#kork cosplay
y-avann-a · 11 months
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this is for my fellow Germans:
Nach jahrelangem "das müssten wir eigentlich mal machen" sind wir (@hipsterfangirlfashion​) endlich als Crew der Traumschiff Surprise unterwegs gewesen!
Ich war Käpt'n Kork, mit @lovetrashcan​ als Spucky und @jennyallalong​ als Schrotty
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for confused people: I think this trailer speaks for itself, even if you don't understand German, but tl;dr (tl;ds?dw?) it's a famous German parody trios second movie (first one was about westerns) and it is hilarious!
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vampyrekorkie · 2 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY KOREKIYO SHINGUJI!!!! and gackpo camui also
happy healing to kork and a very pls v6 or synthv to purple guy ^w^
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funishment-time · 5 months
🎀This is also another thing because the element of fiction affecting reality from DRV3 always interested us because, and we're not joking here, Tsumugi Shirogane's cosplaying deal is what made us realize we're plural/have headmates ;^^.
Systems have a thing called "fictives" which are alters using the base personality/design/story/etc. of a fictional character to form. Some even have exomemories, or memories originating from their source material... apparently. We don't really get that so idk what it feels like.
Of course we don't expect that level of nuance from the game that made Korekiyo the "another serial killer system but somehow grosser this time" guy, but still. Honestly a lot of drv3's elements can sorta devolve into gross things, but it feels like the main narrative doesn't realize that also counts as fiction that can affect reality? Idk
thank you for sharing re: being plural! that's really Cool that it helped you. Danganronpa's helped me a lot too in a similar way (not plural, but it certainly changed my life for the positive). i appreciate the info too. i don't know much about Plural identities although i'm always trying to learn.
yeah, a lot of v3's message doesn't...fully pan out. sometimes i wonder if they didn't figure out what they wanted to say with the game until the Very End of writing/dev, because it feels haphazardly tacked on. you're yanked in like 9 different thematic directions before it settles
as an aside: i mean no erasure by this at all, not that intentions are a justification for anything, but...anyway, am i the only one who figured Kork was literally possessed? possession and ghosts are real in the DR Multiverse, so i thought...but ofc i may have missed a Detail between my tears for Tenko
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that-hologram-girl · 1 year
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Being a Kork seed at momocon this year was a blast. It’s my favorite Cosplay ever. I didn’t get to put on all the details but it’s going to look great all together.
I look forward to handing out more goodies to the ones who find me.
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kingerpiece · 4 years
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Korekiyo kinnie moments
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e-catgirlfriend · 5 years
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Have some pics of me as Korekiyo Shinguuji from Danganronpa V3
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vampthropologist · 2 years
I’m honor of autism I have an almost complete cosplay of Kork featuring a working mask zipper
I am equipped with a half decent impression too
Fear me
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Random danganronpa Slice of Life and Non despair AU headcanons bc I can
Kaede once in middle school tried to play the piano with her feet. She was standing on it, trying to play a song but she fell and broke her left foot.
Before Hope's Peak, Leon used to secretly watch Sayaka and sometimes sing her songs.
Once Shuichi's hat got really dirty so for a day he had to use a Dipper hat (Grabity Falls)
Sonia once gave Gundham a Hot Topic skull ring and he ALWAYS wears it ever since
Mahiru would hype up and help Peko out with her "I am a tool" problems.
Kokichi and Chiaki are cousins, and when Chiaki sees Kokichi doing something weird/creepy she would simply smack his head from behind.
Every Thursday, Sakura and Gonta would have a Tea Party and talk about random stuff.
Before Hope's Peak, Kaede (a.k.a her pre-game) was the "edgy" kid in school.
Ibuki would sometimes steal Ryoma's hat and place it on her head, telling him how his hat is perfect for her hairstyle.
13 y/o Kaede had a Harley Quinn phase
Kokichi would search up Gacha heat in the school computers and run away
Tsumugi and Hifumi once cosplayed together for an event
While Kazuichi and Miu would fight over Kiibo, Chihiro would come up and just take him and leave.
When Kaito was younger, he got told that if he jumped off somewhere tall with an umbrella, and started opening and closing it fast enough, he would be able to fly over to space. He believed them, tried it and broke one of his legs.
Angie and Korekiyo would talk a lot about Atua, since Kork would really want to know more about him. And sometimes, while they are talking, Angie would braid his hair as they talked.
