#koushiros desktop
ashxketchum · 7 months
They uploaded the video where Agumon, Gabumon, Veemon and Wormon will call out names of fans and look! We get a glimpse at Taichi, Yamato, Daisuke and Ken's rooms!
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You know what this means? It's time for a certified Ayushi breakdown 🫡
There is so much blue in Taichi's room hahaha (taiyama win!), the soccer magazines + jump manga reference is so on point. And he has so many bags! Taichi why do you need so many backpacks, one for every outfit? 😆 THE DUMBBELLS THO my boy is working out to maintain that body we got a glimpse of in Tri 😌 The whistle hanging on the wall is also a nice touch, is it Hikari's whistle from when they were kids? 🥹 Or even if it's not, I'd like to imagine a scenario where Taichi helps Hikari with her kindergarten schoolwork occasionally by coaching football to the little kids in his free time! Can you imagine him running around with little kids who are about as tall as the football itself 🤣 I tried to zoom in to figure out what the magazine on his desk is for, and I could make out the word Nakano, so maybe it's just something he picked up on his way home (maybe he lives around Nakano?) since it looks slightly crumpled too, like it was shoved in his bag in a rush. His phone (and is that a wallet?) feel pretty standard. He is the only one who doesn't have a lamp on his desk + has some kind of reminder post-its stuck to his desktop, maybe he's not so good with passwords? Koushiro probably always lectures him about this every time he visits.
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Now let's talk about Yamato, FIRST OF ALL I WILL SCREAM ABOUT THE KOD TSHIRT! HE STILL WEARS IT! I'M CRYING RIGHT NOW!!! And then his guitars because I swear I did a one hour deep dive trying to figure out the brand and model and I think they're both Fender (an expensive brand I would say) which once again makes me wonder how much money does the TakaIshi family has for their sons to have expensive, bikes, cars and guitars. TO TOP IT OFF Yamato is definitely an Apple bitch too like look at that monitor and keyboard, that's Mac and his phone is very clearly Iphone. Now his room follows a very warm, muted tones of black and brown. We can spot some music related magazines on his shelf and a big, plain tote bag on the ground (see Taichi one big bag should be enough 🤣) which looks like something he uses for grocery shopping. Yamato is the only one who doesn't have a wheelie computer chair, but rather a wooden one. Now whether he did this to follow the aesthetic of the room (highly likely) or because he doesn't actually spend a lot of time in this space is something we can all think about. He has a framed portrait or photo(?) up on the wall and I did consider him more of a framed art guy over a poster guy always so this is good to see too. Also nice to note that on his desk, he has THE HARMONICA 😭 And the same Jump issue that Taichi has on his shelf! His room is honestly a lot like how I imagined it to be in terms of the furniture and colours so I'm very happy with this sneak peek!
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I am not qualified to comment on Daisuke and Ken's rooms, so will leave that to 02 fans!
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02's Daisuke+Co. & KouTai [and some O.C.s]
Koushiro: I could try cleaning up the picture a bit, but it might prove "difficult". It's pretty small, and... "low quality." (Showing others Again) Koushiro: We may not get as much "detail" as we hope. But based on this alone, we can "see" some obvious details already. Koushiro: They have dark (Black) hair, dark (Brown) eyes... The hair is a little "spiky" at the ends, but not overly so. (*Pointed Blinking*) It's just how it naturally falls. They're short... and small of build. Maybe somewhat wider shoulder width than {mine} the average person we'd know... Taichi: (I wonder if they played sports at all?) Daisuke, muttering to Taichi: (They said they weren't very "sporty". I think they might have ONCE though, but it's probably not "just because" of that... not like your training) Koushiro: ...And they wear all black. (*Showing*) Chosen not Koushiro: (Like a 'goth'.) Hikaru, Staring: Hikaru: It's true Shane wore black often back then, but sometimes wore blue jeans and the like too... Miyako: That's still very ("goth") like that, though!! Iori: They might stick out in a crowd in Odaiba... it'd look out of place at my residence and the dōjō too, if my family didn't "know" you all already. Daisuke: Yeah, but this was in the U.S. Hikaru: I did live there when I was younger, but we moved by the time I entered high school... that's when I met you. My old friends and some family are still there but... (*trails off*) Daisuke: (Hikaru doesn't understand why someone looking like Hikaru's long time childhood *online* 'mutual' Shane would still be tied "there" instead of "here". Hikaru might still not believe it's them...) SHANE: ... Shane: (/I'm close enough I can touch Hikaru./) Shane: (I saw Hikaru "in-between" but even now Hikaru looks a bit different...) Shane, carefully reaching a hand out, trying to gently touch at the ends of Hikaru's curly hair... suddenly half-Physical: SHANE: (!!!) (*FADES*) HIKARU: !! I Felt something?? (Just... now?) Hikari: What happened?? Hikaru: From the back, I felt "something"... TAICHI, Looking at Daisuke: DAISUKE, LOOKING BACK: (I don't think Hikaru would mind if Shane "revealed" themself now, but Hikaru might get emotional...) SHANE, Digitally floating back and higher, "out of sight": (I'm Not Going To) Wormmon, nudging Ken, noticing Tailmon staring INTENTLY at said spot: KEN: ... Ken, Looking at Daisuke: You said you actually "saw" or encountered someone like this person? Daisuke, Nervous Laughing: It's A Long Story But Hikaru: But Shane disappeared over 10 years ago... Koushiro: Do you remember any other specific details? Hikaru: Shane suddenly stopped coming to the local synagogue's services, which was suspicious even for Shane... once people there and Shane's family realized Shane was truly missing and not just "off on Shane's own", they put out a notice. But not even Shane's few family members left there could find Shane after, and the room was "spotless". I didn't find out until the news showed the report... Ken, Quiet: ...Like when I... left. Hikaru, still doesn't know Everything from when Ken was the Kaiser but had Ideas since they had some private Talks: Maybe... but there were no signs of struggle, and not even a message left... just that the computer chair was pushed back a little, and the screen was "on". But all it even showed was part of the desktop. And the Internet browser was open, but not on any page. Just the default. Like Shane was only just logging in and hadn't actually started using it yet. (We e-mailed back and forth a lot...) Koushiro: There's still a chance something to do with the Digital World happened, but... Daisuke, Didn't Tell them Shane Has A Partner: KEN, Looking at Daisuke: (We Need To Talk.) DAISUKE: (Later!!) SHANE: (...) (Oh, so that's Daisuke's other Queer-platonic Life partner.) (I recognize them now.) (They had a cool Partner 'Mon and helped Daisuke out a lot as support back then. But they're... kind of Stiff.) SHANE: (I'm {probably} going to have to keep this up for a while...)
