche from the plate, “I wanted to make breakfast for you, for a change. And I wanted to pitch an idea to you.” “Alright.” Picking out one of the savoury muffins, I unwrapped it before taking a bite. “So, I know we haven’t really spoken about it and you only mentioned it once. But I think I’m ready if you wanted to take me to Phasma’s club,” Cora spoke. “Either you’re ready or you’re not. I need a sure answer.”
Cora rolled her eyes at my tone, “I’m ready.” “You’re ready for other people to see you in latex? You’re ready to let me do whatever I want to you wether there’s an audience or not?” There was a small pause from her, Cora biting at her bottom lip, “yes, I’m ready.” “Okay. I’ll get us tickets.” “Have you ever taken a sub there before?” “No. You’ll be the first. Don’t worry about buying an outfit. I’ll sort that for you.” “Do I at least not get a say?” “You’ll like what I pick out for you.”
I had no intention of making her wear something that would expose her breasts or her ass. She’d be ‘decent’. Before we could finish breakfast, my phone buzzed on the bedside table. My stomach dropped at the caller I.D. Snoke. Picking it up, I hit the answer button. “Hello?” I answered. “Sorry to call you so early, but this couldn’t wait. Tarkin is flying out to Toronto tomorrow morning to personal deliver some supplies to a client. I was hoping that you would go with him.” “Tomorrow morning? What time exactly?” “9am. I’ll have everything sorted and paid for in that time.”
Glancing at Cora, she was listening intently and nodded at me as if to tell me to say yes to Snoke. “Sure. I don’t mind helping out,” I replied. “Good. I’ll email you the finer details once I’ve sorted them.” Snoke hung up, and I locked the phone before turning back to Cora to repeat what I had been told. “Tomorrow? I need to make a call and get you something,” Cora mentioned. “What?” “He’s going to send you somewhere that will give us great evidence in court to at least take down Tarkin.” “I’m not wearing a wire.”
Cora cocked her head at me, raising her brows with a smirk. “Kylo, I’m not that old school. Besides, they’ll likely give you a pat down tomorrow and a wire would be found easily. But a tiny little camera disguised as a button, well they won’t have a clue.” “And I suppose you just happen to have one on hand?” “Not me personally. But Finn from work is our tech guy. I’m sure he’ll have one or something similar.” Cora took her phone and made the call in the next room. I tidied up breakfast before taking a shower and changing into some clean clothes.
Cora returned with a triumphant smile on her face. That meant Finn had one of those cameras she’d mentioned. “I’m going to get dressed and then I’m gonna pick up the camera. I’ll be two hours max,” Cora explained. “Anything I can do in that time?” “Start packing for your trip and pick out a suit you plan on wearing tomorrow when you hand over the supplies.”
The flight the next morning had been awkward, tension filled. Tarkin was not an easy man to get along with or make conversation with. Frankly, I was glad to get away from him in my suite. The suite was lavish with a separate living room area and dining area. Tarkin was on the floor above in the hotel’s most expensive and largest suite. Not that either of us needed all this space for only one night. Snoke had given us a schedule for the afternoon Tarkin and I would visit The First Order’s Toronto branch to make sure everything was running smoothly. Snoke normally did worldwide branch visits, but he couldn’t do all of them anymore and needed to share the load.
Then tomorrow we’d take the supply shipment out to a location that would be given to us this evening. The supplies would be dropped off to the buyer and business would be complete. Tomorrow evening we’d be on the flight home and it would be back to work as normal. Once I had settled into the room, I changed into the suit that was bugged. The button camera clipped on over one of the suit jacket buttons and blended perfectly. Nobody would look twice or think it was anything other than a button. All the footage and audio that was captured was saved straight to Cora’s burner phone, and it could record up to four hours of footage.
I’d text Cora in the car to let her know to start recording. We’d set up a code for it, just in case someone looked over my shoulder or saw me texting. After lunch I headed down to the lobby where Tarkin was already waiting for me. He didn’t look impressed to have been kept waiting. Then again, he never looked happy. I think seeing him smile would be more terrifying than relieving. “Sorry if I kept you waiting,” I apologized. Snoke normally made me feel on edge, but with Tarkin it felt like I was walking on eggshells. Or that I was just a constant disappointment. Thank god he didn’t have any kids. “Yes, well, let’s get going and not waste any more time,” Tarkin spoke.
