yonemurishiroku · 8 months
Hear me out, Jason x Luke
You have come to the right place.
This fic is about Jason in Elysium. And guess who's also in Elysium? That's right, Mr. Hero-slash-Ultimate-Villain Luke Castellan himself.
Please please read this you won't be disappointed.
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percyinpanties · 4 years
Dark! Jason/Percy/Luke could be such an interesting relationship! I mean, Jason leading some of the Romans into Cronus army? Percy crazy with his two blondes? YES, MATE!
following people’s advice and using embarrassingly old prompts from my inbox to warm up before *actual* writing - note that this is just a stream of consciousness with little to no finesse and potentially not even slightly in character.rating would… technically i believe still be teen+ but dark themes and violence are heavily implied. 
Sometimes, Luke finds himself afraid of what he’s created, afraid of what he’s made them become. 
The potential was there early on, enough misery among both the Roman and the Greek half-bloods to fuel the low simmering anger both Percy and Jason carried at the injustices they themselves had to bear. It was easy to reinforce their doubt in the gods and their godly plans, easy to sow mistrust in their parents and even easier to make them see things for how miserable they truly are. Luke never had to lie to them, not really, because in the end, he was only telling them things they knew themselves already but had refused to see. 
He wonders, sometimes, at which point he’s gone too far, at which point he should’ve tried and pulled them back from the inevitable darkness. When he sees Percy figure out just how far his control over water can go, when he sees Jason suck the air from another demigods lung, or maybe when he sees them overcome their rivalry and intertwine their powers for the first time, sending raging storms across the battlefields and those they would have considered their friends only a few years ago… 
Luke doubts and doubts, and while he knows his wrath against the gods is right, he wonders if his path, his war against them is, too. He wonders if truly Kronos is any better than them at all. 
It’s near impossible to reconcile the images of Percy and Jason on the battlefield, fury and wrath and destruction, with the boys letting down their guard when they sit with Luke in their shared suite aboard the Princess Andromeda. 
Percy’s got his hands on Jason’s shoulder, gentle fingers tracing over the skin there as he wraps a bandage around a large gash. Not even an hour ago, Luke had been standing by, watching while Percy tore apart the stupid kid that had managed to catch Jason off guard in a moment of distraction. It was the only hit the kid landed, because seconds later Percy on them - and after that, there was no chance the kid had made it out of that encounter alive. Not that Luke thinks he himself would’ve shown any more mercy, Backbiter already raised to strike himself when Percy struck the kid down.
Luke watches quietly now too, seeing an entirely different Percy than the one who’d wreaked havoc on the battlefield - one that was gentle and careful as he dressed Jason’s wound. Luke wonders if, maybe, under a different teacher, Percy could have found his powers to be used in healing, too. 
“Thank you.” Jason sighs quietly when Percy is done, but rather than moving away he leans closer, until his back is flush with Percy’s chest, his head falling back to rest against Percy’s shoulder. Percy’s arms come around Jason’s waist without hesitation, staying close as if they both ache for the comfort. Luke can’t blame them, he feels himself aching too.
When Jason’s eyes open, they catch on Luke’s gaze. The grimace of pain turns into one of concern instead.
“What’s wrong?” Jason asks, and while Luke knows there is no point in lying, he can’t bring himself to share what he’s been thinking about anyway. He’d done this to them, in a way, he can’t go on blaming them for what they have become.
“Just hate to see you hurt.” Luke replies, and it isn’t a lie. 
When Jason reaches out a hand, Luke takes it, allows Jason to pull him close too. 
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
@ the bottom!Jason anons from the other day: how does college AU Luke/Jason sound? 👀
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shippy-pjo-shipper · 5 years
So, here's a mess of a relationship. Alabaster C. Torrington/Luke Castellan/Ethan Nakamura/Nico Di Angelo/Perseus Jackson/Jason Grace/Octavian. Thoughts on this mess?
Oh yes a true mess indeed. But I like it, that's really great.
But what do I have to say about it ...? Humm, well I like many of the combinations.
First of all, Jason : he's the sweetheart everyone needs in this relationship. He would probably be closer of Nico and Ethan. Percy and him would be like best friend with pluses, and I also picture Jason, Octavian and Luke having a particular link, like Jason and Luke being the one to bring Octavian in the relationship.
