#kronos is a sore loser
So I really love Time Loops. And I have decided I'm gonna write a Time Loop fic with Percy Jackson. But first I need to finish my reread of The Last Olympian!
Current plan - Kronos has one more trick up his sleeve - send Percy through enough loops so that he gives up and lets Kronos win!
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Finale!! Let’s go!! (Gonna write as I watch)
1)The scene with Luke was so cute but also a little creepy. What was up with that?? Also!! The initial narration of episode 1 is Percy quoting Luke?!?! My heart, I love them so much 🥺
2)Omg!! The fight was good af! Did... did Walker's eyes change color???? Not Ares trying to kill them with his " true form" as a last resort, sore loser.
3) mom??? Bro, you just saw her statue in the Underworld.... holy shit!!! Mrs. Dodds!!! The helm looks cool af ngl. Percy is so cool, like damn. Oh, yeah, the deadline passed, which means Poseidon & Zeus are definitely at war!!! That's what started WW2?!?! Gods being petty bitches... damn... He's done running from monsters 😭 (I love the implication that Zeus is a monster. You're right and you should say it.) Annabeth gave him her necklace 😭😭😭, that's so cute. An email, Grover 😂😂
4) That's one way to get Zeus's attention, damn. Just dropped the bolt in front if the doorman 😂😂. What do mortals see when they see the bolt??
5) Olympus looks cool af!! Oh, Luke & Percy again! Annabeth is terrified of spiders! Things that are small and scary get squished. Oh Luke is in his big brother mentor era!! Love to see it!
6) the council room!! The thrones look cool af, I can't wait to see all of the God's sitting on it! Oh, I have no idea how they're going to replace the actor, he is perfect as Zeus!! Yes!! Read him to filth Percy!!!! Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poseidon surrended for Percy 😭😭😭😭, I'm- Oh, Toby Stephens always eat. Omg!!! They're speaking Greek!! Is it Greek Greek or ancient Greek. Does anyone speak ancient Greek. Everyone?? What are Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus, and Demeter??? 😭
7) Percy and Poseidon!! Omg! Patrus 😭😭. Poseidon's smile about Sally... Bro... Ares is a moron 😂😂 (they've done the family vibe of the Olympians so well! 😂). Answer the question, Poseidon!!! Do you dream about her!?!?!
8) I wonder if thet planted that tree specifically to be Thalia's tree or if they just found a cool tree they liked lol. They hugged!! Holy shit, Clarisse is still here??? What is happening?!?!?
9) Luke being a responsible leader! We stan!! Annabeth being all cool, I see her!
10) fireworks! So cool!! The mommy issues in Luke are through the roof. Wait does Luke look like he's crying?? Wait what??? What do you mean she didn't???? Wait what?!?! Wtf. Luke?!?! No. LUKE SAY SOMEGHING! NOT THAT!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?! HOLY SHIT. IM CRYING. NO.
Oh, he's making some good points. This are some valid points. Episode 1 Percy would be eating this up ngl. I mean, not to be a bitch, but like... Luke sounds like those girls that have been groomed... all like "he loves me! He's gonna take care of me!" Like... are you sure???
Are they trying their best Percy?? Are they really?? I'm not an expert, but maybe don't mention his dad to the kid you know has daddy issues, if you don't want him to kill you, just a thought. I kinda of want Percy to say he's and go apeshit on the Gods ngl. He apologized for hurting Luke 😭😭😭. Wait, what??? Annabeth!! No!! 😭😭😭 she heard everything, Luke's face, my heart 😭😭😭 I was not ready for all of this emotion
11) Armed escort lol. He doesn't want you dead, he wants you next to him. Very persuasive... sounds manipulative to me.... Mr D! He's funny af. I'm 90% sure it's Peter😂. I don't think so 😂. Kicking them all out, I can't, bro...
