#konpeki no hana
sweetygirl90 · 7 months
Estos dibujos los hice por San Valentín, pero apenas los puedo subir ahora :D
Helios y su primer vestido propio~
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Esto es spoiler del fanfic de cómo Helios salió de su segundo atasco floral, pero who cares.
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Y así fue como Helios llegó del trabajo directamente a llorarle a Helios, fin(?)
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ariparri · 5 years
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"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within." – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Raina Rosare, one of the two beauties of Drugruya Kingdom, her sister being the second. Raina earned the title of one of the Two Beauties not only for her appearance, but also for her kind-loving nature. She was one of the few demons who accepted any race with open arms, and treated everyone with so much care as if they were her own children.
Raina is seen as, the mother to all, often taking care of poor souls who were casted out of their homes, allowing them sanctuary into her palace until they’re able to get back onto their feet. She was admired by those around her, and although the demons who were against human/demon relationships were vocal on their disagreement with her, they still admit to being attracted to the queen’s beauty.
As a queen, she takes her role seriously once her children have grown into responsible young adults. However she values having fun, and not taking life too seriously. She can laugh at her own flaws, and the silliest of jokes, even making a few of her own to help ease her subordinates or guests in her palace so they don’t feel out of place or nervous.
My first attempt at stained glass art. I think I did pretty well on my first try.
Will I ever make more? Probably not. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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sweetygirl90 · 2 years
🪷"Jardín de lotos"🌺 [Lothelios - Gardenverse AU]
Entonces... No tengo la menor idea de qué pasa con Twitter, pero en caso de que algo suceda, decidí que era momento de ponerme las pilas y publicar aquí el fanfic Lothelios que había estado haciendo al estilo de los juegos de Commodorette, solo para que no se borre ni nada.
En Twitter la interfaz es diferente con eso de los hilos y tal, así que... Creo que aquí lo voy a manejar diferente. No publicaría nada hasta tener toda una escena lista. No sé cuál es el límite de imágenes por publicación, sinceramente, así que ya veré cómo le hago.
Sin más que agregar, esta publicación sirve de introducción y como un índice para las escenas(?)
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Para hacerla fácil, este es algo así como un AU/Fanfic de la historia de Lotus pero con Lotus x Helios y combinándolo con el Gardenverse. Se podría decir que es un canon divergence de cierto modo.
Lotus es un come flores mientras que Helios un floricultor, tal cosa y las circunstancias de sus vidas por pertenecer a dicha especie hace que las cosas cambien en su interacción.
Esto está narrado como si fuera un juego de Commo, solo que con mi estilo de dibujo(?) Esto tiene un final malo también, pero no sé si alcance a hacerlo. De todos modos se van a enterar de él por mis dibujos culeros(?)
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¿Hay otras parejas aparte del Lotus x Helios? Bueno, técnicamente las hay en el AU, solo que no se les da tiempo en pantalla en lo que se va a narrar. También hay que mencionar que hay otros personajes estructuras florales. Como fanfic/AU que es es posible que pueda caer en OOC en algunos momentos, eso es inevitable porque nadie sabe capturar mejor que la esencia de un personaje que su mismo creador(?) También se cambiaron y agregaron cosas para dar un poco más de trama, como el asunto que rodea a la creación de las estructuras florales.
Sí, aquí las estructuras florales tienen un origen, que son Mieko y Souma, con Mieko creando a dragones floricultores y Souma a brujas come flores. Ellos son las primeras estructuras florales en existir, y luego empezaron a existir humanos dado que Vortex se inspiró en eso. Al niño le encantó esa idea.(?)
Hay headcanons variados por ahí, también, sisisi.
¿Y qué sucede con Jacinto y Esolih? Bueno, habrá momento para ir a esos detalles.
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Por si no hay muchos que sepan del gardenverse, no se preocupen, que en el AU se van hablando de esos temas y detalles, sin embargo debo decir que muchas cosas están tomadas de otra manera aquí. Les recomiendo leer "La guía práctica para entender el Gardenverse" si quieren saber todo de antemano.