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afaithy · 4 years
12 for Takari?
OOOH GOD, I really had issues over how to write this one, but I finally managed to do it. 
I think it turned out pretty well all things considered :). I really hope you like it.
Send me ask & MasterPost
I am pregnant
“She used to say that the human heartbeat was the first music that a person heard, and that every child was born knowing the rhythm of her mother's song.”
― Kate Morton
She’d been feeling sluggish lately. It was nothing out of the ordinary and she blamed it to work since she’d been having some rough days recently. She should have seen it coming when she enlisted to help out at the ER onJou’s request. The Koushiro Incident was the cherry on top of the day. Jou had decided to save his opinions out of consideration for his old friend, but she had caught him trying to keep himself from laughing several times after the whole incident was over.
Who would have imagined that coconut oil could cause so much trouble?
Yamato and Taichi had been way too drunk to remember most of the incident, but Takeru who had been the chaperone during the bachelor party had witnessed everything and she had caught him writing something in his notebook at the hospital cafeteria later that night. He hadn’t told her what it was, but she was slightly suspicious that her dear husband was actually recounting the whole incident to use a funny story to retell in the future. Fortunately, Koushiro’s little problem had been solved with some epinephrine and steroids and they hadn’t had to lament any losses.
Still Hikari didn’t remember ever feeling this off, not even during her internship time, and those days had been the most tiring of all
“You’re not looking too hot,Yagami. You okay?” Yoshinori-san, the head nurse of the ER said. 
“Yeah...I’m feeling a little tired.”
“Tired? Well, yeah. It’s been busy lately, isn’t it?” Yoshinori-san said with a nod “But you should talk to doctor Kido. There seems to be a cold bug going around. I’ve seen a lot of people with cold symptoms coming in.”
“Yes, I don’t think it is a cold. I don’t feel feverish…” Hikari said, feeling her forehead “but I will ask Jou-senpai to be sure. Thank you, Yoshinori-san.”
 Jou was sitting in his office with a face that did not hide his exhaustion; he rested his head over the desk wondering if he could spare a couple minutes of sleep when he heard a timid knock on his door. Hikari was standing in front of the door with the same tired look that he had, holding two steaming cups in his hands.
“Oh..hey…” Jou said, fixing his glasses back in place. 
“Hey, long night, huh? I brought you something and I know, I asked for soy milk...don’t worry.” she added when Jou was about to comment. Her childhood friend smiled and accepted the cup, enjoying the comforting warmth between his fingers.
“Long... That’s an understatement…” Jou coughed “Never had I imagined I’d have to attend one of my friends in such...curious condition.”
Hikari giggled.
“And even less that that friend would be Koushiro-san.”
“Yeah...I could have expected it from Taichi or Daisuke; hey even Yamato, but Koushiro?” Jou snorted, taking the cup to his lips. He had expected coffee, but to his surprise, it was tea.” Oh, not coffee today?”
“Uh...yeah, sorry. I intended to get you coffee, but the smell just made me feel sick.”
That couldn’t be right, Jou thought. He put down the cup and looked at the woman sitting in front of him with an inquisitive look. He had known her for almost all his life, and he was well aware of her fragile health. Though it had improved considerably in the last few years, worrying and sounding an alarm at the slightest hint that she wasn’t feeling alright had become a habit of his. 
“Yeah, I haven’t been feeling too well lately” she said casually. Hikari leaned on the desk and began pressing her temple. A mild headache was starting to hit her, and it was making her feel a little dizzy and lightheaded “I guess it might be fatigue. I mean, I’ve been so tired lately.”
“Well, the ER is a busy department…” Jou admitted “but still, when it comes to you...sometimes it is better to be safe.”
She somehow knew that he’d said that. Well, she’d come ready to receive an impromptu health examination from the start, so she didn’t complain.
“So...nausea?” Jou asked. 
“Yeah, pretty often lately and very sporadic.Strong smells make it worse.”
“Fever? Coughing?”
“No, normal temperature, I think?” she shrugged “I mean it's mostly fatigue, nausea, dizziness and mild headaches…”
Jou was writing down the symptoms in a notepad, when a sudden thought hit him. 
“Hikari-chan...when was your last period?”