Yasuhiro and Kaito would tall about their random conspiracy theories about the government and aliens
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catboy-joyfriend · 4 years
non despair normal school au: tsumugi is good at makeup bc of her cosplays, she n kaede do kork’s makeup and paint his nails. i Love femme trans man kork bc i Also hc shuichi as trans so,,,shuichi buying him his first binder,,,,amazing
i headcanon kork is amab genderfluid ✨😌✨ sometimes she is masc, sometimes they are femme and sometimes he is androgynous and she is Beautiful and i luv them
omg yeah,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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luminous-k · 6 years
V3 Talentswap Characters!
Uhm- Hi? I really don't know how to start this, but I'm just gonna say this. I made a V3 Talentswap killing game? With a bit of major differences. Like who survives, where the game takes place, and even some character personalities! ^~^ So I just wanted to share some information on this! Perhaps before I make a fan-fiction on it! (I'm not even sure if I might make it...) But well- here!
Kaede- SHSL Robot: Kaede is our happy go lucky robot who tries her best to be helpful! Even if she's not human, she has some small understanding of human feeling. Overall she's positive, and a happy camper!
Shuichi- SHSL Supreme Leader: Ah yes... Our protagonist! (Sorry Kaede :( ) He's mostly quiet and self reserved. HOWEVER- he can be a total asshole like the normal Kokichi. Deceiving people with lies, and maybe having SOME fun here and there. Deep deep down- he's actually very relatable, and your normal average Shuichi!~
Rantaro- SHSL Inventor: He's actually very very chill! At times though he will make some inappropriate innuendos. In hopes that SOME people will understand them.
Kaito- SHSL 'Care Giver' (Assassin): Your generic Rip-Off Gerard Way, or JD. So a big fat emo with a hostile backbite towards everyone. Once you get to know him (which requires lots of trust and coaxing), he's quite a charmer with a smug, and vengeful attitude. (PS- He and Shuichi banter a lot-) (PPS- Kaito low key likes musicals-)
Kokichi- SHSL Entomologist: The purest of pure beans. Kinda like Gonta, he's very sweet, and innocent. ...Or so it seems.
Maki- SHSL Maid: She's extremely loyal, and a basic Mom™! Maki can be a bit scary at times when she's in Mom mode. If her 'children' are causing trouble. The same goes for when she is around her troubling friends. (Aka- Shuichi)
Ryoma- SHSL Astronaut: Ryoma is still Ryoma, but he actually didn't go to prison. (You'll see why!) He's the biggest geek for space, and will do ANYTHING for it!
Kirumi- SHSL Tennis Pro: She's a gold-hearted, and self-deprived person. She went to prison for reasons unknown (she won't say), and she was pulled into the killing game halfway through her sentence. Back in prison, she has a lovely prison wife/friend that Kirumi misses oh so much.
Angie- SHSL ???: Angie is also kinda still Angie in a way. But she is clueless of her talent, and sometimes asks Atua for guidance as to what it even is. She's not much of a crazy religious person. She's surprisingly chill and open to it, and will share her religious practices to those who are interested. (Her hometown also practices this religion.)
Tenko- SHSL Artist: Tenko is still Tenko! But more on the creative side! She still has a burning hatred for 'degenerate males', and will ABSOLUTELY not draw them whatsoever. Even if she does, she'll just throw paint over it. She protecc all the girls. uwu👌
Himiko- SHSL Aikido Master: She's also chill, but also a bit stubborn. She'll get aggressive when she feels threatened, and has a bit of trust issues with others. (She learned Aikido to keep the bullies away.)
Korekiyo- SHSL Detective: So thankfully he doesn't like his sister- Whew. Instead, he works alongside her in his detective agency! Kork is a bit more on the anti-social side, and focused more on life itself, as well as justice to those who were murdered! He can easily get flustered though. (It's a little hard to outwit him.)
Miu- SHSL Cosplayer: Miu is more normal, with a side of lewdness. Usually when she cosplays, her outfits are...interesting. But all the people in Cons love the gold and glorious cosplayer's outfits! Some even ask for requests or commissions! So overall Miu is less lewd, but more bold of her creations. (In this case her cosplays.)
Gonta- SHSL Pianist: Gonta is mostly the same, but more gentlemanly! He's able to speak in 1st person, but prefers 3rd person. His wealthy family accepts him for who he is, and just want him to be happy! Gonta also believes that everyone is perfect, and that those who've done wrong deserve a 2nd chance!
