#koipro anime
caesurables · 3 years
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“It seems that this inspection process still requires my participation.”
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areswhy · 4 years
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"But the warm feelings that had taken root in his heart continued to sprout, endlessly addictive, fatally poisonous."
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lancelotscloak · 4 years
I may get a lot of hate from this, but MAPPA does Lucien so dirty. They cut lots of good and important scenes of him. I have a feeling they would just make Lucien looks like the bad guy (I mean, yes he is shady and clearly has a motive, but we all know how much he’s changed after he met MC).
In other words, I’m bracing myself for another wave of Lucien hate.
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kazekunai · 4 years
Review episode 6 Evolx Love Koi to Producer anime
Beware spoiler anime and the game!
Ga mau kena spoiler? Jgn baca!!!
Yooo, kembali dgn kazekunai dan review abal2nyaaa
Alhamdulillah, kali ini full chapter 9 yg diadaptasi
Yahh ada tambahan dikit2 chapter2 setelahnya sih
Pertama2 kita dibuka dengan adegan Lucien ngajak MC jalan2 ke semacam pedesaan gitulah biar MC nyantai.
Terus turun di antara semacam sawah2 gitu, trus bahas perkara rubah diantara gandum emas dari Little Prince. Ini sebenarnya referensi date tapi maaf aku lupa date Lucien yg mana.
Trus nemu kucing terluka di antara sawah (?), dan balikin kucing ke pemiliknya. Trus MC minta diajarin cara bikin peace knot. Trus ya ada dialog Lucien yg ttg walau tau kebenarannya belum tentu bahagia. Trus MC jawab walau begitu aku tetap ingin mencari kebenarannya (Ini ada di game kalo ga salah chapter 13 tapi aku lupa spesifik stage brp). Akhirnya trus MC ngasih peace knot ini ke Lucien. Oh ya ditengah2 MC ngobrol sambil bikin peace knot Lucien jantungan (ini referensi Midnight Date ya). Oh ya pas Lucien bilang jangan memaksakan diri di depanku, kamu boleh tumbuh lebih lambat ini juga ada di game Cuma aku lupa di sebelah mana aghhh.
Tiba2 setelah itu ada pertemuan antara Shaw dan Gavin diatas gedung. Well ini khusus anime perasaan. Tapi aku suka liat pertempuran kilat mereka kyaaa. Shaw nyampein pesan Black Swan kalo Gavin jangan ganggu mereka kalo ga mau mati. Pas Gavin nanya apakah Shaw jadi orangnya Black Swan, tentu saja Shaw jawab bukan tapi lbh menguntungkan dia untuk saat ini bila dia membantu Black Swan. Trus Shaw memperingatkan Gavin untuk keluar dari STF karena ga mungkin Gavin melindungi MC bila tetap di STF, dan Shaw memperingatkan apakah kamu tau apa yg terjadi pada orang2 yg kamu tangkap atas nama STF? (Yg terakhir Shaw ini gantiin perannya bapaknya Perry di chapter 15 sih). *Sial aku kan jadi halu ini bromance kan, thanks for the food MAPPA*
Lanjut balik ke Lucien sama MC, jadi kalo di anime MC ngasih peace knot buat rasa terimakasih MC ke Lucien. Disini MC bilang “bukankah kamu mau melihat warna hidupku?” (referensi pas episode 1 anime dan game ch 1). Kau yg selalu mendukungku, lanjut MC. Dan ughhh I swear ini jg ada di game tapi aku lupa di chapter brp. Memang sedikit buruk tapi aku menyukainya, jawab Lucien. (ini ada di game chapter 9 juga). Ughh, Lucien kau sangat maniss.