Jou and Hikari looked at each other for a moment. SInce both of them had been working together regularly and were very professional, their expressions were serene.However, it didn’t make the silence less awkward.
“Eh...last month?” Hikari said, unsure “I can’t remember. I think I am a little late this month, but I’ve never been regular so…”
“Well, in your situation...I wouldn’t scratch the possibility. Let’s run a test, just to be sure shall we?”
The hCG test results arrived faster than Hikari had expected and Hikari suspected that Jou might have used his influences in the lab. Her friend entered the office with a stoic expression.
“So?” Hikari asked expectantly.
“Eh, yeah...I think we need to make a quick stop at imagenology, Hikari-chan.”
Hikari was speechless and for a brief moment considered pinching herself to make sure she hadn't fallen asleep in the nurses' room and was dreaming.
Jou smiled and handed her the lab result. Written in small letters  said Positive and next to the result was a scribble that Hikari recognized as Jou's handwriting: "Congratulations, you're going to be a mom!"
The events that followed this revelation were like a blur: Jo accompanied her to the imaging department, and the day's surprises (including Koushiro's unexpected visit to the ER) weren't ending.
Hikari was not only 11 weeks pregnant, but there were two small creatures growing in her womb and they both looked perfectly healthy. The girl could not contain her tears when she heard the small and rapid heartbeats of the two little ones.
“Well, look at that…” Jou grinned, as they walked back to the ER “Two little ones, huh? I can’t imagine Takeru’s face when you tell him.”
“Nor can I…” Hikari giggled, looking at the photo she was holding. A photo of her two babies.
“I can’t imagine Yamato nor Taichi’s faces either…” Jou laughed “Especially Taichi’s. I think he’s still in denial about the fact that you’re married and what that implies…”
Hikari laughed. Taichi was going to lose it and poor Takeru would be the victim, but maybe Yamato would give him a hand. She knew that once the shock had passed, Taichi would be overjoyed by the news. 
“So how are you planning to tell him?”
“I think I might have an idea…”
It was later that day, when her shift ended that she snuck into Takeru’s study and scanned the ultrasound into his laptop and set it up as his desktop image with a tiny little sticky  memo with one single sentence:Look at what we made.
She was in the kitchen when she heard the chair fall down, and patamon screeching desperately asking if his partner was ok? She simply smiled and rested her hand over her abdomen. 
From all the surprises she got that day, this was definitely the best one yet.
As usual Here’s a chibi (sorry I can’t draw ultrasounds :P)
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chisupamoved · 4 years
(    *    & .    —  unprompted ask |  @briilliance​​ said: Taking hold of the back of his chair, the boy dumped a jacket over Kou's head before pulling him away from his desktop and spinning him out of the way. He moved fast, saving away all the files, documents and programs that had been opened on desktop before putting both monitor and machine to sleep. "Go wash up, we're heading out." - Yamato for Koushiro
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A loud huff was given when the jacket was on his head--- he was on a roll with finishing something up. Before he could even say anything he was pushed away, pulling the jacket off his head and jumped up from the chair. He was about to go over and fight that he just wanted to finish up the last of his coding, Yamato had already saved everything.  The actions only made him pout ----- but sighed and turned around, putting the jacket on a yawn passed out.  
Stepping into his bathroom he glared into the mirror, a hand slapped at his cheek lightly. The bags under his eyes truly stuck out like a sore thumb didn’t they? Turning the tap on he slapped his face with water, grabbing soap he then washed his hands.    Putting the soap back and turning the tap off Koushiro stepped back into the main room, his eyes flicking over Yamato--they lingered for a moment.     “Am I allowed to know where we’re going? Or is it a secret?”
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earlgreymon · 4 years
and so it begins...
hi there!
you might know me from my other tumblr (skymont), or maybe ffn/ao3 with the same name. i decide to move digimon thingy to this blog since skymont is supposed to be for roleplay works—even though i potentially end up with multifandom stuffs... i’ll try not to...
since i got my photoshop back, i’ll probably drop some graphics, but please note that `consistent` is definitely not my middle name.
askbox is open, also: you can ask anything digimon-related, dropping some requests/idea (graphic or drabble/fic) and i’ll see what i can do if i have spare time.
(in the meantime, if you open this blog from desktop, do you realize the border colors are actually taichi, sora, koushiro, and hikari??)
nice to meet you anyway!
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ahiddenpath · 6 years
After August Preview
Hey babes!
As you know, I’ve been working on After August for the Digimon All-Star Big Bang.  The time has come for me to post a preview for you loves!  So please enjoy the entire first scene below the cut!
Please let me know what you think!  (Sorry I couldn’t get the paragraph indentation to migrate over, though XD).
After August
Our Fear (Chapter 1 of 10)
Sora and Yamato walked in silence, moving from Odaiba Kaihin Koen to the apartment complex where Koushiro lived.  Although their adventures in the Digital World had spanned months, only a few days had passed on Earth.  It seemed impossible, almost mind-breaking, but it was still summer break, and the heat was oppressive.  The ambient moisture was so great that passing through it almost felt like swimming.
The sun hung high and lidless in the sky, burning against a pale blue background dotted with sluggish clouds.  Despite the weather, children ran along the sidewalks, calling to one another.  In the distance, sunbathing bodies lined the strip of sand between the many buildings of Odaiba and Tokyo Bay.  The statue of liberty replica stood tall, a dark silhouette in front of the Rainbow Bridge.  Sora had lived here for years, but these landmarks were so foreign and strange now.  Frowning, she looked down, needing the comfort of Piyomon’s sparkling eyes and constant smile.  