12) Annabeth is going to see her dad?!?! Omg her hair looks so cute!! Her talking to Thalia's tree is cute. Her dad is taking her to Disney world 😭😭. Percy telling her to be a kid 😭😭😭 Grover is gonna search for Pan!! Percy is gonna help him search the seas!! (The next one is called sea of monsters right?? Maybe that's the "main quest"???) The hug!!! 😭
13) I hadn't realized it earlier, the beach is Montauk!! Where his mom went missing! It's the beach house they came to. She's here!!!! Look at her!!!! 😭😭 hugging her baby boy 😭😭wait what??? No, Sally!! Where are you?!?! Wait, is that kronos?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? Is he sassying time itself?!?!!?! Bro.... 😭😂😭😂😂 what does he mean?!?!?! What?!?!
14) Sally!!!!!! She's here!!! The fact that he's only just starting 7th grade is wild... he's baby. Percy calling Kronos grandpa, I can't 😂😂. Sally is done with Percy's shit , I can't. "Kronos, Lord of the Titans, said that?" I love her 😂
15) blue pancakes?? They look good af ngl. It's a storm!! Poseidon is also there for Percy's first day of school 🥺. Didn't percy have a step-dad?? The asshole one? What happened to him??
16) oh, there he is. What an asshole. Sally changed the locks 😂. Good for her!! What a dick. Wait.. is that.... is that Medusa??? Omg! Holy shit!! That's hilarious!! 😂😂 good riddance!!!
I have no words. I need a new season now!!! This was by far my new favorite episode!! I love this so much!!! I'm heart broken. I need more!!!
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mosquito-queen · 1 year
“And then?”
“And then there was a great earthquake that sank Atlantis and no one ever saw her again.”
“No, dad! You’re mixing up the stories again!”
“Oh? Am I? Do you think you could tell it then?”
“Yes, of course. Lay your head down,” She pats the purple pillow at the head of her bed and hands him her stuffed dog, “and here’s Hawkeye. Get tucked in, and it works best if your eyes are closed so you can see the story.”
“Right, thank you, Katie.” He plays along, pulling the extra blanket from the foot of the bed over his torso and settles into the pillows. His daughter sits criss-crossed next to him, her back against the wall as she holds open a book.
She clears her throat before beginning, “Dad, your eyes are still open.”
“Sorry, ok,” He squishes them shut, “I’m ready now.”
Kate adjusts so her knees are pulled up and she can rest the book against the tops of her legs. She turns the page, which is just a formality because she does not plan on reading from the children’s book.
Her father never does - only pretends while he makes up his daring tales of adventure. Kate is seven now and knows there isn’t a character named Pigsy Pie in the Magic Treehouse, but it’s too funny when her dad speaks his lines in a high pitched voice to tell him otherwise. It’s become their inside joke. Now it’s her turn.
She slides her finger down the page of Peter Pan, clicking her tongue like she’s just found where she had left off from the previous day, “Ah, yes, here we are. Our brave goddess isn’t in Atlantis, but she’s stuck in the Underworld!”
Kate frowns. The word ‘stuck’ doesn’t fit quite right. Feels funny in her mouth. “No, wait, dad. We have to start over and go back.”
“Just erase the page, Kate, and you can change the story.”
She nods very seriously, checks to make sure her dad’s eyes are still closed, and takes her hand to lightly swipe over the pages. Once satisfied with the course correction, she continues:
“A long time ago, before you and mom, and grandma, and the dinosaurs,” Her dad chuckles, “There were super powerful people, like Hawkeye, but not really people. They were made from the stars and outer space stuff probably, and it went something like this…”
The thundercloud over Olympus has not budged for forty nights. It had clawed its way from the underbelly of a rather calm sky until it made a black eye of Zeus’s realm. It was festering now like a rotted wound.
It started with a question, seemingly mild on the surface: “What do you mean she isn’t here?”
