dovahfamily · 10 months
OC info (again)
Dar'Khali Rogue, age unknown, nickname Khali, Khajiit: The Last Dragonborn... well, one of them. Was actually innocent when captured with the Stormcloaks. Hails from Black Marsh and was gifted more traditional Khajiit garb from a passing Caravan. Got hit with a stray memory altering spell at the border, has had both minor amnesia and a talkative spirit in her mind since. Hates killing dragons.
Miraak Rogue, age unknown, Bosmer: After his defeat in Apocrypha, was mysteriously revived without his memories. Khali stumbled across him, with enough time they both realized who he was, but by that point Khali had accepted Miraak as both family and a fellow Dragonborn. It's been so long that no one recognize his name. Full of a healthy hate for Hermaeus Mora.
Alduin "Mulzoor" Rogue, age unknown, Dark elf: During the battle, Khali prayed to their Father just before Alduin was truly defeated. She called off the warriors of Sovngarde in time to stand over and strike a deal with the dragon. At first he was reluctant, until realizing this khajiit had no ulterior motives. Goes by Mulzoor around strangers, as memory of his name is still very fresh in the minds of Skyrim. Has a dislike for any aedra that isn't Father.
All their shouts are linked, as is their souls themselves. If one shouts, it's not weak but it's not strong enough, if all three shout, it is at full power.
Khali has taken to calling them her brothers, which severely confuses most people.
OC kid info under cut
Voltog Snow-Hilt, 18, orc: Orphan as a small child, adopted by Beirand (Solitude Blacksmith) and his wife. Helps around the forge and roams the town most days.
Rowan Rogue, 16, Imperial: Found by Alduin in the ruins of Helgen, captured by bandits. Taken under his wing (heh) shortly after. He's trying to convince the Companions to let him join.
Aventus Rogue, 15 & 3/4, Nord: Adopted by Khali shortly before she joined the Brotherhood, currently on his way to being initiated.
Runa Rogue, 15 & 1/2, Nord: Adopted by Khali just before Aventus, about to be initiated alongside him.
Sofie Rogue, 15, Nord: Taken in by Khali the same day as Aventus, has been studying the magic tomes around the house.
Kaylas, 16, Redguard: Found abandoned by the first Initiates on one of their missions. Essentially became the collective child of the Brotherhood and is being trained by Cicero.
Vilsha Rogue, 16, Dark/High elf hybrid: Found by J'zargo and Cicero on an errand, twin to Volair. Being taught advanced magic by J'zargo.
Volair Rogue, 16, Dark/High elf hybrid: Found by J'zargo and Cicero on an errand, twin to Vilsha. Studying Alchemy under Quintus.
Talvi Rogue, 13, Snow elf: Found in the ruins of Irkngthand and promptly adopted by Khali.
Morgana Sparrow, 14, Breton: Brynjolf got her talking after she tried pickpocketing him, learned she was an orphan, and proposed a surprise adoption.
Nilaaeneth, 10, Bosmer: Found on a mission for the Companions, has become the hall child, but sticks closer to Aela and the twins.
Lazarus, 9, Argonian: Found in a cave with Dawn Chaser by Veezara and Khali, taken in by Veezara. Stays in the Sanctuary for the most part.
Dawn Chaser Rogue, 8, Khajiit: Found in a cave with Lazarus by Veezara and Khali, taken in by Khali. Always up and moving around, trying to explore woods.
K'ashi Rogue, 1, Khajiit: Biological son of Khali, Cicero and J'zargo (no we're not questioning the biology). Has tried to eat multiple soul gems.
Bel'Roth, 9 months, Demigod: Not exactly a demigod, per se, but it's all Sanguine can come up with. Really more of a group project between Hircine, Sheogorath, Sanguine and Clavicus Vile.
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luuletus-ee · 1 year
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ghostbny · 2 months
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JONAH HAUER-KING with the music composer Kara Talve & the cast of The Tattooist of Auschwitz 🖤
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hero-israel · 1 year
I’m a Black-American Jew (parents were converts :)) and I agree with the Afro-Indigenous anon A LOT bc the same things they do to Indigenous Americans they do to African Americans and Afro-Palestinians. No sense of allyship whatsoever and when you bring up the horrible treatment of Black Palestinians (who aren’t all just descendants of enslaved Africans kind you, despite what many non Black Palis say, but even if they were all descendants of enslaved Africans that doesn’t change the fact they’re still Palestinians) they go silent and never have anything to say but are constantly comparing themselves to Black people (and pretending we have some sort of privilege over them as if our issues are continuously ignored) and crying for our support. AntiBlackness exists in the Jewish/Israeli world too but like the other anon said, this isn’t THAG big of a problem for me to disconnect myself for it. Israel has done a lot for Black Jews throughout its existence and Black Jews have always existed in the community and have been mostly accepted throughout. It’s never been like Black Jews have been completely ostracized and excluded from Jewishness.
I really appreciate the insights, thank you. A few additional angles on this:
Rabbi Susan Talve got up on stage in front of the presidents of both the U.S. and Israel and supported Black Lives Matter - she would also be arrested for her support - and yet lefty activists tried to read her out of the movement as a "pro-apartheid Zio"
Renowned pro-Palestine activists Max Blumenthal, Rania Khalek, and Steven Salaita just can't stop derailing conversations about anti-blackness and police brutality because ACKSHYUALLY Palestine is so much worse - with Salaita even using some of his typically antisemitic conspiracy lingo to now try to silence African-American activists
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
by Jonathan S. Tobin
Also featured in the Times Magazine article is Nicole Carty, one of Borgwardt’s black allies, a BLM activist who helped train IfNotNow members in radical tactics. Despite her ties to Jews who share her visceral hate for Israel, she bristles with contempt for Judaism, even complaining about the fact that Passover seders are about the Exodus of Jewish slaves from Egypt and not equally interested in the black experience. Just as repellent is the way she views the efforts of some Jews on the left to mourn the Oct. 7 victims equally with Palestinians who have been killed as wrongheaded and evidence of Jewish “trauma myopia.” For her, Jewish victims had it coming, so they deserve no mourning.
