minestland · 6 years
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ceilingfan5 · 4 years
do you ever watch kitten videos and have to cry your face off about how small they are
Taako hasn’t been doing too hot, and he hasn’t hidden it well, either. He’s been nasty and snappish and prickly, and Kravitz has suffered him so sweetly he feels awful about it. It’s not even just one thing that’s bothering him--the world just feels like it’s about to crash down around his ears, and all he wants to do is get in bed and hide. 
He didn’t think Kravitz noticed how bad it was. He especially didn’t expect what Kravitz decided to do about it. 
Kravitz brings home foster kittens. 
Taako is sitting on the counter eating cold ravioli with a spoon when Kravitz gets home. He closes the door with his foot, making a loud sound, and Taako cranes his neck to see him. 
“Hey, Taako, I’m home,” he says, warm excitement in his voice. “I have a surprise.”
“Is it dinner?” Taako says through a mouthful of raviolis. “Cause that ship done sailed.”
“No, no,” Kravitz says. “I hope you don’t eat them.”
“Then what?” Taako kicks his feet a little, annoyed, but not wanting to get up. He puts his plate down next to him, poptart crumbs crunching under it. Maybe it’s been a bit since he cleaned up in here. 
Kravitz comes into the kitchen holding a cat carrier. Taako’s eyebrows go up. 
“Dunno if Garyl and Beans are gonna like you bringing home a stray.”
“Not strays. Foster kittens.” Kravitz is beaming, full of sunshine, hard to look directly at. Taako blinks.
“Foster kittens.”
“Foster kittens. And you get to name them.”
Taako hops down and circles the carrier slowly. Kravitz takes his hand and takes him to their laundry room, which Taako also hasn’t exactly used recently. To his surprise, it’s been decked out in blankets, with a great big crate and water and a new litter box, not to mention a few more bags from the pet store hanging out on the washing machine. Kravitz closes the door behind them and sets down the carrier. Taako squats to see, and Kravitz unzips the babies. 
There are three of them, tiny and bumping and squeaky, still so young, so small, with tiny little triangle tails and velvet ears. Taako reaches out and one instantly climbs him, tiny pinprick claws hooking into his pajama shirt as the teeny bean sets out on a grand expedition. 
“They’re so fucking small,” Taako whispers, surpsied to find himself in tears. “Fuck, look at them. I could eat them in one bite.”
Kravitz laughs softly, leaning against the dryer.
“They’re just starting to wean off of the bottle, but the guy said we should have a few more days of bottle feeding.”
“Bottle feeding?” Taako can’t take it. He sits hard on the tile, staring at the tiny little guy climbing him like an office manager working his way up to Everest. “Holy fuck. Kraav. Krav, I can’t- They’re babies, I can’t do this, Krav, holy shit, they’re so small?” His voice cracks. The other two find him and begin the climb too, and they’re a perfect set: one black, one grey, one white, like a printer running out of ink. Taako laughs, and hiccups, and cries. 
“They’re gonna need a lot of help,” Kravitz says, still so soft. “You think you’re up to helping me take care of them?”
“Yeah, fuckin- fucking obviously-” Taako sniffles. His head hurts. Despite being pretty damn miserable for some time now, it’s been a while since he let himself cry, and it’s so cathartic he wants to get mad at Kravitz for knowing him so well. He pets one of the little kittens on his walnut of a noggin and sobs when he gets a squeaky little mew in reply. “Fuck,” he says. “I’m- Krav, you, I can’t believe you...” 
Kravitz smiles and offers him a tissue, which he had ready, because of course he did. Taako blows his nose so loud it honks, which startles all of the kittens clinging to him for dear life.
“Oh, babies...” he whispers. “Fuck, am I ready to be a dad?”
“It’s just fostering. So if it doesn’t seem like it’s for you, then it doesn’t have to be. But I think you’ll like it. You already care so much about Garyl and Beans.” 
“Fuck, shit. What are we gonna call ‘em?” Taako lifts the kittens into his lap and wipes his face into his elbow. He’s a mess. It’s a disgrace, but fuck it.
“You can pick, but I’ve always liked Beelzebub.”
“So this one’s Beelzebub, lord of the flies, and maybe, uh, maybe...Concrete, for this one, and then the white one can be Jessica.”
Kravitz laughs and nods. 
“Perfect. Do you want to help me feed them?”
“Kravitz!” Taako bursts into tears again. It’s embarrassing. This is so against his brand. At least they’re in the complete privacy of their washroom and the kittens are too baby to remember his breakdown. “I- Yes!” 
And so it begins. It’s hard, and Garyl and Beans are jealous, but everybody notices Taako’s mood improve dramatically, and even if he never articulates quite how bad he was doing or even why, he’s secretly very, very happy that Kravitz knows him and loves him so much that he understood this would help. 
He’s so lucky. He’s so fucking lucky. Just because things aren’t okay doesn’t mean there’s nothing in life worth living for.