Tsumugi- SHSL Anthropologist: Creepiness level up to 100% Just- she looks creepy, and the murder monitor is off the CHARTS. Heck- there's also her lust for her brother, which uh...is a little WORSE.
Kiibo- SHSL Magician (Wizard): Kinda like Himiko, he talks arout his MP, and dresses up like and actual wizard! Most people don't believe him for being a wizard, but the children he performs for believe! In general- Kiibo is a child-like person, even though he can be rude at times. Saying that others around him are peasants, and low-leveled unlike him! He's a level 50 wizard!!!! >:(
That's all I really have so far! Well...I have chapters and mostly everything done- I just need to do a few more things. Perhaps designs as well. But uh- if you guys want you can draw them! Just um- Please notify me if you do! ^~^ Like I said- I have some designs done, and I can DM you them if you wanna draw them. If you want you can maybe help me design some? I Just need help with designs 😥 But anywho- I might post more stuff about this later in the future! =w=
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ffs tsumuki- yes rant ab her bc omfg
ok, this post is going to be long asf bc i’m rly in Tsumugi hate mode rn.
her character is written so poorly. like, she never actively does anything besides kill rantaro and frame kaede for it. she’s such a passive antagonist and that’s not good, even for a twist villain. Twist villains are known for being written somewhat passively, but she’s passive even after she gets outed. Shuichi gives her the blandest, run-of-the-mill anime protag speech that she has to have heard several times before and she cracks.
her personality is SO FUCKING BORING. like, i know that’s kind of the point, but it’s honestly just an excuse for bad writing. tbh, Tsumugi’s entire CHARACTER feels like an excuse for bad writing- a plot device Kodaka used to hastily mirage over the gaping plot holes. 
she’s the worst representation of a cosplayer i have ever seen. she talks about cosplaying like she uses it to cover up her personality because she’s “sO pLaIn” and it’s fucking annoying honestly. many people (myself included) cosplay because they heavily relate to that character, or that character has strong emotional significance to them, and when a character who cosplays finally shows up in (somewhat) mainstream media, they throw away any depth or personality she could have had by using this excuse. people may cosplay as a form of escapism, but that’s usually not the main reason, and i have NEVER seen that be someone’s ONLY reason.
her character twist is both too obvious and not obvious enough at the same time. The only clue that was given towards Tsumugi being the mm was in case one, when Kork brings up Tsumugi was in the bathroom so she could have done it, which is quickly dismissed. But any sane person knows the mastermind HAS to be tsumugi by the time they reach ch 6 for several reasons: 
-She’s painfully underdeveloped, like most twist villains are
-She’s the only person in the cast who hasn’t lost one (or more) people very close to her. (Shuichi had Kaede, Maki had Kaito, Himiko had Tenko and Angie, Kiibo had Miu, but Tsumugi had nobody.)
-She’s such a throwaway character, and anyone who got past chapter four and didn’t think “wait, why isn’t Tsumugi dead yet” either doesn’t have experience in this type of thing or just wanted her to live so badly they looked past that.
Also back to the passive point, but she just kinda goes along with everything Shuichi says in ch 6 and I hate it, like you’re an antagonist act like one bitch
Yeah anyway Tsumugi sucks and her and her plainness can go get hydraulic pressed
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introvertedsquid · 7 years
Hhhhhhhhhh gonna fucjing cosplay kork at mcm birmingham on saturday and I still haven't finished the boots holy fuuuck
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acetokens · 7 years
My (post game) opinions on the ndrv3 cast
Alright, before the game came out I made this post where I basically vomited out my opinions on how I felt about the newly revealed ndrv3 cast onto a post and it was 50% jokes, 50% venting at fangirls. But now I've actually played the game, delved into the fandom and looked at the changes between the Japanese and English versions, I feel I can make a more genuine list of how I feel about all these good kids that deserved better. I realize my opinions are just that, and I’m probably yelling into the void here. But I felt I had to do a followup to the last post because MY GOD WAS I WRONG ABOUT (MOST) THINGS. I've listed every character in ‘favorite to least favorite’ order for convenience sake. Also this post will contain Spoilers. You have been warned.
Placed under a break for your skipping convenience. Ya’ll are welcome.
