#kpop eu
minhoskofi · 5 months
chapter 1: genie in a bottle
no warnings
word count: 1.2k
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The bustling city of Seoul never slept, and the heart of its downtown was definitely no exception. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air. Amidst the hustle and bustle, you found yourself at the center of it all, skillfully crafting the perfect cups of coffee at the cafe you so loved working at.
One day, the cafe's owner introduced a new addition to the team – a tall, charismatic and somewhat clumsy assistant.
“This is Byounggon. I’d like you to show him the ropes and help him acclimate to the fast-paced world of our cafe, y/n”, he instructed you, and with a friendly nod towards the new guy, left him in your hands.
You turned to him and before you could say anything, he already had his attention fixated on you, “You can call me Gon. Looking forward to working with you!”, he spat out excitedly.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his enthusiasm, “Alright Gon, let’s get right into it then…”, a soft smile formed on your lips.
At first, Gon's fumbles and missteps drew a few raised eyebrows from the regular customers, but his infectious laughter and charming demeanor quickly won everyone over. His laughter was like honey, sweet and impossible to resist. His eyes sparkled like crescent moons when he smiled, and his silly jokes, though sometimes a little too on the nose, had a peculiar charm.
Days turned into weeks, and you found yourself looking forward to each shift with Gon.
As time passed and seasons changed, you began to notice the small details about him that made your heart slightly flutter. 
The way his eyes crinkled when he laughed, the endearing clumsiness that only seemed to make him more lovable, and the kindness he served every customer with.
And just like that, you couldn't deny the growing warmth in your chest whenever Byounggon was around.
One evening, as the last customers trickled out of the cafe, you and Byounggon found yourselves alone, cleaning up the remnants of the busy day. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he decided to break the comfortable silence.
"Hey, y/n, do you know why coffee is like love?" he asked with a grin.
You chuckled, accustomed to his playful banter. "No, Gon, why is coffee like love?"
"Because it's best when it's hot, keeps you awake at night, and makes your heart race when you least expect it," he replied in a tone more sincere than usual, his eyes locking with yours.
You felt a gentle heat rise to your cheeks, and averted your gaze, pretending to focus on the task at hand. "Smooth, Byounggon. I didn't know you were a poet as well as a barista."
Gon grinned, a mischievous glimmer flashed in his eyes. "Well, maybe you bring out the poetic side in me.", he mumbled, just loud enough for you to hear. 
The words lingered in the air, and you couldn't help but feel a subtle shift in the atmosphere. The playful banter had taken on a new layer - was a deeper kind of connection quietly starting to form between you two or was it just the coffee?
“Deeper connection, my foot!” You thought to yourself as you finished the closing tasks and turned off the lights. 
That evening, Byounggon had left early with a simple "I gotta run, sorry" without even looking back.
He didn't usually avoid looking at you, rather you found him stare quite often, and the stern expression on his face wasn't something you saw often which made you wonder.
But he ran not from you and not from the cafe nor the tiring closing tasks but rather from his own feelings which he was trying hard to suppress.
Without Byounggon’s dumb jokes the cafe was now silent, the only sound being the distant hum of the city outside. You couldn't help but replay the day's moments in your mind—the shared glances, the laughter, and the way you got along so easily. 
As you stepped into the cool night air, you glanced at the empty street, half-expecting to see Byounggon waiting for you as he usually did.
The realization hit you – he had left without your usual exchange of words and laughter. For some reason, a twinge of loneliness crept into your heart. It was then that you acknowledged the void Gon's absence had created.
As you walked home through the quiet streets, you couldn't shake off the feeling of something left unsaid. The glow of streetlights reflected off the wet pavement, mirroring the uncertainty in your thoughts.
Little did you know, on the other side of the city, Byounggon paced back and forth in his room, wrestling with his own emotions. The words he had kept silent during his time with you weighed heavily on his mind.
As you lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, you wondered if the unspoken tension that hung in the air was a sign of something more - a friendship on the brink of evolving into something deeper. 
The night hung heavy with unspoken words and a restlessness, leaving both of you tossing and turning in your beds. There was a shared sense of unease that neither could shake off. 
Unbeknownst to each other, you both reached for your phones at the same time, contemplating the idea of breaking the silence.