Tarkin got to his feet and led me outside where a car was waiting. Getting into the back-passenger seat, I was grateful that Tarkin got into the front next to the driver. When we neared the building, I messaged Cora. Hey, how’s your day going? I should be back home tomorrow night. Make sure you're ready, ;) Cora knew not to text back until later, just in case. The car came to a stop outside the main entrance, Tarkin not even stopping to thank the driver as he exited the vehicle. Tarkins constant sour mood was going to make this trip seem longer than it needed to be.
The next morning, Tarkin and I returned to the Toronto branch. This time I was the one driving. Pulling up outside of the warehouse entrance, Tarkin got out to make sure the supplies were handled with care as they were being loaded up into the back. I took this opportunity to text Cora again, my stomach filled with nerves. I could get through this, I had too. It would give us important evidence in court that we needed. I just wish I didn’t have to be on the front line to get that evidence. All too soon Tarkin got back into the car and that ice filled tension was back.
Tarkin reset the GPS to a new location. Putting the car into drive, I followed the GPS’ instructions. The silence just made the tension that much worse. But I knew putting on the radio would not be approved. The tension was doing nothing to calm my nerves either. If things went south, I doubt Tarkin would go out of his way to help me. After an hour our surroundings began to become baron, no buildings, only huge rock formations. The GPS told me to take the next left, which led us to an off-road path, leading us deeper into the rocks. The path led to a huge house that overlooked the coast.
“Stop here. Leave the talking to me. But if you are asked any questions or need to talk, remain polite,” Tarkin instructed. “Okay.” Not doing any of the talking was fine by me. A group of ten men exited the house to greet us and receive the supplies. I followed Tarkin out of the car and over to them. The leader of the group was not entirely obvious as nobody stepped forward in greeting. Finally someone spoke, a pale rugged man with brown hair and eyes, his accent was definitely Scottish. “You’re on time. Good,” he spoke. “Where is Tasu?” Tarkin asked.
“Busy. But trusting enough that I’ll be dealing with this. Is that okay, Wilhuff?” Tarkin forced a smile, “absolutely fine, Bala.” “Who’s the new guy?” Bala asked, looking me over. Understandably my presence would make people start to question things. They didn’t know me; I didn’t know them. They didn’t know if they could trust me, but I certainly knew I couldn’t trust them. “This is Kylo Ren. Snoke had him approved,” Tarkin answered. “Shame he didn’t send Krennic with you. Krennic knows how to loosen up.” “Krennic was unfortunately busy dealing with other matters.”
Bala shrugged with a soft sigh before motioning with his head for the others to get the supplies from our car. Seven of them unloaded the car, taking it over to Bala to inspect. They had to make sure it was all there first. Once satisfied Bala motioned for one of his men to hand over a briefcase. Tarkin took it, opening it and making sure the notes inside were real. The exchange was complete, we could leave. Once back in the car, I felt myself relax a little now that we could leave. “So that wasn’t the leader?” I asked. Tarkin glanced at me, “no. Bala Tik is the second in command when it comes to Kanji Klub. Frankly, he’s much easier to deal with than Tasu Leech. The idiot expects transactions to go smoothly but refuses to speak a word of English. You’d think a leader of an organization like that would take the time to learn multiple languages.”
Ignoring Tarkins blatant racism, I changed the GPS to take us back to the hotel and started the engine. The further we got from that house, the more relaxed I felt, even with Tarkin in the car. It had gone so smoothly, and they hadn’t suspected a thing. I knew; however, it wouldn’t be like that all the time. Eventually that luck would probably run out.
Taglist: @sweetfictionalworld​​​​​​​​​, @sweetsec-93​​​​​​​​​, @cltex84​​​​​​​​​, @jana-banana-fana​​​​​​​​​, @jynzandtonic​​​​​​​​​, @neeharlow​​​​​​​​​​
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teamdoesminecraft · 4 years
please any info about ur canon?? tidbits? setting details?
oh BOY whats a canon. @crystalfloe (who i refer to as Mads) and I do a lot of worldbuilding shenanigans, but there is almost no consistency bc i love aus. list of COMMON themes:
players’ dead bodies become zombies/skeletons
most players respawn at the world origin, regardless of where they sleep
bajan is special bc hes an Appropriate Respawner, ie, he respawns where he last went unconscious (hence why he loves murder games)
hardcore mode DOES exist and it’s considered like a chronic illness
a lot of the time Sky is in hardcore mode
sometimes characters just form together from sentient code, sometimes theyre created by Devs (Jeb/Dinnerbone/etc), sometimes they’re just children of other ppl (it all depends on the lore)
when they ARE children, we follow minecraft mob rules: a baby will just fucken Appear if you love your significant other enough
sky is chronically a skybrine when parents are used (no his eyes aren’t glowy, rip). his other dad is Sterling, a very soft adventurer who looks a lot like him.