Ok, karena aku mulai ngantuk. Aku lgsg review dmn Lucien bikin MC tertidur dan MC melihat masa lalu dia ketemu Lucien kecil, walau ya suangar MC kecil kyk di game kalo dia tau Lucien kecil ga akan kembali ketemu dia dibawah pohon Camphor dan bilang ke MC kita kalo Lucien kita juga akan pergi. Trus asyeg, berubah pemandangannya jadi masa lalu Lucien dmn Lucien kecil lg jalan sama orang tuanya dan mereka kecelakaan. Trus MC bangun, dan walau Lucien bilang ke MC “kamu hanya mimpi buruk”, tapi mukanya ga meyakinkan gitu lho kyk dia juga terguncang. Aku antara seneng dan kasihan sama Lucien muehehehe.
Astaga ini truss dh dibuka dong kalo Lucien org Black Swan dgn dia ngobrol sama Hades, kalo rencananya gagal untuk membangkitkan Queen. Ini di anime suaranya Ares kurang dingin dan kurang mencekam woiiii, saya tidak terimaaa.
Lanjut ke Gavin ngecek semua evolver yg sdh dia tangkap dan ternyata pada ga ada yg diketahui lanjutan keberadaannya dmn. Jadi ini sdh memperlihatkan Gavin mulai goyah kepercayaannya pada STF (kalo di game ini baru kejadian chapter 15).
Alamak ini anime sdh nguaknya banyak banget anjir, mulai Lucien diselamatkan Black Swan dijadikan evolver oleh Black Swan. Kalo di anime efek samping experimennya jadi kehilangan perasaan dan jadi buta warna. Dan terakhir2 Lucien ngutip kata2 dari Little Prince lagi==. Ini MC kita baik bgt khawatir sama Lucien apakah selama hidupnya dia hidup sendirian apa gimana.
Okee, dan episode selanjutnya adalah episode Victorr. Mari kita lihat minggu depan gmn jadinya kalo di anime.
Sbnrnya ada yg pingin aku tulis lg Cuma aku udh mulai ngantuk berat, mulai ga bisa mikir. Nanti kulengkapi lagi ini review abal2 kalo ada yang aku inget.
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icecreamkari · 3 years
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rkgk: charging ⚡️
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hakutaichou · 3 years
[JP] Love and Producer: Animage (2020 August Issue)
This translation is from “Animage Magazine” which released on July 10, 2020.
Description from Koi to Producer’s Official Twitter: Director, Munehisa Sakai talked about his commitment to the works, OP / ED animation, etc.!
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- Unexpected Encounter -
- With a sense of trendy drama, and sense of suspense -
Director: Munehisa Sakai
Interviewer: What did you think when you were first offered this work?
Sakai: First of all, since the original game works production is the first time for us, I had the feeling that we might be able to take on new challenges. It's the same with the approach to the work and the troupe of the production, and I felt a sense of expectation in many ways.
Interviewer: What things that attracted you when you playing the original game?
Sakai: A trendy drama where a woman who are working hard in society, fatefully meet and interact with the men. And, a sense of suspense that includes sci-fi like elements that contradict with it. I was attracted to the unique view of the world where they are intertwined. I try to make the environment surrounding the main characters a little swanky, and draw sci-fi like movements in a cool way. I also cherish that area when I put it in the animation.
Interviewer: What kind of ingenuity did you make in terms of drawing?
Sakai: The male characters are quite slender and tall, so I thought it would be difficult to put it together when thinking about moving them, but Jinshichi Yamaguchi-san (Anime Character Designer) representation the charm of the characters very well. If I don't pay attention to the head and body of the characters around it, the balance will get worse, so I became careful about that as well.
Interviewer: As directed by Director Sakai? What is the appeal of Yamaguchi-san's art style?
Sakai: Yamaguchi-san's art style have a delicate yet solid presence, which gives me a sense of security. It's also wonderful that he can make it well together while being aware of the whole world view.
Interviewer: What will OP / ED animation be?
Sakai: The OP song is a song from the male side. I think that the feelings of the male characters can be directly conveyed with the image of passionately thinking about the MC. In the animation, she expresses it with a beautiful feeling, so please look forward to it.