There was nothing there but cement and her sneakers.  
For a moment, Sora felt nothing but bemused shock.  Then the pain came, rushing from her heart to the rest of her body, like poison borne in her blood.  She and Piyomon had said their farewells four days ago, and still, Sora kept expecting her partner to be by her side.  Being without her was like the sudden loss of a limb, complete with phantom pains that she couldn’t articulate.
Sora swallowed hard, fighting the urge to cry.  At night, she usually couldn’t help it; sleeping alone was desolate after cuddling with Piyomon for so long.  Still, Sora knew that Piyomon wanted her to live well, so she tried to be brave.  If she forced enough smiles, maybe they would become authentic.
“Sora,” Yamato said, and she looked up, drawn to her name.  Sapphire eyes met hers, as multifaceted as an actual gemstone.  The humor that lit them on his good days was gone, leaving them complex and stormy.
Yamato tsked, sighed, then looked away.  “I keep doing it, too.  I’ve been waiting for Gabumon to say something about how he can smell Tokyo Bay, or how it’s too hot.  And then…”
The sentence trailed off, and Yamato shoved his hands in his pockets, scowling at the sidewalk.  Sora’s fake smile wavered, then crumbled.  “Then you remember,” she whispered.  Yamato nodded, but said nothing.  Suddenly, the air was heavier and harder to breathe than ever.
Sora wiped her eyes, no longer caring about hiding her tears.  “It’s good to remember.  It’s good to think of them.”  This time, when Yamato offered no response, she joined in the silence.
It was good to remember, but that didn’t make it easy.
Sora knocked on the Izumi’s front door.  Kae, Koushiro’s mother, answered, and a smile lit her face.  “Ah, Sora-chan, welcome!  And…  Yamato-kun, right?”
Since Sora and Koushiro were once in the same soccer club with Taichi, Kae recognized her, but Yamato was a newer addition to Koushiro’s life. From Kae’s perspective, her son had only known him for a few days, although in reality- Koushiro’s reality, at least- they had spent months traveling together.  Sora’s mind reeled.  Keeping track of two worlds with different timelines was enough to drive anyone nuts.
After Yamato confirmed, Kae said, “I’m so glad you visited.  It can be hard to tell with Koushiro, but…  He seems down, and he’s been working so much on his computer. I’ve asked him to rest, but could you please tell him, too?  The message might be stronger coming from more people.”
Sora bent, hiding her worried eyes under the guise of removing her shoes.  “We’ll tell him.”
“Thank you.  His room is down the hall.  I’ll make you kids some snacks.”
Yamato twitched, and the sadness building within Sora amplified.  Although she couldn’t see his face, his tense voice betrayed his feelings.  “T-that’s okay.  You don’t need to-”
“It’s no trouble,” Kae replied, cutting him off. “Please, come visit any time.” Perhaps Kae sensed that Yamato was flustered, because she retreated into the cool, quiet apartment, giving them space.
When she was out of sight, Sora whispered, “Izumi-san is nice.  She always offers snacks to Koushiro-kun’s friends.”  Yamato’s only response was a distracted scowl.  Sora wished she knew how to comfort him, but what could she do?  Given Yamato’s family situation, receiving such kind attention from a friend’s mother was a reminder of what he didn’t have.
Yamato led the way down the hall, ignoring the tidy living room and hurrying past the kitchen, where Kae was working.  He paused before a door bearing a blue sign with Koushiro’s name and knocked.  “Come in,” Koushiro called, so he opened the door.
Although it was a bright summer day, Koushiro’s bedroom was dim.  Blinds covered the window above his desk, where worked on his desktop computer with his laptop open at his elbow.  A twin bed with a blue comforter was next to the desk, with a bulletin board above the headboard.  Book shelves stuffed with massive texts on math, science, and computers lined the opposite wall.  A neat stack of papers waited on the empty side of the desk, stationed next to a framed photograph.
Sora’s heart skipped a beat.  Although the photo was her reason for visiting, she suddenly couldn’t bring herself to look at it.  Instead, she focused on Koushiro, who still hadn’t looked away from his monitor.
Yamato stood over Koushiro and peered at his face.  “How long have you been working?  You’ve got bags under your eyes.  It’s summer break.  Rest.”
Koushiro rotated his desk chair until he faced them.  “I’m fine.  I have your prints.”  The slightest hint of annoyance colored his voice, and Sora smiled.  That tone was usually reserved for Taichi, someone Koushiro was willing to drop his consummate politeness around.  It was nice to see him open up more with the others.
Yamato opened his mouth to argue, but Sora reached for the photos, cutting him off. “Thank you for printing them and sending us the files.”  Her voice sounded normal, but her hands shook as she picked up two copies of the group photograph the Chosen took with the digimon just before returning home.
“It’s no trouble,” Koushiro said, and Sora smiled when she recognized the phrasing, and even his way of speaking it, from his mother.  “Honestly, my motives might be selfish.”
Sora handed a copy off to Yamato and tipped her head.  “How’s that?”
Koushiro’s fist rose to his chin.  His forehead indented with what she thought of as ‘Koushiro’s thinking lines.’ “It’s grounding,” he said at last. “Seeing the Chosen in my normal environment after… everything.”
Yamato released a breath in a long sigh.  “I think I know what you mean.  Takeru keeps calling me, normally to ask if I remember this or that happening in the Digital World.”
