#mlqc tings
laxmiree · 6 months
[CN] MLQC Season 2 Chapter 54 Translation (Lucien's Route - Part 7 [True Ending])
This post contains a VERY HEAVY SPOILER for the chapter that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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no blurb, just congratulations on reaching the true ending
Translation under the cut!
Previous part-> [Here]
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I tightly clench my fists.
I muster all my willpower, resisting this urge.
As if in response to my call, a sudden white light appears above me.
I gather my strength and swim towards it, watching the light grow larger, gradually enveloping me.
The next second, accompanied by the familiar sound of gears, a white gate suddenly appears before my eyes.
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?? (Little Boy): It's suprising that you actually came up with this method.
A familiar exclamation sounds. I turn around, breathing heavily, and see the little boy standing beside me wearing a brightly colored cloak.
He crosses his hands over his chest, seemingly calmly enjoying the scene before us.
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MC: .......Did you already know I would come here?
Little boy: Of course, when I saw you stab the dagger into the gears, I knew we would meet again here~
The little boy says nonchalantly, as if all of this isn't particularly significant to him, then turns to look at me.
Little boy: But since you're here, you probably understand what it wants you to do, right?
[Chapter 54-21]
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I've come back.
As I stand behind the door, the sensation of being subjected to rules and the crushing weight of everything rushes over me once again.
I survey the darkness around me, the familiar mechanical workings still echoing in my ears, but with a heavier weight than the first time I heard them.
It's an indescribable feeling, a comforting burden as if relieved of numerous weights, yet tinged with a hint of weariness.
It always seems to be this way.
I can't help but sigh and turn to look at the little boy.
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MC: Can I go and take a look at that gear?
The little boy doesn't seem surprised by my words. In the blink of an eye, we find ourselves in front of that particular gear.
Click, click... The source of the irregular and heavy sounds in this space is right here.
The gap I made with the dagger is still there, a conspicuous crack spreading across the entire gear, appearing quite out of place on this intricate wheel.
MC: If I fix it, the world will return to normal, right?
Little boy: Of course, with the rules restored, the world will continue in its original direction.
MC: ...The original direction? Another comet?
My quiet grumble is heard by the little boy, and he chuckles twice.
MC: What if I stab another gear?
Little boy: Well, I don't know. Just like everything that happened this year, it's the kind of development the world doesn't know.
Little boy: Breaking the rules is like twisting the road into another wilderness full of weeds.
Little boy: Whether there are wild beasts, a water pond, or another road connecting, you can only find out by pushing aside the layers of grass.
Little boy: So, do you want to continue destroying now, or restore it to its original state?
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A surge of powerful energy swells in my chest after he finishes speaking, urging me to make a choice.
I glance at my hands, one empty and the other now holding a golden dagger.
On this journey, I've made too many choices.
As the little boy said, every moment of hesitation is equivalent to searching for the only way out in the growing jungle.
I bite my lower lip and look at the little boy.
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MC: Before I decide what to do, can we have a good chat?
MC: Not about riddles or anything too serious... just casual conversation.
The little boy's expression briefly shows an unusual hint of surprise, then he nods.
Little boy: What do you want to talk about?
MC: Well... if this is the heart of the world, all of my wishes should come true, right?
MC: Can I get a chair?
As soon as I finish speaking, a plain leather chair appears behind me and the little boy.
The little boy takes a seat himself, casually swinging his legs and gesturing for me to sit, so I join him.
MC: Let me think of a first topic... Do you prefer spring or winter?
Little boy: Seasons are the same for me.
MC: How about the previous civilization or the current one?
Little boy: Civilizations are the same for me.
MC: Do you prefer the world from a year ago or the world now?
The little boy's swinging legs come to a halt, and he smiles, his eyes narrowing.
Little boy: You're trying to trick me. Unfortunately, I can't answer this question for you. You should ask yourself.
Little boy: Because the world has become what it is now, and it's because of you.
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MC: It's not because of me.
MC: Having the ability to come here doesn't mean I have the authority to make decisions for everyone.
The dagger in the palm gradually turns into golden fragments, drifting in the void, as if ready to fill that narrow gap at any moment.
MC: What this world is destined to become is not something I can explore only with my own hands.
MC: It's shaped by the countless people of this world, treading on it repeatedly, forming the path the world will follow.
MC: If there's a fierce beast, we'll defeat it;
MC: If there's a pool, we'll fill it;
MC: If it crumbles, we'll revive it, if we fail, we'll rise again.
My voice echoes in this space, and the little boy, supporting his cheek, gazes at me as if scrutinizing what I just said.
Little boy: So, are you giving up your right to decide?
MC: Why would you think that?
I question him back, and suddenly, my mood becomes incredibly relaxed.
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MC: I just remembered my original intention for coming here.
MC: I want miracles to happen. I want everyone to experience love and find happiness.
To have a pair of hands that can firmly support oneself at the most helpless moments.
MC: So, I want to change the cruel rules of this world.
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MC: I, want, to change, the rules.
I repeated each word deliberately, and then I got what I wanted, there's surprise in the little boy's eyes.
Behind him, behind me... gears from all directions start to churn restlessly. A deafening roar resonates continuously from the deepest reaches of eternity.
Golden fragments fill the gap, but the gears loosen at this moment.
As if being deftly rearranged by an invisible force, they start to reassemble, combining into an entirely new form that has never existed before.
Quietly, the little boy and I watch, and after a while, his gaze returns to me.
Little boy: I noticed that you actually gave me similar answers twice.
MC: But the methods were different, weren't they?
My voice starts to become very soft, and my strength begins to dissipate amid the shifting gears.
MC: Can you see what the future will become this time?
Little boy: Perhaps it's the outcome you anticipate.
I lift my head, gazing at the grand machinery being constructed—their current metallic symphony so delightful, like the first bird's song in the dawn of creation.
In the fading consciousness, I speak in a whisper.
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MC: ... I dislike the word "perhaps."
Little boy: But I quite like it.
The little boy, who never expressed likes or dislikes, flashes a brilliant smile at me and waves his hand.
Little boy: It's precisely because of the possibility of "perhaps" that this world becomes more and more interesting, isn't it?
Little boy: Goodbye, MC.
[Lucien's Route Analysis (soon)]
-I think... since the translation has been dragged for so long I'll post this first and write a separate analysis post 🥹 Oh, and if you wondering about what I mean by Lucien's optimized plan, I mean that Lucien's plan is making things easier for MC by gathering all the rifts in one place so it'll be solved at once. Besides that, he's been carefully MC's ability from NW until the right time comes 👀.
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camuslittlesister · 9 months
From the OA Archive: Midnight in Venice
I have no memory of what the prompt for the challenge was, but I wrote a fanfic with MLQC Victor. Eagle eyed Austen fans will know that it is based on a famous scene in Pride and Prejudice.
Totally SFW. Happy weekend 🫶🏻
The rose façade of the palace glistened in the light of the torches in the distance, as our gondola made its slow and gentle way down the Canal Grande. I was lost in my thoughts as the sounds of feasting blurred in the background: the Carnival is a huge deal in Venice, and this masquerade ball is one of the biggest deals within it. We were lucky to be on such a guest list: my cousin Isabella was a TV producer in Loveland City and was secretly dating a famous popstar, who pulled some strings for our invitations. I was nervous on the way there: we had agreed to meet at the ball, and I was worried something went wrong and we couldn’t get in. The gondola docked in front of the palace at last, and we made our tentative way on solid land, the 18th century gowns making any semblance of gracious movement practically impossible.
We walked into the well-lit ballroom and it was like taking a step back in time. I smiled at the grandeur from below my hand-held mask, observing the couples dancing at the centre of the room with amusement tinged with jealousy. I was on the arm of my eldest sister, not acquainted with anyone in the room that we could successfully recognise behind the masks. Some were wearing the traditional full-face masks, adding a layer of extra mystery that was not there with simpler choices. One such masked man, with a large impressive black hat, walked purposefully towards us, and as the crowd moved in all directions, I noticed a familiar figure on his arm. Next to whom I recognised as my cousin Bella, with an extravagant half-face mask, was another young man. The mask was not enough to hide that he was handsome: he had a fine figure wrapped in a midnight blue velvet coat, and he carried himself with a noble demeanour and an air of mild disinterest in what was going on around him.
Bella rushed to us, holding our hands in hers with great animosity, but soon quieted down as she noticed my attention was divided. She leaned in to whisper in my ear: “That’s my friend Victor, he’s the CEO of the biggest financial firm in the city, and possibly beyond”. Before I could react to that news, he had vanished in the crowd. I had not noticed that someone else was part of that group (Kiro’s agent, Savin, who followed him almost everywhere), until I noticed him asking my sister for a dance. I was not in the mood for being a third wheel, so I encouraged Bella to join the dancing too, even if it meant dragging my heavy petticoat on a solitary walk around the rooms. Getting refreshments only bought me some time, and I headed for a quiet corner of the room from where I could enjoy the dancing without attracting too much attention to my momentary lack of companionship.
“You look like you’re enjoying the wine” a deep voice snapped me back out of my reverie, and I turned to see it was Bella’s friend Victor. “I am” I replied with a small smile. “It’s their best vintage” he said back, matter-of-factly. “You sound like you know your wines” I ventured, scrambling to find a topic of conversation out of a mix of politeness and curiosity. If my cousin considered him a friend, then he must be a great guy. “What if I did?” replied he, with barely concealed annoyance. I took another sip of the wine in an attempt to drop the subject without letting my vexation show. An awkward silence fell between us, but I had no desire to attempt a conversation again. After a while that likely felt longer than it truly was, Victor spoke: “So you’re Bella’s cousin...”
“Elizabeth” I filled him in, and returned to my wine
“I wasn’t going to come but she forced me to even out the numbers” he said, his voice expressing an emotion I could not quite work out “I had my own invitation, of course” (heaven forbid that I would think Kiro pulled some strings for him too!) “but I wasn’t going to fly all the way here for a ball”.
“I’m sorry that you were pushed into something so disagreeable on my account” I replied, but before I could make my excuses he reached for one of the canapés trays doing the rounds.
“You must try this, it’s the most delectable thing at this party”.
I had never met a man as enigmatic as he, able to leave me intrigued and indignant all at once. He professed he didn’t care for dancing, but then invited me for more than one dance (he danced with me and me alone). He acted like everyone in the room was beneath him, but then showed me the consideration of a lover in countless little ways. The night flew by, and the sun was rising gently over the sleepy city, the canal as bright as a sea of diamonds. The air on the balcony was slightly chilly, and I had been wearing Victor’s coat since he had placed it on my shoulders in a silent act of kindness. I heard my sister call for me from a short distance, as if she was hesitant to come any closer. I made for getting the coat off but Victor promptly took it from me with practised ease. Something inside me was holding me back from stepping away, and yet things seemed to be happening so fast. Our hands brushed as I turned, and I felt a piece of heavy paper pass from his to mine. I felt mildly elated at the gesture, and held my fist tight not to lose whatever he had handed me. I met my sister and turned back for a final goodbye, meeting his intense gaze, and I walked away in the dwindling crowd of party guests, a strong sense in my heart that I just lived through a night I will never forget.
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areswhy · 4 years
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otonymous · 4 years
“The Most Beautiful Girl In The World”: The Guys As Fathers (MLQC Headcanon)
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Hi dear Nonny!
What a wonderful idea!  We could all use a bit of fluff every now and then 🤣 I hope you’re doing well too!  Sending you much love along with these headcanons!  Hope you enjoy the read! 🥰💖 
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Daddy’s little princess - this little girl is the CEO of Victor’s heart
She is also the unofficial CEO of LFG: Victor loves to bring her to work with him every now and then, and all the office staff go absolutely ga-ga over her
Goldman.  Is.  Smitten. (Especially since she has a way of softening Victor’s hard as nails exterior)
Victor likes to front like he’s strict, but he’s not fooling anybody.  Just one look at the tenderness in his eyes when he’s looking at his daughter would tell you who’s really the boss
Psst!  He loves to spoil her!
And by spoiling, we don’t mean that she gets whatever she wants, all the time (although daddy’s heart DOES thrill a little inside to see her all bubbly with happiness after he presents her with a gift) — Victor will also ensure that he carves out time from work to spend with his family (there will definitely be a shift in work-life balance)
He won’t let her get away with everything though!  The man will still insist that she be on her best behaviour when necessary, but he is a lot more lax than you would’ve expected from him
Family time would consist of: horseback riding lessons, teddy bear picnics and tea parties (best believe she will be sending an actual invitation in the mail to Mr. Mills) — you will absolutely melt the first time you see Victor perched uncomfortably in a tiny chair, holding a mini plastic teacup to his lips and asking a stuffed cat if it would like another scone
She LOVES to be Victor’s sous-chef in the kitchen, and when she gets a bit older, she’ll also become daddy’s jogging buddy
Victor will always, always read her a bedtime story, even when he’s away from home on business, even if it means interrupting a meeting (Victor will establish a new norm; his peers will come to respect his family values)
The absolute apple of the eye of Victor’s father and aunt: this munchkin can do no wrong.  If she is to be spoiled rotten by anyone, it would be by these two.  
Every time you go over to their place for dinner, it’s pretty much guaranteed that you’ll be leaving with a trunkful of new toys
This little girl would be a good mix of her mother and father: she’ll inherit her father’s jet black hair, but the intensity of her eyes will be softened by your genes
In spite of all this generosity, your little girl will grow up to be far from spoiled
She will be incredibly compassionate, and will go from donating her many, many books and toys to other less fortunate kids as a child to organizing charity functions, etc., as a young adult.  
Victor couldn’t be more proud.
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The shift is seismic the very first time Lucien holds his newborn daughter in his arms
“She looks just like you,” he whispers to no one in particular, careful not to wake you as you get one night of precious sleep immediately postpartum before your nights become interrupted by endless wake-feed-soothing back to bed cycles
Lucien doesn’t sleep that first night in the hospital; he spends it cradling your daughter by the light of the moon seeping in through the thin slats of the blinds
The cool rays illuminate every single feature that Lucien sets his mind on memorizing: her eyes — still a little bit swollen, the flare of those tiny nostrils, the sharply defined cupid’s bow of the most perfectly shaped lips
He is putting his face to the downy soft hairs on the crown of her head, nose pressing to cheek to inhale the scent of his newborn daughter
A tiny seed of anxiety begins to sprout from deep within Lucien to know that he will never have this moment again with her, and it feels like time is already slipping from the tight grasp of his hand
But then suddenly, she opens her big, bright eyes.  Quietly, she stares at her daddy, her irises the same colour as the ones drowning in her gaze, and the nervous clench in Lucien’s gut dissolves
And when she opens and closes her mouth in a soundless gape as if to say that everything will be okay, Lucien knows he would give his life in a heartbeat to protect hers
This little girl is wise beyond her years, and will often say things that surprise the adults around her; family friends will refer to her as an “old soul”
She is far from a little chatterbox, preferring instead to listen and observe those around her, her big, bright eyes patiently taking in every detail
Initially, you’ll be concerned that she isn’t speaking as much as other children her age.  Lucien will take his time reassuring you, an almost knowing smile on his lips.