On the contrary, ED song is from MC side. It feels like she is trying to move forward, but she don't have any courage. With the hope that I could express the image of MC, and when I hit the song, I can deliver a "winter image" from it. As a result, I think the song became very attractive.
Interviewer: The ending of the story is anime original, and it seems that there is also a pretty flashy show.
Sakai: One of the keywords in the original game is「絆」 (Bonds). Through the series, the point is, what kind of relationship will be build, and how they share the same purpose. What kind of behavior each person's feelings for the other will lead to. Please pay attention to it.
Note: In MLQC, the card system called “Karma”. Meanwhile in Koipro, it called 「絆カード」, means “Bonds’ Card”. Literally, the word “Bonds” is strongly attached to the game system and become one of main keywords. (example: that 「絆カード」  (Bonds' Card) and 「私の絆」  (My Bonds))
Interviewer: At last, do you have a message for fans who are looking forward to the premiere of the anime?
Sakai: If you've been playing the game, I hope you'll be looking forward to seeing how the characters stand around and sprinkle their charm on the other side of the new screen. Even if you are new to this work, things that you cannot imagine will happen one after another, so I hope you will be captivated by this unique view of the world. Thank you.
From 境 (Sakai)
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“Since Lucien has his own purpose, he usually acts while making detailed calculations. That’s why, I think when MC takes unexpected movements, he’s confused, but also get attracted by her. I hope you looking forward to what decision Lucien will make”
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“Gavin is a simple and honest person who acts with his straightforward feeling. He will continue to do what he thinks is right. It's the same for MC, but because he's also clumsy, I want to cheering him (lol).”
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“Actually, I don’t know how interested MC is to Victor, but I think he is attracted to MC’s hardworking. Maybe because he puts his trust in tough people, even if he treats them harshly”
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"Kiro is absolutely a cheerful person, and the one who cheer MC up. Because I didn’t feel that he's an idol, I think he is very easy to talk to and I can feel secure with him"
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acrispyapple · 4 years
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MLQC Anime 2020 ☆
Evol x Love / Love and Producer
victor / zen - cv tomokazu sugita
gavin / haku - cv ono yuuki
lucien / simon - cv hirakawa daisuke
kiro / kira - cv kakihara tetsuya
[please don’t save / use / repost my gifs without permission]
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goldenginkgo729 · 4 years
“Home is YOU”💙
short comic-read right to left
I hope you like it as much as I do😘
See process pics/bts on my Instagram(@gavinornothing)
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This was my first fan comic & winning entry on MLDD’s Midyear contest way back September that’s why this has a special place in my heart.✨Done traditionally using Winsor & Newton watercolor and the first page was referenced/inspired from Ao Haru Ride manga.
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minjee98 · 3 years
Hi everyone!
I just updated my shop to accommodate the newly arrived Mr. Love Queen’s Choice and Tears of Themis Merch so that it can now be checked out in my shop!
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tomochii-chan · 4 years
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Made a bunny MC discord emote based on mini house~
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asahinamitsuki · 4 years
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~It's time to love  ♡ ~
Happy valentines day 
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caesurables · 3 years
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Happy Halloween!
“Drink as much as you want. In return….”
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areswhy · 4 years
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sinful-liesel · 4 years
MLQC Anime ED Theme “Maioritekita Yuki”
» Title: TV 恋とプロデューサー~EVOL×LOVE~ ED「舞い降りてきた雪」/恋とプロデューサー featuring Konomi Suzuki » Release Date: 2020.09.22 » Type: Theme Song
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kazekunai · 4 years
Review episode 5 Evolx Love Koi to Producer anime
Beware spoiler anime and the game!
Ga mau kena spoiler? Jgn baca!!!
Yooo, kembali dgn kazekunai dan review abal2nyaaa
Alhamdulillah, kali ini full chapter 7 yg diadaptasi Bener2 jadi full episode Gavin.
Masih ga biasa liat nama Minor jadi Kanya (nama Jepangnya) wkwkwk.
