maddieson-san · 7 years
KogKag Week prompt #5
Kogkag Week 2017
Prompt 4: Tender / Tough
A/N: College!AU. A little bit of tough, mostly tender. But I used all definitions of tender. (showing gentleness and concern or sympathy,  sensitive to pain, requiring tact or careful handling). ALSO. GUISE. IF YOU GUISE DONT FREAKING DIE OF LAUGHTER from the TEXTS they share. I might quit writing  *I KID I KID*
Fyi. Didn’t have time to re-read (Barely have time to write them on time, so if theres mistakes, or jumbling, sorry!)
Her heart stopped, her hand froze in place and a tremble traveled through her body. She had not heard that voice in a long time, and yet, right now, it felt like yesterday. It was him. She knew it was him without even turning around. Maybe if she ignored him, pretended that she could not hear him, maybe he would go away. Yes - she needed him to go away. She swallowed hard, and then, continued searching for her book in the midst of her yellow locker. She did not turn, she did not breathe. She needed this to be an hallucination. Since the day he broke her heart, he had not come to her. Not a single word, not a message - nothing. She was not doing this. Not a year later. It was too late to come talk to her now.
“Kagome,” he repeated, this time much softer.
His nose told him all he needed to know about this situation. He did not need to see her face to imagine what it looked like right now. But he had to do this. When he left her, it was because he did not want either of their lives to be ruined by a decision they made too quickly. He had not done it to make it suffer - it had been the right thing to do. It was also the reason for his presence by her side. He had been able to find out a little about that Kouga guy that was hanging around her and he did not like it one bit. She could do what she wanted with her life and she was a free woman but - but he did not want her to get played like that by a frat guy like him.
“Please, I need to talk to you.”
And those were the words that made her snap. Before she knew it, she had slammed her book down on the floor. She turned around, fire burning in her eyes as she looked at him. “You need to talk to me? You need to talk to me.” That guy had some nerves. “I needed an explanation. I needed to not be dumped out of the blue on the eve of college. I needed a lot of things Inuyasha.” Despite her rage flowing through her blood and her shaking fists, there were tears pooling in her eyes. “I didn’t get any of them. So where do you get off saying you need something. You’re about a year to late for me to give a crap.”
She used to imagine their reunion, she used to dream of the day he would realize he was a moron. She would not have taken him back right away - she would have made him work for it. But - but now it was too late. He might still hold part of her heart, she might still feel for him but she refused to be his welcome mat all over again. He had abused her kindness enough and he had wasted enough of her time. “Go talk to someone who cares.” She slammed her locker shut and then bent down to pick up her book from the floor. “And that isn’t me.”
“Oi, I ain’t here for me. I’m here for you!” He was letting his temper slip him but what else could he do?
This was unbelievable! He had to be joking! There were cameras somewhere, waiting to surprise her because this could not possibly be real. It could not be. “For me?”
“Yeah, you’re being an idiot.”
“Excuse me?”
“Just stay away from that guy.”
She frowned. “What guy?”
“Kouga!” he shouted.
He - he… no. He had not talked to her in over a year and now he was talking to her because he had seen her with another guy? He was actually throwing a hissy jealousy fit at her? Unbelievable. “You’re something else, you know that.”
“Ugh, you don’t get it. Don’t be an idiot Kagome.”
“An idiot? An idiot is what I was when I was dating you.” She felt one of tears slid down her cheek. “Why don’t you go back to your girl and leave me alone.”
“I said enough.”
As she finally let out a loud breathe, she realized that the hallway was quiet. It was quiet because everyone had stopped their activities to stare at them and watch the scene unfold. This was not the kind of situation she needed in her life. She was done. She threw one last glance his way, hoping he would see all the pain and misery he had left behind, and she walked away. She could hear Inuyasha shouting her name in the background, but she ignored it. She was not going to willingly walk back into that. Her heart was aching but her head knew it was the best thing to do. It would never work. They were not good together and they were too different to make it work. That encounter proved it. Except, it did very little to stop the shake of her body or the feeling of nausea squeezing at her guts. She was going to do something she had never done before; ditch class.
