retvenkos · 5 years
“and the thought of you fills my mind”
okay, so when she gets the first note in her locker before school, she definitely looks at it and laughs
she thinks it’s some kind of joke, and she goes to throw it away
nini, however, grabs it from her and reads it
“you have a secret admirer, kourt?”
kourtney denies it, but nini keeps it and doesn’t let her throw it out
when the second note comes, nini gives her this pointed look
and kourtney reads it, and not gonna lie, it makes her smile
and when you see this from at the end of the hall, you definitely smile and start brainstorming the next note you are going to leave her
for weeks, kourtney got a note in her locker every day
small, cute messages
your smile brightens the darkest of days
i love the way you are so confident
your eyes sparkle like beautiful diamonds when you are talking about something you love
they were always small and silly, and never anything too revealing that she might know you by
and this was great. you got to see her open her letter every day as you talked to a friend at the end of the hall
she would smile or laugh and then excitedly show it to nini and as the two whispered about who it might be you would head to your first class. 
then you would see kourtney in your english class, after lunch, and you would get ideas for your next note.
you figured that there was no harm in your notes
she smiled, which meant that she wasn’t freaked out by them, and they were vague enough to not give away your identity
in fact, one day, in english, you saw her the cover of her binder and noticed your flowy cursive (of which you spent weeks perfecting) in the plastic sheath
you had blushed at that and couldn’t stop smiling the entire period
things were going great
you were able to get out your feelings
kourtney didn’t seem to know
and, she wore her denim jacket more often after you had complimented it in one of your notes
and fam, she looked good in it
however, one day you got bold
i mean, it was valentines day!
you were in a mushy mood
so you gave her a letter
and, because you are a romantic idiot, you wanted to leave it on her desk
that necessarily wouldn’t have incriminated you, but you made two grave mistakes
you see, you were an ensemble member in the musical
and when you wrote her the letter?
it was  l o n g  - like, multiple pages long
you had read through it twice to make sure your identity was kept safe
but... some secrets are hard to remember
that was your first mistake
secondly, you were dead set on giving it to her in english that day
so when you walked into class and she was already sitting there, you started to panic
a lesser person would have stopped right there and decided to give it to her another day
but you were stubborn
so you waited
when she left took the hall pass, you acted fast, setting everything up on her desk while the teacher played a video about how to write sonnets
he thought it was appropriate for the holiday
you had silently agreed
perhaps you would start writing sonnets for kourtney
when she came back to a letter and her favorite candy bar on her desk, she had her secret admirer cut down to twenty-two possibilities
that was your second mistake
kourtney read the letter you wrote her three times by the end of the school day, and when she walked into play practice, she knew who had been writing to her for weeks on end.
here’s the thing
there were only 22 people in her english class besides herself
there were only two people in her english class who were in the musical
and in her letter, they mentioned her singing
not just any song - bop to the top
“and when you sing there’s this light that comes out from you. When I first saw you sing, the smile that you had on your face was infectious. You were so beautiful and confident in that moment - you were a beacon of light. I have never listened to Bop To The Top the same since hearing your dulcet voice sing those words.”
only the cast of high school musical had heard that.
kourtney walked into the auditorium, and at that moment she spotted the two people it could be
there you were, in the middle of the stage with carlos, going over choreography for one of the songs, laughing as you got the moves wrong
the letter was still in her hand, and as she watched you from across the room, she smiled
she had only talked to you maybe four times, but from what she did know about you, the words were fitting
besides - she was pretty sure e.j. was not her secret admirer
that would have been a twist
she walked over to you, and even though in your letter you had mentioned how confident and sure of herself kourtney was, she couldn’t help but feel incredibly nervous
when you noticed kourtney walking over to you, you were at first just excited to see her
butterflies, the whole shebang
but then,,, oh no,,, the letter
it was clutched in her hands, the paper crinkling from her tight grip
how did she figure it out?
you weren’t ready for her to know it was you!
her sudden quietness couldn’t be good. kourtney was loud, outgoing, funny, beautiful. 
n e v e r  quiet
just because you could pretend you were shakespeare when you were writing doesn’t mean you were eloquent in real life.
quite the opposite, actually.
“you’re a great writer, y’know” she gestured to the papers in her hands and you just stared at her dumbfounded “don’t know where you got your inspiration from though.”
your voice was strong, but laced with confusion.
how could she not know?
“i mean, of course, you would be the inspiration for your own secret admirer letters. who else?”
your sudden courage was unexpected on your end but very much appreciated
kourtney laughed sheepishly and looked down
“yeah, i guess that makes sense.”
you opened up your mouth to say something more - although what you weren’t exactly sure - when miss jen called the ensemble to meet at center stage
kourtney laughed at the bad timing, and you looked at her fondly.
it was now or never
“you really are something special, kourt.”
and you kissed her on the cheek before racing off
kourtney stood there for a moment, a love letter in hand with a flustered smile gracing her lips
she thought of all the ways she could return your weekly favors
and when she came up with a worthy idea, her smile became a smirk and she walked off with that confident bounce in her step
not that you were looking
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