Byounggon stared at his phone, debating whether to call you or not. He couldn't shake the guilt that lingered within him for leaving so suddenly without a proper explanation. After a moment of hesitation, he decided to test the waters by sending you a text.
As your phone rang on the bedside table, you glanced at the notification,
// It’s Gon, are you sleeping? Can I call? //, for some reason you felt relief upon seeing his name. As curiosity took over you, you called him without hesitation.
"Gon? Is everything okay?" you asked, concern coloring your words.
"Yeah, I just... I wanted to talk. Can we meet?" Byounggon suggested, his voice holding a sincerity that caught your attention.
Feeling a similar need to address the lingering tension, you nodded even though he couldn't see you. "Sure. Where do I go?"
Byounggon suggested a stroll along the Han river, it was quiet, peaceful, and the perfect setting for an honest conversation. You agreed, realizing that the open space might provide the clarity you both needed.
The night air was crisp as you met at the riverbank. The initial awkwardness gave way to the comfort of familiar company as you started walking side by side.
"I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly earlier. Something urgent came up and I had to go," Byounggon explained with evident honesty in his eyes.
You nodded slowly, "I understand, it’s okay. I just wish you had the chance to tell me before you left."
He sighed, "I know, and I'm really sorry about that. It wasn't my intention to leave you wondering. I just didn't want to burden you with the details in the middle of closing."
As you continued your stroll along the river, the weight of the unspoken tension began to lift.
Under the quiet canopy of stars, Byounggon and you kept walking in a comfortable silence. The moonlight cast a soft glow on his features, his eyes reflected the gentle shimmer of the moon, and his voice, though tinged with the weight of the night, held a warmth that drew you in.
Unable to tear your gaze away, you found yourself drowning in the depths of his eyes. 
A voice in your head warned against getting lost in the intensity of the moment. "He's just a friend," you reminded yourself, but the realization rang hollow as you let your eyes fall down to his lips to observe the way they move.
You hoped he wouldn't notice the lingering stares and the unspoken depth in your gaze, because deep down, you knew friends didn't usually look at each other like this.  The friendship you had felt like a delicate thread, and the moonlit night threatened to unravel the boundaries you had so carefully maintained this far.
next - chapter 2: confession
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jazzitos · 4 months
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⓵ 왜 이렇게 좋지 너? Quando Olho Para Você, Meu Coração Vira Uma Montanha - Russa 🎵 🍀 🐈‍⬛
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525 notes · View notes
cupcek · 1 month
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♬ ❘ ❙ ͏ ✟ Información inesperada ໋。 ❊
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i6gyu · 9 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆ eu ainda estou em Julho 🚬
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lovrnya · 2 years
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ㅤㅤㅤ𖣢 ̥࣪ ✿𝆬   🪷 ࣪ 𓈒
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2K notes · View notes
i-mmaculatus · 5 days
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ꫂ ၴႅၴᯓ Num piscar de olhos eu tava num lugar tão bom, e sem pensar, eu me joguei. Foi você que me fez pular. E me faz te querer por perto; olho aberto, sempre alerto.
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sailorjisunq · 11 months
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go dumb dumb dumb
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kikoovrr · 7 months
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Troco de estilo, eu arraso em qualquer tendência
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*--------------·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·--------—----*
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dallahae · 23 days
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☆ everglow 'zombie' icons
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astolie · 2 years
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★̱ ׅ 𝓁. 𝟫𝟪 ׄ ⌷
⁀ 𝆬 🪜 ָ֢ ◌ ' 𝖺𝗂𝗇𝖽𝖺 𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗈 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗈 𝗌𝖾 𝗏𝗈𝖼𝖾̂ ' 𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗌𝗌𝖾 𝖺𝗈 𝗆𝖾𝗎 𝗅𝖺𝖽𝗈.
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685 notes · View notes
minhoskofi · 4 months
chapter 11: lost
warnings: slight angst?
word count: 2k
For true love knows no boundaries, and sometimes it takes losing yourself to find your way back home.
It had been a month since the break up and every passing day felt like a struggle for both of you. The passage of time didn't make the pain any less real. Byounggon couldn't bring himself to leave the cafe, even though it was a constant reminder of the love he had lost. Seeing you every day was bittersweet and as much as he hated to admit it, he did miss you.