1. Himiko Yumeno - I absolutely adore everything about Himiko. Her design, her lazy attitude, her voice (NYEH), her development across the game to become a more driven and energetic person...I found her really funny, really cute and oddly relatable. Himiko is probably in my top 5 DR characters of all time. Which is even crazier when I remember she’s one of the few survivors. I've never had a favorite character who survives a killing game before. So unlike past Dangan Ronpa games where my interest sorta dies off by Chapter 6, Himiko kept me fully invested in everything until the end. She’s a special bean and I love her.
2. Gonta Gokuhara - Continuing the DR trend of a Big Guy who’s a Big Friend, Gonta was so good and so pure and so friendly and deserved so much better. He was always trying to do his best and protect everyone until the very end. R.I.P Gonta. You were a true gentleman. Chapter 4 can suck my ass.
3. Tenko Chabashira - I literally D E S P I S E D Tenko when she was first revealed. I hated her stupid, sexist guts. But come Ndrv3′s release and Tenko turned out to be a dorky, kind, protective and strong willed girl who was skilled enough to be admirable but pathetic enough to be pitiable at the same time. I loved her undying adoration of Himiko (even if it was a bit creepy at times) and the two make a really cute ship. I was expecting some kind of tragic backstory in her FTE’s to explain why she hates men (I believe she mentions a drunken father at one point, and I really wish they went more into that), and the lack of a reasonable explanation for such a strong hatred is what prevents her from sharing (or even taking) the top spot in my book. But misandry aside, Tenko is a Great Gal and I wanna hug her. Although she’d probably bodyslam me.
4. Kirumi Tojou - Kirumi was my favorite when all the characters were revealed at first. I made multiple posts about how I’d die for her and how she was beautiful and whatnot and I was confident about two things when the game came out: 1) She’d be my favorite. And 2) She’d die - following in the footsteps of all previous ‘best girls’ before her. And well, I did really like her. Just...not as much as I thought I would. Kirumi is efficient, brave, elegant, caring and has a really cool design. But her talent occupies most of who she is as a person, and she isn't too dissimilar to most maid characters in anime or manga. So it made her quite predictable at times and I feel they could’ve done so much more with her..ah well. Kirumi is still a super awesome maid and a great Mom. Even if she hates being called that.
5. Kaede Akamatsu - Ahh...I remember when I was wishing someone else would be our protagonist when she was first announced...I think I cursed it. Because Kaede was just *incredible*. She was headstrong, perceptive, kind and left such a big impact on me after Chapter 1. You know that ‘Do It For Her’ meme? Yeah, that about summarizes the rest of Ndrv3 for me. Also Kaede is a huge gay and all the Ndrv3 girls are her girlfriends, pass it on.
6. Ryouma Hoshi - Congratulations to Ryouma for being the only non-standard design character not to be terrible. Far from it, in fact. Ryouma is a badass! A lil’ badass with such a depressing backstory and death that when they showed his motive video, I let out a single manly tear. Or several. Or many. I just...I just want this man to be happy...
7. Miu Iruma - Miu has zipped up and down my lists more than any other character. I had her ranked highly pre-game, lowly during the game, and mid/high post-game. Her design and talent are really cool and she makes several neat inventions over the course of the game, but her personality was so damn prickly and vulgar that I found her really offputting while she was alive. It was only after finishing her FTE’s and seeing her Love Hotel scene that I realized holy shit this girl has some serious trust and abandonment issues. It put all of her behavior in perspective and I began to feel really sorry for her all of a sudden. The hurt/comfort potential here is just WAITING to be uncovered but, alas, most Miu fanfics I've come across are just smut or crackfics. Out of all the Ndrv3 girls, Miu deserves the most headpats. Lots and lots of headpats.
8. Kaito Momota - A good, supportive friend and an effective comic relief. His optimism was a bit grating for me now and again (I never like it when DR plays the ‘’Oh we should just believe in him/her because s/he’s our friend :)’’ card because of how biased it always is. Like, DR will sometimes bend over backwards and completely 180 its own rules to make sure certain characters survive. In a game where finding the truth by objective evidence and fact is key, the times where it just says ‘’nah fuck the truth who needs proof just b e l i e v e’’ just feel so...stupid). But criticisms of the series aside, Kaito is a bro and he’s great. Who doesn’t love the luminary of the stars?