She thought she was tougher than this, but she was not.
“Hey Kouga, we’re getting a pitcher, do you want split it with us?”
He shook his head. “I got a class.”
“Like that ever stopped you before.”
“Hey now, you know he’s a model student now. He doesn’t want to disappoint his girl - I mean his tutor.”
Kouga’s eyes narrowed. “Are you sure you two idiots need alcohol? Feels to me like you’re stupid enough already.”
“Where’s the love?”
“Up your -“ But Kouga did not have time to finish his line. He was interrupted by the sound of his own voice vibrating and beeping. He flipped it on the table, seeing that he had a new text message. Except it was not from a number he knew. He arched an eyebrow before opening it. Are you busy? Maybe it was a wrong number. Or maybe one of his friends changed number? He could answer. Who’s this? And sent. He was about to look away when the answer came in already. Kagome. His eyes widened; Kagome? When had he ever given Kagome his phone number? He did not ind that she had it, but he simply did not remember giving it to her. Was it really her or were one of the bozos playing a prank on him?
“Kouga, what’s wrong?”
“Your joke is not funny.”
“What joke?” Ginta asked as he put the pitcher down on the table.
“Pretending to be Kagome.”
“What are you talking about?”
Kouga lifted his phone from the table and showed them the message.
“That’s not us.”
“How does she have my number then?”
“Oh, I gave it to her.”
“Yeah, she said you hadn’t shown up to your tutoring lesson and she was worried about you. Told her you were at the frat, and gave her your number.”
Wait - that was how Kagome found out where she was? It was the whole reason why she had shown up on his doorstep? And now she was texting him? “So it’s really her.”
Hakkaku grinned. “It’s really her.”
Well then. Who was he to make her wait? Nope, I’m free. What’s up? It was almost hard to contain his smirk; for someone who kept turning him down and rejecting his flirting - she kept coming back. He was getting through to her it seemed. Lunch? At the little deli by campus? Wait. Was she asking him out? This was starting to not add up. On my way.
“Boys, I gotta go.”
“Kagome calling?”
“None of ya business.” He picked up a fries from Ginta’s plate before disappearing from sight.
Kagome was waiting for him.
She was a moron.
Kagome was nervously tapping the heel of her foot against the ceramic floor. Why had she texted him? She could have talked to Sango. No, she could not have talked to Sango. She would have known. One look at her and Sango would have known this was about Inuyasha. It was the same reason why she could not go to Miroku. It did not leave her with many options. She could have stayed alone but - but she did not want to be alone with her thoughts at this moment. She needed a distraction, she needed someone who did not have the whole story. Kouga had accepted the little she had to say about it, and she had a feeling he would not press the issue further.
When did he become her only resource?
This was the guy she kissed.
The guy she slapped.
He was… her friend? When did he become her friend? No, she was his tutor and - and she had texted him and he was coming.
The sound of a bell ringing pulled her out of her thoughts and she turned her head towards the door. As expected, she saw Kouga walk in, his eyes searching for her. She made the task a little easier for him by raising her hand and waving at him. Once his eyes landed on her, he smiled brightly. As soon as he got close to her, his nose picked up the scent of sadness; it clung to her like a second skin. She was sad? She was trying to hide it behind a smile but, scents did not lie. Was that why she had called him? If so… why him? He knew she had friends… at least people she was close to… much closer than they were. Although he would be lying if he said he did not feel pride in the fact that she had reached out to him out of all her options. She had chosen him.
Great, now it was awkward - she had made it awkward. Why did she even call him? So they could sit…and? He would make a cocky comment… or flirt with her… and that was it. It was not bad, he was not bad. His attitude and flirting were harmless, and despite the few times that he had made some advances on her, they had been — comments. Nothing more. He had not pressured her or forced her into anything. Sango had tried for the last year to get her to come out of her shell without any success whatsoever. But… he seemed to have done it. And now, she was reaching out to this stranger… and she could not explain it.