You, on the other hand, were going through a rollercoaster of emotions. In the beginning, you’d often find yourself lost in the memories of your time together which always ended with you in tears. But as time went on, they became a torment. The guilt of your actions weighed heavily on your shoulders, and you couldn't help but despise yourself for what you had done, for the way you had fucked it all up. 
And at times, anger would bubble up inside you, directed not only at Byounggon for his lack of trust, but also at yourself for allowing things to spiral out of control. You questioned every decision you had made, every word you had spoken, wondering if things could have turned out differently if only you had been more careful, more mindful of the consequences of your actions.
But in the end, the truth was, you missed him to death. 
The one person who had been there for you through it all, was Seunghun. He had been there for you since the day of the break up, when you showed up at his doorstep in tears. He had been your shoulder to cry on, your sounding board, and your voice of reason. 
At nights when you felt like losing yourself in your thoughts and drowning in your tears, he would come over with snacks and your favorite sweets.
"I just can’t believe that the person I thought I’d spend forever with is now a stranger." You turned to him as he was yet again over at your place to comfort you.
Despite being a good friend, Seunghun couldn't help but feel guilty for what had happened between you and Byounggon. Till this day, he kept apologizing for that night and his reckless behavior. You always reassured him that it wasn't his fault, but Seunghun couldn't shake off the feeling that he was the one who caused you this pain.
He had been persistent, to say the least. Persistent in relentlessly pestering you to give him Byounggon's phone number. 
"Just let me talk to him, y/n. Man to man. I have to straighten out this whole misunderstanding." His intentions were clear as day. And while you appreciated his concern and his efforts to make things right, a part of you couldn't help but feel hesitant.
"It's not that I don't trust you, Seunghun," you explained, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I'm not sure if reaching out to Byounggon is the right thing to do. What if it just makes things worse?"
Seunghun shook his head, his expression earnest. "I understand your worry, I really do. But I can't stand and watch you suffer like this. Byounggon needs to know the truth, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make you smile again."
You sighed, feeling torn between conflicting emotions. On one hand, you longed for closure and resolution, but on the other hand, you feared the pain of rejection, of reopening old wounds that had barely begun to heal.
"I just don't know if I'm ready for this," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Seunghun reached out, gently taking your hand in his. "I understand, y/n. And I promise to tread carefully. Just let me make things right."
You looked down at your hand in his, it looked so small. "Please be honest," you started, lifting your head to meet his eyes. "Do you have feelings for me?" The question hung in the air, heavy with anticipation and uncertainty.
Seunghun’s gaze bore into yours with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine, and you found yourself unable to look away.
"Yes." In that moment, with your hands intertwined and your faces mere inches apart, the world seemed to fade away. "I’ve always had." You could feel the heat of his breath mingling with yours, the proximity sending your heart racing in your chest.
"I’m so sorry." You pitied him for everything you’ve been putting him through. "I was too blind to notice."
With a gentle squeeze of your hand, Seunghun pulled away ever so slightly as he cleared his throat, a faint flush of color dusting his cheeks. "It's not as simple as that, y/n. I care about you. Deeply. And I want what's best for you. And right now, what's best for you is to find peace and closure with your boyfriend."
You nodded slowly, the weight of his words settling over you like a heavy blanket. "Maybe… you're right."
As you allowed yourself to lean into his touch, a sense of gratitude washed over you. You hugged him tight, seeking refuge in the warmth of his embrace. His arms encircled you protectively, offering silent reassurance and unwavering support.
"Thank you, Seunghun," you whispered softly. "I’d be so lost without you."
He stayed quiet for a while, and then just like that, out of the blue, he asked, "Do you love him?" His voice was soft yet filled with an underlying intensity.
You were taken aback by the directness of his question, the weight of it pressing down on you heavily. For a moment, you were at a loss for words.
As you searched for the right ones to respond, memories of your time with Byounggon flooded your mind again – the laughter, the gentle caress of his touch, his warmth, hell, even the sex. And amidst it all, a realization dawned upon you like a beacon of light in the darkness.
"Yes," you whispered, feeling a knot tightening in your throat. "Yes, I do love him."
It was a confession long overdue, a truth finally laid bare for yourself to acknowledge.
Seunghun's eyes softened with understanding, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Then you know what you need to do," he said gently, his voice a soothing balm to your troubled soul, "Let me talk to him. It’s partly my mess to clean up, too."