the few times we’ve addressed true’s parents, they’ve been like, a farming mother and a space-driven father. in more urban-fantasy settings theyre typically super upper middle class. in at least one mermaid au, they were a forbidden romance between a mer and a human
seto was raised by illagers. he grew up in a woodland mansion and evokers taught him everything he knows
the one time we tried to give ssun a dad he immediately ran away from home so we don’t do that anymore
for jerome/husky not having parents is kind of a trademark bc theyre like, Unique, and jerome specifically is self-sustaining
lox is sometimes raised by endermen. sometimes he isn’t
Mads rly likes yoglabs, so, bajan was raised by a mad scientist and a small dwarf. with their powers combined he is: an unstable maniac who’s too strong and likes to eat
generallY, when not urban fantasy (and even when it IS urban fantasy), the world is split into city-state medieval-esque areas, with kingdoms and/or factions
we adhere to MC as our primary lore a lot, ie, it’s normal for ppl to travel around and build their own house every night
“magic” is just manipulation of code. so is science
mods can exist but if we’re literally calling it A Mod, only in designated areas; theyre modifications in the worldcode so severe only a dev could pull it off
klub ice is a mental-warping zone (generally in an Evil Faction(TM)), that doesnt always impact everyone the same (ie, bc husky and mitch are already bastards, they don’t take a big hit)
parkour courses are common attractions, bodil is a well-known architect
the farlands exist, some super-knowledgable characters run off there now and again
hunger games tournaments normally use paired weapons/armor like lasertag to prevent actual murder, esp the casual ones. bajan (bc he can Respawn) actively seeks out the really murderous ones
ssun always has a bakery, when he’s not adventuring
not exactly a setting but sometimes sky runs off into a forest and lives with some quiet villagers and after a few years changes his name to Nobody
ssun may have been in an ancient war, or something, we don’t know yet. he’s a secret badass, nobody knows
sometimes bajan and jerome were literally created to murder each other. normally, one of them immediately has that protocol wiped from their mind
hypixel is heavily implied to be a stoic hunger games badass bajan looks up to. hes also heavily implied to be his brother
CAN true talk to animals? it’s a mystery
jerome is sometimes ostracized for being a bear. its sad
some quirks:
true’s vegetarian
sky calls it “butter” to fuck with people
husky and ty hate each other, but like, performatively
ssun just has sensitive eyes
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dermontag · 2 years
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"Völlig überrascht und konfus" Zwei DEL-Profis müssen mitten im Spiel vom Feld 03.03.2022, 15:15 Uhr Die Deutsche Eishockey-Liga erlebt im Spiel zwischen Nürnberg gegen Bietigheim ein Kuriosum. Mitten in der Partie müssen zwei Profis das Feld verlassen - weil sich das Corona-Test-Labor meldet. Zwei Teams sind momentan komplett in Quarantäne, die Playoff-Qualifikation wird zum Rechenspiel. Als das erste Drittel lief, fehlten plötzlich zwei Nürnberger Spieler. Ryan Stoa und Daniel Schmölz durften nicht zurück aufs Eis, weil sie gerade positive PCR-Testergebnisse erhalten hatten. "Völlig überrascht, völlig konfus" waren die Ice Tigers, berichtete Sportdirektor Stefan Ustorf nach dem 1:5 gegen die Bietigheim Steelers bei MagentaSport: "Die beiden sind völlig gesund." Der Klub hatte am Morgen noch Schnelltests durchgeführt, "die ganze Mannschaft war negativ", sagte Ustorf: "Und auf einmal kommt das Labor im ersten Drittel und sagt: Die Zwei müssen raus." Bei den PCR-Tests handelte es sich nach Angaben der Deutschen Eishockey-Liga (DEL) um freiwillige Tests der Nürnberger. Vorgeschrieben sind solche Testungen nach dem seit 1. Februar gültigen geänderten Corona-Protokoll