When she does finally speak, she blows everyone away with the relative complexities of her sentence structures
Little genius: your daughter shares her father’s intelligence and can often be found snuggling up under her favourite camphor tree, books and sketching pencils in hand
She loves flying kites with her mommy and daddy
Quiet but kind, she’ll have no shortage of friends and admirers
You might be surprised, but she also has a wicked sense of humour.  Enjoys delivering jokes with the cutest wink in the world.
Her favourite place in the world is daddy’s laboratory.  The noisy whirs of those big, fancy machines make her jump for joy and Lucien cannot help but smile
There are times — especially when you guys are at your happiest as a family — that Lucien has to fight back the anxiety that all this could be taken away from him.  The melancholic tinge in his smile is so slight that even you could miss it at times.  But your daughter will always catch it.  And when she does, she’ll slip her tiny hand within her father’s much larger palm, look up and give him the biggest smile she can muster.  It’ll always bring him back to the moment.
Little though she is, she gives him strength beyond compare
And on the day of her graduation from university at the top of her class, she’ll be given a priceless gift from her parents: a silver pen named Iridescent.
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Usually so calm, cool and collected in even the most stressful of situations, Gavin is a nervous wreck when you go into labour
He is pacing back and forth and back and forth in the hospital room.  You almost want to send him on an errand to get some popular street eats with a guaranteed long line up just so he can calm TF down and not get in the nurses’ way
He is offering you ice chips before you even ask for it, patting at your forehead with a facecloth even though you’re not sweating, giving you his hand to hold every two minutes even though you haven’t started pushing yet
When you mention that he should probably try to calm down since you likely have at least another hour to go before your cervix is fully dilated, he nods in agreement and starts doing push-ups and sit-ups on the floor
The battery of Gavin’s phone dies from all of Minor’s messages asking if the baby has arrived yet
Birdcop is fit to burst from all the joy his body just simply cannot contain the moment his little girl arrives
Because now he has not just one, but TWO of you!
Your daughter will be the splitting image of you, except for her striking amber eyes
The names she gives her stuffed animals will be strangely familiar: Fluffy, Softy, Pearly Jr., etc. (you’ll have to ask her whether daddy helped with the naming 🤣).
Minor’s enthusiasm cannot be dampened: he is over so often with food, diapers and offers to do the housework that you basically have to make him your child’s godparent LOL
Gavin is a giant teddy bear when it comes to your daughter: he cannot say no to her and lives to see her smile
She is gifted with her father’s athleticism, and Gavin won’t hesitate to personally instruct her on the art of self-defence starting at a very young age (needless to say, any future suitors will be given very intense once-overs by Gavin, even little boys at the playground; you can never let your guard down)
Eli is on Gavin’s watch list the moment G-man overhears her shyly asking you about “daddy’s handsome coworker” the year she turned 8
Yes, she will also be getting a bracelet with a GPS tracker LOLOL
She is incredibly strong: could probably toss Minor around like a burlap sack by the time she’s 12
This little girl is all about the thrills, screaming, “Go higher, daddy!  Higher!” in Gavin’s ear as he flies with her on his shoulders
He will take her to the BEST places for stargazing at night (when she’s old enough to stay up) — best believe this is something G-man will lament the loss of when she’s all grown up
Yes, the motorcycle will be her ride of choice the moment she gets her licence (much to her parents’ chagrin)
Gavin cannot help but tear up every time he watches her play the piano, especially if she plays with her mother at the same time
Psst!  He has a photo in his study of the two of you sitting next to each other on the piano bench, the late afternoon sun streaming in through big, French windows, dappled by leaves falling from the ginkgo tree planted in the backyard
He only wishes his mother could’ve been there to see his beautiful baby girl
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This little star charms absolutely everyone at first sight: the doctors and nurses that help deliver her are completely enamoured with this little bundle of joy
Tears are streaming from Kiro’s bright blue eyes the moment she is placed into his arms for the first time; he’ll bend over to give you the biggest kiss while gently cradling the baby, the salt of your tears mixing together
This little girl has the best laugh: clear and bright and like music to the ears of anyone lucky enough to hear it.
And she laughs often — daddy is hell-bent on filling her childhood with love and joy and will do anything to make her smile
You’ll often see Kiro crawling around the house on hands and knees, your daughter shrieking with laughter as she tugs on his golden hair, yelling “Giddy-up!” over and over again
Genetics aside, let’s just pretend that her hair is long and golden like her father’s.  At times, she literally looks like a doll come to life, especially with those azure eyes
Budding superstar: this girl has inherited her father’s talents when it comes to acting and music.  She is hitting those high notes, projecting that beautiful voice and basically hamming it up all the time just to get a laugh from her adoring family.
Kiro will “complain” about double standards because Savin will always have a tasty treat for her whenever he sees her, saying “Make sure your daddy doesn’t get any, okay?” LOL
At the same time, Kiro decides to (gasp!) cut down on his junk food habit when his daughter is born.  He actually already started out of solidarity during your pregnancy, and wants to be healthy so he can have as much time as possible with his beloved family
Kiro also cuts back on his workload when his little girl arrives.  This daddy is super involved in all aspects of taking care of his baby and his wife.  You’ll never hear him complain about having to change a dirty diaper.  In fact, he even does it better than you do — no leakages here! LOL
Kiro LOVES to dress his daughter up and will often wear matching outfits with her.  Baby and daddy denim overalls?  Check.  Father-daughter couture?  Check.  
Baby globetrotter: you guys will tag along with Kiro when he flies overseas to shoot on location.  Kiro loves having you and the baby near.
When she gets a bit older, you can bet that they’ll be the best gaming buddies (you’ll insist on her having completed her homework first, but Kiro will secretly let her play one game before she starts - “just don’t tell your mom, or else we’ll both be in trouble!”)
Charming and bright, your daughter is also a bit of a tech wiz.  Learns to code at a very young age under her father’s tutelage, and enjoys building computers from scratch as a hobby.
This little girl carries joy with her wherever she goes, spreading it around like warm sunshine
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Shaw is soft, soft, soft the moment he becomes a father
He could be blasé about everything else, but not when it comes to his daughter, the absolute treasure of his heart along with his wife
There will be times that you wake up in the middle of the night and find his side of the bed empty.  You’ll hear his footsteps, softly pacing back and forth before a large window as he tries to sooth your infant daughter back to sleep.  Shaw will look like he literally stepped out of a ‘90s Calvin Klein ad campaign, topless and clad only in low slung pyjama bottoms as he cradles your daughter in his arms, the muscles of his biceps bulging in the pale moonlight that casts a silvery glow on his lavender hair.
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(Example of a Calvin Klein ad from the 1990s)
Guess your thirst will have to wait till your daughter falls asleep again to be slaked LOL
This little girl will have her father’s amber eyes as well as the fine features of his face — she will slay all the kids in school with her beauty
Loves to snark her dad but is all sweetness to you (Psst! Shaw (not-so) secretly loves it!)
A fast-talker and quick-witted: sometimes, you think you can actually hear her mind working
Absolutely loves her daddy’s skateboard and would much rather learn new tricks on her own board than play with more age-appropriate toys
She is also a bit of a bookworm: loves to read and is often surprising you with new topics of interest, everything from ancient civilizations to meteorology
Your little girl will often snuggle up to him and ask him what he is reading.  Shaw will then proceed to read to her, even if it’s a paper or a textbook.  Her quick mind has been able to grasp even abstract concepts from a very young age.  She’s a bit of a genius in that respect.
Inherits her dad’s love of music.  The two of them will enjoy rocking out in the basement the moment she is big enough to properly hold an electric guitar (with you sneaking peeks every 5 minutes to make sure she’s still got her protective headphones on LOL)
She’ll take after her dad in that she’ll seem uncomfortable with the concept of authority starting at a very young age.  She questions nearly everything and will drive many of her teachers up the wall, although they will also recognize the extent of her incredible intellect.  She’ll set herself apart at school as a leader, having also the charisma to charm those who would wish to follow
Her dad, of course, is absolutely ecstatic to have a daughter capable of thinking for herself instead of blindly following others (and you will be too!)
Thanks so much for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📚 
(Please do not copy/alter/edit/repost my work - thanks!)
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belovedstill · 3 years
Gavin & Kiro from my and they were housemates! series for @beautiful-mystic-mess c: this will at some point go on my ao3
and they were housemates! is a series of mlqc ficlets/oneshots in which MC, Gavin, Kiro, Lucien, and Victor all live together in one house and are in a poly relationship c: aka my baby
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"—and then I got this awesome sundae, you should have seen it. Six flavours of ice cream! Six! Salted caramel, chocolate, strawberry—"
Gavin's mind grew at ease the moment he pushed the front door open - Kiro's cheerful voice always filled each nook and cranny of the house, covering the space in sunny warmth. It never failed to shoo his worries away and spill warm affection in his heart to find that the house they shared with the rest of their unlikely bunch wasn't empty most of the time Gavin dropped home to change on his lunch break. Normally, everybody was at work at this time, and the house stood uncharacteristically quiet, but now Kiro was home—not alone, by the way he animatedly talked about his day.
Gavin took his shoes off, carefully listening in.
"—the hardest time deciding on the toppings, they had so many. Like, there were your usual rainbow sprinkles and chocolate stars, and the popping one, but they also had cookie crumbs and candy bar pieces!"
It couldn't be Victor—he'd either hum in reply to Kiro's words or scoff and talk about how unprofessionally the dessert Kiro'd enjoyed must have been prepared.
"These flavours don't compliment each other," Gavin could almost hear him say. "I'll show you what a good sundae tastes like."
Couldn't be MC, either. She'd either have groaned at how delicious it all sounded by now or begged Kiro to take her to the ice cream parlor next time, only to end up in a teasing match.
"—with Savin, he bought some, too, though I think he only came along to keep the fans respectful. Honestly, he doesn't need to do that, everybody is already so nice and considerate, and they always ask before doing anything…"
Maybe Lucien, then…?
But there was no sign of Lucien's presence in the hallway; his shoes and overcoat were missing, and Gavin was pretty sure that Lucien was overlooking an exam at the very time.
That leaves…?
With a soft frown, Gavin followed Kiro's voice to the living room.
The man was sitting on the window seat, thumbs flying over a handheld game, as he chatted with—
"—since lemon sorbet was my last flavour, I asked for some fresh mint. And it—" Kiro paused and looked down, something like horror passing over his face. "Sorry! That's insensitive, forget what I said!'
—with Greenie.
"Are you... talking to my plants?"
Kiro's head snapped at his voice. "Gavin!" It didn't even take a full second for his smile to turn radiant. "I thought it'd help them grow better. They must be pretty lonely when everyone's gone, right?"
Gavin's heart thumped once, then again. Then again, until his chest felt so full his fingers itched—
He threaded them in Kiro's hair and pressed close, moving his lips to his forehead instead of his lips at the very last moment.
Sometimes, being close like this still felt like too much, too soon, too forward, no matter how much everything in Gavin pulled at him to show more affection, to give as good as he was getting—
What if they think I don’t love them? What if they—
Kiro's arms wrapped around his waist then, and stroked big, slow circles over his back. "I love you, too," he said softly, his voice tinged with a sweet smile. "Take your time."
I will, Gavin promised—himself, Kiro, their other partners—and pressed another kiss against the top of Kiro’s head. And when I get there, I'll give everything to you. All of me, to all of you. Just you wait.
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ontowanderlust · 3 years
Reunion + Lucien + angst (with a happy ending )
Can it be based on ch 25
Reunion., n.
Shifting her weight, she couldn't help but avert her eyes from his intense gaze, hoping to stall for time.
Hah. Was the time she had spent in the world of eternal winter not enough? Had they not suffered enough?
But, she wanted to argue, How could she approach him after everything? After all the hurt she had gotten from being with him.
Is she being unfair? But what about her? Can she not feel wronged?
Despite that, she knew just how much she missed him. She knew how much she had longed for him- especially the time spent apart.
The question now lies... did he miss her too? Did he... was the time they had spent together meant something for him to feel even just a tinge of loneliness while she was gone?
Mustering the courage, she decided to take a peak at him only for her to be pulled into an embrace that only he could provide.
How is it possible for such a cold-hearted man to engulf her into such warmth?
It was as if... she had been relieved of a thorn that had been piercing her for far too long. Like, a huge burden had finally been relieved from her.
"I'm sorry," his words are faint but she heard him loud and clear. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't be an illusion."
Bringing a hand to his head, she cradled him closer. "I'm not. I'm sorry I took so long."
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I tried. I tried so hard and I hoped I delivered. I'm trying to cut the angst before I spiral in too deep with it. Anyway... here's another requested ch 25 Lucien! That chapter is one of the best when it comes to developing Lucien's character and I mean it.
Still part of Lucien's birthmonth sooo yep.
Send in some prompts! Don't be afraid to send in prompts about other guys too!
MLQC Dictionary; Masterlist
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writing-fool · 4 years
mlqc | like it’s a bad thing pt. 1
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I think these are ‘fighting’ scenarios, but I’m not 100% sure at this point. It’s like a ‘relationship on the cliffs’ thing. Pt. 1 for Victor and Shaw because I noticed these were getting a tad long. And they kind of carry the same theme, I guess. Wanted to include Lucien, but I ended up not being able to finish his for now...so if I make the next part, he’ll probably be on there.
I’m still working on a hp!au for Victor, but that may take a while since the inspiration doesn’t seem to be arriving anytime soon. It’s all been a bit tough, sorry. I say this all the time, but I apologise for the lack of fics; my writing pace’s been slow.
As always, enjoy the read!
Warning(s): slight angst, profanity, mention of mature content.
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You love Victor. You really do. But sometimes, just sometimes you wonder why you put up with this man and his bullshit. A great downside to being involved both romantically and professionally is that those types of relationships tend to bleed into one another. This could be in the form of an office quickie...or something a lot less fun. 
On the outside, Victor may seem put together, but you know him well enough by now that this month has been incredibly stressful for him. But so has it been for you. Safe to say, it’s been tense, even at home. Victor’s constant nagging about work performance and his snide comments at your so-called slacking off have pushed you to the breaking point, and you’re really not going to sit there and take it today.