With a reluctant nod, you handed over Byounggon's contact information to Seunghun.
Would he be willing to listen? Would he be open to the possibility of reconciliation, of finding closure and healing together?
He was, in fact, willing to listen. 
The next day, as Seunghun sat down at a table with Byounggon after his shift, he could see the pain and hurt in his eyes that still lingered. 
Byounggon was guarded, his walls built high to protect his heart. But Seunghun wasn’t going to give up that easily. He knew he had to try and make him see reason.
"I know you’re hurt and angry, but please listen to me," Seunghun began, his voice pleading. "Nothing happened between us that night."
Byounggon’s expression remained stoic, but Seunghun could see the flicker of doubt in his eyes. And so he continued, "I know you love her, and deep down, I believe you know she loves you too. Don’t let this misunderstanding ruin what you have. It would be a shame to throw away such a beautiful relationship."
"I can’t just forget what I saw," Byounggon retorted, his voice cracking a little.
"For fuck’s sake dude! We were drunk, yes, but regardless of that nothing happened, I swear!" Seunghun argued. "You know her, Byounggon. She’s not the type of person to cheat or betray someone she loves. And she loves you. Don’t let your pride and anger blind you to that."
Byounggon fell silent, his gaze shifting to the ground as he processed Seunghun’s words. Slowly, the walls around his heart began to crumble, and the pain and hurt were replaced with a longing.
"She never did anything to hurt you," Seunghun reminded him gently. "Give her a chance to explain. Don’t let this ruin what you have. You both deserve a chance at happiness."
As Byounggon sat alone in the empty cafe, the weight of his regret pressing down heavily on him, he couldn't help but wonder if it was too late to make things right. If he could turn back time, would he have made a different choice? Would he have fought harder, instead of letting your love slip through his fingers?
He stared blankly at the empty tables, his thoughts swirling in a thunderstorm of emotions. Unable to quell the turmoil raging within him, Byounggon reached for a pen and a piece of paper. Despite the passage of time and the hardships he had faced, his passion for songwriting had never disappeared. It was his solace, his sanctuary in moments of darkness and despair.
He began to jot down lyrics, the words flowing from his pen like a river of emotion. Each line was a confession, a plea for forgiveness, a desperate attempt to express the depth of his regret and longing.
As he poured his heart and soul onto the page, Byounggon kept writing and writing, all night long.
You walked aimlessly through the neighborhood’s streets, the cold night air embracing you, making you feel at peace. But when you passed by the cafe, that peace quickly dissipated as you noticed the lights were still on and confusion washed over you.
As you stepped into the dimly lit cafe, your gaze fell upon a sleeping Byounggon, who lay slumped over the table, his form illuminated by the soft glow of the overhead lights. A pang of sadness tugged at your heart as you watched him, his exhaustion evident.
With a sigh, you approached him, your footsteps silent against the wooden floor. You couldn't help but feel a rush of tenderness as you looked upon him.
Your eyes scanned the room, searching for his jacket. You found it draped carelessly over a nearby chair and with careful movements, you draped the clothing over his shoulders, tucking it around him like a protective cocoon.
Taking a seat opposite him, you settled in to watch over him, your gaze unwavering as you drank in the sight of him. He looked so peaceful in his sleep.
Unable to resist the urge, you reached out to stroke his hair, your touch feather-light against the soft locks. You trailed your fingers down to his face, tracing the contours of his features with gentle caresses.
As you touched him, a wave of emotion washed over you, threatening to overwhelm your fragile composure. Tears welled up in your eyes, spilling over onto your cheeks.
You had missed him – missed the warmth of his touch, the sound of his laughter, the way he made you feel alive. And now, seeing him so vulnerable before you, you couldn't help but long to hold him close, to make things right between you once and for all.
As your fingers brushed against Byounggon's closed eyelids, he felt a gentle tug at his heart. Sensing your touch, he slowly opened his eyes, his gaze meeting yours. The intensity of your stare took him aback, but he couldn't look away.
"Why?" he questioned softly, his voice barely above a whisper, as he caught your hand in his. His touch sent shivers down your spine, igniting a spark of warmth within you.
You hesitated for a moment, your heart pounding in your chest as you stuttered. "'Cause... I miss you," you confessed, your voice trembling with raw honesty.
