knookey · 8 years
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2016 has seen quite a few groups disbanding with 4minute being the most recent disbandment. And I think we all know who to blame for that.
2016 isn’t even close to ending and with more and more 2nd generation idol groups having their contracts nearing their end, more groups are bound to break up in the following months or next year.
Here are my picks for the groups most likely to disband this year. Please remember guys: THIS IS ALL IN JEST! I like the majority of these bands and I ain’t no hater (they didn’t do anything personally to me, why should I hate them? Waste of energy hating on someone I don’t know). 
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Minzy left, CL is off doing Godknowswhat in the US, Dara is acting/modelling/something and Bom has officially joined the Mexican drug cartel. They will break up. I’m sorry guys. Why else would YG suddenly start pushing their new girl group they’ve been raving about for the past 5 years? Like any other pop group, many of the members join to get public recognition and join the career they really wanted like acting or radio DJ. I think at this point they deserve to have successful solo careers. Besides they’ve had to put up with horrid singles given to them over the past 2 years.
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I don’t think anyone can deny this. Hyosung will continue to have a stable career after they disband. Jieun will do OK. Sunhwa will scrape by as a D-list actress and Zinger/Hana will fade into obscurity.
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T-ara’s money can only go so far, and right now DIA is the main priority. Panda Eyes has left and despite big budget music videos they haven’t had enough success in recent years. Sorry guys. Good luck in whatever you do. Open and ice cream shop like that guy from 100%!
Big Bang
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I mean look who GD collaborated with! Blame him! Not me. They’re YG’s only cash cow so maybe not this year, but expect the news fondly! And yes I included the picture with Chow Yun Fat. He looks great!
Xf - I mean F(x)
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As soon as Sulli left, their song quality dropped. I don’t care what y’all think with the whole “that was by far their best song” bullshit. That is not their style of music and compared to what their singles (and even album fillers!!) sound like, the 4 Walls sounded basic and dull. It’s a shame. Maybe it was all to do with Sulli. If she had a singing career they might give her all the good songs... SOMEONE START A PETITION!
Nine Muses
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It’s gonna happen one day. We’re all just waiting for the announcement. All the original members left so they must’ve known something’s gonna happen. Someone save Kyungri! 
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They’re droppin’ the Y and continue to have successful solo careers.
Mr. Mr
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Let’s not pretend to be surprised. Have they really done anything since Hon’s scandal?
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I’m surprised they haven’t announced their disbandment sooner since the originals left. What will Alex do now?
I could go on and on at this point. There are so many nugus I haven’t talked about, but I can’t be stuffed going any further. I’m tired.
All in all, keep in mind: I’m not an expert. If anything, what the hell do I know? Rania could suddenly be the next big thing and I’d have to print this post out and eat it. Ya just don’t know.
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knookey · 9 years
Favourite Kpop Songs of 2015 - Part 5
Here it is! My top Kpop songs of 2015. I thought this year had a disappointing start; none of the songs really stood out to me so I started thinking that Kpop has lost its charm. It proved me wrong as the year went by; plenty of good songs.
In part 5 I will list my absolute favourite Kpop songs from this year. I won’t list them in order of preference. I will however leave my favourite song this year for right at the end. Click here for parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of my list.
4minute - Crazy
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4minute blew many Kpop groups out of the water this year with this banger. As soon as I first heard it I fell in love. It’s energetic, fun, catchy and everything we needed from 4minute. After their last few duds we needed better music from them and boy did Cube deliver. They need to work with this producer more often, because he makes great songs. I love the EDM/Middle Eastern/Hip Hop fusion in this song. I only hope their collaboration with Skrillex (if it’s going to be released as a single) delivers as well.
Bonus: Tickle Tickle Tickle was another solid song from their Crazy album. Have a listen!
LABOUM - Sugar Sugar
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LABOUM is on a roll! I loved the 50′s/60′s style they had in this song. A simple song, but really catchy and pleasant. The music video was absolutely adorable too with those little figurines. Can I join this sleepover?