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Raba kraav ja raba vesi. #nature #naturephotography #waterflow #water (at Eidapere, Raplamaa, Estonia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPByMghLzXR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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delimeful · 5 years
Hello! Question: How is Crav’n to be pronounced? Is it pronounced more like “Craven” or is it pronounced with a guttural stop, something like “Kraav-NNN” where the “N” is pronounced, like, deep in your throat? I was just kinda curious so I thought I’d ask!
the second, its pronounced like Kraav-NN! there’s a lot of glottal stops in roman’s native language! :)
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lichenoid · 7 years
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i chANGED KRAV’S appearance bc i wasnt satsfied w it
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zaildaaar · 7 years
Yogi Adityanath looks like a fucking aloo how did this dumbass become CM of Uttar Pradesh?
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surnumanaja · 5 years
"Lohe ajastu" ja "Tõe ja õiguse" crossover, kus Vargamägi asub Kesasoos, ja kraave kaevates hüppavad mülgastest kurjad kooljad välja.
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Ali & Ro
Ali: Hoqa I koda cumsocs ur roqa sraae sodam aeuir cukkimecoseum kudira? [Have I made contact or have they taken your communication module?] Ro: Es'k ka [It's me] Ali: Pruqa es [Prove it] Ro: Nubudae arka com kvaod uir kacras romsiosa! [Nobody else can speak our secret language!] Ro: [but sends some kind of spooky girl selfie too] Ali: Com maqar ba suu corakir vesr sraka sroesurk oruimd [Can never be too careful with these traitors around] Ali: Du aeui kaar reda aeui ruud? [Do you feel like you look?] Ro: Sraae'rr maqar soda ka oreqa [they'll never take me alive] Ro: I kaar reda I cuird krae su aeui, koaeba I verr [I feel like I could fly to you, maybe I will] Ali: Traae kesrs'qa kursuma vorraae bis va kserr roqa uir cudak, Peroso Cudax, rumuir, omd ku um [They might've forgone parley but we still have our codes, Pirata Codex, honour, and so on] Ali: Daod kam sarr mu sorak bis maesrar du I [Dead men tell no tales but neither do I] Ali: I'rr daav sra resraks vemduv uvam kur aeui [I'll keep the highest window open for you] Ro: Sekvrae bacoika sraae ora kam ora sraae kvurm su keramca, mus bacoika sraae ora daod [Simply because they are men are they sworn to silence, not because they are dead] Ro: vukam omd serrk roqa ok kicr su koae ba es reqems ur daod [women and girls have as much to say be it living or dead] Ro: omd srara ora suu komae kvarrk sros kaad su kemd ruks sremsk kur aeui su amd iv baems uma uk srak [and there are too many spells that seek to find lost things for you to end up being one of them] Ro: ek sraae dum's vekr su occavs kae biread ukkaremsk uk vosar ur kuud, I'rr srae bruud maxs [if they don't wish to accept my buried offerings of water or food, I'll try blood next] Ali: Mura [More] Ali: bis ricderae, va dmuv kor kura voaek su sord srom iiks ikems uir quecak [but luckily, we know far more ways to talk than just using our voices] Ali: Yui ora sra vuvvae sros bruukad kruk sra bruud-kuodad kuer [You are the poppy that bloomed from the blood-soaked soil] Ali: I'rr koda kae voae uis uk srek vroca rums bakura I roqa sruvm kae roer su sra kruur su crekb duvm, sriks ka [I'll make my way out of this place long before I have grown my hair to the floor to climb down, trust me] Ro: bobae saasr ora o suud srems su vekr ivum, I cuird virr kema uis kemca I mu rumsar roqa omae maad kur srak [baby teeth are a good thing to wish upon, I could pull mine out since I no longer have any need for them] Ro: srara'k o vukom vru quvad mus su aos, dremd, brikr rar roer ur ruud emsu o kerrur omd kra'k rod sra ksramssr su daav sros vrukeka kur aeaork [there's a woman who vowed not to eat, drink, brush her hair or look into a mirror and she's had the strength to keep that promise for years] Ro: [sends her loads of articles etc about Irom Chanu Sharmila because she'd think it's so goals] Ali: Wa com ika Loueka'k, kruird kra ba ku ksived ok su dora su ras ka kaa rar aqar osoem [We can use Laoise's, should she be so stupid as to dare to let me see her ever again] Ali: omd ubqeuikrae, o rocd uk cresecor sremdems ek rar vrubrak, ok varr ok mus baems o sria, raor keksar [and obviously, a lack of critical thinking is her problem, as well as not being a true, real sister] Ro: Sra'k obuis ok broqa ok kra ek daqusad, I dum's sremd va'rr kaa rar osoem em srek reka [She's about as brave as she is devoted, I don't think we'll see her again in this life] Ali: Trara'k mu voae srara vokm's deqema emsarqamseum, Mamsuibe ek resarorrae reqems vruuk! [There's no way there wasn't divine intervention, Mengoubi is literally living proof!] Ro: I dmuv! [I know!] Ali: I ruva su orvoaek ba sros ksrums omd du kukasrems ok axsrourdemorae omd ekvursoms um srek aorsr vesr srek cirrams reka omd sra maxs [I hope to always be that strong and do something as extraordinary and important on this earth with