#kristi epling
Found a good portion of E&D less “findable” associates on Facebook (Brian Sargent, Kristen Theibault, etc...). Blessed.
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astoryofcolumbine · 2 years
Meet the Characters
Nate’s Scenes
Act 2
One of our other most beloved characters, is none other than Nate Dykeman himself. A good friend to both Dylan Klebold and Devon Adams, 2/2 of our comedic relief duo, the one that parents love, and everyone's favorite skater boy. In our show, we made sure to include some important factors about Nate such as; being Kristi Epling's boyfriend, his dreams of moving to Florida, and his sense of contagious boyish charm. While providing our own variation, Nate Dykeman serves as a respectable combination of the personalities of Nate, Brooks Brown, and Zack Heckler, in one. During the show, the audience frequently witnesses scenes of Nate's friendly dynamic with Dylan and Devon. As well as including a particularly unusual, but not unwelcoming, aquaintance-ship with Susan Dewitt. The character of Nate Dykeman experiences a tumultuous development by the end of Act 2. Confiding in the Klebold family within their mutual torn trauma. Further expressing that the friends of the shooters, will forever be tied to this tragedy for an eternity.
"We’ve all been the brunt of the bullying here for years, but especially last year when they started resorting to throwing things at us. It's like free entertainment to them. They find any reason to torment us, and confronting a teacher about it just makes you look bad, not them... None of the teachers give a shit here, at least not about kids like us..." - Nate Dykeman, Act 1 Scene 11, 'An Everlasting Concept of Memory'
Kenny Klugewicz will portray the role of 'Nate Dykeman' for every performance
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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Kristi epling and Alyssa sechler (admirers of E)
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racheljoyscott · 7 years
- Columbine Conspiracy #2: Multiple Shooter Theory Pt. 4
If you have not yet done so, I encourage you to read the prior posts of this series before continuing with the following. Thank you.
Patrick McDuffee, a former CHS student and original TCM member, gave his report to law enforcement on April 20, 1999 at approximately 9:30 pm (JCSO-001-010783). McDuffee immediately informed law enforcement that the TCM not only had prior knowledge of the attack, but planned and executed it. Despite claims to the contrary, McDuffee, along with several members of the TCM, including Alex Marsh, Kristi Epling, and several others, confirmed that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were indeed a part of the TCM in their police reports. In his report to authorities, Adam Kyler (known for his friendship with victim Rachel Scott), explained that a trench coat-ed Klebold threatened to kill him, which resulted in internal consequences during December of 1998 (JCSO 4065). McDuffee named over a dozen TCM members, providing their addresses, affiliation to the TCM, affiliation to CHS, and role(s) during the planning and execution of the attack. This confirmed the hundreds of claims from students, faculty, staff, and alumni that reported more members of the TCM were involved. TCM member Kentaro Kojima wrote on a CHS classroom board “we should blow up the school” shortly before the attack began, according to student, Terry Paczosa. McDuffee explained that TCM members from nearby Chatfield and Bear Creek High Schools also participated. He informed law enforcement that TCM members often spoke German to one another, which supplements Stephanie Duffy and Lisa Forgen’s claims to have heard shooters speaking the language during the attack (JCSO 2919). McDuffee’s list and damning evidence completely contradict the official narrative. McDuffee was subsequently forced to retract his report.
A plethora of students described who they believed was an “older” individual with spikey, blonde-highlighted hair shooting during the attack. Jonathan Vandermark, Eric Walton (JCSO 2242), David Eagle (JCSO 1781), and Jennifer Small (JCSO 2183), among others, all described these unique characteristics in their respective reports. On a side note, Small also explained that she ran into Eric Harris in the smoker’s pit minutes before the attack; she mentioned how bad her day was going and Harris informed her of it also being Hitler’s birthday as a joke. These students also mentioned they saw uniformed law enforcement shoot at students, faculty, and staff. Penny Zair (JCSO 5212), Candice Cushman (JCSO 2794), and Michelle Fox (JCSO 5196) all state they saw hostile shooters and law enforcement shooters aim at civilians from the rooftops. Pictures can be seen of law enforcement units with clipboards on the roof of CHS, establishing the event as a drill. Students Jake Apodaca and Chris Wisher said they saw gunmen hiding at Weaver Park, and recorded in their reports that they felt “blown off” by investigators.