There was something about her scent that was off. Although it almost appeared to be a harmless lunch, but it felt like there was more to it. Still, he said nothing as he sat down across from her.
“Sorry, hm, Ginta gave me your number.”
“Hey I woulda given you my number myself if I hadn’t been scared to get slapped,” he said with a chuckle.
“It was well deserved.”
“Really? I don’t think ya can blame me. I suffer from PTSD.”
“From this strange girl who assaulted me at a party.”
Now that she had a chance to think about it, she felt like a complete moron. If a guy had grabbed her and kissed her like she had done to him… her reaction would have been less than pleasant. “Sorry about that.”
“About what?” he inquired with a frown.
“Using you without your permission.” She had given him a lot of crap about his forwardness but he had been at the origin of it all… She had almost led him on really.
“You’re sorry… about kissing me?” Surely she had to be kidding. She had to know that it had not bothered him at all.
“I asked for seconds for a reason,” he said with a wink.
She blushed hotly and found herself unable to meet his eyes. How was he able to say such things with ease?
“Hi, my name is Iza, what can I get you today?” She was a perky waitress with a smile that looked like it was going to split her cheeks open.
“I’ll have the special,” Kouga quickly answered.
“Perfect, and you miss?”
She had never actually eaten here before. She was not quite sure how she even ended up here in the first place. “I’ll have the same thing.” Hopefully they had similar tastes.
“Coming right up.”
As quickly as she had come, she disappeared.
“So you’re inviting right?”
She was the one who dragged him out of his life. “Sure.”
As if he would let her pay. But no sense in saying it out loud and facing her stubbornness. “So, have I finally swooned you?” Once he saw her raised eyebrow he realized that she would need a more in depth explanation. “You invited me to lunch,” he pointed out with his trademark smirk.
“As friends.”
“Woo, we’re friends now? This might be going a little too fast for me.”
“That’s all I had to do to get rid of you? Commitment?”
Somehow, her little joke stung a little. She had expressed early on that she saw him as a typical jock. From her humour, he guessed that it was still her current vision of him. “You’re gonna have to try a lot harder than that if you wanna get rid of me.”
Something about the words he spoke shook her to her core. She had been with Inuyasha a long time and prior to the moment when he broke her heart, they had been good together. However, there was one thing Inuyasha had never done; he was not good with verbally displaying his love or public displays of affection. In that sense, Kouga was much different than him; he held no shame in regards to the words he spoke. Despite the cockiness and the thought attitude, he had quite a tender side.
“There’s still time.”
“Hey - we have a deal. You tutor me and I make you invisible.” Alright, he had slightly twisted his part of the deal but it was only because deep inside he knew that she would want him to suffer a little.
Invisible huh? She found her glance dropping to the table. If only she could have been invisible a little earlier, it would have been great.
“Did something happen?” His voice was no longer laced with joy and instead his tone become more serious. Considering the expression painted over her features, it was difficult to keep ignoring the signs of sadness thrown his way.
She should not tell him, she did not even have to tell him. “I - ran into him.” That was one way to describe the situation that took place.
He winced.
“At least he didn’t make a scene.” She, on the other hand, had embarrassed herself.
“I should be fine, it’s been a tear. It’s called moving on. Yes, I’ve heard it before.” She knew the whole story; he was the one losing out, she was better than this, tougher than this. She was Kagome. Yes, she was tough, yes, she pulled through things. But - the hole he left in her life was different. Inuyasha was her boyfriend, he was her best friend - it was hard to be tough when you lose every safety net you have. No one to talk to, no one to laugh with - it was not the same. He had always been in her life and now she had to learn to live her life without him.
“Actually,” he began before letting a pause nestle itself between them. “I was just gonna call him an idiot.”
She scoffed. “You don’t know him or me. Maybe he was right to do what he did.”
“Doubt it.”
“I might be the worst girlfriend in the world.”
“Kagome, trust me, the only logical explanation to him dumping an amazing girl like you is that he’s a complete moron.”
