#kropp circle
so-emo-i-fell-apart · 2 years
I need to stop researching Palaye Royale lore because I keep getting stuck on that they used to be called Kropp Circle and they were a Disney Next Big Thing
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harlansthoughts · 11 months
palaye royale/kropp circle are literally emo jonas brothers
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c0llege-the-r0se · 6 months
I wanna start a petition for palaye royale to re-release their kropp circle songs…..like please
I need to hear rem saying that he can’t stop the rain
And it’s impossible to find their songs so just pls palaye
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jassumkiddos · 1 year
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Glitters your royale
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stealakissinthedark · 3 years
Emerson Barrett, my beloved <3
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remingtonisleithal · 2 years
I just need some air
Remington x female reader
Warnings: smut, I guess it's semi public?, handjob, morally iffy (both parties a bit tipsy and Remington is young here)
Word Count: 2.7k oof
Summary: At an outdoor party celebrating the birth of Palaye Royale, Remington gets turned on and runs into the bushes to cool down, but Y/N follows him. (Apologies for the bad description)
A/N: I'm actually pretty proud of this one, I edited it and everything XD also this is the best pic I've got even though it's not right for the time period
Edit: I forgot to say before but this is low-key inspired by @bidet-and-legolas Damiano fic I Just Need You
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Sparks flew high into the fading sky from the fire you and your friends had going in the middle of the forest. You were celebrating Palaye Royale, the new and improved Kropp Circle, and this was the perfect way to do it. Friends told dumb stories as they drank beer and whisky in the safety of the trees, away from the prying eyes of adults and the law. A game was being played, a mix between spin the bottle, truth or dare and never have I ever was being played and everyone was a little drunk. The evening was cold but everyone was warm from the fire, alcohol and laughter.
Sebastian had just finished his dare (singing “We are the Champions' as loudly and terribly as possible into an empty bottle) and flopped down next to his brother Remington, leaning on him a little, resulting in Remington shoving him.
“All right, all right,” Sebastian took a moment to gather the attention of everyone before spinning the bottle. It landed right on you. “Ooooo, looks like it's Y/N's turn!! Truth or dare?”
“Truth?” You answered, not wanting to do a rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody.
“Will you just get the balls to tell him to his face?”
Half the people there were confused as to what the hell Seb was on about, but the other half gave smug smiles and cheers of encouragement. He was clearly talking of your massive crush on his brother next to him, Remington.
“Well, yes, maybe one day I will have the courage. Thanks for asking.” You respond, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“That's not what I meant and you know it. I mean,” He stood up on a tree stump for dramatic effect, voice booming in a silly manner, “Dearest Y/N, would you please announce the name of the man which has the honour of your affection.” He gestured and wobbled a bit, causing everyone to laugh including him.
“OK, well the answer is... No. I'll drink instead.” You replied, regretting it already as the drink of choice was a weird mix of alcohol and fizzy drinks in the form of a shot.
“You're drinking anyway that's no fun!” Your best friend Katy yelled at you. You gave her a face that made her laugh, both of you knowing full well that devil's piss drink and your Midori are entirely different flavours.
“Yeah and the rules are you drink if you don't do the dare either,” Remington said, compelling you to ask the nerve-racking question.
“OK. What's my dare?”
Sebastian looked at you with a cheshire cat smile, then looked at Remington and winked. Confused, you turned to face him and saw his face turn red.
“WELL,” he said, fully enjoying being the entertainer of the night, “I dare YOU... to... take off your shirt.”
“What?!” You object.
“What?” He returned. “I was gonna say show us your tits but I thought that would be rude.”
Any other time you would have been a little insulted, maybe blush at his brash attitude but instead you laughed. The drinks in your system made you happily tipsy, but still able to think clearly. You knew this was risky but you also trusted everyone there. They were all your friends, all nice, and you'd gotten changed in front of more than half of them anyway. And it's not like you were gonna be naked.
“You know what? Fine. I'll do it. But my top is going back on in a bit.” You said with a stern look that went against the mischief in your eyes.
You looked at Remington briefly as you sat up straighter. His eyes were wide and face red, like he was trying to contain himself. No, that's just the alcohol messing with your brain, he's just your friend. No matter how much you want more.
You pulled your top off to loud cheering and whistles from your mates, girls and boys both alike in dickery. You felt a little insecure about how you looked, but also knew that slouching over would just push your boobs over your bra further and you could not take that risk. So you sat with your arms around your stomach, shoulders back and t-shirt on the ground.
You couldn't hear it past everyone else but Remington was breathing heavily.
Daylight savings meant it was 9 o'clock as silhouettes replaced the sun, the dull glow against black trees seeming all the more beautiful with your friends next to you. By this point your t-shirt was still off and others were missing theirs, chips were getting eaten and people were talking with filthy minds and mouths.
“Gah, you're making me horny you bartards,” Katy slurred, and you giggled as she swayed to the music someone was playing.