But it is the comments of Rabbi Susan Talve, the spiritual leader of the Reform synagogue where Borgwardt’s family belonged when she was a teenager, that illustrate the tragedy of liberal American Jewish institutions. Talve, a devout political liberal who marched in the Ferguson protests, was dismayed by the BLM rhetoric about Israel. She foolishly thinks that the Jewish community lost people like Borgwardt by not giving them a more even-handed education about the Middle East, although it’s clear that the IfNotNow leader seems to know little, if anything, of the arguments for the justice of the Zionist cause or even basic facts about the conflict. It is precisely Jews like Talve that Borgwardt regards with special animosity because they want to support African-Americans as well as Israel’s right to exist.
It is telling that Borgwardt claims that when she sees “Fiddler on the Roof,” all she can do is weep about the nakba—the Palestinian term for the birth of Israel that means “disaster” or “catastrophe.” For such people, Jewish experiences are not simply unimportant but deserve to be erased altogether, including the lives of the 7 million Jews of Israel threatened by her Palestinian allies.
Her journey from a typical liberal Jewish background to activism for Israel’s destruction makes for a disturbing tale. It matters because it demonstrates that woke progressives aren’t so much interested in saving Palestinian lives as they want to erase Jewish life. For them, the only acceptable expression of Jewish identity is in support of other peoples—never their own interests or rights—even when it is a matter of life or death. They seem to be saying that Jews are the one people on the planet for whom self-determination must be forbidden. The ideas that helped transform Eva Borgwardt into a willing accomplice to Hamas’s genocidal campaign have not just turned some Jews against their own but have made antisemitism fashionable on campus and in the pages of The New York Times Sunday Magazine.
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softdekus · 7 months
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more Aclero, but all the memes this time, feat his dad and also Rhys. bottom left pic is just a paintover of his in game model
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dutybcrne · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every pretty Genshin man I am obsessed with who got a prominent ass shot in a trailer, I’d have TWO nickels. Which isn’t a lot
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toobsthetubb · 1 year
Here’s the sketch of this thing I’ve been working on and trying to color and finish for a good few hours (I keep choosing wrong colors and trying to fix it, compiled with my shaky hands and stuff..😭)
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bouvillea · 2 years
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hiellue just wanted to be a cat for a fat second and do normal things as a cat like eat cat food without anyone yelling at them for it okay
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luxioluxioluxio · 13 days
é engraçado ver o quanto as pessoas vivem suas vidas de forma tao cotidiana e bonita.. eles vivem de forma normais onde o fundo não desfoca pois eles pertencem a aquele local ( audiovisual mitadas ) todo mundo pertence a onde estar, todos ( ou talvez quase todos ) sao merecedores do que tem e merecedores desse simples contato humano
me imagino de forma que nao que seja diferente dos outros, não, eu odeio isso, mas gostaria de ser mesclado como pessoas são, gostaria de desaparecer em um cenário e fingir ser dali, pertencer a aquele espaço, mas minha consciência não me permite e nem acho que sou capaz
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luuletus-ee · 1 year
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chane-vel · 1 year
Solo quería decir que me encanta tu estilo de dibujo!
En especial la forma en como dibujas a Abe y Topher!<3
Se que mencionaste que probablemente no dibujes más de ellos, pero cruzo los dedos a que talves hagas más TophAbe en el futuro💜
Graaciiaas!! 💞🫂🫂
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Acá dejo mas bocetos del tophabe que desempolve de mis archivos, y gracias nuevamente por darme animos a publicarlos y terminarlos.
(Yo feliz de q les gustara jskla)💃
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Barbra Streisand joins the music composers of the series Kara Talve & Hans Zimmer in a song LOVE WILL SURVIVE which comes out on April 25th ♥️
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laellthelaell · 1 month
un adelanto de un minicomic, o talves todo, esta basado en el fic de declaración de abnegación, ese fic es arte
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lizveroworlds-blog · 9 months
Entre suspiros busque de tu boca cada vez que el sentimiento me rebosaba el alma,
Imaginaba como sería estrechar tu cuerpo contra el mío sintiendo un mismo corazón por sus latidos,
Dejándome seducir por una mirada que me desvestía aflorando el deseo que yacía dormido muy dentro,
Sus caricias llenaban los espacios de mi piel, calando tan en lo profundo estampando su paso por mi ser,
Aquella sesión que en mis sueños había empezado con un derroche de ternura, se transformaba cada vez más en una noche de brutal locura.
El ambiente nos iba devorando los sentidos y ya encaminados al placer dabamos rienda suelta a las fantasías por hacer,
El deseo de fundirnos en aquel aterciopelado lecho clamaba nuestros nombres y en un momento fuímos prisioneros de nuestro instinto,
nos entregamos a sentirnos vivir y desfallecer en un soplo extenuado de pasión en el que consumamos el impulso desesperado de pertenecernos para siempre.
Pueda que el destino nos lleve a estar distantes pero siempre habrá un punto de comunión en el que soñarnos juntos nos vuelva cercanos a la realidad solo porque nos sentimos.
Pd. Talves no te palpe con mis sentidos pero te percibo a traves de mi alma.
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