Byounggon's grip tightened around your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours as he held your gaze. In that moment, no other words were needed.
"I miss you too," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the quiet hum of the cafe. And then for a very long while, without breaking eye contact, you stood there in the stillness, your fingers intertwined, your hearts laid bare.
prev. next:
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jazzitos · 5 months
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#001 Malibu but ur in Brazil 🆒 ✿ 💥
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500 notes · View notes
cupcek · 1 month
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⑅ ˚ ⁎ Quiero a esa chica que huele a margaritas. ‿ 🌅 * ˚⁺ ͙۪
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i6gyu · 1 year
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– você fala da dor como se estivesse tudo bem :)
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w-oozie · 2 years
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440 notes · View notes
chanelysz · 1 year
amor de praia não sobe serra. — J.Jh
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💦 Jaehyun!marido, daddy kink (eu não me aguento), anal, masturbação (f & m), muito dirty talk, size kink, sadismo e masoquismo, spanking, Jae!hardom, praise kink, sexo sem proteção.
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— a água tá quentinha, vem cá. - alega, afundando o corpo até a clavícula dentro da água cristalina depois de chamar Jaehyun com os dedinhos com um sorriso sapeca nos lábios, molhados, pelo mergulho de segundos atrás.
é verão nas Maldivas, um ótimo motivo para que seu marido te fizesse uma surpresa de repente, te obrigando a arrumar as malas e colocar seus biquínis favoritos lá dentro - ou mais especificamente, os dele - e como fora mandando, você usa agora um tecido verde claro, curtinho e cavado no bumbum, do jeito de ele gostava.
diferente de muitos, ele adorava mostrar que tinha tido aquilo para si. amava quando usava roupas que realçavam ainda mais sua beleza e seu corpo, que, para Jae, era o templo mais precioso de todos.
O homem encontrava-se na margem, de pé, com os braços cruzados e os olhos focados só em você. sorria a cada vez que mergulhava, logo limpando a água salgada do rosto com as mãozinhas. movia o corpo de um lado pro outro, feito uma sereia e rolava os quadris para nadar junto dos braços que se arrastavam pela água.
— já tá escurecendo - ressoa. — não quero você no mar a noite, sozinha.
— então fica de olho em mim. - você chia, tristonha.
Jaehyun sente dó, mesmo que durante esses três dias ele havia nadado com você tarde da madrugada. mas hoje era diferente.
— é o papai quem faz a janta hoje, meu amor. - responde.
você manha pelo jeito que ele se refere a si mesmo. faz biquinho e chora baixinho, retraindo as pernas dentro da água e morde o lábio, sapeca.
Jaehyun volta para onde suas coisas estão, dentro da bolsa preta de pano e rouba a toalha bordada branca de lá, volta para a margem e abre o tecido, te chamando. você não aguenta e nada rápido até ele. os olhos correm pelo seu corpo molhado, a cintura do tamanho certo, os peitinhos marcando no biquíni verdinho, as gotas salgadas correndo pelas coxas bonitas e o cabelo voando por conta do vento forte.
Jaehyun sabia que tudo isso era dele.
apertou você dentro do abraço e sentiu o atrito da toalha contra o corpo pequeno. adorava essa diferença entres vocês, podia te carregar aonde quisesse, te levantar no colo quando estivesse cansada, idêntica a uma bonequinha de pano que era guiada de um lado para o outro.
a toalha chega nos seus cabelos e o homem os bagunça, tentando seca-los e te tirando um riso. — Ei! - adverte, tentando bater no mais velho. ele ri igual, te pegando no colo junto da toalha, enrola as pernas na cintura fina, aperta os ombros com as mãos pequenas e sela a boca dele num selinho casto, rápido.
— só mereço isso, é? - reclama.
— se tivesse deixado eu ficar mais um pouquinho... - chacoalha as perninhas e se finge de sonsa, olhando para o céu.
ele nega, debochado e vai até o chuveiro que havia naquele parte isolada da praia, onde só havia você e Jaehyun, joga a toalha em algum canto, ajeita mais seu corpo contra o dele e encosta suas costas na parede de pedra de um restaurante fechado, liga o chuveiro, deixando a água correr entre os dois.