Jadi lagi2 Minor ngasih ide perkara surat di sekolah buat konten Miracle Finder dan Minor yg mention toko mie depan sekolah MC ngeiyain aja ide Minor soalnya sekalian dia mau cari tau ttg anak kls 2 SMA yg hilang (si Josie ini maksudnya).
Trus ya pake acara MC lupa ngemail laporan ke LFG wkwk, anjir nyelesain di pinggir jalan sambil duduk dong, trus kirim e-mailnya. Trus saking paniknya telpon Victor, Victor lgsg nggerutu ini ngapain kamu telpon aku tengah malam demi laporan!? Kuaget tho MC, trus baru inget MC kalo Victor sms dia kalo mingdepnya Victor di New York (aku lupa ini asli dari main story atau salah satu date ya). Saking paniknya lgsg dimatikan telponnya sama MC wkwk.
Ke SMA Lianyu (di game Loveland Highschool) cari2 info ttg Josie dari wawancara anak2 SMA. Eh ketemu Gavin yg juga tanya2 hal yg sama. Untuk menghentikan kekepoan MC, Gavin lgsg seret MC ke toko mie depan SMA. Dan scene Gavin makan ramen di animein kyaaaaaaaaa, sebul2 mie dengan muka lugu Gavinnnnn <3 <3.
Kalo di anime ini untuk mempersingkat waktu semua salah paham di game lgsg diluruskan saat itu jg, kyk ini pemilik toko ramen lgsg meluruskan kalo Gavin ga memeras mereka, dulunya Gavin itu nolong anak pemilik toko mie dan lgsg dilarikan ke RS. Uang yg diterima Gavin itu gantiin uang Gavin yg buat bayar RS dulu. Jadi anime ini bener2 anti2 salah paham wkwk.
Yah dan stlh itu terjadilah adegan dungu MC ngikutin org yg kyk Josie yg kalo di animenya ini Jay menyamar. Astaga disini Jay pny evol wkwkwk. Aku sampe buka lg di gamenya lho, ya emg ada mention pasir2 tapi ga ada omongan di game evolnya Jay ini apa wkwk. Dan animenya lbh dramatis astagaaaaa, MCnya jatuh dulu dong baru diselamatin Gavin, kalo di game baru di ujung atap sudah diselametin tuh MC. Trus mantap animenya ada adaptasi Campus Date yg lbh lengkap aaaaa, walau ya pas jatuh kalimatnya agak beda sama di game tapi feelnya dapet. Di anime diliatin Gavin kecil melindungi ibunya dari bapak sialannya itu, walau sekilas bgt wkwk.
Agak akhir episode ini dilihatin Victor nyari gadis kecil yg dulu dia temui, sdh ada kecurigaan kalo MC itu mungkin gadis kecil tersebut, cuma ya dia hati2 ngomong ke MC krn takutnya malah PTSD lg si MC wkwk. Aku kira cpt amat bakal episode Victor, ternyata minggu depan episode Lucien wkwk. Lucien dan pohon Camphor xD
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fictionaddictionx · 4 years
Me my feels for the MLQC anime S1 FINALE (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
I knew MAPPA would not disappoint!! 😭❤️ Thanks to all the production team and staff and everyone involved for giving us animated version of our Bois. ♡
AHHHHHHHH I can't wait for Season 2! (which will show betterment, hopefully) (。・ω・。)ノ♡
(Yeah yeah ik after the first few episodes the anime plot went downhill - as compared to the game - but I got to watch my babies animated and instead of spreading pessimism I'll just point out all the nice things ┐( ∵ )┌ I love the anime as an anime, fight me )
Tbh, in the final EP, till the end I was holding in my breath and chewing my fingers as to how they're gonna show the ending >< but it was unexpectedly good ^^ (n messy but oh well). They haven't chopped the chaps which we needed to see 😭❤️ Hopefully we'll get to see all that heartache in Season 2 💓 which I'm eagerly waiting for (ʃƪ^3^)♡
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