“You don't get to complain little miss 'I have a boyfriend and we fuck all day and night',” you said back, brutally burning your friend. She erupted in giggles and just nodded.
“As apposed to you, the desperate and the lonely,” this caused multiple people to start going 'ooo', but you knew it was just in good fun, but the lonely comment did hurt more than you'd like to admit. So you focused on the desperate part instead
“Well yeah! I mean we've literally just been talking about sex and kinks for hours and you expect me to not wanna jump the guy behind a tree right now?” you returned.
“'The guy'?” She asked. “C'mon ya wuss, just admit it, he's literally sitting here right now.” All those with the sobriety to look around and start to think either agreed with Katy or looked confused.
“Katy, don't.”
“Just say it! He likes you back, OK?” She jumped up to her feet, wobbled a little and shouted “Y/N LOVES YOU, R- AH!!” Her sentence was never finished as you tackled her to the ground. Instead of either of you apologising, she giggled and you grabbed the nearest bottle and chugged, wishing you hadn't sobered up a while ago. Then you realised someone was missing.
“Hey where did Rem go?” You asked no one in particular.
“Ah I think 'e went that way,” Seb said, “just rushed off now.”
You got worried. What moron runs off into the forest alone at this hour? The darkness was quickly enveloping the grounds and it was getting hard to see. You started to jog a little, being careful and fast, trying to find Remington, until you tripped over a tree root.
“Y/N!” Remington yelled, and suddenly he was at your side. “You OK, what are you doing out here?”
“I'm fine,” you said, taking his outstretched hand and trying not to melt under the light touch. “I was worried about you, you disappeared.” You wrapped your arms around him to give him a hug and felt something hard. You let go.
He looked around awkwardly, rubbing his arm.
“Uh, yeah, I just uh, needed some air.”
You looked at him.
He looked at you.
You blinked.
He cringed.
“Please, please just forget I said that. Just things were getting pretty intense back there and I didn't wanna, you know, get a boner, in front of everyone.” he admitted, looking at you with pleading eyes that you could only see in the dark due to his proximity. “Guess I thought I'd just come here and uh...chill.”
“Well I'm not gonna leave you in the middle of the woods at near dark alone.” You said and lent against the tree beside you, entirely missing the point. You stood there for a minute, sipping from the bottle you didn't realise you were still holding. You gestured to Remington. He took a sharp breath that sent you heart racing as he took the bottle, gently brushing your fingertips and putting his lips where yours once were. You looked up at him, watching as he swallowed the drink, trying not to let your mind wander. His eyes glittered in the moonlight as he passed the bottle back to you. Without thinking you ignored the bottle, just reached up to brush some hair out of his face, playing with it a little. You blamed the drinks but it wasn't alcohol which had you intoxicated at that point. His eyes fluttered shut as your hand brushed his cheek, eyes opening immediately when your hand was gone. He subconsciously bit his lip.
You were both too scared to say anything, and although the yearning was written across your faces, the moment died as you looked away.
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't've done that, didn't mean to make it weird.” you mumbled.
“Y/N, I'm the one who ran out to the woods cause he got a hard on, you're not the one making it weird.” Remington said with a laugh and a blush, not entirely meaning to say that out loud, liquid courage taking control.
The comment sent shivers down your spine and more than butterflies to your stomach. Remington mistook the shiver for the cold and immediately shimmied out of his leather jacket.
“Here,” he said in the softest voice. “Lemme just...” He put the jacket around your shoulders, ending with both his arms on either side of your head, arms lingering a little longer than was friendly. You snuggled into the jacket, comforted by his smell.
“No problem.”
Awkward silence.
“Hey, are you, um, ready to go back?” You asked, trying to be polite and also trying to push the sinful thoughts from your head.
“Ah, actually, no.” He rubbed the back of his neck and cringed a bit, cheeks heated.
“That thing takes a long time to go down huh?” You laughed, and so did he. The laughter broke the tension and awkwardness and you felt compelled to keep joking. “Well me and my boobs out must be making it hard on you, I do have that effect on men.” You said jokingly, striking a funny pose. Only kidding, you expected a laugh and an eye roll.
But what you got was Remington saying “Well yeah, kinda.”
It was a moment for your brain to compute before you said “Wait, seriously?”
You weren't sure if you were dreaming or drank more than you thought.
“Um, yes? I- um, I mean, well I, uh,” Remington stumbled over his words adorably, before taking a swig from the bottle and coming clean. “OK I guess it's time to be honest. Y/N, I like you, like I really like you, and I have for the longest time. Hell I got so worked up and jealous when you were talking about that guy that I had to leave and-”
“Remi, that guy is you.”
“Me? Wait, what?” The shock was evident in Remington's voice and hope was written across his face.
“Yeah. I really like you, I mean, you're just,” you wiggled your arms in an odd gesture, face pleading to understand before giving up, instead putting your hands on either side of his face and bringing your lips to his.