The furrows on Koushiro’s brow deepened with concern.  “What do you mean?  Is he already forgetting things?”
“No, it’s…  It’s more like…  It’s hard to describe, but I think he’s trying to confirm that everything… actually happened.”
Sora’s hand rose to her heart, rubbing at its sudden ache.  “Oh, Yamato.  Do you think he could spend a few days with you?  It is summer break.”
Yamato stepped back, and in an instant, a wall seemed to form between him and the others. With an impassive expression, he said, “I’ll ask.  I don’t know if mom will let him.”
“Oh,” Sora murmured.  What else was there to say?  Desperate to change the subject, she turned to Koushiro and asked, “How’s Eimi-chan?”
Koushiro looked from Yamato to Sora, likely trying and failing to follow the conversation’s emotional undercurrents.  “Er-  It can be hard to tell.  She’s either at the doctor or napping right now.”  He paused, and his glance slid down to his lap as his shoulders slumped. “The damage to her hands was heavy, but she’s expected to make a full recovery with physical therapy.  There will likely be some scarring, however.”
Sora wanted to respond, but her head was heavy and foggy.  Her heart searched so desperately for the digimon, but all she found was pain, both for herself and her comrades.  She wouldn’t trade her time as a Chosen for anything, and yet…  In her worst moments, with everyone’s suffering beating around her, she couldn’t help but wonder if the damage was too great to bear.
    “Damn it.”  Yamato rubbed his face with his palms.  “Keep an eye on her, will you?  Call someone if you’re in over your head with her.”
Koushiro probably tried his best- that was in his nature- but his smile was stiff.  “I usually am.  Frankly, I’m concerned about her.  She fell apart when she saw the photograph, and Mimi-san did the same when she came for her copy.”  He blinked up at them, and for the first time, Sora truly saw the fatigue clouding his eyes, which were usually so alert and sharp.  “Thank goodness Eimi was with me at the time.  I had no idea what to do to calm Mimi-san.”
“She’s been struggling so much,” Sora said.  “Mimi-chan has called me almost every day since then. She’s so upfront about how she’s feeling, but…  I haven’t heard much from the others.”
Yamato took a seat on Koushiro’s bed, frowning at the floor.  “It’s not an easy thing to talk about.”
“That’s true,” Sora allowed, “but…  I don’t know.  I was thinking…  Maybe we should all get together?  Kind of like a support group.”
A long pause followed, and Sora glanced at the boys, trying to gauge their reaction. Yamato’s body language was tense and closed off, with his arms crossed and his eyes directed anywhere but at the others.  Koushiro met her gaze, but appeared politely hesitant.  “That might be a good idea,” he said.  “I can’t help but worry about Taichi-san.  I haven’t heard from him since that day.  Hikari-san picked up their copies, and when I inquired after the both of them, she seemed… worried.”
Yamato’s head rose at last.  “Yeah?  I haven’t heard from Taichi, either.”
“I asked him if he wanted to pick up his copy today, but he said he already had it,” Sora said with a frown.  “Other than that, nothing.  I assumed that someone would have heard from him.”
Yamato tsked.  “He shouldn’t make us worry.  Speaking of, has anyone heard from Jyou?”
“He stopped by for his copy,” Koushiro said. “He didn’t say much, but I gather that he’s been studying.”
Yamato slapped his forehead.  “Of course.  Studying during summer break, after everything that happened…”
“We do still have homework to finish,” Sora pointed out.  “But hopefully he isn’t overdoing it.  You shouldn’t either, Koushiro-kun.  Make sure you get enough sleep.”
“What are you working on?”  Something in Yamato’s tone drew Sora’s attention, and she glanced at him.  The focus in his eyes slammed her into high alert, and she turned to Koushiro, hoping he could handle whatever Yamato was about to dish.  “I don’t see what could be pressing enough to lose sleep over right now.”
Koushiro’s hand twitched towards his desk.  Sora followed the movement and found two digivices sitting on a tray at the edge of the desk closest to his bed.  There was an odd fluttering in her heart.  Was Koushiro’s work related to the Digital World?
“I enjoy working,” Koushiro said at last.  “And right now, focusing on something is a welcome distraction.”
Yamato’s brow rose skeptically.  “Hmm.  Well, you still need to eat and drink and go outside.”  Sora wanted to agree, but she felt too heavy to speak.  She knew it wasn’t fair to pin her hopes of seeing the digimon again on Koushiro, but when she saw him working so feverishly, the thought that he might have a solution materialized on its own.
“That’s true,” Koushiro allowed.  His typical polite expression was restored, masking his thoughts.  “Perhaps that group meeting would help.  Do either of you have any ideas for arranging it?”
Sora hesitated.  Although she suspected that getting together would benefit everyone, the thought of organizing it was oddly daunting.  And she couldn’t explain her rising anxiety, causing distress signals that made her scan the room for threats.  Belatedly, she wondered how long she would associate all forms of discomfort with potential danger.
Yamato slumped forward until his forearms hit his knees.  Heaviness filled his voice as he said, “I don’t know…  Seeing everyone together without the digimon…  Don’t you think that would hurt?”
Sora swallowed the wrong way and fought the spastic urge to cough.  By the time the fit passed, her eyes were watering.  What would it be like to see everyone united without their partners?  A few days ago, they were the Chosen.  Now they were just a bunch of bereft, out-of-place kids.
“Perhaps we should ask Taichi-san what he thinks,” Koushiro proposed.  Gratitude rushed through Sora as she smiled.  How like Koushiro to defer to Taichi, to turn to him for guidance, even now.