AOA - Heart Attack
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Many people did not like this song. They said it was too loud, that it sounded like the club mix version was accidentally released, etc. I loved this song (clearly). I am still convinced to this day that this was the song Bravesound meant for T-ara, but mixed up the tapes and gave them to the wrong groups. T-ara released an AOA-esque track, while AOA got the better end of the deal with this banger (I use that word a lot, don’t I?). This song is fun and so is the MV.
Red Velvet - Dumb Dumb
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Red Velvet have two entries on this list; SM is clearly investing much more into them at this point and I hope they’ve found their sound. Red Velvet’s recent releases (not counting Automatic here) sound like songs f(x) would have gotten, which does support the theory floating around in the Kpopsphere that once f(x) disbands, Red Velvet will be given all their songs. This chorus is catchy af; I can’t even begin to tell you how often I hum/sing this chorus. This post perfectly describes what’s playing in my head on most days.
Bonus: so many good songs on The Red such as Don’t U Wait No More and Huff n Puff.
Red Velvet - Ice Cream Cake
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Definitely took a while to grow on me. It’s fantastic though! If you hear the instrumental the song sounds quite eerie like a creepy ice cream truck, which makes sense considering that’s what the song probably would have been called. Thank you SM for choosing good producers for Red Velvet.
J.Y. Park - Who’s Your Mama?
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I never would have imagined I would end up liking this song the way that I do now. It’s catchy as hell and despite his mug JYP is entertaining to watch. JYP’s song have this basic-ness that I can’t describe (’cause I do not know how to describe things with music jargon). His songs sound simple, but they eventually manage to worm their way into your long-term memory. That “boip boip boip boip boip” element of the song is great and made the song catchier. My only issue is with how bassy the song is at the start; it hurts my ears when I’m wearing headphones. That being said, this is the best JYP produced song this year.
Year 7 Class 1 - White Wind
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The group’s remake of a 1988 song massively improved upon the original song by: having a better song production, speeding up the song, and adding better elements to the song. I have a huge soft spot for 80′s based music, and when such a song is done right, it immediately becomes a favourite. Love this song and the hand dance they do during the chorus (which I always do when I’m listening to the song). 
Oh My Girl - Closer
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Wow. Just wow. This song is amazing. It sounds so ethereal and dreamy. I love how warbled this song sounds. This is also honestly the only time I’ll ever say this: that rap worked really well into the song. Most rap breaks take away from the song or ruin it; this one, however, fits perfectly. Everything about this release was perfect from the song, the costumes, the music video and their dance. I expect big things from them in the future. 
Lovelyz - Hi~
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What a sweet song. Nothing else to say other than this song is fun, the music video looks lovely(z) and I can’t believe it took me so long to like this song. Also, for the record, I love Ji Ae’s voice. I can’t believe some people find her voice irritating. Tut tut.
Lovelyz - Ah-Choo
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Lovelyz! You’re back on this list again! This song is even better than Hi~. It’s a fun song, the music video is so much fun, and if you tell me that you don’t fake sneeze into your hand when you hear the chorus then you’re lying to me. I said it before, I love 80′s based music. It seems like that’s Woolim’s forte: catchy synthy songs. I can only hope Lovelyz stay on this path and not the For You path.
Bonus: Rapunzel is amazing. That is all.
Block B Bastarz - Zero for Conduct
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Holy shit this song is great. Best rap song this year for me, hands down. I thought Puss was in the bag (hehe), but Bastarz blew Jimin right out of the water. As EYK used to say this song is “bombastic”. This is the kind of music I want from Block B, a return to their earlier louder music. I can only hope that Bastarz gives us more songs like this in the future; songs with a lot of oomph. I can’t stop bobbing my head along to the song whenever I play it. Thank you, you glorious Bastarz.
And now, finally, the best Kpop song of 2015 is...........
Rainbow - Black Swan
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It can’t get any more perfect than Black Swan, by far Rainbow’s best release. I understand, this song is definitely an acquired taste. It grew on some people, while many others hated it. It’s experimental for sure, but I think the song was perfectly written. 