9. Kokichi Ouma - I realise putting the most popular character at 9th is going to make hoards of fangirls despise me but!!!! I don’t dislike Kokichi. In fact I like him a lot. His character is probably the most enjoyable to analyze out of everyone, his interactions are hilarious but also disturbing, the Kokichi memes are funny, and I too think the changes they made to his dialogue in the English translation was utter bullshit (almost as greater character assassination as Mukuro in the DR3 anime). But, I really love most of the characters in the game which leaves characters I’m torn on (like Kokichi or Kiyo) hovering at a position which makes it seem like I dislike them when actually I enjoy them immensely. Just...not as consistently as some of the others. Also Chapter 4 was an kick to the nads that I can’t get over. Sorry Kokichi.
10. Korekiyo Shinguuji - I was prepared to LOVE this guy so much. Seriously. I was ready for the moment where it would turn out creepy noodle man would be turn out to be a Wholesome noodle man. But uh, I think I’m with the rest of the fandom when I say that Korekiyo’s reveal as the SHSL incestuous serial killer made me drop him faster than Kirumi dropped in her execution (sorry). So, now I've establish Kork is the *real* Worst Boy...why did I put him at 10th? Why not 15th? Especially considering he killed Tenko? Truthfully, it’s the memes. Just...the Kork memes. And the fact he’s such an awful person and so obviously a murderer that it becomes genuinely hilarious to me. And his design is my favorite out of all of them. I’m so split on him. So, so split...
11. K1-B0 - Keebo made me laugh a bunch of times, and I enjoyed him more than I thought I would initially. Also his upgrades in Chapter 6 were badass as fuck. But I just don’t really feel the same affection for him like I do other characters. I’m afraid cute robot girls will always be my weakspot. Cute robot boys...not so much. (Although I’m all for Agender! Keebo that’s my jam).
12. Shuichi Saihara - This is the point in my list where I finally reach true neutral. I have no feelings on Shuichi either way. He’s deeper and has a more interesting plot arc than Makoto, which makes him a more effective protagonist in my opinion. But Hinata will always be the best protagonist in my book. And I just keep picturing what it would’ve been like if Kaede survived instead...
13. Rantaro Amami - I never understood why he was uber popular before the game came out and I don’t think I understand why he’s so popular now either. I have no negative feelings on the guy; he’s mysterious and has a ‘big brother’ attitude that I like. But the poor dude just died too quickly for me to feel anything for him. 
14. Maki Harukawa - I only dislike three characters in this game. Maki is one of them. I knew *exactly* what kind of character she was going to be and I knew I wouldn’t like her much and I knew she was going to survive. I didn’t guess she was going to be an assassin! But outside of that, There isn’t much going for me for me. The tsundere is never an archetype I like and the fact the deaths in Chapters 2 and 5 are partly her fault and no one calls her out on it is kinda frustrating also. 
15. Angie Yonaga - Angie’s creepiness is her most appealing trait to me. That should explain how low the bar is set here. Its difficult to write what I feel about her without coming across as a salty atheist (because most of her problems revolve around her use of her god to manipulate people) so I’m just going to leave it there.
16. Tsumugi Shirogane - Y’know I distinctly remember labelling Tsumugi as ‘’Hifumi but likable’’ on my previous Ndrv3 opinion post. I was wrong. She was hovering around mid/low level for me while I played the game, and I often forgot she existed (kinda funny considering her self admitted plainness) and her references were quite obscure a lot of the time so I didn’t find her funny either. I didn’t dislike her, I just forgot her. Then Chapter 6 happened and everyone knows the rest. It’d be difficult to truly ‘like’ Tsumugi after her reveal as the mastermind, after all. Although she was certainly entertaining when she started cosplaying as all the previous characters and I did like how her eyes glowed when she went all DanganRonpa crazy. I did actually consider putting her above Angie for those reasons, but if I dropped Kokichi’s placement because he killed Gonta then I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t slamdunk Tsumugi into last place for technically being responsible for everyones’ deaths as well (well, responsible as part of Team DanganRonpa. I understand it wasn’t *entirely* her behind it all). You know there’s a problem when *Hifumi* looks pure in comparison...
If you read through all of this, then congratulations? I don’t know how to end long ass posts like this...just pretend I said something witty. 
I need sleep.
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introvertedsquid · 7 years
Kork cosplay just arrived and I realised I'm a fucking idiot bc I didn't know his mask was basically a gimp mask until I showed my friend my cosplay and they called me out for having some kind of fetish
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