#kooki if you see this
modernartgenius · 5 months
Dumbass at @dreadnotau server thought Markiplier was the pope
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smultronviol · 2 months
Ppl going "waaahh unpopular opinion but Alice is kind of annoying and obnoxious and I don't think I'd like be her friend irl" is so funny to me bc like.
God forbid a cast of characters be multifaceted and have actual flaws and unpleasant aspects other than "grr angsty hero" and "whoops i'm so clumsy". Sometimes character dynamics and arcs need to be prioritized above "who would i personally be niceys with irl"
2. bro just WAIT until you hear about season 1 jon lol
#the magnus protocol#tmagp#season 1 jon was obnoxious and sometimes a straight up ASSHOLE and you were supposed to find him kinda grating!!!#yes alice IS a bit annoying and too much sometimes (esp in the first episodes) and i love that <3#like. its p obvious that she uses the over the top-thing as a shield (to push ppl away/as a defense mechanism/to avoid being vulnerable)#we see her drop the act sometimes w ppl like teddy and sam who she actually feels comfortable around (and who know and understand her)#but like. she's stuck in a job she hates and is kind of afraid of (she KNOWS smth abt the horrors and is keeping her head down to survive)#(shes obviously afraid of sam going to far bc she KNOWS its dangerous)#so yes her act gets too much sometimes and yes sometimes she crosses the line into straight up mean (esp against gwen)#(but their dynamic is a whole other can of worms)#but like. i'm pretty sure its supposed to be seen that way. the audience isnt supposed to just find her kooky funny#the facade is supposed to be dismantled by the viewer etc etc#kind of like SEASON 1 JON the obnoxious bastard!!!!!!!#like. if you ever think alice is too mean towards gwen pls listen to s1 jon again and how he speaks abt martin??#from a position as his boss no less? ngl i wanted to throttle him sometimes#you kinda forget abt it in the later seasons and if you only engage w fandom content. but like. go back and listen to the shit#he actually says. jesus christ man. i remember kinda hating him in the beginning#and to be clear i love jon! i think hes a great character!#and like. its almost as if his early season personality and facade was an important setup for his character development#and relationships with the other characters???#but anyway 'alice is kind of annoying' is not an unpopular opinion its literally the FUCKING POINT#and both her and jon are my sweet baby angels <3#alice dyer#jon sims#(and obviouslyyy you're still allowed to dislike a character ppl can have their own opinions etc etc etc. i just personally find it funny)
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kittydragondraws · 3 days
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one of your posts broke containment and made it into the Glitch Inn!
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fruitsofhell · 6 months
Goofy ah Forgotten Land essay incoming:
It took me till like a week ago to realize that KATFL writes Elfilis and Forgo as being the same characters and I don't know how to feel about that. I feel Forgo is more interesting as it's own being the way Elfilin is from 'Lis, because I like the idea of them both being these smaller figments of the past self reduced to childish forms representing absolutes of the original. But at the same time, what made me realize that this isn't the game's intention is when I was going to say something about how hollow Elfilis is as a character in comparison to Forgo.
So really, you either make Forgo and Elfilis effectively one character and Elfilin another, negating Forgo of its own identity as a pathetic pitiable beast so that Elfilis continues to have a presence - or you make all three of them seperate characters, and Elfilis loses what they gain as a character from Forgo's motivations.
Elfilis has not a single defined motive for why it attacked the people of the Forgotten Land very much unlike other Kirby villains who can atleast say something like, "power/gain (Magolor), vanity/power (Sectonia), greed (Haltmann), or vengeance (Hyness)". Elfilis and Forgo are often described as invasive species, but what that entails isn't obvious because all we know about 'Lis' evil intentions is from Forgo. But Forgo has its own motivations that exist outside of Elfilis' original wishes - that being its captivity in Lab Discovera, which is very strong on its own.
It adds a very engaging sense of darkness to the legacy of the Forgotten Land, and makes you pity and understand its raw animosity as much as you wish to defend the world from it. The fact that Elfilis was a violent invader rather than just some other alien adds little to its motive, but does add thematic garnish to the idea of how alien life has approached the Forgotten Land. But at the same time, Forgo's captivity is such a strong motivator it really could have stood on its own and still been effective as an alien antithesis to Kirby... Though I admit not as much as what Elfilis is.
Probably to most people that have been reading straight from the games intentions, the former sounds more appealing than the latter. But, probably due to my own stubbornness and bias I really really do love them being 3 seperate entities even at the expense of depth for Elfilis. Because one of my favorite reoccurring themes in this series is vain idealization of the past fucking villains over.
I like this in Taranza's devotion to a Sectonia that no longer exists, Susie to a father that has long since been lost in his own mad schemes to find her, and Hyness obsessing over a very flawed understanding of his cult's past. And I USED TO LIKE the idea that Magolor's obsession with the crown was him, as a *Halcandran* glorifying Halcandra's past relics, but CANT HAVE THAT ANYMORE.
