scifitheywrote · 8 months
Girls [gender neutral] don’t want boys, they want a tutorial on Kraken!Ed’s messy bun
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Do Not Repost — Reblog Only — click image for better quality (cause Tumblr hates me)
Side note: if you wanna help me get David see this here is the Twitter link (you don't have to)
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greentea-and-cookies · 10 months
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Mermaid!Stede & Kraken!Ed being lovey dovey 💕
This took so long to make, had a scholarship exam in the middle (it went well), but it's finally finished and I'm so happy!! <3
Credits to my friend @r0th3freak4rtist for the background!!
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softsnzstuff · 1 year
OF/MD - Kraken!Ed with a Cold
Based on this post thread. Have a snippet of what myself and @snzsnchillz-afterdark think menacing Kraken!Ed would be like when he’s got the worst cold and is trying to still be threatening. This one goes out to my OFMD buddies - @friv0lite @peach-plumb-pear2 @sniffles-and-tickles @softersteve
Based on the new promo pictures because Taika could choke me and I’d thank him Ed looks so good 🫡😍
Set between seasons 1 and 2 (before canon S2 has come out if anyone finds this post 10/05/23)
CW: intentional contagion
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The crew of the Revenge were well used to Ed’s overnight personality changes at this point. At first he’d been all weepy and switched to being one with the Earth and musical and personifying his soul…whatever that meant.
The second switch happened a few days later. Over night. When he had reached the point in his breakup that condoned anger and violence. He’d cut off Izzy’s toe and fed it to him in the night, also tossing plenty of Stede’s things overboard - partial crew included.
He’d been in full swing as Blackbeard for a couple of weeks now - ravaging ships, looting them, and leaving men for dead in ways more unimaginable than skinning them with the snail fork.
This third personality shift happened when he came down with the cold from Hell… or rather - tried to convince everyone that he hadn’t.
Ed had been up Izzy’s ass the the last day, quite literally screaming orders in his ear, pausing occasionally to cough wetly. Izzy would just close his eyes and force a smile before responding with, “Yes, Captain.”
This morning, Izzy had awoken the crew early - somehow managing to be both yelling at them and quiet as not to wake Ed.
“Alright listen up, dogs! Blackbeard is… under the weather… and is more irritable than usual.” Izzy started. “I want you lot to just do what he says and try not to fucking upset him.”
“Why is that our job? He’s the one being a dick.” Jim muttered, twirling their knife.
Izzy sighed, having known Ed the longest. “Because the sooner he is well again, the sooner he stops being a cunt.”
“Yeah, that’s a good enough answer for me I feel.” Frenchie looked around for agreement. Everyone stayed silent, but Fang gave a single nod in solidarity.
“I want you all to keep your heads down and stay out of his fucking way. If he asks anything, you say ‘yes captain’ and fucking do it. And you-” Izzy points to Frenchie, “I want you find what’s left of any medicine that Bonnet left on board. Is that understood?”
There were some silent nods.
“I SAID IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?!?” Izzy screamed.
“Yes, fucking Christ.” Jim grumbled, bringing some hands up towards their ears.
“H’iszzzSCHEW! K’tCHuh!”
Just as they were finishing up, Ed kicked the door in, sniffling thickly against his gloved hand.
“What the fuck are you all doing down here???”
Izzy quickly came up with a lie, “I was just telling these fucking idiots that it shouldn’t take this long to clean the floor!”
Izzy shot Frenchie a glance and he immediately dropped to his knees, using a piece of his shirt to scrub at the floor.
“I’m sorry captain Blackbeard sir, it’s just hard to clean the floor without any.. water?” He tried to play along with the charade.
“Hmm. You’re right.” Ed hummed thoughtfully before spitting on the floor right in front of the younger man. “There. Now you’ve got something.”
Frenchie held back a gag as Ed stormed out the other door to the deck of the ship, Izzy and crew following behind. Jim have Frenchie a hand up and he scurried off to go find Stede’s medicine stash.
One thing about the gentleman pirate is that he was bound to have loads of the unnecessary - books, fine fabrics, and medicine. It only took a few minutes for Frenchie to find the bottles in the Captains’ chambers bathroom, but seeing as he couldn’t read, he just grabbed everything and shoved it into a crate to bring to Izzy on the upper deck.