“I-I’m terribly sorry my lord, but no one has seen her.” And his servant had looked to the other, the smallest glance, and the sky had split open with a crack. The glance said: I know we have not yet discussed how we will speak our way out of this ordeal, but go along with this story for now.
And before Zeus seized Violence by the throat, he looked to Force and asked: “Is the other one still here?”
Force had her gaze lowered to the floor, “Yes. Yes, she remains.”
And then Zeus unleashed his wrath with a flash of red and the anger seemed to have turned into an overcast sky that every so often spit fire like venom.
He had lost one of his assets. He had lost. If Zeus was anything, it was a sore-loser. Demeter had fled and left her sister behind. Not a total loss. Still a loss.
The sisters had been captured as soon as Zeus defeated his father. They were born of something older, almost peers of Kronos, and Zeus feared them for it. He had to destroy them and remake them in his image. He had to.
Except Demeter escaped and now there was this obscene weather phenomenon seeping acid rain on his beautiful city. His subjects and lovers thought the powerful storm came from his own doing. They thought his mood so sour that it could conjure such a rage.
They were wrong. It was the abandoned sister’s anguish that drove the unrelenting storm. She mourned with the intensity of a thousand dying suns, and it was ruining Olympus.
So Zeus had done the next best thing: he had involved the Fates. Now he stalks towards the cell holding the remaining sister, his plan unfolding as Force and Violence follow in his shadow.
He opens the door that only responds to his electricity, and it reveals the thing he is most fearful of: a goddess born of death and life. She bares her teeth like a hound, but her hands and feet have been anchored together with old magic. She howls. He knows she would rip open his flesh and eat his heart. He worries she still might be able to.
That’s why he takes something wrapped in golden fleece from Force. That’s why Violence holds down the cursing goddess. She is too powerful to completely eradicate. He must recreate her in his image.
Zeus says to the goddess: “With these scissors forged from the flesh and bone of Kronos, I will cut you in two halves and you will never know your whole self.”
Her screams shake the room, rattle the entirety of Olympus.
And when he is done, and her new souls are wading away from the waters of the River Styx, he says: “From this time forth, you will be known as Persephone, the Goddess of Spring, and your shadow shall be Hades, King of the Underworld.”
“Hey kid, your nose is bleeding.” Derek Bishop had opened his eyes part way through his kid’s story. He had double checked the title on the upside down book in her hands, but it gave no insight to where his daughter was going with her tale. And now her nose was bleeding. She wasn’t moving though, just staring blankly at the pages of the book. The blood slowly spreading down her face.
“Kate?” Nothing. He reached out to squeeze her knee, “Hey, let’s go get that cleaned up before it gets on the blankets.”
Her eyes focused, “What?”
He’s frowning, rolling out of the bed and motioning for Kate to follow him, “Your nose. It’s bleeding. Come on, let’s get a move on.”
“Oh yeah, mom wouldn’t like it if it stains.”
“Yeah, don’t wanna make her mad, huh? You feeling okay?”
She shrugs in response and follows him to the bathroom just a little down the hall from her room. He says over his shoulder, “Put your head back, Kate, and pinch your nose.”
Now, in the bathroom her dad is tilting her head back to sneak a wad of tissue into her nose, “That was a heck of a story, kid. Where’d you hear it from?”
She waits for him to stop messing with the tissue, before answering: “I don’t know.”
“Was it your mom?”
“Mom doesn’t tell stories.”
“Something on TV?”
She tries to think, swings her legs from her perch on the toilet seat, but something hurts in the middle of her brain, so she stops trying to remember: “No, I don’t know.”
“Katie, the other side of your nose is bleeding.”