“Do you even understand what I’m saying? LFG can’t move forward with your company if you continue working at this inefficient pace. You, as the head of a company, should know how to improve the quality and efficiency of your work.”
You sigh, not taking your eyes off of the laptop in front of you as Victor exasperatedly throws another one of your proposals on the coffee table. “I get it. Just give me some time.” You rub your temples, getting back to your own work.
“Do you? It doesn’t seem like you get the point here. You. Do. Not. Have. Time,” he harshly points out.
“You know you’re able to manipulate time, right?” You raise an eyebrow and look up at his unamused face. 
“I can’t favour you like this. Did you really think I was going to stop time to solve your inefficiency problem? You can’t rely on others all the time. A company that can’t pull itself up is use—” 
Something in you snaps at that very moment. “I get it. We’re useless, inefficient, and we’re so lucky LFG is even willing to support this failing company. I’m a useless boss, I can’t do anything right, I’m leeching off of my rich, CEO boyfriend to get ahead, I fucked my way to the top, whatever. Tell me something I don’t know,” you snarl, slamming your laptop shut with a resounding snap.
“You know that’s not what I’m saying.” Victor’s glaring now, sharp, stormy eyes boring into yours.
“Oh, do I?” you mimic his words, narrowing your eyes, “Because you sure don’t seem to tell me otherwise. I can’t read minds, Victor, and all I hear from your mouth are insults telling me how incapable I am as a boss. So pray tell, how am I supposed to think I deserve my job when not only the entire business world, but also my own fucking boyfriend tells me I don’t?”
Victor’s clearly taking aback by your sudden outburst, but his need to get his point across in this argument seems to win over the instinct to lighten your mood at this very moment. “First of all, I don’t know why you care what others say—”
“Because I’m human! Maybe you don’t think of people calling you names anymore because they’re lost in the sea of people literally grovelling at your feet, but I’m not you,” you rub your temples again, voice lowering as the mental exhaustion kicks in.
“I don’t know if I can live like this anymore. Fuck Victor, you make me feel like a failure and you just don’t seem to care.” You push past his stunned form and head to the bedroom.
“Sleep in your office if all you care about is work.” You glance back at him for the last time before slamming the bedroom door shut.
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Victor messed up. Royally. He didn’t mean to take his stress and anger out on you and he definitely didn’t mean to act like your boss at home. 
He’s been trying to get back to work for the past two hours while giving you some space, but the lingering guilt and worry in the back of his mind prevent him from actually doing anything productive. What if you really meant it? What if this is it? He can’t lose you just because he acted like an idiot. Victor’s always assumed you knew he cherished you more than anything in the world...but maybe he’s been neglecting you as a partner.
With a steel resolve to make it right, Victor leaves his home office and walks to your shared bedroom. The light from the hallway streams in as he opens the door, illuminating your sleeping figure. You’re curled in on yourself in a protective, almost guarded way, something you never do (you’re usually the kind of sleeper that has their limbs flopping everywhere on the bed). Victor feels a sharp pang in his heart at the notion of seeing you look this broken...because of him.
Gently, as to not wake you, he shuffles to the dresser, carefully taking off his shirt and folding it over a chair. After sufficiently (un)dressing himself, he slides under the sheets. 
Victor tentatively reaches a hand over to touch your arm, only to feel you turn away from his touch. Instead of pulling his hand back, Victor brings his hand around your waist, pulling you flush against his bare chest.
You’re awoken by the sudden movement, and in your sleepy state, you lean back into the warmth surrounding you.
Victor’s breath grazes your ear as he whispers. “I’m sorry.” Hm?
Your mind slowly registers that the warmth is, in fact, caused by Victor’s body heat, and more importantly, that you’re still very much upset with him. You struggle to get out of his grip, but that only seems to tighten the hold Victor has on you.
“Don’t. Stay with me,” he pleads, voice tinged with despair. You’ve never seen him this vulnerable before. You still your actions, instead opting to turn around to face Victor.
“I don’t know if this is what I want,” you speak up after a long moment of silence, “I love you, but I don’t want to be stuck in a relationship where I’m not welcomed.”
“Do you feel like you’re stuck here?” Victor asks.
You avoid his gaze. “I’m not sure. It’s not all your fault, but I do wonder whether you stopped caring about me sometimes. You’ve been so harsh to me, lately.”
“I didn’t, I never stopped caring,” Victor takes your hand in his left one, interlacing your fingers, “But I understand that I’ve made you feel insecure and uncared for. I never wanted to make you feel worthless, but I’ve gone too far this time, haven’t I?”
A mirthless chuckle escapes your mouth. “That’s an understatement,” you quip.
You expect Victor to retort back with something mean, revert to his distant self (at least, to the distant person he’s become this month), but instead, he gently cups your cheek with his right hand, raising your face up to look at him again.
A soft kiss is placed on your forehead. “I’m sorry. I’ll try to be less harsh, and I’ll do anything it takes for you to forgive me. I’ll fix it all, your insecurities, your anxiousness. So give me one more chance, please. Let me fix it.” Victor’s beautiful grey eyes look into yours, sadness apparent on his face. You lie there for a long while, staring into his sombre eyes in silence.
“You’ll do anything?” you finally ask in curiosity. A resolute nod is your answer. “Even stop talking about work at home?” Victor nods again. You pause for a while, contemplating your next request. “...And take me to Souvenir and make me pudding every day?”
Victor snorts. “That’s the least I can do, dummy,” he chuckles lightly. Suddenly, his eyes widen. “I don’t mean you’re dumb. I just—”
Your soft giggle breaks his anxious ramble, and Victor feels like he’s just won the biggest prize at the lottery. “Just this is fine,” you whisper, “I thought it’d take longer for me to forgive you. But for some reason...I’m just happy to see your old self again.”
Victor sighs, pulling you closer. He presses his lips onto the crown of your head, inhaling deeply. “Dummy, don’t be so kind to me. I won’t know what to do,” he mumbles, relishing in the dark quiet of your bedroom. Truth is, he probably never knows what to do when it comes to you.
“You just have to love me, that’s all,” you pull your hand out of his, instead hooking your pinkies together, “No take-backsies.”
He rolls his eyes at your antics, a fond expression betraying the lack of annoyance behind the gesture. His pinky finger curls around yours ever so slightly, as if it’s desperate to hold onto yours. As if he’s desperate to hold onto you. 
“No take-backsies.”
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“Not again,” you growl under your breath.
Shaw’s always been popular with the ladies, the gents, and the non-binary friends. Which is fine, it’s fine. You’re not a jealous person. You’ve dealt with people asking him out, people asking him if he was a celebrity and making you take pictures of him and some other person on a date, older ladies in your family groping him whenever you bring him to a family function (which really, isn’t about jealousy. You got mad, rightfully so, because they were harassing him). You can’t even remember how many times one of his campus students has confessed to him. With you right next to him at the table! Is it that unbelievable that I’m his significant other?
But too far is too far.
You walked into the fancy nightclub tonight, expecting to get a drink or two in your system, let loose with Shaw for a couple of hours, drag his drunk ass home and cuddle in bed. Not this. 
The moment you walk in, you spot Shaw’s lavender coloured mop of hair sticking out over one of the booths. But he’s not alone, oh no. He’s surrounded by young men and women fawning over him like he’s some kind of celebrity or host club guest. And even though he looks a little bored, he’s not exactly bothered by the attention he’s getting. Because of course he isn’t. The moment his eyes land on you though, he looks you up and down appreciatively before shooting you a challenging smirk. He reaches over to a long-haired girl next to him, lazily fingering a lock of her hair. She looks up at him with a coy smile, but his amber eyes are fixed on yours, gauging your reaction. Oh, so he wants me to come over? Play the little jealous significant other? Hah! Not today, boy. I didn’t come here to play games. 
You raise an eyebrow, a visibly annoyed expression showing on your face. Instead of heading in his direction, you strut to the bar, shoes tapping rhythmically on the floor. I look hot, I feel hot, and I need a fucking drink. 
You order a bourbon on the rocks, gulping down a large sip of the beverage a soon as it gets to you. Bourbon is made to be savoured. You hear Victor’s voice resounding in your mind from the time he taught you how to judge alcohol for a production. So am I, but nobody’s been thinking of that, apparently. You turn around with a scowl, leaning against the bar. You feel horrible, and the fact that Shaw’s back to his childish antics isn’t making that any better. An exasperated sigh leaves your lips as you tilt your head back, closing your eyes. The flashing lights are blurry, but still noticeable through your closed eyelids. But what you don’t notice, is the man heading over to you from his side of the bar. 
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Shaw notices. How could he not? The moment you walked in the room, all he could see was you. And he knows he’s being a little shit, trying to make you jealous like that, but he can’t help wanting to play with you. It’s just a game of push and pull, and maybe he just wanted to see how hard you’d pull for him.
He didn’t expect you to react like that, though.
So here he is, so uncharacteristically walking (or strutting, because he is still sort of himself, after all) away from the admiring crowd of people around him and towards his clearly pissed off lover. And the man who’s clearly trying to chat you up.
“—buy you a drink?” he overhears. Shaw halts and watches the blinding spotlights in the club illuminate the sight in front of him.
He sees you lean closer to the man, foreheads almost touching in a conspiring way, before you shrug and the two of you turn to the bar. The man flags down the bartender, holding two fingers up. He’s just ordering two drinks for himself. That’s it.
His gait picks up again as he sees the bartender slide your favourite drink across the counter. Before you can even take a sip of bourbon, the textured glass is ripped out of your hand. Shaw downs the amber liquid, the burning sensation washing away the bitter taste of jealousy. 
“Thanks for ordering me a drink, honey,” he emphasizes the pet name, grinning at you before turning his head to the man with a fierce glare. The man raises his hands in defense, shakes his head at you with a smile, and promptly heads back to the other side of the bar. Shaw turns to you, the grin slipping back on his face momentarily.
“Already cheating on me?” he asks, masking the slight hurt behind a teasing façade. Shaw plops down on the stool next to you, watching your face. You look slightly guilty at first, but then your expression morphs back into one of anger...and exhaustion. You aren’t actually cheating on me, are you?
“Funny thing for you to say,” you ground out. 
“...So you were jealous.”
“That’s what you take from that?” You stare at him incredulously, his smug grin slowly sliding off of his face. I’m making it worse. Why did I make it worse?
“Jesus, you’re a prick,” you sigh, “No drink can fix this evening. I’m just going to go home. Do what you want, I don’t care anymore.” You climb out of your seat, making a beeline for the exit. Shaw is quick to follow you outside, grabbing your wrist before you can flag down a cab.
“Let me go, Shaw.”
“Hey, hey, it was a joke. You know that, right?” His ears are ringing from the loud music back in the club, but the sudden quiet’s more deafening than any song booming from the speakers. It feels sad, and Shaw hates it.
“I said, let me go.” You’re refusing to look at him. Why is it turning out like this?
“It was a joke. If I let go, you’re going to leave. Don’t leave me,” the slight pleading of his voice makes you turn around to look at his face. He tentatively releases your wrist, and you make no move to leave...yet.
“I don’t want to play these games anymore.”
He looks at you with furrowed brows. “I don’t understand,” he says.
“Is it fun, to try and make me jealous? To remind me of the fact that I’m somehow not suited for you, that after this amount of time, I’m still not enough for you?” you poke a finger into his lithe chest, “Because guess what, you succeeded. I’m jealous. I admit it, you won.”
 “I didn’t—And you took that guy’s offer for a drink! You’re not better!” Shaw suddenly raises his voice, his stance akin to that of a wolf on guard.
“I told him I had a boyfriend! And you know why he bought me a drink? Because he said I looked like I needed a pick me up. And you didn’t even notice! Even worse, you’re the fucking reason I needed one in the first place!”
“Well, how was I supposed to know you were going to throw a hissy fit over me hanging out with some friends?” he spits out.
“Friends? They were hanging onto you, Shaw! One of those girls had her tits so close to you, she almost suffocated you with them. And you know it,” a humourless laugh escapes your lips, “You love the attention. And we both know I was never enough to provide that for you. So I quit.”
Shaw deflates. “What do you mean, you quit?” 
“I don’t want to be vying for your affection with the rest of them, I guess. It’s selfish of me, but somehow I thought I’d be special, or something,” you scoff, kicking a nearby rock of the pavement, “But I don’t think I am. Not to you. So I think we should stop all of this before one of us gets even more hurt. I think we should break up.”
Shaw halts, burying both of his hands in his hair. His breathing quickens as he processes your words. “No, no, absolutely not. We aren’t breaking up.” he looks at you with the same pleading eyes he used that time when he got sick and begged you to cuddle him instead of getting his medicine. Back then, everything seemed so...lovely.
“I don’t know what else to do, Shaw,” your voice breaks, and Shaw feels his heart shatter at the notion of you hurting this much. “I just don’t know why you do this, I—”
“Because I don’t deserve you.” 
“What?” You shake your head in confusion.
“I know it’s fucked up. Everyone around us knew that I wasn’t deserving of you. Just look at me,” he gestures at himself, “I’m a fucking gangster dating someone who deserves better. So I tried pushing you away, and then you pulled back, and you fought for me. And I just don’t know how to deal with that, ‘cause people don’t do that for me.”
You sigh. “You deserve to be fought for.”
“I don’t. I really fucking don’t. Because here I am, with the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I’m about to lose them. And it should be what I want because I keep pushing and pushing and pushing, but now the only thing I want is you. I fucked up.”
You lean against a nearby wall, silence hanging above you two before you break it. “I...don’t think this dynamic is healthy,” you start.
“I know, I’m sorry. I fucked up, but I promise I’ll—”
“And if we’re going to try this again, you’re going to have to fix your attitude,” you interrupt him.
“I—you’re serious?” a careful nod has Shaw’s expression turning from dumbfounded to ecstatic. His grin’s back, but now it seems more...genuine. More innocent. 
“Fuck. I can’t believe it,” he tilts his head up to the sky in glee, but soon looks back at you with resolution in his eyes, “I’m going to be the best boyfriend you’ve ever seen.”
You laugh. “Is that a challenge, pretty boy?”
“You bet your ass it is,” he teases, swiftly scooping you up into his arms, “I fucking love you, and I’ll do anything I can to prove it,” he mutters into the crook of your neck.
“Shaw...I love you too, but people are really staring, actually.” You cast worried glances over his shoulder.
“Don’t care.”
“...Of course you don’t.”    
Shaw’s scenario was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, to be fair. I think I made him pretty OOC, but I’m filling in a lot of the blanks in regards to his personality, and for some reason he has serious trauma and insecurities here, which is either kinda valid, or projecting. I don’t know if I’m satisfied with it...but it’s going I guess.