After you crashed your lips against his you pulled away to check you hadn't done the wrong thing. But Remington only smiled put his hands on your waist and pulled you closer. The kiss was slow and passionate, as he explored your mouth with such soft love that it took your breath away. As you stood there kissing, the kisses heated up, becoming fiery and fierce. It felt like a dam wall had been broken, and your love and lust was spilling out. His hand started to rub on your back and you pulled him impossibly closer, before breaking away for a gulp of air.
He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against yours and you went a little weak at the knees. He opened his eyes and stared into yours, breathing hard, absolutely mesmerised by your being. You could do nothing but smile as Remington laughed in delight and kissed again. Your bodies came flush against each other, you could feel his erection, and Remington grunted. You pulled away.
“Sorry, did I do something wrong??” you asked, concerned.
“No no, it's just that I, uh, I've kind of been hard for like an hour? It just, kinda, hurts.”
“Can... Can I, uh, help with that?” you asked, not wanting to cross any borders and make him uncomfortable.
Words failed him, all he did was raise his eye brows and make noises that sounded like 'yeah' as he nodded.
“Kay, tell me if I do something wrong, I haven't really done this before.”
You backed Remington up against a tree and kept kissing him, his hands in your hair, your hands wandering down his chest. You began to rub your palm against the bulge of his skinny jeans and he let out a breathy moan into your mouth. He gently bit your lower lip and you whimpered slightly, determined to keep your composure (what you had left of it). You pulled away to kiss his neck, hands never stopping as you tugged his hair lightly with one hand, and palmed him through his jeans with the other.
Remington was starting to let out louder moans, trying to keep quiet, biting his lip hard and desperately trying to make himself last longer. He'd be damned if he let himself lose it in an instance, he wanted this to last forever. You started to mark him with light hickeys under his ear and he moaned loudly as you found his weak spot.
“Please,” he begged, his voice no more than a whisper. You looked him in the eyes and he looked away, face red, embarrassed by his situation but desperate to finish.
“OK baby,” you said with a reassuring smile. You undid his jeans and pushed his underwear down just enough to reveal his hard on. You covered a whimper as you bit your lip, breathing hard. Fuck you were so turned on. You were living out something you had dreamed of. You reached down and grabbed his shaft tightly forcing Remington to let out a loud groan, and slap his hand over his mouth. You smirk and kissed him to keep him quiet as your hands worked him.
“Y/N, I'm- I'm gonna,” He all but asked, whispering through hard breaths. He looked you in the eyes and you kissed him fiercely, shifting so he could release into a bush rather than your clothes. You began to leave more hickeys on his neck as you pumped him fast and in a matter of seconds, Remington was coming hard into your hands; hips bucking wildly, one hand holding onto yours to keep it in place without thought, head pushed back against the tree, face screwed up in pleasure. A stream of cum shot out into the bushes and Remington came down from his high, stopping his movement as he began to catch his breath. His eyes fluttered open and he bit his lip, cheeks turning a red you couldn't see in the dark. He was too nervous to speak, worried he might've fucked things up somehow.
“I... Fuck.” Was all you could say, earning you a laugh from a spent Remington. “Well that was hot.”
You both stood around for a minute a little awkwardly, unsure what to do now. Remington adjusted his pants, did up his fly and, unsure what to do with the cum on your hands, you gave it an experimental lick. Seeing Remington's eyes go wide you licked it off your hand entirely, leaving him turned on. He tried to push the thoughts out of his head though, unable to afford getting hard again.
“So uh, I guess you probably want to go back now, huh?” he asked shyly.
“Oh Rem, now I'm the one who needs a minute to calm down,” you said with a smile as he laughed, shaking his head.
“I can always help with that.” He said with a knowing smirk.
Taglist: @smiling-girl @sab-falco @levyasakura I'm not really sure who wants to be tagged for what sorry.
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heccmango · 3 years
My favourite pictures of Palaye Royale
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nearlybitches · 3 years
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Any Palaye Royale fans wanna tell me how this happened?
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remingtonshrine · 3 years
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Never forget where u started
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so-emo-i-fell-apart · 2 years
Laying awake wondering how disney channel would have differed if Kropp Circle won NBT and we had a show on them instead of the Jonas Brothers
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hxndrixthealien · 3 years
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Mr. Danzig 🙌🏻
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Goodnight to the Royale council, goodnight to people who's emotional support band member is Sebastian, goodnight to the people who have the comic book and to the ones who don't have it, goodnight to the people who just got into Palaye Royale, goodnight to the people who have that damn skateboard (yes, I am jealous) , goodnight to the people waiting for the waterparks collab and to the one who don't know how that'll work with there two different vibes in music, also goodnight to the people who ship awsten and Remington Thats weird but good on you. And goodnight to the people who got into drawing cause of Emerson
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tainted-darling · 4 years
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theblurrxdface · 4 years
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I painted another Palaye Royale patch for a vest I'm working on
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joelmorricone · 4 years
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plagg-wants-cheese · 4 years
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I cant-
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