Maybe we are still a team.  “Alright.  I’ll visit and ask him tomorrow.”
Yamato stood, and Sora guessed that he had hit his emotional limit for the day.  “Thanks for the picture,” he said, hinting at his desire to leave.
“Thank you,” Sora echoed.  “And remember to rest.  Don’t make your mom worry.”
Koushiro twitched.  “Ah-  Did she say something?”
Yamato tsked, and Sora couldn’t suppress a smile.  “Yes.  So take it easy.”
“…Alright.  Would you like me to walk you out?”
Had Koushiro picked up on their intention to leave, or did he want some space, too? “We’re fine,” Sora replied.  “See you later, Koushiro-kun.”
They said their goodbyes, but didn’t get far before Kae pressed thick slices of watermelon into their hands.  They tried to politely decline, but when Sora stepped back into the heat outside, she was grateful for the cool, refreshing treat.  
After enjoying the first sweet bite, Sora said, “Would you like to go anywhere else?”
Yamato shook his head.  “Nah.  I should probably cool off.”  Sora knew without asking that he wasn’t referring to the heat.
“Alright,” she replied.  “Are you heading back home?  Want to walk together?”
 He nodded, and they fell into stride together, silent save for the munching.
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digijosify · 7 years
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The most complicated workstation I ever had for myself included a laptop, a desktop, a tablet, and a handful of external drives. Koushiro wins because I think that’s a freakin’ Zip drive there in between his laptop and desktop monitor.
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adrianicsea · 8 years
2, 4, 9, 20, 31, 48 and 51 !
aaa that’s so many!! thank you :)
2. if you could meet anyone on earth who would it be- right now? gosh probably rcg..... or if i had to pick just one of them then glenn howerton
4. what do you think about most- wanting to die or disappear and always sunny, in that order. mental illness is a hell of a ride
9. favorite band?- god i..... don’t know anymore. if you’d asked in 2013-15 the answer would have been fall out boy, from 15-16 it would have been cobra starship, but now i just don’t know at all. i feel like i can’t honestly say fireworks or bring me the horizon because i don’t really like either band’s earliest stuff but.... their later works both mean the WORLD to me. i don’t have a good answer i’m sorry
20. do you believe in ghosts? aliens?- HARD yes on ghosts, maybe for aliens
31. do you tend to hold grudges against people who do you wrong?- it depends on who it was and what they did. i have a guilt complex so i usually forgive people in favor of blaming myself for whatever happened but there’s a couple people that i absolutely have grudges against
48. what would you want written on your tombstone- damn this is morbid stuff....... all i can think of right now is “rage, rage against the dying of the light” or “that’s the spirit”
51. current desktop picture- i have it set to shuffle every 3 minutes but at this EXACT moment it’s an aesthetic photo of koushiro’s digivice from digimon adventure
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ahiddenpath · 7 years
Koushiro walking into his office to find other Taichi or Mimi spilled coffee on his computer.
Oh nooooooooooooo!  
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So I wasn’t going to write a ficlet, but this kind of just happened, so…  Read on for a drabble starring Koushiro and Mimi (mentions of Eimi)!  
It’s an unofficial sneak peek of my Tri story (I’ve had requests for “Eimi in Tri”, which is really sweet?!?!?!  So basically this is set in that general AU).  It takes place in Kokuhaku, when Koushiro has his meltdown in his office.  I wrote over 2K words and realized that it had ballooned out of hand, so it’s incomplete!  Sorry >__
(For background, if I write this Tri story, it will be an AU extension of Growing Up with You, which is already kind of AU to start with, so uh…  If you require canon compliance, thiiiiiis is not for you, sorry!)
Summary:  Mimi drops coffee off for Koushiro and Eimi to support them while they work.  Unfortunately, she literally drops the coffee… on Koushiro’s computers D: D: D:  This snowballs into discussions on the events of Kokukaku, Koushiro and Mimi’s friendship, and Eimi’s current activities.
Thanks for the great prompt!  Check it out below the cut!
Koushiro stepped out of the restroom, drying his hands with his handkerchief.  Heat rushed to his face when he saw Mimi standing at his desk.  His office was a war zone, littered with empty bottles, trays of convenience store food caked with decaying leftovers, and scattered data printouts.  He hadn’t thought about the wreckage while working, but now that someone was here, the mess and the smell embarrassed him.  
But miraculously, Mimi failed to comment.  The office was silent, despite the digimon crowding the monitor attached to the wall.  When Mimi noticed his approach, she squeaked and stepped back.  
“Koushiro-han…”  Tentomon’s voice faltered with anxiety.  Their digimon were in the safe zone in cyber space, quarantined until Koushiro found a way to protect them from the infection.  Their presence both steeled his resolution to help them and aggravated his tension.  Each time he glanced at the screen and heard their voices, his need to safeguard them inched closer to hysteria.
“Why isn’t Eimi-chan here?!” Mimi demanded.  Koushiro fought against wincing at the twinge of pain in his chest.  “If she were here, this wouldn’t have happened!”
Her voice grew shriller by the syllable, drawing Koushiro to the desk at a stumbling run.  “What’s happened?!”  His eyes jumped from screen to screen on his monitor, checking for signs of a new threat to the digimon.  He yelped when his foot landed in something wet and scalding hot.
“It’s not my fault!” Mimi wailed.  “I only wanted to help!”