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xumos-hoe · 4 years
hiii i’ve been reading all ur works and i love it so muchhhh😭😭😭 and i want to req can u make a headcanons about the boys when MC forgot to put their bra on and they can see MC’s nipples through that thin shirt lmaooo 😂😂 and thank you i luv u
Ily too anon, hope you enjoy🥺❤️
MLQC crew seeing MC’s nipples through a thin shirt
Wasn’t so much a “shirt” since it was a swimsuit.
Vic’s weekly swim lessons🤩
You’d recently purchased a one-piece swim suit and decided to wear it that day since your go-to swimwear was at the dry cleaners
Why didn’t you account for the material being excessively thin and tight? I dunno. but since the problem didn’t come around until much later, you hadn’t thought much of it.
The material clung to your breasts, hugging every dip and curve tightly, especially in the water as Victor guided you through a back-float. His face hovered close to your body, half submerged in the water as you struggled to stay afloat.
“Try not to struggle so much—and if you happen to drown, I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to save you.”
You took in a shaky breath as you braced for the moment your temporary instructor would remove his hands. With the intake of breath, your chest puffed out significantly—and due to the chill of the pool water, something started to poke through your bathing suit.
Now...it wasn’t like Victor had been eyeing that area on purpose—he was just as nervous as you were to let go in case you wound up actually drowning.
He looked over your entire figure one last time before leaving your side, and...
that’s when he was met with the little accident around your chest.
Your nipples poked out through the spandex, especially since the swimsuit was a bright color that contrasted with the water, which made them even more obvious.
Victor had a brief second of disbelief where he wondered if he might be seeing things, but when he blinks and your nipples are still there in plain view, he averts his gaze as discreetly as possible.
What isn’t so discreet is the color in his ears as he scoffs and refocuses on the task at hand.
Thankfully, you’re too busy struggling between life and death and don’t notice the tightening sensation around your breasts, or the dumbstruck gaze that glances at them.
“Victor... You can let go now, I think I got it...”
Your request falls on deaf ears when you feel Vic try to pull you out of the water instead.
“Ha. Not a chance—your form is even worse than before. We’ll try again next week.”
Which a small tsk, Victor scoops you out from the water. You almost fight against him, but back down after noticing the irritation in his features.
You nearly fall into his chest with the sudden force, but a quick pair of arms steady you instead.
Unfortunately, this position isn’t so convenient for Victor. The first thing that pops into his mind is the possibility of your nipples pressing into the planes of his chest at that very moment
...so without a second word, you’re lifted into the air and placed on the edge of the pool. When he speaks again, you’re surprised at the sudden assertiveness of his voice.
“Now go get changed. I believe I promised you a meal after today’s lesson.”
You instantly perk up at that and run off to the locker rooms. Could you even deny his cooking?
But in your excitement, you don’t realize that he never actually promised you a meal after today’s lesson.
Actually, Victor just wanted a bit of alone time to ease the heat in his face and crotch.
In addition to forgetting to wear a bra—you hadn’t accounted for the forecast and forgot to bring an umbrella.
As though Lucien expected it because he did, the first person you spot when you step out of the office is your boyfriend’s smiling face peeking out from the window of his car.
You decide to make a run for it, even though the rain was coming down in torrents—soaking you before you could manage to slip into the warm interior.
Lucien laughs quietly as he watches you take a few deep breaths after your awkward sprint and lean against the chair.
“Just as I expected...You ought to check the forecast more often, or otherwise, I’ll keep having to come rescue you.”
You turn away meekly and shrug. “You’re busy enough as it is, and I don’t want to keep burdening you.”
He falls silent and takes a moment to admire you from afar, though you don’t notice it—and what you also don’t notice is the split second something catches the professor’s eyes and his gaze drops to your chest:
to find your nipples in near-perfect view.
White shirts and rainfall, along with the lack of bra, made for quite the view.
Lucien raises an eyebrow when he realizes what he’s looking at, but his face remains as expressionless as ever.
Your drenched clothing sticks to all the right places, especially against your breasts and the flushed nipples poking from underneath. In fact, the shirt was so thin that he could even spot the tinge of color from your areolas.
It amuses him that you don’t seem to notice something so painfully obvious...
But ever the gentleman, Lucien looks away, unfastening his seatbelt with a soft click that catches your attention.
You turn towards the source of sound, only to find Lucien stripping himself of his raincoat. And before you realize it, Lucien has handed his coat over to you.
“Lucien, why are y—?”
The professor shakes his head and laughs again, rebuckling himself. He glances out the rear window, daring one last glance at your chest before returning to the road.
“It seems a raincoat wasn’t the only article of clothing you had forgotten to wear today.”
You pause for a moment to think back at his words before it hits you.
The gasp of horror that fills the space of the car earns a few chuckles from Lucien as he watches you throw his coat over your body furiously.
It wound up becoming one of the quietest car rides in your life.
In your defense, your current lack of bra shouldn’t have been a problem.
You don’t even realize it when Kiro swings by to drop off some of your belongings that had remained in his suitcase after you and his’ last trip together.
It was close to midnight, and all you were dressed in was a thin pajama shirt and matching shorts—too exhausted to remember you’d thrown off your bra earlier and that this getup was definitely not suited to greet guests.
You swung the front door open with a yawn to meet the smiling eyes of the superstar as he stared back at you fondly, lifting your belongings.
The smile disappears off of Kiro’s face when he realizes he may have interrupted your sleep.
“Ah! Miss Chips, were you asleep? I knew I should’ve brought these in the morning...”
You shake your head and stifle another yawn.
“It’s alright, I haven’t even gotten into bed yet.”
“But look at you! Already in your slippers and pajamas and—”
He falls silent in an instant. You almost don’t realize the sudden lull in the conversation where his gaze has dropped to your chest after a certain something catches it.
And by ‘something’—the tips of your nipples poking from underneath your pajama top, and thanks to the corridor lighting—clearly.
Your belongings almost slip from Kiro’s hands when he notices and forgets to speak—what were the two of you even talking about again?
You stare back at the man in front of you, caught off guard by his sudden speechlessness and the dumbfounded expression on his face. Not to mention the color in his face...were his cheeks always that pink?
Before you know it, all of your items are thrust into your arms as Kiro readjusts his hat and turns away timidly.
“...Definitely should’ve came in the morning...”
“What was that?”
But before you can get your answer, Kiro has already made a beeline for the elevator, waving to you from afar.
“Good night, Miss Chips!”
Birdcop was staying with you for a few days while the injuries from his last mission healed. You were adamant about him staying with you because this boy was in no shape to help himself at home alone.
You had just gotten out of the shower when you heard Gavin call for you from the kitchen.
He’d offered to purchase some take out while you showered, and in your excitement, quickly throwing on everything except a bra.
Gavin’s back was turned to you as he gathered utensils from the counter. You sat on a bar stool and searched for your order before Gavin called out with a smile.
“Careful, it’s hot.”
But you were already too busy eating to hear him mention anything about heat.
When Gavin finally turned, the last thing he expected to see were the evident peaks in your shirt.
Suddenly, the food wasn’t the only thing hot.
You were too busy squeezing sauce onto your meal to notice anything off about your clothing. And worst of all, when you moved to throw the little packet away, your breasts bounced gently with the force.
jesus. he had no idea why he was still staring.
He wanted nothing other than to hide the pink in his face, that you would inevitably notice and comment on.
Did you really not realize your...
Even the thought flustered Gavin to his very core—so wiping his mind clean of any lewd thoughts, he turned away and summoned all his might to talk to you with a straight face.
But the VOLUME of how suddenly he cleared his throat gave away too much.
“Aren’t you a little cold like that?”
You stared up from your food to look back at Gavin.
“What do you mean? I actually thought it was pretty warm in here...”
Barely registering what you had said, Gavin ran off to your bedroom to retrieve a jacket before calling out from over his should
“You’ve been worrying about me this entire time, I almost forgot to take care of you.”
Shaw has probably done a lot of questionable things, but he’s polite enough not to ogle at a woman’s chest.
Especially when the chest in question is rightttt by his face.
You accompanied him for drinks one night—the root of the issue was that you had forgotten to do the laundry and ran out of bras.
You didn’t really think that the shirt you wore was something that called for a bra anyway; and for good measure, topped it with a cardigan.
The reason for the cardigan slipped your mind as you felt yourself becoming tipsier and warmer. Without a second thought, you quickly peeled it away and began to fan yourself with your hands.
Shaw snuck a glance at you—but he couldn’t recall seeing you walk in wearing such a thin tank. And as he checked you out, something seemed off:
He choked loudly on the drink in his hand after noticing the pair of nipples poking through the material of your cami; in addition to the slight bob of your chest as you reach over to ask for another glass.
At this point, there’s no telling whether the pink in his cheeks is from intoxication or the sight you’ve unwittingly provided him with.
As Shaw glanced away, he pushed your cardigan back towards you.
“Don’t be stupid and put it back on.”
You glare at him and push the cardigan back in his direction. “But it’s so hot in here...”
He figured you’d be too drunk to realize your nipples and that the guys beside you had probably noticed as well.
With a small tch, Shaw draped the cardigan over your body and pressed you into his chest.
Your eyes widen in suprise when you realize how closely he’s holding you, but before you can say anything, Shaw leans close to your ear and whispers low:
“I don’t like how these assholes are looking at you—so do us both a favor and stay close.”
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Fortune’s Favor (Gavin x MC)
Fandom: Mr Love Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Gavin x MC
Prompt: Water balloon
Warning: Smut!
Intended Audience: Female Audience
Word Count: 2,729
Requested by: anonymous
Written by: @lordsisterxotome​
Disclaimer: I do not own MLQC or any of its characters. All of that goodness is the property of Elex. I do, however, own the plot of this fanfic. Please do not repost this on any other website.
Other notes: Can we all take a moment to appreciate Gavin as the perfect, beautiful man that he is? Like, damn!!!
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       MC loved children. This was a known fact. She had even produced several shows concerning child development and behavioral issues. Kids were kids though, and it had yet to be determined whether that was in her favor at this particular moment.
       Her soaked dress clung to her body uncomfortably, making her shift in an effort to keep the fabric from clinging. Shivering, MC huddled into her boyfriend’s jacket, fingers digging into the material as she pulled the flaps tighter over her chest. She had been on set, producing a segment on ways for children to stay active during the summer, when she’d gotten caught in the crossfire of a water balloon fight, her clothes and hair soaked in a matter of seconds as assistants and parents tried to round up the overexcited troublemakers. To make matters worse, the dress she had chosen to wear a white dress today, leaving little to the imagination as the fabric turned transparent.
       Stunned by the sudden dousing, she was lucky that Gavin had been there to help out on his day off, jumping into action and draping his denim jacket around her shoulders before saying a few words to Kiki and leading her to a trailer. Having sat her down on a sofa, he was currently looking for something she could use to dry off and a change of clothes. 
       “I don’t think we’re going to find much in the way of fresh clothes,” she commented. Honestly, this could be a lot worse. She wasn’t so uncomfortable with Gavin here, knowing he would take care of her, and his jacket was warm and smelled like him, like sun and wind. 
       “You’re right. I’m not finding any towels either,” he sighed, his rummaging ceasing as he turned back to her. “I’m going to run back to your place and get you some clothes. In the meantime, you should get out of that dress or you might get sick. You can use my jacket to dry off as much as you can.” MC blushed as he sat down beside her and reached out to card his fingers through her damp locks. His palm cupped her cheek and she relished the warmth of his touch against her clammy skin, wanting nothing more than to snuggle up against him. 
       Sure, she was a little flustered. Pretty much everything was on display beneath the jacket and while it wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen her naked before, it was still all too easy to become embarrassed around him, her heart racing and body heating in reaction to him. It didn’t help that she had forgone a bra today, the wet fabric chafing her nipples with each heavy breath she took and hardening the buds to sensitive peaks that undoubtedly showed through her dress.
       “Are you sure?” she asked, licking her lips. “You don’t have to go to all that trouble.”
       “I don’t mind.” He smiled softly and rose to his feet. “Lock the door behind me so no one comes in by mistake.”
       That made her startle, suddenly remembering a very important detail that would make this plan a lot more tricky. Gavin must have seen the realization on her face because he stopped, hand on the door handle. “What?” he asked, “What is it?”
       “The doors on the trailers don’t lock.”
       “I’m not sure why they don’t, but…” she muttered, trying to come up with some sort of excuse as she shifted in place.
       “Okay.” He thought for a moment before deciding, “You can’t stay here like this. Let’s go get your things and let Anna know I’m taking you home to get changed.”
       “Alright.” Taking the hand he offered her, MC settled into the crook of his arm as it wrapped around her shoulders, holding her against him protectively as they left the trailer. Anna was quick to give her the okay to go home, the other woman’s concern almost motherly as she took in her flushed cheeks and slight shivering with a furrowed brow. Gavin assured her he would take care of her - which he didn’t really need to do; it was already an accepted fact at the office that Gavin was a man among men - before escorting her to his motorcycle. 
       By this point her dress had become icy and she snuggled against Gavin’s broad back as he drove, seeking the comfort of his warmth.
       “Almost there,” he said over his shoulder, to which she nodded, cheek pressed to his shoulder blade through the helmet he’d given her. The engine quieted to a rumbling purr as he pulled into the parking structure beneath her building and she dreaded the chafe that would come with getting off and moving around. 
       Her hair clung to her cheeks in wet clumps as she took off the helmet and let him help her off the motorcycle. There really was no worse feeling in the world than wet clothes. Each movement was excruciating, cold fabric rubbing and clinging in ways that left her uncomfortable and all too sensitive.
       It was a relief when they finally reached her apartment and she turned the key in the lock. Gavin followed her in, and without thinking MC shed his jacket, unaware of how much she was revealing to him. 
       He was a gentleman and would sooner die than do something that took advantage of her, but Gavin was still a hot-blooded young man who was very much attracted to his girlfriend. His pants suddenly felt a little too tight, his breath coming a little harder as he averted his gaze from her. “You should warm up with a shower,” he managed, his voice a little husky as he looked at anything besides her.
       When MC turned back to him she couldn’t help but giggle at how cute he looked, almost boyish with his pink cheeks and a hand raised to scratch the back of his head sheepishly. Around anyone else, she would have shied away, leaving them with a thank you at the door, but Gavin always made her feel safe, knowing that she was his number one priority at all times. It was one of the many qualities that made her fall in love with him.
       “I will. Thank you for taking care of me, Gavin,” she said, turning to face him. “Do you want to wait here? It’s okay if you want to leave.”
       “Here is fine.”
       “Okay.” Shooting him an innocent smile, she sashayed to the bathroom, calling over her shoulder, “Make yourself at home.”