Ethan now : Did I say Octavian would be invited in the relationship by Jason and Luke ? Well, who do you think was the best argument they used to convince him, out of the group ? I think Ethan would have the better relationship with Percy, Jason and Nico. And with Octavian, Ethan would be... the one to guide him, to make him feel at ease (maybe with Alabaster's help later on).
Percy : I see him starting the relationship with Nico, Ethan and Jason, when Nico would admit his love for him, Percy would react by admitting he loves him too, then the two would quickly understood that they have feelings for others, and Percy would be the one to go ask to Jason and Ethan to be with them. Then Luke would quickly join with Alabaster.
Luke : Maybe he was in couple with Alabaster, then when he'll see Ethan, Jason, Nico and Percy forming a relationship, he'd propose them to join them after talking about it with his boyfriend. Luke would be the protective one, especially protective when people would criticize their polyrelationship. He would make boys be at ease, like with Octavian.
Octavian : The last one to join, he'd be the most uneasy one. The one who'd support the disrespectful remarks the least. But his boyfriends would always be here for him, especially Jason, Ethan and Luke.
Alabaster : He could seem like the most out of the group one, but he's not. He'd be the most independant one, yes, but not least in love with his boyfriends. Especially Luke, Ethan, Nico and Octavian.
And finally, Nico : He would be the one loved by everyone. He'd be closer of Percy, Ethan and Jason. But him and Alabaster would have a great relationship too (they could work their magical powers together, with, Octavian help occasionally).
I don't know if I've talked about this ship like you wanted me to, but it was a pleasure. I like this polyship a lot.
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alwayslukason · 6 years
Luke: Your habit of reading at night is keeping me up.
Jason: Why? You said that the night light doesn't disturb your sleep when you insisted I had it on.
Luke: But you read out loud, after you go to sleep.
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adon-magazine · 7 years
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@lukasonic 💥👊🏼😜 #adonmagazine web exclusive by @jasonoungphotography @zacleehengcong - click: www.adonmagazine.com 🙌🏼 @royfire7 @peertal 🔥😉👍🏼
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seklie-blog1 · 8 years
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
to answer, it sounds like my brain spamming 'yes' 40 times in a row, u absolute ICON 😭✋ 💖💖
*laughs* Glad to hear that! ;D
Then stay tuned for the 16th prompt college AU/photo. ;)
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shippy-pjo-shipper · 6 years
You forgot to mention lukethan and lukason(also lukeyna but I think i'm the only person who ships it) for the Luke ships list.
I love lukeyna anon, I really love it (but actually I ship Reyna with almost everyone, I love this girl).
Lukason too, I find it really interesting (maybe a little weird when you think about Thalia reaction to it, but I like it).
But Lukethan is not my thing (and it's really sad for me cause it's pretty popular, but sorry, not interested).
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alwayslukason · 6 years
Please imagine this: Luke comes back from the dead and he has to catch up with everything that happened. He meets Jason is really wary about him and the Romans at first because "what the fuck. What the actual fuck yOU WERE RAISED BY WOLVES AND TRAINED FROM WHAT AGE ON?!" and even after he gets closer to them (especially with Jason) he still says that he doesn't trust the Romans, although there is litterally the strongest Roman demigod aka Jason Grace sitting in his lap.
Coming back from the dead brings a whole lot more questions than the people who were there to learn about it. From Camp Jupiter to Gaea, Luke was able to absorb as much as he could from the demigods who didn’t hate his guts, at least. That’s to say - there are still some among them who are wary about him, and for a good reason too.
Meeting Thalia’s brother was the other huge shocker since Thalia never once mentioned about her family. Every reminder of it brought pain in her eyes so Luke elected to avoid prying so that she could have her peace. Then, he learned about the customs of Camp Jupiter, including where Jason was trained by wolves since the age of two and has been serving the camp ever since he ‘graduated’ from the Wolf House.
What the fuck?