The song starts off and you think that it’s going to be a regular pop song with a dark-ish concept, but then that chorus kicks in and turns the song around. The chorus has a dark disco feel to it which I love and I feel that it fit in perfectly with the rest of the song. The music video is gorgeous and the girls are styled beautifully. I can’t fault any aspect of this release; I can only fault the Kpop listeners for letting this song fall by the wayside. 
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knookey · 9 years
Favourite Kpop Songs of 2015 - Part 4
This list is a continuation of Part 3: songs I downloaded and enjoyed, but not enough to say they were my top picks of the year. Click here for parts 1 and 2.
Let’s get into it!!
BESTie - Excuse Me
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I did not enjoy this song at all when it first came out. I thought that BESTie would be one of those bands with only one song of which I’d like. Then someone said that the best Let’s Dance they’ve ever seen was the one with BESTie. Hands down one of the best Let’s Dance I’ve ever seen. The girls were adorable and the whole thing was a lot of fun. To top it all off, I fell in love with the song. The song had sass and fun danceable parts. Great song! I wish BESTie would get more exposure now.
Stellar - Vibrato
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This song has its good days and bad days for me. It’s a great song and made so well, but it’s a hit or miss for me depending on my mood (as with Stellar’s other recent singles). I can’t explain it. However, the best part of the song is most definitely the bridge. In fact from the bridge onward the song improves (in my opinion). And yes I know the picture is from their Mask days, but those were their best costumes.
Infinite - Bad
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It looks like a lot of my favourite bands are leaving Sweetune Inc. Such a shame; I think Infinite are at their best when they’re with Sweetune. This is still a good song however. Catchy chorus, but the music is slightly grating on the ears.
Jun Jin - Wow Wow Wow
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My only pet peeve with this song is the “Wow wow wow wow wow wow” section. Other than that, this song is so slick (is that the word I’m looking for? yeah I’ll stick with it) and well made. It also helps that Jun Jin is my favourite from Shinhwa... OK I’m only basing this off of one interview I’ve seen them in. He was by far the funniest and most charismatic one. Added bonus, he looks great in this MV.
A-Daily - Spotlight
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A good song that would’ve been improved if they had removed that messy WUB WUB WUB breakdown. I thought we talked about this Kpop? No more dubstep!
Honeygirls - Again
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Sadly this one does not have a music video. What a shame! This song is an improved Every Night. I liked the song upon first listen; that’s a rare thing for me. Most songs take a while for them to grow on me. Thank you for linking me this song kind redditor! O/T that girl in the centre looks a bit like that half-German girl from Badkiz in this photo.
LABOUM - Aalow Aalow
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Fun 80′s based song. Another song that grew on me. Beautiful MV too. If only they’d get more exposure now. LABOUM has had some good songs lately. I hope they get recognized for it.
Tahiti - Skip
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Skip Skip SKIP SKIP SKIP! Don’t deny it. It’s catchy as hell and will worm its way into your brain and stay there for the next two weeks until you download it (legally plz). Tahiti are consistently good with their releases. They almost always have good catchy songs. This group needs more recognition too! Sad side note... I’ll always wonder which member smells like poo.
Psy - Napal Baji and Daddy (feat. CL)
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I’ll cover both his songs here. Each song is good in its own right. Psy went back to his roots this year and we appreciate him for doing that. Napal Baji is great; a funktastic disco song WITH the Roly Poly hand dance. I can only hope he gets one of the T-ara girls to dance this with him on stage. Daddy is just straight up catchy. 
Kpop is highly visual; if a music video and dance is great, it’ll boost the song’s appeal massively. Daddy and Napal Baji are both great examples of this. By themselves, the songs are alright, but when coupled with the music videos the songs become even better. Whenever the person plays the song they’ll remember the music video and the dance moves (most likely trying to recreate the dance moves when they’re alone). Psy does this really well. 
Bonus: his best song from this album definitely has to be Dance Jockey. Catchy as hell and I wish it had its own MV.
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knookey · 9 years
Favourite Kpop Songs of 2015 - Part 3
Click here for part 1 and part 2.
For this part of my list, I’ll list the songs I actually downloaded. Parts 3 and 4 contain the songs I liked, but did not love. I liked them enough to pay money to download them, but not enough to claim they were some of the top Kpop songs this year. Enjoy!