       “Thanks,” he replied, voice a little gruff.
       Despite how much she wanted to take this further, she only meant to tease her adorable boyfriend a little before going back to set, but when she tried to take off her sodden dress and found that the buttons didn’t want to cooperate with the wet material, there was really only one option left.
       “Gavin?” she called, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth.
       “Sorry, I can’t get the buttons by myself. Could you help me?”
       “...Sure.” His footsteps padded closer and her breathing picked up in anticipation when the door ghosted open. She didn’t meet his eyes, only turned to offer him her back. His presence behind her sent electric tinges washing over her skin and she hoped he didn’t notice the tiny shiver that wracked her when she felt his touch ghost along her shoulders. He was close, closer than he needed to be, but she wanted him even closer. Her lips parted around a silent moan as his breath fanned against her ear and she waited to see what he would do next as he reached the last button at the base of her spine.
       Gavin stopped, seeming to debate with himself for a moment, before the barely there touch of his hands on her naked skin made her exhale a shaky sigh. His fingers traced her spine, continuing to her shoulders. The digits slipped under the straps of her dress, but before he made any move to bare her, he murmured, “Can I?” his voice tight with restraint.
       “Please, Gavin,” she answered, her voice a whispered whine. MC could never deny him, not that she would ever want to. “I need you.”
       A heartbeat later, her dress fell from her shoulders to pool on the tile floor. Gavin moaned against her neck as his lips descended on her skin, his body pressed flush against hers as his hands reached around to cup her breasts, gently weighing them in his palms. She arched her hips against his crotch, crying out as his teeth sank into the side of her neck at the pressure against his growing erection. Her hips hit the edge of the counter as he forced her forward, seeking that delicious friction as he began to dry hump her.
       Mewls and whines escaped her parted lips as Gavin’s large hand gave her breast another squeeze before traveling down her stomach to slip into the front of her panties. Her legs trembled as he found her swollen clit, his thumb stroking the bud as he slipped his middle finger inside of her. 
       “G-Gavin, mmh! I...I can’t-!” MC tried to warn him of her failing legs, but she could barely get the words out, her slick core clenching around his fingers as he ground his bulge against her. She nearly cried as his fingers slipped out of her heat to turn her around. Her panties slipped down her legs before she was hoisted up onto the countertop, her boyfriend taking his rightful place between her legs. Gavin’s mouth claimed hers in a hungry kiss as she reached for him, small hands slipping under his shirt to touch chiseled abs and pecs. The lustful spark in his eyes as he parted from her to tear his shirt over his head sent a wave of heat blistering through her, her inner thighs soaked with her arousal. 
       She expected him to kiss her or shed the rest of his clothes, but he stepped away from her completely instead, reaching to turn on the shower before kneeling in front of her to rifle through the cabinets underneath the sink. When he looked up at her, he held a condom between his fingers and her brows lifted in surprise. “Where did you find that?” She couldn’t remember ever stashing a box down there.
       “I put it here after our first time,” he admitted, and she might’ve fallen in love with him even more if that was possible. It was just like him to be so careful when it came to her. He held the foil package between his teeth as he undid his belt, holding her heated gaze as he pushed his pants and boxers down his legs. Her eyes immediately fell to his freed dick, swallowing at how painfully hard he was. Gavin was very well endowed, long and thick and veined, the velvety skin flushed red with need. The swollen head weeped pre-cum as she watched and a hand under her chin tilted her face up.
       Her gaze met his half-lidded one and she nearly whimpered as he tore the condom open and rolled it down his length, rubbing her thighs together in an attempt to relieve the suddenly painful ache. Parting her legs, he wrapped his hands around her thighs and hoisted her off the counter with ease, her legs wrapping around his waist as he stepped into the shower.
       The water did little to soothe the heat raging deep inside of her, though it did wash the last of the chill left by her wet clothes away. MC cried out as he pressed her against the shower wall, his chiseled body rutting against hers as he began to roll his hips into her. “Gavin! Oh god!” She writhed as the tip of his cock prodded her clit, his thick heat spreading her folds as his mouth nipped at her neck and collarbone. 
       “Want to be inside you,” he panted hotly against her cheek. “Can I?”
       “Yes!” Bucking her hips, she heard him groan, releasing one of her legs in favor of clenching a fist against the wall next to her head. “I gave you permission the moment you undressed me! Please, please, please, fuck me, Gavin!”
       Reaching down to position himself, she whimpered as his length slowly stretched her, the slight burn of something so large entering her wet core lost in the way he filled and pressed against her walls so deliciously. Her cries for him to go faster, to shove the whole thing in at once, were lost to him, his face pressed into her neck and his jaw clenched as he groaned. As much as Gavin wanted to shove himself into her, he wanted to be careful, to cherish her and make her feel loved. 
       He began to move as soon as he was fully seated inside of her, pulling out until just the tip was left inside before slamming back in again, her screams reverberating around the bathroom as he gave her what she wanted. 
       “Yes!...ah!!...Yes, Gavin, mmm..that...it feels so good!!” she cried, gasping lungfuls of the steamy air.
       “Yeah?” Grabbing a bouncing breast, he pinched and twisted her nipple, licking his lips as she was reduced to a whimpering, lustful mess in his embrace. “You...haa...take me so good. Feels...ngh!...s-so good...squeezing me so tight! My good girl…”
       Her fingers dug into his shoulders as he continued to pound into her, drops of water running down his muscles and clinging to the ends of his hair. All she could think to say was his name as he drove into her, adjusting his angle a couple of times to hit spots that had her eyes rolling back in her head. 
       “You’re...ahh!!...Gavin, you’re so deep! Gavin, Gavin, Gavin!!” She could feel him in every part of her body, claiming her as his own. It was hard and intense, but underlying it all was love, his adoration for her conveyed in every heated touch of skin against skin.
       “Say my name,” he growled, claiming her lips in a hungry kiss. “Scream it so the neighbors know.” Tears of pleasure ran down her face as he hit her g-spot hard, abusing the sensitive spot over and over again. “Are you going to come?” he panted, hips moving faster, rougher. He was getting close too, her walls threatening to squeeze him to completion she was getting so tight. 
       “Y-Yes!” she cried, gasping as he throbbed and twitched inside of her.
       His hand moved to where they were joined, and with a hard press to her clit she came undone, crying his name as her vision went white under an explosion of rapture. His pleasured grunt joined her scream as he reached his own end a few thrusts later, and he looked positively virile as he released, muscles in his neck bulging as his seed spilled into the condom. 
       The water cooled their overheated bodies as they panted, slowly coming down from their highs. Releasing her leg from around his hip, Gavin gently held her on her feet as he slipped out of her, planting kisses on her wet face.
       “I love you,” she said breathlessly, a satisfied smile on her face as she nuzzled into his neck. “I love you so so much.”
       “I love you too,” he murmured back, his arms tightening around her. A few moments passed like that, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking, before he released her, stepping out of the shower for a moment to discard the used condom.
       Alone, MC cupped her flushed cheeks in her hands and squealed internally. In this case, getting caught in the crossfire of a children’s water balloon fight had turned out very, very well, gaining fortune’s favor the moment she fell in love with Gavin.
       It wasn’t until after they had finished washing up and were drying off when she suddenly gasped. “What if Lucien was home?!”
       Gavin blinked at her, silent for a moment, before he burst into chuckles. Wrapping his arms around her middle, she thought she saw some of the same mischief from high school in his face now as he said, “I’ve had you screaming my name enough that I think he’s used to it by now, babe.”
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cheri-translates · 4 years
Watermelon (a translated one-shot)
I translated this fluffy and mildly suggestive one-shot originally written by 八重垂樱 on Weibo, with permission
Contains references to four e-mails from Gavin’s 100 Days Event. They don’t spoil anything about the main storyline, but don’t continue if you’re averse to anything CN-related!
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“Eli took a trip to the countryside and returned with several watermelons. He left us one each...”
“And then?”
Expressionless, your arms are folded across your chest as you look Gavin up and down, noting the sheen of sweat on his forehead. Seeing the way you’re glaring at him, the tips of his ears are tinged with a red hue, and he starts tripping up on his words.
“You know that the fridge at my place isn’t very large, so it can’t hold two watermelons... and watermelons spoil easily when left out. So why not eat it while it’s still fresh? So... so I specially rushed over to bring it to you...”
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As he says this, his eyes flit upwards to meet yours. He seems to be pleading for sympathy, and it makes you feel infuriated yet tempted to laugh at the same time.
You deliberately maintain a cold expression on your face and accept the watermelon. “Got it. I’ll take the watermelon, and please thank Eli on my behalf. You can leave now.”
“Ahem. I...”
Gavin freezes, then holds onto the door frame, afraid you’d shut the door on him. With this sight before you, you no longer suppress the laughter bubbling to the surface, and you chuckle. 
“Come in, blockhead.”
You stuff the watermelon back into his arms, then pull him into the apartment, letting the door shut behind you.
The cold war began a few days ago. Officer Gavin, who had promised you ten thousand times that he’d take care of himself, led a fleet of men into the midst of out-of-control Evolvers for the ten thousand and one time.
The worst part was that he tried hiding his injuries from you. Upon leaving the hospital after getting his wounds bandaged, he pretended that nothing had happened, accompanying you to Loveland High to visit Mr Keller.
If your suspicions weren’t raised when he kept refusing the glass of wine from Mr Keller’s wife during the meal, he would have hid it from you forever!
Your mind was preoccupied for the rest of the meal. After finding an excuse to leave, you said goodbye to Mr Keller and dragged Gavin back to his apartment. Then, you forced him to take off his clothes to let you check for injuries. 
After confirming that his injuries were not life-threatening, you gave him a harsh glare. Without waiting for the man - who now knew that he was in the wrong - to stop you, you grabbed your bag and slammed the door.
Just like that, the two of you entered a cold war.
On the first day of the cold war, Commander Gavin sent a message:
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“Thorny hasn’t had much energy recently. I think you might need to visit him.”
You replied: Maybe it’s grieving over Greenie, who didn’t know how to take care of itself properly.
On the second day of the cold war, Commander Gavin sent a message:
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“Minor recommended a gift. After checking its reviews on shopping websites, I think he’s not reliable.”
You replied: Minor also recommended a new flavour of cup noodles. Commander, please enjoy it by yourself.
On the third day of the cold war, Commander Gavin sent a message:
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“The wind says that you’re always staying in the office. It can’t feel you, so it misses you a little.”
You replied: Please tell the wind that I'm grateful for its concern. And also get it to remind a certain bad egg who goes back on his word to keep his promises to me.
Actually, your anger had already vanished very early on. You found yourself thinking - about eight hundred times a day - about whether Gavin’s wounds were healing properly. And whether he returned to eating cup noodles since there wasn’t a canteen in STF, and without your handmade bento boxes.
But if you were to forgive him so easily, this fellow would hide his injuries from you again!
Mm, a longer punishment is necessary.
“Are we eating the watermelon?”
His voice pulls you back to the present. 
Gavin is at a loss as he stands in the middle of your living room, hugging the watermelon to himself. Not knowing if you’re still angry with him, he tests the waters with the question, carefully gauging your reaction. 
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To the Commander of STF who fears nothing on earth, there is nothing more frightening than his girl giving him the cold shoulder.
Instead of giving him an answer, you fire a question.
“How are your wounds?”
“They were fine since a long time ago. They weren’t anything serious to begin with. In the previous mission...” When Gavin sees your expression, he cuts himself off sharply. “Don’t worry, I’m really okay.”
“’Okay’? ‘Wasn’t anything serious’?! Mr Gavin, are you sure?”
Your volume spikes. Why is this guy always like this? He calls it nothing serious when there’s clearly a deep gash on his shoulder?!
“How serious do you want your injuries to be? Like the time Eli had to carry you straight to the hospital? Gavin, could you please place more importance on your life! I already told you, you aren’t alone anymore! If you continue treating yourself like this, I... I will...”
Gavin frantically sets down the watermelon and embraces you. 
“All right, all right, don’t be mad. It’s my fault, it’s all my fault.”
Furious, you struggle in his arms for a second or two before remembering that there are wounds on his body. In the end, you surrender and lean into his arms obediently.
“I’ll vow on Thorny’s life that I won’t do it again!”
“What’s the use of vowing on Thorny’s life? Didn’t you say it was already lacking vitality! Maybe after a few days, you would enrage it to death!”
“Then... Pearly? Or Flyer? Mini Thorny?”
“All right...” Gavin tightens his hold, caging you in his arms. He lowers his head and draws nearer to your face, his warm breaths brushing your ear, leaving a numbing sensation in their wake. “Silly. I understand everything you want to say. No matter how dangerous a mission is, and no matter how far I have to go, I know that I always have a home with its lights turned on for me, and a girl waiting behind the door...
“For her, I’ll remember to take good care of myself, and come back safe and sound.”
“Because I’m no longer alone...”
As the voice grows soft, his searing lips gradually meet yours...
In the midst of being kissed dizzy, the only rational thought that drifts to your mind is - 
Does this even count as a lesson to him?
Whatever. Since we’re already here... we’ll talk about the rest later.
You feast on the watermelon in Gavin’s arms, and a droplet of bright red juice pelts onto his bare chest. Feeling mischievous, you lean over and lick it off directly, successfully re-igniting the flames in the eyes of the man before you.
“Don’t move. We haven’t finished our earlier discussion.”
Swatting away his hand before it comes an inch closer, you lift your chin and look at him teasingly. “So who is the one who misses me? Thorny? Sparky? The wind?”
“Tell me quickly, or else...”
Pretending to bare your fangs and brandish your claws, you lunge onto him, but accidentally press the remote control in the process. The television on the wall switches on, displaying the news. 
The person who is having an interview just happens to be the one who gave the two of you watermelons - Eli. 
“Most of the employees in STF are amiable and approachable, especially the aunties in the canteen - they would always pile on more dishes for relatively skinny-looking members...” Eli dons his best smile as he tells the public more about STF, with absolutely no idea about the tragic fate awaiting him the next day.
[Important Context] The official MLQC Weibo account posted fun facts of Loveland City in celebration of the game’s 1000-day anniversary (which I translated here). One of the facts concerns STF, which is basically what Eli is saying above
However, in “Go See Him”, Gavin has a line where he says: “There isn’t a canteen in STF, but the nearby eateries aren’t bad.”
In another line, he says: “My colleagues would sometimes bring handmade bentos...”
So... is this a genuine mistake on Papergames’ part, or has Gavin been lying so MC would make him bentos LOL
"Yes, there has always been a canteen in STF ever since it was built. Apart from the Commander, other team members can also have their meals there.”
“What does the Commander eat? That’s a secret for you to find out the next time you interview him directly hahaha.”