This brings to mind that Jason might not have the experience of some ‘normalcy’ (not that the life of a demigod brings the right to boast about being normal) and the first clue came from Jason literally ripping his teeth into a lump of raw meat, chewing on it as though it was a cooked chicken. While Luke was trying to digest the sight, everyone else minded their own food as though it was normal.
What has this crazy world come to?
“Hey,” Jason called out softly from his place in Luke’s lap, effectively snapping Luke out of his thoughts. “Do you want to mingle around?” He gestured towards the crowd formed by demigods from both Camp Halfblood and Camp Jupiter.
Luke scoffed and bit back the sarcastic remark he would’ve made if it were anyone but Jason, Thalia or Annabeth who were asking. “In case you’ve forgotten, I’m not exactly famous around.” He leaned forward and perched his chin on Jason’s broad shoulder. “I’m good here.”
“Are you sure? I’ve been told I’m not quite interesting company.” Jason only turns his head slightly, enough to feel the touch of Luke’s skin against his nose. Jason notices that whenever the demigods from Camp Jupiter came over, Luke becomes less inclined to join the fun. 
“If that matters to me at all, I wouldn’t be your boyfriend now, would I, wolf boy?”
Contrary to what Jason or anyone thinks, Luke quite enjoys the peace and serenity that Jason brings. Jason is quiet, but not enough to fade into the background. He’s easily one of the strongest demigods around, and his title as Pontifex Maximus meant that he’s going to get recognized even when he keeps quiet. It’s only so that the kids from Camp Jupiter are far more disciplined to hound Jason every minute of the day while titles don’t matter and the boring sort much to Camp Half Blood. That didn’t mean Jason’s presence isn’t noticeable - far from it.
“Luke.” Jason’s voice grows serious, though it doesn’t hold the tone that Luke is in trouble - like the time he casually gave Connor and Travis ideas for a prank, which he honestly didn’t know they were going to pull on Jason and Percy. “Are you uncomfortable with us Romans?” His voice grows softer this time as though he’s approaching a delicate issue that might cause Luke to clam up.
Luke shrugs his shoulders and holds Jason tightly to him. “Not uncomfortable as much as I don’t trust them. I don’t trust a lot of people.”
“You know that it doesn’t make sense when you have me on your lap, right?”
“And you weigh a good ton, wolf boy,” Luke purrs into Jason’s ear teasingly and smirked when he feels Jason’s skin warming up from the act. 
“I’m serious,” Jason grumbles with his cheeks tinted red, and he pulled himself away slightly so that he can turn around to face his boyfriend. Both of his hands are on Luke’s arms as Luke encircled them around Jason to keep him from falling off. “I’m not looking into forcing you into anything but… is there a chance where you’ll try to get to know them? Maybe?”
Luke doesn’t know what to say when he’s looking into Jason’s eyes that seemed so hopeful, like this meant a lot to him. Unlike Jason, Luke only mingled around outside of his circle before when it served a united purpose. Other than looking after the newcomers of Camp Half Blood and working with the Seven on some occasions to steal from a near impossibly accessible place, hanging out with the Romans hasn’t been in his priority list.
Yet he seems to be fighting a losing battle when it reminds him how much this would mean to Jason. Jason hardly makes any requests as it is, unless it’s for the benefit of others. His selflessness, despite what he had been through, had always been an enigma to Luke - and yet a bigger part of Luke finds it frustrating that Jason always decides to do a thankless job and gets twice the pain in the process. He almost wanted to rip his own hair out, trying to get Jason to become a little bit more selfish. Hence, it’s really difficult to say ‘no’ when Jason is making such an earnest request for his own desire for once.
“Fine,” Luke finally says after he expelled a huge sigh. “I’ll try. But if nothing good comes out of it, I’m not going to push it.”
As expected, Jason beams like a thousand suns he is and pushes himself forward to wrap his strong arms around Luke, who slowly rests his own hands on Jason’s muscular back. No matter how much you tell him that his hugs are often in the form of a golem’s crushing attack, Jason’s excitement overrides his caution when handling these good-willed embraces.“That’s more than what I could ask for,” Jason murmurs happily. Luke wanted to point out that this isn’t exactly a demanding request that would warrant such a reaction of full gratitude - but he prefers to keep Jason’s moods happy. “Come. I’ll introduce you to some of my closest friends.”