She knew he was trying to uplift her mood, but lies would not help her. “Kouga, you don’t know me that well and we never dated. You don’t know. I’m not the girl you think I am.” He had this vision of her and it was not right.
“Can I ask ya something?” Honestly, he should not. He should not be inserting himself in her life. Yet he was doing it.
She should say no. If he was asking for permission, it meant that  she would not like the question. But she gave in regardless. “Sure.”
“Why do you want to be invisible?”
“What do you mean?”
“He left. He ran away. Why are you trying to disappear?” She should not be experiencing any kind of shame. “I mean, I’ve seen ya, you pack quite a slap, you speak your mind… You’re tough. Why do you let him do that to you?”
He had a way to be charming with words but he also cut to the chase. His words cut through her and she swallowed hard. “Says the guy who’s letting an injury ruin his whole life.”
Ouch. “See what I mean?” No, he was not purposefully avoiding the question. “Where’s that fire?”
“Have you ever been in love?” She knew he enjoyed flirting, but she had yet to hear about girlfriends. “Did you ever plan out your whole life with someone, only to have it taken from you with no explanation?”
His whole life had been spent on running. He had a few girlfriends, but he would not call it love. “Do you want him back?”
“No.” That was an easy question. She could not go back to him. She would never trust him and she would constantly wait for the other shoe to drop. It did not mean she did not miss him however.
He would be lying if he said that he was not pleased by her quick answer. If she did not want him back, then she had to move on from him. “So stop being invisible. He has someone else, he’s not hiding.”
“I’m not hiding.” She popped her lips. “Why does he know you?”
“He asked me about you.”
He chuckled; that boy was an idiot and he was giving him way too much ammo. “He’s been asking around about me. I think he’s jealous.”
How in the world could they possibly know each other? She had not wanted to think that he was jealous but - she had to admit, as guilty as she felt, it was good to know he was not completely happy in his new life.
“You know, I don’t mind changing our deal.”
“He’s jealous. Use it.”
She was not this kind of person. She did not manipulate other people’s feelings for her benefit. “I’m not gonna do that.” It wouldn’t be right.
“I haven’t even told ya the plan.”
She stared at him with half lidded eyes. “That I pretended w’ere dating?” He was a little transparent.
“Hey, it’s a selfless gesture.” She had been stuck in a rut and he just wanted her to remove the barrier she had put on herself.
“I keep my hands to myself, and you try to live a little.” She had let the ghost of Inuyasha’s presence invade her life and impact her decisions. Still, he could not possible think she would so blindly accept to play pretend girlfriend. It was to help her move on from him. Although he had been trying to get her to respond to him, it was not about that. Even if it would not hurt for her to get to know him a little better.
Had she just said fine?”
“I’ll try it your way if -“
“Ah, there’s an if?” He should have known.
“If you get an A on the test this week AND -“
“There’s an and too?” Now she was being plain unfair.
“And you gotta stop avoiding everything related to running and your team.” She was not the only one avoiding something. Maybe he wanted  to put on the tough act but she could see right through it.
He was not avoiding running. He had been busy and he had not wanted to ruin his friends and collegues’ celebration by tainting it with his presence. He knew exactly what she was trying to do. She did not think that he would say yes - or succeed. “Deal.”
Kagome had figured he would not back down from a challenge, though she did wonder how he would go from the D he got last week to an A.
“Alright, fess up.”
“Excuse me?”
Kouga tilted his head to the side, trying to understand what he could have possibly done for Kagome’s roommate to be staring at him with such a stern look on her face.
“Are you playing her?”
“Playing who?”
“Are you playing with Kagome?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Look, the last year hasn’t been easy on her.” Usually, Sango tried to not mingle too much. After all, Kagome’s life was her own. But - well. Kagome had not interacted with guys - minus Miroku - since her break with Inuyasha. This Kouga thing was unexpected. Kagome had finally shared with her the encounter she had with Inuyasha. In the midst of her emotions and the storytelling, she had overshared and mentioned Kouga. Yes, at first Sango felt a ping of pain out of the fact that she was not her friend’s first call. However, she did think it was good that Kagome was expending her social circle. But that posed a risk; what if Kouga was a no good dead beat? Then what? As Kagome’s best friend she had no choice but to investigate. “I don’t want to have some jerk take advantage of her.” Kagome had a kind sol and she knew some people could use that against her.