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mirzamsaiph · 1 year
New fic! (Yes I’m still working on my other fic I assure you)
Apollo/Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson
Nico di Angelo/Will Solace
Percy Jackson & Poseidon
Percy Jackson & Triton
Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson
Jason Grace & Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson & The Olympians
evenutally they're assholes at the start
and the middle
and practically the end
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
Apollo (Percy Jackson)
Poseidon (Percy Jackson)
Triton (Percy Jackson)
Amphitrite (Percy Jackson)
Kymopoleia (Percy Jackson)
Rhodes (Percy Jackson)
Zeus (Percy Jackson)
Aphrodite (Percy Jackson)
Athena (Percy Jackson)
Hermes (Percy Jackson)
Hades (Percy Jackson)
Ares (Percy Jackson)
Hera (Percy Jackson)
Dionysus (Percy Jackson)
Achilles (Percy Jackson)
Patroclus (Percy Jackson)
Menelaus (Song of Achilles)
Eros (Percy Jackson)
Helen of Troy
Odysseus (Percy Jackson)
There's proabably more I'm forgetting
Agamemnon (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore)
Additional Tags
I don't want to tag this as non-con but it's def a good bit dark
any mentions of SA or anything of sorts will be warned in the notes
Obsessive Behavior
References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore
Ancient Greece
Trojan War
Time Travel
Time Travel Fix-It
BAMF Percy Jackson
Sassy Percy Jackson
He's so done
Canon-Typical Violence
Protective Poseidon (Percy Jackson)
but like
way way to protective
obsessive protective
Alternate Universe - Ancient Greece & Rome
Dark Apollo (Percy Jackson)
Dark Poseidon (Percy Jackson)
Work title:
Those eyes add insult to injury ( and it hurt’s so much)
It seemed that Kronos, essentially, was a sore loser.
This conclusion became evident to Percy as he regained consciousness in the what seemed to be Greece. There stood an elegant woman, around his mother's age, in garments that were unfamiliar to Percy. She gazed down at him with concern and care. A man stood beside her, sharing her concern but with an air of wariness. His hand rested on what Percy presumed was his wife's shoulder, and his eyes seemed fixated on Percy's sword, which laying by him.
Percy's day turned worse as soon as the woman began to speak, "Young man, are you well? It appears you might be injured. Has there been another clash with the Trojans? Shall we get you to Lord Apollo's temple and to the healer within? The woman's gaze darted from Percy to her husband, whose brows creased in response.
At that moment, Percy yearned to obliterate Kronos once more.
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alwayslukason · 6 years
things to ask about your otp #3 - lukason
[ 200 notes on my first one of these, and nearly 170 on the second. i’d say y'all liked them ]
which one asks weird questions all hours of the night
Jason because he’s always frigging reading in the middle of the night even when the lights are off. He usually asks something that the book doesn’t clarify in detail like, ‘wait, does vampire really sparkle?’ and Luke will be like, ‘really? twilight? really? also, turn on the lights when you’re reading, idiot.’
which one is better at sports
Both of them, lol. Even in college, both of them gets scouted by different sport teams alone because of their physiques. Luke himself doesn’t have much interest in hanging around mortals because he needs that basic understanding between two people (being a demigod and all) to be able to click with someone. Jason himself doesn’t mind when it comes to surface bonds and the reason why Luke ends up joining is because of Jason bringing him over.
which one is a “sore loser”
In general, Luke, since he has this very strong need to be special, especially in his father’s eyes. Jason is as modest as described.
However, Luke rarely gets heated up in training session whenever Jason beats him and here are some reasons. 1) Jason doesn’t gloat. Even his expression doesn’t gloat or shows a ‘wow! i seriously won!’. He’s a veteran, first and foremost, and he’s just as supportive and caring as Luke is when Luke spars with other campers and usually is more of a ‘that was such a great fight! i normally can’t go all out on anyone but you’ unless you’re this one big bag of hammers who tries to one up this 14 years of experience guy by claiming that you can kill him. Honestly, Jason and Luke frequently exchange tips on their own different fighting styles since they are both experts on theirs. 2) Both of them have this same thing for each other after they went through a workout. All that aftermath just coming in the form of hot sweat. 3) Both of them work very very hard. Both of them has the experience under their belt. In Luke’s eyes, that’s less of a ‘oh, it’s because he’s the son of the big three’ and more of the fact that Jason really punched in the years of hard work just like Luke did to achieve their own mastery.