“Wait, we’re doing this right now?” Luke tries to argue when Jason hops off his lap and easily pulls Luke onto his feet. 
“Of course. They aren’t going to be staying for long.” Lacing his fingers together with Luke’s, Jason makes his way towards the crowd with Luke in tow. 
Brushing his fingers into his hair, Luke sighs into the air. He had hoped he could have more moments of silence with Jason before meeting the Romans, who might or might not also hate his guts. Regardless, seeing how Jason navigates them through the crowd excitedly, heading towards Reyna and Thalia, Luke suppressed the small feeling of dread and puts on his sociable, charming mask - and smiles at Jason’s back.
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allarica · 9 years
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Commission piece I did for olympusdrabbles for their new project the PJO / HoO rarepairproject-  a special kind of shipweeks from Oct 5-25 to show all ships that are not canon, unnoticed and unappreciated our love. 
commission info just in case :D?
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alwayslukason · 6 years
Luke: Jason. Love. You're too reckless and this is definitely going to kill us.
Jason: Be positive, Luke.
Luke, giving a thumbs up: This is definitely going to kill us.
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alwayslukason · 6 years
Jason, sending a text message: [I missed you, Luke.]
Auto-correct: [I missed you, nuke.]
Luke, holding the phone away from him: What in the world-?
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alwayslukason · 6 years
Luke: I didn't have to study that much to get a good grade on my paper.
Jason: Are you sure it wasn't just a
Jason: fLUKE?
Jason: :D
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alwayslukason · 6 years
Hermes: If you're anything, you're a MOM.
Jason, gasping: You DID NOT just call me a mom!
Luke: *eating the chocolate chip cookie Jason baked with a blanket Jason draped around him* you're a mom.
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alwayslukason · 6 years
5 and 7
OTP questions
5. When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up?
When Jason has a bad day, he usually shuts himself up in his room (or his and Luke’s room) and rarely will be willingly to come out unless somewhere is going up into flames. Luke would usually go into their room and hug Jason from behind since Jason is the sort who is very responsive to physical touch. That’s to say, Jason loves it as long as you are someone he cares about. He likes being held, although it isn’t something that he admits willingly and Jason likes how naturally Luke does it which prevents Jason from feeling like he’s being coddled.
On the other hand, when Luke is in a bad mood, Jason will place himself beside him and stroke his arm quietly. Hugging might be suffocating for Luke depending on what made his day shitty so Jason always starts with the smallest touches which makes Luke smile every time because he sees it as Jason being considerate about his feelings.
Being quiet is a common theme for them since they’re the types who really needs a lot of space to think and talking will just make things messy in their heads. They’re also the types who doesn’t need superficial reassurances and pretty much just needs someone to be there.
7. Who introduces their partner to their family first? How does it go?
LMAO. Luke first since there is no way ever they’re bringing their relationship up to Zeus - and Thalia isn’t around much because of the Hunters.
The first one would be Luke’s mother but in my au, Jason is already visiting May even before he met Luke so - there’s their first. 
Then there’s Hermes if Luke ever forgives Hermes and begins to work on a better building of relationships between them. Hermes is generally an easy going guy because he understands these human stuffs. Probably both trusts and worries because while Jason is a very good natured and kind person, Jason is still Zeus’s son and that Jason have this hero complex that could get him killed (or DID) so another loss in Luke’s books might not be good for him. But Hermes, as a god, probably somewhat knows about what’d happen with Apollo? (Since Hera was sorta also hinting to Jason’s death) so if Hermes chooses to help his son then crisis averted.Zeus, on the other hand………. i have this image in my head whereby Zeus would look down at Jason with a terrifying look and be like ‘You dare to come back to my dominion after STEALING my bolt?!’. Just. being that shit dad who mistook his son for a thief because he just remembers that Jason is blonde, has blue eyes and has a scar rather than ACTUALLY remembering his face from that one time meeting.Afterwards, Zeus would probably be all hypocritical like, ‘Don’t be temperamental. It’s not how a good leader should act.’ when Jason tries to say something about it.And then Luke probably has to try and stop Jason from jumping all the way down from Olympus because boi, Jason got done with this shit.
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