"G A V I N.”
You boil with rage, whipping your head around to glare at the “Serial Liar”. Before waiting for you to continue, he acts first, flipping you over and pinning you underneath him.
“Give me a proper explanation about the canteen!”
“All right. But... we’ll talk after getting our fill.”
The sweet fragrance of watermelon permeates the air. 
On this late summer evening, it seems like this man will need a very, very long time to be satiated...
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八重垂樱: Sure, thank you for liking it
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arabella-77 · 3 years
Akhirnya terjemahan date Gavin When the Galaxy Falls release juga.
Cuma maaf baru 2 chapter saudara-saudara.
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Ting.... ponsel yang terletak di atas meja bergetar sedikit.
Aku meletakkan roti yang sudah kupotong-potong ke dalam toaster, menekan tombolnya, lalu memutar tubuh dan mengambil ponselku.
Tak ada berita penting. Pada layar hanya muncul notifikasi dari sebuah aplikasi video live streaming.
Judul yang menyolok menyita penglihatanku, "Special Task Force Sekali Lagi Memecahkan Kasus Besar, Sang Komandan akan Menerima Penghargaan."
Jariku menyentuhnya dan sebuah video terputar di layar.
Tiga menit pertama dari laporan itu adalah kesimpulan dari kasus-kasus utama yang telah dipecahkan, sejak Gavin bertugas sebagai komandan. Profil Gavin pun melintas di rekaman.
Tak lama kemudian reporter yang membawa mikrofon muncul.
Reporter : "Dilaporkan bahwa pasukan yang dipimpin oleh Komandan Bai telah memecahkan kasus internasional. Untuk memberikan penghargaan pada komandan yang telah bekerja keras dalam menjaga keamanan warga kota, komisi pemerintah akan menyelenggarakan upacara di Special Task Force."
"Pada upacara tersebut sebuah penghargaan prestasi akan diberikan kepada Komandan Bai. Namun sangat disayangkan bahwa kita tidak dapat melihat Komandan Bai kembali dari misinya. Dan penghargaan ini telah diterima oleh Kapten Eli.
Reporter : "Mari kita alihkan fokus pada Kapten Eli."
Reporter : "Kapten Eli, mengapa Komandan Bai tak kembali ke Special Task Force hari ini?"
Eli memegang piala tersebut, wajahnya serius, sungguh cocok dengan sosok pasukan khusus. Ia berkata ringkas.
Eli : "Komandan harus menghadiri acara lainnya, sehubungan dengan prinsip kerahasiaan, saya tak dapat mengungkapkannya di sini, harap maklum."
Fokus beralih pada reporter lagi. Dengan terharu ia berkata:
"Tampaknya Komandan Bai masih berada di suatu tempat, bekerja pontang-panting demi keamanan warga kota."
Dengan tenang aku meletakkan ponsel. Roti yang kupanggang telah keluar dari toaster, kuoleskan selai, kuletakkan di piring dan aku keluar dari dapur.
Cahaya matahari membawa aroma hangat masuk melalui jendela dan jatuh di lantai. Komandan Bai yang tak menghadiri upacara penghargaan itu kini sedang berbaring di sofaku.
Yang kepo lanjutannya silakan baca di wattpad saya yah!
Thanks to Cheri-translate for give me permission to use her translation as reference.
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For English version you can read here https://cheri-translates.tumblr.com/post/641911340463767552/cn-gavins-when-the-galaxy-falls-date
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areswhy · 3 years
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low quality lucien edit: [x] 
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otonymous · 4 years
Remembrance (MLQC Gavin - NSFW)
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Description: In a world where strangers abound, friends become foes. Warnings: NSFW/18+:  Explicit/graphic language — reader discretion is advised.  Spoilers for Shaw’s identity and the latest chapters in the EN server (up to and including Chapter 24; the rest is pure speculation and imagination on my part as I generally try to steer clear of spoilers on other servers), hints of exhibitionism, vaginal fingering, angst Word Count: ~1500 words (~7 mins of smut & angst) Author’s Notes: This story was inspired by one of the many karmas that recently hit the CN server (please see pic above) and Gavin won out in my poll of which boy to write for first!  As with many things MLQC-related, you know I had to inject a dose of angst with my smut 🤣
SPOILER WARNING: For all my friends that are caught up on the latest chapters in the EN server, this story takes place in a timeline where MC is still unrecognized by the boys, but has developed some of that badassery I’m so looking forward to seeing in the future (I mean, just LOOK at the expression on her face in that karma; it screams “DON’T MESS” and I’m ALLLL for it LOL).  That being said, please note the warnings listed above and happy reading! 😊
He doesn’t know you.
If there was ever any doubt, it is driven swiftly from your mind by the frost in amber eyes, the gaze that once held nothing but tenderness now tinged with suspicion and distrust.
“Who are you?  How did you gain access to the classified files?”
The grip on your wrists tightens, the leathery smoothness of his gloved hand a sharp contrast to the strength in those long fingers, binding your arms behind you with ease.  Gavin’s breath is hot, dancing on the nape of your neck in unhurried rhythm despite the precariousness of the situation.
What did he have to be afraid of, after all?  He wasn’t the one in a compromised position, pinned against a glass wall in the Archives room - the inner sanctum of the Special Task Force headquarters.
“My patience is wearing thin.  You’d better start talking.”
His voice is hushed, low and dangerous and completely out of place when directed towards you.  A lifetime ago, when the biggest worry you had involved convincing a certain CEO not to pull funding from your production company, Gavin had loved you — completely and unconditionally.
Now you knew what it was to stand on the other side of that fence.
The woman you were before would’ve cowered, limbs shaking beyond control as her blank mind raced in endless circles, trying to come up with something, anything, to extricate herself from the desperate situation.
All the things you no longer identified with.
Your breath fogs up the glass, mere inches from the tip of your nose.  Each passing second of silence sees Gavin’s brows furrow even deeper in the reflection staring back at you, his handsome features easily made out against the darkness of the surrounding hallways — dim save for the odd crimson glow marking exits and doors.
Shaw said he’d provide you with cover but apparently even he was capable of miscalculation.  No one was supposed to be here, let alone his older brother.  You wondered if he watched you now through the cameras panning the room; wondered whose eyes, if any, fell upon the pair of bodies pressed so tightly together they might well have been mistaken for lovers caught in flagrante.
In another life, you had called Gavin yours.  
The thought settles heavy in your heart, sinking until it reaches the pit of your stomach.  You knew what had to be done, hoped you had the wherewithal to make it happen.  Physically, there is no contest: Gavin is much too strong and fast for you to take on.  Escape now is contingent on the hope that even if he had no recollection of you, his body would still respond to the things you knew he loved best.
“I bear no ill intentions towards the Special Task Force, Commander Bai, least of all towards you.”
Half-whispered, the tone of your voice is sultry, aiming to disarm.  Taking a deep breath, you step back, moving closer into the curve of Gavin’s body as you ignore the awkward angle of your stance.  The lapels of his overcoat brush soft against your bare shoulders and suddenly…
…you recognize that scent.
Soap on skin.  Windblown hair.  The memories wash over you, relentless like the undertow of a tidal wave: the letter you never opened — bloodied and crumpled.  The boy with the bandaged face, thrusting his jacket over your head as he yelled over the din of pouring rain for you to make a run for the school gates.  Your heart had pounded even then to be close enough to catch the subtle fragrance of his soap.
I’m sorry, Gavin.
You feel the heat of tears rolling down your cheeks, see them glisten in the reflection looking back at you.  And when you crane your neck to face him, amber eyes widen at the sight, Gavin’s grip on your wrists loosening just a bit to hear you say,
“You’re hurting me.”
Feigning innocence, you keep your gaze locked on his, letting your mouth fall open just enough to allow your tongue to sweep out and wet pink lips.
“Don’t you remember me, Gavin?”
Exaggerating the arch of your back, your bottom juts against the plane of his groin, hard even beneath layers of clothing.  And when your hips begin their languid sway — tracing figure eights over his body in an attempt to persuade — the prominent bob of Gavin’s Adam’s apple signals that you are on the right track.
“I…I don’t know who—”
“Touch me, and maybe then you’ll remember.”
You let your head fall back onto Gavin’s chest like so many times before, hear the echo of his heart — racing now — when you peer up at him from beneath your lashes.  Fighting against his grip, you slide your hands down and over the outline of his hardening cock…slow…until you reach the hem of your skirt.
Grasp and pull.  Up, up, up.  Try not to shiver when the cool air hits your bare skin.  Let the memories of the love you shared with this man burn bright enough to melt the ice of this Eternal Winter.
“I don’t care who sees if you don’t, Commander Bai.  You have nothing to fear from me.  I’m unarmed.  Check for yourself…”
Barely breathing now, you maneuver — cautious — until your palm is pressed to his.  Gavin’s fingers twitch and you seize the opportunity before it flees.  It is now your hand that grasps his, bringing it down and around the curve of your hip until it slides beneath the lace of your panties.
Gavin moans despite himself to feel the heat radiating from your core even through leather, distraught at how uncharacteristically he was behaving.  He was seasoned enough to know when he was walking into a trap and yet, there was something about you that told him you weren’t lying; that he did know you even if he had no recollection of ever laying eyes on you in his life.
Maybe that was why he let himself be led, allowing your touch to ease the disquiet in his chest to feel like he finally found something important he once lost without even realizing it.
Your purse slides off your shoulder when you lurch forward, hands shooting out last minute to prevent your face from kissing glass as your knees shake to feel his gloved hand rubbing circles about your swelling clit.  Each stroke is torturously slow, as if Gavin were patiently getting reacquainted with the body that took very little time to respond to his touch.
You could hear it, after all — the wet sounds that accompanied the movement of his fingers, especially now that the middle and index were beginning to traverse the length of your slit, curving at your entrance to gather the arousal that pooled.
And when he holds up his hand before both of you, the sticky sheen that darkened leather in places makes you blush before all thoughts of self-consciousness are swept away by the sight of Gavin licking from knuckle to tip, white teeth biting to pull the glove off one hand, then the other.
You feel the heat of his skin now, the roughened callouses on fingers and palm sweeping gently along the line of your jaw, eyes of molten gold observing every movement in the reflection of you and him on glass like an intimate portrait.  And suddenly, there is no Special Task Force, no NW, no Black Swan…no Evol.  
Nothing else but you and him.
I love you.
The silent echo of your unspoken words settle in the darkest corners of your heart as your close your eyes, giving over to the touch of Gavin’s hands — one cradling your face as the other conforms to the curve of your breast.
“I don’t know why…”
Soft lips brush against the lobe of your ear en route to dropping kisses along the pulse of your neck.
“…but I’ll trust you this one time.”
There is an edge to his voice as Gavin pulls back, burying the tip of his nose into the nape of your neck and inhaling deep before he steps aside to let you pass.
“Go.  Before the rest of them get here.  Don’t ever let me catch you again.”
His eyes fall on you, scanning from head to toe before he reaches out to retrieve your purse from the floor and drape it over your shoulder.
“Gavin, I—”
You’re interrupted when the doors at the far end of one hallway slam open with a bang, STF agents spilling through with weapons at the ready.  Gavin shoves you towards the exit, shouting “GO NOW!” as he makes to step between you and the approaching brigade.
And as you make your escape, running so fast each breath draws the taste of blood, you fight to keep the tears from blurring your vision, all the while unaware of the amber eyes trained in your direction…watching until you merge with darkness itself.
Thank you so much for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📚
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op-peccatori · 4 years
In Hushed Whispers | MLQC Victor
Fandom: Mr Love: Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Victor/Reader
Rating: 18+/Explicit/NSFW
Word Count: 5k
Summary: It started out as a mission, as a wicked game–and then things spiralled out of your control. With a past shrouded in darkness and a need to protect him, will you be strong enough to step into the light?
A/N: I’ve been daydreaming about a Black Swan!MC concept for so long and finally found the willpower write something for it. This was was supposed to be a lot cooler and hateful, but I’m not cool and it’s Victor XD MC’s a producer, but that’s more of a cover, or a surface job. 
the title is a quest from DA: Inquisition! I don’t own it, or any of the characters from Mr Love: Queen’s Choice.
(warnings/tags below the cut)
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warnings/tags: explicit sexual content, explicit language (mild), Black Swan!Reader, vaginal sex, oral sex, semi?-public sex, the answer is yes, goodbye black swan cuz that D is too good, too much talking (imo) during sex, slight spoilers for chapters 12-13? (and onwards)
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It's clear enough to those look closely.
There was an undercurrent of tension in your interactions, in every traded look, in the eyes that tracked each other through the crowds around them. You can see the inquisitive looks they shoot your way, curious and envious, and you can't control the slight quirk of your lips.
You know what they’re probably thinking. They’re not wrong, but they aren’t quite right.
Even as you mingle with the crowd, greeting the elite of Loveland City with a bashful smile fixed in place, you can feel his gaze boring into the back of your head. For someone with such an impeccable poker face, he really isn't all that subtle.
'Or maybe it's just me.'
You barely stifle a grin at the thought, brushing back soft curls before glancing back over your shoulder once more. He stands there, just barely keeping up with the conversation taking place around him, his eyes smoky with discomfort and temper. A sly smile from you prompts him to finally tear his gaze away, and you turn back to the elder couple who had stopped you for a chat. They’ve been watching you watch him curiously, but they only smile knowingly when you give them your full attention.
"Father always spoke very highly of you, Mrs Waldorf," you recall fondly, the wistful twist of your mouth genuine. "He also said Mr Waldorf was quite lucky you found his attempts at poetry endearing."
"That brat was the one who helped me with them!" The mock offence in the elderly man’s tone had all three of you chuckling. You feel the weight of his gaze on you once more, and a flicker of wicked thrill unfurls in you. This conversation, with people who had so clearly been fond of your late father, isn't a forced one, and your smile is far from strained as you excuse yourself from it.
Your dress, sleek and sequined, sways around your legs as you work the room, avoiding people you're not quite in the mood to interact with, and him. It's not as if that you're afraid to face him, because that would be ridiculous; it's just that the thought of looking into those eyes would require acknowledging everything reflected in them.
Victor has never been one to shy away from confrontations, though, and although you have been expecting it with anticipation bubbling in your throat, your confident stride still falters when he steps into your path.
There’s a clear pause, a slight shift in the air between you as you drink in the sight of him up close. The strong lines of his well-built shoulders, enhanced by his perfectly tailored suit, the all too familiar patrician features set in smooth lines; the tie you had picked out for him yourself.
You hadn’t quite expected the way your breath catches in your throat.
"May I have this dance?" The deep timbre of his voice dissolves any protests you could muster up. You can’t say no, not without raising brows all around the room. You take his proffered hand with a faint smile, allowing him to lead you to the dance floor, all too aware of the people watching you.