which one sings in the shower
Jason does, normally, but only when he’s showering in the shared apartment with Luke and not in the camp. He really lets loose when he’s given the opportunity. Nothing really cures your day than listening to Jason hamming out a classical piece.
which one makes better jokes
Luke, obviously. He’s the witty guy out of the two and a prankster. He loves teasing Jason a lot too and honestly, Luke loves Jason playing the straight man even when Jason isn’t even intentionally doing it. Jason’s comebacks are just so -- straightforward and dry, it really completes Luke’s jokes. And come on, Jason has this big book on ‘how to make jokes’ for social sake.
which one is the bad influence
You’d think it’s Luke with how he’s always cracking jokes and even pulling off some nice pranks. It’s true that Luke would be one of the driving point to Jason relaxing and being more easygoing though. However, it’s also a fact that Luke really doesn’t like to steal or pick locks for a long time since it’s connected to Hermes. He also has a pretty firm moral compass too since he’s unwilling to kill an innocent mortal boy even when his head is just hammy with Kronos’s evil thoughts breathing in from night to night. Even with Halcyon, Luke was like ‘I’m sorry. I don’t like this but we need the supplies’. Luke is nicer than he’s being given credit for. Also, he’s a lot more cautious and resourceful. 
Jason is the actual bad influence. You see how Jason is always running towards the bigger and stronger guy even when he knows can’t defeat it on his own like Porphyrion or even survive a fight aka Caligula. Honestly, Jason keeps on running to surefire dangerous situations and Luke is just stuck running after him because he can’t just ditch this potato head and being like, ‘holy shit. it’s my 14 year old birthday all over again’.
which one is clumsier
Cough. Jason is. He runs into trees when he reads, he gets knocked out by things (but really, it’s just a ploy to bench the strongass npc) and then he gets caught it one trap too. Jason is someone who can get pretty absorbed in things once he starts and that’s when his situational awareness starts pummelling like a wrecking ball. Not to mention Jason can sometimes unintentionally say the wrong things (like with Heracles), not listening to instructions (when Hera instructs them to close their eyes) and screw up a surprise attack by coming in with his flashy dramatics (when Apollo wants to land a surprise attack on the guards). Jason may be Luke’s listener/confidant but Luke is Jason’s impulse control.
which one fell in love first (and why?)
Hmm. This is more of a cause and effect thing. Jason tries to help Luke and able to listen and emphasise. In return, seeing Luke makes Jason even more grounded on the fact that not everything is black and white.  Luke is someone who is attracted to someone who is strong and brave. Someone who he can understand and vice versa on a certain level, which is the same as with Jason. From this post I made before
Alas, they have differences too, which they either learn from each other or conflict because of those. But the fact that they can be so similar too makes it less of a ‘I can’t understand this fucking guy’ but starts to become more of a ‘maybe it’s possible that I can become like that too if given under different circumstances?’. e.g if Luke won against the dragon or if Jason becomes too helpless and desperate. Once that connection is established, Luke starts to open up more because he needed the help so that Kronos tm won’t happen again and gradually Jason does to. Both of them are also very perceptive and can read people damn well. When they realize their facades aren’t working on each other, they don’t work as hard to put it up in front of each other anymore and that’s when the deep connection starts to form and it becomes such a hard thing for them to pull away from because that’s what they have been looking for since day one. They simply created a soulmate-level bond with each other like this.
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coldtomyflash · 7 years
Doomworld - Len’s Progression
I’ve literally rewatched all of Doomworld to make sense of Len’s characterization and honestly, I don’t think it’s as far off as I originally thought it was, or that it’s irreconcilable with the Len we know. After I calmed down, I could make sense of so much of his behavior by reading between the lines.