nur noch bei Spielern, die nicht frisch geimpft, frisch genesen oder geboostert sind. Besonders bitter für die Ice Tigers: Mit dem kurzfristigen Ausfall des Duos fehlten ihnen acht Spieler, "das ist natürlich schwer zu kompensieren", so Ustorf. Auch wenn bundesweit die Einschränkungen fallen - die Corona-Pandemie beeinflusst die sportlichen Entscheidungen in der DEL nach wie vor. Und am Ende könnte der Punktequotient über Play-off-Teilnahme und Abstieg entscheiden. Nicht alle Spiele können nachgeholt werden Auf etwa 120 schätzt das Ligabüro die Zahl der Coronafälle in dieser Saison mittlerweile, "alle Teams waren betroffen", sagte Spielbetriebsleiter Jörg von Ameln. Aktuell sind die Schwenninger Wild Wings nach einem Corona-Ausbruch in Quarantäne, die Spiele am Wochenende gegen Krefeld und Düsseldorf wurden abgesagt. Die Augsburger Panther haben inzwischen ihren 22. Coronafall vermeldet und sind ebenfalls nicht spielfähig. Mehr zum Thema "Wir müssen davon ausgehen, dass wir etwa fünf Spiele nicht mehr nachholen können", sagte DEL-Geschäftsführer Gernot Tripcke. Das bedeutet: Zum Ende der Hauptrunde wird die Tabelle unvollständig sein. "Es ist dann so, dass der Punkteschnitt entscheidet, wer in die Playoffs kommt oder wer absteigt", sagte Tripcke: "Das ist natürlich nicht ideal, aber genau dafür wurde diese Wertung eingeführt. Sie ist vor der Saison einstimmig so beschlossen worden, jeder wusste, dass es so kommen kann." Aktuell liegt Ingolstadt auf dem sechsten Platz, der noch direkt ins Viertelfinale führt - 0,003 Punkte vor dem Siebten. Bietigheim als Zehnter - und damit noch in den Vor-Play-offs - hat immerhin 0,02 Zähler Vorsprung auf den Elften. Schwenningen und Iserlohn, beide in erhöhter Abstiegsgefahr, trennen 0,005 Punkte. "Favorit" auf den ersten sportlichen Abstieg aus der DEL seit 15 Jahren sind die Krefeld Pinguine, die 0,107 Zähler - und damit vergleichsweise deutlich - hinter dem Vorletzten Kölner Haie liegen. Sie haben allerdings noch sechs Spiele mehr auszutragen - und damit sechs Chancen mehr zu punkten.
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This article was published in the “Bild” on 18. August 2017. It was originally written by Nick Seeliger. This is not an authorized translation and the English may be faulty at times since English is not my first language. I own neither the article nor the pictures printed in the newspaper. The first part is the original article written out in case you can't see the pictures. The second part is my translation.
german original
Der Schnuller steckt noch im Mund. Der Eishockey-Helm aber sitzt schon fast perfekt.
Keine 20 Jahre später ist aus dem Eishockey-Jüngling der beste deutsche Kufenstar geworden.
Leon Draisaitl (21) hat seinen Vertrag bei NHL-Klub Edmonton Oilers bis 2025 verlängert, kassiert jetzt jährlich 8,5 Mio. Dollar (rund 7,3 Mio. Euro). Heißt: Der kölsche Jung kriegt bis Vertragsende 58 Mio. Euro!
Draisaitl zu Bild: “Natürlich ist das sehr, sehr viel Geld. Aber mit mir als Person macht das nichts. Es gibt auch nichts, was ich mir jetzt direkt kaufen werde.”
Vom Eis-Knirps zum Kufen-Millionär!
Helm, Schläger und Puck wurden ihm in die Wiege gelegt. Der Nationalspieler: “Es war ja so, dass mein Vater auch Eishockey gespielt hat. Als kleiner Junge habe ich aber noch nicht so versucht, mich mit anderen zu messen. Ich wollte nur Spaß beim Eishockeyspielen. Und es ist immer noch Spaß und Liebe. Auch wenn es natürlich mein Job ist.”
Vater Peter (149 Länderspiele für Deutschland): “Diese Summe liest sich natürlich gewaltig auf dem Papier. Aber niemand muss sich Gedanken um den Jungen machen. Der bleibt geerdet.”
Wann wusste der Vater, dass aus seinem Sohn ein Profi werden könnte? “Dass es ernst wird, war so im Alter von zehn, elf Jahren spürbar.”
Ist nach dem neuen Mega-Vertrag kommende Saison auch noch der Gewinn des Stanley Cups drin? Leon: “Das ist noch zu früh. Aber in Edmonton geht es in die richtige Richtung, wir haben die richtige Leute.”