this current life and the next] Ro: Aeui'ra sra ksrumsaks omd kuks axsrourdemorae varkum I roqa aqar rod sra vraokira uk kaasems, um sra aorsr omd vesrem sra kveres raork [you're the strongest and most extraordinary person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, on the earth and within the spirit realm] Ro: aqaraesrems I roqa I vuird verremsrae seqa uqar su aeui, orvoaek omd vesruis piakseum [everything I have I would willingly give over to you, always and without question] Ali: Yui ora sra rureaks [You are the holiest] Ali: I commus voes su kaa ruv aeui ora ravordad em sra kemor vurrd bacoika I dmuv es verr ba baaeumd omaesrems I cuird ekosema em kae cirrams rekesad kurk [I cannot wait to see how you are rewarded in the final world because I know it will be beyond anything I could imagine in my current limited form] Ro: I kvaor, aqarae curuir ek bresrsar kemca I vrukekad mus su ba suicrad bae sra kim ur kuumresrs imser aeui cuka bocd, I vekr I cuird voems es reda aeui vuird [I swear, every colour is brighter since I promised not to be touched by the sun or moonlight until you come back, I wish I could paint it like you would] Ro: omd aocr kuimd ek craorar omd ruidar kemca I bacoka resrsar em kaekark, sra veomu ek orkuks voemkir su raor [and each sound is clearer and louder since I became lighter in myself, the piano is almost painful to hear] Ali: Yui cukkes srak su aeuir kemd'k aaea muv omd I verr uvam kae uvm omd va verr kaa ruv komae I com sas resrs [You commit them to your mind's eye now and I will open my own and we will see how many I can get right] Ali: I'qa baam sraeems su racorr aqarae cireukesae em uir ruuk, sram sraeems su racorr srak em o carsoem urdar, vram sraae vara kuimd, vrara...Ik I cumcamsrosa rord amuisr, I'k orkuks srara, I com kaa sra kvacsra uk aeui um aeuir bad, Bria um kema [I've been trying to recall every curiosity in our room, then trying to recall them in a certain order, when they were found, where...If I concentrate hard enough, I'm almost there, I can see the spectre of you on your bed, Blue on mine] Ro: ra rok baam redems imdarmaosr bis iiks bakura aeui ksorsad srek cumqarkoseum, ra kuqad su rek ikior kvus [he has been hiding underneath but just before you started this conversation, he moved to his usual spot] Ali: Ha kaark es suu [He feels it too] Ali: I roqa o vrom sros verr sas ka bocd kuumar rosrar srom rosar, iiks uma kura veaca uk sra vizzra maadk su korr em vroca [I have a plan that will get me back sooner rather than later, just one more piece of the puzzle needs to fall in place] Ro: Huv com I rarv? [How can I help?] Ali: Cumsemia vesr aeuir vrusaksk, ksoae ksrums [Continue with your protests, stay strong] Ali: Morocre rok imvessemsrae rarvad ka bis sros'k ok kicr ok com ba duma, es'k o kuru kekkeum ku va com ba svu rorqak uk o vrura osoem [Malachi has unwittingly helped me but that's as much as can be done, it's a solo mission so we can be two halves of a whole again] Ro: I verr, mu vosar, kuud ur kraav imser va'ra susasrar omd emkavorobra [I will, no water, food or sleep until we're together and inseparable] Ali: I ruqa aeui [I love you] Ro: I ruqa aeui suu [ILY too]
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hybriidmootor · 5 years
ood valvetoimetajale
peagi saabun tagasi su juurde ei takista filmivõtted ega hilinev buss ega juulikuu lumi (kuskil lubas öökülma) ega uni ega valu ega vallid ega kraav
aga kui jään veidi hiljaks siis loodan et saad sellest üle
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bellatrixisalesbian · 5 years
Here’s to hoping Barbara practices her kraav maga on Merlin in wizards
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minestland · 6 years
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harmonicatabs · 5 years
Ei Takista Vallid
New Post has been published on https://harmonicatabs.net/lyrics/ei-takista-vallid/
Ei Takista Vallid
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6-5 545 6-5 5 -4-4 4 -4 Sina kevadel tuled ja õisi mul tood, -4-4-3-4 -55 -4 444 4 ärakadunud õnne mul tagasi tood. 5 545 6-5 5-4-4-4 -4 Ei takista vallid, ei takista kraav, -4 -4-3 -4 -55 -4 444 4 kui kokku tahab saada üks õnnelik paar.
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koigekoige · 5 years
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Kraav Pin / Albumid / Huvitav / Allikas / Kõige-kõige
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taniushka12 · 8 years
unofficialbuffalobeauts ha respondido a tu publicación “WHO IS SHE”
im p sure thats canon in some way or another but that desperate “who is she” was actually refering to that one female presense who barry wanted to avoid? like when he says that he’s been in lich form too much and she’s gonna track him or smth? that one person who at the end smiles??? who tf is it????? who tf is she?? hoyl dfuck????
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Kraav by Veeseire www.veeseire.ee/ http://flic.kr/p/UbTHaF
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depotestosterone · 6 years
should i change my url to
or keep it futchgf
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