There are mostly couples dancing here, you note, trying to keep your mind off the warmth of his hand as it settles on your waist, guiding you into a simple waltz. He's closer than is polite, familiarity and ease clear in his body language.
"Don't you think people might get the wrong idea?" you whisper, glancing up at him as he looks around, seeming to finally notice the others twirling and twisting across the marble.
Victor’s tightening grip on your waist is answer enough. The cut-outs on the waistline of your dress don't seem as cute now, with his thumb stroking your soft skin instinctively. 
"You're being reckless." You don't keep the sharpness out of your voice as a frisson of unease begins to build in your chest. If anything, you'd thought he would do the smart thing and do his best to avoid you tonight.
"I didn't think I'd see you here tonight," Victor finally says, his expression clear and eyes glinting with danger.
"Anna couldn't make it." You shrug lightly; it's true enough, as the older woman had called you with sighed apologies and a lot of crying in the background. One of her kids was sick, and her wife was caught up with other work. "Why, aren't you happy to see me?"
His mouth purses at the feigned hurt in your voice, and he tugs you closer. You ignore the thrilled shivers racing up your spine as he leans in.
"Let me rephrase–I didn't think I'd see you ever again."
Your lips curl into something that almost resembles a smile. "Careful, there. It almost sounds like you didn't want to see me again," you tease, smirking at the way he pulls back to glower at you.
"So you are capable of logical reasoning. And yet, here you are."
"Here I am," you agree. You fall into an easy sort of synchronization, spinning around the floor with effortless grace. This isn’t your first time dancing with him, but it still makes your heart thrum with delight. "It's your own fault. You make it so hard to stay away."
He doesn't roll his eyes the way you know he wants to, his hand flexing around yours the only hint of his agitation, and your eyes dance wickedly at it. If you'd been alone, you have no doubt he would have you pinned against a wall by now.
"Your actions say otherwise," he mutters, drawing you away from the filthy route your mind had taken. "You just-" He cuts himself off, clearly unwilling to say more. But you know what he would have said, and you're irritated by the way your heart lurches painfully in your chest.  
"I thought you needed time to process everything," you murmur, taking in the way his shoulders tense further. "To think things through." All the lies, manipulations and secrets. You remember his expression clearly, and how quiet he'd gone that night. Really, it’s a wonder he’s even speaking to you.
"There's nothing to think about. I've already declined the offer," Victor informs you frostily. You make sure to knit your brows at his words, forcing your lips into a strained smile. It's a nice touch, you think.
"It's an open one, there’s no expiration date. We're quite generous, don't you think?" You wonder if the words sound as bitter as they taste in your tongue. Generous is not the word you would use to describe yourself or your 'friends.' While it’s true that they’re reluctant to kill him because of his EVOL and influence, the option isn’t completely off the table, much to your personal displeasure.
"Quite generous. I'm afraid it's still a waste of your time, though. I won't be changing my mind." The firmness in his tone leaves little room for doubt, and you know he means it. But the people you work for haven't spent hours in his company, studying him, touching him, working with him, shivering at the things he whispered in their ears. They don't know how infuriatingly stubborn he is, and how deeply you admire him for it.
But what crawls from your heart and into your veins isn’t admiration, and it’s on that note that you decide you’ve put on enough of a show.
You slip your palm from his grip, stepping away from him as the progressively lighter notes of the song fade and your dance comes to an end. "Well, then, I think we're done here for now. I'll see you around, Mr CEO." Your smile feels syrupy in how sickeningly sweet it is, contrasting greatly with the yearning that twists your insides, demanding that you do whatever it takes to feel his touch once more.
With a quick wink, you spin on your heel and walk away, grabbing a flute of sparkling champagne off a passing waiter as you go.
‘That should be good enough to keep them off my back.’
You wait until you've exited the ballroom to drain the glass completely, leaving it on a table outside. You don’t think, sweeping past random corners until you're in a deserted hallway, the sound of your heart thumping madly blocking out most sounds, even of your heels clicking against the marble floor sharply.
Still, you hear the heavy footsteps as they grow closer, echoing in the empty halls. You're not surprised when a hand seizes your wrist, jerking you around to face the perpetrator. You glare at Victor even through the elated satisfaction coursing through you.
"We're not done." You should be more discomfited by his fury; instead, as it often does in his presence, a certain kind of hunger pools in your belly. His grip is unyielding, his determination even more so.
It makes you want to purr.
"Oh, I’m sorry. Did you have more to say?" you ask casually, eyes wide and breath hitching when he squeezes your wrist tighter. His steps closer in response, moving into your space and prompting you to back up until your back hits the wall. Your senses are overwhelmed by the scent of his cologne, his warm breath tinged with alcohol, growing heavier as he struggles with his words. The space between you is negligible and all the confidence you'd adorned yourself with before coming here seems to have fallen somewhere.
“A thing or two, yeah.”
Victor tugs at your wrist, pulling it up to press it into the wall above your head, his touch gentler as his thumb rubs the skin over your racing pulse. He takes your other hand in his free one, pressing his lips to your wrist as you watch, skin tingling pleasantly. He pushes it to join its captive counterpart, pressing them into the wall with one hand while the other comes to rest on your hip.
"For someone so prone to running, you seem to be doing rather well in this position," Victor murmurs, lips hovering over your ear as you try to maintain control over your expression. He has you trapped, and you've never felt more on edge and desperately turned on.
"You make an enticing captor." He's got you, but you could get out of this position if you really tried. That makes you think he's not really trying. Does he have more questions? You can't think of any you would want to answer here, where anybody could stumble across you, which begs the question: what does he want?
Victor's lips press into the skin behind your ear and your stomach tenses.
"That didn't stop you the last time." He traces the shell of your ear with the tip of his tongue, his nose brushing your temple as he inhales deeply. “You vanished into thin air.”
"For someone who doesn't want anything to do with us, you sure seem to be complaining about being left alone a lot," you taunt. But you deflate when he doesn't rise to the bait, only pulling back slightly to observe you. You’re close enough to count every single one of his thick lashes, to see the tiny mole on his right earlobe. There is none of the hate you've been expecting, not a hint of the fury you'd glimpsed earlier. It leaves you scrambling because you don't know what to expect now.
"I don't want anything to do with them," he agrees, pressing his forehead to yours. Something in your chest trembles at the action and you feel so raw, so vulnerable, you don’t know what to do with it. "I never said anything about you."
"I-if you refuse them, you refuse me." His lips brush yours and you realize he doesn't have to use force to keep you here after all. "We're kind of a package deal."
"Are you?" Uncertainty sprouts in your mind at the way he smirks, as if your words amused him. "It didn't seem like it when we were together."
You can't bring yourself to respond; you begin to struggle against his grip, but he pushes his hips into yours, pinning you in place. He’s too close, and it’s messing with your head. It would be so easy to just give in, to sink into him and let him in. You want it so badly it frightens you.
"In fact, it almost seemed like you were happy to forget all about them. Isn't that why you never even attempted to convince me to join them?"
Them, them, them. But he was right. You had known, within a few weeks of your acquaintance, that Victor would never join Black Swan. You had convinced yourself that growing closer to him was the smart thing to do. It was the classic seduction. He's stubborn, but he's loyal.
It's just that once you got a taste of it, you wanted to keep that loyalty for yourself and not share it with anybody else, least of all your charming colleagues. Your greed had won out over everything; with every meal he cooked you, with every scathing word followed by encouragement, with every warm kissed pressed to your fingertips and the arches of your feet–you were in too deep, and you still are, and you’re still fucked.
It had been a happy dream while it lasted, but you had to come back to reality eventually. Could you really give everything up for this man?
The answer scares you, it’s implications terrifying and Artemis was right, you are an idiot. 
"Do you understand now?" he whispers, lips dragging along the length of your jaw, your eyelids fluttering at the way he nips at your skin.
"I do." It tastes like defeat, like something broke and you're choking on the pieces, but you get it out. For him, you’ll swallow every bitter piece. It's not the pleasant realization they write about in books. "I'll...I'll let them know your answer won't be changing."
He pauses. "And?"
"And I'll stay away. I won't bother you again." The words are said so quietly you wonder if he even heard them, something in you wilting as you say them; you get your answer when Victor begins to laugh–at least that’s what you think he does. Now this, this strikes fear in your heart because it's not the startled laughter you pull out with silly words, no. This is a breathy sound edged with jagged fury–it's caustic and you feel his chest vibrate with it as he nearly collapses against you, chuckling like you've said something stupid and for once, he doesn't find it cute.
"Stay away? y/n," he stops laughing abruptly and bares his teeth at you in a very unsettling attempt at a smile, "you're a fool if you think I'm letting you walk away from me tonight."
For a moment, there's a strange buzzing in your mind. Your emotions pull you in different directions. A part of you wants to rip into him, to make him bleed and show him what you do to people who threaten you. Another, bigger, part of you wants to moan and plaster yourself to his side and beg him to say that again.
All you really do is stare at him, speechless.
"And they're fools if they think they can take you away from me," Victor adds, and crashes his mouth against yours, hungry and careless with it. Once again, in a concerning trend, any resistance you wanted to play at dissolves. It’s not gentle. You squirm against his grip on your wrists, trembling with the need to run your fingers through his dark hair and hold him against you. You moan when his tongue brushes yours, wiggling until you feel and hear the amused sound in the back of his throat before he releases you.
It's easy to twist and manoeuvre your bodies until you're pressing him into the wall, rising on the tips of your toes to lick into his mouth fervently, reacquainting yourself with the taste of his tongue.
It's a little too easy to lose yourself in his touch, to let everything else fade and fill your senses with just him.
His hands smooth down your back to cup the swell of your ass, pulling you flush against him. Almost every inch of him is pressed against you and you’re starving, with a terrible ache that weeps for him, and a part of you curses him for ruining you. Your blunt fingernails curl into his hair, digging into his scalp, and you will never get enough of the little groan he lets out.
Your hands rove across his torso greedily, your teeth sink into his lip and your breath stutters when you feel his hardness pressing against your stomach.
You freeze, shaken by how completely you lost your composure, and with the way Victor seems to be smirking you know he’s thinking along the same lines. His tousled hair and blown out pupils are an effective deterrent against the part of you that thinks this is a terrible idea; your hair is wilder than it had been before Victor got his hands in it, your lipstick smeared over your mouth and his.
“Come home with me, y/n.”
A tempting offer. You glance behind you, peering down the dark hallway. You don’t think this fear will ever leave you completely, of looking into the darkness and wondering who’s watching you from within.
You know what happens to those who stray. Helios is the greatest example of it, and you firmly steer your thoughts away from that particular pit.
“I took a different route. They didn’t see me," he nuzzles the juncture of your neck before sinking his teeth into soft skin.
You're mortified by your startled yelp, and can't help but look back again reflexively. “They're not here. I wouldn't put you in that position."
You snort, but the effect is ruined by the soft moan you let out when he soothes the stinging skin with his tongue. "I didn't think you cared."
“Wouldn’t be the first time you were wrong,” he retorts, not missing a beat, his fingers massaging the base of your scalp while the other draws nonsensical patterns on your waist. Although you know he meant what he said, with how handsy he’s being it’s clear Victor’s going to be difficult about this; he wants you in his bed tonight.
'And many other nights, apparently.'
You’re more than a little unnerved by the sheer warmth that sends through you.
“Is it just the sex?” you ask carefully, locking eyes with him, battling with the urge to blush at the way he’s looking at you.
“No.” He doesn’t even pretend to think about it, doesn’t consider anything other than the simple truth. He doesn’t say another word, but his eyes were always his most expressive feature–along with his hands. 
You nod slowly, because as delightful as that is, you’re not ready to dig deeper. Into his feelings or yours. And you have no idea what to do here; you've lost control over your own actions. You know what the smart thing to do would be–but that would result in losing Victor. For good. There is no part of you that finds that acceptable.
Or you could continue the mission. Get close to him. Keep trying to convince him. It’s unlikely he’ll change his mind about that but it’ll give you time.
“This is a terrible idea,” you say anyway, because you should at least try to put a stop to it. You can’t believe you’re trying to be the sensible one in a situation that involves Victor Li.
He flicks his tongue against your bottom lip, swift and teasing. “I don’t give a fuck.”
‘Seriously, who seduced who here?’
You lace your fingers through his, stepping away and pulling him along hurriedly. It would be best to continue this in the bedroom, for now. Just for tonight, you'll do what he wants. You'll do the smart thing later.
But, as is apparently the recent trend in your life, your plans don’t quite work out.
It wasn’t your fault, as your teasing was mostly innocent while Victor drove at uncharacteristic speeds. Just a squeeze of his thigh, a few careless whispers of how much you had really missed him. Hiking your dress up and letting out a loud mewl when he cupped your clothed sex possessively.
You end up in an empty parking lot near his building; with his suit jacket thrown onto the back seat, you sprawled over it, your mouths meeting frantically as he pushes the hem of your dress up until it bunches up over your waist. He shifts back, opening the door and stepping one leg out, the other folding on the floor of the car.
The cool breeze has goosebumps erupting all over your skin; you shiver from it, and the way the moonlight highlights his dark hair and torrid gaze. 
Warm hands curl around the back of your thighs, pulling you closer to the edge of the seat, and you let one foot drop to rest on the floor as he watches in approval. The other is pushed up into your chest, leaving you spread shamelessly for his consumption.
Control was never really an option, you had realised sometime when his hands had slipped beneath the edge of your dress to rub your cunt through your soaked panties, which now hang precariously from one ankle. He knows where to touch you, and you know it’s only been a few months, but it still brings a stinging feeling to the back of your eyes.
You’re desperate to feel his mouth on you, to work you open with his talented tongue; his lips find the tender skin of your inner thighs instead, kissing and sucking blushing tokens of his affection across them. You twitch and moan as he fixates on this, his possessiveness clear in his actions, and a distant part of your mind thinks it’s not going to be as easy as giving yourselves this one night.
Its voice is suppressed by a long, languorous lick along your slit.
“Fuck.” Your back arches as he presses the flat of his tongue against your clit and a steady hand on your folded knee pushes you back down. He laps at you with a zeal he only ever displays when his head is between your thighs, his mouth slurping every drop of your arousal, and you writhe beneath his touch, failing to suppress your moans.
A hand reaches for the edge of the seat, clutching it for dear life, while the other slides into his silken hair as you rock your hips into his mouth with an urgency that takes over every part of your brain.
He works you closer to it, swirling his tongue around your swollen nub; your gaze is unfocused, all you need is to reach the edge, and if he groans like that again you might just come-
A pitiful whine escapes you as he pulls back, his smirking mouth glistening with your arousal you tug at his hair insistently. Your angry motions still when he reaches for the buckle of his belt, sliding the accessory out of the loops.