Scott Fuselier, former CHS student and ‘coincidentally’ the son of FBI investigator, Dwayne Fuselier (who led the CHS investigation), also had ties to the TCM. Fuselier, along with Brook Brown, associate of the TCM and friend of Harris and Klebold, were on a production team for a film project that illustrated CHS exploding. Brown, who at the time played in a band, planned to release an album with this image as its cover. Brown also sang in the school choir; during a December 1998 rehearsal, fellow member Laurie Reynolds overheard Brown boasting that “something big” was going to happen the following April 20 at CHS. Again, Brown is seldom mentioned in a positive light by those associated with CHS; he was described in police reports as “tending to lie a lot.” During the fourth hour in his creative writing class, Brown confirmed that he sat in Eric Harris’ assigned seat. This was unusual and many students noted this in their reports. ‘Coincidentally,’ the only other student spared during the attack, as Brown claimed to have been, was John Savage, who also had ties to the TCM. Nathan Dykeman, Klebold’s best friend, did not immediately evacuate the area. Instead, Dykeman laughed when he found out about the shooting, and bragged that he knew who did it and could not believe they decided to do it that day.
The final point that I’ll bring up in this post is the 1999 CHS Prom. Emily Paletta, a then CHS senior, said that all the posters for prom were vandalized the week before it took place. The posters read: “It’s Coming: April 17.” The vandals crossed out the date and replaced it with “It’s Coming: April 20.” Cathy Pavelanon and Linda Revell reported seeing Dylan Klebold talking to a green-haired individual in the kitchen of the CHS cafeteria during the prom. They reported that they saw a large propane tank in the freezer of said kitchen. Law enforcement admits that they never could locate the individual seen talking to Klebold.
The next post with deal with the footage of the ‘bodies’ during the event.
Intro to the Series
Columbine Conspiracy Post #1
Columbine Conspiracy Post #2 Part 1
Columbine Conspiracy Post #2 Part 2
Columbine Conspiracy Post #2 Part 3
**Again this is not my work. Not claiming these are true either, just theories**
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Alyssa sechler and Kristi epling (a duo of junior/senior highschool girls who were interested in Eric)
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sddgser · 10 years
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Guten fuckin tag. [Good fuckin day.] Frau [the German teacher] sucks, but German rules! thanks for letting me copy allllll that stuff in Deutsch, Hist and chem. Kritzer sure is one Helluva spaz huh. well, our junior year is at an end, woop-de-flippin-do-da, we will be top of the food chain soon.  hey, stay away from those Frostys (redacted…), they might explode some day byno fault of mine! and you could get hurt. hey, your smart, do something cool when you grow up. Gott weiss ich will kein engel sein. [God knows I don’t want to be an angel, from the Rammstein song “Engel”.] oh well. ready for some philosophy? not yet? or… [redacted] and [redacted] need to burn, those pricks will get what’s coming soon.  thanks for listening to my problems and shit, bla bla—other nice thoughts—yadda wadda so so so…ok, time for philosophy: Nihilism, Anarchism, and several others are all wrapped up into 1 ball called my head.  society wants to get rid of any human instincts we may have, like Kritzer said a few times, the industrial age and factories and shit, all to better the community and lessen the human part of life, “sit in order, be respectful, don’t talk out loud, drive safely, don’t run, don’t lie, bla bla don’t don’t” why the FUCK not!!! we are humans, we should use our brains for something besides memorizing cube roots. the things that put us above animals is our brains, and society wants to flatten it out. they don’t want thinkers and dreamers, only thinkers and dreamers who think and dream about how to be successful and be a good citizen. Anyone who shows more thoughts or emotion than the norm is said to be wierd or crazy, wrong! they are just more in touch w/their humanity, and people who think they can sum up mankind in simple lame quotes piss me off. like “there are 2 kinds of people…the quick and the dead…the smart and the dumb…leaders and followers…” well you fucks are wrong!! The only 2 kinds of people are male and Female!!!!! the rest is B.S. follow your instincts, be free from all, listen to no one, be SELF AWARE!! step back and look at what you are doing, do you look stupid? smart? silly? foolish? that’s why I acted like I did at After prom, have you ever watched, actually watched someone dance? it is ridicu.o…lus. people are funny, they want to be accepted. don’t be afraid to judge people either. people say you shouldn’t judge others because that’s not how they are on the inside…well oh fucking well and to flippin bad, your impression of someone is what they seem like, and if they are to caught up and stupid to have their true self most obvious, then that’s their choice. if they look like a lame gothic black devil wannabe then damnit that’s what they want you to think and boom, verdict made. well, how was that for a trip through the mind of a wise one? I hope you liked it, if you didn’t I don’t care anyway!! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha 
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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