— vai me dar banho? - aperta os braços fortes que estavam amostra pela regata branca.
ele concorda. — então tem que tirar isso aqui também. - e não tarda em puxar o pano pela cabeça, ficando nu quadril a cima.
a água corre pelo corpo de ambos, espalma as mãos pelo seu corpo tirando o sal do mar, molha os cabelos tirando o ressecado, por fim, beijando sua testa, inocente e apaixonado. seu rostinho todo molhado, as gotículas nos cílios, os lábios vermelhos pelas mordidinhas discretas que pensava o homem não ter visto, mas viu. retorna novamente a boca na sua, mas agora num beijo demorado e malicioso. a língua indo de um lado para o outro, o barulho erótico soando em ambos os ouvidos, os apertos na sua bunda de repente são forte e o abraço da mão no seu pescoço te tira o ar. geme, manhosa, querendo mais.
— toda necessitada... eu adoro te ver assim, doidinha por pau. - debocha, sacana.
— quem disse que eu quero seu pau? - ri, provocando o perigo.
sem mais nem menos a destra desce até sua calcinha de biquíni, aperta seu sexo com a palma e bate. uma, duas, três vezes, e rebola contra o atrito gostoso. adentra o tecido, acarinhando o montinho duro, te vendo revirar os olhos enquanto ele adorava a sensação melada entre suas pernas. — realmente não quer pau, né, neném?
ficam ali nos amassos por mais algum tempo, antes do vento gelado aumentar e terem de voltar para o hotel.
de mãos dadas caminhando pela praia, Jae segurava sua bolsa enquanto olhava para o horizonte, igual tu. um outro casal de repente aparece por ali, olham e sorriem um para o outro, lembrando de como se conheceram.
— e ainda dizem que amor de praia não sobe serra. - seu marido diz.
— o nosso subiu. - declara, apaixonada .
— é sobre o nosso mesmo que eu me referia.
adoram a sensação de lembra como se conheceram durante um campeonato de surf que Jaehyun participava. você, de férias na casa de praia dos seus avós, ficou mais que encantada pela rapaz loiro, praiano e sorridente. ele era o próprio estereótipo de "menino do litoral". engraçadinho, bajulador, mulherengo e lindo. muito lindo.
— vou ser sincero - começa, chegando na porta do quarto, entram e ainda animadinha, corre para a piscina com borda invisível na varanda, pulando de ponta sem nem antes deixar que ele terminasse. — eu ia continuar com a nossa brincadeira lá fora, mas sei que você é tímida.
— você não entrou no mar comigo, vem pra piscina então. - ele pensa, mas sede e resume que o jantar será pelo delivery.
pula, feito você, molhando o shorts e os superiores, agarrando o corpo pequeno. — você é tão pequenininha, porra... cabe na palma da minha mão. - beija seu pescoço, agarra a cintura e prende as suas pernas nele.
— adoro ficar no seu colo. muito, muito, muito. - Jaehyun sorri, achando uma fofura sua expressão. agarra ainda mais, puxa seu cabelo do rosto e lambe seu lábio inferior.
— Jae - manha, dengosa.
o rapaz te encosta na borda invisível da piscina, olhando pelos seus ombros o mar lá fora, com o céu alaranjado pela resultado do sol se pondo.
— eu te amo tanto! você é a melhor coisa que me aconteceu. - declara do nada e te tira um sorriso de orelha a orelha. — adoro você ser minha, só minha.
lambe seu pescoço, clavícula, orelha e nuca. todas as suas partes sensível. aperta as mamas redondinhas e inchadas, aperta os bicos entre os dedos e você chora, baixinho. não tarde em rebolar o quadril sobre o marido, faz questão de quicar várias vezes só para ve-lo com olhar de raiva por provoca-lo.
— é melhor parar. - alerta, bravo, ainda viajando a mão pelos seios.
— senão o que?
e esse era seu fim. a carinha sem vergonha, o sorrisinho sacana, tudo para ver a fúria nos olhos de Jaehyun.
— pirralha... é assim que você gosta de ser chamada, né?! - te vira, agora com o pau duro entre as bandas da sua bunda e a mão rodeando seu pescoço, enquanto a outra adentra sua calcinha. — não se aguenta e fica de showzinho. preciso te lembrar o que aconteceu da última vez? — circula o clitóris devagarinho, te fazendo sofrer, desce e sobe a mão até a fendinha babada e molha ainda mais toda a vulva.