Kleines Bild: Knirps Leon. Dazu schreibt er bei Instagram: “Schon damals verrückt nach Eishockey”
Großes Bild: Letzte Saison dreht “The German Gretzky” richtig auf. Der Kölner Draisaitl schoss für die Edmonton Oilers in der NHL 29 Tore, gab 48 Vorlagen.
english translation:
The pacifier still in the mouth. But the ice hockey helmet fits nearly perfectly.
Not even 20 years later the young player grew up to be the best paid German hockey star.
Leon Draisaitl (21) extended his contract with the NHL-club Edmonton Oilers until 2025 and will earn 8,5 million dollars (around 7,3 million euro). This means: until the end of his contract he will earn 58 million euro!
Draisaitl to reporters: “Obviously that's lots and lots of money. But that doesn't affect me as a person. There's nothing I'm going to immediately buy.”
From ice tot to skate millionaire!
Helmet, stick, and puck have been with him since the cradle. The national player: “Well, my dad played ice hockey too. As a little boy I didn't yet try to be better than others. I only wanted to have fun playing hockey. And it's still fun and love. Even if it's technically my job.”
His father Peter (149 games on the German national team): “This number obviously looks gigantic on paper. But nobody needs to worry about the boy. He's staying down to earth.”
When did the father know that his son would be a professional? “That it would be serious was visible around the age of ten, eleven years.”
With the new mega-deal is it possible to win the Stanley Cup next season? Leon: “It's too early to say that. But in Edmonton everything is pointing in the right direction, we have the right people.”
little picture caption: Tiny Leon. Under this Instagram post he wrote “Even back then crazy for hockey”
big picture caption: Last season “the German Gretzky” turned it up. The cologne born Draisaitl shot 29 goals for the Edmonton Oilers and gave 48 assists.
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spilledjelly · 1 year
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The second part to this comic except not in comic form because im a fool that didn't save the file as a clip file therfore lost all the progress I had of the second page
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theart2rock · 5 years
Diese Woche neu im Konzertkalender
Jeden Sonntag veröffentliche ich hier die Konzerte, welche im Verlauf der Woche neu im Konzertkalender von The Art 2 Rock erfasst wurden. Es werden nur Konzerte die in der Schweiz stattfinden erfasst. Mit Klick auf die Band kommt ihr auf den entsprechenden Detaileintrag des Konzertes, oftmals ist dort auch ein Link zu finden, über welchen die Tickets bestellt werden können. Die Liste erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.
06.09.2019 – Duff McKagan – Dynamo
11.09.2019 – Ice Nine Kills – Komplex Klub
10.11.2019 – Opeth – Volkshaus
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Diese Woche neu im Konzertkalender was originally published on The Art 2 Rock
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spilledjelly · 1 year
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Uh oh...
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spilledjelly · 1 year
what is this klub ice au I need to know
Ah, time for jelly to do some explaining
(Under readmore because I ramble)
In the wee old days of young jelly, there was a popular group of mcyts called team crafted. They often did videos on the cops and robbers mini game.
Some episodes had special themes attached to them. This is where klub ice comes in
It ran mostly the same like their other cops and robbers videos, except the prison more resembled a night club (it literally only had a dance floor put into it). The exception to this, being that the members playing that specific theme picked up flamboyant personas instead of their normal ones.
It's later shown in the episodes that these flamboyant personas aren't ones they've adopted on their own(mind control babeyyy). Their characters usually end up breaking out of it when they leave the prison or for story progression(since the mind spell makes rhem want to stay in the prison).
Now what does this mean for klub ice au? Well the writings kinda on the tin(I've changed it slightly from the og concept).
I've picked a handful of hermits to be "in" on the club. (Now before I go on, I want to mention that in the cops and robbers series, there's a pattern of the warden being violent when members break out of the mind spell).
So it essentially plays the same, except instead of in a prison they're just on hermitcraft. Trying to spread the "party groove". They don't pick up personas, but they definitely are acting more sweet than usual.
Instead of just one member being violent when there's party crashers(usually just the warden) now they're all violent.
I think you can see where I'm going with this
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
HOLY FUCK KLUB ICE. UHM. man that was fuckin wild anyway
honestly im p sure the klub ice prison has like. a brainwashing effect that makes you a member??? its funny dw, so dream in there,,,, WHAT WLD HE CHANGE HIS NAME TO HOLD ON
klub ice did what
it brainwashed people?
Someone from the olden Mcyt days, tell me more about Klub Ice because I am interested. We can make an au out of this. Also we need an au name for this.