So I’m sharing that with you, a sort of quick look into his scenes in the episode. 
Long post, no gifs, but here we go.
Len starts at a heist with Mick. They’re having fun, and Len is reminding Mick not to kill the security/cops, as is typical on any job with Len, canon as of his introduction.
But then the cops show up, apologize to Len, and they give up the pretense. Mick is angry. He’s bored. He reminds Len of this. Len offers several solutions: we can get ourselves locked in Iron Heights and plan to break out, or go break into a bank with a nigh-impenetrable vault. He’s... trying. He seems to want to keep Mick happy? Because Mick is not happy. They own half the city and he seems to hate it. 
I can’t imagine why Len wouldn’t hate it either. There is no challenge, no chase. he reminds Mick that they’re partners. Equals. He says “we own half the city”. He makes it about both of them, together.
But then Eobard calls and Len’s demeanor changes. He talks with disgust about how they’re being summoned. When Mick rebuffs him about that, Len shoots off that they listen to Eobard because Eobard “agreed not to wipe you and your friends from existence.”
That’s important. And Mick looks confused by it, like he didn’t realize. Because maybe he didn’t.
It lends itself to the notion that Len feels under Eobard’s thumb, and it’s in Mick’s defense. That he’s putting up with this frustrating and boring version of reality, trying to appease Mick, because this is the version of reality where he got to keep Mick alive. He had to keep up a specific face and front with the Legion, seeming like he was in it for riches and power and whatever, make himself seem like them, so that he could bide his time to actually get what he wants. 
And he has to defend Mick in the meantime.
Len’s never been good with emotions or explaining himself, but dammit, he’s trying to keep Mick at his side and safe and expected that he’ll understand one day.
He certainly acts like that in the next scene when Mick tells Eobard they’re not his watchdogs and Len corrects to help smooth things over. He’s acting like he does on a job, like at the nuclear arms deal in LoT 1x02? He’s focused on protecting a mission or himself or the job. He’s hiding something. My guess would be hiding his intent to kill Eobard soon, that he’s been planning for a while to off him once he can.
Because he does have a plan. They take Nate outside to kill him and when Mick protests, Len tells him he has a plan. And Mick is pissed not to be in on it, now. Mick has been through Star City 2046 and the rest of it. Has had it out with Leonard in ways Leonard can’t really imagine, right now. Because this Leonard hasn’t. He’s still used to hiding the plans and details from Mick. Still used to calling all those shots.
Which of course, leads to Mick punching him in the face and taking off with Nate. Impulsive. He doesn’t explain what he’s planning to Len either.
But that doesn’t stop Len from protecting him.
When we next see Len, he’s with Malcolm and Damien. It’s unclear if he’s even told Eobard of Mick’s betrayal, but he’s told these two, and Amaya and Sara were sent to get him back -- alive. The scene does make it clear they plan to bring him back alive. Len defends Mick to Malcolm, even, making sure he’s not intending to kill him. And it’s clear that Len is the reason that Mick retained his memories whereas the others didn’t.
One wonders just how much negotiating Len did on Mick’s behalf behind the scenes in 2x15 when he suggested that the way to steal the spear was for them to get him close to Mick, to bring Mick to their side.
It’s also clear in that scene that Len is planning to kill Eobard, and that the other Legion members agree.
Of course, then the Legends team refuses to trust Mick (when have they ever) even though they should (they always should have) and Mick gets fed up and contacts Len to meet him privately.
Len is jealous and double checks the situation. Seriously. “League of Losers cut you loose?” is a petty line. But he looks indelibly pleased that Mick is back with him, and takes him straight to Malcolm and Damien. Len displays trust in Mick and doesn’t hesitate to bring him back in the fold. I mean, sure, he has the guy GPS’d because wow does Len have issues, but he wants Mick at his side.