Hands full of different bottles and vials, he turned on his heels to leave the Captain’s chambers. Slamming into the chest of the captain…
“The fuck are you doing in my room?!” Ed hissed, looking the man up and down.
“I uh… you see Mr.Blackbeard sir… I just.. I was…”
Ed’s scowl gave way momentarily to something more relaxed. He turned to the side out of habit, sneezing openly at the air.
“Eh’tSZzZiew! Snlrff”
“Shut up! You’re fucking taking too long.” Ed held up a hand, making Frenchie stop.
The crew member was frozen, staring wide eyed, his eyes locked on the small trail of mess leaking down Ed’s upper lip.
Ed had him pinned against the wall. “The fuck are you staring at?”
“You’ve just…. You’ve got a little…on your face…” Frenchie stammered, gesturing towards Ed’s nose.
He watched in horror as Ed’s nostrils flared once again right in front of him. He squeezed his eyes and hoped for the best.
Frenchie scrunched his face as he felt droplets hit his cheek.
“Well now you’ve got a little something on your face too.” Ed released his grip on the man, throwing him against the wall and rubbing his own nose again.
“This is so unsanitary.” Frenchie whined quietly.
“What was that???”
“I said uh… sanctuary! Thank you for providing us with such a great… sanctuary….” The fake enthusiasm trailed off at the end before he scurried away to the upper deck.
When he arrived topside, he looked like he’d seen a ghost. Jim was standing at Izzy’s side.
“Jeez what the fuck happened to you?” They asked.
“Here’s your fucking medicine.” Frenchie aggressively dropped the crate of medicine on the barrel in front of Izzy, pausing to wipe at his face and swiping one of the bottles, “this one’s for me now.”
Izzy huffed a knowing sigh and rubbed at his temple. “He sneeze on you?”
Jim made a face of disgust as Frenchie nodded. “Yup…”
“He’s worse than I thought.” Izzy groaned. “Never thought I’d say this but we need Stede back.”
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frost----byte · 2 years
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kraken!ed x izzy x blackbeard!ed for a steddyhands holiday exchange event~
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lfearart · 8 months
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First attempt at Kraken!Ed, at winnipeg comic con 2023
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thescarvedinsect · 1 year
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WIP of a Gentlebeard piece I'm starting to make in which Ed and Stede are literally the Kraken and a lighthouse. I've seen a lot of Kraken Ed drawings but always wanted to see that with Stede as an actual lighthouse rather than just a regular human or merman version (not an insult at all; the artists who draw those are amazing.) This is also pretty much my first time drawing Stede in the semirealistic style I'm figuring out for myself.
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cryptic-science · 11 months
i need to remind everyone that this song is SO kraken!ed
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scary-flag · 2 years
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It is the cruel beast that you feed
It is your burning yearning need to bleed
Through the spillways
You keep a casket buried deep within
You try to mask it, but fall back in sin
You want to shake it off, but you are stuck inside
Because this song is 100% Kraken!Ed and no one will convince me otherwise. Inspired me to draw an unhinged beast Kraken!Ed.
Absolutely feel free to reblog, I would very much like that.
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zorak-show · 2 years
The Little Kraken
For the month of November I worked on this fic as part of Nanowrimo, and I actually completed it! Since it's just the first draft there is much editing to do, but I thought I'd share the opening scene with you all. In which we are introduced to some of the terror of the lore around The Kraken.
Here's some art I did of them back in May that leaned heavily into The Little Mermaid idea. Not sure if I'll keep the title "The Little Kraken" as he is not very little and the tone of my story is a bit darker and way more erotic.
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pic from pixabay
To say the captain was wet would be a severe understatement. He was soaked to the bone, not that it was anything new, but this felt like another level of saturation. Worse than drowning. Sheets of water rained down on him and his ship. A panic coursed through every crew member's blood as the sloop rocked back and forth on the choppy seas. He'd been at sea for over thirty years and had never seen a storm this bad before. Nervous tension filled the air with an acidic tang. Several crewmates had thrown up over the side of the ship or, in some rather unfortunate cases, onto each other. 