Before he can even think about tying you up, you snatch it out of his hands and throw it behind you. It hits the door with a sharp clack that sounds jarring in the silence of the car and its surroundings.
He climbs over you carefully, keeping one foot on the floor of the car while the other leg comes to rest on the seat. It’s a tight fit, and you could giggle at how he moves around so cautiously to avoid bumping his head on the ceiling. He reaches for his zipper and your amusement flees quickly as you reach out and shoo his hands away eagerly.
Your teeth dig into the pale expanse of his neck as you pull his straining cock out, wrapping a hand around its base, pumping it slowly; he doesn’t even attempt to control the mouth-watering groans escaping his mouth, his hands braced against the seat on either side of your head.
Stopping was never really an option either, you acknowledge, as you tease your slit with the swollen head of his cock, your lips parting with anticipation. His shirt is unbuttoned halfway, tie hanging loose, marks peppered over his chest, his dark hair in disarray.
You try to maintain the eye contact as you guide his cock through your entrance, engulfing it with your heat, walls clenching around him as your head tips back involuntarily. It’s one of the best sensations in the world–feeling Victor’s cock push through your tight cunt, and you wouldn’t give him up for any power in the world.
Victor leans in, slotting his mouth over yours, a hand urging your knees up while the other tugs the straps of your dress down, baring your breasts. His hand, warm and trembling ever so slightly as he bottoms out, cups your breast gently, thumb stroking over a taut nipple.
As you try to get him to move, he stops you, keeping you still as his fingers dig into your skin.
“V-Victor?” You wiggle your hips and he squeezes your breast firmly, as if warning you to cease your attempts. “Wha-“
He shushes you quickly again, pressing his forehead to your shoulder; you’re quite annoyed for just a second and then you notice the tension coiled in his muscles as he tries to keep his bearings; he moves his hand from your skin to the headrest, knuckles white from his right grip, to keep from drilling into you violently and ending this quickly.
You card your fingers through his hair before tugging on it, until he lifts his head so you can kiss him sloppily. He relaxes as you wrap your arms around him, holding him close for a moment as you place one last kiss on the corner of his mouth, nuzzling his cheek soothingly.
“There were moments,” Victor begins, hoarsely and slowly, “when I thought I would never get to feel this again.”
He presses his lips to your forehead. 
“It was foolish, because I knew you would come to me eventually. But I was forced to acknowledge that there was a chance that my rejection had...consequences I would rather not think of.” He looks down at you, a tiny smile dancing along his lips. “So, please, y/n–” Don’t leave. Don’t run. Stay.
You still, meeting his gaze, pained and unwavering in it–and it hurts. It hurts so deeply you can’t breathe for a moment, because he’s letting his guard down and letting you see how much you hurt him. All those games, all those moments spent cursing yourself for falling so hard–it was real for you, but it was real for him too. And maybe he’d known who you were from the start, or maybe he hadn’t; your mission had hit a roadblock once he found out, and you’d taken that chance to disappear, to pretend you were reevaluating things. You thought the distance would do your aching heart some good while BS decided whether further pursual was required.
You’d never thought, even for a moment, that he would want you to stay.
Victor doesn’t resist when you push him back, watching as you slip out of your dress and drape it over the front seat, until he’s sitting with you in his lap, holding on to you as you reach for his cock and sink down over it. With your hands braced against his chest, you begin a slow grind against his pelvis. Your lips twitch with the urge to smile at Victor's near blissful expression, his hands stroking along your waist and thighs fervently.
You can't help but lean over him, one hand coming to rest on the seat, smiling slightly at the way his lips part as you lift your hips and drop down, repeating the motions languidly. You press a kiss to his cheek, and another, repeating the action all over his face until he catches you in a kiss that has your heart throbbing harder.
"I'm sorry," you whisper. He looks at you through half-lidded eyes, a flush riding high across his cheeks. You clench your walls around him and his hips buck involuntarily, prompting a quick glare from him. “I never meant t-to leave like that.”
"Or take your sweet time to come out of hiding?" he mutters, and you laugh shakily, kissing the top of his head. “Ah-don’t laugh. I couldn’t find you anywhere.”
“I’m good at hiding,” you quip with a breathless smile, rocking your hips faster, now determined to see him in pieces underneath you. His hands hold onto your hips just as you get into it, keeping you from moving faster, and you nearly hiss at him in your frustration.
"Just don’t hide from me.” His eyes glitter dangerously, daring you to argue.
"Don’t give me a reason to,” you snap, only for your scowl to be wiped off your face when his hand wraps around your throat, yanking you forward until you're eye to eye.
"I will never give you a reason to leave me," he promises darkly, squeezing until a strangled protest escapes you. “I take care of what’s mine, sweetheart.” He doesn't release you, adjusting his body beneath you until he gains a solid foothold, and within the next second he's snapping his hips up into yours, all traces of gentility vanished.
Your eyes roll back, skin flushed and sweating; with every thrust, he seems to be obliterating your entire thought process. You meet his unwavering gaze, your eyes teary as you try to match his pace; you watch him soften slightly, only for him to tighten his grip on your windpipe and reach between your bodies with his free hand.
Bright spots start to appear on the edges of your vision. Your head starts to feel light and a part of you is once more delighted by the practised way his fingers work your clit–and then you stop thinking. For a long moment, you're floating, drifting, quaking, and then you tune back in time to see Victor's pace start to falter, hand unwrapping from around your throat, his eyes alternating between unfocusing and staying fixated on you as he bounces you in his lap.
He spills into you with a throaty groan, unaware of your hungry eyes committing the sight and feeling to memory. He pulls you in, holding you close, and you sag against him tiredly.
His thumb strokes the tender skin across your throat in a silent apology as you both lay there panting, your head falling to rest on his shoulder as you relax completely. It terrifies you, letting your guard down so thoroughly when you’re not even in his bed. It’s just for a moment, though. You want to give yourself this moment to relax.
“It’s not going to be easy,” you murmur because you’re a fool who can’t relax when there’s danger lurking in every corner.
He hums, in agreement you think, tugging his jacket out from under him to wrap it around your shivering form. He reaches for the door, pulling it shut as you wonder how you’ve been here for this long without getting caught. “We’ll deal with it. Whatever comes our way.”
There’s a lot to consider, a lot of plans to be scraped and a lot of people to be contacted. But sitting here, in the silence of his car with his arms tight around you, you think you can do it. You think it might just be possible to protect both of you from Black Swan.
And if not you, then him. Because just as he can’t let you go, you can’t let them sink their claws into him. You’ll destroy every single one of them before that happens.
‘Guess I really am a fool.’
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thatfanfictionchick · 4 years
MLQC : Gavin x MC : Not Just You
You sit in the living room, quiet and scared and contemplative. It’s late, almost midnight, but you can’t fall asleep. The lamp casts long fingers of warmth across the room. You keep trying to read the book in your lap but you can’t focus. You can’t tell if the tension in your belly is from excitement or fear and oddly that only seems to amplify your awareness of the feeling.
You look around the apartment you share with Gavin. After two years of dating you had brought up the subject of living together. He tried to reign in his excitement at your suggestion but the sparkle in his eyes couldn’t lie. That was six months ago now and you’d come to realize that everything about him; from the jackets he always left on the couch to the shoes in the middle of the doorway to the mornings you’d catch him drinking milk straight out of the jug was home.
He’s been gone on a mission for five days. You miss him something awful and woke up every morning hoping this was the day he’d call and tell you he was on his way home. Until this morning, that is. Right now…right now you’re apprehensive about his return.
You reach for the remote and stop when you hear voices out in the hall. Maybe it’s because you’ve been thinking about him for hours, but you almost think you hear Gavin. But that couldn’t be. He hasn’t called. You didn’t hear Sparky outside.
The voices come closer and stop outside your door. You tense. Then, at the sound of a key scraping in the lock you fling your book and jump up, rushing to the door and yanking it open. The joy on your face vanishes, rapidly replaced with something akin to horror. Your hand flies to your mouth as you gasp loudly. 
Gavin is there. And so is Eli, acting as a support. Your eyes grow wider as they rapid fire over Gavin’s appearance. An eyebrow butterflied together, dried blood caught in the line of hair. A bandage over his nose, the center of it tinged dark. There’s a thick bandage taped over the line of his jaw and another one wrapped around his neck, both smudged with blood. Bruises are starting to form under his eyes.
He’s wearing a tank top and you can see the scrapes and dark blossoms of bruising on his arms. Band aids wrapped around multiple fingers. Another long bandage taped on the arm that’s around Eli’s shoulders.
Gavin manages a weak “uh, you’re up late?”
“What happened to you?!” You ask shrilly as Eli helps him limp inside. He’s only wearing one boot, the other foot swathed in medical wrap. You slip under his other arm, the three of you making your way to the couch.
Eli scoffs. “Do you have to ask? Guy can’t help it. He loves a good fight.” 
Gavin grunts as he sits on the sofa. “That’s a funny way of thanking me for saving you from getting your ass stomped from behind.” Eli laughs, you see a bandage across the back of his neck that extends under his shirt.
“Was the biggest mofo there too. Get some rest, man. You’ve got a couple weeks off so just take it easy.” Gavin closes his eyes as you see Eli to the door.
“Thank you so much, Eli.”
“It’s nothing. His ankle is sprained pretty bad so don’t let him try and play Superman with you.” He reaches in to his pocket and pulls out a bottle, pills rattling inside. “Make sure he takes these,” Eli says quietly. “He’s gonna be pretty wrecked come tomorrow but he’s a stubborn ass and probably won’t show it.” You think you hear Gavin snort.
“I’ll make sure of it.” You take the bottle and wave before shutting the door.
Gavin’s eyes are still closed and he’s sunk back against the cushions as you walk in to the kitchen. You come back with an ice pack and a small towel, setting them on the ground as you kneel and start untying the laces of his boot. Gavin startles and sits up. “You don’t have to-”
You stop him with a finger against his lips, pushing gently until he leans back again.
“Let me. You look…pretty bad.”
“I know.” He says and sighs as you free his foot. “Sorry.”
“You can’t be so reckless anymore, Gavin.”
“I know.” He hisses as you use the towel to tie the ice pack around the sprained ankle.
“I mean it.” He’s tired, amber eyes avoiding your fierce gaze. You press on. “I know your job has its risks and you have to look out for your men. But it’s not just about you anymore, Gavin. We’re a team. I love you and if you think I’m going to raise this baby alone you are wrong.” 
“I’m sorry, I know I-” Gavin starts apologizing again before processing your words. He falters to a stop and jolts upright, mouth hanging open. 
“Going…going to what now?”
Your eyes are round and unsure. You bite at your lip, scared even though you’re smiling. He watches in awe as you place your trembling hand on your stomach. Your voice is soft as you look in to the gold of his shocked gaze.
“I’m pregnant, Gavin.”
There’s stillness for one, two, three seconds before his arms shoot out and he pulls you in to his lap. Whatever pain he might be in at the moment is forgotten as he squeezes you tightly, peppering kisses over your forehead and down your nose before capturing your lips. His tongue curls against yours as he pushes a bandaged hand under your shirt, his wide palm warm against your fluttering belly.
"You're sure?" His voice is rough with emotion as he presses his forehead against yours, fingers curling and uncurling under your shirt. You laugh. 
"I peed on three different tests this morning. I'm pretty sure." 
All the fatigue on his face has vanished, warm amber eyes shimmering. You gently take his face in your hands and he kisses your palms. "So you're happy?" you ask, vision blurring as you try and fail to fight back tears.
“Happy? Am I happy?” he utters in disbelief, kissing your wet cheeks. His voice cracks as he tucks you against him, burying his face in the curve of your neck. “I’ve never been this happy before. We’re gonna have a baby.”
What do you do immediately after saying you’re not good at writing fluff?? Try and write fluff!
I have mixed (not so confident) feelings about this. I think the ending is weak but...not sure how to end it? This is why I hate endings. On a good day I nail it and it feels perfect but most days I rewrite the ending a hundred times and it still leaves me bitter. I think this is why I write things intending for them to be shorter and instead end up with like 50 pages *cries*
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ontowanderlust · 3 years
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Anchor., n.
There was a time in his life where everything was bleak and hopeless. Where everything felt suffocating, where everything felt like he was drowning in an abyss of nothingness.
And it hurt. It hurt so much that it felt like he was dying.
As much as he had grudge with the world, he didn't want anyone to experience what he had been through, especially not her.
Oh god, not her.
Sitting beside her as the ferris wheel ascended, he couldn't help but wish his evol had been something else instead, an evol that could absorb her pain and heartaches away.
As her silence dragged on, he couldn't help but let out a small yet heavy sigh.
"You know," he spoke, catching her attention. "Back then, I had this question that kept haunting me. Whether it's in my dreams or waking moment, the question lingered in the back of my mind." his voice was low and quiet with a tinge of wistfulness laced in between.
"I never did get around to answer it and I couldn't find the answer that I wanted so as time went on, the question that was supposed to be passing by became an unwanted burden in me, its gravity getting heavier and heavier as it went unanswered."
He was aware of the weight of her gaze, compelling him to match her gaze. "When the voices inside your head got louder and louder, who will you call upon to silence them?" he asked in answer to her silent question.
Silence engulfed the two of them as the breeze from the open space passed by in between them. The comforting view of the city at night keeping them from saying something impulsive.
"And have you..." she suddenly spoke, hesitation evident on her face. "Have you found the answer?"
And so he wonders.
Have he finally found the answer after all this time?
Glancing back at her before averting his gaze back to the city line as her hand found his, intertwining them, realization creeping slowly to him just like the ferris wheel they were riding on, making its descent.
"I have," he answered her, his thumb caressing her hand, absentmindedly. You. It was you back then, it was you right now. "And I hope you find yours too."
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I dunno if nonny’s an mlqc fan or not since I write for many fandoms but they asked me to write for whichever character and well... since it’s birdcop’s month, I decided to write with him in mind. 
I haven’t been feeling well these past few days and as much as the temptation to make it really angsty, I don’t think my emotions can handle any more sooo I decided to make it a comfort fic instead. This scene, if anyone is familiar, is a nod to ch. 15 of mlqc where you know, MC lost someone dear to her. *Kiro, Lucien, Victor- take your pick.* (I actually haven’t finished chaps 15-18 and yet, I’ve already unlocked the latest mldd chappies. lmao) 
Anyway... I was thinking of adding this to the birthweek prompts but decided against it so here ya go. 
Send in some prompts (or talk to me)
MLQC Dictionary; Masterlist
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