“Mimi-san, w-what-”  Koushiro stepped out of the puddle, looked down, and felt his innards dissolve.  His laptop was open on his desk, and a dark river flooded the spaces between glowing keys.  It dripped down the sides of the computer and onto wires on the floor, which fed into his desktop computer.
For a moment, he was too stunned to do anything but stare.  Then Mimi’s continued protests of innocence broke through the shock, and he jumped forward, pressing his finger to the laptop’s power button.
“When did you spill this?”  
“You’re tired!” Mimi cried.  “You’re working too hard!  So I thought you and Eimi-chan might want some coffee!  But she isn’t here, and if she was, she would have taken the coffees, and I wouldn’t have dropped it!”
“Mimi-san!  When did you spill it?”   Panic and sick fear rattled him to his core.  All of his experience with computers and the Digital World meant nothing without the tools to utilize it.  If his computers short-circuited, he would be rendered worthless along with them. 
“Don’t yell!” Mimi shrieked.  “I just dropped it a second ago!”
Although he had turned the laptop off on purpose, Koushiro’s anxiety spiked as the screen blinked out.  “Alright.  Time is of the essence to prevent a shortage.”  He leaned forward, avoiding the hot puddle, and saved his work on his desktop before shutting it down, too.
There was a wet, wadded piece of fabric on the desk.  Koushiro grabbed it, blotted the keyboard, and then turned the laptop upside down to drain onto the cloth.  As he removed the battery, he said, “Unplug my desktop, please.”
“W-where?”  Koushiro pointed to the correct outlet.  As he rocked the laptop against the cloth, dislodging stuck liquid, he noticed its familiar print.  
“Mimi-san, is this-  Is this my shirt?”
Mimi jerked upright, hands filled with cords, some of them unrelated to the coffee debacle.  “I don’t know!  Your drawer was open, and it was lying on top, and the spill was spreading-”
Koushiro inspected the fabric and sighed.  A pudgy goldfish stared up at him, stained almost black.  “I was planning to change,” he muttered.  After almost three days of continuous service, the purple button down he wore now had a definite odor.
Mimi approached the desk, eyes downcast and dull, devoid of their typical animation.  “If it helps, Eimi-chan hates that shirt.”
“Does she?”  Koushiro sank onto his desk chair and leaned forward, balancing his forearms against his knees.  Suddenly, the frenzied focus that had propelled him this long without sleep was draining.  “ If she doesn’t like it, why didn’t she tell me?”  
Mimi placed the cords on the floor, straightened, and shrugged.  “It’s Eimi-chan, right?  If you’re happy, she’s happy.”  Her head tipped to the side, and she slammed her hands to her hips.  Koushiro tensed, recognizing that stance as a potential indication of trouble.
“But you don’t seem very happy right now, which means she probably isn’t happy.  And where even is she?”
Koushiro opened a drawer and grabbed a can of compressed air.  Mimi watched him dry the laptop off with the airflow for a minute, but quickly lost patience.  When she repeated the question, he turned to the monitor and forced a smile for the digimon.
“Would you mind if I turned the screen off for a bit?” he asked.  Tentomon and Galemon stared at him, but didn’t ask the questions written on their faces.  The other digimon agreed after a short splattering of complaints.  Since his computer was off, Koushiro walked to the display and turned it off manually.  And just like that, he and Mimi were alone.
Eimi kept a supply of cleaning products at the office, but he wasn’t sure where.  He walked to the kitchenette near the entrance, opening cabinet doors.  “Well?” Mimi demanded.
Koushiro found a wire basket under the sink filled with bottles and cleaning rags.  He grabbed it, returned to the desk, and dropped to his knees to wipe the wet wires.  Mimi knelt beside him and mopped up the large spill he had stepped in earlier.  
She poked him between the ribs when he was focused on his task, causing a startled gasp.  He batted her hand away and covered his side, blocking further attacks.  “She’s looking for the younger Chosen.”  
Mimi’s forehead furrowed.  “Huh?  But that agent lady told Yamato-san that they’re alright.”
“I know.”  Mimi huffed and delivered another jab, so swift that Koushiro failed to intercept.  His teeth grit as he fought to reign in his temper, a foreign and startling emotion.  Even during their long stretches in the Digital World, he had never felt so volatile.
“I apologize.  Eimi and I heard the same account from Yamato-san, but I’m afraid that Eimi doesn’t trust Himekawa-san and her agency.  The assurances about Daisuke-kun and the others that relieved us only increased her guard.”
Mimi sank from her knees to her rear and crossed her arms.  Koushiro worked while she mulled things over, glad for a chance to think and gather himself.  
After a few minutes, she said, “I don’t understand.  Himekawa-san says that our friends are safe.  Meimei knows Himekawa-san, right?  So we should be able to trust her.  Eimi-chan should be here, helping you!  It’s a really important time!  I mean, I can’t help you figure stuff out, but if I could, I would!”
Koushiro hesitated, torn between an intense rush of gratitude that he couldn’t comprehend and a much more familiar desire to ask questions.  He was keenly aware that his last attempt to gather information from Meiko ended in failure and hurt feelings.  Was it wise to try again, especially without Eimi around to intercede?
“Mimi-san…  I want to apologize for upsetting you and Mochizuki-san with my questions earlier.  That was never my intention.”
Mimi blinked, then ran her fingers through her hair, starting at her scalp and working out.  “I…  I know.  You just need answers to help save the digimon, and Meicoomon too.  I’m still kind of mad that you asked all those questions when Meimei was so upset, but…  Well, I know that all you want to do is help.  That’s…  That’s why I brought the coffee.  I didn’t mean to drop it!  Will your computer be okay?”