Cada autor lo hace de una manera diferente, aquí decidimos jugar un poco con la naturaleza de los floricultores y hacerlo más emocional.
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No tengo mucho que decir aquí, solo que mi única motivación para hacer este AU es la terrible obsesión que le agarré al Lothelios, y como yo soy alguien que adora crear contenido para que otros lo vean, pues... Esto nació(?) Al principio pensé que podría hacer un fanfic escrito, pero me conozco, y ya estoy en proceso de hacer uno de MDZS. Quería hacer algo diferente esta vez y jugar con la forma de narrar de los juegos RPG. Originalmente pensaba hacer un video y ya, pero tengo una ansiedad terrible por publicar cosas, así que puede ser que lo vuelva video y le agregue música y otros detalles cuando cada escena esté lista.
Y sí, esto está separado en escenas como el original.
Si tuviera que hacer advertencias... Serían las mismas que hace Commo: Contenido sensible no apto para todo público. Posiblemente nada explícito, pero los temas siguen ahí.
No tengo más que decir, solo... ¡Disfruten! :D
Introducción. (Aquí)
Escena 1: Parte 1
Escena 1: Parte 2
Escena 1: Parte 3.
Escena 1: Parte 4.
Escena 1: Parte 5.
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ariparri · 5 years
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Something I drew for a contest in Amino.
The first image shows Rukka’s parents, Conrart Reynfrey and Raina Rosare having fun dancing in the rain. While the second image shows Francis Barcellas and Rukka Rosare slow dancing in the rain.
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ariparri · 6 years
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Little fun fact about Rukka’s weapon, Cataclysm. The blade of the sword is the “sheath.” While in its sealed form (still sheathed), the blade is gone from the handle. So Rukka is pretty much carrying around a blade-less sword.
When Rukka reveals Cataclysm, by drawing her sword, the sheath starts to dissipate from the end and forms the blade. This process happens again when Rukka sheaths her sword after a fight, this time it’s the blade that dissipates to form the sheath.
I'm not satisfied with the way the effects look for the sword. Maybe when I get more practice, it’ll look better
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ariparri · 5 years
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”Kicking bad guys’ butts sure is a great time to take a selfie! Especially when they’re getting launched into the air by a confetti bomb explosion!”
Fun fact about Pheabe, her weapon isn’t an ordinary grenade launcher, no. It’s a confetti canon. It’s a freaking confetti grenade launcher. It doesn’t just fire confetti bombs or streamers, it even shoots fireworks! This girl brings the party to the fight!
I remember my first time watching all the highlight intros for Overwatch and then seeing D.Va’s own. When I saw the selfie one, it just made me realize that, that is something Pheabe definitely would do!
So here I am, finally taking the time to make my girl Pheabe blast people with confetti bombs and then just taking a selfie once it explodes! And then she shares it on MySpace and all that jazz.
Pheabe Bliss © Sian•Ri
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ariparri · 6 years
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Sigmis Karguruth
One of the Rosare Royal family's demon forms, Rukka has managed to obtain the fifth powerful demon forms that comes from her family line.
While taking on her normal appearance, Rukka has the ability to manipulate shadows and darkness. In the Sigmis Karguruth form, Rukka has the ability manipulating blue fire.
The blue flames spreading from her feet can seemingly be employed to attack foes, making attacks performed by her more dangerous due to a trail of fire remaining where she strikes, which can inflict further damage upon targets.
Although it is one of the strongest demon forms, Rukka is merely half human from her father’s side. And because of this, Rukka has a hard time maintaining control over her demon side. Rukka is only able to control and maintain her Sigmis Karguruth form for about 30 minutes before she has to change back to her original appearance. This results to Sigmis Karguruth only being used in emergency situations.
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ariparri · 6 years
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Rukka Rosare is one of the main characters in Azure Bloom, or Konpeki no Hana. She’s the second child to Raina Rosare and Conrart Reynfrey, and the sister to Ari (placeholder name) and Raizo. Rukka is one of the dedicated members to Grim Watchtowers, and the love interest to Francis Barcellas.