“I ain’t some asshole, trying to get some, if that that’s what you mean.” Why was that everyone’s first opinion of him?
“I’m not saying you are, but I’m looking out for my friend. What are you hoping to get out of this?”
In all honesty, he was not sure. It had started with that kiss and ever since then, he had wanted to know about her. Knowing her as not lessened that need. She mesmerized him with her beauty, her fire, her loyalty. He had yet to meet another girl like her. “I wanna know her.”
“With clothes on or off?”
He smirked. “Well, I wouldn’t mind if the clothes were off.”
Well, now he knew where Kagome picked up her slapping habits. How were they both so strong for tiny humans? “It’s called a joke,” he pointed out as he rubbed the side of his arm. “I think she’s great and I think Inutrasha is a fucking moron. Good enough for ya?”
She chuckled. “It’ll do for now. But I’m watching you. I’m from a long line of youkai slayers. Don’t mess with her or I’ll have your head.”
“Yes ma’am.” Well that explained the hidden strength. Youkai slaying was a basically extinct practice but the documentation on it lived through to this day. She pointed a finger at him, silently warning him before walking away, her stride confident. He could not help the laughter that bubbled in his chest; he had officially been warned by her best friend. Things were looking good for him.
Kagome groaned as her phone vibrated yet again. She was really starting to regret making that deal with him. Now that he had her phone number, he was unstoppable. He had taken it upon himself to send her tests messages and pictures to inform her of his every move. Anytime he picked up a book, he sent a picture. But that was not all! In an effort to prove to her that he was not avoiding his track team, he would text her time result, team updates and even photos of the group. She was not quite sure that she bought it but it did not stop him from sending them. He was committed, she would give him that.
“You’re popular,” Sango commented without lifting her eyes from her book.
“Not really,” Kagome answered as she flipped her cellphone so that she could only see the blue back cover. “It’s all from the same annoying person.”
She felt a slight blush peaked on her face. “Yeah.”
Kagome sighed before grabbing her phone once again while missing the smirk Sango was throwing her way. As expected, it was a picture of his book. The background of the picture had changed however as he no longer appeared to be in the kitchen. Instead of seeing his book resting on a wooden table, it was on a dark blue comforter. She gave up! Do you intent on snapchatting me your whole day?
That’s not my whole day. If it was, there would be a picture of me in the shower ;).
As her cheeks became a deep red color, she resisted the urge to toss her phone away in embarrassment.
“You okay?” Sango inquired with a sly smile.
“I’m g-great.”
The nerve of him! As if, I’ll pass on that.
Really? Because you didn’t seem to mind catching me out of the shower last time. Half naked. Plus this would be waaaay better. I’d actually be fully naked this time.
Oh yes, the water dripping ripped naked chest she had witnessed when she had shown up uninvited. A chest she had not stared at - she had no idea what he was talking about. Yes, he happened to have a nice chest. That did mean she ogled like a desperate teenager. I think you’re mistaken your fantasy for mine. That should shut him up.
Are you offering?
She had not thought that she could get any redder but apparently she was wrong. Even the tip of her nose felt like it was on fire at this very moment. “Pervert,” she mumbled.
Sango threw a glance of confusion her way but Kagome pretended not to see it. What did he even want her to say to this? She was not about to grace his request. She wore a one piece bathing suit to the beach for crying out loud. Se knew what he was trying to do! He was trying to intimidate her! Well she was not about to let him win! Keep it in your pants, mister.
Ding! That was quick. I assure you, it’s a lot more fun when its out of the pants.