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dermontag · 2 years
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Ice Tigers spielen mit Not-Team Wahnwitzige Corona-"Farce" erschüttert DEL-Klub 31.01.2022, 16:10 Uhr Die Nürnberg Ice Tigers müssen beim Spiel gegen die Augsburg Panthers zehn Plätze auf der Bank freilassen. Die Rumpftruppe geht mit 4:9 unter. "Lächerlich", "eine Farce" und "gesundheitsgefährdend" wettern die Bosse nach dem traurigen Höhepunkt der wahnwitzigen Corona-Saison. Der traurige Höhepunkt der wahnwitzigen Corona-Saison im deutschen Eishockey war für die Nürnberg Ice Tigers nur noch mit beißender Ironie zu ertragen. "Die zehn freien Plätze auf unserer Spielerbank könnt Ihr übrigens auch gerne verkaufen", antwortete der Klub den Augsburger Panther, die auf Twitter den Ticketkauf für das bayerische Derby beworben hatten. Die großen Lücken auf der Nürnberger Bank waren das Symbolbild für ein Spiel, das der Deutschen Eishockey Liga (DEL) geschadet haben dürfte. Als ein "Muster ohne Wert" und "eine Karikatur eines Eishockeyspiels" bezeichneten die Ice Tigers die 4:9-Niederlage - und trafen damit den Nagel auf den Kopf. Mit einer Rumpftruppe von nur elf Feldspielern und zwei Torhütern war der Kampf von vornherein aussichtslos, auch wenn sich die coronageplagten Nürnberger gegen vollbesetzte Augsburger sehr achtbar schlugen. Bis ihnen die Kraft ausging. "Es war eine Farce", sagte Nürnbergs Geschäftsführer Wolfgang Gastner: "Das darf es so nicht nochmal geben." Cheftrainer Tom Rowe wetterte: "Das war lächerlich und bringt die Spieler in eine gesundheitsgefährdende Situation." Nürnbergs Nicholas Welsh ist sichtlich erschöpft. (Foto: picture alliance / Eibner-Pressefoto) Nürnberg hatte wegen zahlreicher positiver Tests und Trainingsausfällen versucht, die Partie zu verlegen. Doch die Formel, die auch die Ice Tigers vor der Saison abgenickt hatten, besagt: 10+1 = spielfähig. Einzig eine behördlich angeordnete Team-Quarantäne hätte die Partie verhindern können - doch die blieb aus. Auch, weil viele im Nürnberger Team bereits geboostert sind. "In dem Fall ist der Ehrliche der Dumme", meinte Gastner, dessen Klub sich zudem streng an das "return-to-play-Protokoll" hält. An Corona erkrankte Profis früher dem Leistungssport auszusetzen als empfohlen, kommt für Gastner wegen möglicher Long-COVID-Schäden nicht infrage: "Bei mir geht Sicherheit vor Punkte." Neue Regeln nach Olympia? In der Olympiapause will er bei anderen Liga-Verantwortlichen für eine Aufstockung der Mindestanzahl an spielfähigen Feldspielern von zehn auf 13 werben. Mit nur zwei Sturmreihen, so wie Nürnberg gegen Augsburg angetreten war, kann man kein Spiel gewinnen - das weiß jeder, der selbst schon mal Eishockey gespielt hat. "Das Schlimme ist, dass man fast enttäuscht sein muss, dass wir hier keine Punkte mitgenommen haben", sagte Nürnbergs Verteidiger Oliver Mebus bei MagentaSport. Er selbst stand rekordverdächtige 31:25 Minuten auf dem Eis, nahezu alle Nürnberger kamen auf mehr als 30 Shifts. Die Beine seien "ein bisschen schwerer" als sonst und er sei froh, "dass es vorbei ist", gab Mebus zu. Das galt für alle. Und doch sollte es ein Nachspiel haben, denn der Wettbewerbsgedanke wurde hier ausgehebelt. Noch offensichtlicher als bei den vielen Spielausfällen, die nahezu täglich von der DEL kommuniziert werden. In ihrer Not scherzten die Nürnberger, man könne ja Sportdirektor Stefan Ustorf, Co-Trainer Manuel Kofler und Physiotherapeut Thomas Schinko, die einst erfolgreiche Spieler gewesen waren, Trikots überziehen. Galgenhumor und beißende Ironie - anders war dieser gebrauchte Tag für die Ice Tigers nicht zu ertragen.
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