He did his best to command them through it. They could get through this. They'd been through dozens of storms. Even if this one was worse, there was no reason to give up hope. So that's what he did. He kept them going, kept them busy, kept them and himself alive so that he didn't have to think about it. To think about the unearthly giant tentacles he'd seen rising out of the sea towards them. Or the purple glow of the water swirling around like a tempest's potion. As though they were caught in the maw of a witch's cauldron. No, it would be of no use to focus on any of that. He needed everybody thinking with their heads on straight and not gripped in fear and panic of an ancient sea myth. Only fools saw and believed such things, right?
They'd get out of this alive. As their captain, he'd make damn sure of that.
A wave of seawater slapped the captain in the face, and choking on the brine he shouted in return. "Lower the mainsail! Sink big!" And that's when it happened. When he knew there was no hope. Tentacles rose all around the ship, more extensive than anything he'd seen all his life. They were dark as the sea herself, water shimmering off them in the full moon's glow. There was a beauty to their terrible magnificence. Death was coming, and there was nothing they could do about it but accept it for the grandeur of how they were about to go out.
Thunder roared, and the men screamed, but it was all background static compared to the splitting of the hull. Wood and metal creaked in a deafening blast as boards split into grotesque jagged lines, splinters flying every which way. One of the tentacles had crashed into the middle of the ship, taking everything down in its path. In a scramble, the crew rushed to the bow or stern, away from the central tentacle doing damage. The captain gripped a mighty hand on the arm of his first mate, dragging him to the bow, now sticking straight up out of the water. The first mate slipped on the slick vertical deck, saved from his floundering by the captain's hold on him. With one arm wrapped around the railing, the captain held onto his first mate with all his might.
"Don't let go, cap'n, don't let go," the young man pleaded, gripping onto him with wet slippery fingers.
"I got you, James. I got you. Stay strong! stay-"
James let out a harrowing shriek that rattled every bone in the captain's body. A tentacle had wrapped itself around James' middle, constricting, pulling, prying him out of his hand. Despite the clamminess and extreme angle, he held as firm as he could. It wasn't enough. He'd never be a match to the Kraken. 
The cries of his crew penetrated the very fiber of his soul. He could feel their pain, their anguish, and he bellowed out against it all, watching James slip from his fingers. A sob wracked through his body, and he wrapped his arms and legs around the railing, holding on for dear life, knowing the end was nigh. All of his crew were gone. He knew this, for there was only the angry slap of the waves against what remained of the ship. A true captain, he'd go down with his vessel til his last dying breath. 
He closed his eyes, stilled his breath, and braced for the worst. Knowing it to come soon and without mercy. Clinging to the rail like a monkey, he bobbed up and down on the waves. He waited for death to claim him, but it never came. Eventually, the rain subsided, and the sea calmed into tepid warm welcome waters. He squinted one eye open. The sun was starting to rise, and he was secured to one of the last bits of his ship, the rest long gone to the Kraken. The flotsam spread out in the water like a horrific puzzle that could never be put back together. None of his crew were to be found, he was the sole survivor. The guilt was already setting in as he trembled in the water.
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dancrry · 2 years
it is on days like today that i wish i could just fully kraken my way out of feeling emotions
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arcadiastims · 1 year
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Blackbeard/Edward Teach stimboard
with kraken themes, fabrics, and black
Requested by: no one!
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thecoolestcowboy · 1 year
girls be like “i’m fighting demons” and the demons are some little rich dude who wears a little striped night gown with a matching nightcap and snores ‘HONKK shooo HONK shooo’
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bbyteach · 9 months
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Uhhh sooooo NYC 80’s punk scene AU where ed used to play in bands when younger but not anymore & runs a popular venue and is totally burned out on the scene. Until a blonde weirdo wearing pastels started coming to shows there and he had to understand what is going on with this guy?? And the guy wants to learn more about this world and Ed confused but ends up having more fun than he has in ages??
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merricatblckwood · 7 months
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After months of work (and mostly procrastination) i finally finished Ed's *kraken era* earring. It was a challenge as I had to base myself on a bunch of moving pixels but I think it turned out nicely. It's made in gold plated bronze, with mother-of-pearl.
It's available on my Etsy shop, you can get yours! (It's made to order btw)
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lfearart · 8 months
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Pt 2. My Kraken!Ed cosplay
Using the insta beard filter for some gender euphoria.🖤💜
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