If the Kirby writers don't got me anymore, I guess I'll got myself. I like the idea of Forgo being as seperate from Elfilis as 'Lin is, but while Elfilin is all of their originals innocence, purity, and hope, Forgo is its raw anger and vengefulness. Visually taking Elfilis's soft/mammalian and alien/insectoid motifs respectively, but both distinctly being immature and incomplete states. Elfilis was not just that anger nor just that hope (wherever it came from), and is only the culmination of those two sides, it's a symbol of a self the two can never be on their own - one that Forgo idealizes and one Elfilin avoids.
For the sake of the ending where Elfilin reclaims the last bit of Forgo/Elfilis that is willing to go on, I prefer the mutuality of Forgo and Elfilin moving on together, rather than Elfilin just accepting Elfilis if that makes ANY sense. I just like the way Forgo and Elfilin parallel eachother more than he does with 'Lis? I like the narrative of healing that acknowledges that Forgo and Elfilin are both lost and grieving children, rather than Elfilin abandoned Elfilis who then became Forgo. Like the latter feels oddly possessive and unbalanced.
And as I said in line with past series themes, I kinda like the idea that whatever the fuck Elfilis had going on is irrelevant, just as seeing the faces of the people of the Forgotten Land is irrelevant - all that is relevant is what was left behind. I like the idea that Elfilis cannot really speak for itself anymore as a character the way the people of the Forgotten Land can only speak through their ruins and audio recordings. And as those people left behind a legacy of reclaimed wonder and terrible cruelty, in response, Elfilis left behind one of innocent hope and unbridled anger. I'd prefer to try and piece together what those two opposing visions say of their predecessor than just assume one speaks for them in its entirely I s'pose...
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nonokoko-draws · 7 months
I have realized something hilarious
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Not the poorest and richest students having the same initials XD
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nako-doodles · 1 year
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every month of 2022 🎉
Link a creation from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some creators you love!
i was tagged by truly some of the best cc's on this hellsite @anpanmann @astronautjin @avizou @kithtaehyung @rumue @sopekooks to do this lil tag so make sure to check theirs out 💜 thank you for making my 2022 so amazing and heres to an even better 2023 ✨🎊😚
wow uh this year was surprisingly productive, learning a new animation software, making an insta for my pixelly creations, fulfilling my new years resolution of making sthing for everyones bday 🥺🥰✨ thank you for writing such cute tags under my posts and supporting me for this past year! ive truly adored reading every single one of them and have been making heart eyes at yall from my lil blanket cave 💜🥰🥺
jinuary: jin the vogue
sopebruary: hobchwita | skirtgi
minch: tangyoonrine | flower cryoon
jinpril: dilf i mean ptdos seokjin
junebut day: gotta catch em all boyscouts
jhopely: hobipalooza
auggukst: vampire kookie
joontember: sunflowers and namtitties
chimtober: chaos chimmon
tearsvember: asjinaut TT
moretearscember: our eggie touchstone | tvrnip head | jinnies room
i know im very late but i wanna see @heybaetae @hobeah @jung-koook @namchyoon @rkivedfiles @rosebowl @taee @usertae @userjungkook97 @yooboobies 2022 in review bc i am a simply a simp. what can i say? 💜✨
i cant wait to see what everyone creates in 2023 labyuuuu💖✨😚
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heavencasteel420 · 2 months
One of the frustrating things about the discourse over the Jancy S3 argument for me is that my mom was a poor girl with a pretty messed-up family situation who came of age in a southern textile town in the 1980s, and all of those things—the poverty and the classism and the sexism and the dysfunction at home—were real problems that made her life more difficult, both separately and in interaction with each other. Like, I’m not gonna go “stop talking about my mama!” every time someone acts like Nancy was the only one in the wrong or like Jonathan was making up being poor to win an argument, but. Like. I don’t think it’s that hard to imagine someone like my mom.
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axewchao · 1 year
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Sharp Yellow Eyes
A redraw of something I made back in January of 2020 and never posted. I've been switching back and forth between the old and new version in tabs and GOD it's so satisfying to see… =w=
Nothing quite like waking up in the void and seeing this standing before you, am I right? :'D …noseriouslyyouneedtorun—
The old version came with a story that I still really like, so the new one gets it too!
"I can't believe it... It's really you-!!"
Dalex could only stare in confusion at the figure standing before him. For a moment, he thought it was Ludwig, but the tone of the younger Koopa's voice made it very clear it was not.
The figure let out a faint giggle, like a fan meeting their idol for the first time. Dalex was used to that sound; he'd heard it plenty of times when someone approached any of the Koopalings and he happened to be nearby. However, hearing it this time sent a chill down his spine, and he wasn't sure why.