They share their information with the other two, and Len’s suspicion is that Eobard wants to re-make reality again but to only his own liking, and then to erase the rest of the Legion and destroy the spear. I think he’s wrong since he really seems to just want to cement this reality, but whatever.
Then shit goes down.
Len stops Eobard from destroying the spear, hits him with the cold gun completely chill (he literally says “bored now” like omg). He doesn’t shoot Ray in the stomach when he has the chance though? I wonder if he’s trying to show restraint with “Mick’s friends”. The people he knows Mick cares about. The people he’s jealous of.
But then Mick gets the spear and everything fucking changes.
I’ve read people suggest that in 2x15, everyone acts different once the spear is put together -- that they’re meaner and more sombre, less trusting of one another. That it literally is like the One Ring in LoTR. And maybe that was at play in this scene as well. Mick picks up the spear and suddenly Len becomes a dick.
“Nice work Mick. Now hand it over.”
Mick doesn’t listen immediately. Len watches Amaya counter him, saying that she “believes in” Mick. It makes him angry.
“Enough! Mick - hand it over.” And when Mick doesn’t, that’s when Len finally drops the line: “Like a good boy.”
Why would he fucking say that? Except. Except he’s trying to counterpoint Amaya. And he doesn’t fucking know how. He said in 2x15 that the team treats Mick like their well-trained dog and maybe he’s trying to remind Mick of that or maybe he’s trying to be like that if it’s what Mick responds to or maybe he’s just being a dick because he’s hurt.
He’s hurt that Mick would even consider giving the spear to the Legends. Because if the Legends get the spear, they rewrite reality and in that reality, Len is dead. Mick considering them means Mick considering a reality where Len dies. He’s picking them over him.
And when Mick says “you mean like a dog. That’s all I am to you. An attack dog.” Len immediately denies it. Denies that he sees Mick that way. He makes a jab at Mick’s intelligence with no way of knowing that the team has been doing the exact same thing for months and that it’s such a sore spot, but he uses it to illustrate why they’re partners.
Because Len’s supposed to make the plans. Make the big plays. That’s his role. Mick’s the one going off script. Len knows an old script. Remember, one that hasn’t been through Star City 2046 or Kronos or fist fight death duel confessions. Len’s supposed to make the plan, and he has one (and I personally believe it’s to use the spear to get rid of Eobard and to set him and Mick back to how they’d prefer to be) but Mick isn’t following the script.
And Mick throws the spear to Amaya.
And he says: “I’m no one’s dog, Leonard. Not anymore.”
And honestly... he never thought he was until the Legends made him feel that way. He talks about how he and Len were partners. So this is new. Feeling like this is new. And it’s a tension from Len following their prior script and Mick needing an updated one where he has more information and more decision-making power and it’s a mess.
And Len is pissed and lashes back with cruel words. “Well. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.”
And it’s totally shitty of him to say, no excuse except that he’s hurt as fuck because his best friend literally just chose a reality where he doesn’t exist, chose essentially for him to die instead of trusting him.
Yeah, that’s got to smart. And when Mick tells Amaya to “undo this mess”, well, Len’s continued existence and survival is part of that mess.
So he kills her. To survive.
And he’s jealous, so fucking jealous, and angry. Mick picked them over him. Mick picked her over him.
So he fucking puns when he shatters her to pieces like the cold bastard that he is because he has literally all of his walls up in full force after that betrayal from Mick. But he doesn’t even raise his weapon when Mick does. For I think the first time we’ve seen, Len doesn’t raise his weapon when Mick does. Just looks at him, sad and hurt and guarded a little.
And Mick lowers his gun and everything hurts and nothing is okay.
But... that’s why it’s not a totally fucked characterization after all, I don’t think. He’s cold and shitty but he’s under the thumb of an all-powerful dickwad who is holding Mick’s life and Len’s existence in (literally, when he’s holding the spear) the palm of his hand, and Mick still chose someone else instead of trusting Len. Instead of Len. 
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