EXO - Call Me Baby
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It’s not Overdose, but it’s a good song all the same. CallmeLayandKai
Crayon Pop - FM
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A great song! Shinsadong did good here.
EXID - Ah Yeah
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Up & Down 2.0, but it’s still a solid song. Another Shinsadong hit. And while I know that Potato isn’t all of EXID, I’ve always thought this was the best part of the video. She looks ADORABLE here.
Shinee - View
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I didn’t like this song when I first heard it (you’ll hear me saying this often), but it grew on me. The song is understated, but the chorus really sold me. Solid song. I’ll link the dance version because Shinee is at their best when they’re dancing.
Hello Venus - I’m Ill
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Bravesound gave us some solid tracks this year. This one was a banger! Loved it as soon as I heard it.
9muses - Hurt Locker
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Again, I much prefer their older songs with Sweeetune, but this one wasn’t too bad. Amazingly the best part of the song was the rap section. You’ll almost never hear me say that about a Kpop song; I can’t stand most rap breaks as they usually ruin the songs. Added bonus: one of the more visually appealing MVs this year. So bright!
Jimin - Puss (feat.Iron)
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Why? Cause she’s the motherfuckin’ top madam. Best song to come out of SMTM/Unpretty Rapstar. 
So Yumi - Shake Me Up
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Sorry Lizzy, but So Yumi took the prize for best trot song this year. So catchy! Yumi’s been styled so beautifully in this MV. She looks a bit like Han Ye Seul.
GFriend - Me Gustas Tu
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I’ll admit it: I only gave this song the attention it deserved after that fancam was released (deja vu much?). Glad I did, such a good song.
SNSD/Gilr’s Generation - Lion Heart
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I thought this would be my least liked SNSD song this year. Who’d’ve thought it would be the best? It underwhelmed me at first, but when I couldn’t get that chorus out of my head, I knew I had to download it. I love the 50′s (?) feel to it. Good job SM.
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knookey · 9 years
Favourite Kpop Songs of 2015 - Part 2
Hello and welcome to Part 2 of Songs I Wouldn’t Skip Over if They Came on the Radio, but Woudn’t Bother to Download (SIWSOT CRWBD). Click here for part 1.
GFriend - Glass Bead
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Catchy 90′s based track. Great dancing. Takes you back to SNSD’s debut days (obviously what they were aiming for).
2EYES - Pippi
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That chorus can really get stuck in your head.
Oohyo - Kdrama
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That synthy chorus is the only part of the song that does it for me. It’s really nice.
ANDS -  Nan Na Dan ( 딴따단)
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I honestly see myself downloading this song one day. Solid song.
VIVIDIVA - Service
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If it weren’t for the repetitive chorus, I’d like this song more.
D.Holic - Chewy
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I like Arabic/Middle-Eastern inspired music.
B.I.G - Taola
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Miles ahead of their debut song. So much cringe.
Yeon Bunhong - Make Me Ugly Please
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Fun trotty song. 
9muses - Sleepless Night
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Lovely calm song. Not exactly what I’ve come to expect from Nine Muses though. I guess they’ve cut ties with Sweetune nowadays. Sad.
A6P - Face Off
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Sounds a LOT like Vixx’s Voodoo Doll, especially with that rap at the start. You’d have thought Ravi moved to another band. Missed the struggle of being a rookie. The struggle helps inspire his rap lyrics.
45RPM - Boombox (Feat. 기린, DJ Soulscape)
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Love this old school style rap. And yes this is better than 1Punch’s song.
Stay tuned for next time where I list my favourite Kpop songs of the year that I DID download.
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knookey · 9 years
Favourite Kpop Songs of 2015 - Part 1
Many people online have an opinion and feel an inexplicable need to share it. I am one of those people... and this is my Favourite Kpop Songs of 2015 list - Part 1.
The first part will contain the list of songs I was OK with. I’ll call this list: Songs I Wouldn’t Skip Over if They Came on the Radio, but Woudn’t Bother to Download... or SIWSOT CRWBD for short.