Rukka holds an emotionless expression majority of the time, making it seem like she isn’t a caring person. She’s very straightforward and assertive, not taking any person's actions so lightly. There are times when she can be a bit dull, making her allies feel awkward when they try to make a joke and she’s hardly laughing. Whenever she does show any sort of emotion, it’s gone as soon as it came. But, Rukka does have a heart, although she expresses it in a way that isn’t exactly comforting.
In spite of her expressionless demeanor, she is prone to react passionately about threats to those few she deeply cares about such as Spike, Pheabe and, later on, Francis Barcellas. She even goes as far as to shed tears openly after seeing Spike's body laying amongst the ruins during a battle.
One of the official artworks for Azure Bloom is finally done!
I got a whole lot more to do, however I need to give all the other OCs new designs before I can work on theirs.
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ariparri · 6 years
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I need to draw Rukka more. And everyone from the universe.
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ariparri · 6 years
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And there it is! My main OC ship, Shadow Arrow, or Francis x Rukka.
Unfortunately for Francis, this is an outdated design of his, one I have since I first created him. Like Rukka, he’ll be getting a redesign sometime soon.
But yeh, they’re called Shadow Arrow for a reason, because Rukka can manipulate shadows while Francis is a spirit archer. Francis likes to flirt with Rukka, she acknowledges his flirting and does share mutual feelings for him yet she doesn’t make it obvious although others can see it clearly.
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ariparri · 6 years
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I finally had time to draw Francis, one of the main characters to Azure Bloom. He is also the love interest to my main girl, Rukka Rosare. I still have to finish up his reference sheet, but here’s some short info on him.
Name: Francis Barcellas
Affiliation: Grim Watchtowers
Weapon/Element: Bow | Light/Spirit Bending
Guardian: Gidaxus, Will o the Wisp
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Personality: Francis is a cool, confident, and most of the time, a laid back fun loving young guy. Before joining Grim Watchtowers, he was snarky and arrogant, remarking after winning a fight that no one could face him. He also has a competitive nature, with his friendly rivalry between his friends Danté, and James. While very serious when it comes to important matters, he isn't above having a bit of fun from time to time. During his first encounter against Rukka, he seemed to dislike fighting against a girl but nonetheless did not hold back against her. It was also then that he has shown to have a caring side when he couldn’t bring himself to strike Rukka down when he defeated her, which resulted in Rukka taking the advantage to knock him down instead.
Origin: A former student of Fortuna High, Francis makes a lot of money through dishonest gambling wagers. As part of what's called a fraud team, consisting of him and a few friends, they pick fights for money. They manipulate the odds by concealing their true strength. Francis escalates the odds against him and makes what appears to be a foolish wager. His opponents soon realize they're the real fools when Francis beats each and every one of them. During a mission Rukka and a few others were on, they get ambushed by Francis' group and are forced to fight. Eventually the mindless fight ended with Rukka taking the victory, leaving Francis surprisingly embarrassed at his first loss. Back to his hideout, Francis felt a strange emptiness within him. He recalled the memory of his encounter against Rukka, the rush from their fight, and something else he wasn’t exactly sure of. His friends, nor their gambling could not quell these yearnings. He remembered what Rukka said before she left with her group, “You have skills that could be used for the good, yet you waste them in these mindless fights... If you ever plan on changing your lifestyle, come find me at Grim Watchtowers in Dewmond...” His blood stirred. Filled with excitement he hasn't felt in years, Francis slipped away from his group and headed for Grim Watchtowers.
Current Role: Francis is currently a member to Grim Watchtowers, and works alongside Rukka, Pheabe and Spike. On days he isn’t on missions, he normally hangs around with Danté and James as they are considered the “Fuckboy Trio” although they’re actually decent guys.
Fun Facts: He nearly killed his love interest during their first encounter. Like a few other members of Grim Watchtowers, Francis' guardian spirit, Gidaxus, can take on a physical form and tag along with Francis. He often lets Gidaxus hide in his pockets, or rest atop his head. Despite his own skills, Francis still considers himself a low class archer who has the help of a spirit to fight.
Quote: “Oh come on. Is this really all the power you can muster? I thought demons of your kind are supposed to be all that. Tsk, what a waste of my time.”
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