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Dalex began noticing other things. Things that he always associated with Ludwig, but seemed... wrong on this Koopa. His hair was big and spread out away from his head, but looked unkepmt, like he hadn't bothered to tend to it for days or even weeks on end. The toothy grin was the same, but showed more fangs. It reminded Dalex of his friend Makani, only this guy didn't have braces. His tail was crooked, like Ludwig's, but was bent the other direction, pointing up instead of down. Like it'd been broken and just left alone.
Last but not least were his eyes.
They were the same golden eyes Dalex knew, but instead of being round, warm, and welcoming, they were sharp, cold slits. They were glowing as they locked on to him, and for a moment, Dalex felt like he couldn't look away. Not because he liked them, mind. Rather, it felt as though looking away would lead to something bad. He didn't want to find out what that "something" was.
"You're here! You're actually here-!! A real live Poison Koopa, right in front of me!!" The figure giggled again, and took a step closer. By instinct, Dalex took a step back. He did not want this Ludwig-lookalike getting near him at all. "And here I thought I'd never get to meet one, let alone you..."
"Uhh..." Dalex was at a loss for words. Sure, he knew Poison Koopas were hard to find, but... Nevermind. He needed answers. "Who are you? And where am I?"
"Let's just say I'm... a friend of a friend." The other Koopa waved it off, not even blinking. "And where we are is not important, neither is how you got here. What matters is that you're here, and we can finally talk about you, Dalex."
Dalex's tail stiffened. "How... How do you know my name?"
"I hear things through the grapevine, that's all~" The Koopa chuckled, his grin somehow getting wider. "But you don't have to worry about that; your name is all I know about you." He stepped closer. Again. "Though I will admit, I am curious to know more. Is it true that your venom takes a mere ten minutes to kill someone?"
"What-??" What kind of question is that-?!
"Or maybe it takes longer? You clearly have Boom Boom genes... Perhaps being a hybrid has weakened it somewhat? That's been my main hypothesis; hybrids always have a detriment to counter a benefit. But who else would know the truth other than the man himself? Hmm??" The Koopa placed a hand on his chin as he stepped even closer. Dalex took three steps back. "Tell me."
Dalex held up his hands. "Back up. Why is my venom so important to you-??"
"Is it not obvious? I want it."
Dalex fell silent once more. After a few minutes- which felt like an eternity- he cleared his throat. "...Excuse me?"
"Your venom, Dalex. I want it." The blue-haired Koopa's eyes grew even more intense, if that was even possible. He visibly shivered, "Just thinking about it is so exciting... The perfect weapon, and it's right in front of me...! I know how kind you are, Dalex. So if you'd be a dear and donate some of of that lovely venom to me, I'd greatly appreciate it~!"
Dalex shifted, legs tensing as he mentally readied himself to run. "I'm gonna say no to that. It's mine. And with that-!" Without giving the downright creepy Koopa a chance to respond, he took off. He had no idea where he was going, or how he was going to get home, but anywhere was better than spending one more second with that guy. Whoever he was.
The figure blinked, then chuckled, that toothy grin never falling. "We'll see about that, Dalex. After all... Kooky Von Koopa always gets what he wants. One way, or another..."
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paisleywraith · 1 year
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“Oh god.” “Yeah, that’s some fucked up shit, you sure you want to be looking into this?” 
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praise-joko · 4 months
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Did you know that the prisoners in Spirit Vale will go back into their cages if you're there long enough? It's totally not because they're scared of the raiding party that's gone crazy for dog tags, no~
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fruitysourlemons · 6 months
Ngl I thought Monika wasn't gonna turn out well, but I was wrong
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Sayori is already finished and Jou, too (^This is her right arrow pose ^)
Also currently designing the stage for the classroom (Yugi and co. classroom) referencing the toei anime.
And there's only 8 days left of this school semester!!
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petrovna-zamo · 1 year
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kittydragondraws · 1 month
if N didn't have anything better to do you can't tell me he wouldn't spend most of his day in bed curled up in a blanket watching dog (and maybe a couple of cat) videos.
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shitpostingkats · 10 months
What the movie wants you to feel when a character gets trapped in the walk-in freezer: Horror. Apprehension. Dread.
What I actually feel: What the fuck. There’s button right there. YOU’RE TELLING ME THIS TWENTY FIRST CENTURY WALK-IN FAILS BASIC SAFETY LAW?
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randomjreader · 1 year
I really thought a boss and a babe was just gonna be a silly goofy comedy show for me to enjoy mindlessly...OH I WAS WRONG I WAS SO WRONG THIS SHOW GIVES ME SO MUCH EMOTIONAL WHIPLASH
Like one second I could be laughing my ass off at one of Cher's antics or at Three being so godamn in love with Zo, and the next I'm screaming into my pillow over Cher having a breakdown and finally taking off his happy go lucky-little shit mask to show Gun or his friends that he's just suffering.
Like fr, hats off to Mr Book Kasidet for bodying this role so hard
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ddejavvu · 1 year
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