These are songs I would tolerate listening to from time to time, but would not spend the NZD $2.29 or NZD $1.79 buying them off iTunes. I skip from one radio station to another a lot just so I can find a song I like or tolerate. If I had access to a local Kpop radio station here in NZ, I would not skip over these songs should they come up. 
Here’s the list in no particular order.
TigerJK(타이거JK) - 이글거려 (Feat. YOON MIRAE(윤미래), Bizzy)
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SNSD - You Think
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I honestly thought I was going to love this song when I heard the teaser. Coupled with their styling and concept I thought this song was going to kill it. It fell flat for me. Not that exciting at all, but OK if I heard it on the radio from time to time.
T-ara - So Crazy
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T-ara is my favourite band so I really wanted to like this song, but it really disappointed me. I think if AOA released it instead I would’ve actually liked it more. Funny that. I still hum it from time to time, so I obviously like it to some extent.
Wonder Girls - I Feel You
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I’m normally a sucker for a catchy 80′s based tune. This one didn’t grab me all that well. 
Asha(아샤) - Mr. Liar
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Big Bang - Bang Bang Bang
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Such a shame; the song started off so well. I started to think that this was their next banger... until the chorus dropped. Sigh GD... what are we going to do with you?
Lizzy - Not an Easy Girl (Feat. Jung Hyung Don)
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Good trot song.
Romeo - Lovesick
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I wanted to love this song. It’s alright.
Romeo - Target
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This song had a KILLER intro. Fell flat once they started singing. Chorus was OK. Best part of the song was 0:16-0:33.
Pocket Girls - Bbang Bbang (빵빵)
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It would’ve been better without that chorus.
Miss A - Only You
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CLC - Pepe
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I’ll be honest: I see myself downloading this one day (I get into some songs very slowly).
Lim Kim - Awoo
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I don’t usually like her voice, but it suits this song well.
RionFive - Knock Knock Knock
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1PUNCH - Turn me back
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Judge me all you want: this was one of the better rap songs this year. There I said it. I have a soft spot for old school-style rap.
Big Byung -  Ojingeo Doenjang
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OK, I’ll admit I like this more for the video than the song, but listening to the song reminds me of the MV.
To be continued...
Click here for part 2!
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knookey · 9 years
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Girlfriday’s right. No romantic chemistry between our two leads. Gimme Lee Sang Yoon, I’ll show you sizzling chemistry.
In all seriousness though I still have yet to see a Korean Drama with a kiss scene that made me completely melt and weak in the knees… unable to think for a while after. And don’t tell me it’s cause their media is conservative and what-not. First of all this was cable; secondly Kdramas are becoming less and less conservative as time goes on; thirdly I’ve seen some of their movies… that’s softcore right there!
The best kissing scene I’ve seen in a while was the honeymoon scene in “It Started with a Kiss”. That honestly stopped my brain from functioning for a full ten minutes… and then I replayed it over and over…
Have any of you seen a Kdrama kiss as good as the one I mentioned?
Edit: OK. Someone mentioned Seo In Guk as a good kisser and he is, but I want BOTH participants to kiss well. Yoon Eun Hye tends to have good onscreen kisses with her co-stars but none of them reach It Started With a Kiss’s level.
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knookey · 9 years
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No one Skypes like that. No one.
No one looks straight into the camera. Everyone looks down at the screen (most of the time watching themselves in the corner). At least your mom is doing it right.
Do it right, boy!
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knookey · 10 years
I know it seems like nothing to most people, but I have 100 followers as of today. Thank you guys for choosing to follow my little blog =D
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knookey · 10 years
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THAT'S what a merman looks like? BWAHAHAHA!
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knookey · 10 years
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This running joke will continue to crack me up! Does anyone know what pop culture reference this is?
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knookey · 10 years
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This fight scene was GLORIOUS! That bitch had it coming.
Ki Tae's mother keepin' it classy by fighting with her heels on.
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knookey · 10 years
I hated this song when I heard it the first time... and the second time... and now it's just stuck in my head and I can't stop listening to it! Well done Cube, well done.
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