— papai.
sabia do apelido carinhoso entre vocês, mas sabia também que isso só trazia mais gás no tanque para Jaehyun.
— diz o que você quer que o papai faça. - acelera os movimentos e afunda dois dedos de uma vez em você. se contorce e grita. — é muito pra você? foram só dois dedinhos, pequena... precisa mais do que isso pra aguentar meu pau.
— eu sei, eu sei... é que, dói - não sabia mais falar corretamente. e não fazia ideia se era pela dor gostosa ou pela necessidade de mais. agarra o pau do seu marido por trás, massageia por cima do shorts, logo, tirando o falo duro pra fora e masturbando devagar. olha por cima do ombro, visualiza a cabeça roxinha, melada de pre gozo, as veias saltando e o pau quase chegando na barriga de tão duro.
— porra. - xinga baixinho, não só pela visão mas também pelo vai e vem gostoso dos dedos de Jae dentro de você.
— porra mesmo, porra de buceta apertada. - acelera ainda mais e por fim puxa a calcinha de lado, te deixando a mostra por debaixo da água. traz a lubrificação até seu segundo buraco, mais apertado e quase virgem. Jaehyun já meteu os dedos ali enquanto socava o pau dele e mais um de borracha na entrada da frente. fora o dia que ele mais ficou orgulhoso de você, recebeu tudo feito uma boa puta... a boa puta dele.
meleca com a ponta do pau, ajudando a ficar ainda mais melado.
— vem cá, linda. - nada até a outra beirada, sobe na escadinha, mais rasa, tá coloca de joelhos no degrau e vai até seu ouvido, pra dizer "empina bastante e não me aperta, vai apanhar se sufocar meu pau com esse cuzinho"
— hmm... - chora, como afirmação. Jaehyun ri, adorando ver o medo em seus olhos pela posição com o queixo encostando no ombros para ver o que ele estava fazendo com você.
segura o pau e enterra no comecinho, devagarinho e manso, afunda mais um pouco e você grita, de novo, pela segunda vez. aperta a bunda com uma destra, a outra cai em direção a sua boca, jogando os dedos lá dentro.
— mama eles, mama. - ordena - igual faz com meu pau. - e em um só empurrão, te preenche.
as lágrimas já saiam feito rio das suas orbes falhas, a boca babada, os peitos balançando pela velocidade rápida. a buceta não parava de babar, molhada, pois Jaehyun voltou a dar atenção para o pontinho durinho entre as pernas.
chorava, chorava e chorava.
— eu adoro esse seu chorinho de puta. papai tá machucando a bucetinha, tá? coitadinha, aguenta mais um pouquinho, tá tão gostoso, não tá?
— uhu... uhum - murmura, é difícil falar pelos dedos na boca, afundando goela abaixo e pela velocidade das estocadas brutas.
a dor é boa, o carinho da mão de Jaehyun na sua buceta ajuda a amenizar tudo, mas não se aguenta quando ele vai mais fundo e aperta ainda mais o pau.
— tsc - caçoa. — papai avisou, não avisou?
tapa. tapa. tapa. tapa.
o que era só um, se tornaram quatro.
geme mais alto, parece até mesmo uma atriz porno de tanto grito e choro.
— que cuzinho gostoso - estapeia de novo, dessa vez devagar.
e com isso, fora a gota da água. além dos dedos terem entrado na sua bucetinha, o tapa e o pau afundando no canalzinho machucado te fazem chegar ao limite.
— papai, papai, papai
clama várias vezes seguidas e quase caí, se não fosse pelos braços do seu marido te segurando.
— agora eu posso encher esse canalzinho de porra.
e goza, gemendo rouco, bem no seu ouvido. o líquido vaza quando ele sai de dentro, mas não tarda em se agachar bem em frente e abrir seu rabinho para ver o branquinho vazar por ali. bagunça tudo, meleca sua bunda e bate de novo, rindo pela sua reação assustada e acabada.
— pronto, pronto, princesa. já passou. - te carrega no colo, te beijando por toda parte. — você foi tão bem, tão obediente e boa, minha boa menina.
— boa menina. - diz baixinho, cansada.
— de quem, hm?
— do papai... a boa menina do papai.
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