Koushiro exhaled slowly, as if he could release the pressure inside him that way.  “I can’t say until it dries out completely; I can’t risk turning it on until then.  Thankfully, I have an older laptop on hand to use until then, and I save my work frequently to my servers.”  His stomach coiled into a tight knot.  Not that I was making much progress… 
Mimi’s lips scrunched up and squished to the side.  “You should go home and sleep.  And take a bath!”  She inched closer, sniffed, and swatted his shoulder.  “You stink!  There are bags under your eyes!  Do you want Eimi-chan to see you like this when she comes back?!  No one could overlook all of this, not even her!”
The scowl he had been fighting against finally overtook his face, but Mimi was focused on examining the room.  “You might be okay, though.  She’ll probably faint because of how the office looks before she notices you.”
All at once, everything seemed to crash down on him: fear for the digimon, frustration at his lack of progress, the roiling pangs of hunger and biting thirst, the drowsiness that hindered his ability to think, irritation at Mimi, and anxiety over the state of his computers.  Something deep inside of him snapped, and he threw his ruined shirt onto the floor.
“The office and I wouldn’t look like this if Eimi hadn’t disappeared!”
“Koushiro-kun!”  Mimi grabbed both of his shoulders and leaned in until she was uncomfortably close.  Fury lit her eyes, shifting mahogany brown closer to red.  He stared back, breathing hard, unable to defend himself but too upset to admit fault.  
Slowly, her expression shifted, and she caught him in a hard hug.  “It’s hard, isn’t it?  You’re worried about her.”
Thankfully, Mimi pulled back quickly, before he could start stammering and floundering over unaccustomed contact.  The pained, serious expression on her face sobered him, and he rubbed at the pounding in his forehead.
“I am worried.  Best case scenario, Himekawa-san is telling the truth.  Our friends are fine, and Eimi is wasting time at a critical juncture and working herself into a frenzy over nothing.  Worst case scenario, Eimi is correct, and she’s…”
His hands tightened against his knees until his veins popped up, raised lines beneath his skin.  Mimi patted one and smiled, but it was tight and forced.  “She’s alright.  Eimi-chan is so tough.”
“Yes,” he murmured.  “Strong, intelligent, tenacious…  All of which mean that, if her fears about Himekawa-san and her organization are correct, she is likely to walk into trouble with no backup.  She even left Galemon here, since the spread of infection is such a risk.  So…  So if Himekawa-san really does have anything to do with the disappearance of Daisuke-kun and the others, and Eimi is caught investigating…”     
Mimi’s eyes flared open, and she whirled around, tugging her mobile from a skirt pocket.  Koushiro tipped his head in inquiry, but she ignored him as she placed a call.  After a few rings, Eimi’s voice said, “Mimi-chan?”
Koushiro’s eyes slid shut.  Suddenly, he was too limp to stay on his knees, and he shifted to a sitting position.  After days of steady buildup, some of his tension finally dissolved.
Mimi scooted closer and held the phone between them.  “Hey, girl!  How are you?  What’s going on?”
“Um…”  Despite everything, Koushiro smiled.  He could see Eimi’s hesitant expression and almost hear her thoughts.  Was it smart to tell the other Chosen, particularly one potentially connected to Himekawa through Meiko, about her actions?   
Mimi rolled her eyes and sighed.  “Please.  I know you’re looking for Miyako-chan and the others.  Which I don’t get, because Himekawa-san says they’re fine.  Shouldn’t you come back to the office?”
A soft hiss registered over the receiver, a burst of static from Eimi breathing in too hard.  A prick of guilt registered as Koushiro realized that he might have misstepped.  What if Mimi said something to Meiko about all of this?  Would that solve the problem, or put Eimi in danger?  
“You saw Koushiro?”  Eimi asked.
“Yeah, and he looks awful, Eimi-chan.  Seriously, I don’t think he’s slept since the culture festival, and he definitely hasn’t showered.  And don’t get me started on the office!”
Koushiro scowled, and Mimi pressed a hand to her mouth to muffle a giggle.  There was a long pause, broken at last by a soft sigh over the phone.  “I was afraid of that.  Could you…  Would you mind talking to him?”
Although Eimi couldn’t see her, Mimi huffed and fixed the empty space in front of her with a glare.  “You talk to him.  Or better yet, come to the office!  He’ll listen to you.”  Mimi grinned, and Koushiro tensed.  He knew what it meant when Mimi’s eyebrows wiggled like that.  “He told me he’s worried about you.  He definitely wants you to come back!”
Koushiro’s face fell into that familiar deadpan glare.  Mimi swatted his back, and he swallowed a sigh.  Very well.  If this brings Eimi back, then so be it.
“I…  Thanks, Mimi-chan.  I do want to come back, but…  If I see Koushiro needing help, I…  Well, I’ll help him.  And then who will find Iori and the others?”
Mimi shook her head.  “You two seriously take too much pressure on by yourselves.  I think it’s better if you focus on one thing together.  And anyway, the kids are fine!  Himekawa-san said so!”
“Counterpoint,” Eimi sighed.  “I visited everyone’s apartments…  Or rather, I tried to.  No one is picking up their mobiles or home lines.  The kendo school?  Closed up.  The Inoue covenience store?  Same.  And when I tried to go into Miyako-kun’s and Iori’s apartment complex…”
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