Oh-my-god. Alright, he definitively could win. She tossed her phone as far away from her hands as possible, watching it land by her feet. There was something real about him. Perverseness aside, there was a comic side to him that soothed her. He was frank, honest and he certainely did not hide his opinion - which made it a lot easier to trust him. She shook her head; what a dumbass.
Meanwhile, Kouga was lying in his be with a smile plastered over his face. He had not quite expected her to reply to his latest message, but he would hae liked it. After his carefulness with her, she now seemed more open to him and is humor. There was only one problem; it was backfiring on him. He might have found her interesting before but not he was hooked.
“Who’s that?” Sango explained with rage as she covered her head with her red pillow.
They had been sleeping peacefully when suddenly their rest had been interrupted by the sound of someone banging on the door. Initially, Kagome had feared that she had slept right through her alarm and panic had taken hold of her heart. However, a quick glance at her alarm clock had rapidly slowed down her racing heartbeat. It was only 5:15am. After making that realization, she joined Sango in her feelings of rage. Who the heck was at their door at 5 in the freaking morning? She tried to take a peek at Sango but it was becoming insanely clear that she had no intention of getting out of bed. Unfortunately whoever was at their door also did not seem like he had any intentions of going away. With a sigh, Kagome resigned herself. She threw her light yellow blanket off of her body and put her bare feet against the cold ground. She dragged herself all the way to the door, her eyes half lidded. Once she reached it, she wrapped her small hand around it and yanked it open. What she found on the other side was not at all what she expected: Kouga. He was leaning in the doorway, his blue eyes matching the color of his shirt while he was flashing her a big wide grin.
“Kouga?” she managed to say with a croaked voice.
“Morning sunshine.”
“What the hell are you doing here?”
He had to admit, she was cute in the morning. Her hair was tousled, her white shirt had risen up enough to show some of her stomach and he was not about to complain about the tiny shorts she was wearing. “I came to share the good news.”
Her eyes narrowed. “What could you possibly have to tell me that couldn’t wait until our tutoring session?” He was about to learn that if there was one thing that she was not, it was a morning person. If it were up to her, anything before 10am would not even exist.
“Oh you see, this is very important.” It was hard not to laugh; her scent was unmistakable. She was pissed off and as strange as it was to admit it, it was kind of turning him on. I don’t know if you remember, but we made a deal with week.”
A deal? What in the world was he even talking about…crap. No, no, no. “No you didn’t.”
His smirk grew in size at her reaction. “Yes, I did.” He was already a morning man but he had made a point to get up extra early this morning just so he could come and see her. His teacher usually displayed the grades around 1am.
“Prove it.” It was not like she took him for an idiot or she thought that he could not do it. But - in a week? Nobody went from a D to A.
He figured that she might need something a bit more tangible than his word to believe him and he had come prepared for such an occasion. He reached from behind his back and whipped out a piece of paper.
There it was, staring at her in dark color: 91%. How in the world did he manage to do that?
“Well, now that the deal has been won, I guess I’ll let you sleep.” He pulled down the sheet of paper, a smirk ever present on his face. “After all… my woman needs her sleep.”
Ah crap. So much for playing the tough game.
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cassielfbapyz · 7 years
When I finally got the motivation to get started back on Mate again, I figured I’d be doing some minor changes but no…. NO!
This thing is turning into something NOWHERE EVEN CLOSE to the original! I think the only thing still remaining from it is the fist fucking chapter and I’ve been thinking lately on how I want to change it >:O
0 notes
maddieson-san · 7 years
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Changing Seasons 
Part 1
~ AO3 ~ FFN ~
It all started with a hot chocolate, a bad break up, and a teenager's first date. No strings attached. It was supposed to be fun, simple and casual... but it never really is, is it?
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maddieson-san · 7 years
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P.E Teacher
Chapter 3
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Jewel hunting, time travels, demons and past lives. Who would have thought that the most interesting part of her day would be her P.E class?
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maddieson-san · 7 years
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P.E Teacher
Chapter 2
FFN }{ AO3
Jewel hunting, time travels, demons and past lives. Who would have thought that the most interesting part of her day would be her P.E class?
4 notes · View notes